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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 9 Dec 1892, p. 3

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r Q‘IT WAS A PKIGHTPUL PLUNGE- aow a leehsnle Slipped and Fell Into an MOI! Add Tank. In looking for material from which to constructs of adventure one need not travel to the wild western mountains of our continent, or to the frigid neighbor- hood of the north pole, nor yet to the jun- gles of the tropical regions. One may on- counterm any great city adventures and hair-breadth escapes enough to supply ma- terial for all the stories of that character the people of the world would care to read in a century. lVorkshop and factory furnish daily their quota of narrow escapes from death. Trolley cars. grade crossings, and runaway horses cause the wary to be ever on guard against accident, and life itself at times seems to have no claims to recognition in this greatoru'grown city of the west. One frightizl plunge that I unwittingly took occurred in the heart of the manufac- turing distrioe of Chicago and although the fall was only of a few feet the memory of it will go with me to my grave. I am employed as “ all-round " man at one of the largest chemical works in the country. An ‘ all-round man ” is one who must know how to do everything, do iron and wood work, run a lathe, take anyone’s place who is sick, set up machinery, sew belts, mend everything that is broken, be it brass, wood, iron, steel, or tin. He must understand eoopering, mill wrighting, car- pentering, timeâ€"keeper, and in fact know all that ever else in the place knows, and still knowagood many things on his own account. Aboubtwo months since I was called into the acid room of our factory to sew a belt which runs from one line of shafting to an- other just over a large tank used to hold sul hurio acid. or, as it is usually called, “oi oi vitriol." I. took a ladder and board, and climbing to the to I placed the board acrossthe tank, whici was nearly full of liquid, being about six feet deep. As I looked down into its placid but treacherous depths and saw my face reflected some four yards below I shuddered to think what a horriblefate it 'would be for a person to fall nto it. Nearly everybody has read of the effects of thoacids on the flesh, but very few know whatadelicions feeling of warmth occurs immediately afterit touches the skin. This feelin of warmth, though, increases so rap- idly t late. blister will appear in less than a dozen seconds unless water, which is the best thin suit is always at hand, is instant- ly applie To take my choice, though, of fire, hot water, or vitriol I had rather be burned with the latter, and I havs tried them all ; for ossoon as ap lied and the stuff is removed all pain subsr es, although the part may be badly blistered. The vitriol seems to deaden the nerves of sensation completely, while a burn from fire smarts and smarts, and when you think it is going to let up and give one a rest smarts some more, and this keeps up for about fort-y- eight hours. But everybody knows how that is, and also remembers how, when a little ki-, I mean small boy or girl, as the case may be, your motherâ€"God bless her innocent but misguided heartâ€"would take on when you had burned your finger, and ending you up to the hot stove would apply the doetrino of “similia similibus cusantur," by holding your poor, little digit so near the hot iron that you would scream with ' the pain. “ Drawing the fire out ” she call- ed it, but for my do yet, that the fire had better stay in if it hurt that bad to draw it out. But toget back to that belt. I soon had the holes punched, and with the rawhide string in my hand I worked rapidly, hold- ing the two ends of the belt in one hand and lacing th h the holes with the other. The fumes of different acids, nitric, sul- phuric, and muristic. as well as other chemicals arose around me and greeted my nostrils with a, to me, not unpleasant pungency. I had just pulled the string through four holes I remember when I in. advertently stepped on one edge of the plank on which I was standing. It tipped over a little. I stepped uickly the other way and it lighted itself, at I had lost my balance. I caught hold of the belt. to save myself and almost succeeded in standing erect when tomy horror the lacing com- menced to all through the holes. Ijerk~ ed and pulle and tugged, trying to catch hold of the other end of the belt, butI could not. Slowly the string slipped through the holes, and slowly, slowly my body, out- stretched, with my feet yet on the board, sank toward the depths of corrosive, poison- ous stuff beneath me. Down, down, I went, to sure death. Down, down, to suffer the most horrible agony fora few seconds and then all would be over. t.b‘he string slipped with a slow but sure deliberation that intensified the torture 1 endured a thousnudfold. “’ns there no escape I Wnsl to sink gradually down into that 5,000 gallons of vitriol and thus meottho most horrible death known ‘3 I thought of my dear wife and the little ones at home, how they would come to the door to meet “ papa" with a kiss, while he was lying at the bottom of that vat or was held in nauseous solution by the powerful acid. As my mind reached that oint I. made one more effort to regain my ootin-g. Ishriekcdin terroras the string slipped from , the last hole, and I dropped with a splash. I gave one despairing yell and then I felt that pleasant, warm sensation spreading over me, and I knew that all was over, 113‘ consciousness was mercifully taken from me. After a time, I did not know just then how long, I heard a child’s prattle and felt a little hand patting my face. As Iopened my eyes littlo Katie said : “ I‘npa dun woked up now." Iwus at home in my own bed, where I had been brought after my luuge. Little Katie was sitting on the be beside me and my darling wife was sitting on a chair hold- ing my hand. My limbs were a little stiff and sore, and turning I asked in a voice which uiverod in spite of me: “ hlq‘lie. am I very badly burns d 2" “Oh,. no I not at all," she replied. “ Why, how is that l" I asked. member falling into the vat of acid before I fainted, and it is most miraculous that I was gotten out before I was dead, not to mention burnt." She could tcslrcely repress a smile as she answered : “ Why Henry, there was not a bit of acid in the tank, so the boys told me who brought you home. It had been wash- ed out and filled with warm water, so as to be clean, in order to mend a Icik in it." I :et 'em up when I returned to the shop. part I always thought, and , The Panama Canal. Visoomte Ferdinand de Lesseps celebrated his 87th birthday on Sunday. Ten years ago he was one of the greatest living French- men. Twenty. years ago he would have been named instantly as one of the half. dozen most conspicuous men of the century. Emperors, queens and princes assembled to do him honor 23 years ago last Thursday, when the Suez Canal was formally opened. Now he is on the point of being the best- hsted man in Europe. If the coming in- vestigation into Panama Canal affairs proves that he has winked at the stupendous frauds which have been going on the bour- _ goals and small capitalists who have been ruined through him will make it unsafe for him to appear on the streets. Up to the middle of 1886 $154,509,000 had been spent on the Panama Canal“ and it was estimated that it would cost about as much more to complete it. An attempt to raise subscriptions for nearly that amount failed and the company suspended payments. The French Government ap- pointed administrators and confidence was renewed to such an extent that large sums were raised by subscription. In December, 1890, an arrangement was efiected with the Columbian Government, by parties interest- ed in the canal, in accordance with which the time allowed for its completion was extended for a further period of ten years, on the understanding that a new company should be formed to take over the entire as- sets ot the old one and that the walk of construction should be actively resumed be- fore February 28, 1893. Now it is estimat- ed by the suspiciously-optimated official re- ceiver that the work can be completed for $36,000,000â€"a sum probably too low by half, yet so small in comparison with the amount already expended that it is hardly conceivable that the enterprise should be given up and the money already sunk al- lowed to sink completely out of reach. Rodern Miracles; A singer for breath was distressed And the doctors all said she must rest, But she took G.M.D. For her weak lungs, you see. And now she can sing with the best. An athlete gave out, on o. run. _ And he feared his career was quite G.M.D., pray observe, Gave back his lost nerve, ‘ done ; | And now he can lift half a ton. A writer. who wrote for a prize, Had headaches and pain in the eyes; G.M.D. was the spell That made him quite well, And glory before him now lies. These are only examples of the daily triumphs of Dr. Pierce‘s Golden Medical Discovery, in restoring health and reviving wasted vitality. Sold by all druggists. If livers never got out of order, life would be merrier. Eyesight Saved After Scarlet Fever, Diphtheria, Pneumonia and other prostrating diseases, Hood’s Sarsa- parllla is unequalled to thoroughly purify the blood and give needed strength. Read this: “My boy had Scarlet Fever when ayears old, leaving him very weak and with blood pois- oned with canker. His eyes became in- flamed, his suflcrings ‘ '. were intense, and for 7 ' weeks he could not even open his eyes. I took him to the Eye and Ear Infirmary, but their remedies did lnm no good. I began giving him I Hood’s Sarsaparilla which s_oou cured him. I know It saved his night, if not his very life.” ABBIE F. BLACK- MAN, 2888 Washington St., Boston, Mass. .9 Hooovs PILLS are the best after-dinner Pills, assist digestion, cure headache and blllousness. ASTERN FIRE ASSURANCE (30. of Hall- fax, Nova Scotia: Capital $1,000,000; for agencies at unrepresented points, address J. H. Ewart, Chief Agent, Toronto. NENY A WEARY HOUR is SAVED to those who use the NEW WILLIAMS SEWING MACHINE The Williams Mfg (‘o.. Ltd" Montreal. a... mu inn. Thank You! T111818 THE UNIVERSAL TESTI- MONYof those who have sufl‘ercd from CHRONIC BRONCHITIS, COUGHS, COLDS, OR ANY FORE OF WAST- . 1N0 DISEASES, afler they have tried I ; SCOTT’S EIIIILSIII 0f Pure Cod Liver Oil and I HYPOPHOSPHITES â€"0(‘ Lime and Soda.â€" 11‘ IS ALMOST AS P.4LATABLE" AS MILK". IT IS .4. WONDERFUL FLESH PRODUCER. If is used and Sendaist by Physicians. Amid all imitations or substilulions. Sold by all Druggisls at 50c. and $1.00. SCOTT .9 BO "IVE, Bellwille. p I TRIIS u 1 re . furnoven THE LAST 20 YEARS IIOIIIIIIG BETTER IIIIDER THE 303 I , o p I a. Sun m Qursmu Sum. 0s Rmnslumv m I: Smut MT I8 Requiem. Um. Stun I'll: I’m comm 8m BY MAIL, Rmmifl, cursor ass tam. Sendsumpfsvmmtmm Back CHAS. 01.17113“ Ismail. manner. as Kan spurt U. T080179 .Sow good services : sweet remembrances will grow from them. Dr. Harvey's Southern Red Pine for can he and colds is the most reliable and per ect co h medicine in the market. For sale everyw ere. A good man are good woman without tact becomes a terror. GIBBONS' TOOTHAOHE GUM acts as a temporary filling. and stops toothache instant~ If. Sold by druggista It takes an unusually good swimmer now' days to float a loan. Have You Asthma? DR. R. SCIIIFFMANS, St. Paul, Minn, will mail a trial package of Schifl‘mann's Asthma Cure free to any sufferer. Gives instant relief in worst cases, and cures where others fail. Name this paper and end address. Life would be merrier, if creed did not foster faction. A. P. 635. ions: Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, apd acts gently yet promptly on the K1dneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys- tem effectually, dispels colds, head- aches and fevers and cures‘habltual constipation. Syrup of Figs IS the only remedy of 1ts kmd ever pro- duced, pleasing to the taste and ac- Achoice Gift A Grand Family Educator ALibrary in Itself The Standard Authority 3;: NEW FROM COVER T0 COVER. Fully Abreast of the Times. Successor of the authentic "Una-9 bridged." Ten years spent lnrevisin .0 100 editors employed, over $300,0(§)9 expended. SOLD BY ALL BOOKSELLEBS. GET 1‘11}: BEST. Do not buy mprluls of obsolete Minoan: Send for free Lun )hlct mumlnm 5 Te 'Ilneu Pages and EULI. l’Nlt’l‘lL‘rULARS.g I L 3 G. & 0. MERRIAM 00., Publishers, 6 Springfield, Mass, U. S. A. «OWMWOOOOMO 8 Buy direct from us, can save money. Send for price list. Empire Tobacco 00.. Montreal. Farmers and Stoekmen. HAINBS’ Celebrated English Wiltshire Cils A positive cure for Sprains. Bruises, Green or old Wounds, Influenza. Weak Knees, Gnlled Shoulders. Sore Backs, Capped Hocks. Swollo Uddcrs. For ‘ RHEUMATISM . 55$ f5 . _- W’Hni’iiinnilclJLus 0f Complete Steam Launches from 20x9 “)8le "Acme Coal-onl Boilers and Enuines" from ltoSILP. Largosxz ‘ Coulorwoodfucl. ‘Thehlursh Steam amp" the best bollcr feeder m the market. Returns exhaust into feed water heating it. from 40 to 50 d to: catalovue send 3 cent stamp. on.\' (“H.185 it 00., l‘urlelon Place, Ont. CANADA PERMANENT ‘ LOAN AND SAVINGS COMPANY. nvcsted Calltlnl - $12,000,000 HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO ST., TORONTO. The ample and increasing resources of this Comppny cunbleils Directors to nkcndvnnces on Ill-nu. ESTATE securities 0 any amount \vithout delay, at the lowest current rate of in- tcrcst. and on the most favorable terms. Loans. granted on improved forms and on productive town and city properties. Mortgages and Debentures purchased. Application may be made thorough the local Appraisers of the Company or to J. Herbert Mason, Managing Director. 'l‘orOOto. -â€"DR.'I‘AF’1"Sâ€" ASTIIRIALENE Gives a. Night‘s Sweet Sleep and sot thntrypuhiticed not 51 mm in g gasping for breath for fear of sull‘ocntion.0nreceipb ofnamennd P.0.Address will mail Trlnl Bottle Dr TAFTBRosJIInDIcmE (30.. Rochester, N.Y. Canadian Ollice, 186 Adelaide Street West. Toronto. WIUSIC. Sheet Muslc, Music Books, Guitars, Banjos, Viollns. Accordeons and all kind of Band Instruments. 'l‘hclargeststock in Canada to choose from. Get our prices before purchasing elsewhere We guarantee an absolute cure in from one to and save money, SEND FOR CATALOGUE. One Trial will Convince. ceptable to the stomach, (prompt in three applications. its action and truly bene cial in its effects, prepared onl from the most lhealthy and agreeab esubstances,1ts manyexcellentqualities commendit to all and have 1pride it the most 0 ular remed nown. P Iblyrup of Figs is for sale in File bottles by all leading drugglsts. ny reliable druggist who may not ave it on hand will procure 11‘, romptly for any one who Wishes 0 try it. Manufactured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG, SYRUP CD, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. LOUISVILLE. KY. NEW YORK, N. Y: OLLEGE OF CORRESPONDENCE. To- ronto. has excellent courses in Shortâ€" lnind, Bookkeeping, Arithmetic, Penman- slilp, 'l'ypewrlllng. etc, by mail. \Vritc at once for Circulars. - Im ortn'ions l 0 lncs tug- SAUSAGE CASINGS fl .r lish. constantly on band, also prime American Hog's Casings. Full lines New Hams, Long Clear Bacon. Rolls, Cheese. Lard, etc. PARK, BLACKWELL R: Co. L'rn., Successors to JAS. PARK &. SON. Toronto. DO YOU IMAGINE. Thai: people would have been regularly using our ’loilet Soaps since 1315 (forty-seven long years) if they had not been GOOD? The public are not fools and do not. continue to buy goods unless they are satisfactory. HEARLE â€". KOFF NO MORE WATSONS’ COUCH DROPS WILL GIVE POSITIVE AND INST- ANT RELIEF TO THOSE SUFFERING FROM COLDS, HOARSENESS, SORE THROAT, ETC., AND ARE INVALUABLE TO ORATORS AND VOGALISTS. R. & T. W. STAMPED ON EACH once. If" THEM ' IMPORTANT. Theprcparntion ofdclicious and wholesome food is necessary to our happiness. To accom- pliin this fine materials must be used. “'0 recommend EMPIRE BAKING POWDER as containing strength, purity and safety, Guaranteed to give satisfaction. IIInnufnctur ed only by ELLIS lb Krill-:lllJ-IY. Toronto Sold a 25cls pound tin. Ask your grocer for it uuuuu m J. DOAN 8t. SON. For Circular Address, CANADA PERMANENT LCAN AND SAVINGS COMPANY INCORPORATED A.D. l855 Subscribed Capital .. . . . . . . $ 5,000,000 Paid up Capital . . . . . . .. 2,600,000 Reserve Fund . .. 1,550.00!) Total Assets . . . . . . 12.000.000 Office, Toronto Street, Toronto SAVIHGS nun IIRAXCH Sums of SI and upwards rcccivcd at current rates of interest, paid or compounded Il’LI i call ‘ Y ) DEBBSTI'RIS Money received for a fixed term of years for . l i which debentures are issued, with half yearly I interest Coupons attached. chccutors and : 'l‘rnstccs are authorized by law to invest In the i Debentures of this Company. The capital and ‘ assrls of the Compnn ' being 11ch em for lllullt’}’ thus received. Ichcnlmc holders are at all times assured of pcrfcctsafcty. J. HERBERT MASON, Managing Director ' THE DOLLA MAKER “Rim/ME fiMCfl/A’EAGQY: FOR IT“ OR SENDA3CENT 't STAMP FOR PARTICULARS, -'â€"‘ ‘ I I‘- . ~ pmcs LIST, SAMPLES, 5"” 7° “5 carrav YARN.er OF OUR --lgrllrrmc MACH/MES CREELMAN BROS-MG RS 1:GEORG£ TOWN. ONT. I I I _ I l I “31233 Pronounced by medical men the greatest dis covery of the Nineteenth Century. PRICE 50c. PER BOTTLE. J. CROSS, Proprietor, - OWEN SOUND For sale by Druggists. RHEUMATISM AND NEDMLGIA Arise from poor diges tiou,etc. Kidneys mu - _ to cxtrnctthc uric acid ' from the blood. Heart disease and other male- dies seize With such ruinous force that break (1 o w n_ o u r strongest youths in a few weeks. 50 says Popular By icno . ,.nnd adds : “ St. .con - Water has the power to fight and destroy the cause, is Ihe most pow- erful antidote known, and should be taken freely to absorb the deadly poxsons that un- dermine the system.” ‘ 'I‘ryit. It Will prove the truth of above. Sb. Leon Mineral Water 00. (Limited) mm A... nusr. Head Office-401.3~ Kin Street West, TORON 0. Branch Officeâ€"Crystal Hall, 419 Yongc Street Opposite College Avenue. ESTABLISHED 187:. Insurance at Risk, Cash Assets, - #Cbhfederatgfiifc TORONTO- Paid Policy-holders, - - WHALEY, ROYCE 85 CO» - venom-omu'r. l58 YONGE $TREET FOR COAL AND WOOD. UNBRI‘MKABIJ-l. Be sure and see the elegant stove before buy mg any other. Sold by all leading dealers. Manf‘d by E. .t' (‘. Gurney 00., To I'OII {.1. K. MACDONALD, flannging Director - $22,000,000 $4,000,000 $2, 250, 000 NEW BUSINESS FOR|89215 WELL IN ADVANCE OF THAT FOR 1891 OR hwy-Iâ€" ANY PREVIOUS YEAR. “I POLCIES FREE 2" Practically, FROM ALL CONDITIONS us to Residence, Travel and Occupation. . your I? first you r. AFTER TWO YEARS. are increased a Saw-dust pile is reduced Our Band Mill 50% will reduce it, giving you Boards, where you now get but 100. Capacity of your mill increased. timber truer, cut nearer to size, less saw culls. BEST OF ALL. Entire cost of change saved Continqu profit thereafterâ€"so why not investigate? WATEBCUS, - BCANTFCDD, "ll NUA l-IVERLASTIXG. .yi..;..w.-..w-Ww......wa.w View". m, ._ , _ .. -. _. e...»_:._._.........w, . ,, .~ .1 ., .- .. _ Mfi.~.‘._~_..._..._._‘ _ .u-..3.... V r- » v“ ’

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