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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 9 Dec 1892, p. 4

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i Dundas & Flavelle Brothers, Dealers in Dry Goods, Clothing, Milliner ,, lardwarc, ‘Tinwarc ti: Stores. A G':2§.E§:f“g° churning wealth. Napoleon's combina- tions were never vaster, a id there were many points of resemblance between the two men. It will be impowible to ex plain one phase of civilization without a f... w... mention of Gould‘s name â€"-.~\.\'Dâ€" . . . . therefore he is sure ofa place in history." l The Chronicle, in recounting the car- ‘ eer of men whom Gould is said to have ruined, calls him the pest of society, a dynamiter of finance, a man possessmg ; a power that the wars might envy, with the ethics of the alligator. The Times say::â€"“ Mr. Child‘s Lowest Prices in the County for the 3, Hay and Mane hills, Nails, Building Paper, Paints, Oils &c. ing influence of vast and incalculable COMMON grass BINDER TWINE, v ,. ‘ , _ held were products of American life. ‘ 0t “mg but me best ‘Iachmes kept Such a career could hardly have been Agent for P. Hamilton’s Farm Implements palms LOWER Tu“ EVER. ppssible elsewhdere up... in Amerieak. H ' ' ' i i is ‘ ' ' ; mc"cz t ' l ’ and McColl Bros.’ Lardme Machlne 011. my ‘ “"5” "’ ” ‘ °"“” THE PATBBNS Will. STARTLE ‘ ' ' Come and examine the ing to the absence of class distinctions." The Standard sayszâ€"“No honest at the small profits at which I will sell for symi cash. this year. Call and examine the set up for your inspection at Ne. 'u Pannlng IIIIII biographer can adhere to the maxim, and E“ the P‘l‘ices befofe leaving the Falls- ‘ deal charitably with the dead ’ when “‘8 be“ brands or this wrecker of industries and impover- 13 IN D ER T WIN E ishcr of men comes up for judgement. kept in stock at the lowest prices. It l". ,"upo‘iSlble [0 pm” to a sum]? en. terprise that he benefited, or to a solitary JOSO Brantford Repairs Always on “and' act of self sacrifice on his part. 1t ' Tlmnklng my numemus customers for would be aficctation to pretend that the their libcaal patronage in the past, I beg to . -. . ' . , . " assure them that no efi‘ort will be spared to “mid 15 made poorel by in“ dbpmwre' deserve a continuance ofit in the future, - e -- ~~â€" 7» ~- - THOMAS ROBSON. Village Council Proceedings. Fenelon Fans” April 27lh’1892' The council met at the call of the m reeve; members all present and the The 1331191011 Falls Gazette. reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed. Moved by Thos. Austin, seconded by , That the following accounts he paid and the reeve give his orders for the same :â€"McDougall &. Brandon, for plank and stringers, $233 45; Nap- A telegram from London brings the unee Paper Co., for plank and timber, good news that Mr. Gardner. chairman $66 06; G. H. HOpkins, for type-writ- to 00, $6 00 {ma $1 00- of tlhe Boagd of Agriculture. has given a ing leases, $3; W. R. Madill, for _ p etge on ehali of the Imperial Gov- stationer , 59 c.' Robt. Wallace, work . A Assortment ernment that Canadian cattle will again on drainf$3 75-; John Quibell, carting, of the latest novelties in Fancy Ribbons, Birds’ be allowed to land in England and Irc- $5 75; John S. Campbell,‘ hardware, “Hung, Tips, Ospreys, ‘Voolen Hoods & Caps; also land as soon as it shall be provedâ€"that 59; F. Bell, work on sidewalks, $3 44. C the Dominion is free from pleuro-pncu- â€"C.u-ried. - Fancy B ‘uldl at leduced P1 1095' monia. The Scotch farmers wish to Mr. McKcown gives notice that at _ ' have the schedulintr rescinded at onco, this meeting of council he will introduce DI asses and mantles maintaining that 'the Canadian cattle a by-law toâ€"rcgulate the municipal elec- made 111 the latest styles. Always a first-class fit. slaughtered on suspicion were all free tion and election of school trustees.â€" III/01%: guaranleed. from the disease; but, on the other hand, Carried. . the farming clubs are trying to procure Moved by Dr. Graham, seconded by , Lathes’ Underwear to be sold at a very reduced price. the passage of an act ordering all for- Thos. Austin, That By-iaw No, â€", eign cattle, whether healthy or diseased, entitled a by-law to regulate municipal to be slaughtered as soon as landed. It election and election of school trustees R. is not, however, at all likely that they for the union school section No.3, for 2 doors North of the P. 0., Fenelon Falls. has requested the Canadian authorities read a first timeâ€"Carried. ' to have the necessary inspection made By-law read a second time in com- _ ‘ . and the proof of the Dominion’s freedom mittee of the whole without amendment, , i I ' from the disease forwarded to London. Dr, Gmham in the chair. O I If. therefore, the oft repeated assertion By-law read a third time passed. that there is no pleuro-pncumonia The reeve left the chair having to go among the cattle of this 0 .uitry prove north on the train. t‘) be correct, there can be but little Moved by 'Mr, McKl-own, seconded doubt that the embargo against them by Mr. Austin, That Dr. Graham take will be at once removed, which will also the chainâ€"Carried. remove a load of anxrcty from the minds The council then adjourned until the _ fifs‘ztéipgri:vand shippers of Canadian 15th inst, »-v-~A -r m Mechanics’ Institute Meeting. Death of Jay Gould. h ‘, Fenelon Falls, Nov. 18th, 1892 &T Jay Gould, the“ multi-millionaire ” A meeting: of the directors of the ’ a as one paper calls him, died at his home ' Mechanics’ Institute was held in Mr. in New York on Friday morning last in Robson’s office; members present, Thos. v. \ \ u ,- r a T . w 7 n _. 3 I . _ .a: l d i not want to can) them ox or. how 1s yout time to get the 5,3,1, yea, of ms am, He was a Robson, mement, and J. Amoyd’ y a $0061 Overcoat CheaP- These gOOdS are poor man’s son. but by dint of industry, Heard, W. R. Madill and W. T.Junkin. ' strict attention to speculation and an Moved by Mr. Heard. seconded by Oxtrnordiual'y financial genius that re- Mr. Madill, That we Offer Mr. Jordan suited from a combination of pro-natal 3100:). year for his corner store and the and made by one of the best. houses in the. Dominion, circumstances over which he had no upstair rooms; the president to wait on control, he b‘JC'llnt“ in the course of time him to ascertain his decisionâ€"Carried. '"A‘LS09â€" boss of about 13,000 miles of railway, The meeting then adjourned, subject and the possessor of more money or its to the call of the president. A equivalent than has often been earncdâ€" â€" at Prices to suit, the times. no, acquircdâ€"â€"by any one man. His FCUClOD Falls. NOV- 215% 1892- ‘ . N wealth is estimated at from sixty to one The adj-warned meeting of the directors Groceries, Crockery and Glassâ€"ware. hundrel millions of dollars, but that he was held in Mr. Robson’s oflice; ment- A full line of the best goods to be had always on hand. \\ 115 (1'|’ hilpplCl th‘ln Oldnl-l.v "lull blr'; I- IiDbeD, slde'lt. and with good health and in Comfortable J Arnold. F. McDougall, W. R. Madill, Tvvontey’s Block. F cnclon Falls, May 4th, 1892. CAN IT BE POSSIBLE? WWW From the lst to the 25th of December Only. A Large Stock of fine Felt Hats to be sold at 300, worth 75c; and at 75c, worth $1 25. Taimmed Hats from $1 25 Friday. December 9th, 1892. Good News. l have on hand a number of Men’s, Boysl’and Youths’ which I will sell circumstancrs is much to be doubted. W. 'l‘. Junkiu and J. Hoard. He was a little man with a big head, Moved by Jas. Arnold, seconded by but it is nowhere alleged that he had a , W. R. liladill, That we accept Mr. hisr heart also, and, if he had, he very Jordan’s offer of the corner store and seldom gave any evidenCe of it in the upper story for a year from December way of charities or bcuelactiozvs. The let, 1892.â€"Carried. chicl thing we have ever heard of to his Fenolou Falls, Dec. 61h, 1892, -.,.ru. crc-lit is that he did not object to one ‘ i I . C at 1“,- sons marrying a poor girl, winch licuuzar meetingr oi the directors was - : - s ‘s c ':s: a" 1 Ir e l‘d, 2"S‘ , ' 'cs'- , ’13,“ IS Selling H‘s Entlre Stock of how that h “l lWllL thtt tlicrt ar I “.1 p t. Lnt tilt, pt ilent trot Ulcl‘, otherthings besides money worth having. ‘ secretary, Messrs. NM, Arnold, Heard and M ldill. Fonelon Falls, January 27th, 1892. at. His devotion to the acquisition nl‘ \Vl-ttltll ‘Eâ€"I ‘ I R E E I E I ‘ l R E g was, however, so great that he injurcdé Koretl by Mr Madiil, secmded by, his health by overwork and died of5 Mr. Niv, That tlioSe bills presented by at and ;-ulimnmry consuzupzion in his prime, . the secretary be laid by until next rctirin; underground twenty or thirty luCCllllg-~~C&l'rlcd. W years earlier than he probably would, Mort-d by Mr.Junltin, seconded by ’- ' have done had he retired from bUslhcssi Mr. Heard. That We vote 840 to when he was worth twenty or thirty, Messrs. P. d; 31 Kelly for their Very -lllllll'li5 of dollars. lle left a name at , efficient caretakiug, and a mark of our which other >pt'cuiulurs grow pale, ‘~ to i appreciztinn of their work in rearranging point a moral or adorn a tale," and this the books in the new institute.â€"â€"Car'd. r~ who: tlm English papers say of him: Moved by MI. Nic, Secluded by Mr. Loxnos, O.n., Dec. 3 â€"â€" In c-uumcnt-. Madill, That we tender a vote of thanks in: on the death of Jay Gould, The to the Northern Insurance Co. for the SVWS suysz-“It Wits Mr. Gould's am very prompt manner of settling our of uuuutl‘uoturc. in order to lnulio room for newv aim-signs and patterns. Cull early and secure bargains. as I am selling cheaper than any dealer in the County. DOORS, SASH, MOULDINGS ETC. KEPT IN STOCK AND MADE TO ORDER. ALL Wt‘RK WARRANTED. UHDER'IAKING ATIENDED TO IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. liitlon to be the richest man in the - claimâ€"Carried. world, but he died disapoiutcd. Thel Moved by Mr. Madill, seconded by “m. M c K e 0 mn, Vanderbihs. and R«cancel air-Junkie That we do nomkfor a l will succeed, as our High Commissioner the year 1893, be' now introduced . and » He was less a man than a machine for under which we were protectedâ€"Cd Moved by Mr. Heard. seconded by .\l r. Arnold. That. we add another 8 i530 insurance; $300 on library and $100 on furniture upstairsâ€"Carried. Personals. Rev. Wm. Luau of Toronto has been at the Falls all this week, and will leave to-morrow morning. Mr. ii. A. ll unilton of [’eterborongl: was here list 'l‘uesday. Mr. Wm. Kennedy of B ilveavzem has been at the Falls since Wezlncsll «y. Mr. & Mrs. Alex. l‘chrthnr of Lin=l~ say, Mrs. Thumaz Marx‘s of Toronto, Mrs. Kennedy of (his, .\lrs. Coultcr of 'l‘oronto, Mrs. li‘allis and her son. Mr. John Fallis, of Bethany, Mrs. Cliarles McLean of Toronto and other relatives of the late Joseph McArthnr are here, and will attend his funeral this after- noon. ' Powles’s Uoruers. Cu;-res;ion.Ienc.-= ofthe (Imam. lllr. Wm. 'l‘a'nhlin &. Co.. of Mariâ€" posa are in this locality thrashing clover. They expect about a week’s work here. There have been several buyers through this part buying thh lean and fat pork, and farmers are getting fair prices. THE RINKâ€"Since this tim-r lznt week the skating rink has been shinglud, both sides and one end clo=ed in and eight of the thirty window frames have been made and put in their places. The dressing rooms are yet. to be built and other work to be done, btft nine men he- sides Mr. Thomson work every day as long as they can see, and it is thought that the ri lk will be finished by the end of next week. _ A Business Education Pays. '- Any‘youug WOIllllll 01‘ "Hui Cllll 50(31er n free business education at one of the best colleges in Canada. It will only cost you no cent for particulars. Address Tm: News, Kingston, Out. W001) VVAN'I‘ED â€"Last winter sleigh- ing broke up so suddenly that several of our country subscribers who promised to bring wood to the Gazelle office were prevented from doing so; but another fall of snow will make sleighing good enough to enable them to redeem their promises, and we hope they will do so, as we have very little fuel leftand don't want to pay cash for a commodity of which so much is coming to us. 3&9” Three weeks from to-morrow is Xmas Eve. You just have three Weeks in which to pick out your Xmas presents. of which W. T. Junkin has the largest and best selected stock over opened in Feuelon Fall's. Don't think of buying elsewhere till you see them. . Acetoneâ€"Mr. Edward L'll‘lelelbl has been limping around since yesterday week, and will limp for some days long- er, l'rom the efi'ects of a commercial traVellcr’s iron-bound trunk, weighing about 300 lbs, slipping as he was mov- ing it from the top of another trunk and falling on his left foot. Hal the trunk fallen much further, his foot would, of Course, have been smashed, instead of being badly bruised. Lindsay’s healing Shoe Store. Fall is Coming! Let it comel We are loaded with Boots and Rubbers {or fall and winter. Men’s Long Boots start at $1 25 up. Men’s solid kid Long lloots from $1 75 up, Women’s Dongola Kid Boots from $1 3:3 up. Women's Rubbers 25 cents up. We keep the finest stock of Lndies‘ lloots and evening dress Shoes and Slippers, all colors, in town. 2&3“ We cover the whole ground from cheapest to finest. We want your trade. J‘.‘)ll.\'S'I‘flN 5.: SlSSON, 29. The Great Slice .llcn (y‘IA'mIsQ/ \VINTEILâ€"Althougll there is no tell- ing what a day may brng forth in the shape of weather. we think it safe to as- sort that winter has set in considerably earlier than usual, as there has been skating ior some little time and several light falls of snow have made pretty fair sloighing. The mercury has two or three times been down to within a fe\v degrees of zero, but the weather as a rule has been mild, and We hope it may remain so all winter. ’ PHOMPI‘ l’.u'.\tl~:NI‘.â€"Atnongst those who were burnt out by the five in this village on the morning of the lBLh ult. were Messrs. John A. Ezlis and Frank “itch and the .‘I :chanics' Institute. All were insured in the Nlrthcrn In- surunce Co. of London and E liobuuh. On the Tui'sduy after the fire (in: claims were adjust-d. a id on the folloa'iu; Saturday, the eighth day after the tie, the cheques for the respective annuals were received by M r. James Arnold, the agent for the company in Feuclon Falls. Such remarkably prompt ply- mcnt nerds no commentâ€"4t speaks for itself. A COMING Tazar --Thc Ethel Arm- strong Company, now on its first Cuna- dian tour, will give a concert in niche son’shull on the evening oi 'I‘chday next, the i3th inst, under the auspices head him. Yet all honor to the great- 4 rebate from the Northern Insurance Co. of the Feuelon Falls Masonic Lodge. FRANCIS STREET WEST, FEI‘IELON FALLS! l l est money maker at any age or clime. l for the unearned period of the policy The company cousiats of Ethel Ann- *1!

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