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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 6 Jan 1893, p. 4

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-‘.h a. 4â€"..< run-w ~ *'~V"i13:‘~ 4 w; o v 1“ ~ W~n¢\:.uw,fi_uc . . ""vr'_ rr‘: mm.“ 7w", , .0. tin-nu Bundas & FIaVelle Brothers, "ixâ€"Ii i i i i Christmas Presents. Come in. and see the splendid assortment of Silverware and Lamps. out to be remembered by than something in either line ?‘ Skates: fer the beys and. girls. Jarvers in cases. them for. Get to go 1‘ Hard upll Want the money ! l l. Fenelon Falls, Dee’r 20th, 1892. CAN IT BE POSSIBLE? From the let to the 25th of December Only. A Large Stuck of fine Felt Hats to be sold at 300, worth 750; and at 75c, worth 81 25. ‘ Taimmed‘Hat's from $1 25 to $5 00, $6 00 and $7 00. A Well-selected Assortment of the latest novelties in Fancy Ribbons, Birds’ Wings, Tips, Ospreys, Woolen Hoods & Caps; also Fancy Braidi at reduced prices.‘ Dresses and Mantles made in the latest styles. PVoré guaranteed. Ladies’ Underwear . to be solid" at a very reduced price. Mrs. R. MCDQUQ‘ALL. - 2 doors North of the P. 0., Fen-elon Falls Always a. first-class fit- AF 9931' Pddhh Edd ddhl’l, as I do not want to carry them over. Now is your time to get a good Over-coat cheap. These goods are All New and of ' the Latest Styles, and made by one of the best houses in. the Dominion. â€"AL$0,â€"- A Ledge $tock of and: $hoes at prices to suit the times. _ Groceries, Crockery and Glass-ware. A full line of the best goods to be had always on hand. .5. lbi’FARLAND, Fenelon Falls, January 27th, 1892. Is Selling His Entire Stock of FURNITURE at and W Below Wholesale fleet of manufacture. in order to make room for newv designs and patterns. Cull early and secure bargains. as I am selling:- (-hcnpcr than any dealer in the. County. DOORS, SASH, MOULDINGS ETC. KEPT IN STOCK AND MADE T0 ORDER. ALL WORK WARRANTED. UNDERTAKING ATTENDED TO IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. W. M c K o mni, 68/1/1018 SIRE-ET “(£87. FENEZO/V FALLS What nicer pres- Said goods will be sold, same as wheat, at prices not worth: handling _: Koown and V ' between himself and councillor Austin, vaozncy’s Block. ' jthis municipality, and not to be lightlv 'ofll-nd'cd. 1and' Mr. Brandon wasa forcgom-con- cinema. The former, though not an | Dealers in Dry Goods, Clothing, Milliner .,. - . , A.” : it was too early for us to be around An Explanatio;’ taking observations. That Mr. McKcn~ ' , , dry was at the tail of the procession is Tho Rev. W. Famoomb rehd the fol-* not to be wondered at, as he was out of lowing explanation on Sunday lost bar the village on election day and had no fore his congregation, and desires us to- onc taking active steps in his behalf. . insert it in this issue:â€" l The more and Mr. Austin are the On Tuesday evening last Iwas un-- â€"A.‘lDâ€" . . . . l only two who “'1” sit at the council fortunately betrayed into the use of very- M I board this year who have had any cx- ungrocious language" towards the ladies pcrience, Messrs. Arnold, Brandon and . who originated the Xmas tree. I wish‘ Golden being new bonds, but they will publickly to state my regret at having‘ no doubt soon learn their duties. The done 50. work of managing the affairs of a small At the same time, I would say, that" municipality is, under ordinary circum- it was more through aslip ot‘tho tenguc stances, so simple that. it is almost on than intention to ofi‘cnd‘thnt the words insult to tell a man that he isn’t equal were utterch to it, and no compliment to tell lllm What I wished to express was my” that ho is; and the individual who can't very hearty thanks, to state that I-know' supply one-fifth the amount of brainsâ€" l‘rom post personal experience how much- or, rather, one-sixth, for the room is trouble :1 Xmas trcc involved, and more. expected to contribute twiCc as much as fore I kucwhow to appreciate their kindâ€" A Great Change has come over the this year. Call and examine the New Binders and New Mowers set up for your inspection at Robson’s Show Room. Nothing but the best Machines kept. PRICES. LIIWER- THAN EVER. w o councillorâ€"required to run the polit- ness in undertaking it at this busy seov ical machine must be a very poor stick son of'theryeor. indeed. At the some time I thought it‘only- As soon as tlic‘result of the elections honest to confess that when [first heard’ was known a crowd of boys commenced of the collection for the Xmas true 1* cheering and hurl-airing for the success- hml-‘been-somcwimr annoyed at their noci candidates, and a. few minutes later consulting mo beforehand, as it had! were munching the apples that were upset plans I had Formed for taking up' ,rolled'out to them-by the borrclful from a collection-for another purpose: _ McDougall & Brandon's and Arnold & But. I certainly never intended to: Graham's groceries. On Monday cvcuâ€" convey the idea that I had been much ing Mr. Brandon received a visit from displeased, nor did I intend to convey the band, who drove out to Mr. Ellis’s the idea that I was atoll displeased at- on Tuesday, and' it is needless to say the date of tho Xmas tree; though to- that at" both houses the “boys” were my great regret I found 1 had done 50' called iuand'trcatcd right‘royally. when I' finished speaking. Below we give the result of the elec- My chief‘objcct, however, in mentionâ€"- tions in some ol‘ the ncigliborings ing the matter at all was to request the municipaliticszi members of the congregation in future FENEUON,_Rbeve‘ Jam. Chambers, not to take up a collection without first Jr” re‘.e1ected by acclanmtion ;'dgputy consulting the churcnwurdcns and my- rceve, W. thl ;~councillors. John Cur- Belf- . pin. John Gi-allam and J. P. I’a]mer_ And it W138 Ollly ol‘ter llllfl W‘Ol‘dS lllldv" VERULML_RGGVG‘ James Limgow; passed my lips that. I realised nowthcy» deputy peeve. John Kelly. councillors. must have reflected upon tho-cars of Thomas J‘uukiu William, Mum, and these ladies, whom I most. certainly did David Robinson ' not wish to humiliate. llndl been able' B R C_ B beforehand to hear how my words OBCAYGEON'â€" cev?’ ‘lpt' oltum’ would sound they certainly would not rc-clected by (reclamation ; connoillors, - have been spoken. :J' I“ Read’ E' watts’ J01“) Kerr and I trust those concerned willaccc‘pt this‘ public explanation as sufficient apology. LINDSAY-.-â€"Mayor, D. Roy, by accla- C'ome and examine the New Panning Mill and get the prices before leaving the Falls. The best brands of B I N D E R T W I N E kept in stock at the lowest prices. Brantford Repairs Always on Hand. Thanking my numerous customers for their libeonl patronage in the past, I beg to assure ihcm'that no effort will be spared to deserve a continuance ofit in the future. THOMAS ROBSON. anel’on-Folls. April 27th, 1892; } 'l'lie Fenclon Falls Gazette. .___.~____._ . Friday. January 6th, 1893. W Municipal Elections. One, though not the chief, good re- sulting from the introduction of the ballot at elections is the greater quietness and freedom from disturbances than there used to be when it was known how every elector voted and how the fstrugglo was progressing. The change for the better is to be noticed at munici- pol us well as at parliamentary contests; unation ;:rccve, R. Kylie by ucclamation; and on Monday last in this village there first deputy, Harry Walters; second was little except the hurrying to and deputy, George Crandcll. fro of slcighs and cutters,.ondl the little OPS..__1{'eeve. E_ H_ Hopkins ; démuv :- .k“°ts or me“ al'oundfhe POlllng Places: D. \Vhlkel";.councillors, Robinson, Ellis ito show that an election was in progress. gaungyme, The contest was keenly, though quietly, ' conducted by some of- the candidates, f i ” and, as in most of the afi'airs of life, 3 The Skating Rink;- .thosc who worked the hardest as a rule 5 fared the best; The polls closed at 5 I o’clock, and for about an hourâ€"a some- what longer period than usualâ€"the elec- tors were in a state of anxiety regarding and impatience to know the result, which :was finally declared as follows -: School Board Meeting. Fenclon Falls, Dec. 29th, 1802.7- BOard met, members all present ex- cept Mr. Ellis. Minutes of the last. meeting read and cunfirmod. . Thc' ‘chaii‘man in the chair. V v ,. ‘ Movcd’by Dr. Wilson,. seconded by: 'Mr. Naylor, That the application ol' Miss Maggie Donald of Compbclll'ordi beIacccpted at a salary of three hundred: dollars per annumâ€"Carricd. Moved by Mr. Austin, seconded by Mr. Clark, That the applications of the’ Misses Bell and Mrs. S.‘ Swaoton ass caretakers fer'thc schools be accepted at Owing to pressure of work, municipal printing and muicipnl elections, we have not- beforc now been able to devote time or space to a description of the new rink, which is decidedly a credit to the _village and to the enterprise 'of the pro- ‘moters. Early in the fall two‘or'thrcc FOR-REEVE" . v p . . of' .our vill cre‘ , n' ' the some salaries as last termsâ€"(Jar d._ canqldfitc; Dw' 1' Dw' 2' Toml' and, after 25ml: tjllirhendd illgooh°lizli03i Moved: by Dr- Wilso": seconded bl" :J-. A.7}i.l‘hs 72 _ 46 118 work, the stock list was subscribed to Mr. Clark. That the following accounts- H' “ ' Greene 42 38 80 ,the extent of six hundred dollars. With :9 Palff] “0‘11 the chill???“ filmy”: 9"" . . _ _“ this as a ounmutee 0, - ' are or he somozâ€" . . no no, Majority f‘orElhs 38 was deg-29d, enm;,.l’5,:‘._,d 31 90; w. R. Madill, si 65; oust-pi; FOR COUNCILLORS pres” w, R, Mndm, meadows” A_ Board, 3516 84; balance due Miss Bel-- J. H. Brandon 74 55 129 Clark. Jr., Sec., Jas. Arnold, 'l‘reas. “Ofâ€"4‘3"} f0? 14 day”} teaching: 514 00-“ J. Arnold 7o 58 128 and s. Nevis-on, R. M. Mason, V; s.. â€"0m‘rwd- , T. Austin 64 4.8 112 H. Austin, J. Austin, J. 11. Brandon Moved by Mr- Austin. ,scconded by Wm. Golden 51 41 92 and Jos. Heard. Altcrdue considera- Mr' thrk: Tl‘ut “30 l°ll"“""‘1 accounts" jT. Robson 51 32 83 tion the directorate decided to build the “5 Pu“! be confirmed=_;\1r' l’lGPOUNllv Wm. McKcown 44 31 75 rink by day labor, and employed My. balance of’ salary, $5162 fill; .lli.as.Sul-. Wm. McKendry 25- 27 52 John Thomson to super-intend its con- “Vim. d0. dih- 575-00; I‘ll-‘35 dlflclllve“. do. do., 868 75; Mr. Botchclor, do do., 876 82; Miss Cameron, do. do., $5313, Miss Hand, do. do., 853 13; Miss Bell, 'os Caretaker, $18 75; Mrs. Swatch,â€" do., $11 25.â€"-â€"Corricd. m Powles’s Corners. struction, and in good time the present commodious structure was completed. The dimensions are 168'f‘ect‘long and 45 feet wide.,. Fine warm: dressing rooms are on cithcrrsidc of the entrance, lone for ladies and- one for" gentlemen, with a gallery. ovcn'hcudf- for‘thc band. A board walk' and-'seats all round the sides-lessen»thc width of the sheet of ice to 40‘fe'ct, and the lengtlrto 153 feet, making the largest covered; rink in the county with the exception of the one at .Liudsny. Mr. E.- Uhambcrs has been appointed caretaker and hopes soon to have the ice in first class condition, the extreme frost so for being against the making of' good ice. A curling club is now being organized, and, with practise and an insight into the game. Fenclon Falls ought to turn. out. a rink or two of "world-boaters." A series of' matches will be played during the season between Lindsay and Bobcaygcon, this being a \‘cry convenient meeting place, and a low “ pointers” from. old. hands like J". The above fissures, when read out by the returning oflicer, occasioned no little surprise; firstly, because it was generally believed that the contest for the reeve- ship would be much closer than it proved to be, and secondly, because Mr. Mc-- Mr. Robsonâ€"who were members of the council last year, and good ones tooâ€"were left out in the cold. But Mr. Robson, either because he shared the general impression that he was sure to bc reelected or. was indiffer- ent as torthe result of the contest. spent gthe-day in helping to prepare for the Baptist church anniversary, and hardly asked a vote ; and Mr. McKeown’s defeat is attributed to 9. till. last year Cdrreapondcncc of the Gazette. The annqu school meeting was heldl at the usual time and place, Mr. John Willock being the retiring trustee. Mr. John B. I’owlcs was elected for the on. suing year. There was a question be- fore the ratepayers that could not be settled-on that day, so another meeting was called, for the satisfaction of tho' ratepayers, on the following Friday. evening, and a vote was taken no to whether there would be two teachers or only one, which resulted in a majority of nine against paying two teachers. This movement will lower the taxes con- Sidcrubly, as they have been high for the last few years. Mr. B. H. Maybcc has been engaged for 1893. which: will make his tenth year's teaching in this section. This is pogood showingfor Mr. Maybcc. \\ here can we find a country school that has turned out as many school teachers as Mr. Maybce's has? Miss Levine. Marshall of Toronto is spending a few days at the old home- stead. Miss Ida Robe has gone to Port Hope, where she intends to work at the tailor- ing business. . . Mrs. Jos. Powlcs is at present visiting relatives in Monvcro. ‘ who, being a member of a popular family, isn somewhat mighty man in The election of Mr. Arnold old; resident of the village, has been here 1 _ quite long enough to gain many friends D. . l‘lavcllc and others Will, not some (as we” as a “geymd to prove himself anus? toethc local players. _ The bone- an actiVe, energetic and capable business 10” Billls brus‘fl llalld “9 “Slug ll“? Kal‘ manâ€"just the kind tomakc o. first-class lcrl' f0" RWCWWEI, and Play for the councillor. All the adjectives we have benefit Ol the filf‘ltcm. every week" applied to Mr_ Arnold can he justly Tuesday,-thc101h mst., is fixed for the chimed by Mr. Brandom who is a firstcormval, and the management are native of the Falls and a considerable sparing- "0 P21mg ‘0 make '5“ mew”- properly owner, and whose claim too Everybo‘ll' {um CU" and 390ml 3‘“ “‘1' seat at the Council board is so self 10531310 cvem'lg' evident that the electors showed their recognition of it by placing him at the head of the polls. Mr. Golden, the lust of the successful candidates, certainly the beg, “1" of his mam but we have deserved his Victory, for he worked hard m3, be") able ,0 learn “Illa, caused us for It, and so did all the hon-es in his den}, ' lixcry stable, which wore kept on the go from the opening of the polls oven until the cl0~c thereof. Some say A Lossâ€"On Monday last Mr. Wm. 1 Power of' Vcrulam lost a valuable horse, Chi-mums Beauties. Many of the people of the outporl; of u c The famous 51.09 Men. Jousmx & 5,3303, V St John 3, Mid, have bIccn oblige to ‘ y have lhe loveliest imported shoes and sup. 2 kill all their cattle. last summer’s per; ever shown in Lindsay. , fire destroyed the grass crop and. Id!» 43. Fin: Dour East of Duly Home- them no means of fecdmgtheir stow... wore on the Fund oln nst bolero daylight, ' but we are inclined to doubt it, and o ,

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