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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 20 Jan 1893, p. 8

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The Arizona Kicker. THE EDITOR DECLARES HF. “'ll.L HAVE NU .‘lOIIB INNOVATIONS. No more Innovationsâ€"When his ‘ltonm' the Mayor (who is oursell') first occupied his official desk in the city hall ltc u-ed a revolveras a paper weight, and things were running along in a fitttnntlt and gentle way when the mayor “of Bullalo happened out this way. The. paper weight attracted his attention, and he read us a moral lecture. He thought there was a Certain abandon about the tlldllt‘l‘ incompatible with tlte dignity of the office. We took the advice ol .1 tenderl'oot for the first time ’-in five years. and replacul the revolver 3by a piece of quartz siIVer. The other day as we were preparing a mm. a manger walk: d in and covered as with I It gun. lie was a t-lUW going chap. and ghad our old paperweight been in place We would have got the drop no him. All it was he Covert-d us and proceeded to make as cut dirt. No one happened to come in, and for ten minutes he ‘ obliucd us to call ourselves a liar. thiel', ‘awiudler. deadbeat. and a heap of other unpleasant things What grieved us more than all else was to be forced to declare that the Kicker had only one- fourth the circulation of its wretched contemporary, and that we stood in . ~bodi|y fear of the postmaster of this "town. When the lellow had tooled with ’us to his heart's content he backed out. ‘ran down stairs and uallopcd out ol'town. We hunted for him of course, but he 'ths not to he lound. and it brings tears to‘rur eyes to think we tnay never see ltitn ttuoitt.‘ Our revolver has been :rcstored to its place as a paperweight. in“: shall steer clear of any further innovations. ll'tltctnttyot‘ol'Ulev-dztnd, Cincinnati or St. Louis happens along: Ebert: and doesn't like the looks of thinus : it. will make no difi‘eronct: to us. * don't propose to drop 95 percent. of «at! fowl-r ‘ sum- i-wm ~ 9 . f‘ . -,.~.~...§q v a 1 u g, “dignity with a dull thud just bCCt'lllrt.‘ 'thnse ea<tcrn mayors tail to understand ‘ our people. ‘ 0 no of Joseph's Jokesâ€"Last week "we received through the until 51 copy ol' the Kicker which had been sent. tn Joe "Taylor. 0" Duck Lake. as a sample copy of the literary fruits grown in this neighborhood. Joe. used the margin . and a lead pencil to tell us to no to a =0titn-e touch hotter than this. “'0 of -c ~orsc mounted our mole and rode ever to solicit an interview. Joseph saw us when we were yet a mile away, and 'lnountingr his mule he boiled for Grit» Valley. We met" aulcd him at 'l'urkey ~Creek, however, and gave, him sixty seconds in which to explain antlers. He is a very rapid speaker, and in g, g le-s th n hall a minute had not only Squared ltitmcll but. lltttt‘iz'll over lour dollars in cash for two sttb.~t:t'iptiotts ore of which gots to his aural lather in (homeCticut. Joseph had simply betn j.ki~t-_~ as in returningr the sample copy He has a good deal of humor in lll.‘ Cttlttpohllltlll. and sometimes he feels so ‘ltlntty that. he does strange things. He 7had no idea that his action would strike asset-imply. but expected we would be tickled hall to death. We are Hunt‘- what given to lun',~but when a man , rt‘::urns a sample copy of out paper We can't see the joke. We don‘t say that .we expect everybody to regard the fKicker a“ the greatest l'autily llCWnllltpOl' , on earth, but it might as well be under- stood. riuht here and now. that. under certain circutu.~tant:;~s we shall promptly .buckle on two .six shooters, mount. our .runuin‘; mule and demand an interview. _......._... -. § .â€".. . _ w,_. French Decorations. â€"___. There are Frenchmen, according to ill. Simon, who collect decorations jllrl as others collect postage stamps. In certain official po.~itions it appearsthr ,‘ one thing is hatdly more difficult than .‘ the other. “I knew." he says. “two 5 ' public officials who had this inoffensive uttlllitl. One was lat. The chain on uhiclt he hung his medal-t spread acrms his atnplc chest. and struck downwards and was lost to view in his Waistcoat p wkt‘l. in tltc interior of which the imagination pictured l'urthcr honorary ' ensignia 'l‘ltc other was thin, to his great disgust. and he could only exhibit some thirty decorations in a row. Some but: :ttlxlsetl him to wear a double line ‘ j-t-t as unruly convicts wear a double CiMitI He did so. and he was quite ri;lu. “is breast was a coilecrioo at all the. union's ol creation in gold. .ailvcr and enamel It amused people} ' all thi~ while he was speaking. l . 4--. I"... ,1 r.- f-s rt at And they were v0.3. glad ol' this little distraction, for he was an nss.’ I l.» um »- w» 9-. upward of Rlll‘ltltll head at domestic n ittm‘n tall-ted at BUHUJIUU rubles. 'l a. ir number does not appreciably de- (‘W‘l‘e. John Ruskin, the celebrated writer on art, will ut‘tcr do any more work. The-disease nt the brain. which for some; m timo- lln- nfi'ected him. is increasing“ Lg.» lie is docile and generally quiet, but [1... .\ delusion that he is surrounded ht wreath», «waiting a chance I inns. l l .. ! ‘Volvt-s to Russia dcttrt-t‘ annually;f l l to usual: 1’ c». 'A“?" o v. "us- my. >h’tm how-«V... N r. gym was: -. . a 3:3, iii: Fashionable ‘Tailors. â€"â€"-â€" StomachfisLiVePCul’gl It Prices to Suit the Closest of Buyers. The Most Astonishing Medical Discovery of i the Last One Hundred Years. ,Tgvflg_:*““’“” A WW4 It 13 Pleasant to the Taste as the Sweetest Nectar. L OUR STOVE: OF It is Safe and Harmless as the Pnrest Milk. over-coatings, Trouserings and. Sniping This wonderful Nervine Tonic has only recently been introduced “ fl w . into this country by the proprietors and manufacturers of the Great (Ehâ€"4""â€" IS COMPLETL- m‘d'm'“ *3 South American Nervine Tonic, and yet its great value as n. curative ' agent has long been known by a few of the most learned physicians, - - who have not brought its merits and value to the knowledge of the As 3' pr°°f 0f the populanty. Of our Clofhmg, we may no“ that orders are continually commg m from 1 b1' . genera IN 10 Manitoba and the North-West. This medicine has completely solved the problem of the curevof indi~ gestion, dyspepsia, and diseases of the general nervous system. It; is CLAR K & SON. Farm in Sale or to llBlll. WALL PAPERS, also of the greatest value in the cure of all forms of failing health from FROM whatever cause. It; performs this by the great nervinc tonic qualities ENGLISH, CANADIAN AND which it. possesses, and by its great curative powers upon the digestive organs, the stomach, the liver and the bowels. No remedy compares AMERICAN MARKETS. All the Latest Designs in with this wonderfully valuable Nervinc Tonic as a. builder and strength- encr of the life forces of the human body, and as a great renewer of a. broken-down constitution. It; is also of more 'real‘ permanent value in Hall, Dining Room, Drawing harm and Bedroom Papers, Ceiling Papers, Corners and Decorations. ‘Vc are “1th prepared to turn out. Clothes 0 ommoooowo .. mm»... 1 The west parts of lots 23 and 24 in the llth concession of 17' E N I4] I... O N. 190 acres, close to the Village of Fenclon Falls. 160 Acres Cleared, and part seeded down. The unseeded por- tion ploughed and ready for spring crop; the remainder of the land in Wood. the treatment and cure of diseases of the lungs than any consumption remedy ever used on this continent. It is a marvolous cure for nerv. ousness of females of all ages. Ladies who are approaching the critical period known as change in life, should not fail to use this great Nervine Tonic. almost constantly, for the space of two or three years. It; will carry them safely over the danger. This great strengthener and cum- tive is of inestimable value to the aged and infirm. because its great energizing properties will give them a new hold on life. It: will add ten or fifteen years to the lives of many of those who will use a half dozen bottles of the. rc'mdv each year. ll IS A GREAT REMEDY FOR THE CURE 0 for grain and cord wood of all sorts. . . . . q . . ) Nervousness, Broke? Constltutlon. Good llwclllng, Barn, Stable & Fences. 0:11] and see“ "'5 60' pm 3,0“ 1 “Re” Nervous Frustration, chthty 01‘ Old Age, W Price LOW Terms Easy. ” u 76. “ " wR ; ‘Nervous Headache, Indigestion and Dyspepsia, ' , H r u c- ‘ Sick Headache, Heartburn and Sour Stomach, If "0‘ 5”” 50°", “7'” be 1°“Sed' H H 53- f" Female Weakness, . Weight and Tenderness in Stomach APPLY ‘0 0' Nervous Chills, Loss of Appetite, ’ J. G. WILLIAMS. }Po)t Hope. “ “ tec. “ “ J. D. SMl’l‘ll. G. H. G. McVITY, 288 lluron Street, Toronto Paralysis, 7 Nervous Paroxysms and Nervous Choking, Frightful Dreams, Dizziness and Ringing in the Ears, Weakness of Extremities and mind all the way to 50c. per Roll. S-t.f. '5‘" ““ I haVe on bind the largest- stcek of Wnll Hot Flashes Fainting, . Scientific American r c b v ' t ‘ ‘ l‘alpitation 3f the Heart, Impurecand Impoverished Blood, ‘1‘ Agency for aper ” r xflm 0 mesay' Mental Despondency, Boils and Carbunclcs, _ REMEMBER THE FLAG E : Sleeplessncss, St. Vitus’ Dance, Nervousness of Females, Nervortsness of Old Age, Neuralgia, Pains in the Heart, Pains in the Back, Failing Health, Scrol‘ula, Scrofulous Swellings and Ulcers, Consumption of the Lungs, Catarrh of the Lungs, Bronchitis and Chronic Cough, Liver Complaint, Chronic Diarrhoea, . Delicate and Scrofulous Children, Summer Complaint of Infants. All these and many other complaints cured by this wonderful Nervine Tonic. momentous Enormous. As a cure for every class of Nervous Diseases, no remedy has been able to compare with the Net-vine Tonic. which is very pleasant and harmless in all its elfects upon the youngest child or the oldest and most delicate individual. Nine-tenths of all the ailments to which the human family is heir are dependent on nervous exhaustion and impaired diges- tion. \thn there is an insufficient; supply of nerve food in the blood, a general state of dcbility of the brain, spinal marrow, and nerves is the result. Starved nerves, like starved muscles. become strong when the right kind of food is supplied; and a. thousand weaknesses and ailments disappear as the nerves recover. As the nervous system must supply all the power by which the vital forces of the body are carried on, it is the first; to suffer for want of perfect nutrition. Ordinary food does not; con- tain a suflicicnt quantity of the kind of nutrimcnt necessary to repair Just apposite now lost otllce, . A. licnt Street. " LIN ])§AY. _ G. A. ll‘lli’llllllllCLL. " OAVEA'rs. TRADE marines, ' DESIGN PATENT common-rs. etc. For Information and free Handbook write to MUNN 5c 00.. 361 BROADWAY. NEW I cum Oldest. bureau for securing patents in America Every patent. taken out. by us Is brought betore the public by a notlce given free or charge In the firleatillt grandam 1,)E'N'1‘ n. s "1‘ “Y. GAS.â€"(Vl'.l'Al.lZED AIR.) â€".. Go to J. Nnrrnalvtis, Dentist, Lindsay, L yott want teeth extracted positively With- out pain. Gas has been given by him with great success for over 2! years. He studied with Dr. ()olton,of New York, the lover:- tor of gas for extracting teeth. Number. of persons are wearing artificial teeth made by Mr. Neclands 20 years ago, and never required any repairs. Gold crowns, porce- lain crowns and bt'idtzcwork donc. Visits Fcnelon Falls, McArthnr House, on the third Tuesday of every month. Call early in the day. 4tl-t. Ls est ctrculatlon of an scientific paper in the wor d. Splendldl lllus rated. No tutelllzent man should be thout. it. Week] . $3.00 a ear: $1.50 six months. Address M RN 6: 00.. unueuuus. 861 Broadway. New York. SCHOOL BOOKS A ND tbe‘wear our present mode of living and labor imposes upon the nerves. la.carnage:stressing: “.;$;’:..c:d..b:.:;‘lzi‘a: PATENT 39 ll N essential elements out; of which nerve tissue is formed. This accounts v MANUFACTURER OF for its untvcr al adaptability to the cure of all forms of nervous de- ' SADDLES 7 AND .. .. . HARNESS, DRUGS TRUNKS, A To [In Great South American Medicine Cu. .' VALISES. F l l l l l . Dean Gearsaâ€"l desire to any to you that I Everything belonging to tho STO CK have nullered for many years with a. very serious disease of the stomach and nerves. I tried every Saddlery and Harness Trade constantly kept in stock. a 71‘ N f 711 O O Stomach. Dyspcpsla. and Indigestion. until my medicine I could hear of. but nothing done me R. EPA IRING J l l N KI N S . any appreciable gmd um“ I was advised to health was gone. I had been doctorlng con- ( ,. "y your Grout South American Nerfluo Tunic stantly, with no relief. I bought: one bottle 0! and Stomach and leer Cure. and since using soulh American Ncr‘lne- "him done m° "mm Done on the Shortest Notice. “marl-r E. IIALL. of Wuynetowa. Ind.. anytt: Mm. Erma A. BRATTON. 0! New Ross. Indlnna. __fl__ -S I, "I. one my We to the Gr!“ 50”” America“ says: "I cannot express how much I owe to the several bottles ot it I must: any that. I out our- good than any $50 worth of doctor-Int; I ever Service. I had been In bod tor five months from . ‘ . _ tin-enacts ol tat-exhausted stomach. Indigeutlnn. l h’rvmo Tm?" My “f‘mm “M comp“ “will”?! Nervous I’ruatrntloa. and a general shattered l ‘(“'00- ODPCUW Bfinc- “ll-3 t'nllghlug “"11 51‘ N "K coatlltéon cl my whole system. llad glun up ! up blood; am sure I wna in the first stngct ' I ’ nuance; Wthntsort, ot Brownsvnlley. Ind.. says: " I had been in a distressed condition tor three years from Net-variances. Weakness ol the cob and general nervous system. It everyone _ knew the value of this remedy as I do you would so“ to use this valuable and “way Tommy ' 5' few bottles of It has cured me completely. I I not be able to supply the demand. J. A. LIABDEI. Ex-Troas. Montgomery Co. consider It the grandest medicine to the world." INDIGESTION AND DYSPEPSIA. The Great South American Nervine Tonic Which we now otl'er you. is the only absolutely unfailing remedy ever discovered for the cure of Indigestion, Dyspepsia, and the vast train of symptoms and horrors which are the result of disease anti dcbility of the human stomach. No person can afford to pass by this jewel of incul- culable value who is affected by disease of the stomach, because the ex- poricuce and testimony of many go to prove that this IS the one and ONLY ONE great cure tn the world for this universal destroyer. 'lhcre is no case of unmalignant disease of the stomach whlch can resist; the wonderful curative powers of the South American Nervinc Tonic. lhc “ Fettelott Falls lJanette " is printed every Friday at the office, on the corner of May It I-‘rnncia streets. SUBSCRIPTION 31A IBM: 131' “film or one cent per week will hc added as long as it remains unpaid. Advcx'tiasi u g;- 1? «tea. prised at; Its wonderlul powers to cure the storm ("d in my mm 1 would advise every weakly per. nil hopes of get:an wall. Had trio-J three doc-l ol consumption. an inheritance handed down tors. with no rellcl. The first bottle ol the Nerw , through several genorntlona. I began tnklng ' In route-Improved memmuch that. l was nbleto , the Nervlnc 'l‘onlc. and continued its use for me: about. and u. tear bottch cur-ad me entlrcly. about cl: months. and um entirely cured. It I helluva It is the beat tnedlcine In the world. 1 la the rrnnCest rt-meu‘y'lor nerves. stomach and can! not mommcnd it. too highly." l long: I have ever seen. ' No remedy compares with Socrn Assume” Nll’tVlXE an a. cure for the Nervea. No remedy com- p tree with South American Nan-lac as a wondrous core to: the. Stomach. 1M) remedy wlll at all combat-u with South American Nervlno an a cure. for all forms of {allan health. It never falls to l Hth lndlgostlon and llynpcniln. It never tails to euro Cameo or St. Vltun' Dance. lts powers to b-tlld up t whole arttnm are wondertul tn the “theme. It cut-cs the old. the young. and thc mhl- , AND ! the aged. Us a great trio-ad to the aged and lnftrza. Dc. not neglect to tt-cthls precious brunt; l . It ran do. 3m: mav neglect the onlv remedy whlrlt will restore you to health. South American , Nurvlae l» net-teeny Sale. end Very please! t to the tank". Delicate ladlrs, do not lad to use thh. . great. care. brews. It will put thr- bloom oI freshness and Leauty upon your lips and In your chcelnl. ; , and qua-cu: drive any you: dlonbllitles and weaker-cam. Price, Large 16 ounce Bottle $1.00; Trial Size, 15 Cents.% EVERY BOTTLE WARRANTED. If not kept by Drugglats order direct from Dr. E. DETCHON, Crawfordsvllle, lad. For Sale at Fenelon Falls by w, MAMLL. Ethane Steel. Fenian Falls. l DEALER IN Professional or business cards, 50 um per line per unnum. Casual advertisements, 8 cents per line for the first insertionmnd 1 cents per line for every subsequent inur- tion. Contract; by the year, half year on t quarter,tor a column or less, upon mul- 'Stamping done; .0... $23.... of all ordinary kind! executed neatly, u really and «sitcom. l'nlrr D. "AND, ('rtv‘ trqltv OF ALL DESCRIPTIDNS. ‘V .WW wmvz«‘ -..~.s « . - flu“! NW...» q ........rw,..w.z.4 - AM k ‘12”; run-v" \ . WWWM ~W.- -..~...â€"- a .__...‘,... .

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