tilï¬mr Bill 13 ii; ITEMS OF INTEREST ABOUT THE BUSY YANKEE. ielxhborly Interest in his Doingsâ€"unt- tern of moment -and sun}: Gathered from Ills Daily Record. The State bank of Brookville, Kansas, has failed. Seventeen-year locusts have appeared by thousands at Nyack, N. Y. The personal property of the late Edwin Booth. actor, is valued at “02.57 . Fifty thousand incandescent lamps are made in the United States each day. A Harrisburg, Pa., man has an umbrella that has been in the family 105 years. The average number of pupils in attend- ance upon New York city schools is 170,- 000. The Central Labor Union, of Nashville, 0 Tenn., is making war upon street musi- cians. Two mountains in Lower California are estimated to contain 100,000,000 tons of pure alum. Bishop Tuttle, head of the Episcopal Church of Missouri, has joined the Salva- tion Army. It turns out that Mr. Blaine’s estate amounted to only $400,000, mostlyAin real estate. A Kansas school teacher has been dis- charged for changing her name from Mary to Mae. The average cost of construction and equipment per mile of American roads is $54,641. Russia has been a large importer of agri- cultural implements from the United States since 1876. There are twenty-one law ï¬rms in ‘the United States conducted jointly by. bus- bands and wives. ’ ~ ‘ ' ' Last year Christian Endeavorers gave $100,000 to their missionary boards, home and foreign. The Detroit authorities have ordered all the cirgar signs, Indians and such like in oil‘ the streets. German has been dropped from the course of study in the primary grades of the Chicago public schools. The Philadelphia board of health has re- fused to declare consumption to be a con- tagious disease. The Cape Cod canal will s’oon be cut through the crescent of sand 100 miles south of Boston. The Mormons of Utah are said to be sending l,0C0 missionaries to Europe in search of converts. The Salvation Army, of the United States and England, has large colonizatian'schemes brewmg in Mexico. . The Ohio Legislature has passed a bill compelling railroad companies to pay their employes every month. Of the ofï¬cials in one Helena, Mont., church, thelpresident, secetary and treasur- er ere saloon keepers. Russell Sage, of New York, is ï¬nishing a $100,000 building for the Troy, N. '53, Seminary for Young \Vomen. Nuns who have passed the examinations. but wear their religious habits, are teaching in Pittsburg's public schools. A pie factory in New York runs from 2 a.m. to2 p. in. six days in the week, and turns out 20,000 pies a day. There is only one aluminum factory in the United States. The majority of these establishments are in Germany. Of the $9,050.00) worth of silver used annually in the United States, $2,500,000 is made into solid spoons and forks. It is stated in some quarters that the Bell Telephone instruments are being offer- ed for sale in New York for $1.25 a piece. A McPherson, Kam, woman got a marriage license on condition that the money be re- turned if the man went back on her. The Boston Art Club has offered a prize of $0,000 for the best picture painted by an American and not heretofore exhibited. The hospitality that U. S.Senstor Brie :dis. penses from the old Corcorau House in \Vash. l iugton, is said to costliiui $50,000 a year. An armless boy at Middleton, Conn., named “illiam Mylebreet, has completed the painting of a wagon. His feet did the work. ' At “'arsaw, Iiid., Joseph Stevenson, while exeavating for a collar, threw out an old iron kettle containing $0,000 in green- bucks. The Santa Fe railroad is running regular banana trains out of Galveston in connection with the fruit steamers from Central Amer- ms. The State school appropriation made by the last Pennsylvania legislature was $5,897.015â€"an increase over any previous appropriation A highly res ectable Philadelphian dog has been buriei in a mahogany cotlin which was lined with satin and mounted with silver ornaments. The trousers pocket of a Kansas :boy was found to contain a safety pin, six marbles, a top and string. a basele and glove and a plow clevis. Mrs. Helen Camphcll. author of “ Prison- ers of Poverty," is taking the post graduate course in social economics at the University of Michigan. In the north-western part. of Colorsdo there is a region several liundrevl square miles in extent which is a vast deposit of petriï¬ed fish. A splendid collection of Chinese lilies is shown in the window of a Brooklyn Chinese laundl‘y. where they are admired daily by many leople. Norma Lamson and Pearl Judson, two attractive and highly connected Cleveland girls, have created a sensation by joining the Salvation Army. United States Senator Morgan is reported to have said lhatfno damage would ever be paid to Canadian sealers for seizures made of their ships. Of the 5,0“) Chinainen in New York city 3.560 have registered, and new it is inlim~ atoll that over l.000 oi the latter will he proceeded against for making false estim- «in. “Title Awake Sean is the only true soli‘vwnshms soap in the world. Have you salad is yet r Active Exercise and good food in plenty. tend to make children healthy. If children suï¬'er, how- ever, from Scrofnlons, Skin or Scalp Dis- eases-if their blood is impure and p.mples or boils appear, they should be given the right medicine. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery brings about the best bodily condition. It puriï¬es the blood and renders the liver active as well as builds up health and strength. Puny, pale, weak children get a lasting beneï¬t and “a. godd start.†from the use of the "Discovery." It puts on wholesome flesh, and does not nauseate and offend the stomach like the various preparations of Cod liver oil. It's guaranteed to cure you, or your money is returned. Dr. Pierce’s Pellets cure constipation headaches, indigestion. dyspepsia. One a dose. Sold by all dealers. The total gold product of the United States in 1893 was $39,500,000. A HURON MIRAOLE. AN'OLD LADY’S STORY or DEEP INTEREST T0 OTHERS. Mrs. Robert Bissau, \Vlio Was Crippled With Rheumatism for Nine Years. Despite Advancing Years, “as l‘ound Beliefâ€"She Relates ller Experience that Others Slay l'rollt by it. “ From the Godcrich Star. For upwards of three years the Star has been republishing articles from various papers in Canada and the United States recounting miracles in healing, wrought, often in forlorn cases, by the use of the pre- paration known as Dr. \Villiams‘ Pink Pills fdr Pale People. A more or less intimate acquaintance with the publishers of several of the newspapers warranted us in believ- ing that the cases reported by them were not overdrawn or exaggerated advertise- ment_s,‘_ but were published as truthful statements of remarkable cures from human ills worthy of the widest publicity, that other sufferers might be benefited also. For seine time passed we have heard the name of M rs. Robert Bissett, of Col- borne township, mentioned as one who had experienced much beneï¬t from the use of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills after years of painful suffering. Curious to know the particulars, a representative of the Star called upon her son at his flour and feed store on Hamilton street, and asked how far the story was true. Without hesitation or reserve Mr. Bissett launched into praise of Pink Pills, which he said had a most wonderful effect in relieving his mother from the suffering of a bedridden invalid, crippled by rheumatism, and restoring her to the enjoyment of a fair degree of health and activity for a person of seventy years of ago. “See her yourself," he said, “I am sure she will freely tell you all about her case, and you can judge how much she owes to Pink Pills. I am sure that it is owing to them that she is alive to-day." Acting on this cordial invitation, the re- porter drove out to the well-known Bissett homestead. Mrs. Bissett was found enjoy- ing an afternoon’s visit at the residence of a neighbor, Mrs. Robertson. Siie laughing- ly greeted the reporter with the assurance that she knew what he had come for as her son had told her the day she was in town what was wanted, and although she had no {wish to ï¬gure in the newspapers she was quite willing to tell the facts in her case. “It is about nine years,†she said, “since I was ï¬rst taken down with r rheumatism and for seven months I lay helpless in bed unable to raise or turn myself. I doctored with local physi- cians and I suppose the treatment I re- ceived must have helped me for I was able to go around again for quite a long while, until another attack came on, and for two years I was again laid up, never being able to put a foot under me, or help myself in any way. I tried everything, bless youâ€"doctors, baths, liniinents and medicines, and of course suffered a great deal, being troubled also with asthma. But although 1 ï¬nally got on my feet again I was not able to do anything, and could get across the room only with the help or someone and leaning on a chair which the would push before me. By and by I was advised to try Dr. \Villiauis’ Pink Pills, and though of course 1 had no faith in any- thing, I bonght some at \Vilson’s drug store and began their use, and when I had taken two boxes I felt they were helping me. I continued them quite a while, improving gradually until now I am as you see me, although I have not taken them for a couple of months. I can now go around alone, and although I always keep my stick with me to guard against an accident or a niisstep, I can safely say I am wonderfully improved from the use of Pink Pills. I am no longer a helpless burden and care on my children that I was, and Pink Pills did it.†Mrs. Bissett has been a woman of great activity and industry, and is possessed of an unusually bright and vivacious iniud ; she is a great reader and talks with all the charming interest of one of the old time mothers in Israel. In her long residence of 43 years in this county she has seen many changes, and to her patient toil and untir- iug labors may be attributed much of the prosperity and beauty which is ciiaracteiis- tic of the old homestead. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills are a perfect blood builder and nerve restorer, curing such diseases as rheumatism, neuralgia, partial paralysis, locomotor ataxia. St. \‘itus’ dance, .nervous headache, nervous prostration and the tired feeling therefrom, the after effects of la grippe, diseases de- pending on humors in the blood, such as scroluln, chronic erysipelas, etc. Pink l‘ills give a healthy glow to pale and sallow couiplexious and are a speciï¬c for the troubles peculiar to the female system, and in the case of men they effect a radical cure in all cases arising from mental worry, overwork, or excesses of any nature. Bear in mind Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are never sold in bulk, or by the dozen or hundred, and any dealer who oï¬'ers sub- siitutes in this form is trying to defraud you and should be avoided. Ask your dealer for Dr. “'illiams' Pink Pills for Pale People and refuse all imitations and sub- atitntes. Dr. “'illiains' Pink Pills may be had of all droughts or direct by mail from Dr. Williams llcd¢¢ine (30., Brockville, Out. and Schenectady. N.Y., at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for 82.5%. The price at which these pills are sold makes o course of treatment comparatively inexpensive as compared with other remedies or medical treatment. . f ' y The Fools Not All Dead Yet. . Even a blind man can see that more clearly than daylight, or else why should many continue to use ill-s nel iig, oily, and o tm useless preparations for the roller .wf pain, when a preparation 5 135 as cheap, elegant, more powerful, and penetrating as Xerviline is can be purchased from any dealer in medicine! Net-villus cures in- stantly aches and pains, Nerviline is the most efï¬cacious remedy for internal pains. Net-villus applied externally subducs the most intense pain almost at once. The Americins bought $95,000 worth of Canadian whiskey last year. , What everyone says must be true. and everyone who has used Wide Awake Soap says it is the best they have ever used. Have you tried it yet ? Edison the‘ inventor, has never carried a Watch in his life. Recipeâ€"For Making a llellclons Health Drink at Small Cost. Adams' Root Beer Extract ........... one bottle h‘lcwclununn’s Yeast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . half a cake Sugar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . two pounds Lukcwarm \Vutcr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . two gallon; Dissolve the sugar and yeast in the water. add the extract, and bottle: place in a warm place for twenty-four hours until it fer niciits. then place on ice, when it will open sparkling and deliciou=. l‘hernot beer can be obtained in all drug and grocery Stores in lo and 25 cent bottles to make two and five gallons. A few weeks ago the Governor of New Zealand was compelled to pay a ï¬ne of ï¬ve shillings because his coachman drove too fast. Wide Awake Soap is a. mammoth bar of pure soap. Try it. The Bavarian government has awarded Ridgway Knight, the American painter,the [cross of the Royal Order of St. Michael. RECIPE. ' For Making Root Beer During the summer months a more de- licious drink than Root Beer could not be desired. For the beneï¬t“ of our readers we give this recipe. Take Snider's Root Beer Extract ~ one bottle .cht - - w - - , halfacake Sugar - - o - - 4 lbs. Luke \Vnrm Water - - . 0 gallons Dissolve the sugar and yeast in the water, add the extract. aud'bottle,place in a warm place for twenty-four hours until it fer- meuts, then place on ice, when it will open sparkling and delicious. . The Root Beer Extract can be obtained at all Grocers’ and Drug Stores, at 250. per bottle. Snider Mfg 00., Toronto. A. P. 713 “as “ ii, ‘ « .2", A ' " ' “\ ~ .« i 12'? PL.“ ' ‘ Q. a; / ~ ' {HM/Vivi EAK Oshawa, Ont. Pains inlhe Joints Caused' by inflammatory Swelling A Perfect Cure by Hood's Sarsa- parllla. “It affords me much pleasure to recommend great palu in the joints, accompanied with swelling so bad that he could not get up stairs to bed without crawling: :r:i hands and knees. I â€" Hood’ stamens so much about Hood’s Sarsaperllla, I deter~ mined to try it, and got a half-dozen bottles, four of which entirely cured him.†Mus. G. A. LAKE, Oshawa, Ontario. N. B. Be sure to get Hood’s Sarsaparilla. Hood’s Pills act easily, yet promptly and efficiently, on the liver and bowels. 25c. . 'l‘llll Sl‘lllllllllllll T“ isms- an 0 mm 1 s I k ’ in to - V oc c School for the cure of Stammering, Toronto Canada. sent free post-paid. “noon “'rcckcd and, Rescued. By 1 w. J. HUNTER, run. l).D. A series of chapters to men on social purity and right. liv- ing. ltis written in plain language that all may understand. Live Agents wanted. flir- culnrs containing terms sent on application. William Briggs. Publisher. Toronto, Ont. OANANOOOE - ORY - fiRlH - OlOSil Endorsodb doctorsandsclentlsts. Every honiesboul haveene. Price“. Mannhe- tured by CAN. can 00., Gannnoque. Ont é-f’T-rii‘R' E‘TPRO or: f, , iLLUSTRATEC :Arst-it2Lz'5‘F-‘25 -' METALLIC so; gm // git-via: z a: ill/+555. To 1:10 NTQ I not atrium . - Be sure and get one for your Buggy. Take no other kind. They won't disrgpoint you. They are better than ever for possessor of 482 These, placed side by side, cover a space of twenty-one feet by 1 several inches deep. Prince Bismarck is the crosses and decorations. Good morning. Mrs. Smith. I have just ï¬nished my washing. using Wide Awake Soap: it IS the best soon I ever used: it washed so easily. making the clothes for cleaner than I overland them before. and it lasts twice as long as any other soap I ever used: and just reel how nice and soft my hands are. Three United States senators were born in foreign landsâ€"McMillian in Canada, Peace in England and “'alsh in Ireland. Wide Awake people always use Wide Awake Soap. Tue baroness Emma Sporri. of Norway, 38 said to he the best-known woman painter in Northern Europe. The analysis of St. Leon is printed on every bottle. This water has nothing to . lose, but everything to gain by a thorough and widespread perusal of its analysis. George McDonald, the English novelist, has greatly improved in health during his winter’s stay in Italy. Wide Awake Soap is a. solid bar of pure _soa.p that will not vanish like snow in hot water. Try it. According to Figaro, Zola is the most popular French novelist, with Daudet a good second. Struck with Lightning Neatly describes the position of a hard or soft corn when Puï¬iam’s Painless Corn Extractor is applied. It does its work so quickly and without pain that it'seems magical in action. Try it. Recollect the hauler-Putnam’s Painless Corn Extractor. Sold by all druggist-s and dealers every- where. $1.00 Bottle. 0 . ‘ One cent a dose. :~-:‘€.‘-.'~E. arantee by all drug- gists. It cures ncipient Consumption and. 18 the best Cough and Group Cure. 5,00,00 523.53.333.53 dc Dunn’ru RAILROAD COMPANY in Minnesota. Send for Maps and Circu- lars. They will be sentto you t FREE ‘ Aller HOPEWELL CLARKE, ‘ Land Commissioner. St. Paul. Minn. Health is Too Precious To risk in dosingyour system with drugs and crude substances whose composmou you know nothing of., St. Leon Mineral. \Vnter is pure. safe, and reliable. the analysrs printed on every bottle. and is recommended by every prominent medical practitioner in the country. Always relieves, never irritates. and never produces reaction. ST. LEON MINERAL WATER 00., LIMITED. Head Ofllce, King St. “gist. ranch, 418 Yongo St. ALL DEALERS. , It is sold on a. - AGENTS for DE. Aï¬jz. IlYéR/[E'Eh 290k coverings. is oryo e 01 ism WANTED throughout the worlde,ntitlcd “THE STORY OF METHODISM," Tracing the rise and progress of that wonder- ful religious movement which, like the Gulf Strenm. has given warmth to wide waters and vendure to many lands. and givmg an account of its various influences and institutions of to. day. To which is added “The Storyrot Metho- dism in the Dominion of Connda.’ by Rev. Hugh Johnston. M. A., D. D., and “The Story of the Epworth League.†by Rev. Joseph I“. Barry, D. l). Embellished with nearly Sis: ind ex of nearly 3,000 referei co 1. Agents should drop all else and secure ier ‘itory. Such chances come only once in a lift ti ne. Exten- sive territory given ; full protection. (30 to was very anxious about him, and having read work MW. and you Will make money- Tcrritory going rapidly; act now; no capital needed. Write at once for particulars to WILLIAM BRIGGS. Puuusrinu, Toronto. Ont. Hood’s Snrsaparilla. My son was afflicted with hundred portraits and views. “‘llli classiï¬ed l u H I T S u "i can, cunouio PAIRS succuasn To a ST. JACOBS OIL. rr - HITS 'rns see-r ' Mann cones. GatTghing , leads to Consumption. Stop the Cough, heal the Lungs and strengthen the System i , Scott’s Emu .~:v:~i -.e>;7-.:~.-:.:--'w *:-.v the Cream of Codâ€"liver Oil and hypophosphites. It is palatable and. easy on the stomach. Physicians, the world over, endorse it. Don't be deceived by Substitutes! Scott 3.: Downs, Bellevills. AllDructists. we. a M. W CL?» 9057‘ "000», 0M,€ana~‘?:~' «w SEND FDR cmamuua.» B. a MUSIci. Dada should know where the can, get their Music Chenpea Wme us for Catalo ues; also sample copy of the Eluaman MUSicuN, 0- live mnnthly jour- nal with 31.00 Worth of music " in each issue. 33 to 88 per day made by canvassers. See urem- ium lis We carry everything in the Music line. WHALEY. ROYCE 8L CO. "58 YONOE 21'. rationalist. DR. TAFT'S- ASTHMALENE Gives n. Nights Sweet Sleep 8:. so that on need not sit up a ni ht gasp. ing for brcnt i for fear of suffocation. On receipt of name and P. 0. address will mull TRIAL BOTTLE ' DR. Tan'r BROS. M uni- omn 00., Rochester. N. Y. Toronto Branch 186 Adelaide St. W. ,,. Ilse Dr. 'l‘arl's "White Pine Syrup for Cold mm 0. If you read between the The worst cm: of Chronic Dyspepsia and Liver Complalnt lines you will ï¬nd that your are cured by Schiller's Samparllla Pills. I! you are threatened case is not hopeless ; that to with Consumption, Typhoid, Cholera or Diphtheria: f! you get well, keep ,well, GROW have Malaria, Lagrlplw. llivu, Pimplu, matches, Eczema, FAT and be happy, is a very or Salt nheuui, Schlllsr's Sara-patina Pills are a sure cm simple thing if you only take They make the blood chemically pure so the system can real‘ Schiller’s Sarsaparilla Pills. or throw of! all gem diseases. Delays are dangerous. Sold by'Druggalsts everywhere. in mug; flat boxes. at 50 con Anv reamiislblc drug will get them for you. Mailed on receipt of pi on. K. H. SCHILLER do CO. TORONTO They give perfect satisfaction in ï¬t style, and ï¬nish, and it has become a by-word that “ GRANBY RUBBEIES wear like Iron.†HEAVY CONTINUOUS Strong, Well Built, Serviceable STEAM I N mastitis“ was: SAW M l LLS 70301.1"! and FIRE-BOX Sound for descriptive catalogues WATEROUS, Brantford, Canada. THE ONLY ONE IN THE WORLD .. - - THE OXFORD? - OIL GAS COOK STOVE From Common Coal Oil. N0 DIRT. NO HEAT IN THE KITCHEN. soooks a. Family Dinner for IZl‘wo Cents. . > Th8 OOROEY FOUNDRY GO, Ltd. TORONTO. " , MW“ flakes and Burns Its Own Gas __.._.__~ That will burn ROUGH W000 and GOAL . . . Equally Well. .. 8 GOOD GROUl : : Will do it l i “ Has the Largest Oven. 15 A FARl'lER'S STOVE ls Everybody’s Book Stove. Beelt. 5.. NW up, ,_ . " e f .r . Em A so: y;1ra>.=‘.'.u;.‘:'»‘s .- l,