Carpets and Oil-Cloths, No. 9 Keenan’s Block, Kent Street, Lindsay. Giliia, Davie Day, Richard Day, Minnie Mark, Melissa Mark, Rosey Day. Wesley Wager, Eva Gillie, May Minthorn, .‘laud I’errin, Herbert Ingram. Sr. Third. â€"â€" Ackie Parrish, John W «relay, John Wagar, Wilbert Glaspell, Wilfred Parrish, Lloyd Hamilton, Davie Worsley. Jr. Thirdâ€"Nellie Knox. Lottie Wa- gar. Susie Miller, Jennie Powles, Polly Glaspell, Tommy .‘loifatt, Lida Min thorn. Lila Rutherford: Johnny Mark, Noble l’errin. Sammy Marshall. Sr. 2nd.â€"-â€"Wnlter Day, Bruce Miller, Archie Parrish. Fred Jeffrey. Sammy Swnnton. Ada Hill, Mabel Perrin, Vio- let iferronfl). Levely. Jr. 2nd.â€"â€"Clara Powles. Edgar Sims, Jennie Knox. Flossie Moore, Zetta Hamilton, Ada Gillis. Sr. Part Zedâ€"Edna Worsley. Ethel Mark, Robbie Miller. Arnie llIcGee, Violet \‘forsley, hlah'el Herron. Jr. Part 2nd.â€"--Eli Hill,Annie Palm- er. Cora Gillia, Alice Moï¬'at, Ada Jeffrey. Miss M. A. Gillis and’ E'.’ Smith- erem, Teachers. Dennaâ€"Dent fail to call on Dr. Neelnnds, the dentist, on Tuesday,July 17th, at the MeArthur House. He will have a complete gas apparatus for ex, tracting teeth ; also local pain obtunder. Howar‘s M ILLâ€"The red mill may nowbe said to be at work. Two logs- were cut into lumber on Wednesday, three or four yesterday, and as many as possible will be sewn today ; will probably take a-week‘ or more to get all the machinery into such perfect running order that stoppages will not be of frequent occurrence. Carr. Swsnssv, U. S. A., San Diego, Cal., says: “ Shiloh’s Catarrh Remedy is the ï¬rst medicine Phave ever found? that would dub- me any good." Price 50 cents; Sul‘d‘ by" W. T. Junkin. Tun 'l‘wsLI-‘rn.â€"-Yesterday was the “glorious Twelfth,’.’ and the Orange- men of" the district celeb’rated‘ it' in L‘indsay, where there was a big crowd, the weather being delightful, though there was heavy rain very early in the morning, and indications of more when the special and regular trains leftlhere about 9.40. * A‘ Bio ’UN.â€"On Tuesday- last Mr. Wm. O’Brien, one of our professional ï¬shermen, came up to the Falls with a- 127-pound ’lunge that. he caught near Bay’s landing. We “mindtth'e time †when a ï¬sh that size wasn’t thought anything to brag of, and conferred no more fame upon the sportsman who oaptured'it than. one of but little-more than half the weight does now. SHILOH’S CURE is sold on a guarantee. it cures incipient consumption. It is the best cough cure. Only one cent a dose ;. :3 cents, 50 cents 'and’Sl per bottle.- Seld' by W. T. Junkin. Tun Quorumâ€"A b'y-law establish- ing a curfew bell in this village was passed at the council meeting On Mon- day evening and is LOW in force. Conn-- cillor Brandon owns a bell suitable for the purpose and has offered to loan it until he has use for it himself ;. and, as soon as a locality for it has been decided' upon, it will be put up and rung every night at nine o’Olock, after which boys and girls under 17‘ years old must" go home or they will be liable to arrest. Tm: Masomc Excnasros.â€"-Bills ‘ have been issued announcing the Ma- sonic‘exeursion to Burleigh Fallsonithe ‘. 26th inst. The steamer chartered'for the occasion is the Columbiun, and not the Cmmlcllr, as was stated, by an error, in last week-’5 Gazette. As the trip is a very long, as well as‘an ex~ eeedingly interesting one, the prices of tickets have been ï¬xed at 50 cents for adults and 25 cents for children,.as lower rates would not pay. Daniel Ritz, proprietor and‘ publisher of the Hamburg, Ont., Independent, says : H I; was snll‘ering from dyspepsia and liver“ trouble. I took a few bottles of Shiloh's- Vitulizer and it cured me. lean heartily recommend it.†FIXED. â€"On Tuesday last Henry appeared before James Dickson, J. P., on a charge of having assaulted his uncle, Edward Hopkins, on the 10th of June last. Edward Hopkins and his brother John, who, unfortunately. are not on good terms, own farms that face each other. and on the day mentioned Edward was crowing what John claimed to be his land. though it proved to be his next neighbor's. Edward'was cr- dered elf, and, refusing to go, was struck by John's son Henry, who was ï¬ned 85 and costs, $5.80 more, for his real in his father's behalf. Aeornnsr;â€"-On Tuesday last Mr. Edward Wood. who is working at his trade of blacksmithing and in other capacities at Mr. J. A. Ellie's mill, was punctured in the front of his right arm a few inches below the elbow by a sliver on the end of a stick of hemlock, which stuck agnimt some obstruction as he was pushing it into the ï¬re-hole and {breed the end out of his hand. The and basing axrope overuthe back-band Hides ]_oo 1.50 W could land, the other following in the _ exhausted; one so much so that he was bleeding at the nose, and they would ' imililif fi‘ihil ‘llil‘ailï¬ï¬liitpfl’éi TURNIP SEED 'stated' that in- 1893? 2,"?ti6,‘89al=i acres $322333? infahi "3.31213?qu ill: GARDEN SEEDS nearly 5,000;000«'tons, with a proï¬table value of 850,000,000, some-idea- may :; _ - be gained'of what enlarge item-it forms STOCK FRESH- PRICES RIGHT in the farmer’s calculations. _ AT ._ W. JUNKIH’S‘. Hopkins of the township of Semervillc poem for timowy and clover. were um .v so painful that he had to quit work and Manitoba and the Territories, according l OFFERED m BEFORE go to Dr. Graham, who gave him to special despatc‘ies from Winnipeg, FENELOX FALLS. ORDERiNu. instructions as to the treatment of the are also very satisfactory. The hot I I I T THE “0an 0“ A Rmmzxnn_ rapidly and given the promise of an A M r. Wm. Johnston of this village has a Fully have“, "blah ‘3 a hopeful oufl‘mk regiment of hens that have jointly (but :9 3' gm‘“ °°““"3. "he? Newfium unintentionally) hatched a chicken from [03‘s are aPt to 59"†all “he “mm?†for about a month. The little stranger, ‘ ALSO PER SUIT- which picked and kicked its way into At Ladd Ill. Manda niwht starvin " ‘ the world on Wednesday, was alive and miners holed a“, more: ° ’ g ' boast of havin more mothers than an A“ Pete’b‘lm' 0“ Tm?de Thomas \ I I l - a other chicken ii the village. Thongs; Tebb, head clerk in the postoflice there, Aperfect Flt Gunmmwd' , _ NEW GOODS. PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. not have been covered more than six or “NY for “ennui-’3 130“? from 15W?“- °Tdinary circumsmncesi bl“ W9 fancy provisions at Buffalo. Butter has-gone g . l _ _ _ , that a “ broody " 00° must have 0903- up 2 to 211‘; cents a pound, and now sells i ' - 1 -. ' 3 ‘4. v.‘ a l r. “ .' . ' ' . sionally remained-tenths nest our night at 20 cents; eggs are 15 cents a dozen, incubation: advance of 75-cents. i we have secured a. large quantity of" , ; , \ V ‘ 4. j . ‘ " Beets and Shoes at a sacriï¬ce. No matter FENELON FALLS MARKETS ' . I: . -. 1 . . less-than wholesale prices. , . . JOHNSON‘k: SISSON; . . _ Fenelon..Falls, Frrday,..l§uly 13th,189:4.. Wheat. Scotch or Fife‘.... 67' to 70 “Dana '88 about an inch and Th8 0f the wheat crop in “F «C‘LE, injured limb. June weather has advanced the grain T0 MEASURE . . . . . FOR AND an egg that has been left as a nestâ€"egg “on? Of the hquandmau‘ hearty yesterday afternoon, and can A Fmbcmsa Cutter Engaged the be“ are numerous, the egg could was sentenced to three years in peniten- . MONEY SAVED IS MONEY EARVED AT elghfo hours out OI the twenty-four under The strike has incl-eased the price of ‘ during the three weeks necessary for and new potatoes 52375 a barrel, an 11°" we 80" them-4°“ c3“ have them 8“ Reported by the North Star Roller Mill 0'0.~ The‘M'Onster-Shoe Men. â€" o Lind'say.. and‘witii Spring comes the requirement of new goods. The question. naturally arises, Wheat, fall, per bushel. . .. 58 60 ' Barley, per bushel. . .. .... v 45 48’ c , V’ " V Day, aged about twelve years, and son Buckwheat“ 45 50 of Nathan Day of lt‘enelon met with an 0 , . u. 34 ‘ , ‘ accident. which, although, not at all Finis, u 56, g; 45 » . . . , h serious, happened in‘ such. a manner Rye, “ 42 that the wonder is he was not killed. Pommes “ 3° 40 . -. i ' . . . ï¬‚ï¬ ,, - Butter, pier~li')’............... 13- 14 We- guarantee the season to-sell: youbetter goods for less. Be and his father were sen nD turnips, Eggs per dozen 8 9" i the boy belng upon the horse’s back, Ham’per ton.m':.°:::_-:: 6m 7.00 money than has-ever. been offered before. of the harness with a. loop at each end Hogs...... .. 6.00 6.50 for a stirrup for his feet. He was guid- g‘lrleelpskins. 13r5 ing the horse, which was only a colt, °° _ - 0 - , . . . Flour family .lever Leaf.. 1.55 1.70 the father mmlpul’mng the ‘mPlement' Flour: best bdkcrs’ 1.75 2.00» All went well until the father left the Flour. cuppa. ...... 130 L40 _ All wool Serge Dress Ghods, 17‘ shades, worth‘ 38a, for 25c. Black Cashmere, good quality, 38 inches, worth 32c., for 20 All wool. Henrietta, all shades, worth 35c., for '. . .. .. . . 19 Beautiful Cotton Challis, dark and light, worth l5c., f0 09 boy alone~witlithehorse for axfew. min- Flour, straight rolled; . . . .. 1.50 1.60 ' $1,1an‘12,?Sï¬ï¬ï¬‚ï¬ï¬fï¬â€™Ã©Ã©ï¬gï¬zf“311??â€th 25°" 1?) . I _ Bâ€. ‘31 -. . - , , t. ,- . ,w r c. or.... “tea: Whlle he hlmseu‘ we“ to the house: 8110215? 1‘“ on. . ' ' . . _ n _ N O ‘ See our Delalne Prmts,very wrde, new-.patterns,wbrth 17c. 13 when from some cause the horse took sudden fright and ran away through the ï¬eld, threw the boy off and dragged 4 Factory Cotton, extra heavy were, 7, 9, and 10c., for . . . . 5, 7,8 Steamlooms,free from dressing, were 6,8,9,10,12, for 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 Beautiful Embroideries, heginningat 2c. and up to . . $1.00 Mixed chop, per ton... . 22.00‘ 24.00 ,him. some distance by onevfoot. which as. .- u. s - x r " gg'ges‘ig‘lfl iff‘mcelsx‘ coaiugï¬ï¬'low‘f‘ 1 remaibed fa“ ih she loop until “18.1mm M I Ladiestgligmisoertghiie cotton fullsizc lac' . . H was torn off. 'lhe lad escaped With a . r u u ’ .n. ' u. when", trimme'd' 45 scalp wound of about two and a half T0 represent “5‘†“"3 sale or 0‘“ HAM†“ Drawers,. “ “ tucked, lace trimmed 25 inches lon made b the blade of the CANADIAN GROWN NURSERY STOCK' “ “ “‘ “ “ embroid’v “ 45 g’ . y . . Position permanentand affords good chance ' n Wh- C C t 04 I - , ' . acumen He was Immediately drive“ of advancement to all workere. Liberal u “en 0mm one“ overs’ age: minnymd ' ' ' â€' 25 "to Dr. Wilson's ofliee, wherethe wound inducements to new men. Send for our- it. a. Night Robesembrmduy "11366 $5.751 $1 . . u I ' was dressed, terms. The trial wrll cost you nothing. See our-beautiful Shaker-Flannel, bigdri-ve . . . .. ,. .. .. 1 5' Tooxza SW{M.~â€"~Last Tuesday after- ,2 3m STONE 5‘ WELEINGTONa H “‘ C “ Sh “ f “ 32 inches wide...... 10 h - . onos’ro, s'r. envy otton irtiugs ast colors at. .. . .. . . .. 5‘ [£1095 “V; 0f the or’ 11?.385 that Extra Heavy Feather. Ticking, job' thrice ... . . . . . . .. 8 owry SOUS Wine .0059, 3 0‘7 Wee 3 Industrious sober re_ Sin Large Linen-[Finish Handkerchiefs for ~. . .. .. . . . . . . 25 - ago, 0“ Grand-I513“? 1“ Balsam Lake: I liable meufm gallon,“ l Dadles’ 'fnwn, black, navy. brown spring & summ’r capes 2.90 apparently took 1t Into their heads to, complete lines of,»Nursery stock. andseed Beautiful Lace Curtains, taped edges . . .. 39 seek “ fresh ï¬elds and pastures new " Potatoes. Adfew special varieties controlled‘ 0mm.†Yuri“ 5'l'b' bunch’ WhOIesule pnce ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " 1'00 and accordingly swnm'aomss,‘ “distance by us_ Commission OLSMMY paid weekly" Beaptiful Linen Tea. Towels, per dozen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 of consiaémm over“ mile to the main andguamnteed promptly. Exclusive and: Lien s Socks, pure wool and very ï¬ne, only .. . . .. . . . . .. 10 y . O, . .‘ . , Large Carriage Umbrellas gorngat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 I d . b t 1 a emu to head for a 8 0t chorce of territory given. Outï¬t free. Dent . . . ’ , , an , u 1 pp g p delay. Apply at once for terms. Five-fourths Table Oil-clothsmew patterns . . . . . . . . . . . . 25: where they could not get ashore, they Goat’s lo-yds. Spool, black andwhite, per dozen...... 30 turned around and were making for the island again, when they were fortunately obscrved'by some persons at Rosedale, amongst whom was Mr. Green, who has charge of the horses, and who goesover . twice a day from the village to the island to see how they are getting along. Jumping into azcanoe, he paddled with all his-might to the animals, threw a rope around the neck of one of: them and towed him to a spot where they ALLEN NURSERY 00.9 2-20 ROCHESTER, N- Y- MW MW. Ladies,- you should‘see our‘stock of Dress Goods, Delaines and Trimmings. Gents, we carry the largest stock of Gents’ Furnishings. Hats Etc. in Lindsay... :Our-Menlsand Boys’. Clothing Stock is now complete at prices to please every buyer... CARTER, PE‘OPLE’S‘- D, 40 KENTSTREET, .LIN DSAY- ’ SECOND. DIVISION COURT .- â€"- INSURANCE, _.. . ‘Mr. Wm. E. Ellis having transferred hii- : county or VIGtoria- The Drops.- Insurance Business to me, I am prepared The next sittings of the above Court will The ï¬rst Of the great harvest 0f the to take risks 03,311 classes ofproperty- be in Dickson’s lli‘lll, FGDCIOB Falls, season has been commenced and the At very. Lowest Rates, ON MONDAY, OCT" 8th, 1894, _ . _ _' commencingat 10 o’clock in the fort-noon Nonehutï¬rst-class Bnhshand Canadian “may, Sept, 27mm," be ,1", 1“, day companies represented. of service on defendants residing in this . coa-nty. Defendants living in other com!»- FARM PROPERTY_ ties must be served on or before Sept. 22nd. '87 S. Nsvxsos, E. D. line, at very low rates. ' Baum: Clerk James‘ Arnaldi Fenelon Falls, July 12th, 1894. wake of his mate. They were greatly 00ij (ENSILAGE) soon have been drowned ifitheylhad not FOR FEEIHHG, PURPOSES» E beenseen-and rescued: . sufï¬ciently. realized, but when it is ANDKEL. KINDS OF, When the June reports of the Ontario Bureau of Industries were collected about the middle of 'the month, theprosâ€" . I. M’FARLAND HA8 EVERYTHING IN GROGERIES. THE. VERY GHDIGEST GDDDS. good. Fertnnately. the weather since has been favorable,. and the general testimony seems tube that the hay will be-agood crop. Some of the reports state that the yield- will be below last year, but it is well to keep in mind that the hay crop. both last year and the year before, was of unusual abundance, and the general tenor of the despatchcs is that-this year will belittle it anything behind its two predecessors. With regard to the other. crops a careful reading of the‘ reports would indicate that the forecast made in the June bulletin of the bureau stillin the m cm Comm ' m main stands good. As the bulletin was ghhggthOIWg'nwh‘ggpï¬ cmxhlga Ready-made Clothing-at Cost for optimistic almost throughout, and the seminarians-naps“ it Cash for 30 Days. weather up to-date has remained favor- uranium Why Mmam I, . able- we prospects for good crops w amateursmeu’ii are. m -- Every Article a. Bargain. -- W the Province this 3°“ “to bright. or . .l. McFARLAND. course harvcstvday is yetsome distance - off and crops can scarcely be considlfred . I safe until the reaper is amongst t em, " .‘ ' man" In but at the time of writing there is good mulch. haw-m»... ground for expecting a bountiful harvest. For Sale by W. T. Junklna S‘r'.†. , 4;»: e... . , Man“ ,.:‘?:-|:» ,..,i: >4».-. . .‘ Army-2:» .v- qr .r-max wean-Au...n4.sva»,~< < l l l 1 l l g W mew-:1 W . ~“’r‘>3r'3‘s€s?z‘a; aimeï¬i‘n‘ww 7:; r! t 3’,