,. c. ~ "ti-5" “' '. ï¬x: .trxmmue/UL*YL~"WE‘QW “comm-uh“, -- a. . . ctuwmsuupa... .... ufl~<¢¢MJBEMWT¢ï¬mmqu§¢Ma._s---A . . _..,.......:.,â€"..,_ “w. "Or-54 5... w {AMN‘Mit’d‘ii'aifiï¬gtflâ€ï¬maWW§% .._ - MWN¢.WM--Mkum Ma V. “was Emmanw . 9W“, Rut Indian hummingbird. hula mgr-r than the com-am housefly. Scientiï¬c Notes. “'IIAT THE MEN OF GENIUS ARE SAYING AND DOING. We are told by professor Oliver Lodge, the celebrated physicist, that at the absolute zero of temperature,â€"-373 dog. 0., or 459 deg. F.â€"thc molecules of a perfect gas would lie so inert that they could be swept together in piles on the floor. "151 recent London lawsuit regarding noise and vibration caused by a factory, the phonoaraph was brought in as a witnesa, at the suggestion of Prof. Sil- vauus P. Thompson, being caused to record the noises and reproduce them in court. The Italian consul at Bordeaux has telephonic connection with the opera house at Bordeaux as well as with that in Paris, and he says he heard the music from Paris, 375 miles, as distinctly as that which comes to him from a dietance of only a few blocks. Air can be frozen at a temperature of 296 degrees below zero, and the product, which can be handled and felt, burns, rso to speak, with its excessive Cold. ‘Frozen air can be produced in any quantity, but its cost, 8500 a gallon, is likely to prevent a large business. Electricity is employed largely for pulling teeth. To the battery are at- tached three wires. Two of them have handles at the end, while the third is .attached to the forceps. The patient grasps the handles, the electricity is turned on suddenly and the dentist rimultaneously applies his forceps to the teeth. The instant the tooth is touched, it, as well as the surrounding parts, becomes inscnsible to pain. and it is out. Electricity has Won many triumphs over its once formidable rival, steam, during the past decade, and that, too, in departments in which the position of the latter was deemed unassailable. As a source of intense light, and as a motor force for vehicles, as well as for mach~ ' inery of all kinds, it is in extensive use and in steadily growing demand; and LOW attempts are made to utilize elec- tricity for heating purposes. An interesting and important experi- ment was lately conducted by Dr. Pa- lermo at Naples. In the course of sci- rutiï¬c studies Dr. Palermo has given :peciul attention to the relative action of sunshine and darkness on microbes. He .claims that his researches have ptoven that in addition to checking the multiplication of micro-organisms, sun- light is especially bancful to those which are noxious to human or animal life. In the experiment mentioned Dr. Paler- ' no exposed the bacilli of Asiatic cholera lo the sunlight for four hours, and ï¬nd- ing them still alive, he administered them to a guinea pig. Taking at the same time other germs of a similar na- ture which had been kept in a dark room for an equal time, he administered them to another guinea pig. In about 8 hours the latter animal died of Asiatic cholera, while the former charged with the suncurcd bacilli remained perfectly well. Subsequently the doctor inocu- lath the animal with the mast virulent cholera microbes, but they had no effect upon it; exposure to the sun’s rays had, besides destroying the disease producing 1owers of the microbes, made them active and effective agents in resisting their still virulent brethren. «nuâ€"o - 9-â€" ,A Fish With a. Lantern. No matter what animals. or group of animals, are studied. it will always be found that their leading physical traits are exactly adapted to their habits and conditions. A striking illustration of this fact is ali'nrded by the torch ï¬sh. This is a deep sea ï¬sh, that carries on its nose something like a short, thin, bone, which it can illuminate with a phosphorescent light, or extinguish at pleasure. It does not use this lantern to guide it on its way in the depth of the ocean, or to enable it to see what is going on in the neighborhood ; the light In put to a more practical use. When (he iiuh feels hungry, it lights up to attract smaller ï¬sh. They dart for the light and find themselves in the capa- cioua mouth of the ï¬sh. How the lant- cm In lighted and extinguished is not yet clearly understood. ,_ ~....__........ .. Crow Catching in India. In order to catch crows after the gypsy fashion in India, it is necessary In have a captive crow always on hand. This crow must he laid upon its back and Ila wings pegged to the earth \\i.h l fork d sticks. Immediately a tree crew will allde it, and the captive crow, seizing the free one with its claws, will hold it tight. Crow No. 2 must. then be taken and pegged down also. Other crows will come and two more will soon be caught. They must also be laid out with pegs. and then the four captives will take four other crows. This plan is lollowcd until the hunter has takeul all the crows he desires. l ....._.........~..... - o «b. The smallest bird in the world is no It is a A jerk, L GREAT MIBSUMMER SALE NOW GOING ON AT ll’l Dry Goods and. Clothing Store I noostt. "wag-oi}..- EVERYTHING TO BE SOLD AT A. GREAT SACRIFICE, ' as one. STOCK IS FAR TOO LARGE. â€"- â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€">-‘O.â€"<â€"â€"â€"â€"- It makes no dif- crcnce if your wants David Chambers, are only small; we can save you money, and will do so if you come in Victoria county. Woâ€" CARTER. The World Beater, KENT-ST, LINDSAY. g l . . l IIILLINEIIY MILLINERY WALL PAPER WALL PAPER At t/ze Lowest Prices. WINDOW PAPER FANCY GOODS MATERIALS FOR FANCY WORK TOYS IN GREAT VARIETY STAMPING DONE Eggs Taken in Exchange. MRS. I-iEELEv. MONEY TO LOAN. I have recently the for loaning on farms at Five and a-halt‘ per cent. Parties wishing to borrow on these terms should not delay to make application. Large amounts of funds, at slightly higher rates, according to security. In most cases solicitor work is done at my ofï¬ce, insuring speed and moderate expenses. Allan S. Macdonell. Barrister &c., Lindsay, ‘ LINDSAY Marble Works. s: R. (EHâ€"NEBERS as is prepared to furnish the people of Lind- say and surrounding country with MONUMENTS AND HEADSTONES, both Marble and Granite. Estimates promptly given on all kinds of cemetery work. Marble Table Tops,Wash Tops, Mantel Pieces, etc., a specialty. WORKSâ€"In rear 0 the market on Cam- bridge street, opposite Metthews’ pasking house: Being a practical workman all should see his designs and compare prices before purchasing elsewhere. ROBT. CHAMBERS. North of the Town Hall- AVIAISJRADEM ., " COPYRIGHTS. .93?" .I.23£tl§ntol’et."2Â¥l‘.“ * #3.: n on. IUNTN do 00., who have had ndjarlggitty year-3' experience in the patent business. mmunica- tions strictly conï¬dential. A Handbook or In- formation concerninill’ntents and bow to ob- tain them sent free. so a catalogue or mechanc teal and scientiï¬c books sent free. Patents taken through Mann & 00. receive cial notloein the Scientiï¬c American, and t as are brought widely before the public with- out cost to the inventor. This splendid aper. issued weekly. elegantly lllnstrated.has b {par the largest circulation or any scientiï¬c war In the world. a year. am e co lea sent free. Building Edition mon ly. ï¬wayear. Single co ies, ' . cents. hivery number contains beau- ti ul plates. in colors, and ghotogra he or new houses. with plans. enabling uildera show the latest deal a and secure contracts. Address 00.. NW YORK. 381 BROADWAY. MUNN General Blacksmith, Francis-st, Fenelon Falls l __ living prices. 45-ly. ....SADDLEs.... ....TRUNKs.... ~---V.A.LISESa-n â€"â€" AT-â€"- IOIIN BERRY’S ....KEN~I'-ST,,.... -~--LINDS.A.Y--m EVERYTHING BELONGING TO THE SADDLERY AND HARNESS TRADE CONSTANTLY KEPT IN STOCK. REPARING had a considerable, though limited, sum of money placed with Blacksmithingm allits diï¬'erenthranches done on short notice and at the lowest Particular attention paid to ‘ horse-shoeing. Give me a call and I will LO the Cheapest Store guaranteesatisfacticn. Rifles WHY 1AM . . OFFERING A FIRST-CLASS $75.00. NEXT DOOR TO KNOX’S BLACK- SMITH SHOP, FENELON FALLS. New Handkerchiefs, New Towcllings, 33 KENT-ST, LINDSAY. Opposite the Benson House. SEAS: SHOVELS, PICKS, FORKS, BACISAGAIN. HENRY PEARCE respectfully informs his numerous old cus- tomers and the public generally that he has returned to Fenclon Falls and resumed The Boot and Shoe Business in the store lately occupied by Mr. S. Nevi son on the east side of Colborne street,and hopes by turning out. GOOD WORK AT LOW PRICES to obtain a fair share of patronage. Ba? Drop in, leave your measure and be convinced that he can do as well for you as any boot or shot-maker in the county. All kinds of REPAtllIS IGXECUTED with neatness and despatch. ._._-.. . __._._.._._..__-_,._.. J. Neelands, Dentist. Beautiful sets of Artiï¬cial Teeth inserted for $10,$l2 and 814. according to quality of teeth and kind of plate. Imitation gold filling inserted in artiï¬cial teeth free of charge. Gas (vitalized air) and local anass- thetics used with great success for painless extraction. Visits the McArthur House, Fenelon Falls, the third Tuesday of every month. Call in the forenoon, if possible. Ofï¬ce in Lindsay nearly opposite the Simp- DONE 0N SHORTEST NOTICE.“ .on House. GO TO LINDSAY WHEN YOU CAN DO BETTER BY DEALING AT HOME I TOP BUGGY GUARANTEED BEST GRADE THROUGHOUT, WITH THE LATEST IMPROVEMENTS, FOR THE LOW PRICE OF New Corsets and Gloves, New Frillings and Ties, Above Cut In Ono-ban Actual the. THE HATHAWAY PATENT FENCE WIRE. Most Attractive in Design, and will stand a Test Breakage of 2,500 lbs. ._.-.._..___â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"_â€"_.__ f? is ‘7’ ITS DURABILITY TURNS INFERIOR MAKES “ ABOUT FACE " TO THE REAR. NSPECTION INVITED. s. s. Minna. KERR & Bo. NEW OASII STORE, OPPOSITE BENSON HOUSE. LINDSAY. New Fall and Winter Jackets, New Dress Goods, New Underwear for Ladies and Children, New Trimming Braids, New F launcls and Flanneletltes, Cottons and Shirtings, Gentlemen’s Furnishings Complete. We cordially invite you to call and examine our new Fall Stock. One price to everybody. KERR & co. MARIE srmuc co an. new. 19. 1899. os. FULL STOCK BUILDING HARDWARE, PAINTS, OILS, AND WHITE LEAD, A FULL ASSOBTMEHT 0F TINWAHE, ALL OF WIIICII WILL BE 301.1) AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES F016 c.4311. BABY CARRIAGES $5.00 AND UP. To the Patrons: Landâ€"PEEITTBIOO and $7.00 Per Ton IN OAR LOTS. mos. HEARD. NOTICE. To the residents of Fenelon Falls. Take notice that any person or persons removing from any village or district inâ€" fected with diphtheria to Fcnclon Falls will be quarantined for a period of 14 day: or longer, a the discretion of the lioard of Health. The citizens of Fenclon Falls who do not wish to be so inconvenient-ed will govern themselves accordingly. By order at the Board of Health. A. WILSON, II. 0., Medical [Ira/III ()fllrrr Fenelon Falls, Feb’y 22nd, 1891!. l-t. r. ; pm“ -...._- ._.__.._... ._.. ..-_.. The “ Fenclon Falls Gazette†is printed every Friday at the ofï¬ce, on the corner of May and Francis streets. SUBSCRIPTION 81A YEAR IN ADVANCE. or one cent per week will he added as long as ilremains unpaid. Advertising Ilates. Professional or business cards, 50 cents per line perunnum. Casual advertisements. 8 cents per line for the first insertion, and 2 Cents per line for every subsequent inst-r- tion. Contracts by the your, half year or less, upon reasonable term». JOB PRINTING of all ordinary kinds executed neatly, cm. rectly and at moderate prices. 1 E. 1'). HA ND, I’M/pricier.