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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 12 Oct 1894, p. 3

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, ,. ۤufisn and Foreign. France derived 950,“)0 francs last yesrl from the tax on cycles, tl.e number of machines being 132.276. Glencoe. the scene of the massacre of the MacDonalds was lately sold for $80,000. The estate comprised 6,300 acres. Ibsen’s income tax has just been assessed in Borway at $335, based on a fortune of of $44,000 and an income of $3,300 Field Marshal Sir Patrick Grant has just celebrated his ninetieth birthday. He went to India. on entering the army in 1820, and saw almost all his active service there. United States magazine rifle is said by London Engineering " to possess all the requisites now universally admitted to be necessary to a perfect magazine gun.” Kossuth's son has been declared by the authorities to be ineligible to the Hungar- ian Parliament, as he is not a Hungarian subject, and has never taken steps to become one. Miss Raine, an eccen'ric lady, who died recently in Lon on, left as a legacy to Lord Randolph hurchill her mansion and estate in Oxfordshire,“ in recognition of his commanding political genius.” Schools of commerce are to be established by the Italian Government at trade centres in Asia Minor, where there is a consider- able Italian-speaking p0 ulation. A be- ginning has Just been me e at Beyrout Brussels has a new executioner. He was a waiter in a saloon. and was dared by his companions into betting that he would try for the place. He won the bet and the place, which carries witn it. a salary of some 1,200 francs a year. Since the new Tower Bridge was opened two months ago. an average of 70,000 foot passengers and over 3,000 teams have crossed it daily. On the first Sunday 156,000 people crossed. It has reduced the crowd 'on London Bridge by nearly one-half. At Bologna it has lately been discovered that the university seal has been forged and affixed to spurious diplomas. The chief offender has been arrested, and it is believ- ed that the diplomas of other Italian t universities will be brought under suspi- cion. 7 TWO LUCKY HEN. 'nier Invest Ina lottery I‘leltrt and Bach Sena Small Fortune latch Is "Well Invested. Less than a month ago S. Lahishensky was a poor, struggling young tailor, at 214 Jackson boulevard. To-day he is one of the happiest men in Chicage, for dame fortune has smiled upon him in a most substantial way and he is the proud possessor of quite a comfortable bank account. It happened in this way: Mr. Lahishensky is a Hebrew. He was born twenty-two years ago in the land of the Czar, where the Jews are much perse- cuted. Five years ago, alone, and almost penuiless, he left his native and and sought a home in America, finally locating in Chicago in 1891. He had learned tailoring, in Russia and at 214Jacksoa boulevard he started a little repairing shop about five months ago. On Friday. Aug. 10, \V. Rothenberg, a customer of Mr. Lahishensky, came into the shop and chanced to show two one-twen. tieth tickets in the Honduras National Lot'ery (Louisiana State Lottery) which he had purchased for :0 cents. Mr. Lahis- hensky offered to take one of them, more as ajest than ought else, and was given one of the slips, for which he gave Mr. Ruthenberg 25 cents. The drawing took place on Aug. 14 and Mr. Lahishensky was surprised that the number on his ticket, 18,172, had drawn the second capital prize of $20,000. He presented his ticket and last week received a check for $1,000, being the one-twentieth to which he was entitled. Mr. Lahishensky is an industrious, ener getic and deserving hands the money will be well spent. When asked by a ieporter for The Dispatch what heintended to do with the money he re- plied : “I am going to send a part of it to my father and mother, who are still in Russia. The remainder I shall use to en- large and expand my business, and to build myself up in Chicago. I appreciate the good fortune and I have purchased another ticket in the September drawing of the Honduras National Lottery. That com- pany is honest and prompt and paid mv prize without a quibble. " . \V. Rothenberg, who held the other one- wentieth of the same number, lived at 25 Newbury avenue, but when a reporter of The Dispatch called there it was found be : Fonts of type and a printing press are had moved; none of his neighbors could now ready to be presented by the Bible give his present address. But Mr. Lahis- Society to the Katholikos of the Armenian hensky said he know Mr. Rothenberg had Church. He has agreed to have not only gotten his money also. Mr. Rothenberg the ancient version printed, but also that wrs a workingmnn in very moderate cir- in the Armenian now spoken around Mount cumstances, and the money paid him by Ararat. the Honduras National Lottery company Thin), yams ago, in 1864’ “r. C_ Grace, will prove a blessing to him and his family then a boy of 17, made his first three-figure and “mule We“ “Pent, "0 (hullâ€"Chicago score in an important cricket match. The (1115') Dispatch Sept- 14- other day, being nearly 50, he ran up a clean score of 131 against the best profes- The inhabitants of Munes, France, are sional bowlers of England in the “Gentle- pverx indignant because the Perfect has men and Players’ " match, making the f°rb1dden 5“ announced buu‘fighb- ninety-ninth “century” to his credit, 8. performance never approached by any other cricketer. By 1896 ten of the thirty-three English Judges will have served fifteen years, and be entitled to retire on a pension. The Master of the Rolls, Lord Esher (Brett) has served twenty-five years; Baron Pol- lock “the last of the Barons" of the Exchequer, twenty-two; Lord Justice Lindsley, nineteen ; Lord Justice Lopes and Justice Hawkins eighteen. The late Lord Coleridge had been twenty-one years on the bench. - At Maisons Lafitte, near Paris, aSpanish bull fight was given for the entertainment of his friends in a private ring built for the purpose by M. Max Lebandy, the young heir of a rich sugar refiner, who is now showing all France how fast he can spend his father’s millions. The fi ht was very brutal. The Society for the ’revention of Cruelty to Animals tried to stop it, but the police refused to interfere,asitwasa private entertainment. Duringthe Bast five years the production of tin in the utch East Indies and the Charlatans and Quack: Have long plied their vocation on the ant- fering pedals of the people. The knife has ared to the quick; caustic applications ave tormented the victim of coma until the conv1ction shaped itselfâ€"there’s no cure. Putnam’s Painless Corn Extractor proves on what slender basis public opinion often rests. If you suffer from come get the Extractor and you will be satisfied. Sold everywhere. Sheâ€"“ Do you play croquet, Mr, Mild- may?” Heâ€"“Noo without swearing.” Cured the Doctor. For some time past I suffered from Mumps, Chills, and Liver Complaint. After considerable thought I adopted St. Leon Mineral \Vater with a view to cure, and I lullil‘. cordially say I was surprised, but :remhly so, at the great change for the utter it has worked in me. DR. S. GEO. I'AQUIS, Quebec, Mr. Louis Gothmann, .the Chicago as tronomer, reaffirms his discovery oflwhat seems to be a sign of vegetation in the Straits settlements has increased greatly. moon' The shipments to Europe and America to the end of August, 1894, were 44,118 tons, as against 27,557 tons in 1890. The syndi- cate which is trying to corner the market will have to obtain control of this source of supply to succeed, as well as of the visible supply, which was over 20,000 tons in August and only 14,000 tons a year ago. The French Academy of Medicine has taken up the question of the healthfulness of bicycling, and as a recent meeting decid- ed to investigate the subject thoroughly. Besides anumber of sudden deaths from heart disease ascribed to the practice, cases wore reported oftuberculosis being reawak- cued by cycling, and of vertebral disease. The Academy resolved unanimously that till the results of the inquiry are known "the use of the bicyclette (safety) should he premitted only after a careful medical ex- amination of the individual." Paris papers irreverently translate this “a louis a Visit, if you please." â€"-Iâ€"â€"â€"-.â€"-â€"_ You Get Strong, fl' you're a men out or "run-crown- woman, With Dr. l‘ierco‘s Favorite Prescription. And, if you suffer from any “female com- plaint" or disorder, you get well. For these two thingsâ€"to build up women‘s strength, and to cure women's ailmentsâ€" this is the only medicine that's gunmnhuh If it doesn't cure, in every case, your money is returned. (hi these terms, what else can be “ just as good” for you to buy? The “Prescription” regulates and promotes all the natural functions, never conflicts with them, and is perfectly harmless in any con. diticn of the female syrteni. It improves digestion, enriches the blood, brings re- freshing sleep, and restores health and vigor. For ulcerations, displacements, bearing-down sensations, periodical pains, and every chronic weakness or irregularity. it’s a remedy that safely and permanently euros. Miss Raine. an eccentric lady, who died recently in London. left as a legacy to Lord Randolph Churchill her mansion estate in Oxfordshire, “ in recognition of his com- manding political genius." Get Rid of Neuralgla. There is no use in fooling with neuralgia. It is a disease that gives way only to the most powerful remedies. No remedy yet discovered has given the grand results that invariably attends the employment of Pol- son's Net-villus. Nerviline is a positive specific for all nerve pains, and on ht to no kept on hand in every family. So d every where. ‘15 cents s bottle. The Tree of Heaven is-the common name for the Ailanthus, a very topical, looking tree. Brown Bros. 00., Toronto, Ont., tell us that itis not a very satisfactory grower for our section. This house wish an agent here. They pay salary and expenses and offer liberal inducements. After Others Failed Dec/N... Scrofula in the Neckâ€"Bunches All Gone Now. Sangervme. Maine. " C. 1. Hood & 00.. Lowell, Mesa: “Genuemenzâ€"I feel that I cannot say enough in favor of Hood‘s Ssrsaparllln. For five years I have been troubled with scrofula in my neck and throat. Several klnds of medlclnes which I tried did not do me any good, and when 1 com- menced to take Hood's Sarsaparllla there were large bunches on my neck so sore that I could Hood’srw‘r Cures not bear the slightest touch. When I had taken one bottle of this medlclne, the soreness had gone, and before I had llnlsbed the second the bunches bad entirely disappeared." BLANCH! Arwoon. Sangen'llle. Maine. N. B. If you decide to take Hood's Sampar rllla do not be induced to buy any other. “god's pm, cure ccustlpadon by restoo lag the peristaltic acuoaot mes'imeutarycanalv young man in whose York Insurance Monitor. has created a ensation by stating-that the swings Jew your system real strength. Physicians, the world over, THAT ores tunes. The particulars of a remarkable cure of consumption, after the patient had reached the last stages, related in the article pub- lished in last week's issue under the head~ ipg “An Open Letter from a ProminentPhy- sician,”has caused much comment. It iswell known that physicians, as a rule,are averse to speaking words of praise for an adver- tised medicine, however meritorious it may be, and when one of them casts this preju- dice aside and gives in plain nnvarnished language the particulars of a case that must take rank among the most remarkable in the practice of medicine, it is not only a noteworthy triumph for the medicine in question, but also reflects credit on the physician who has cast aside his profession- al prejudice and gives the result of his use of the medicine for the benefit of suffering humanity. In the articles published from time to time, vouched for by reliable news- papers, the public hafe had the strongest evidence that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People is a medicine of remarkable merit, and now to these is added on the authority ofa well-known physician, over his signature, the particulars of a cure of consumption through the time'y use of Dr. lVilliams’ famous Pink Pills. It cannot be too widely known that a remedy has been found that will cure this hitherto deadly and uncouquered disease, and if any of our readers have not read the article to which we refer we would advise them to pok up last week’s issue and give it a care- ul perusal. The facts related may prove f valuable assistance in a time of need. Mr. C. C. Heine, a writer on the New re risk is twice as liable to burn as an 11 American risk. Reelpe,â€"-For Making a Delicious Health Drlnk at Small Cost. Adams' Root Beer Extract. . . .. ...... onabottle Fleischmaan’s Yeast. . .. . . ........... halts. cake Sn ar ................................ two pounds Lu ewarm Water .................. two gallons Dissolve the sugar and yeast in the water add the extract. and bottle; place ina warm place for twentyâ€"four hours until it ferments, then place on ice, when it will open sparkling and delicious. The root beer can be obtained in all drug and grocery storesin 1') and 25 cent bottles to make two and five gallons. 25m, 50cm. and '~ $1.00 Bottle. » - ‘ Onecentadose. " '” Itis sold on a i by all glare. It cures ci ient Cons “ and. 18 the best Cauzhpand Crounugluli‘gofi TAMMBRIN‘G- and “ tytterlng permanently cured. i\o advance fees. Cure uarantced. _ THE. - LIN'I‘ON - I STITUTE \Vrite for circulars. 65 Shuter St... Toronto. “a MANHIDOD Wrecked & Rescued By W. J. HUNTER, Ph.D., D.D. A. series 0 chapters to men on social purity and ti ht 11v lug. It is written in plain language t at al may understand. Live Agents wanted. Cir culara containing terms sent on application 11W . w- . ‘9 - _ .~ 'TaVe/vv AdVIce and .1 W ll oedema. as all (7.1%an 5M0}? p5,. W Newman. I ~ guru‘x- .. fs'qcco HAMILTON LADIES’ [ILLEGE Reopens September 6. 189-1. All teachers honor graduates of universities or colleges. {egulnr courses for graduation in lizarature and science, music, art, elocution. etc. Excellent accommodation. inspiring in- structor-3 refining associations and pleasant surroundings. Address the Principal, A. BURNS, S.T.1).. L.L.D . -uaasoemomwvnm'... , WEBSTER’S 5 IN TERNA TI ONAL l W g _ Trafalgar . ‘ ’ A Dictionary at English, , “Rfififit'y, F cti'on, Etc. Standard of the F. s. gov't l'nntlng (mm-nae .5. so reme Court and or near y all the School- . bucks. Ron. D. J. Brewer. uIll-‘llce of the If. S. Supreme (‘ourhwmcm l mmmeml it to all as the one great standard authority. Feed for free pamphlet containing specimen pages. .‘I‘- N I newsman : l.‘ » chrr, oasnoasczm STAMP - O mmsncumssmmf: LIST, . ‘ SAMPLES.me was.“ 5‘; arms lSCPODFoRL%%§ENqu'_ , :REEBMANBR Mrs; ' Icscaesrownc ‘r. ' .1 _~ It is a sure sign of weakness. You need more than a tonic. You need , Scott’s Emulsion the Cream of Cod-liver OI! and Hypophosphites,not only to cure the Cough but to give endorse it. Don’t be deceived by Subslllulesl Scott a Bowno. Believfllo. AllDruagists. 500. it t) Champion of Canada. . . I have been drinking St.Leon Mineral Water _ years. and consider it the yery best thing to drink while in general train- ing. It is an excellent regulator. ha regularly for four letel roub e. W. H. HASLIT'I‘. 385 Manning Ava. Champion Pedestrian of Canada. St. Leon Mineral Water Uo’y. Ltd. . vingcom- (21‘0de of constipation and l f bya » V WITEROUS Buhr Stone Chop ed. freed f weeds, it you PM Your Stock Grain Your Profits will be increase your land run foul Ground per Grinds everything. even to the finest seeds. Stones las tamtfime Iron plates. chilled 1-16. are not.ln It wl French Bulir Stoneafi inches thick. m Chilled Clear Through. no Easy to “no simple durable, fastâ€"\Vrite us. Waterous, “$335”. a ALBERT COLLEGE, BELLEVILLE, ONT. SPLENDID RECORD of six candidates for Senior Matriculation. All were successful. Candidates prepared for Teachens‘ certificates. Diplomas awarded in Commercial Science. Music, Flue Arts. Eloeution. Thursday. September 6th, ’94. For calendar address Will reopen PRINCIPAL DYER, M.A., D.D. MUSIC! Every Ilualo Teacher 1110a- nsds should know when the: can get their Music cheapes writ.“ for Oatal nu; also ample capy of the M08101“. ‘ 11's monthlyjour- ARABIAN nsl with fl-Oowortb of music in each Issue. crossw- day madeb in the eanvassers. See in: lumlls We carry eve lug nslo llns. WHALEY. ROYCE a; co. I“ roses fl. tantrum. SHE duo: on the market for Head Office -â€"King St. W., Toronto. light ARDBLKKIEtSLQKOQgrs and 119m. Weight. -â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" gplld Top, do ejection. Made in Cold in the headâ€"Nasal Balm gives in- stant relief : speedily cures. Never fails. signatures. aw Baron. Conn. U . ABSOLUTELY FIRE PROOF. METALLIC noon N6 (9 : Candles“ NF Rs roRourp ' MARLIN Model 1893 Made in (1 “mm. The onlynpeator In: lrtlos. a Down." cnaNBY RUBBER? They give perfect satisfaction in fit, style and finish, and it has become a by word that “ nranby Rubbers” wear like iron. 0111' Specialty. EETI ‘ We have letters from all parts of Canada saying Preston Furnaces are the Best Let us send you Catalogue and fullparticulars, and you can 0., - Judge for Yourself. PRESTON, ONT ‘ Mcfllary’sfamou a The llcllhllll' MFG. 00.. _._._... goods, London â€" Toronto â€" “Thu-lingo: .- s Stoves Have Been Tested by the people for nearly BENTUHY Take no other said to be just as gocl. If your local (3m or does not hand '2 our write our nearest house. Montreal Vancouver " goxro E WOOD . . mi ALL SIZES 0F BUILDINGS .- adapted for wood Radiator. LARGE ASH PIT Large flestln Surface Largo F Door 8001101181 FIFO Pot DEEP ASH P 00A!- FURNACE Largo combustion camber mmmwxm WOOD FURNACE nesvv “mammal” FURNACES Gapccify from 10,000 lo 80,00 cutie “Feel Heav Steel Plate Plre Box Dome and, which heat quicker and are more durable RADIATOR of Modern Construco tlon and Great Heating Power Rotstlagaar Dun a: Grate Full Guaranteed Capacity : awash usme not i , ~.Hsnnfaclnred M..- Tho wnsurousnar coarser Ltd, roaonro. ‘ l r v o .- e. i . r; f - 2-»: cs : -wrayr... «W. ., A" .. Ni. I m. .. r.,,'.-,_~:. a we ‘ ";e}:,g-§L.r-u“;;ésszavw~â€"â€"-- ~! 1‘~ sv . : Fwy» u _~_: Grow , .v ' er -tf4¢nkf . .‘ fi-W Anny,

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