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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 19 Oct 1894, p. 6

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. ....'.l..w..u.. Managua». a»-.. ... T., --.... -s..~, m»&&msfim-~....w . .N .nw -0. - - i " 5 j t: 3; r v-w'wr‘v .. -«mâ€"«c i l l i iiiâ€"ii iiiiiiLE iii 18 ii.‘ ITEMS OF INTEREST ABOUT THE BUSY YANKEE. â€". l Neighborly Interest In Ills Dollpâ€"‘Ial-l ten of Moment and lllrlh Gathered i from Ills Daily Record. I Captain Joseph C. Perrett, manager of: the Murinette Barge Line, and one of the l oldest morine men in the west, died at his l home» in Chicago. A coasting party in (luiliord, Mo, recept- lv consisted of Urman Cimpher, aged five years ;his mother, his grandfather and his 1 great grandfather, aged ninetydour. } Mrs. Cornelius Vanderbilt never looks as well as when in full dress and sparkling; with diamonds, as her icstures are small and she is somewhat of the brunette type. ‘ \Villlam “'irt. Henry, of Richmond, is said to be a. grandson of Patrick Henry. He is a lawyer and an authority on olll matters pertaining to the history of V irgin-i in. Twenty-five masked men raided a. flock of sheep in Charles Brown’s corral in Col- ; I lit-ado and slaughtered 2,000 animals ondl drove 4,000 more over the clifls 1,000 feet a g :- rodcrick Douglas, who is something 0 i a. violinist, has a grandson, Joseph, who in- I lll't‘lii tiissaine talent and who is about. to go to liuropc to finish his iiiusiCil cducan lit ‘1. ; "iii‘miit llcbi‘tv.’ residents of New York Uli‘tll‘iliq for the erection of a bronze v shitty: in tlic memory of the lute Jesse reiizinaii, tlic Lunkernnd philanthropist. A big wood pile stands before a hotel in Abilene, Kansas. When a trump solicits food, the wood pilc is shown him, and he is told that an hour’s work on that earns a. meal. Miss Lucy M. Salmon, professor cfliistory ut- Vassar, is tall and slender. With brown hair brushed abruptly back from a. finely featured face of unusual strength undswecb- nest. Miss Susie Storlin, the daughter of ii. “‘Cll-lO-(IO farmer of l’ettzis County, Mis- souri, is a. s‘oiiinaiiibulisi, and was lutely found to have written a. very intelligible letter while asleep. , l: is staiml that. LWO'lli-Llls of the entire area of the United States consists of arid land, and that upon 616,000,000 acres of_ this land crops could be raised if water were supplied. Mr. Eugene lligginsis the richest bach- elor in New York. He is said to be worth $20,000,000, and \Vard McAllister says he is probably the most luxurious unmarried man in America. it was a. Chicago woman who asked for a. divorce from her husband because he object.- cd to her displaying acrayou proirnit. of his divine predecessor on an oak easel in the back parlor. Mrs. Leland Stanford’s family allowance from Senator Stanford’s estate has harm in- creased from $5,000 to $10,000 per month on her representation than $5,000 per month was iiiuileqiiate. Vi'hcn the new president of \Vells Col- lege, Dr. William \Vuters, was a. tutor at Yale, his merry countenance won for him the pleasant nickname of “Minnehaha,” Laughing lVaters. cisco millionaire, was in youth a. farmer’s “hound boy” in Northern New York and received, at '21, $100 and a. "iieedom suit.” as his start. in life. lie sole survivor of General Fremont’s famous exploring battalion is General W. , F. Swasey, who was a bov clerk at Sutter’s Fort. in 1845, and was the youngest officer on General L‘remout’s staff. Rev. James Barrett, 8. baptist. clergyman, who was arte ted for drunkenness on the g‘reets at. Columbus, 0., feels his disgrace so keenly that. he has gone to bed and intends to stay there till he dies. Jefferson Davis Milton, who was recently appointed chief of police of El Paso,'1‘cxas,_ is a. son of John Milton, war governor of Florida, who committed suicide when he learned of General Lee’s surrender. At Cob Creek. near Minco, I. T., an old Caddo lndinn, lu~Ki-'v\'ish,wns found strung up to u tree by the heels and shot; through the head, with a warning to Indian police to keep their hands off the lloolin gang. Solomon Schindcr, the well-known rabbi of Boston,lias left; the ministry and removed to l_‘unibriiluc,whcre he will devote himself to literarv work. He announces that he had completed a sequel to“Looking Backward. ” Bit-Commodore Gerry‘s efforts to establish a press Censorship or: Newport pan out poorly. It. isihe opinion oi the IVewport press that if he wants to put to. stop to thel printing of scandalous stories he should form ll society for the prevention of scan- dalous actions. \liss Grace Colice, of .\cwburn, Lid, to } plzw ii practical joke upon a visitor at her ; house, Mrs. Con llcck, arrayed herself as ill ghost, and confronted him in the dark. He fired two pistol shots ut her, ,and both‘ bullets (‘lllt'l‘t‘d her body, and a fatal‘" result. is feared. ; Mrs. Elizabeth II. \\'. Lord. who died in } Brooklyn in apparently destitute circum-i sinuses, is found to have had 313,000 ing savings banks at Tlllllorbh, N. H., ivliiclil she left together with all her other proper- tv. to Mrs. '1‘. lleWitt Tonnage, wife of the well-known divine. ; . . . i John Merkcrt, of Morristown, .\. J., (llS-i charged u gun in a hornet’s nest. The: hornets dashed at him, and he took refuge? in A cluster of bushes infested by a lot ofi bees. ’l‘lic bees and hornets attacked him i so vicioust that soon his eyes were closed ‘ and his face swelled to twice its natural ; size. l The Rev. Samuel F. Smith. of Newton; Centre, Mass, author of f‘My Country,i 'I'is of Thee," is now 3‘5 years old and in; excellent health. He is a graduate of llnr- E \uml, clcs~ of lSL’ll, and reads tiftccu diLici‘- cut languages. \lr. and Mrs. Smith cola-i brazed the sixtieth anniversary of tiieirg iiiarrIage Sunday last. .\l r. Cleveland has hmwn a student of ‘ literature all his life. His reading corona; \crv wide range and he is very fond of the . Endiis'u lil‘ch‘llSH. He proton Dickens to Thackeray and is ii grunt admirer of \Yii’tcr‘» Scott. His favorite English pools are not English, Burns being a Scotchiusn and Moore on lrii-lim‘u. Alvinza Haywood, the retired San Fran- By direction of the President smedol of honor has been awarded to Second Lieuten- snt J. C. Delaney, Company 1, 107th Pennsylvania Veteran Volunteers, for most distinguished gallantry st Dobney's Mills, i Vat, February 6th, 1565, in going between i battle lines and bringing into the Federal lines a. wounded comrade who had fallen in the lust charge. Abraham Lincoln undoubtedly was thel tallest. President ; he won 6 feet 4 inches in height. The shortest was probablyBeniamin Harrison, although Van Buren and John All HOTEL MAN’S STORY. The Proprietor or the Grand Union. Toronto, Relates an Interesting Experience. Suffered lniensely l-‘roln Rheumatismâ€"Six Doctors and lllneral Sprlngs Pulled to Help nunâ€"now he Found a Careyâ€"lull Wife Also Beslosed lo healthâ€"Advice to Others. Adams were very short men. The oldestl .rom the Toronto World. Presidennwss William Henry Harrison, who was 68 years and 1 month old when inaugurated ; the youngest was Grout, who was not quite 47 years old. \V. L. Jones, a. farmer nesr Siou; Falls, 3. 1)., has been entirely deaf for five years. The other day he was working with al swarm oi bees and inan of them, getting l under the net which covered his face,stung him seveiely on the ears. The next. day his deafness left him, and now he can not. only'hesr with his old power, but his hear- ing is much more acute than formerly. $.â€" A Book for Young Men. _An immeasurable amount of sufl‘eringaud Injury to the human race, is due to tho ? ignorant violation of physiological laws by {the youth of our land. Ruinous practices {are indulged in, through ignorance of thd [inevitable injury to constitution and health lwliich surely follows. By every young man, fthc divine injunction. “ Know Thyself,” should be well heeded. To assist such in acquiring a knowledge of themselves and i of how to preserve healtli,and to shun those pernicious and most destructive practices, no which so many fall victims, as well as to greclaim and point. out the means of relief and cure to any one who may unwittingly ihuve violated Nature’s laws, and are al~ iresdy suffering the dire consequences, an association of medical gentlemen have care- ;fully prepared a little book which is replete 'witb useful information toevery young man. ill; will be sent to any uddress,securely seal- ;ed, from observation, in a plain envelope, iby the World’s Dispensary Medical Asso- i‘ciation of 663 Main Street, Buffalo, N.Y., lon receipt of ten cents in stamps (for post- :age), if enclosed with this n6tice. If an advertisement writer can say an old thing ina new way, he has about. all he originality he needs. Charlatans and Quack: Have long plied their voolition on. the suf- fering pedals of the people. The knife has pared to the quick ; cnustic applications have tormented the victim of corns until the conviction shaped itselfâ€"there’s no cure. Putnam’s Painless Corn Extractor proves on what; slender basis public opinion often rests. Ifyou suffer from come get the Extractor and you will be satisfied. Sold everywhere. Sheâ€"“Do you play croquet, Mr. Mild- may ‘3” Heâ€"" Not without. swearing." Cured the Doctor. For some time past I suffered from Mumps, Chills, and Liver Complaint. After considerable thought. I adopted St. Leon Mineral Water with a. view to cure, and I must cordially any I was surprised, but agreeably so, at: the great change for the better it has worked in me. DR. S. Gi-zo. [’AQUIN, Quebec, Experience teaches slowly, and at the cost of inistake.â€"Froude. Get Rid of Neuralgia. There is no use in fooling with neuralgia. It ism disease that gives way only to the most; powerful remedies. No remedy yet discovered has given the grand results that invariably attends the employment; of Pol- son’s Nerviline. Nerviline is a. positive specific for all nerve pains, and ought. to be kept. on hand in every family. Sold every where, 25 cents a bottle. Cstarrhâ€"Use Nasal Balm. Quick, posi- tive cure, Soothing, cleansing, healing. DIANE! our) Wrecked d: Elisscucd By \\'. .l'. HUNTER. l’h.l)., DJ”). A sci-ics‘uo chapters to men on social puritv and I’ll l’ or iiig. It, is written “I phiiii l‘rt'llzll \:i‘ ‘-1 it '0 may uiii'iorslivid. hivo .\ rum» xvi. i.-~_I. {Hr ('lifui‘n‘ (ft-lintiniii'; forms 5 :=i-. oii 'l‘l‘l 2 'i'mii \\ ii. l\\l Hill :1: “mm liar, 'l‘wvm-i' ~ ' _â€" St. George, New Brunswick. After the Grip No Strength, No Ambition; Hood's Sarsaparllla Gave Perfect' Health. The following letter is from a well-known merchant tailor of St. George. N. 13.: "C. 1. Hood & 0)., Lowell, 31359.: "Gentlemenâ€"I am glad to say that Hood‘s , Sorssparllla and Hood's Pllls have done me a groutilczilol good. I luid a severe attack of ' the grip in the winter. and after getting over the fever 1 did not seem to gather strength. and had no ambition. Hood‘s Sqrsapntilln proved tohe just who! I needed. ’llio results were very satisfactory. and I recommend this medicine to t ’ all who are umicicd wuli rheumatism or other , Hood’ 5l§i3“Clll‘eS afflictions musedbyimison and poor blood. I ‘ always keep Hood's Sarsiiiarillu in my house and use it when I need a tonic. We also ki‘i‘p l Howl‘s Villa on hand and Illlllkvlllglllyhl them." J. \V. lli'iiizius‘. 5i. Georgia .\cw Brunswick. Hood's pins tire purely vegetable. and do not purge, pain or urine. Sold by all drugglsts. l One of the most. popular officers "at the recent meeting of the Masonic Grand Lodge of Canada was Rev. 1.. A. Bette, of Brockville, Grand Chaplain for 1893-94. While on his way to grand lodge Rev. Mr. Bette spent some time in Toronto, and . among other points of interest. visited the | \Vorld office. It seems natural to talk Dr. \Villiam’s Pink Pills to any one hailing from the home of that. world-laments medic cine, and incidentally the conversation with Mr. Betta turned in that direction, when he told the \Vorld that he had that day met an old friend whose experience was s most remarkable one. The friend l alluded to is Mr. John Soby,for many years proprietor of one of the leading hotels of Napunee, but. now a resident of Toronto, Betts told, and determined to interview Mr. Soby and secure the particulars of his cuss for publication. Mr. Soby freclv gives his testimony to the good done him by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. A few years ago rheumatism with its attendant. legion of aches and pains fastened upon him, and lie was forced to retire from busi- ness. “For months,” said Mr. Soby, “ I suffered and could find no relief from doctors or medicines. The disease was always worse in the spring and fall, and last. year I was almost crippled with pain. From my knee to my shoulder shot pains which fell; like red-hot needles. Then all my limbs would be alfectcd at. once. Half. s-dozen doctors, one after the other, tried to cure me, but. did. no good. The rheuma- tism seemed to be getting worse. As I had tried almost everything the doctors could ,, suggest, I thought I would try ii. little pre- I“H1Ts.” OLD, CHRONIC PAINS succuma 10 ST. JACOBS OIL IT HITS 'I'I-IE SPOT - AND CHRIS.- Loss of Flesh is one of the first signs of Waterous,i poor health. Coughs, Colds, Vleak Lungs, Diseased Blood. follow. Scott’s Emulsion the Cream of Codâ€"liver Oil, cures all of these Weakness- es. Take it in time to avert illness if you can. Physicians, the world over, endorse it. Don’t be deceived Iii Substitutes! Scott J: Bowne. Bellsvillo. AllDrugglsIa. 600. (:81. lour 3 Will increase ed. r land fro. from foul woods, it you Fsed Your Stock Grain ‘ Ground l\ t “ WATEROUS Buhr Stone Chopper ds‘evorythinc. evsn to tho finest. seeds. grin Stones last a lifetime.. Iron plates chilled 1.16, are not in it with French Buhr Stones. 6 inches thick. Chilled Clear Through. , Easy to run. simple. durable, fastâ€"ll rite us. Branth CANADA. ASK‘ SEWlNGMACHleT mu, (iii sum scan STAMP FDR PARTICULARSPRICE LIST, SAMPLES.COTTON YARN.&c. 7110515 (3000 SENDTO ' sREELMAN BRQSNJFP‘ a ' “it'gVE‘QRGETOWNDu'Et 3 - Canada Permanent Loan illlll Savings Cliiiiiiiiiy. O Officeâ€"Toronto St... Toronto. 0 Subscribed Capital ........ . ..... S 5.000.000 Paid up Ca ltaL.‘ .......... 2.600.00 Reservod unds... 1.55m Total Assets ..... .. ..... 12,000.000 0......â€" The enlarged capital and resources of this .ompuuy. together with tho iiicrcztscd facili; ,ics it: now has for supplying hind owners will; ‘plicap money. enable the Directors to nice with promptncss all requirements for loans ] ppon saitisfuctoryrcul cstiiic security. Appllt ration maybe made to the 's‘oiiioiiiy‘s loiiul Appraisers. or to. . .. J. HERBERT MASON. scribing on my own account and purchased in -- q liii-i-cior. a supply of Pink Pills. The good efIccts were soon perceptible, and I procured a. second supply, and boforethese were gone I was cured of ii. malady six doctors could hot put; an end to. I have recovered my appetite, never felt. better in my life, and I give Dr. \Villiams’ Pink Pills credit; for this @hnmpion f O transformation. My wife, too, is jusn A o o. c I have been drinking Salmon Mineral \Viitor as warm an advocate as I am. A E‘ " “ Vt, ‘ N ' sufferer fOr years she has exper- Quad {0 a") MPOT‘ULQN' rcgulnrly for four )‘c:tr=. :uill.(fiullfiltlul‘lgutllu vcr ' best. thing to drink while in 'gullel‘u i'aiii- "‘" 03y Adlnce ? mg.) in is. on CXttllllL'llI.l'Cglllll[.(ll‘,lllllVlllg coin- ienced to the full the good of Dr. . . ,. . . Williams invaluable remedy, and recom- I,“ ' t .is x New“. wer ml, of constipation mid kidney I {2' l 3. “3‘5 Q“ g6 “‘2 ‘ii ‘ 0“ )‘il'. H. "ASLI’I‘T. 335 Manning Aw... rl mends it to all women.” "From what l ’ . h " (r !" tmufle “as your Wife Eugelma “de 22M: or ‘ G: 1 ('flinnipion l’cdcstriunot’Ciiiiudu ' ‘5‘?i7i:U-;~we ' A St. Leon Mineral Water Guy. Ltii. the reporter. “Well, I can't just tell you that-,"said Mr. Sobv. “I do not. know, 5 M?! 5‘ 'Vw-sési Head onionâ€"King St.w..'rorontu- 3 l” '{D‘BAcco Co I‘AONTREMA ll Di'iiqgirzts, Guano: iuid. Hotels. and I don’t think she did. It’s just the same with half the women. They are sick, weak and dispirited, have no appetite and seem to be fading away. There is no active disease at work, but something is wrong. That. was just the way with my wife. She was ii. martyr to dyspepsia, never in per- on”nuv museums feet beam“ and When “he saw the Chmge They give perfect satisfaction in lit, style and finish, and it has become a by word that - . “GrannyRubbers” wcur lllil‘. iron. the Pink Pills made in me she tried them. The marvelous improvement. was just. as marked in her case as in my own, and she says that. her whole system is built. up, and the dyspepsia. and sick headache havr. vanished. She, as well as myself, seems to have regained youth, and I have not the slightest. hesitation in promuncing the remedy one of the most; valuable discoveries of the century. Lot the doubters call and see me and they will be convinced.” These pills are u positive cure for all trouble arising from a vitiated condition of the blood or a. shattered nervous system. Sold by all deulers“or by mail, from Dr. Willinms’ Medicine Company, Brockville, Out., or Schenectady, N. Y., at 50 cents a. box. or six boxes for $2.50. There aro i‘ 7‘. 1- our postal-y. We have letters from all parts of Canada my»! Preston Furnaces are thb Sest -' J Let us send you Catalogue and full particulars. and you can numerous imitatiOns and substitution i : 5” Judge for Yourself. "1351le WlliCh thcnublic is cautioned. iiliiiiiE Bus. & 00., -. PRESTON, on. "Fan mm AND SINGLE and proprietor of one of the Queen City’s newest and finest. hostelries, the Grand Union Hotelopposite the Union depot. The “'orld was impressed with the story Mr. I l “hi 31.00 Bottle " (-3 One cent a dose. Itis sold on a umtee . i‘ I '4“ 'i 33 I ‘ f? gists, It cures ncipient dcllifillmglfifiz POWLR “’4‘ " ' ' man the best Couch and. Group Cure. . TOROWT, , ‘ éill"?filmlmllfillmllllllllmlllmlmg 223%?!” FURNACES .uFOII ALL SIZES 0F BUILDINGS.- (Zcpacit? from 10,000'to 80,00 Gubic “Feet "CYCLONE STEEL RADIATOR" ' mi “.10 cullbrcs. Tiieiightcst, .strotgcstro; -'\tc 11' ‘k , t :ll lilo 1.2;“: xpr catalogues to lie llailui Hill Mus C0,, btza'll'ivcu, Conn., (5,5,. r 3'" prur- Y? 0 >6. F-i-=i c: W -N-.. fls______ ~ . 7" f if: .1' V: . " Tsficiu' LOGUE' LICROQFINGQ l l l i l l if CWBEESJORO NTQ" E HORNS MUST GO. . l i l l wiii .5 WOOD FURNACE HEAVY cane. engoclnuy ndaptcdtorwood burn it Hecv SteelPlucFlre Box Dome an R-dlutor. which best quicker and are more durable RADIATOR of Modern Construcâ€" tion and Great Boating Power LARGE ASH PIT OOAI. FURNACE largo Combustion Chamber Longnnfroval,omlrulnxm Luge flutln Suffice Largo FOG DWI“ Sectional FIN Pot Routing Bur Dumplng Onto DEEP ASH PIT W Full Guaranteed Capacity : mflsafii mmuomn mu. ....Msnuhcbured by... The GURNEY FOUNDRY COMPANY Ltd" TORONTO. WWWWW litre: “553. ‘ The _Lcavlll Dchorniniz Cllrr pcrs Will take them ofl’ with less trouble and less pain than any other wny. Send-for circular giving price. testimonials. etc. S. S. KIMBALL 327 Craig Street, Montreal. v OXFORD WOOD FURNACE filo/Pfflifll. ,, 6’ % PV/ ‘ . {252/417 “ft/{fly »' l; T”? VLACE TO ATTEND ifyou want either a E Business Educmion or a Course in Sliuzinttd. ‘ THE BEST in CANADA. ‘ HAS-dune Annual Adrianna-merit free. Address.- * C A. FLEMING, Palatine}, Owen bound, Ont nmmmiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiii k._â€"_- 3”I‘;ym‘r$sbsfisda;m. J; A - v i ., . .: "or. a . I

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