l . ' _ iv . g - , , , . - » ' _ ‘ '* a !. Carpets and Oil-Cloths, N o. 9 Keenan’s Block, Kent Street, Lindsay. 1...... 3,...- is i K i Lornl and travel- I ling S." 88MB! to handle our Hardy CANADIAN GROWN NURSERY STOCK. We guarantee satis- faction to representatives and customers. Oui’ Nurseries are the largest in the Do- minionâ€"over 700 acres. No substitution in orders. Exclusive. territory and liberal AssrA.AV£xsm2rAvArA AVA’T’AVK‘KA‘PAE' euï¬mmzvx“ V - THE QMADIAN DRY 60008 SYNMTE. Buying Power Over $2,000,000 Per Year. . . 4.â€: *- ‘ terms to whole or part time agents. Write Few of our customers are aware of the existence of what is known as the “ Can. us. S'roxn .t; WELLINGTON. adiaii Dr)“ Goods Syndicate,†composed of eighteen of the leading retail ï¬rms between . ' ““ï¬d 0339“; “’R‘mm' 9‘“- Montreal and Windsor, an organization of which our ï¬rm is one. Jointly we have a ieï¬giï¬hflbï¬kmw m 0““28‘333†piircli.'i.<.in§._r power of over two million dollars per year. a buying capacity larger than i any wholesale dry goods house in the Dominion. Having such enormous purchasing I Q ' poorer, we are enabled to go into the markets of Great Britain, Germany, France, Switzerland, and whercVer goods are manufactured for the needs of our trade, and N with our united force buy direct from the makers. The beneï¬ts and advantages of this great buying force we now offer to the people, and it must be apparent to every intelligent person that, buying our goods under such favorable circumstances, and by I, sending a buyer over the Atlantic twice a year to make our purchases, as a place to trade in ours is unequaled, and for the newest and cheapest goods ours is head- '* quarters. For nearly 35 years we have been before the Lindsay public, and while we have served them well during this time, we have never been in the unrivaled position to serve them as well as now. Our departments are : Clothing, ready-made and to order, Millinery and Mantles, Carpets and House Furnishings, Dress Goods and Furs and General Dry Goods. DUNDAS & FLAVELLE BROS. JMZEZ . . ‘. . 2:7“. | " ' $01.1“! ll“... L‘Z *ZZ“! 31 31 77:? arr ‘E‘dmrfl‘ku . man a?“ .54.: w o ' s in. .mw1mzcmsm-g m M".-. HOME AGAlN..â€"- Messrs. 'l'liomas' Graham. John Graham, Wm. Graham, l John A.Ellis, W. S. Scott. Geo. Aldous, I I 1,. 5'; Thus. Robson. John lloltorf, E. It. Ed- wards and Charles Edwards, who left for different localities in the happy hunting grounds out north at various dates since the middle of last month, are all home again. hey brought three deer with them, shot several others and had a good time generally. Mr. Robson will please accept our thunk< for a line large roast ot' venison. DRY Goons, CLOTHING AND some FURNISHING -STORE, And we Will show you the largest and best assorted stock ever shown in this DEALER IN GENERAL GROCERIES, BOOTS & SHOES AT RIGHT PRICES. Wm. McArthur‘s Block, Fenelon Falls. vmwwmow ......SALADA PURE OEYLON TEA’...... I have been appointed SOLE AGENT here for the sale of this ï¬ne Tea, and shall be pleased to give the different families of Fenelon Falls and vicinity who are accustomed to drinking block or mixed Tea A SAMPLE TO TRY BEFORE PURCHASING. SCHCCL BOOKS OF ALL KINDS. Everything needful TO THE REST OF THE TEA DRINKERS I WILL MAKE“ SPECIAL REDUCTIONS in the price of my Japan and Green Teas. You will ï¬nd this 9. suitable time to make large purchases of Teas. w. 1.. ROBSON, - - -‘ PENELON PAS-LS. There was it layer of snow three inches deep over tlieciitire upper peninsula of Michigan on Saturday. The thermom- eter stood at 10 degrees below l'revzing point. A LATE VISITOR â€"On Wednesday t'orenoon Mr. Joseph Parkin’s little summer the Mary Louise passed through the Fenelon Falls looks with a tow of boom timber; belonging to Mr. John . . . FENELON FALLS MARKETS. where it Will be left until needed next spring. It is unusually late in the year for a steamboat to visit the Falls. and .â€" Reported by the North Star Roller Mill Co. :Fenelon Falls, Friday, Nov. 9th, 1894. we hear that the Mary Louise is the Whem'scotch 0,. Fife 55 to 60 . q . only one on these waters that has not Wheat, fall, per busheL... 50 55 'â€"“'â€"~“*_“"“â€"â€"-- COunty and at prices gone into winter quarters. Wheat,spring h 1“ 50 2:83 - l 1 Barley per bus 6 35 GLAD NEWS- Buckwheat “ .... .. .. 35 37 p _ AT _. We struck the biggest snap ever offered Oats, “ . . .. . 26 27 or likely ever will be offered in Men's Fine Pense, “ 4s 50 Of Robert Taggart, an Insolvent. ° ) Hoots. Lot. lâ€"King’s $2.75 Cordova Bal- Rye, “ S morals screw sole for $1.50. Lot 2â€"- Potatoes, “ ‘ _ , . . , . King’s’32.75 Calf lialmornls, hand-sewed Butter, per 1b...." . . . . . . 14 16 NOTICE ‘5 helieby give“ that ROBERT solc.$l.75. Lot 3â€"King's $2.75 CulfCon- Eggs, per dozen...... 13 A4 flagging. oftfheflélllitge, 0:! FegelgnTFftllls. .. _ gress. hand-sewed sole $1.50. Lot 4-â€" Hay per ton...,... . 6.00 7. 0 In 0 0‘"! l 0 {0 0"“, 4 8P0 an “101‘, $3.75 Kangaroo Calf Bulmornls, calf lined, Hidds . .... .. 1-00 1-50 has made 3"] “Nameâ€? tâ€, me f‘“ the 0111‘ slugsolcs, 2.75. Hogs (live) 4.00 4.50 gfneï¬t 052213 fcridttï¬rsrmd pgrsuence 0t; . Si . ~k' S ' . _ ' . H 30 35 mpter ' 0 tie crise tatutes o a L.J€}I‘\lb£0}3.& Sélssogt’ “[1331†m _ _ _ _ _ _ 15 17 Ontario, 1887, an Act respecting Assign- DleSS are ‘ a. “1 NW9 0"- mg ‘00 Ore- Flour, family’snver Leaf†L55 L70 mentsandpreferences byinsolvent persons. . v ~-- v-â€"â€"â€"j‘â€"‘â€"““‘â€"â€" mom. best bflkersl . . . . I _ _ . L75 2_00 A meeting of the Creditors of the said . The Sultana gold mine at Rat Port- Flour: dipper . . . . . . n _ _ _ . . 130 L40 Insolvent will he held on Saturday, the 3rd , . age has been Sold to an English syndi~ Flour,stl'nigl]t1'olled , , , , . , 1.50 1.6?) day Of November. 199j1y1}t 0"6 0’0“)le ?- m»: _ cute for $250,000. Bran, per ton...... . 1300 15.33 HOI‘EEIQS tine“; Ofï¬ce}: Bio-‘16 " . ~ 5 .. Shorts “ . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-00 [7- l ' ’9 3‘3“ i‘“ 0“"0 "‘ ' . I luller’uiii' if; hf“ “(Epi'iimld .to ilm Mixed ’chon. per ton - . .... , 18.00 20.00 say, for the appointment of: Inspectors and '1 “ “.“m'h “3‘9"†“moâ€; cute I“ “e the givmg of directions With reference to . . neighborhood of Vietoria, B (l. the disposal of the Estate. . a: _ ' g Cnnri-liun vess-zls cauzht 95,048 seals Creditors _and others having claims m . 5’ in Behring sea this season. This is “ESI‘IPSéHS 53111130119" Till???" 8:9 ‘1‘}??? 33332833,, N r , , I _, ' , r it sen in ome,a tenc on 'a s -..-.r.,i. ,.,:~, -_ “"1, m bi’ the “hat ("mm on reciml' P. 0., a statement giving full particulars of THIS GREAT COUCH CURE prompt Y "8 I) lioslr men huld‘ PP 9‘ Sm": Saab“: their claims and the nature of tlie‘sccurities $2132,fnagglggggeï¬tlvfggggz' céggghags fllllllmnl‘g‘em, {(1110112qu 3†110 .0 CORPORATION OF THE (if any?) held by (tiliem, duly verihcd, as re- hAathma.d liar Congumptéon as no rlvnilé George 0 lie o'a argc iainoni pin. quired ytie sai Act, on or before the lat ascurc ousan 5.12:: w CUBE you 311-. and 311-3. John {In'ghcs‘ of Black. December, l8-94,. after which date I Will stock Durham county the P'trcntu of proceed ‘0 d'smbme the Proceeds 0f the 531L039BELâ€"LAD.°.N._NAPL53TER35°- ' ' ‘ ‘. ‘ .. v. til 1 ' " .: School luspocror Hughes, ol' l‘oronto. Notice is hereby given that the tag“? gziiggoiggirdhioptflgeili?£:l:Â¥- and Of A“ ajm‘ SIN“ HUL‘JhCS. M- P-, 0f ' ' ' which lthen have noticc,and that 1 will not "'37 - _ .921?!" . Lindsay. celebrated their golden wed- MunICIpa’l counCII be liable for the proceeds of the trust H 8,“?!11EE‘1ED! ding on Saturday. ! of the Corporation of the County of Vic- estate, or any part theieof‘, so distributed, mggogumhu‘ mw‘mCm‘ Inga“ rig: to any person of whose claim I had not notice at. the time of distribution thereof, or a part thereof. Dated this 19th October, 1894. WIL LIAM MCA RTHUR, _..._ HEADQUARTERS. Tnesday,tl1920thdayofllovember, 1894, Fenelon Falls P. 0. IN VICTORIA COUNTY ron giggl‘oll’fl‘ii'milliliéiiifon M t In Readl'made 010mg Room Paper and Picture Frames The West Side Store. We take the Lead - toria, will meet For Sale by VI. T. Junkln. ' TOWN. n..%.â€"%â€"aéuu l)I IGD. Bassoonâ€"In the township of Fenelon on Thursday, November 8th, Rachel Morrow, wife of Mr. John Brandon, aged 44 years, 3 months and 7 days. W.it.st1.-â€"lti Fenelon Falls on Thursday, November 8th, June Cullon, rclict of the late John Walsh, aged «ll years, 7 months and 14 days. In the Council Chamber, in the Court House, Lindsay, â€"18 ATâ€" w. A. GOODWIN’S, By order ’ county Clerk. l‘eni‘lon Falls-Local" of County Clerk’s Ollice, Lindsay, Nov. 7th, 1894. } .A .1“; Sharii ‘" ll. ll. McLaughlin, Solicitor, Lindsay; l". .‘chougull. \‘iiliintor; Alex. Clark, Dr. A. Wilson, )1. W. Brandon, J. ll. Brandon, Directors. i i 39-2 . o . ngp|e’SBu1|dmgand[ganllss’n, mm ‘ __, ___ . For Fit. Finish Baker'smock.Kentwstumndsay- . Thcfundermlgdied brig-41.0 call it); attpn- ' . A u t ’ G d s i n , I I t0i ever'o wo ivcsin ee n ‘ t . r 33 00 s a sea . or ngdon.’ H h 631115500? who’evei'conies to it, to then (nit and Pllce° p y .-.§:.3?§’:.‘32:.5§e3‘. â€"â€" he - ...+.__ Machine Needles, New and D“ ' no YOU wâ€"iim Pursuant to R. 8.0, Cap. 110. the credi- tors and others having claims against the estate of Henry Wells Greene, late of Fen- elon Falls, lumber merchant, deceased, who died on the 7th day of September. l894. are hereby required to send by post or deliver Family Groceries and Provisions 1.. Gents’ Furnishings. in his own store at the corner of Lindsay l Works Agency. 38" Please call and see my 5c. Paper. including Hats, Ties, Shirts, The “ Fenelon Falls Gazette" "\ Ourew, which she took to Cranberry bay. near the mouth of Burnt river, Etc-i we can 51W? you is printed every Friday at the ofï¬ce, on It Will pay any the corner of May and Francis sin-erg. . I. person, if he only wants to sunsciiirriox 81A mu IN .iiwiiirn, .' spend to go to Carter’s, or one cent per weeklwill be added us long as itremnins unpaid. Advertising,- Rates. Professional or business enrda, 50 cents per line per nnnum. Casqu advertisements, 8 cents per line for the ï¬rst insertion, and 2 cents per line for every subsequent liner. to invest a small amount each month where it will be safe and yield you good returns in 7§ years '.’ CAN YOU AFFORD TO SAVE 2c a day for 7! years and get $100 (? Falls, cxrculor of said deceased. their the custom of all house-keepers south of names and uddresses, the particulars of‘ the river and coax owr a few from the l their claims, and the nature of the security other side. (ifauy) held by them, on or before the ï¬rst day of December next. 1894 And toke‘ notice that after the. said date the said executor will distribute the. assets of said decrasrd among the put-tics entitled. having regard only to the claims of which he then has notice, and will not be liable tor the assets or any part thereof, so dis- FARM PRODlr'lll} or all kinds taken In exchange for goods or mild tor ln cash it‘ prel’errcd,und the highest market prices allowed. 39‘ A large quantity of TELEGRAPH FOLKS and other wood stuffs WANTED lMMEDlATELY. : we. a day for Ll- yeurs and get Sioo 20c. it day for 7} years and get $l,000 I LITTLE AND lll‘TEN PILLS THE PURSE. Do you want to buy a home with the money you now pay for root ? So long as the masses of the people do not save any- ...»- a... land Helen streets. and hopes by courtesy, to Archibald Wilson, M. D.. of Fenelon fair denlingund reasonable prices to secure ‘ l win our of their cnruin 5, just so loii mbuiedim ’39-" 99'5"“ of Wh°5° Chm“ he " 0,, an do 8 wme ,I - ; tion. Contracts by the year, half year or Iillglilell‘ spending! go logic the hpuds «5' nouce at the time or such dis- having no“- ROHTS Ill! sling: xiiihiili lets, upon reasonable terms. “‘0†‘1‘“ d“ “We, “ha 7"." “N l “I c‘pi‘ ' oil are the slur-k thnt will .11 ' “"3â€. Th“ i, “by me f", own the November lat, 189;. {M We“ Side Store. so i arrive atg JOB houses and the nmuy pay the rent. A WILSON. Execugor, - of all ordinary kind: executed pally, cor. roit rt'Li. PARTICULARS an on or Fenelon Falls. GEO MARTIN AY- , rectly and M moderate pricel. , address any of the above minted atheists, at R. J. ucL‘maux’ solicitor, ‘ ° 3. D. HANDL Fenelon FIIIL 4943- Lindsay. -33.3 Fenelon Fells, Oct. 10th, 1894.-35-lyr. Proprietor. . w cacao-(9a....nwm-r‘m.a_..m..»,~â€"w «WM/if“ um"...