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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 16 Nov 1894, p. 2

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4;: *-1_ _ l 3 .. . m, ~40» ._. .. .. v "2*". ....â€",u..- __ - «an-qu . ., “mac”? .. if it». -. urn-<59, THE HOME. (xxx-x Homemade Plant Stands. Many housewives find their greatest happiness in caring for plants during the cold winter months when compelled to stay indoors so much of the time, and many PLANT suem‘, rm 1. have wished for a plant stand for years. Cannot the husband or son use two or three hours someday in making one? There are avariety of models to choose from. An old pattern and probably the best, because it will hold the most, is the half circular one with three shelves (Fig 1). It is made - with three legs and two short braces be- tween them under the lenient, broadest shelf. The rear view is shown in the illus- tration, as its construction can be seen thus at a glance, and this is the view exposed to the living room, also, the shelves being turned to the window. The shelves should be made broad enough to extend beyond the frame at least two inches. A small, strong bench to hold a large .rms'r sunnr, rm. ‘2. window box (Fig. :2) is quickly made as fol- low-s: Measure the depth of the box it is to hold and make the legs long enough to raise it to a level with the window sill. They are composed of boards notched at the bot- tom. A top board is nailed or screwed in place and a shelf firmly nailed to cleats half way between top and floor. This shelf is useful for a variety of purposes as well PLANT shear, no. 3. as a brace to strengthen the bench. An- other prct-ty stand is a rack added to the top of a bench (Fig. 3). It is faced to the window and rests upon the sill. It Will hold a large number of pots on its two shelves and on the bench. The arrangement which seems to be the most perfect in every respect, because of its allowing the plants all the sunshine and being out of the way when the room is BWept, is a plant rack made of hanging shelvrs (Fig 4). The top shelf is 18 inches PLANT sustr rm 4. to two feet from the glass, while the bot.- tom shelf is on a level with the window sill. The weight of the rack and plants is supported entirely by the window frame to which it is screwed at the bottom and held by a strong wire at the top. It is easily taken down and put aside in the spring. A neat finish to all of these plant racks is dark green paint. Nothing is so pretty and appropriate for the green foli- age and bright flowers. To Make Housekeeping Easy. In our modern houses, with so many improvements and labor saving machines, it. is hardly necessary for the life of a house- keeper to be a drudge. Easy housekeeping depends upon good management. A well laid plan has long step toward easy house- keeping, and housekeepers will find their work simplified and lightened by following a studied plan. As the same circumstances do not exist in any two households, it is impossible to give aplan that all can follow. l Hue important step is to avoid, as far as possible, a great amount of work to be done in a limited time. Scatter the work along through the week so that no_ day will be one of continuous, hard labor. Endeavor to be systematical but do not. be plans, accept the ordeal With cheerfulness, no least outwardly. Try to arrange the work so that the afternoon-i may be given to sewing, mending or recreation. Allot a certain portion of work to certain days. One day in the week should be set aside for the family washing.' Monday has ad- vantages over any other day. The washing l is the hardest and most unpleasant task oil the week, and the housekeeper is best pre- ared for it after the mind and body have‘ n rested and strengthened b the Sab‘ bath. The washing can be inst e cmnpsrm tivciy easy by the use of kerosene or some harmless washing fluid or compound. l l a slave to system. If sickness or any other; cause prevents the carrying out of your general straightening up of pantry, cup. board, etc, and folding the clothes ready to be ironed on Wednesday forenoon, and if there is time part of the ironing may be done. On Wednesday the ironing should be done. Surohed clothes, table linen and handkerchief: should be carefully ironed. Sheets, towels, underwear, stockings, etc, require but little ironing. Some house~ wives do not iron these garments but fold them smoothly when taken from the line and run once or twice through the Wringer. On Thursday more baking may be done if necessary, the kitchen floor scrubbed the clean clothes put away, and many odd jobs he done. On Friday the general sw cop. ing and dusting should be done. This is a hard task for the housekeeper, especially if the rooms contain heavy furniture. If housekeepers could be guided into simple habits and ideas in furnishing homes, uiuch time and labor could be saved. Every article of furniture that is'not a means of comfort or convenience should be disposed or. On Saturday en'ough baking should be done to last until the next Tuesday, the dining room and kitchen should be cleaned and everything put in readiness for Sunday, which should be aday of rest. Housekeep- ers Will find that it pays to keep the Sabbath holy. xLlFE BEGAME A BURDEN. THE WONDERFUL NARRATIVE OF A PATIENT SUFFERER. “it After Effects of La Grippc Developed Into Inflammation o.’ the Lungs and Chronic Bronchitisâ€"Ailey Foul‘ Years offinm‘riiig Health is Almost Miracu‘ lously Restored. From Le Mondc, Montreal. Mrs, Sarah Clontier, who restdes at No. 405 Montcalm Street, Montreal, has passed through an experience which is worthy of a widespread publication for the benefit it may prove to others. Up to four years ago, Mrs. Cloutier’s health had been good, but at that: time she was attacked by that dread scourge, la grippe. Every fall since, notwithstanding all her care to avoid it, she has been niilicted with inflammation of the lungs, which would bring her to the very verge of death. This was followed, by broncliia for the rest of the year. Her bronchial tubes were affected to such an extent that it was with difficulty she could breathe, and a draught of outside air would make her cough in the most dis-v ti'essiust manner. “There was,” said Mrs. Cloutier to the reporter, “a con- stant rattling sound in my throat, and in the state I was in death would have been a relief. I could not attend to my affairs nor to my house, and had it not been for my niece, on whom I relied, I cannot say what would have become of me. It was in rain that I tried the numerous remedies givuii me by various doctors, and when ] think of all the money they cost me 1 can-' not but regret I have ever tried them. l had read frequently of the cures effected by Di'. l’illiams’ Pink Pills, and I felt that they must; contain the truth, for if they were unfounded none would dare to give the names and addresses of the persons said to be cured in the, public manner in which these are given in the newspapers. I decided to try Pink Pills, and none but. those who were ac- quainted with my former condition can understand the good I have derived from their use, which I continued until I felt that] was completely cured. As a proof that I am cured I may tell you that on the first occasion of my going out after my re- covery I walked for two miles on an up hill road without feeling the least fatigue or the least pant. for breath, and since that time I have enjoyed the best of health. Last fall I was afraid that the inflamma- tion of the lungs to which I had been subject at. that period in former years might return, but I had not the least symptom of it, and never felt better in my life. You can imagine the gratitude I feel for Dr. “’11- lams’ Pink Pills. and 1 recommend them to all who will heed my advice, and I do not think it possible for me to say too much in favor of this wonderful remedy, the use of which in other cases as well as mine has proved invaluable.” l Look out for breakers ahead when pimples, boils, car. buucles and like manziestationl of impure blood appear. They wouldn’t appear if your blood were pure and your system in the right condition. They show you what. you needâ€"a good blood-purifier : that‘s what you get when you take Dr. Pierce’s t'lolden Medical Discovery. It carries health with it. All Blood, Skin, and Scalp, diseases, from a common blotch or eruption to the worst Scroiula, are cured by it. It invigorates the liver, purities and enriches the blood, and rouse: every organ into healthful action. In the most‘stnbboru forms of Skin Diseases, such as Salt-rheum, Eczema, Totter, Erysipelas, Carbnncles, and kindred ailments, and with Scroé'ala in every shape,and all blood tsints, if it fails to cure, you have your money back. And that makes it the cheapest blood-purifier sold. Sir John Lubbock is authority for the statement thatasingie bee, with all its industry, energy and innumerable jour- neys,will not collect more than a teaspoon- ful of honey during a senso . Charlatans and Quackz. Have long plied their vocation on the suf- fering pedals of the people. The knife has pared to the quick ; caustic applications have tormented the victim of come until the conviction shaped itselfâ€"there’s no cure. Putnam’s Painless Corn Extractor proves on what slender basis public opinion often rests. If you suffer from corns get the Extractor and you will be satisfied. Sold everywhere- One-fifthof the 10,000,000 families. in France have no children. As many more have only one child, and of those who have as many as seven the number is only 230,000. I An eminent American divine writes : -- God has been pleased to store the earth and the air with remedial agencies for the cure ofdisease and the prolongation of life. I believo St. Leon Water to be one -Of these agencies. It is invigorating exhilar- ating and remedial. Used copeously its effect upon the whole urinary passage is most beneficial._ WM. stcnrr, D. D. Chicago. Broken in Health “ That Tired Feeling, Constipation and Pain in the Back Appetite and Health Restored by Hood’s Sarsaparilla. St. Catherine‘s, Ont. ~‘ C. 1. Hood 8: Co.. Lowell, Mass: “For a number of years I have been troubled . with a general tired feeling. shortness of breath, pain in the back, and constipation. I could get only little rest at night on account of the pain and had no appetite whatever. I was that tired in my limbs t nit I gave out: before half the day I was one. I tried ii. great number of medicuies but id not get any permanent relief from any H00d’55;;éie Cures R ‘ R source until, upon recommendation of a friend, I purchased a bottle of Hood’s Sarsapariila, which made me feel better at once. I have con- tiuucd its use, having taken three bottles, and I Feel Like a New Man. I have a good appetite. feel as strong as ever 1. did, and enjoy perfect rest at 'night. I have much pleasure in recommending Hood's Sarsa- A depraved or watery condition of the pariila.” CHARLES STEELE, with Erie l’rc- blood or shattered nerves are the two fruit- ful sources of almost every disease that; atllicts humanity, and to all sufferers Dr. \Villiams’ Pink Pills are offered with a con- fidence that they are the only perfect and unfailing blood builder and nerve restorer and that where given a fair trial disease and suffering must vanish. Pink Pills are sold by all dealers or will be Sent by mail on receipt of 50 cents a box or $12.50 for six boxes, by addressing the Dr. \Villiams’ Medicine 00., Brockville, ()nt., or Schen- ectady, thY. Beware of imitations and I always refuse trashy substitutes alleged to be “just as good.” , â€"~--â€"» ~»-<.-â€" - -. - ._.. A Misfit Situation. Applicantâ€""What’s the job worth ‘:' Proprietorâ€"J ‘I’hree dollars a week and , my old old clothes." Canadians will be interested to know i that the famous llissell Carpet Sweepers are l lnow manufactured in a branch factory at be able to purchase the connine llisscll Toronto. Tins means that Canadians will HIV-R’s Pills are prompt and efficient, yet vvu easy in action. Sold byailt‘vuggists. 950.. T0 PRINTER -â€"“'e ' biiya No. 3 or! “asliiugtou l’rt-ss. If you have one in 2001 order send us particulars and price. Our new rrcuiiscsarcat 2540,» Lombard 51., Toronto. The .Grip Printing and Publishing Co. l‘-llf.{l‘il\'ci‘.~ and Photographers only. Canada Permanent Loan and Savings thinpmiy. serving (10.. St. Catherine’s. Ontario. 0 officeâ€"Toronto St, Toronto. Subscribed Capital. . ..... s 5.000.000 Paid up Cu ital... ’ 2,000.00 Reserved unds 1.55M) Total Assets....... ...... 12,000,000 The enlarged capital and resources ofthis (fonipany, together with the increased facili- ties it now inn-i for supplying land owners with blicup money. enable the Directors to meet with promptuess all miiiiiroiucut-i for loans ppon saturactory real estate security. Applh rationiuaybo made to tho 30llllei)"S local Appraisers, or to.. .1 J. HERBERT MASON. Managing Director. â€"_.â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"___...__.__-__..._. YDUR Grain _ Ground by .1 £14“; 7“-~.<~-\‘:' - Baht Stone Chopper lirinra (tt'ei'g'ilzinu. oven in the tinczt seeds. Stones installfctinicn ‘ _ rori plum. rudinl i-i-z. .m- tuillil ll.\'i'il.h I Fri'iu‘li “Tllfl‘ Mum-x ll Lm-‘m ~ Hill-R. I \ â€"-» Chilled Clear Tit rough- Get Rid ofNeuralgia. .- Thero is no use in fooling with ueuralgi; H I II. S - ’ Itzadisease that in: way only to the most powerful rein fee. No remedy yet OLD, cnaoulc discovered has given the grand results that SUOCUMB TO invariably‘attends the employment of Pol~ ST. JACOBS OIL IT son's NerViline. Nerviline is a positive HITS . specific for all nerve pains, and ought to be kept on hand in every family. Sold every THE SPOT Miran curses. where, 25 cents a bond:- _ Caturhâ€"Use Nasal Balm. Quick osi~ tive care, Boo iii. deeming, liealiopg. ficm" V ‘ some. and $1.00 Bottle. 1 . w One cent a dose. _ Itis sold. on a _ all - gists. It cures cipient Consumption .22 RéPE-AITN‘G? Thom clliro rule uses the .83 short and long rlin andistho best Cough. and. Group Cure. . pm 53513: 533;: :ppoiong cwt'scmo tlru. g "’m ' ' “" m“ ' in Marin l‘iie inns pi. gRgliF,’ LES; I Kew ilavcn. Conu.. D.§.A. ~ Page Faces _ HORNS MUST GO. show Depleted Blood, poor The Lem-m Dchorning our nounshlnent, e v e r y t h in g pers Will take them of? With less trouble and less pain than any bad. They are signs of other way. - Send for circular iv'n r‘ Anaemia. s I so we. testimonials. etc~ S. S. KIMBALL. : Craig Street, Montreal. "" “MO 1: .nfga.‘:;.;“‘_~zf:":.|\‘ {1-}i‘1‘, . . / £0 AILEND 1THE NORTHERN BUSllIEESâ€"CELLECE. or cit er a lusiucss or a Sherman-5. Com-u. ‘ ue :liouhl expect to succeed without a cum l-‘J‘ill t“ trig. Announcement free. C. A. l"iCIl\2ll:‘_ t m u. . the Cream of Cod-liver Oil, with hypophosphites, enâ€" riches the blood, purifies the skin, cures Anaemia, builds up the system. Physicians, the world over, endorse it. Don’t be deceived by Substitutes! Scott 63 Bowue, Bollovilio. AllDi-uzgists. mam y - " J MAR “0015 it rocked A: Rescued By W. J. lquricn. l‘h.D.. DJ). A sisries‘ o plinptcrs to lllcn on social purity and right liv iiig._ lt_is written in plain lunqu'izi: that :0 may understand. Live Agents \vit'itoii. Cir oiilai‘s containing terms sent on application \\ “IMAM BRIGI'H. l’ill)li~‘h(‘!‘. 'l‘ni'mitn. “or. ' “To ASK lNG MACH ' FOR IT, OR SENDA SCENT STAMP FOR PARTlGULARS.PRlCE LIST, SAM PLES.COTTON YAR N.&c. 5'.» ' 2' ’TfiiSfisfioooeron-f ~29_..ssuprro._" - REEBM‘A, -:BBofS.-.l\ft5 55'QEQRGEIGW-N.ZONT3... a II m... comma ' ' f Gaussian .1 . AR“ . '4 . _ - it :5 Real. 5:. _ cm- ,/ E‘anl {0 all)! lMPCVUGd-av.‘ I have been drinking St..Lcon Minch \Vntcr " ’ l, L d regularly for four years. tind_considor it the ix": Ant/Ice an "a gnu: bestthingtodrinkwhileingcnorultroin- It. is an excellent. regulator, having coni- OR 5“ cured mo of constipation and kidney lg \ - A .. ' l ' XV. ll. }IASLIT’1‘.335 Manning Ave" 2 ,lgnc‘ \nUSM‘olfie for 5 Gm) “W . Champion Pedestrian of Canada EMP'RE‘ ’O'Vr-‘xnk n. ‘ St. Le ' ‘ ’, l. a. J on Mineial Water [by Ltt Head Officeâ€"King St. W.. Toronto. ll Druggistp, Grocers and Hotels. Better this season than ever. Everybody wants them Every dealer sells them. They wear like Iron. "FHE RTHEYW?G.CO..L’TD SINGLE TORONTO, 0 . E OXFOR FURNACES ..FOII ALI. sizes or BUILDINGS.- Qopacity from 10,000 to 80.00 Gabi: cheat WOOD FURNACE neavv cane. cinlly adapted {Oi-wood b as Heav Steel PlatoFire Box Dome too: We met radiator unemfleetin L Sudan? u u a. 0 cm. n‘fi‘efi'ssii i»? "‘ ....nanu.factzirod by... an Radlator. which boat > , , p 7 1 -.» quickorand are more durable >-' ‘ _. - RADIATORofModoi-u Construcâ€" \Vill be int-ream ' - _ - ' ’_ r ' . , " ' tion 33(10th Boating Power n1. )0“? land n ,. v .V . _ ’ “gag A5" pn‘ from} {rpm lfoui 2 ' ‘ . , - v. ‘- . L r '1 -' tvoci -‘,l no N _‘ ' .I .. . v ‘ ‘ ‘ Feed Your Stock ‘ ‘ a ' - GOAL "mum! :‘ ‘. " - Larsocombueflon chamber E Full Guaranteed Capacity : “mutton. I001. attcptgz waslfipglis done the kitchen floor: “weave” M prices um: Wm em‘me every 5%.). m m“. Huey,“ dung”. ;-.,,;_\\'rilCU-.L on L1 Ik'l'u . f. 1 _ *--â€" u . w . i ,. l housrmeper to possess a sweeper pu It. y K - Brnntford , lugs" “0“” m “"0”! m b‘ng‘ a; recognized the best in the world. Waterouss ; (znaua- ' if.

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