M "4a,. W“ Stop th Spruce and Wild Cherry Balsam. a It cures a W. R. MADELL .1: ough by using Red- .. at" all forms of Coughs and Colds. For sale only by M Professional Cards. -__.._....__1 LE GAL &c. A. r. DEV LIN, ARRISTER, Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor l. in Chancery, Kent Street, Lindsay. HOPKINS &Ci-llSl-10LM, (Successon T0 MARTIN & Horsms) AitRISTER, SOLlCl'l‘UR, arc Money to Loan at 6 per cent. Oï¬iee, Wil- liam street, next to the Bank of Montreal. G. E. HOPKINS. D. H. Cinsuotu. MOORE & JACKSON, ARRIS'I‘ERS, SOLICITORS, Ace. Of- ï¬ce, William street,Lindsay. I. D. Moons. A. JACKSON. MCINTYRE & STEWART, ARRISTERS, Solicitors, Notaries, (cc. B Ofï¬ces over Ontario Batik, Kent street, Litiilsay. Money to loan at (3 per cent. on easy terms. Molurrns. NOTICE. ill Notes made payable to James Bfur Agent, will have to be paid to Frank Kerr you-master here, who holds said notes. JAS. JOHNSTON & Co- nsuelon Falls, June 30th, 1891.-â€"â€"-19 t.f. T. Srnwaar. #:mewmâ€"m MEDICAL. m. if ‘ ~â€" A. w. J. DEGRASSI, M. 1)., "WORONER, Pliysician,Surgeon,&c., (cc. Residence, Brick Cottage, Wellington Idiot, Lindsay. DR. A. WILSON, i ~31. B., M. c. r. s 8., Ontario,â€" ' iYSICIAN, SURGEON s ACCOUCH- " our. Ofliee, Colborne Street, ll‘eilelon [51111. DR. H. H. GRAHAM, . RADUATE of the University oi Trinity College, Fellow of Trinity Medical School, Member of the Royal College or Surgeons of England, Member of the Col- lege of Physicians 8: Surgeons of Ontario. Chloe and residence on Francis-St. \\ est Fcnelon Falls, opposite the Gazette oilice. R- M- MASON, ETERINARY SURGEON; Honor Grad- uate Ontario Veterinary College, T0- ronto, 1884 ; It. ll. 0. V. M. A. . Residenceâ€"«Corner Colbornc and Louise streets, Fenelon Falls. _._.-...... --. h SURVEYORS. m: _______.___.. JAMES DICKSON, L. Surveyor, Commissioner in the Q. B., . Conveyancer, kc. Resxdencc, and ad- dress, Fenelon Falls. DENTAL. H. I-DXR’l‘. L. D. 8. SET OF GOOD TEETH FOR $10. Gas and local anaesthetics for painless ex- tracting. Satisfaction guaranteed in all . .Iranches of dentistry. > Ofï¬ce over Fairweather A: Co’s. store, uni-1y opposite post-ofï¬ce, Lindsay. Iii. H. GROSS, DENTIST, LINDSAY. ll be at the “ McArthur House,†Fenelon .115, the second Wednesday ot‘each month. .enutifnl and durable artiï¬cial teeth made, d in othor dental work properly done. at, 3‘1 years‘ experience. 16-ly. l .,... l l ,. l I l: ty of the best goods ever H. RUSTit’d’S OLD STIAW". It is really extra value. maham, B o râ€"-l U) T s E 4139“ +3 E-‘l'ti CD a“ gig a' ch: H Q10) CG :5 l-gce GD .3 .:1 cs 075 r H 10 5“ NE 33 M LIB c6 ,5 :s .2: 9 co 0': 4:: O q’ g 9'6 Ct '13,: U, Q Q) g6 q) .51 a o r as '2: :1 So: :2. 'r-l mP-‘l 4â€"7 Q! +3 m a); a) CD has 50 ‘ .D o w m '8 ‘H :53 ,, ca CD .M ii 8 4-3 (I) Our Grocery stool- Boots and Shoes for Spring and Summer Trade are arriving. See them. LARGE STOCK OF THE FEWEST GRADES OF TEAS in J apans, Young Hysons and Blacks. he Lynvally Canned Corn, Peas and Tomatoes Don’t buy until you see our shown in town. Fenelon Falls, March lst, 1893. T A @EEREETMflS O W . .9 @o ewns@m has just received the largest stock of Christmas Goods ever Of- fered in Fenelon Falls, cousisting of Christmas & New Year‘s Cards, Stationery Perfumery and Toilet articles, Dolls Of all descriptions and sizes, Toys, Vases, Fancy China-ware, Musi- cal Instruments, such as Violins, Accordeons, Concertinas and Mouth Organs. Also, a Very large stock of Pictures and Pie- ture Frames, and a ï¬ne assortment of Gold & Silver Watcher, llings, Brooches and other Jewellery, Pipes, Wall Papers and Window Blinds, all of which will be sold a! [/26 Lowest Living Prices. Call and inspect the stock, and you can hardly fail to ï¬nd something to suit you. Fenelon Falls, December 2lst, 1892. O 3 g iii “Ohl Momma. Willie’s tired of using poor Machine Oil.†“ Read this. Willie-†. Tho Oils for Genuine Satisfaction for all sorts of Machinery are MCCOLL’S CELEB-RATED ldhlilE & WUNEEB OILS, used by the Largest Millmen in the Country, and manufactured solely by MCCOLL BROTHERS & Co., TORONTO. For Sale only by JOSEPH HEARD in Fanelon Falls. “WONGOOOOOOOOOWQOOOOz o o 0 6 3 9 The above Rebus is a familiar snyin . The Publishers of Gun YOUNG PEOPLE will 0 give a ï¬ne Gold Watch to the person 9 who ï¬rst sends the correct anrswer to it. To the second a Silver \\ utch. fro. the third :1. beautiful Gold Brooch,wtth name of winner handsomely engrade thereon. Tothe fourthhtthand sixth anne° OGold. Scarf Pin. To the seventh and O eighth, each $1.00 Bill. To the last: cor- . real: answer received Will be ven a ï¬ne Silver \‘Vateh. To the secont , third and fourth from the last; with correct answers, 9 each, a. handsome engraved Scarf Pin. Twenty-ï¬ve other valuable Eutra Prizes will also be given to correct answers. Everv Contestant is to send ivith ans- 0 9 wer Five two-cent stamps (or ten cents}Q in sliver), for two copies of OUR YouNt. 6 PEOPLE, which is a large and popularlG-plng, Journal, and gives intormation about t ~ 0 things which the young peo 1e particularly 0 wish to know. Originial on selected stories are found in every Issue. Handsomer illustrated and full of common-sense. 6 Answer to-day and enclose ten_ centsand ¢ you may win one of the leading lives. 6 Address. A)017R YOUNG PILO LL, 6 King St. V., Toronto, Canada. 9 0 QOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOWOO MONEY TO LOAN. Allan S. Maedonell, Barrister &c., Cor. Kent and York Sts., Lindsay, C‘ U! 00 0 00 OWQOOOOO Has cOmpleted arrangements with incli- eyed institutions and private capitalists in Toronto, Pt-terborough and Lindsay, and is now prepared to receive applications for loans in large or small amounts, and on real or personal security. The very closest rates. The most favorable terms. Lindsay, February, 1893. 51. EN SUSANQE. Mr. Wm. E. Ellis having transferred his Insurance Business to 1110,51 am prepared to take risks on all classesof property At Very Lowest Rates None but first-class British and Canadian Companies represented. 353’ FARDI PIROPERTS’ at. very low rates. James Arnold. Fenelon Falls, June 14th, 1892. l7-ly. iniiiiii iliiiiiii NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY Furniture. DURING HOUSE CLEANlNG A Special Cut in Prices Will be given to those BUYING FOR CASH. My stock is large and complete, BEDROOM SUITES, Lounges. Oem‘re Tab/es, Care and E as Chairs. Bureaus, Side-boards. and every description of Kitchen Furniture Pictures Framed to Order. Everything Sold at Lowest Living Prices 5%“ Undertaking promptly and carefully attended to. IJ.‘DEY1VIAN, UNDERTAKER 6r FURNITURE DEALER, Uolborne Street, Pension Falls. W Residence over the Shop. "@a Ethane Lumber. ‘ We have still on hand a quantity of inch, 15,2 and3 inch, 2x4,2x6,2x8, 2x 10 and 2x12,12 to 16 feet long, I’IEMIJOCIi 85 PINE. which we will sell 014er for Cash. The sooner you come the more you have to choose from. Also, 40,000 feet of Dry Pinned Lumber, Flooring, Novelty Siding, V.-joint, planed one and two sides, Lath and Pickets, Plotted and Rough. Hardwood and Hemlock, 2 and 3 inches, for stable floors, and 4x8 Pine, dry, for window sills. [6“ Any Casing or Moulding can be got planed at short notice. Base-boards mould- ed or plain. Apply at our mill. GREENE & ELLIS. Fenclon Falls, June 16th, 1892. 17". The Ideal Husba. - . . . ~ '. :_- w:- r Recently in one ofthe English mmit‘llâ€"' liesâ€"â€" The Young Manâ€"appeared an of for of a prize of books to the value oi" one guinea for the best postcard para- graph description of “The Ideal Hus- band," and the editor received hundrt ds of communications from lady readers in all parts of Great Britain. We quo e ï¬rst the paragraph that Igained the prize. and then some ofthc best which approach nearest to it. It may be well for single young men, and even bencdicts, to un- derstand what the ladies expect of them. Perhaps old married people will pal t something by a careful reading of the following paragraphs as well-‘-â€"â€"‘l It‘s never too late to mend.†'l‘I-Is Pnizr. PARAGRAPH. My “Ideal Husband†is a manly Christian, strong and tender, brave and patient, intelligent and warm hearted, one to whom his wife can look up with reverence on account of his purity and nobility of character, in whom she may wholly conï¬de, from whom she may re.» Ceive sympathetic help in all the trials of life. He is not necessarily handsome, but bright, genial and healthy. The following are some of the best contributions received on the subject:â€"- To MY FAULTS A LITTLE BLIND. A manly, happy-dispositionecl indi‘ vidual, always inclined to look on the bright side ol things, and to make the: best of all worries and troubles: Gen- tlemanly in all the details of home life. tender and considerate to wife and children and courteous to all. A man who has the courage of his convictions. and is not ashamed to uphold them; and one whom other men look up to and respect. He is able to join in any manly sports, but he stands ï¬rm against such evils as betting and gambling. One who is to my “ virtues ever kind." and to my “ faults a little blind.†“AN EARNEST SEARCHER AFTER TnU'rn.†My ideal husband is an intelligent. thoughtful, God-fearing man, chiefaim in life is to do what is‘right and just. He is an earnest searcher after truth, and when convinced ol the right course, is willing to follow it at whatever Cost to himself. He may not be much of a politician. but he is active-- ly interested in all good laws, for better- ing the condition of the poor and the oppressed, and is ever ready to give a» helping hand to anyone less fortunate than himself. Ho is not bigoted, an.l whilst holding ï¬rmly to his own eonvie-‘ tions, he is ready to recognise the gO'J-l. in all other erccds. He is more anxious to help others to become better men titan merely to convert them to his owu- particular doctcrinc. SOME CONCISE DEscuiPriONs. As the oak supports and helps to nourish the ivy which clings to it. so should the husband support and shell: r his wife from the storms and trials of life, never thinking any joy, sorrow or: problem too small or too great to h:- shared with henâ€"Sinccre Christian. strong principles, intellectual, abstainvr. practical, ï¬rm will, genial temper, ai- fectionutc, tall, not a handsome, but up pressive face, too honorable to have given attention without intentionâ€"He must. be a thorough Christian and a true geur tleman, one who possesses innate gentle- ness and reï¬nement, polite and court'- eous to all, but especially to his wife. He must not be content simply to love her, but tell her so daily, by his loving sympathy and thoughtful consideration for her happiness and comfort !-â€"As tin-- ble and,strong as Daniel, as ï¬ne looking as Saul (only not quite so tall), as clever and wise as Solomon, as pure and trail - ful as Joseph, as kind and considerate as Boaz, as courageous and discriminatâ€" ing as Nehemiah, as manly and modest as Mordecai, as industrious and indefat- igable as St. Paul, as patient and un- complaining as Job, as upright and honest as Samuel, as rich as " the young ruler,†as loving and gentle as Jonathon. as studious and thoughtful us Timothy, as earnest: and devoted a disciple as St. John.â€"â€"“ I can best express my ‘ltli-ul Ofn Husband,†writes one correspond- ent, by quoting the following lines from Shakespeare :â€" ‘ His life was gentle, and the elements So mixed in him that nature mightstnnd us And 3in to all the world, “ This was it 1nanlnll’ Another lady is evidently very faint of her " h’s.†She writeszâ€"A husband should be head of his household, Hus hampered with hateful habits. but liu'e, her-dlu'l. llclpi‘ul. lloncrwblt; humorous, withn nappy, humane beam, and henvem ly-minded. whose' (