AT erri le_l§eath.- .s.‘ manna saws ALMOST IN TWO LENGTHWISE. Mammann. Feb. 26?â€"â€"'Thomas Wig- gSlnS. a respected and industrious farmer Of Glenelg, met with‘a fatal accident at Baird’s saw mill, four miles from Mark- d-ale. Mr. Wiggins hadbcen ï¬ling his sawlat a vice in the mill, and‘after ï¬nishing the same he tarried in the b'uilding-observing; the men and machin- ery at‘ work, and? by some means came in contact with the edging saw, which Was in motion, but not t-hen‘being used. Mr. Baird, who was canting a log on the carriage, observed Wiggins fall, and, hastening Inwards him to ascertain the cause, \vashorriï¬'ed to see his mangled form, the saw having caught him at the ankle, going through the leg lengthwise up into the body and almost to the shoulder. Death was almost instan- ï¬aneous. Deceased lea-yes a‘ wife and lburteen children. " Served seem Head on: NEWCASTLE, Pa:.,'F'cb. 277.â€"A- her-- rible suiei‘d'e'uias committed by a‘ man named Lee Taylor, ï¬ve miles northwest of this place, late on Saturday evening. Taylor had become ï¬nancially embar- rassed,-aud had been breeding over his troubles. Fbr the past week he had heen Working at asawin’ill.‘ Oh Sit-bur: ‘day evening while the ï¬reman and engineer were engaged at the boiler, Taylor deliberately lay down on the log carriage, ,cpnsp'edz the framework with one hand and- the shaft with the other, and pulled himself up to‘ the rapidly revolving saw. His head was instantly severed from the body, and rolled down into the dust_ pilo‘.- The engineer, noticing a jar in the machinery, went a hack to the saw, and was horrified to ï¬nd the bleeding trunk. still lying on the carriage. The deceased was recent- .lly married, and leaves a wife, but no' children. 460' maritime Centenarians Dead. Humx, Feb. 271â€"Three of the oldest people in Nova.- Scolia died this Week. Mullin,aged 106 years. Catalone‘, (1.3., in the house with his son,..gran'.lsou and great grandson. For years past it wasa dailly occurrence to see the' foul“ generations working the fields. together. Mrs. Catherine Ross of Cape Breton died, aged 101, leaving 208 grandchildren. V ‘ W helm, aged 102', died at Guysbor'ot, Two ‘of her brothers were priest‘s. On the same day, 50 years ago, two brothers, Joseph S. and Edward Palmer, married tyre sisters, Phoebe and Garoli-ne'Ghesley. , Both couples and their families eels- hrated their golden weddings at Salem, Annapolis, a‘ few .days ago. o.. A The Calif crn ian‘ Legislative Assombly has passed a bill making prize lighting, with or†without gloves, at‘elouy. ‘ Forty Japanese from Nampa, on their way to work on the Payetta canal, in Idaho, were met by a party of unknown man and warned to leave the country, which they did. Following is the verdict of a Pennsyl- vania jury of inquest in a. case of sup- posed arson :- “‘ We, the jury, find that the thing was done. Who did it or how it was done of course we don’t know, but we do, of course, know that it was done.†Several men who have outlived their - greatness are now glad to‘ earn their living as coachnren in Berlin. Among them are sixteen nobles,- seven retired army ofï¬cers and three p’u’lp‘i‘tle‘ss pastors. Three British nobilitieo now cheerfully crack the whip as London cabmen ; they are an cit-member of parliament, a baron and a marquis. . _ V One of the curiosities of the recent cold weather in Allentown, Pa., was the freezing fast to the wet rails of three long and heavy coal trains. suffered an accident compelling it to stop, and when itwas ready to move its 125 cars were frozen fast and could not ‘ be moved. One‘ train after another come along on the same track and, on stopping for those In front to move",- suffered the same fate, audit was several ‘ hours before the blockade was raised. The Erie‘ vestibule train No. 8 was 7 wreck-ed about one mile east of Van-- daliax, New York state, at12'.12 p‘; in. on Saturday, and ten persons were Seriously injured. The train was run- ning at about 28 miles an hour, and was rounding a curve on the bank of the Allegheny river when the pullman dining and sleeping cars jumped the track and were precipitated down a twenty-foot bank. The dining car and three sleepers with their human freight went over the street embankment and were badly demolished. It is remark- able that no one was killed in the' frightful wreck. The wreck was caused by the spreading of the rails. The- inj‘urivs sustained were mainly con- tusions and fractures. They were Mr. Malcolm Mc- . He lived at 3graively, while the master stood by, a, Mrs. Donald Chis- -, ., . , ‘ open its mth and appear to* talk wu .the ventriloquism lasted. One of them ' Baron Hirsch, the Hebrew philan- thropist, will visit the world's fair. The rice crop in the south this year is estimated to be 225,000,000 pounds. at the world’s fair. The dimensions are to be 130 by 75 feet. Paper teeth are now manufactured by a-Lubeck dentist. One set has been in use for thirteen yearsnnd' l8“ as good as ever. A Berlin tradesman advertises :‘ “Any person who can show me that my cocoa is injurious to the health will receive ten paekagesgratis.†During M. l’aderewski's recent tour in England he had a_piano in the special saloon ear in which he travelled, and day from 750,000 to 1,000,000 people gather on the Downs, and it has been computed that about 250,000 ruce cards are said. At Stockton-in-the Forest, Yorkshire, ticnat Hole," and it is held on the con- place every year with a new petticoat. are spent on hunting: in Great Britain ses of carriage horses, covered hacks, and travelling expenses. packs of bounds, and about 1;0,000ihors- es are required} to follow- them. In l‘rela-ndf near H'orn county Donegal, there is a remarkable is known all over Britain as “ McSwi- ‘ney’s gun.†It is believedl to be con- nectcd with a sea cavern. sea “ runs full †the “ gun jets of water to a height of one hundnc" feet, each spouting being followed a preceded by loud explosions. The “ gin is a- perfectly smooth hole about t inches in diameter, and its history c be traced back to the ï¬rst settlers :the country. No one seems to [me however, how it got the name 0t 11. Swiney’s gun.†, The Arehduchess Stephanie, Wldi of the Austrian crown prince, recent 9)‘ ,paid $400 in Vienna for a parrot whi- 'eould‘ recite the pater noster in 5 different languages. The archdneln heard the wouderful bird, which recit was charmed with it. But when l got it home to the imperial pa~la=c.-,.: found that it could not say a word. '1 ,merchant was arrested and confess that he‘ was a ventriloqaiist and i done all the talking for the bird. 'l only thing. thalt he had taught it was FENELON FALLS MARKETS. Reported by. the North Star Roller Mill 0? F‘enelon Falls, Friday, llfarch 3rd, 189 Wheat.Scoteh or Fife 65 to ’. Wheat, fall, per bushel. . .. 64 l Wheat, spring “ 60 t Barley, per bushel. . . .. 35 ': Buckwheat “' . . .-. . . 42 4 Oats, “‘ 30‘ 3 Pense,‘ "‘ . . . . . 55 57 Rye, “ . 50 52 Potatoes, “ 40 45 Bulter,pcr lb'..~.... 16' 18 ‘ Eggs, per doz'eu.....~. .... 16 18 HMS- per ton . . . . . . . . . . .. . 6.00 7.00 H'id'es 3.25 3.75 Hogs...... .. 7.75 8.00 V Sheepskins............... 4‘0 75' Wool 16 1s .A â€" New Advertisements. To the residents of Fenelen Falls. Take notice that any person or persons removing from any village or district in- footed with diphtheria to- Fen-elon. Falls will be quarantined am a period: of‘ F4! days or longer, at the discretion! of the Board of Health. The citizens of Fenelo'n Falls who do not wish to be so inconvenienced? will govern tlie‘m'sclv‘es‘ accordingly. By order of the Board of'Hcalth. A. WILSON,.M. D , Medical Healfli Officer. Fenclon‘ Ii‘i‘aiis, F'cb’y 22nd, 1893. l-t. f. I1‘0 the Pinblic. HE ROYAL CANADIAN INSURANCE Co. has amalgamated with the Alliance of England, giving. insurers- t'he‘ security of $25,000,000 and. the some good‘ policy. J O [-1 N AUSTltN,..-1gcnt. Also agent for the Queen of Eng- pand and Cale-denial) of Edinburgh. Capi- tal combined, $45,000,000. Fenelou Falls, July ,25th, 189.3. m omission cover -â€"01“ THEâ€"‘- Oounty of Victoria. “4â€"2.. The next sittings of the above Court will be held in Dickson’s hall, Feuelou Falls, ON TUESDAY, APRIL 25th,1893, commencing at 10 o’clock in the forenoon Friday, April l4ih, will he the last day of service on defendants residing in this ‘ county. Defendants living in other coun- ' ties must be served on or before April 9th. S. Nevxsos, E. D. HAND, Bailiff. Fenelou Falls, Jnn'y 28th, 1893. Spain is to have a $200,000 building. practised upon this during his journeys. V It is estimated that on a line Din-by 2‘ ‘Eiigland', is~zr niece of land-3 called‘“ Pet- I dition of providing a poor woman of the , About four million-and a' half sterling _ and Ireland, indepeiident of the expeu- : There are 330 : l-I'cnd, in ‘ hole in the rocks of the seacoast, which , Whom the , sends up i Clerk. . Stock Taking Completed. Although- it has been a hard year'and' all othâ€" er merchants are- cornplaining,.we-ï¬iidl that the year’s business has exceeded. the previous one‘ by fully 25 per cent. Most people will natural.- liy wonder at it, but the- plain' reason is that we bought our goods in. the lowest cash market, and have sold them at a very small advance on cost. New to, those who; are not already supplied. With.- good comfortable- wear, we- would? advise to» call and secure some of the big bargains now being. offered, as we are bound. to clear out the balance of"0111"winten'stocll: at cost, to: make room for our large spring. purchases. In: Dress Goods, M’antlfes, Fllannels, 856., our steel: is quite- complete. In Overcoats, Suits and Furnishings we still have a large range to select thorn. Call. early, and don’t forget the place. M. J. CARTER, ' Sign of the Golden 131.5011} 40“ Kent 8i: 1 and 3: York St, Lindsay. Almost opposite the Simpson House. UZZLE. Find The Grandmother. The young lady in the above cut has’a grandmother whose icture is combined in the above ortrait. It you-can ï¬nd‘the Grandmother in the above ortrait you may receive a rewar which will pay you many times over for your trouble. The Proprietors of the Lauri-3' HOME Momnm offer either a. ï¬rst-class Upright Piano or cheque for 'l‘ln'ce H u no] red Dollars to the person who can ï¬rst ï¬nd the grandmother. A reward ofa pair of IN-eunond liar-Rinng to the second portion who can tiud the grandmother. A com lcte But-ii mes-is Eclifcatioxr at a ConunQrcial ‘ College to the. third person who cant tin the grandmother. A Gold X’Slalch for each of the next two who can ï¬nd the grandmother. An elegant Gold Brooch (Solid (:0le foreach ol' the next live who can ï¬nd the grandmother. Each Contestant must cut out the Portrait Puzzle and make a cross with a lead-pencil or ink on the grmulmothcr's eye and mouth. â€" Everyone Sending an answer must enclose with the same Ten three-cent stamps (or ; :30 cents in sllyer) for three months' subscription to the Laiims’ I‘TOME MONTHLY. Canada’s most popular _|euriml.- The (late r, f p ist-mark on letters is given precedent-c, so that; person livinar at a distance have just as good an .» iportuuity of securing a. valuable prize. For the person who can lindtlic gramhnnther that is received last is uttered a Sin)- plex Typewriter. For the next to the last will be given a. Solid. Silver XVfrltCll. To the third. fourth. ï¬fth and sixth from the last received with correct answers will receive each a. Solid Gold Brooch. _ lftliere should be as many as two hundred persons sending correct answers. each Will be awarded With a valuable prize. Names of those receiving leading prizos will be. pub- lished in our next. issue. Extra premiums will be offered to all who are willing to nsstst in increasing the subseriptiop list of this popular-journal. The olijeet in offering this Prize Puzzle is to attract attention. and to introduee our publication. Perfect impartiality is guaranteed in giving the rewards. The following; nannies are urinners of the leading prizes in our last PRIZE PUZZLE: T. E. Shlplev. 27 Elm St, Toronto, Piano ; Miss Bancroft,.167 Lip ilncntt St. Toronto, Bicycle; Miss Barns, Rid-:etown. Ont, Bedroom Set r Glady Mcl‘ u-rson. 5‘5 ilenry St., Toronto, Gold Watch-z. L. B. Southam. 86 Maple St, London, Ont, (thl Watch ; Mrs. J. S. hicAdum,4421lanlt St, Ottawa. Out, 910 in Gold“ M. Ham min, 900 N. Y. Life Bld. Kansas City, Mn.‘ $10 in Gold ; Emily Riley, 85 Alexander St. E... Vinnlpi-g. Mam, Ban net , Lam ; Jean 't‘ayler. 101 Mackay St.. Ottawa. Ont.. Banquet Lamp; JohnArmour, 135 .\ am 1 St. \ '., Hamilton, 0nt.. Banquet Lam ; \V. E. Gilroy. Mount Forest. Ont.. Banquet ' Lamp: J. L. Forest. 319 Visitation Sn. .[ontrcnh Que... Ban uet Lamp: W. E. Ramsay, 270 Batliurst St. Toronto. Ont, Banquet Lamp; Florence Vhiic. 125 Scott St.. uebec Cit . Ban uet Lamp; Mrs. L. E. Thompson, 0'.) St. Louis St., Levis, Que... Banquet amp: LL. .Goo win. In C(‘\’l1‘\5’§TUUSt‘., Bowmanvillcttlntn Banquet Lamp: Mrs. G. Cunningham, ~15 (-larmartlmn Stu Sr. Jhlll), N. 13., Banquet Lump. Answer tie-(lay, and enclose 30 cents and you may win: one of the leading prizes. Address, (D) LADIES’ HOME MONTHLY, 192 King St. West, Toronto, canada. HEADQUARTERS“ IN VICTORIA COUNTY FOR Hiom Paper and Fiche Frames; â€"15 ATâ€" W t A. GOODWIN’S‘ ' Baker’s Block, Kent-st, Lindsay. Artists? Goods 8 Specialty. ;Machiner Needles. Alabastine andi Dye W orks Agency.. 3%†Please call and see my 5c. Paper. Lindsay,Apri12nd, 1892. IZi‘INDSAY Marble Works. ' viii R. CHAMBERS his is prepared to furnish the people of Lind», say and surrounding country with MONEMENTS AND HEADSTONES, both Marble and Granite. Estimates promptly given‘on- nllkinds of~ cemetery work. Marble Table 'llops, Wash Tops, Mantel. Pieces, etc., a. specialty. . WO‘RKSAâ€"l'n rear 0 the market on Cam~~ bridge street, opposite Mnttbews’ pasking. house. Being a. practical workman all should ‘sce his designs and compare prices before purchasing elsewhere. HOBT. CHAMBERS. North of the Town Hall. ,‘ “ mmsmsmsmwm eovory. thutzcure the worst mu oi; Nervous Debilit: Lost Vigor and: .7 Falling Manhood: restores the» -t weakness of body or mind caused by over-work..or the errors or ex-- ceases of youth. This Remedy ll}- cly cures the most obstinate cases when all other-2 t'rmsxtrs- have tailed even to relieve. Sold by drug. at 81 per‘pwkage, or Ii'rlor 85- or sent' by mail on‘. pt of prloe by addressing THE J’AMES MEDICINE. Toronto. Ont. Write {or pamphlet. Sold inâ€" enelon- Falls at W. T. Junkin’s WANT‘ED. gents to sell our choice and hardy' :ery Stock. We have many special va-~ 95, both in fruits and ornamentals, tox , which are controlled only by us. We commission or salary. Write us at: for terms, and secure choice of terâ€" 33'- MA‘Y BROTHERS, Nurserymen, _Jw.. Rochester, N. Y' _ saunas - eonsuurres ‘ eons. his GREAT COUGH-CURE, this success CONSUMPTION CURE, is without a par. 1 in the history of medicine. All druggists ‘ authorized to sell it on a positive guarantee, est that no other cure can successfully stand. on have a. Cough, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, it, for it will cure you. If your child has t“: Group, or Whooping Cough, use itpromptly, and relief is sure. If you dread that insidious disease CONSUMPTION, don’tfaz’l’to use it, it. will cure you or cost nothing. Ask your: Druggist for. SHILOH’S CURE, Price 10 cts., octsaanrli $ If your Lungs are sore or acl‘: lame, use Shiloh’s Porous Plaster. 25 etc. David Chambers, General Blacksmith, Francis-st... Pension Falls. Blacksmithingin all its difi‘erentbranches; done on short notice and at the lowest living prices. Particularaitention paid to horso-shoeing. Give me a. call andlllwil‘li 45- y. gnananztee satisfaction. Fast Colored Cling“ I hams for 100. E‘s-st Color-ed. Mus-n lins for 100,. Fast Colored Prints for 10 cents. W The freshest Goods in the village at Wm. Campbell’s. .1-