9 Keenan’s 131.0019 Kent Stream-Lindsay , .___.__.._.___. rough bits of iron, 'which had riddled the furniture and inflicted most of the wounds. _ After leaving the cafe the bomb-throw- ' ' care i. bfst co 5°;ng contrary/2â€â€ er started down the street on a run. 3: $18,!) 3, 'o can'ts 3:51-91" Three policemen had just. passed in an , I - T uni-in Oltle- 301d omnibus when the eprOSlou occurred. nomlfnfl'fw FIELD ,1†L r H They were going on duty and jumped the c01:11.}an to con/J .lgb‘mvgtg‘ie‘né': out when they saw the fugitive. The the forelmg ’ nve‘mkelc t} a) 1')" young man turned on them as they call- \ Mr. O ellireqd‘ i 111mg]; e)d .him to stop and ï¬red ï¬ve shots. pearan ‘ .. ‘ _‘ ‘ .V‘ “ ‘°_ '3‘ - I. olicemanl’msson and a Woman fell . CL ‘19 In†ï¬r“ PUbllc aP" badly wounded. Policemen Lenmre he became a candidate. "t .tea at Baddow last mg, and Mr. Thurston. of the Patrons, is to address - S ilxl’owles’s school-house on Sevening next. «if-“1‘. Thomas Donaldson I. “SIS, who has been working 0 1'3 ’eyson’s shanty in the town- 1‘ ‘2‘: niét‘ltville, met with a'serious A,“ pitccident ‘ last Friday after- '\"~"""\ i'le riding sideways on a load _ 11 his legs hanging down, his ras caught between one of the xiii stump at the roadside, which \ [ dislocated the ankle but broke pt... the lower bones of the leg. He (Was brought to his mother’s residence at. the Falls, and, under the care of Dr. Graham, is progressing favorably, but Will inevitably be laid up fora consider- le time. .r' and Bigot, however, continued the pur- suit. and with the help of Policeman Barbes and a waiter‘ named Tissler overpowered and arrested the hornb- thrower. They took him to the police station in the Rue de Moscou, where, after some hesitation, he gave his name and age. Fragments of the bomb indi- cate that- it was a tin box, perhaps a sardine box. The explosive contained a. choloritic powder. WOâ€"â€"â€"â€"_â€"â€" An ice bridge formed at Niagara Falls on Sunday night. The Dominion Parliament will meet on March 15th. Many deaths from cholera are report- ed in_ Warsaw. Serious floods are reported in the neighborhood of Nashville, Tenn; ~ Petroleum is one-half penny a' gallon on the east coast of Siberia. Rev. Dr. Douglas, principal of the Wesleyan Theological College, Montreal, died on Saturday. ' Anarchists posted revolutionary pla- cards 'on walls throughout London, Eng, on Saturday morning. One man was arrested. The RuSso-German commercial treaty was ï¬nally signed by the representatives of the two contracting powers on Satur- day. ‘ John R. Hooper was committed for trial at Three Rivers, Que, on Friday, on the second charge against him in con- nection with his wife’s death. The storm of last Sunday and Mon- day is said to have been, in some sec- tions, the worst in twenty years. Re- ports of loss of lti and destruction of property come from many points in Can- ada and the States. Twenty persons were frozen to death in the Oklahoma territory. the elec ii“ Close out what’s left of winter wear, lipid for the spring trade no to prepare.†{fidecree has now gone forth in our \ d winter goods are hustlin g 00‘ at. prices. _ " JOHNSON & SISSON, '7 The Monster Shoe-Slow, Lindsay. “IRE PROTECTIONâ€"Don’t forget [he in meeting in Jordan’s hall n‘e’xt nday evening: to discuss the question‘ ï¬re protection. We have now an ortunity of procuring a ï¬rst-class an] ï¬re engine at so much less than ,a oyrlinary price that the difference ay for a large quantity of hose "veral tanks in which to store up ,roi' water, and. in our opinion, id be unwise to let so good a ,n slip. The object of the meeting gnday is not to decide whether the .._'4‘e shall or shall not be purchased, [t9 obtain an expression of public 4‘ on the subject, and, if it appears ', the council will at once take V ppm) Submit the question to thg vote ‘-j’r,he ratepayers. Carr. Sweeney, U.S. A., San Die go, Cah, 1: “ Shiloh’s Catarrh Remedy is the ï¬rst ine I have ever found that would do agood.†Price 50 cents.- Sold by .aakiu- prisr ANNIVERSARY.â€"-â€"Last M :n- vening was by long odds the storm- we have had this winter, and yet ‘ / Deccan -â€" M.\cnomr.n.â€"â€"In the Bishop’s palace, St. Albert, on Monday, Feb. 5th, by Rev. Father Leduc, J. J. Duggan of South Edmonton to Miss Maggie Bell Macdonald of St. Albert. . Reported by the North Star Roller Mill 00. Fenelon Falls, Friday, Feb. 16th, 1894. Baptist. anniversary was so well at- Wheat. SCOiCh 01‘ Fife 64 10 65 inded that the church was far better Wheat: mun per buShe1"" 58 60 'rd than could reasonabl have been Wheat’ Spnng H 57 58 .3 ‘ » , ‘ y ‘ Barley, per bushel. . 37 40 \ected. l‘he pastor, Rev. Mr. Fraser, Buckwheat, u . ' n . _ __ 43 50 (pied the chair, and addresses were Oats, “ .. .. . 31 32 421......v'ered by Rev. D. Wright of Lind- Pease, “ 53 55 i Idev. Mr. Trotter of Peterborough, gyeit - - ' - - - ' - g?) :2 ,1‘.’ Mr. Binch of Bobcaygeon, and 0m 093' 1 ' F n 0 ba (1“ G“ fF ,0 Butter,per b............ 18 20 _ i." c m_ n ,l c d 0 ene P Eggs, per dozen . . . . . . 13 . l4 ’ t -s. Between the speeches, musrc Hay, per tom...†. 6.00 7.00 , urnished by the choir, Mr. Henry Hides . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.50 2.00 II am and hips. Dln angst... . . . . . . . . . . . . . o . . . 5.50 ..: sang a duet, Miss Binch gave W‘gglpsmns' '1"; . a - . n u g u n . . n s o - - o u . 1* reelmmon called “ our Fm“; quarrel Flour, family, Silver Leaf.. 1.50 1.60 in excellent style and Mr. Farncomb Flour, best bakers’ . . . . . . . . 1.75 2.00 read a poem suitable to to the occasxon. Flour, clipper . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.30 frhe tea, is needless to say, was A 1, Flour, strmghtrolled . . . . u . and the receipts, (incuding the proceeds gï¬tg’tspeluton ' ' ' ' ' ‘ """ ' ' ig‘gg $33 at a social held next evening to dispose Mixed ’chop’ 19:00 20:00 ofthe surplus eatablcs,) amounted to the highly satisfactory sum of $47. Daniel Ritz, proprietor and publisher of the Hamburg, Ont., Independent, says : “ I was suffering from dyspepsia; and liver trouble. I took a fewbottles of Shiloh’s Vitalizer and it cured me. I can heartily / e commend it." NOTIGE To annITons AND INCUMBRANCERS. URSUAN'I‘ TO A JUDGMENT 0F the High Court of Justice made in the matter of the Estate of Thomas Johnston in a. cause, Irwin against Johnston, the credi- tors of Thomas Johnston, late of the Town- ship of Fenelon in the County of Victoria, farmer, deceased, who died on or about the month of June, 1893, are, on or before the .- Another Outrage. APAEIS ANARCHIST THRO‘WS A BOMB, WOUNDING TWENTY PERSONS. PARIS, Feb. 19 -â€"Edon Breton, 24 «rears old, threw a bomb in the cafe of ~the Hotel Terminus at the St. Lazaro railway statiOn this evening. The bomb exploded in the middle of the room and wounded twenty persons. An instru- mental concert began in the cafe, which is on the ground floor of the hotel, at 8 o'clock. Shortly before 9 a pale. thin young man, with a light, pointed beard, paid for a drink which he had taken at a table in the middle of the room and started to leave. When near the door he turned suddenly, drew a bomb from his coat and threw it. toward a group “of persons who sat next to him. The bomb struck an electric light ï¬xture, then fell on a marble table and exploded. The great. hotel and station were rocked by the shock. The mirrors, windows and doors were blown to atoms. The ceiling and floors were rent and the Walls were cracked. A dense ofl’ensive smoke ï¬lled the cafe for four minutes, and in the obscurity the bomb-thrower escaped. When the smoke cleared away said deceased, their Christian and surnames beneï¬t of the said judgment. for adjudication on the claims. evidence of the amount due thereon. D: 1894. ~.52-3 w. w. DEAN, Master. third day of March next, 1,894, to send or deliver to R. J. McLaughlin, at the town of Lindsay, solicitor for the executors of the- and addresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their claims, a statement of their accounts, the value of the security (if any) held by them, or in default they will be peremptorily excluded from the Any creditor holding any security is to produce the same before me at my chambers at the Court House in the Town of Lindsay on the 12th day of March, A. D. 1894, at eleven o’clock in the forenoon, being the time appointed And all creditors having any speciï¬c liens on the whole estate of the said deceased, or any . undivided interest or estate therein of any i of the parties hereto, by means of any mort- gage or other lien or security sufï¬cient to bind lands according to the law of this Province, on the whole or any part of the said estate, are to produce before me at my chambers on the said twelfth day of March, , 189-1, at eleven o’clock in the forenoon as , aforesaid, full particulars of such liens and ; incambranees, together with satisfactory ' Dated this twelfth day of February, A. GREAT . sacnrrrcn SALE. Spring Goods daily arriving, and as our purchases this season have been excep- tionally large .in all the departments, especially in Dress Goods, Delaines, Manâ€" tles and N otiOns from the French, German and English markets, we are compelled to make a great sacrifice of our present large and well assorted stock to make room for the new goods. Purchasers from a. distance will ï¬nd it greatly to their advantage to give us a. call. We are, as ever, the leaders of ï¬rstâ€"class ready-to- wear Clothing in Lindsay. We will keep nothing but the best, and at less prices thanothers ask for inferior goods. Overcoats and Ulsters" 25 per cent. below manufacturers’ prices. CARTER, 4O KEN'ZF-ST., - LINDSAY. $0000.00 STOCK 0F J. P. NYLEY. HARDWARE. __ SLASHNG BARGAINS still to be had. large number of' people have bought from us and can testifyas to the genuine low prices at which we are offering goods. , Call at once, as the stock is going fast. Everything is good." If you require any hardware for next year, it will pay you to buy now. 11001; at the LOW Prices! Lanterns 400., Axes," 550. to 750., Axe Helves 100.120 200. each, Best Clothes Wringers $2.50, Cow Ties 12%0. each, Whips 8c. and up, Strong Bushel Baskets 500., Acme Skates 550. a pair, A good Rim Lock and Knob for 180., Sheepskin Mitts 200. per pair, Best Carpet Sweepers $2.90, a. 5-2! ft. Lance Saw for $2.50, Mixed Paint $1 per-gallon, 4 Boxes Axle Grease for 250., and a shop full of Hardware at equally low prices. .I. G ‘ Next Door to the Benson House, Lindsay. KEEN do 00.. NEW BASH OPPOSITE BENSON HOUSE. LINDSAY. W New Fall and Winteerackets, . . 7. _ ‘ ’ New Dress Goods, New Underweai‘ for Ladies and Children, I New Trimming Braids, New Corsets and Gloves, New Frillings and Ties, New Handkerchiefs, New Flannels and Flannelettes, New Toivellings, Cottons and Shirtings, Gentlemen’s Furnishings Complete. We cordiallyinvite you to call and examlne our new Fall Stock. One price to everybody. ' KERR & CO. 33 KENTâ€"ST, LINDSAY. Opposite the Benson House. I' v Asthma. For Consumption it $1.00 Bottle. Onecentadose. T1115 GREAT Coo‘ca 01mm promptly cwr where all others fail Coughs, Croup Sore Throat, Hoarseness, Whoopin Cough and as no rival- has cuycdfhousands, and will CURE You if takenin time. Sold by Druggists on s 3118:! antes. For 3 Lame Back or Chest. use SHILOH'S BELLADONNA PLAS‘I‘ER350. “LO a’ssranaa sensor. Have you Carl: 2 This remedy is arm- teed to cure you. Price, 600m. Injcctgourfreo. ., -- .4..»~ PATENT MEDIEINES" AND DRUGS. â€"â€" SGHIIIIL BOOKS ‘ AND SUPPLIES. BIBLES AND HYMN BOOKS. TOILET ARTICLES. STATIONERY. u r. rhinos. .â€".. NOTICE. All Notes made payable to James BRA? Agent, will have to be paid to Frank Kerr post-master here, who holds said notes. - JAS. JOHNSTON & Co- Penelon Falls, June 30th, ngLT-IB t.f.. . , .. llllllllllllli. illitlllilllli. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY Furniture. .â€"__â€"â€" DURING HOUSE CLEANING A Special Cut 111 Prices Will be given to those BUYING FOR CASH. My stock is large and complete, consisting of . EDWARDS & CO. BEDROOM SUITES, Lounges, Genfre Tabes. Cane and Easy Chairs. ' Bureaus, Side-boards. and every description of Kitchen Furniture Pictures Framed to Order. Everything Sold at Lowest Living Prices W Undertaking promptly and carefully attended to. . L.DEY1\’[A_N, Ususuraxau & Fnasrrnnn DEALER, Oolborne Street, Pension Falls. 3%†Residence over the Shop. “ï¬g “1‘0 the Public. HE ROYAL/"CANADIAN INSURANCE Co. has amalgamated with the Alliance of England, giving insurers the security of $25,000,000 and the some good policy. JOHN AUSTIN, Agent. 3%“ Also agent for the Queen of Eng- land and Caledonian of Edinburgh. Capi tal combined, $45,000,000. Fenelon Falls, July 25th,1892. ___________________._____â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"~ VVEAVIN G‘r. Fancy Bed Spreads full, width, also Blan-_ kets, all~wool Carpet, Rug Carpet and plain and twilled Flannel woven promptly and satisfactorily by SAMUEL HUTCHISON, , Wcarer. » Fenelon Falls, April 12th, 1893.-5-8-3m.