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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 10 Mar 1893, p. 4

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y 2“ Fifiundas & Flav Lineney ! l ! ‘ Christmas elle Brothers ‘. Presents. Come in and see the splendid assortment eof Silverware and Lamps. What nicer pres- ent to be remembered than something in either line? Skates for the boys and girls, larvers in cases. Said goods will be sold same as Wheat, at prices them for. not worth handling Got to go! :Hard up I! Want the Jos Hearfl. 'Fenelon Falls, Dec’r 20th, 1892. CAN IT BE POSSIBLE ? From the let to the 25th ©NW¢NWWN¢ of December Only. WOW .A Large Stock of fine Felt Hats to be sold at 300, worth 750; and at 7 50., worth $1 25. to $5 00, $6 00 and$7 A Well-selected Assortment of the latest novelties Taimmed Hats from $1 25 00. in Fancy Ribbons, Birds’ Wings, Tips, Ospreys, Woolen Hoods & Caps; also Fancy Braidi at reduced prices. Dresses and Mantles made in the latest styles. Work guaranteed. Ladies’ Underwear Always a firstâ€"class fit. to be sold at a very reduced price. Wire. R. 'MCDOUCALL, 2 doors North of the P. 0., Fenelon Falls. I have on hand a number of Men’s, Boys’ and YOutltsl. cmfivrs, which I will sell at test re: a good Over-coat cheap. All. New and of. the Latest Styles,_, dES as I do not want to carry them over. Now is your time to get h‘tASH, These goods are and made by one of the best houses in the Dominion. ~ALSO, "Ti and Shoes A Large Stock of? at prices to suit the times. Groceries, Crockery and Glass-ware- .A‘ full line of the best goods to bé had always .on hand.- J. M’FAPQLANB, vaoniey’é Block.- Echelon. Falls, January 27th, 1892: Is Selling His Entire Stock of“ at and- Eeiewtr thi‘ieolesaie fife-st. (if;)iian‘rt-facLure. in order to 1113-]{0 room for ner designs: and lentterns. bargains. as I 31:11 selling;- ‘ Call early anaesecure cheaper than any dealer in the County. noose, SASH, MOULDINGS ETC. KEPT IN STOCK AND MADE TO ORDER. ALL WORK WARRAN TED. UNDERTAKING ATTENDED 3TB IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. We 3 >51 @an, mammogram timer. FE/VELO/V FA.LL8.!,_ lgricullura - Implements. To the Farmers of Fenelon, Verulam & Somerville. ._.__â€" I am still agent in this locality for The Massey-Harrie Ga, and farmers will do well to call and see my line of goods before purchasing else- where. These goods need no comment on my part, as they have been in use for over 25 years and are thisye‘ar‘ fully abreast of the times’in improvements. Call and. See Them and be convinced for yourselves. My stockconsists of The Massey-Harris New Wide Open Binder, 5 and'6 feet cut. . The Toronto Mower. The Brantford Front and Rear Cut Mower. The Wiener Combined Drill. The Wisner Single Drill. The Massey-Harris Cultivator in four sections, the best on wheels, with or; without seed box and grass seed sower. The Sharp’s Rake. Spring Tooth Barrows. Ploughs etc. of my own make: The Foundry is now Running full time. Mill work. and all kinds of repairing promptly attendcd’tor 11$“ Thanking my numerous custom- era for past favors, I beg to assure them that I shall do my utmost to merit a continuance of their patronage. .THOS. ROBSON. Fcnelon Falls,.Marc.h 8th, 1893,.) 'l‘hc Fcnelon Falls Gazette. Friday. March 10th"..1893. President Cleveland on: Protection. On Saturday last Grover Cleveland was inducted for the second time into the~oflicc of P;l"Clll'-d€llt"0f the United States. From his inagural address we take the following extract, which preach- cs pure Grit doctrine from beginning to end : “ The verdict of our. voters»,.- which condemned the injusticczof» maintaining protection for protection fer protection’s sake, cnjoins upon the people’s serVauts the duty of exposing and destroying the brood of kindred evils which aretho un- wholcsomc.progenyofipatcrnalism. This is‘ the bane of republican institutions and the constant peril of our government by the people. It degrach to the pur- poses of wily craft the plan of rule our forefathers established and bequeathed to us, as an object of our love and ven- eration. If perverts the patriotic senti- ment of our countrymen and tempts them to a pitiful ,.calculation of the sor- did gain to bedcrived from their gov- ernment’s maintenance. , It? undermines the selfâ€"reliance of ourpeoplc, and sub- stitutes in. its-place dependence upon governmental favoritism. 1t stupifics the spirit. of true Americanism and stup- ifies every cnnoblingtradt of-zAmei-icuu citizenship. “ The lessons of paternalism ought to bc unlcarned, and the better .lesson taught. that while the peopleshou'ld pat- riOtically... and cheerfully Support their government, its functions do not include the support of the people. “ The acceptance of this principle lendsto.a,rcfusal..o£.bcuntics and sub- sidies,-wh’ich bordcn the labor and thrift of a portion of our citizens, to aid ill- which they, have no concern. also-to aschallengc of wild and reckless patriotic service and prostitutes to vicious uses the people’s prom“; and generous impulse to aid those disabled in their country's defence. Every importance of checking at its beginning any tcndcncy in public or private station. to regard frugality. and 1. economy as virtues we can safely outgrow. The tolerance of. thigddca results in' the waste of' the people’s money by their proven servants and encourages prodis gality and cxtravaganccwin the home life of ouri countrymen. “ Under the scheme. of government the waste of public money is a crime against the citizen, and ,thc contempt of our people for cconoxnymnd frugality in their personal alfairs- dcplorably saps the strength and sturdiness of our national character. “ It is a plain dictate of-honcst. and ’ good government that public expendi- durcs should belimitcd by public neces- sity, and that this should be. measured by the rules of strict economy; and it' is equally clear that frugality among the people is the best guarantee of a. contented and strong support of free 1 institutions." "following resolutions were carried unani- thoughtful American must realize the »‘ , . Dealers my Goods, Clothing, . Reform Meetings. The annual meeting of the Reform Association for North and East Victoria was held in Dickson’s Hall on Tuesday, March 7th. The attendance was good, a fair representation from different parts of the riding being present. The retir-‘- ing officers were all relclcctcd‘ without opposition, viaâ€"James Dickson, presi- dent; E. llytle, Vice President; W. T. Junkin, Sec. Trcas. Short speeches were delivered by James Dickson, A. C. Graham of Victoria Road, Wm. Broken- shire of Rosetta-1c, and others. The mously, and the meeting. closed with singing the national anthems;â€" Movcd by James Dickson, seconded by A. Clark, Sr.,.and Resoloed, That this meeting of the l’tcformcrs oft North and East Victoria, in convention assem- bled, dcsircs to place on record. its appreciation of the course pursuediby the Mowat Government in the adminis- tration of the affairs of this Province, giving us .honest, economical and pro- gressive legislation . during the past twenty years, and pledges them its hearty support. Moved by James Junkin, seconded by A. Clark, Six, and Resolved, That. this meeting desires to . express its approval of and confidence in the policy of; the Hun. Wilfrid Lauricr and the Opposition at Ottawa in l'av.or.of.- the reduction of the tariff, and relieving the farmers, and industrial classes generally, of their present burden ofhigh taxation; and cxpressas its satisfaction with Brit- ish connection, believing that whatever dissatisfaction exists in Canada is due to, the high protective tariff and the extravagances ands; cornuption, ,of h the present Dominion-qucrnincite, W. ._._... -_._._._,.... _ The Last Carnival. The skating carnival last Friday night in aid of the village band was, we ar.e.-gl_3_ezd;â€"Pto say, a success, the receipts exceeding the expenditures by, $20,, There were, as usual, two races, in each of which several started, bumthe major- ity of them dropped out after a few rounds. In the men'srace John Wilson came infirst ,and, ,Walter Bell second; ai_rd.-;iir-..,the. bowie-race Nelson Corbett was first and Charles Deyman second. The masqueradch and theircostumes were as follows :â€" Mrs. S. Nevisonp Vanity. _ ‘ M-iss-I::_Austiny._ Gypsy Fortune-teller. “ Sara McArthur, Mary Hughes, Bride; Mary McArthur,__ SpanishDancing Girl. Ella Austin,” ' ’ Old Lady. Irena. Austin,” Gypsy. , Sabina Martin, Chinese Gil-1,1: Lillie Wilson.,. Btiy-a-Bt'oqm.' Mamie lngram, Little Mai‘il. Eugenie Knox,” Little Red Riding Hood, Nellie Nevison, MorningLight; Henrietta Austin, School Girl. Violet Wilson, Shephcrdess. Mable: Nevison, Mabel Saudford, .1, Mr. Fred Chambers, , Clown. “-- A.,Suthcrlnnd, Paddy Backwaid. “ W. A. Graham, Highland Chieftain. “ W. T. Junkin, First Tourist over the, Bobcaygeon R. R. Starlight; Miss Hayseed. Yankee Doodle. Negro Jockey. Irish Gentleman. Colored News Boy. Little Britoxn Foot-Ball Boy. Swiss .I’ensant. Thus. Ed_wrv:ds;._~ Walter Ellis, Louis Pearce, Charlie Fox, Mac. Clark, Ernest Clark, Lewis Dcyman, John Fox, Reggie Sandford, Charlie Junkin, Willie Austinrw Walter Bell, .. Grandpa.. Gypsy Girl. Evening Star. Village-Council Proceeding-st a. Fouclon Falls, March 6th, 1893: The council met pursuant.to adjourn- ment; all the membersaprcsentnand the advised and languishing enterprises, in rccvc in the chair. Minutes ofp‘revious It leads meeting. read and. approved. , Moved by Mr. Austin, seconded by. pension expenditure, which ovcrlcups Mr. Arnold, That John Jones's salary the bounds of grateful recognition of as constable to 6th of March, $12 50, and John Power’s salary as tax collector for 1891555, be paid, and, .thatdolm. l’o'wer and his .bondsmcn bcrcleasedtâ€" Carried: Mr. Brandon gave notice that he would introduce a by-law authorizing the rccvc and clerk to lease a portion of the market square to the Fenelon Falls Curling and Skating Association. Moved by Mr. Austin, sczondcd by Mr. Arnold, That By-law No. â€"â€" be now introduced and read a first time.-â€". Carried. By-law read a seconl time in .com-. mittee of the whole without amendment, Mr. Arnold in the chair. By-law read a thirl timaand passed. Moved by Mr. Brtudon, seconded by Mr. Austin, That the rccvc and treas- urcr be authoriz d to borrow the sum of $250 for municiptl purposes for the term of. three In nth}, and...that a by-‘aw confirming the 3 me be now..introduced and read a first timaâ€"Carricd. Byâ€"law read :econd time with arm nd- meat, Mr. Austin in the chair. By-law read athird time and passed, Moved by Mr. Brandon, Seconded by, Mr. Golden, That Stephen Nevigon be. allowed $30 in fullse‘ttlemeut for-.his __ ‘ t Fire qu1._.‘ Bride. , Cavalier, , 4-.» pt: 21, f' services as truantofiiccl ,f, 189T~ u‘ntil F‘ebzfi'th 18,93; thattiic - recvcgivc‘his-order forth A eâ€"C’d. , Moved by Mr. Arnoldf’écconded by-is ‘M-r. Austin-r That the byâ€"law to renew the lease with the Napanec Paper 00. be referred to the .village solicitor for - Iinspection'rrâ€"Carnicd.' , Mbved-‘bya-M‘r. Austin, seconded-shy, Mr. Brandon, That the council now ,- adjourn: to meet on 3rd of April.â€"-C’d. , _.. School Examinations...,. GEOGRAPHE? SENIOR 42m CLASS.~â€"â€"(Value- 90:)> Fred Varcoc, 54; Harry Hunter, 52;: Harry McKendry, 49 ;=.Bc;thu McDa-ir- . mid, 45; Stanley Haskell, .44?‘;..Al~icc~ Hand, 43; Lena Austin, 43; Harry,- Ellis, 43; Hector Powers, 40; Ella, Austin, 40; Mamie Nevison, 37; Lily. Prescott, 36; Clare MGArthun, 34.; . Sabina Martin, 32.; Charlie Naylor, 22,1; Annie Martin, 21. GEOGRAPHY.-;‘ FIFTH CLASS.-â€"(Valuc 75.) . Agnes... Dickson, 61; Millie McCallum, 61"; ~ Annie Gillis, 60; Minnie Ingram, 56; , Libbic Hunter, 54; Minnie Bellingham,” 52; Delbert Barr, 45 ;, Bessie Nic, 42; ; _ Walter Ellis, 41;; Henrietta Austin, 41 ;,; Bertha Brokcnshirc, 36‘; Al‘tllalfl:-l‘10f- Cleuncn, 35; Kate Austin, 32; Pill‘Ofltbn Haskell, 30. I. mqfl‘e-zmqgm. . R. 35%. " Powle‘s’s‘ Cornersr' Correspondence of the Gazette. Mr. D. S. Willock and family Willi take their departure from ainongstus on ,. Tuesday, the 14th inst. for the North» - West. We wish them a pleasantjourncy and alsoa sate; one... ' ’ ' Mr. Wm. chrey, our esteemed-and 7 popular stoncmason 'and bricklayer, is . retiring from farming and. ,will sell his . farm,.stockrand.zimplemcnts on March , 220d. Mr. J. intends to work at his; trade hereafter"; Tlici'c,,is,a man near Bail Point who . lastfall had. about 60 sheep. We have t it_up,on good authority, thatlZ have al-h- ready; died this; winter . from starvation. 1, Iiip;there.-is; anyplaw, .,in tliiSEcQunti'y of .‘ ours for cruelty to animals it should be - served. .out.- .not. ins ddicelovay, but: . freely» any cfi'ectually‘w Wesuggest that .1 the authorities shouldlinvcstigate the ..-. matter. r. H COLLAPS;ED.~;â€"-Some time- during ,- ,chncsday night one ofthe additions . to Smith..& _Co.’s old sawmill in this . village collapsed, :in; consequence, itzis. . believed, of the great, weightbf snow, on theroofn ' The Cheapest and Best place in Canada for anbcrmen’s Sox and ; Rubbers andall winter foot wear .is at s Jouus'rONa srssou's, 43. The Great S/Loe Men of Lindsay. T; ‘ SOCIAL_.-,â€"-Thc Ebenezer congregation . of the Methodist Church intend hold- .. ing their annual social onxncxt-riV‘edut. nesday evening, March 15th. Speeches; and. music will make-up.thc programme, .. concluding with refreshmentsé Admin,- . sion 20 cents. Chair taken at 7.30p. m. Christmas Beauties. ' The famous Shambles), J onxsrox tit SISSON, havedhc loveliest imported Shoes nudSlip- _ pers evcrshown. inLindsay. ' 43._; First. .Do'or Ett§t-Of-.D(tly,,llozgse. _ A Business TRIP.7-â€"Ml'. _-A. Clark,“ 'Jr':, left-«last Monday-for .Winnipeg and . other places in. Manitoba, taking with . him a very great variety of samples of spring and summer cloths. Hc' wilhbo?“ away from homcabout three weeks, and, . judging. .by..his success last.ycar,will? probably bring home with him from ., fifty ton hundred orders. . - SARA LORD Bananaâ€"An entertain: .. ment in aid of the Fenelon Falls skating -_~ ifiink will be given. in: Dickson’shall on .» the evening. of. Friday. next, the-17th". inst., the leading feature of which. will| be a number of dramatic readings by; Mise. Sarathord .;Bailcy., . of Boston,“~ who, as an eloCutionist, is spoken-OE in' ._ the highest terms by the Press of Can- . ada and- the United States. A few of ,' the favorable notices ofMiss Bailey are. on the programmes that are now being distributed through the. village and l scores of othérscould’have-been added.» The Fenelon Falls brass band has. been , engaged for the.- occasion and...\vil-l .con-t tt'ibuteguot a little, to the pleasures of t of the evening.“ Admission 25 cents; ; children 10 cclntsl, Doors.,opcn at 7.30 : p. m., concert-to commence-MS o’clock. , Tun I-Ioosmu DRILLâ€"Um“ agricul-‘. tural readers will scarcely need to have their attention called to the advertises... mentofthe Steel Hoosier Seed Drill in' . this issue of the Gazette, as the an- . nounccment of an article possessingsuch unquestionable merit as dees this popu- lar implement will, ,without, doubt, re- ceive due attentiouirom ourprogrcssi-vc and energetic farming community. The . Noxon Bros, Mfg. Co. are an old csta b- . lished and, familiar firm to thousands of ' Canadian farmers, their business dating . from 1856. and the enterprise and encr- 7 pg Ihewn by I them in the, manufgcgpgghv

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