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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 14 Apr 1893, p. 1

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= r: r;:r-‘:=r‘r.'.' ‘-.'.-‘-='-'v‘-l.!-;~ > 3 Stop that Cough by using Red'-"? w. s. mast-ti... F or sale only by H Spruce and Wild Cherry Balsam. all forms of Coughs and Colds. Proi’bssionul Cards. m- LEGAL 320. w--.â€"_ A. r. DEVth, ARRIS'I‘ER, Attorm~y~at~Law, Solicitor in Chancery, Kent. Street. Lindsay. HOPKINS & (TllISi-thM, (Successor: 'rn Man'rrn tit HOPKINS) AltRlS'l‘iGlt, SOLlCl'l‘UR, Sac Money to Loan at 6 per cent. Oflice, Wil- liam street, next; to the Bank of Montreal. G. I]. Horxms. D. H. UI'IISIIULM. M OOH l‘l & JAC KSON, ARRIS'PERS, SOLICITORS, 620. Of- ) lice, William street,Lindsay. F. I). lioonn. A. JACKSON. MolN'l‘YlllC lb STEWART, I annrsrnns, Solicitors, Notaries, sac. “ B Oiiices over Ontario Bunk, Kent street, Lindsay. Money to loan at 6 per cent. on easy terms. 9. J'. Molnrvns. ‘ NOTICE. All Notes made payable to JAMES BRAY Agent, will have to be paid to Frank Kerr post-master here, who holds said notes. JAS. JOHNSTON 8: Co- !‘cnelon Falls; June 30th, lS‘Jl.â€"10 t.f. x:~â€"-”â€"_::._. userssn. '1‘. Summer. 32:227â€"â€" A. w. J. ‘l')nt}1’...»\SSL M. 1)., ,ORONER, Physician,Surgeon,&c., &c. Residence, Brick Cottage, Wellington k‘eet, Lindsay. DR. A. WILSON. -â€"â€"u. 3., M. c. r. a. 3., Ontario,â€" HYSICIAN, SURGEON .55 ACCOUCH- cur. Office, Colborne Street, Feuclon Falls. Du. U. H. GRAHAM, RADUA’i‘E of the University oi Trinity G College, Fellow of Trinity Medical School, Member of the ltoyal College or Surgeons oi Engl:-tutl. Member of the Col- tego of Physicians 8: Surgeons of_0nt:trlo. OEice uud residence on Francis-St. West Fonelon Falls, opposite the Gazette oilicc. R- 'M- MASON, ETERiNARY SURGEON ; Honor Gran- uate Ontario Veterinary College, To- mato, 1384; it. M. O. V. ii. A lesideneeâ€"(Joruer Colborne and Louisa streets, Feuelou Falls. WA“ _ . . ...._ SUEVEYORS. ‘. r’ ' __. . A ._._._...__..___l._. _ JAMES Dit‘KSON, L. Surveyor, Commissioner in the Q. 3., Residence, and mi- . Conveyancer, kc. dross, Fenelon Falls. DENTAL. I]. list R'l'. L. D. S. SET OF GOOD TEETH FOR $10. Gus and local unmdhetirs for painless ex- tracting. Satisfaction guaranteed in all branches oi'dcntislry. Office over Fairwenther & Co's Store, nearly opposite postooffiee, Lindsay. is. u. esoss, [SEN 'l‘IS’RT, LINDSAY. ll be at the “ .irchrtlinr House,” Fenelon 3113, the sectmti Wednesday ofcuch month. ountiful and durable urtiiicinl teeth made, d all other dentul work properly done. fiégl'l" ‘4'; gnars’ Cipii‘ipitcn. lG-ly. I .« y and Glassware everything must go. H. AMSTEN’fi OLD STflMB. fifillilhfig. as: v a 3 463233319159}? le 3.51 % st 0 S g s u ,‘ '~:*.'~mrt-:s;2.err?e19e?e?fis 2 ~.. a 9:4: We have decided to make A CHANCE llil 000 and we will sell our entire stock of Boots and Shoes, Crocker is 1s a. genuine sa. Tb Fenelon Falls, April ~12th, 1893. AT COST FOR CASH. - DEALER lidâ€" Paints, Glass, Oils and Putty, English, Canaâ€" dian and American Latest Des1gns 111 Hall, Parlor, Diningâ€"room, Bedroom and Ceiling Papers, At Prices to Suit Customers. from 50. per roll up to 50. per roll. OIL-PAINTED sHAnns, Crockery, Glassâ€"ware c0 Fancy Goods. Pictures Framed. to Order a. Specialty. Paper Hanging and Kasomining done in the village or country. Fenelon Falls, March 20th, 1803. . day. OUR NEW 1893 FLOWER SEED OHEB. town sus Collection of I AnUnpnralieledOfl'r-r by an ()ld-Ehtnbllnhcd and Reli- - nble l’uliltniung ll 0 u n e! {- Tim Litmus' “'UHLD is a large 90- pngc, till-column illustrated Magn- zine for indies and the furnitycircie. ' ' ltiu devoted to ntories,pocmn lmliea’ fancy work, artistic Needlework, home decoration, housekeeping. fashions,hygiene. juvenile reading, a , etiquette, etc. To introduce this ' . charming indicn’ paper into 100,000 homes where it is not. already taken, we now make the following (clonal ofi‘cr: Uptm n‘ «i it ofunly 12 Cents in silver or slam u, “'2 will anal The Ladies" “for-Id fur ‘1' tree hioxitim, and to each subscriber we will aim and Free and pas/paid. a large and mapnifiuml Col- lection of Choice Flower Eecdn, tum hundred mmu‘m, Including l’nuaizs, Verbenns, Chrysanthemums, Asters, Phlox Hrunnuondii, Balsam, Cypress Vine, Stocks, Digitalis, Double Zinnia, Pinks, etc.,etc. Remember, twelve cents pays for the mega- zine three months and this entire nmgniticent ('0 [action of Choice Flower Seeds, ut up by n tint-class Seed House and War-ranted fresh and rciia le. No indy cnn Alford to miss this wonderful 0 portuuity. We guarantee every subscriber many times the value a? money sent, and will refund your money and make you in present of both needs and Magazine if you are not. satisfied. Ours in nu Old and reliable publishing house, endorsed b all the leading news- papers. We have received hundreds of testiniuniuls irotn pleased putronsduring the past five years: “I [tad beautiful flowery/tom the nude you rent ma two year; ago and from a: variance knmrtlesmh are exactly a: advertised."â€"~A\Ir8. N. C. :n'um, Dana, Win. “Myulf and friend: have cent for uanuua Ming: arlrcrlv'xedgg n, and have found then; In be emirtlu satinfaclmy.”â€"~M. . Silvia, Brooklyn, N. Y. him. Henry Ward u'ct‘hcl’ (a. regular subscriber), and Gram Greenwood, each V ordered our needs inst season. Do not. con- 9 found thisoii‘zrwith the-catch unuy sultcn'ies.3 "\ ' 5t) (1- ‘3! - v. ‘N I fix,“ of nnscnipulous eraons. irile to-(IIryâ€" a?“ '45“ don’t ut. it. off! .Six subscriptions and six " ‘ Seed ‘nllectionu sent. for 00 cents. " 'i‘o nnyind send- 1 Si in;: us my cents . [or above offer and naming Lie {taper in whirl: ale Ame Ilia at rermemenl, \vc wi i send free, in addition to all the above, one packet of the cele- brated Ecki’oI-d Sweet; l’cstfl. embracing the newest. varieties. including llnrenltun. ha}! Eekford, Splendor, The Queen. Oran-go I‘rlueo, 733%: Apple Bios-«um, etc. Sweet. [’15th are the most popular», and fashionable linuquct. flowers nnw cultivalrd. and tin Eckt'ord Varieticu which we offer, are the lurgtst. P35, finest and most Celebrated known. They grow to 341298 height of 6 technan produce for three months a continuum prn~ fusion of fragrant. hlmnna of the most brilliant colorilpgili 3 " _ Upon receipt. 0 ' ' t rt ! five (Xenia (our rennin subscription price) we will send The Ludlon’ “'orlzl for line Your. together with our magnificent. Colicrllun of Choice Flower Semi»; above described, likewise. one nickel. of the extensively adver- tised um] juutiv celebth Eehi'nrd . went. Pens. Address: G. H. MOORE J: 00.. 2’? Park Place. New York- W... “Mmâ€"'- "" n 'u' Fire-swept Prairies. NEBRASKA. DAKOTA AND Oi-IIO VISITED BY FOREST FIRES. Non'ru I’LATTE Nob, April 10.â€"A disastrous prairie fire broke out south of Sutherland. in this county. on Satur- The loss will probably reach $100 000. It. is said the fire was start- ed by a passing engine. Never has such a disastrous prairie fire devastated the Platte valley. Everything for a distance of 25 miles is in ruins. The fire started shortly bei'ore noon and swept everything before it. travelling at. the rate of from 30 to 50 miles an hour and coveringr a tract three or four miles wide. Shortly after 12 o’clock it struck the city of North Platte. By almost. superhuman efforts the town was saved. Farmers and ranchers will lose every- thing. Ponrsrrou'ru, Ohio, April lO.-â€"'I‘he residents of Nuuvo, Union Mills and Friendship, of this County, lil'ted up p 'nyers ol' thankl‘ulncss yesterday morn- ing at. 2 o’clock when a heavy April rain began to l'all. For the past two weeks a very strong and dangerous forest fire has prevailed west of the Scioto river. The fire originated in the Washington township lumber region on Monday and has been gradually spreading". The path rendered desolate by the fire is sixteen miles long by four miles wide. and over $50,000 Worth of ties. hoops, tan bark and sawed timber has been burned. The largest individual loser by the fire is Frank J. Atkins, ol' Clarey’s Run, who loses $10,000 in cord wood and tan bark. On Saturday the hamlets of Union Mills and Friend ship were surrounded be fire, but; Satur- day night’s 'ainsaved them. At present the lire is smoulderqur and another rain will quench it. The loss, roughly “sti- muted, will exceed $200000 in timber. ctc , that. has been burned, not counting" the score oi" farm buildings swept away. OMAHA. Nob, April lO.-â€"Dos;.mtebes i'rom u'allala. Harrisburg. Dunning, Invertou, Kearney. Grand Island, Lex- Looking for a Peerage. SIR. JOHN THOMPSON SAID TO BE GA'ALXG TOWARD THE HOUSE OF LORDS. TORONTO, April 8,â€"The local Con- servatives are discussing a rumor, said to be well founded, that they will haze to seek a new Dominion leader to light under at the next general election. Sir Joi n Thompson, it. is said, is anxious to leave the arena of colonial politics, de- sires to become a peer andsuter the Intâ€" perial field. He had this object in view when he was appointed to the Behring, Sea Arbitration, and this is given as the reason For his leaving the House in the middle of the session. A member at" the Albany Club said yesterday :â€" “ The Judical Committee of tbo' House ol Lords is the highest court. in the land. There are numerous Canadian cascs aruued boll'ire it every year. There is no colonial representative on it. The salary is £5000 or $35,000 a year. if Sir John 'l‘rompson can get a British peerage with the object of getting on that, it is the height of his present; our bitiou. And you can make up your 'miud he as good as has it, for the Behr- in;r Sea Arbitration is the first: step towards the desired end.” â€"-â€"-o+¢â€"â€"--â€"-â€"-â€" The Clan-no. Gael. THE UNITED BROTHERIIOOD RESOLVES TO DISBAND AND QUIT BUSINESS. New Yonrc. April 10.â€"â€"Thc U. B. “ United Brotherhood,” the second name of which the wine or section of the Clan-7 na Gael, controlled by John ~Devoy, is, known, has be mum: of internal dissen- sinus, and in view of Mr. Gladstonc's Home Rule bill, resolved to dishaud an a secret. Irish revolutionary body and cast; its lot with the movement, constitu~ tionnl under British laws, of the Nation- al Irish federation. This was determin- ed upon at. a recent meeting: of the ex- eeutive body presided over by Johtr Dovoy in Plulada. The causes of” dis-v sensiou at": That the Devoy, it is alien: ed. allowed a man known to be in the employment of Scotland Yard. although a member of a home‘Clau-na Gael camp to be. present; at a secret convention of” the U. B. held in New York last. August, and that Luke Dillon, Captain O'l‘glcagh- er, Conclon and other members of the executive committee plunged the Broth- bood in debt in the endeavor to hunt; down the murderers of Dr. Cronin by the employment of Pinkerton detec No TO BE SOLD IN SOUTH CAROLINA, EXCEPT BY THE PATERNAL GOVERNMENT. CHARLESTON, S. 0., April 8.â€"There will be no liquor or beer sold in South Carolina. except by the state, alter July lst. Four of the most eminent; local firms in the state yesterday decided the matter. Soon alter the passage of the law at; the last session of the Legislature, the liquor dculers of the state formed an association and employed counsel to test its constitutiomtlity. These counsel yesterday filed their opinion. They ad- vise the liquor dealers to prepare to- mect; the law as valid and constitutional on and after July 1st, and that, in view of the heavy penalty purscrib‘d, they cannot; advise them to continue selling; liquor al'tur July lst, but, on the con- trary, advise them to comply with the statute until it has been declared invalid- To test the constitutionality ol the stat; me in point of Federal prohibition of .4. More Drink. iugtou and llastiuus give accuunts of discrimination, the council advise that eroat losses to property by prairie fires. A Burlington railroad bridge at. Dun- “in! rind another at Hastings on the l‘likhnrn Were destroyed. At Kearney the lire burned near enoule to the town to destroy a brewery. At Dunning: an old lady named Bartlett was fatally burned. ’l‘he t'eulon burned over is the chiel grazing; section of the State. Sioux FALLS, S. D . April 10.â€"-’i‘orâ€" rible prairie tires are urging near Chamberlaino and- a large amount of stock perished. Two persons were burned to death. The people are ex- cited and threaten to lynch Whoever started the fires it' they catch them. â€".+ .~â€"â€"- The Newfoundland seal fishery is a total failure this Season. The total catch isnot expected to yield 90,000 seals, which is one-fourth of last. year's catch. The new Mormon temple at Salt. Lake 1in. which has cost over $5,000,000, was (Indicated on "Friday. The temple SWPPI'": only ut‘_”'e me!" Lei] ll“: is 196 by 99 feet and covers an area of say the aerolitr is comer-2m 21,850 square feet. proper proceedings be taken. In the meantime the Governor and state dis- penser are traveling: in the west; and north, makingr arrangements to open the state bar-rooms on July lst. â€"o-o-.- Friday was the twenty-filth anniver- sary of the murder of Thomas D'Arcy McGee. A Chicago despatch says there is no prospect of any supply of' pure lake water at; the Worl-l’s Fair ground» before the middle of June. An aorolite fell near Ossawntomie, Kan, on the afternoon of April 9th, striking: the tnonluueut of John Brown, or “ Ossawatmuie Brown," as he was sometimes called, erected to him by private subscription originated by l-lor- ace Greeley in 1863. The meteor broke oil the left arm of the statue and pas~ed through the dome and nave in a slightly south-easterly direction. and through six feet of clay just south east of the crypt, 'm‘l'tS’ . metal, only known to est-r

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