- '- v..__.___ ‘ ' _.___,_____-___,._ ._..._______..__.._.._ - . V I I ~ I u . n o I V 1 - - G Sant motion, was like one of the exquisite, have followed him into the awful shadOWS THE ATLANTIC FLOATING ISLAND. THE INSTINCT OF LOCALITY- - ____ :uby-éihif‘oated humming birds that flashed of the swamp. ‘â€" 0 an to among the jasmine flowers, and Strong men shuddered as they pictured A Detached Piece orilic Continent Said to M l, . _ It i e. w 1 l SWAMPY' toginislielf he called her “humming-bird.†. the helpless little one wandering, terriï¬ed be Flooring in Mid-Ocean. en osseilwerne::::::1:l i‘ l t m A Tale enhe .. B aek Cypress." n t is articular afternoon Mrs: Addis and alone, amid the horrors from which they Un1eeq the 1atest news of the drifting 151. I . . . had sought the shade Of a giant live-oak, had Just emerged, her tender flesh torn by and in the At1antic has failed to reach us, do? tcï¬feifrggï¬lalleg? 5881131618111); lï¬slfmii’lg thorns, and her uncertain footsteps dogged nothing has been heard of the remarkable few days “my heve found their we heck by Plemg beast? '. mass of earth, roots, and verdure since it to the stertine point so we havey often Fearful concerning her fate,dismayed and was sighted on September 19 last. At that been told m S a w'riter in the London helpless as they were, they werealsnprompt this bit, of the New \Vor1d seelned Spectator), aid no doubt the has to ac“ and! as quiCkly “5 tomb“ Could be 1 destined to add a trifle to the area of the happened. \Ve heve been eeteniehe’d et beneath which she sat absorbed in a book, DY Kmmwmm while \1'11 d 1 d h d s - _ - _ , . I.‘ l i re p aye near er,an . wampy From a dense thicken 0f Jupon’ 0‘ er “luch from the thicket in which, crouched like a a ll ' i '. . . . . agtiyfngglsnhifehg‘getflzlglï¬ï¬i 20f Egret; Wild animal, he had long waited for their scented flower hale as to form a screen eh appearance, watched her With a swelling most impervious to hghe, a crouching ï¬gure heart and a strange longing to be some peered eagefly out way different from whatehe was, an( more The ,onh was that of a boy perhaps 16 ‘ like the people whom this child could know ‘ .' . and love. . - Zï¬géigfthii’ lggut-“hthha‘ fact: 130 than hand At times the child came so close to gather man of 60 Itmlg ,0 avg fe Mtge t 0 3 the yellow flowers that hung abouthim that weather beaten ,Wiidagiz ’ehafggwgé’bafa he could have touched her,buthhc crouched ’ . low and she did not discover is presence. Egghnï¬j 32$iia‘eflledughaég’ 1323‘: 1.22:); 1311?; Suddenly on one of these occasions a half- eyes with en impetiege eseure The my grown Newfoundland up appearcdfrom be- eyee had e stealth ' emit: bu t'd lookglike hind a clump. of shrub )ery, and With awk- thoee of .1d .l l n e ward gambolings and loud. barkmgs made He weea'bg;e_f::;:&aa;ld bureheaded White straight for the little girl. \Vith a frightened his only garments were a blue cottorf shirt fry 5h? ran toward h.“ m‘htheri A? agataint end. a pair of coarse trousers much too Oatei Swampy, fancying t at he c ii \\ as - huge for him 1 t d e eh b moms in danger,'and naturally hating dogs because They were an anbrtgdnlf illicithe: bglt still they W-ere always set on“? mm’ had Sprung shew- lpp y ‘ h. _ d t’ eh. from his concealment, seized the animals w :1“; PM": we. of tawny ‘nt an m 0 IS throat in his sinewy young hands, and would 1151 .n :51} a knlfe' . have choked it to death had he not in turn “ sshlfmpog nig‘; llÂ¥nï¬gvï¬aéflzvzyiomgeegs been grasped from behind and forced to loose ‘ ‘ ’ - his hold. ‘ 22:2: :31)" he, as we“ as Others, had £01" Mr. Addis and the owner of an adjacent ' . plantation, who had been but a few steps He was the outcast Of that “‘le settled behind the dog, and who misunderstood the brought, they plunged again into the weird 01d. It was fer north and east, and, com the wonderful imam ence dis M ed “HEPâ€? of the "115‘" S‘Vamp- . 1 sidering its limited experience in navigation, Me ie I should cell it it“ week II) hieré Within an hour and less thana‘mile away was making good Progress toward Europe. of age; min who sane-d from Aberdeen to they found the child sitting between two It is probhme, however, that the October Arbroalllth He left behind him a. do" which buttressed Of a great’ m°.SS'hu“g cypress storms tore it to pieces and scattered its eeeerdie 't0 the shoe 1nd never “been in and sobbing as though hcrlittle heart would . tregments ever the ocean floor. Amman? but when he grrivea them the bre.ak' Her dzlmty dress was 19â€" lm‘d' Several months ago some information do wee them“ on the he I ex‘ eeeed stained, and thickly splattered With blood, about thiS remerkhme 58.1101. was given. togbeli‘eve thaegthe do‘l ~hya-d lvnowPh his although She herself was E‘s Safe and ‘1‘," Reports as to its size, printed soon after its master’s destination egd been ‘ehle to in_ 55:]?ed as when last held in her mother s discovery, seem to have been exaggerakted. quire the way everle’nd to Arhmeth The .’ . . The mass was said to have an area 0 8. out V , . . . ’ . _ Directly m from 0f hel’ “id barrmg the two acres. \Ve have no reason, to believe, ixlglgrhfggels eergf‘htilieagg,’ “WEE? 31;; recess formed by the proiecting buttresses however, that it was seen bemm July 28’ sltories do meaii - we 'inust cease to ascribe 0f the tree, by a confused mass, Whmhkas when it appeared to be nearly square in our intelli ence ,to animals and leaf‘n that the torches were held lower‘ for a closer in- outhne’ with a 1ength of about a hundred it, is we thin (:ften osses their instinct igfï¬lélson: I‘EEOIVed ltself mto two defid and ten feet on each side, Whigh would give A eat on e feem EvilIDWendee mwy m'ilee ' . it an area of less than a. tliir of an acre, - - , one was of At fmm 3‘ dozen wounds mid W1“) m? kmle of the Bermudas and the latitude of \Vil- round q R is when ï¬fe miles Mite A gin llhmthad dealt them driven deep mm hm mington’ Del' It was in llhe ceritlre 0f the it Wadders and comes agross a bityof cdim- 16‘“ ' , Gulf Stream, a mass of cart 1 thic r cover- - The other bod y, frightfully torn ï¬nd l ed with trOpical grass and bushes): whose ihihbtizivivt ezï¬gfg' o‘ignstgnogfd nï¬glrlrfg‘}, mangled, but with a hand still clutching roots apparenuy hem it togethen The Carrier i eons meg tau he “homin ‘e b - the death-dealing knife, was that of a mere mass was 018“th above 1119, genenfl have], takin £15m raduall 10% ct hi htsgfronx lad. in one part, until the bushes that crowned llemegee the? they may legem thg look of Southern neighborhood ; his hand was . x - - . - . “ - cause 0f swampy S atlaek 0“ mm: had As one Of the men turned “1 0V†and it were thirt feet above the sea. It was in - glgmns.‘ all mm} and ,to 1,â€m was Credlt'ed an Sprung to his rescue. _ revealed the white, set face, he started back pm“ View a}: h (118mm,a of seven miles, thetCO‘E‘trY' e WI? calm“ “19%)â€; aligovfr ie mischief and thievmg of the commun- is Who are you? You young villain '. with an oath. “By ‘ men, itye - Nearly a month later the floating island rosteabyogvï¬pchiaiey‘yglsdoeeguaï¬ghee veins it 1i: ‘ ’ Swam y l and we’ve been hunting him while, 0 a 3‘“. It, was Au ust 16 and the . . . he’s bgen here ï¬ghting to the death to save gilfsgti‘leargn liad carried it Elittle ,north of qunegbmhdtt? lmagme’ asfmo“ Peeple an the Clllld 1†the latitude of Boston. It was south of ohcel 0’; 8h n; “has “Tperï¬ecg Strung,“ to They 1““ Swampy a"Way nex‘ day in t he Newfoundland, was approaching the Grand t e 33’ o« t e , an ' do Ih ,our “ 2y Bi family burying ground 0f Cypress Knou- Banks and was in the track of transatlan- I600“ tllm-e mleltj groun, we we olnce fie-(t The Place from “’hiCll he had been driven tic trailel. More than two weeks later, on is sc-arce ytmtel lgflnce ’ :10 (in! on y-ca‘ tll was proud to receive him. From those September 13 and 14’ two vessels came insuncl‘ ltlougtl t’ e wor €1,088 no†m 18 who had scorned him he had won the hom- across the wanderer. There thuheavysea, leg“ my? 91% tD‘e Prlocess-th iv‘l) Vega? 3%? age due only “Ch ‘13 are Willing to lay and the traveller from the tropics was liav- mt “sue Dug as m e s e O i an' reached the station at 11 p. m. I was justice, and deï¬ed his Pursmer from the audacious young scoundrel in all these parts, down their lives for their fellows - ~ - l .- . - in r a hard time of it. The floatin 1 mass - - yraCklgss faStnesses 0f the gleam S‘valnp’ and One who ought to have been sent to Elle All this happened many years ago. 13111; “IE; not however dentonshed tie vio_ guided to a' house 3‘ mlle through the t0“’“' m Whlcll he always found a secure re- ' 1 . 11 - - “ ’ ’ . . I scarcely paid any attention to the route, t chain gang long ago. Swampy, tie) on lto this day no stranger is allowed to pass 161106 of the waves, for It was seen hem“ on t t , If 1 b‘ th fiat ' 11 k ‘ h him, andâ€"-J’ . through that section of the for South with- September 19. It was then in the latitude ye “ex inorme‘hg 0:1“ mylk'imy e _ flip/as genera y nown that somew erg u Swampy 1†interrupted Mr. Addie, out listening to the story of Swampy, the of Cape Breton Ishmd’ wee northwest of EM“; 15°11 e t; estalionewa iplg piniemy Wit 1111 its black depths, amid whose tang e is why, that is the name of the thief W110 Young outcast of the Bhwk Cypress Keen. the Azores, and almost in mimoceen. it ea ent, eep y Itun ing a pa hime cane brakes panthem’ bears’ and wdd ("its has been robbing me right and left for some hits not been reported Since, and probemy about Ogle“ tllmgs ii an, the W843“ ave roamed unmolested, Where water moccasins years Past. 1 was eeine to ask you to 1181p I Q failed to reach Europe. From the ï¬rst to the instinct of the locality. 1 and alligators abounded, and where tempt- me organize e hunt for 111m. “7611 this 1,, h TEE LOHIPKA PASS- the last reports this waif from tropical Most people gomg into a nark room that me beds of greenest moss concealed deadly1 bit of leek. Aha, you young V111,,n 1 so you Awhmfld ForbeeT-ejâ€"“ermw Pm"er of America certain‘ly travelled 1,075 miles, they llmow :tre by muscularlsense gui'ded bus 0f Shmy ooze’ 01d Jake Mmders ha thought you’d kill my dog, did you, for ' ‘ ‘ ' " ‘ and ite tot.“ ~eu',.ne me heâ€, been at exam 3’ to t’ ‘9 ‘ery, SP5“) ‘9 leY Wlsr‘: 5° llefellce- ' ‘ J y y ‘ people who have the instinct of localityinay for years maintained a moonshine still, f : t . . - - . . . . . .. car had interfere With your tliievmg 1easttw1cet1mt (11sttmce_ though no hvmg man had ever “sued or His sel‘VlCBS Won't be needed nows thm‘fa'hv Tins moment 0f confusm“ and wavering Floating islands are notanovelty. Part8 fife?1:ili:lileioa $5221: ewlffibbiittothihkilgéagf ’ seen it; and that here his son the boy only for to mermw 1:11 ' . 1. 1 p11 1 0“â€: b t] e Turks for a1_ . . ., . a : ’ - ' Pllt 3’0“ 1“ ‘L P we Wlere was w“ c‘ b y l 3‘“ c of lar e river banks, articularl Within , known as “Swampy, ’ had remained alone you won’t have a ehehee to Ste,“ anything vance In great, force frmn the western flank, t, e g .ns are sometimge tom aw: can _ wheie they go. There may be no mental ever smce tle disa earance of the old man ' â€" . .1 1 ' V ' . “3 mp1†’ y’ y everCise connected With this I have known . ‘ p‘P . . . . more for some years to come. In the mean- ing spur toivaic tie high road in fear of me not only a ereet mess of vegetation, but .1 d f h t u. . h ldl Who’ ember dead 01- a' maul†from Jusmce’ time I guess tlleanwke‘house Will be 9‘ 300d | the Russr‘m posmon’ whlle another “0.1â€â€ also insects and reptiles, hundreds of miles if; a y o gvi‘ela'h 1nl e‘flgenc'el W i) “ion l 088 had now been “11.351â€ng many mom’hs' enough place for you to spend the night I from the eastern spur moved down Simul- down Stream These fleeting masses are e 61‘ Way if It 11_n mi a m1 6 0 tie louse HOW Swampy lived none knew nor cared. my mneousw to jam hands with it. “7611 verycom‘non'occurrence in the river Plate she had lived in forty years. This feeling Em .nelghb-ON only -swore Whenever they so tlhe-unllfl-PPY lad: Still doggedly Silent, might" Captain. Greene, the. Alnerimn mili' of South America. Floating islands are anllt pla'ï¬'e belongs to tibialt than]? Of us til“ spoke 0f him! and “’15th 1‘? w°uld cease to ' and feeling humiliated as never before in tary altache With the Russmus, whose ad- also observed at see new and then, but we Wv‘ laveï¬l" comlgon W†81‘ 0W9? :15: live at all or would follow his father to parts his life, was 1ed away and thrust into the ‘ mlmme work.†the mmhentw record of the are not aware that ehey have ever before $111.65.] e nehe not posftu ate 12.18. 6 unï¬nown' d d h h v e d darkness of the stout log smokeâ€"house, the l war â€"-well might he write that “ the mo- been reported at so great a. distance from Eliza‘s-Sen"; 6ft: 0W 811%“: 0i 1 Pgsgfzfgngw‘ig ven swampy won ere w y e 8 Rye heavy (1001‘ Of WhiCh was Securely P‘l’dl‘mked mam“ was the mo“ critical 0f the cam' land, or that they have bee ‘ found hitherto ens whit ieen’et iiiiegï¬iï¬fee lhuhoinetintét a l ' Where he_ dld“ The only reason 1‘91 Emma; behind him, Paign'†in the northern track of I}. nslantic com- lve ‘30 hlmf‘elf was a)“: he inewlag“ oveil For the rest of the afternoon he remained The moment was dramatic, with an in- meme. The island whose progress over the _ ‘ the BlaCk QYPI‘BSS, Wll? l a 110W eh gelan there, and late at night the negro W110 CM- tensity to which the tameness of civilian 1 ocean has just been traced for a remarkable AT THE BOTTOM- OF THE SEA- lOVG belongmg only t? “10:3 W 0 A)“: ‘ ricrl him a supper of corn bread and 8: jug life can furnish few parallels. The Bus- distance, suggests an idea that is of great -â€"--â€"- Fused the“ 11V“ m 3' smgged 01mm" .ml 5 of water reported that he was still safe. sian general, expecting momentarily to be interest to geographers and geologists. “5 gloomy Shadows he 1’“ We ‘0‘ er smce In the morning when they came to take environed, had sent out from between the The fact that; many close or complete re- he could remember, and for “'“ght he knew him to the count-y jail he had disappeared fast-closing tentacles of the great octopus semblances were found to exist between the An extraordinary ireumetanee that fox bhl‘OUgh which was embracing him, a last telegram fossil and living flora and fauna of parts of hue been net-med with interest end it)“ \Vhat are d ' l i A d h td . you 0mg . iere . n w a 0 .He was rarely Seen by dayl‘qht’. but 8"; you mean by this outrage ‘2" demanded Mr. mghb he meled aboutâ€th countrymdc’ and Addis, sternly, as be tightened his clutch shadowy ghmpsfs 0f mm were “may? {01‘ on the lad’s arm, and slightly shook him. lowed by the discovery of looted chicken To these questions Swampy, angry and roosts, spring houses, or melon patches. when made no rep1y. ‘ Many a fruitless trap was set for liim,and .. 16:5 t'het young ehh of 01d Jake Mind, he had eluded many a‘ ho†.Cha‘Se‘. He er’s‘.†exclaimed the other gentleman, with laughed to scorn all efforts to bring him to e keen look at the boy’s feee_ .r‘The most No Wreckage in me Deepest oi‘tlie Oceam Depths. heï¬gdlpfeen born int that swalnpi 1 1 A hole burrowed as though by a 13 l e was as 0 1991‘ 933 M“ Olle Y “'5 the. solidly packed earth underneath one Of to the Czar, deï¬ning the inevitable issue, the earth that are separated by great oceans, that always ereetee surprise When ded 8‘3 evmence the“ learned, is the entire absence of can We“ be conceived 3 but although he | the walls showed how he had csca l ' ' ' " . L pei . telling how his braie men had stiiven to has Ion been re or If"? W9rk1°f11 at"; 1‘5?in not ate. Eleflgmg: Not only had he departed, butevery ham' avert it, and pledging them and himself to these wgidely severged regions were once con- forei h matter in the dee e1, are of the 0 t ‘9 Igor; d St? _y! 1 “'25 8‘ a‘nuy usy and side of bacon that had hung in the hold out, with the help of God, to the blb- necth by a, land bridge which, in the course ocea§,s floor of all the vengels liege in mid. : one. 1 e 16:118“ “1951:†lge :3 wet as any smOke'house had gone With him' ter and and the IaSLdmp Of their blood' As Of time, sank beneath the sea" It’ is Wen ocean of all. the human beings that have t gale'e 58’ ml 1e gl? 1 ll llIf“ llug-h mpg“)? “men this was reported to M‘r' Addis the a‘fbcmoon Sha‘dmvs were falling’ known that seeds e'mlosed in Shells not been drowned of all the marine animals 5 1mg, M“ Shea mg: a 0 w ‘1'“ We†° that gentleman’s chagrin knew no bounds, Darozhinski and Stolictoff stood in the easily penetrable may float in ocean currents that have Peri’shed’ of all the day, send and him perfectly legll’ima‘te “cupal‘ions' He \and he vowed he would not rest until Turkish ï¬re on the peak of S?- Nlcliolas. for many hundreds of miles and produce grave1 1etfe11 bv dissolving icebergs, of an l wron thoucrh he had received from his swampy was again 3' Prisoner' ‘° g, a By noon messengers sent far and Wide grimed, sun-blistered men, beaten out With but scientiï¬c men have not been able to see shore by shlfting currents_not a trace re_ mains, but in their place water from 1,000 hunger, and thirst; reckless how land animals and many varieties of to 2,500 fathoms in depth covers the uniform plants, most of them now known only as foss‘ls’ could be ldelmca‘ny the same or deposit of thick,bluish, tenacious slime call- very closely allied in regions severed by ed glehieerine ooze. Wide seas unless these. regions were once A bit of this under e Powerful 1ens is e‘ conneCted by “ land budge“ . revelation of beauty not readily forgotten. \Ve have now undoubted proof that a lit- The ooze is composed a'1mest entirely of the tie SPGCk 0f land! mm from some 3°95“; or daintiect, most 'delicately beautiful shells “ver ballk’ crowngd with vegetable If not imaginable. At depths greater than 2,500 animal hf"! has driftedth way across me fathoms the bottom of the sea consists main- ocean. It seems reasonable to suppose that 1y of products arising from exposure, for ï¬on‘t'mg Iglands’ .Some Of them many dunes almost incalculable periods, to the chemical larger than the “land we have des‘ir‘bed’ action of sea water, of pumice and other my have: Played a“ WWW?“ Pal†m the volcanic matters. This ï¬nally results in dlat‘mbul’mn of spew“ Wm." When they the formation of the red clay deposits that have no“ generally been Credll’ed' are considered characteristic of the pro- futher'ma'ny lessons Of a nature that he was had summoned to Cypress Knoll lialfa. dozen heat: fatigue: not likely to forget on the enormity and in their deependeney’ that every feet of is r b . ‘ I e e .t. neighbouring land owners, as many servants , . d g ace of emg ca 1g 1 a' l and a score of dogs. \Vith this assistance: ground was swept by me Turklsh “ï¬e ï¬re. Thus when the boy was thrown upon his . .- 1 n , , _ Mr. Addis proposed to draw the swam Othch 3â€â€œ doggedy rought on down own resources he “Ole Whatever be con \covcrs and hoped to speedily run this liumaii among the “mks! forced to g1ve ground: but had never been taught that Stealing was Alon" the bare ridge below them 1;‘0’ the their kind on the fOl'elgn Shores they reu‘Ch: ‘Lhe various substances drifted from every sidered necessary to his comfort as natural- ~ ~ . r - fox to ear-ch, (icing so With sullen reluctance. I‘he cliffs ]y as he breathed or Slept’ and was more and valley echoed with triumphant shouts After lunch as the hunt was about to- . , :ngérptgggg gifugfe ï¬nï¬tvledge that he had start the shouting men, neighing horses, 0f “Allah 11 Allah !, The Principal scene of Swempy.e depredee loudotongued dogs, created a merry confu- Stolietofl cries aloud in sudden excess of time Wee Cypress Knoll, e plehtetien that sion on the broad lawn that sloped down excitement, grasps Darozhinski by the el- hordered on the swamp in which he made from the house to the very edge of the great bow, and points down the Pass. The head his home. swamp. of a long black column is plainly visible t b l l l ' l i . . I was near y’ amum m mtle wry thief must surely be taken this time. He rock. The troops about them spring to thin 3 he most needed and was less care- . . . . g ’ is the curse of this community, and deserves their feet. \ “Remember,†called Mr. Addie, “ the against the reddish-brown bed of the 11 . d d f ‘ ' in y gun e hau 0mm Places “hosetno more mercy at our hands than the The Turkish war-cries were drowned wners lived 0 them. . . . . . . . 0â€"____ O 1 nh . , 1 - beasts With which he shares his hiding. in the Wlld clamor of cheering which the = foundest depths of the ocean. Carbonate ts owner, w ose name was Ac dis, was ,, . . . . . , compelled by business to spend most of his Plsze' ' , wmd Carma from We SOI""I’ressed defend' The Most Careless Creatures that ever of lung-which, 1n the form of tne shell of time in e distant eitv ; but the plantation, Aye, aye . .We 11 have the young cama- ers of the Schipka, in glad welcome to the erd. foramini‘fera, make up so large a part of the mount before night, never fear l†was aboutâ€" comrades hurrying to help tliem.â€"[Archi He came home eome nights eee 1 hit globigerina ooze, is here almost entirely ab- 0 l - y - - sent. wo k and his Wife . . tired from 8' buSy day s r ’ Sea water is very nearly a universal gilï¬egwinm he had gOt 03 ms overcoat and solvent, and before any shell, large or small . ' . . ' - f these tremendous “Did ou nVet that icce of Sllk I asked lem’hes. the bomf’m 0 . _ you to lLii‘iugb?†she illquired, seeing that abysms 1t 15 Chemlca‘ny. enten up’ htem‘uy he had not hid it before her dissolvedâ€"a result Which the enormous ' pressure of the water must materially left in charge of an overseer, was kept up after a fashion, principally, so Swampy was pleased to fancy, for his special beneï¬t. Although there was much thieving on this plantation of which Swampy was both inno- cent and ignorant, it was all credited to him ed in reply as the noisy cavalcadc dashed bald Forbes,iu the April Scribner. away. ___._â€"â€"â€"«--â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- Their leader was the last to mount - and as he did so, little Mildred, joyously excit- / The P10116615 ed by the confusion which had no meaning Just a hundred years ago (in 1792) an in- tolier beyond that of a frolic, darted from ventive English nobleman declared that it in the reports made to its proprietor' her mother’s side and begged ler a a s ible to make a. ship move by the â€" - - . 1 was as . . 1, ' . . “$1323; Sggrll‘eb‘iffrm degmzcvgg to take her with him. P P aid 01f “ steam,†without “ masts or sails,†hellÂ¥,65’ dear ’ I left lb out there m the hasten. . by his Wife and.t,heir .Only chad a hale 5_ Laughing at the child’s request, and in and, havmg spent as much as he was pre- “bid you get the pins .2†_ Atl,000 fathonis the weiglitof the water em..o1d daughter arrived uhe)’: eetedl eh spite of her mother’s protesting exclama- pared to afford. on repeated costly planS, “Yes dear.†pressmg on 3,11- shleg of an obJect Immelsed {j fess Khan on’ - 1t f - p ,- y tion, the indulgent father swung his dar- craved some “91393300 from the Stateï¬. 0f “And the ribbon,†to that depth is Very nearly one ton to the XFhe r0 fleece 20?: dgscgilzzatfg'e 1 ling up on to ï¬le saddle in from; of him, course the department (beingowet blanket) “Yes ,, ' sgu‘are inch, or more than one hundred had bee: systematicauy robbed on e11 31,161: put spurs to his horse, and was off like a, stringently tied up its loan, but, havmg be- “An Bobbieh shoes,†times that sustained at the sea level, aiid‘at but so far as he cou1d ï¬nd out every one shot. come persuaded by the result of his experi- ,,Yee_,, the greatest, depths the pressure. 13 so m. was, honest and innocent save “’Det tievin. At the bottom of the lawn he set, the 11t_ ments that he had hope or success, it under- “And a hearth broom 2,: creased that ll}. would seem nothing could oung demo“ of a, Swamp Ten ,0. eah lte one gently down and bidding her run took to build a small vessel for the would- “Yes ,, Withstand it-â€"1n fact, lieayy metal cylinders him so keen fer stealin’ daThe steal5 de tool baCk to 1‘“ mower Ph‘nged into the gloomY be'mvemor’ to be navigated “by tl‘e'mgmn “And a Wick for-the kitchen lamp!†let dolvn wmh t1“? soundmg appul‘ams are euten yea heed an: nehher eh eateh if 0, shadows of the swamp, amidwhich his com. engine†on the condition that If it failed “Yee ,, sometimes, on being drawn up again to the ain’t look out i Yes, 51h, gpem‘e like higm panions had already disappeareth is all’therexpense should be made geodL byl “An‘d' some metehee 9y, surcfiacel, founvd sbeilit aiiiliggllatltiie(lthztgpnghy I L x . iim. iis euerous en er rise 0 or , '. _ ' †ma. e 3.33 e se 3 w 1 . The sounds 0f merry horns" baymg Stan‘nope wasghighly laudedpat the time, 3193), 3:15: “elet’életlle :21)? Egglilgï¬ie closedgare shattered into fragments. ‘ W ’ lottin’ fer to car off der whole plantashun l ’fore him dun got troo l†So against Swampy was the proprietor’s wrath directed, and vowing to bring the young rascal to Justice before he left the neighborhood he laid many plans for the lad’s capture. Of all this the boy remained in such ignor- once that he found no reason for ceasing hounds, shouts and barkings grew fainter , - ' - . Entitllï¬nally they were lfost1 in the forest’s’ fï¬zpflsasvefï¬lgbngimiflgéuioextggesiiil ,ep 18, uni e peace o si ence once more . - , - - ,- - - brooded over the borders of the dark swamp, gg’igtflzlgeï¬zii 1y “1 “fluid In“ lga‘mn’ WI“ and the sun~bathed plantation beyond. In thie eeee the recognition of a piom It was d_Ҥk ere the Weary hunters, an' eer’s possible “ usefulness†was exception- ?eol‘edthle’ gilléuie'l began It? lsttliuggle le‘ ably favorable. If the Inquisition had then ' _ _ _ r m ' a e. a non w 110 i new unsuc- . ' « rr " ‘nr ‘ his stealthy ViSits to Cypress knoll when- cessful quest had beeng made. Men, horses Eï¬ï¬‚gfgiï¬ailfflgffg3: lfff: ever his hunger or other necessities seemed and dogs were alike covered with the ooze into mischief, But, the coffrage of the true to demand them. _ e and slime of the swamp. All were scratch- discoverer seldom fails, When Galileo was . He even began to v1s1t the place by day- ed and torn by the thorns of briars and ty- compelled to meant; his heresy about the light and more frequently than ever, for he ty bushes, wait-a-bits and wild rattan. motion of the earth he whispered to a lhad learned that it possessed a new attrac- Mr. Addie was among the ï¬rst to emerge friend as he rose from his knees “ It moves tion for him, and one so fascmating that he into the open, and as he did so he was met for 8.11’1511,†n so too at last», does the aim. could not realst it. Dainty little Mildred by a. group of frightened women, one of tiohs worm: when’som’e one audaciously pm. Addis,With her happy llattighteieanflbewitclp tiliem sprapg forward crying shrilly, “ Mil- poses to ï¬nd his way over a stream or gulf mg ways, was a revc a ion .0 'ie youn ( red, in aby ! where is she? Give her to ' y, b 1 e1 ~ outcast of the swamp, and to lie hidden iii me at orircc ! Oh, it was cruel ! cruel ! to 3302;3332; 92;)83311cizassii’n? (hazy: 66:81,. Alla She was “039 for “1° Yesml the some tangled thicket from which he could take her into that awful place i†tmumcd themsehcs M, {111. “9an- watch her became his great pleasure. The hunters reined shortly up, and gazed , e . v . "'7'â€" . Elle soon discovered the favorite haunts to atone another with blanched faces. “ W'hat 11‘8 (’hmese detectllie.f°rcg "5 8‘ secret which Mrs. Addis always accompanied by do you mean 1’†demanded theirleader husk- Ea Wag Sorry. Po‘ly’ and the be“ qrgfl-msed m we world' Mildred, took her Work or book on warm, fly. “The child has not been with us. 1 E “k “Tl . . ‘ eh t , t. 1 Che? have a“ 913’" “PO†“Very.ma“’.w°man' dmufSIy afterfnoolns. Neard on: of these he sent her back from this very spot hours ti'memie' rv‘elshgz to 3111:3213]; i}in aï¬fl. {39:31 Oiglzgzi Sphgtl‘nna, and won ( wait or 101119, on w en t ey 3.1)- 2.10," ' . , in at 1 ion a i o_ ‘ . peered would watch with almost breathless é’He had hardly spoken, and had no time gï¬giï¬fngonmn Peddlers than I dld not Want The Old Cemetery. of Barcelona is in truth ‘ ' a. “ city of the dead.†Streets upon streets coal?†“Yes, it will be up on Monday.†“And the man to ï¬x the grate in the dining-room ‘2†“Yes, he’s coming as soon as he can.†“And did you go and pay the gas rate “Yes dear." “Andâ€"andâ€"oh, yes, did you order a new shovel for the kitchen ’2†“Nâ€"nâ€"no,†he hesitated, I forgot it." “Good gracious '2†she exclaimed. What did you do that for? You know we needed that shovel, and I told you about it the very ï¬rst thing when you went to town this morning. I do think you men are the most forgetful and careless creatures that ever lived.†Timely Appearance- “ May I ask you, madam,†inquired the gentlemanly caller at the front door, re- moving his hat, “ if there has been a large and successful cooking school in this neigh- borhood for some weeks ‘2†“ There has,†replied the lady. “ Some member of your family has been in attendance, perhaps,†he ventured. “ ch. Two of my daughters attend it.†“Ah!†rejoined the caller, pleasantly. “ A good cooking school is one of the ad- juncts of an advanced civilization. I am always interested to notice the advance of a community in the knowledge of the gentle arts and sciences that go to make up the sum of human happiness. But I have allowed myself to forget the business upon which I have ventured to call,†he continued, briskly opening a small valise. “ I am introducing a small but comprehen- sive work, entitled ‘ The Horrible Curse of Dyspepsia and Indigestion ; How Cured and How Ilcmovcd.’ The price is only soventy-ï¬ve cents and I can assure you, 9n delicht the butter-fl movements of the to s rin to her aid ere his Wife fell sense- v ' . child. y les'sgo tffc ground ’ Peddlerâ€"“ Very sorry’ "mm 1†‘ of walls with ï¬ve or six stories of niches madi‘wmâ€" Thankg- GOOd morning i" Swampy had never heard of angels, but Quickly, and fat, the dread news spread. k ngiekeeperâ€"H It’s some] Confltorb to into which the cofï¬ns ,m-e‘ placed. give onri I -â€"-'â€" . t he was intimately acquainted with birds, Mildred Addis was lost ! She had not re- ' now ' M 5’2“ 33Ԡsmry’ afny mw' indeed the idea of a deserted city. This The line 0f railway Which WM 11ml? COH‘ and to his ’uitutored mind the little one, turned to the house after dashing away in 1 Paddler;â€" yeï¬g’mum’ 111,? very sorry you fashion obtains all over Spain and in some structed cost £37,568 per mile, about 04‘ with her brightness. daintiuess, and inces- that mad gallop with her father, and must ‘0“ “an any mg’ mum' parts of Italy. per cent. above the estimate. . l l 1 l 1 l