“l. .-‘ 4â€"5 . small clearing skirted by great spreading . resident of the NEW YORK STATE MIRACLE. A Young Inady’s GraIeful Acknowledge- ment of a. T1111er Rescue- iMlss Lilllnn Sparks Restored to Health and Strength After Medical Aid had Failed â€"lIer Condition Hint of Thousands of Other Lmlles “110 May Take [lope From Her Story. ~ From the Horncllsvillc, N. Y., Times. Painted Post is the name of apretty little village of one thousand inhabitants, situated on the line of the Erie Railroad, in Steuben county, two miles from Corning, N. Y. The name seems an odd one until one learns the circumstances from which it was deriv- ed. When the ï¬rst settlers came here from Pennsylvania, all this beautiful valley was heavily wooded, and abounded in many kinds of game, and was a favorite hunting ground. for the Indians who then claimed exclusive right to the territory. An object which attracted the attention of the ï¬rst settlers and excited their curiosity, was a painted post which stood prominently in 3. trees. It was stained red, as some supposed with blood, and evidently commemorated some notable event in Indian life. And so from this incident the place naturally took its name. The .city of Baton .. Rouge (which means “painted post,") Ls., also took its name from 3. Similar circumstance. But the main purpose for which your cor- respondent came here was to-learn the par- ticulars of a notable, indeed miraculous, cure of a young lady and her rescue from death by the efï¬cacious use of Dr‘. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People. Your corre- spondent only knew that the name of the young lady was Lillian Sparks, daughter of Mr. James W. Sparks. On enquiring at the post ofï¬ce for her father’s residence we learned that he lived on the road to Horn- by, ï¬ve miles from Painted Post village. “And, said a young man who overheard the conversation with the postmaster, “it is his -da ughter who was so sick that the doctors gave her up and she was cured by Pink Pills.†And the young man volunteered to guide me to Mr. Spark’s home. The court- eous young man was Mr, Willie Covert, a place, organist in the Methodist church, and formerly organist for the Young Men’s Christian Association of Rochester. So getting a horse we start- ed in the storm, with the mercury ranging at zero, for a ï¬ve-mile drive over the snow- -drifted roads of Hornby Hills.- When we reached our destination we found a very comfortably housed family consisting of Mr. and Mrs. Sparks, one son and ï¬ve daughters. The oldest of the daughters, Miss Lillian, twenty-two years old, is the one whose reported wonderful cure by the use of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People, your correspondent had gone out there expressly to verify by actual knowl- edge. This is the story told by Miss Sparks to your correspondent in presence of her grateful and approving father and mother, and is given in her own language. “ Yes, sir, it is with pleasure that I give my testimony to the great value of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. I was ill for four years, doctoring nearly all the time but without any beneï¬t. I had six diï¬'erent. doctors : Dr. Hedden, Dr. Purdy and Dr. Hoar of Coming, Dr. Butler of Hornby, Dr. Remmington, of Painted Post, and Dr. Bell of-,.Monterey. They said my’blood had all turned to water. ' “I was as pale as a corpse,wea.k and short of breath. could hardly walk, I was so dizzy, and there was a‘ ringing noise in my head. My hands and feet were cold all the time. My limbs were swollen, my feet so much so that I could not wear my shoes. My appetite was very poor. I had lost all hope of ever getting well, but still I kept doctoring or taking patent medicines, but grew worse all the time. last September I read in the Elmira Gazette of a. wonderful cure through the use of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People, and I thought I would try them. I did so, giving up all other medicines and following the directions close- ly. By the time I had taken the ï¬rst box I was feeling better than I had been in a long time, and I continued their use until now as you can see, and 9.: my father and mother know, and as I know I am perfectly well. . I don't look the same person, and I can now enjoy myself with other young people. In- deed I can’t say too much for Dr. \Villiams’ Pink Pills,for Iam sure they saved my life. I have recommended them to others who are using them with much beneï¬t, and I earnestly recommend them to any who may be sick, for I am sure there is no medicine like them. I am entirely willing you should make any proper use of this statement of my sickness and cure by Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills.†In further conversation Miss Sparks said she fell away during her sickness so much that she only weighed 80 pounds, while now she weighs 107. “ I suppose,†said her father, “ that it was ovorwork that made her sick. You see we have 400 acres of land, keep 35 cows and there is 0. great deal to be done and Lillian was always a great worker and very ambitious, until she overdid it and was taken down.†' The facts narrated in the above state- ment were corroborated by a number of neighbors, who all express their astonish- ment at the reat improvement Dr. \Vill- iams’ Pink ills have worked in Miss Sparks. Dr. Willisms’ Pink Pills area. perfect blood builder and nerve restorer, curing .such diseases as rheumatism, neuralgia, pfartial paralysis, Iocomotor ataxia, St. itus’ Dance, nervous prostration and the tired feeling therefrom, the after effects of la. grippe, diseases depending on humors in the blood, such as scrofula. chronic ery- sipelas, etc. Pink Pills give a healthy glow to pale and sallow complexions and are aspeciï¬o for the troubles peculiar to the female system and in the case of men they effect a radical cure inhall cases arising from mental worry, oveer‘l‘k, or excesses of any nature. Thes‘e Pills are manufactured by the Dr. Williams’ Medicine Company, of Brock- ville, Ont., and Schenectady, N. Y., and are sold only in boxes bearing the ï¬rm’s trade mark (printed in red ink) and wrap- per, at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50. Bear in mind that Dr. \Villiams’ Pink Pills are never sold in bulk, or by the dozen or hundred, and any dealer who offers substi- tutes in this form is trying to defraud you and should be avoided. The public are also cautioned against all other so-called blood builders and nerve tonics, no matter what name may be given them. imitations whose makers hope to reap s. pecuniary adVantage from the wonderful Aall drugg W Pius- Ask your dealer for Dr. Williams’ PinkPills for Pale People and refuse all imitations and substitutes. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills may be had of ists or direct by mail from Dr. Williams’ Medicine Company from either address. The price at which these pills are sold makes a. course of treatment compara- tively inexpensive as compared with other remedies or medical treatment. ______..â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" BIG “’AR SIIll‘S. _â€" Monstrous Cruisers Not as Effective us Smaller Ocean Craft. Admiral Colomb writes to the London Times to protest against the admiralty pol- icy which is disclosed In the intention to build two cruisers, the Powerful and the Terrible, each costing £700,000, and each being “superior in speed, coal capacity, de- fence and armament to any cruisers that exist, or are being built, in any part of the world.†Says the gallant admiral : From the days of the Armada. downward we have made our naval position by the employment of numbers of moderate ships, and we have ever laughed during war at the spirit which built Santissima Trinidadas. Men some- times now ignorantly quote the American war of 1812 as justifying historically such projects as that before us. Roosevelt’s book explodes the fallacy. Certainly, in cases, the Americans had the advantage in using twenty-four-pounders against our eighteen-pounders. But it was not the dif- ference of six pounders which beat us; it was superior morale showing itself through the superior gunnery of the American crews. We turned the tables in the Shannon and beat the Chesapeake, not because we were materially more powerful, but because we hit her 362 timesï¬while she only hit us 158 times. But the evident and palpable ac- tion of the Revolutionary and Napoleonic wars was-to separate classes of ships ac- cording to their duties, to strike out ex- tremes and to develop numbers. The bat- tleship-cruisers, or the cruiser-battleships, to which we now propose to commit ourselves, were plentiful when the war broke out. They were hardly to be seen at the end of it. ___..â€".â€"'-â€"â€"-&-â€"-â€"- Causes of Russian Influence in Asla. A policy led by humanitarian principles, ' or dictated in accordance with the taste' and exigencies ofa free and constitutional nation, is a sign of weakness in Eastern eyes ;and the English, who twice evacuat- ed Afghanistan, without being obliged to do so, are looked upon by the Asiatic either as fools or as a nation incapable to lend sufï¬cient power to its will. There is another fact which should not be overlook- ed in our comparison of England’s con- quests in Asia. with those of her northern rival. The exploits of the British armies on the Indian Peninsula have become very little known in the Mohammedan world, for the good Moslems are in general ignorant about their co-religionists in India, but, the Russian victories, trumpeted in all ' directions have become the subject of bazaar gossip in the most distant regions of the East. The fame of Russian valor having been flashed abroad, it is very natural that thel Mohammedans, overswed, should turn their eyes toward the so-called invincible enemy. Their admiration increased the more they heard of the affable and friendly manners and customs of the Russians, of whom it is said that they do not betray pride and haughtiness, like the commonalty of unbe- lievers, and that there are many points of resemblance between them and the Moham- medans. There really is some truth in those assertions. The Russians, semi-Asiatic by origin, in mode of life, and in thought, are really more to the Asiatic than, for example, the English and the French, who owing to their higher standard of civilization, are frequently hindered in intercourse with the foreign elements subjected to their rule.â€"[Vambery in the National Review. ______.â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" The total recorded immigration to this country is 16,004,093, almost as many as the whole population of Spain. Very few of the Scotch peasantry now wear the kilt. Most of the peasants dress after the manner of Englishmen. A- P. 657 ‘ ‘ Lynn, Mass. ' For the Good of Others Rev. Mr. W’illiams Heartily En- dorses Hood’s Sarsapamflld. We are pleased to present this from Rev. A. A. Williams, of the Sillsbee street Christian Church, Lynn, Mass: “ I see no reason why a clergyman. more than a. layman. who knows whereof he speaks, should hesitate to approve an Article of Merit and worth. from which he or his family have been sxgnally beneï¬ted, and whose commenda- tion may serve to extend those benefits to othersbylncrcasmg their conï¬dence. My wife has for many years been a sufferer from severe Nervous Headache for which she found little ‘help. She has tried many things that promised ’well but per- formed little. Last fall a friend gave her a bot tle of Hood’s Sarsaparilla. It seems surprls. lug what sxmpl one bottle could and did do - for her. The at 101m of headache decreased in number _and were less violent in their inten- sity. while her general health has been im. roved. Her appetite has also been better. ‘roul our experience with ‘ Hood’s Sarsaparilla They are an Ihave no hesitation in endorsing its merits.†A. A. WiLLIAms. HOOD'S P|LLS are the best family cathartic, reputation achieved by Dr. \Villiams' Pink gentle and effective. T-ryabox. Price 25c A veteran Continental angler has recent- ly given to the world the result of his ob- servations on the effect of the moon on the appetite of ï¬shes. According to him they bite most freely during the four or ï¬ve days after the ï¬rst quarter, while from the third day after the last to the second day before the new moon the sport is at its worst. It is strange, under the circumstances, that although we have a sun ï¬sh, there no ï¬sh- named after the moonâ€"unless what the Irish call the “maiden ray†may be ’sup posed to derive its title from Diana. ' r'rench War Office experts are divided in opinion concerning the value or danger of Eiï¬â€˜el’s tower in case ofo. siege of Paris. German staff officers have written quite freely about the matter, principally holding that the tower would afford a ï¬ne target. So‘me French ofï¬cers agree with this view ; others say that the forts around the city would keep the tower out of range, while it would afford an excellent post for obser- vation. From it the operations of an enemy could be observed for a radius of forty- four miles. Last year : Her eyes were rhcumy. and weak and red. Her breathâ€"you could smell it afar. She had ringing and dizziness oft in her head, And the cause of it all was catarrh. This year :â€" ‘ Her Iii-oath is as sweet as the new meadow «13'. Her eyes are as bright as a star, . And the cause of the change, she is ready to SOY. Was the Dr. Sage Cure for Cutnrrh. Ur. Sage’s Catarrh Remedy will positive- ly cure Catarrh in the head, no matter how bad or of‘how long standing. Fifty cents, by all druggists. A wave a. quarter of a mile in breadth and forty feet high is not sensibly felt at a depth of 220 fathoms. Our Mlncrnl Wealth. At the annualmeeting of the St. Leon Mineral Water 00., held Saturday 22nd inst. , amongst other pleasing features of the year’s business the president, in submitting his report, stated that the consumption of water from their Springs during the year, exceeded two million bottles. According to the best obtainable information this ex- ceeds the consumption of any other mineral water on the American continent and puts the combined sales of all the other Canadian springs completely in the shade. After mutual congratulations on the constantly increasing sales from year to year the fol- lowing oflicers were re-elected for the ensu- ing year : Mr. James Good, president: Mr. J. l". Eby, vice president; Mr. H. Blain secretary ; Mr. C. E. A. Langlois, genera manager. The average life of women in France for the last thirty-two years has been 38 years, and of men 36 years. Dr. Harvey’s Souihern Red Pine for coughs and colds is the most reliable and perfect cough medicine in the market. For sale everywhere. In Norway the average length of life is greater than in any other country on the globe. GIBBONS’ TOOTHACHE GUM acts as a temporary ï¬lling, and stops toothache instat- ly. Sold by drugglsts. ,â€" KER. __ . LsSOlld Special lnducement l0 ladies IN CONNECTION WITH OUR lllail Order Department. We will send free of charge to any lady sending us the names and addresses of twenty ï¬ve young married ladies, any pattern in our handy Cata- logue Fashion Book, publish- ed by the STANDARD FASHION COMPANY of New York, of Whom we are the agentswhich we will send on application for selection. This will be an opportunity to secure one of the latestPATTERNS of a lady’s or child’s Cape, Cost, or Mantle, a lady’s or Child’s Dress, Costume or Skirt, and, every discription of wearing apparel. MAIL ORDER EPARTMEI‘IT Thoroughly reorganized, it is now one of the most perfect systems in the country. Do you want Dress Goods,Prints or Flannels? Samples Will be forwarded on receipt of appli- cation and any questions rela- tive to the stock in the house will be cheerfully answered. Goods ordered will be sent the same day When not im- possible. The MAIL ORDERS with us have become a great branch of our Business all over the Dominion. ‘ B. WALKER & 3% 33, 35, 37, 33, 4135 4.3 King‘St. E. 18, 20, 22, 24 3328301bnu13£treet ' Golden Lion, Toronto. BeslintheWorld! Get the Genuine! Sold Everywhere! _...L.._..â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-. Thevonly bright spor- left by some men is ...x the scoured place on the chair. Mr. Lazarus Slilnpurse (indignantly)-â€" “ I knowâ€"â€"I know but too wellâ€"the reason of your refusal. It’s because I am poor. You would marry me if I were rich.†Miss Belle Golightlym“ Perhaps no ; but you would have to be very. very, very rich." King Alexander, of Servia, probably had some ussian advisers of back him when he ,â€"__._â€"_.._â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€".____â€"â€" ‘August Flower†How does- he feel ?â€"â€"â€"I-Ie feels suddenly declared that he was of age andl blue, 2. deep, dark, unfading, d ed. dismissed the Regents and other State oili- cials. Alexander is not yet 17 Years, but he says he is of age, and as Hamlet says: “Nothing is but thinking makes it so." The young King starts out with a new Ministry and intends to have a new Parlia- ment as soon as elections can be held. As he had the support of the army and of the in-the-wool, eternal blue, an he makes everybody feel the same way â€"August FIOWer the Remedy. How does he feel?â€"He feels a " headache, generally dull and con- stant, but sometimes excruciatingâ€"- people and is very likely to ‘be backed by I August Flower the Remedy. Russia, he will probably be able to hold his , throne, but it is thought that a reopening How does he feeI?â€"He feels. a of the Eastern question may follow his as- violent hiccoughing or jumping of sumption of power. Cures Consumption, Coughs, Group, Sore Throat. Sgld by all Dmigists on a Guarantee. Fora. Lamp Side, Back orC est Shiloh’s Porous Plaster wrll give great satisfactiom-as cents. ,wtf‘ Have you Catarrh ? This Remedy will relieve and Cure you. Price 500353. This Injector for its successful treatmen free. Remember. Shiloh’s Remedies are sol on a guarantee is another name for SGRDFULA, and yields to 01‘ Pure Norwegian Cod Liver 0/7 and Hypopfiosp/Iites. Impouem'shcd and impure blood is al- ways cfl'cctively restored to vigorous con- dition by this wonderful remedy. Cures Coughs, Colds and all. Wasting Diseases. Almost as palnmblo us Jililk. Prepared only by St ott S.- Boune, Belleville. FOB. SUBSCRIPTION BOOKS. BIBLES AND ALBUMS. Writcto William Briggs. Publisher. Toronto NURSERYMEN-DEALERSâ€"PLANTERS You will have money in your pockets if you buy your first class Trees of me at the correct prices I can note you this Spring on applica- ion. E. S. URD. Halton Nurseries.Bur- ing’ton, Ont. ____.____..____.__â€"â€" TORONTO ELEOTRIOAL WORKS. Electrical Supplies, Bell Oulflts. 850. Re- pairs prompt and reasonable. School and. Experimentcrs’ Supplies and Books. 35 8t 37 Adelaide st. W., Toronto. CORE FITS i Valuable freJlisc and bottle of medicine sent Free to any Sufferer. Give Express and Post Oftice address. H. G. KOO I‘, M. C.. 186 West Adelaide Street. Toronto. Ont DO YOU IMAGINE That people would have been regularly using our Toilet Soaps smce 1845 (forty-seven long years) if they had not been GOOD ? The public are not fools and do not continue to buy good unless they are satisfactory. EBARLE- IF YOU WOULD SAVE TIME All!) MONEY BUY A " llll‘llli’llillllllis SEWING MACHINE Agentsevcrywhere. THE BANK (Ill TORONTO. DIVIDEND NO. 74. NOTICE is hereby FIVE PER CENT. for the current half-year being at the rate of TEN ER‘CENT PER. AN- NUM upon the paid-up capital of the Bank has this day been declared. and that the same will be payable at the Bank and its branches on and alter Thursday, the first day of June next. of May. both days included. THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF' SHAREHOLDERS will be held at the Banking House of the institution on Wednesday. the ’l‘wcntydlrst day of June next, the chair to be taken at noon. By order of the Board. (Signed) D. COULSON. General Manager. what you are Looking for. y'- uemom um; -:- Mans .10} KJBSSBOGN Kleinlosqv 31-:- Poisonousliquid on Fruit Trees. Manufactured Specially for spraying The only effective means of destroying the Aplng= Caukerworm, Apple Curculio and other Insects that are so injurious to Orchards and Gardens, - ‘No manufacture the most complete line of PUMPS AND ‘WINDHILLS. hoLh for pump ing water and driving machinery, of any firm It Will pay you to send for largo l in Canada. ,illustratcd Catalogue before purchasing else g There. ONTARIO PUMP CO. Ltd. (in Liq. l Mention this paper. given that a Dividend of THE TRANSFER BOOKS will be closcdl from the Seventeenth to the Thirty-ï¬rst days ‘ Our PerfectlcdgpraylngTOutfit is the stomach after a. meal, raising bitter-tasting matter or what he has eaten or drunkâ€"August Flower the Remedy. How does he feel ?-â€"-He feels the gradual decay of vital power; he feels miserable, melancholy, hopeless, and longs for death and pzaceâ€"August Flower the Rom- e y. _.â€"- How does he feel 7â€"He feels so ' full after eating a meal that he can hardly walkâ€"August Flower the Remedy. 9 G. G. GREEN, Sole Manufacturer, Woodbury, New Jersey, U. S. A. ETEIIIBOROUGII CANOE C012. (LTD) Successor to Ontario Canoe Co., (Ltd. Makers of Peterborough Canoes for Hunting. Fishing. Shooting Skiï¬â€˜s, Sail Boats, Steam. Launches. Send 3 cent stamp for Catalogue. ANTEDâ€"Ladies or young men to take light. pleasant work at their Own homes. $1 to $3 per day canbo quietIy made. Work sent by mail. No Canvassing. Address Standard Manufacturing Company, Lock-Box 107, South Framingham, Mass. Enclose stamps. _...__. OONSOMPTION: Val Inhlc treatise and two bottles.,ofme(licinc sent Free to any Sull'ercr. Give Express and Pest Ofï¬ce address. 'I‘. SLOCUM 6' C0.. l8!) \Vesr Adelaide Street, Toronto. Ont. ____________._____.____â€"4 OR IRON FENCING, or Ornamental Iron Works. Send for Catalogue. Toronto Fence and Ornamental Iron W orks, 73 Adeâ€" laide St. West. JOS. LEA.Manager. Fl;- Sexiffoiue Now ready and mailed free to all a pllcants. Carefully selected Farm and Garden Seedsand Seed Grain. choice Flower Seeds, clean Grass and Clover Seeds. Special attention paid to Corn for Ensilagc. WM. EWING & 00., I42 M cGill S Montreal. --DR. TAFT'Sâ€" ASTHMALENE Gives a Night's SwectSlccp and 59 that you need not situpallnightgasplni for breath for fear 0 suflocationDnrceein ofnameand P.O.Address will mall TRIAL BOTTLE Dr.TAs"rBRos.MEDIcmn 00., Rochester. N.Y. Canadian Ofï¬ce. 186 Adelaide Street West. Toronto. HORNS MUST G0. The Leavlll Dchorning Clip pcrs will take them off with less trouble and less pain than any other way. .. Send for circular giving priu testimonials. etc. 3. s. KIMBALL, 577 Crulg Street, Montreal. "WHY BUY a Boot or Shoe that does not ï¬t. Why punish your self in attemping to form yOur foot .toa hootorshoor We make out Boots and. Shoes from two to six dit fez-en! a. widt’p Ask for the J. D. King 86 Co.,Ltd., perfect ing goods. and be happy. SURED. l " †The kidneys. liver and ' ' bowels are the avenues through which waste matter travels from the system. It allowed to get clog- ged or neglected. disease is sure to follow- Cleanse these organs w, \_ thoroughly by the ï¬ber ‘2' al. use of ' ‘ST. LEON MINERAL WATER, , elimination then be- ' - - comes simple and easy and the climax of health 0 .9" ‘ WATER CO. (LTD) 6'5" Head Office. King Stroe’ West; Branch 449 Yongo Street, Toronto. All Druggists. Grocers. and Hotels. audhappincss is assured S'l‘ LEON ll'IINEIlAI a‘msnovsn was user on re sr'rss mm was as . H Wu". .4; 4w . , . . ‘5' my :fr Sass res Qussnss SHEET. 0s ' I PslcE. Cortnon AND GHEAP. E â€"--â€"â€"- fiend Stamp for Illustrated 800): i l warns. CLUTEE Toronto. Ont. l suaclnu Mammoth. I34 Kiss swam W- TORONTO ï¬rearm or A swans. ; ls? his Sum WHAT IS Requmrn. WILL Sans You Goons ARE 85st BY MAIL, REGISTERED;