and Mr. Neil MeGilvray, each of whom .i nt_'Osliawa. 'The former represents the Bindsay district on the stationary com- .mittee with Rev. T. Campbell of ï¬indssy.. Ekouasromâ€"Tho village True Blues request us toannounoe that they will hold their- annual moonlight excursion (probably by the Cratulcllrz) on or about the let inst. Bills giving full particulars will be issued assoon as the exact. date is-dee-ided upon. W'annip seed! Turnip Seed-ll Tur- trip Seedll! A complete’stock, several varieties, nt'WI T. Junkin’s. HEAVY: Canvasâ€"Two cows owned by'Mr. Wm. Callaghan of Verulam are the proudimothers of calvesâ€"one a. bull and the other a-hcifcrâ€"that weighed 100 pounds each at birth. The hull is three- fourths Durham and one-fourth Jersey, a-ndthc-heifer-is half Durham and half Helstein. Who can beat them ? Tl‘Junkin has a. fresh stock of Hellebore, Paris Green, insect Powder and Elyi Paper just received." Give him a. call. SIDEWALKS.â€"â€"-We have lately. heard several persons complaining of the state oi'the sidewalks in different parts of the village, and we know that there are at least half a dozen bad spots between our house and oflice. It is one of the duties of Constable .Jones to keep the sidewalks in repair, and he says he will go to work the moment he is furnished with the- neecssary. materials" by the council. Lei‘ely' and' Cheap. We have the best, nicest and‘ cheapest A Financial Failure. Even if the proï¬ts of the World’s Fair are quadrupled for the remainder of the period through which it is to remain open, the net earnings will still come nearly two millions short of wiping Out the deï¬cit with which it started. The attendance on Sunday was only 125.000, or less than double the highest ï¬gure recorded at our own Industrial, which is situated in-a' city having less than a ï¬fth of the population of Chicago, and that has but one Province with two million people to draw upon. From present appearance the big fair will be the biggest failure, ï¬nancially, of the centuryâ€"Toronto News. -0 A Patent Milk? Agitator. Mr. D. Ewing, of Cobourg, manager of the Ewing Milk Agitator, is in town to-day. registered at the Snowden House. He has one of his spring milk agitators on exhibition here, and his patent ' machine is highly spoken of by dairy- men and cheese makers in general. Mr. Ewing is also exhibiting “The Agitator" at the World's Fair, Chicago. This newly patented machine is made in three styles: spring, weight, and with 'a tripled brass rod- attachment, so that the aerator can be raised or lowered in the can of milk as desired. The machine is for the purpose of preventing Acream rising to the top of milk placed "in cans at night to be called for in the morning and taken to the cheese factory. The result is that a. great deal more .Summer Shoes in Lindsay. We keep army. cheese can be made from a given quam ahead in styles,.variety and. prices lower-- than ever. YOu will be sorryeifr you.don’t come tc-head quarters. JOHNSTON 5: SISSON, The Monster Shoe Store, -1“. DEATH on CAPTAIN \VALLIS.â€"Noi far frOm half a century ago-the- greater part of the site of Fenclon Falls was owned by Euphdames Wallis,.wlio for many reasons was commander of the Gristmill; then almost the only steamer plying on these waters. The few of out readers who knew him will not be surprised tO hear of his death, which took place at Merino, his farm near Peterborough. as he had attained the ripe age of 85-years. He was an old country gentleman, of- line presence and courteous manner, and was liked and reSpecterll‘m..“..-3bn kvc‘!:,lni.':‘ ' ' JON CRUTCIIES.â€"Mt‘. George Jeffrey met with an accident about nine weeks tity. of milk, and. of a much better ,quality. The machine has been endorsed by the leading dairy authorities in Ontario, and is meeting with rapid sales wherever exhibited.â€"Peterborough Eac- ,awtncr. -Q A Kalso, B. C. tough named Hughes tried to kill himself and his child by exploding a. dynamite charge under their bed. He will die, but the child will recover. An attempt was made on Saturday :to launch the new steamer Medora at Gravenhurst, but the ways having sunk owing to the recent rains'the boat word," “ not move, and ‘tlmcn’o‘rtâ€"hadtc‘be temâ€" porary'aoa‘nutined. FENELON FA LLS MARKETS. Reported by the North Slar Roller Mill Co. Fenelon Falls, Friday, June 2nd, 1893. 4.0 KENT St. Big Dry Goods tit Clothing Sale .. NOW GOING ON. 300 Sample Parasols, Beautiful Handles, 25 cents and up. Ladies White Cot-ton Drawers, Tucked and Lace Trimmed, only 25 cents. Ladies’ White Cofton Drawers. Tucked and Embroidery Trimmed, only 45 cents. Ladies’ White Cotton Chemise, Embroidery Trimmed, going at 45 cents. All Linen Tray Covers, Fringed Edges, sale price 35 cents. ‘ Ladies’ White Cotton Chemise, Lace Trim- med, now 29 cents. Ladies’ White Cotton Nightgowns, Tucked and~Frilled Bottom, 50 cents. Ladies’ White Cotton Nightgowns, Tucked and Ruffle Trimmed, now 48 cents. 50 cents for Ladies’ Handsome Deiains Blouses. Another Case of that 29c. all wool Serge Dress Goods to hand. ' Ladies, ask for Fast Black Lisle Thread Hose at 25 cents. 24 cents for Heavy all-wool Blue Serge, for Boys’ Clothing. Handsome Colored Dress Delaines, only 10 cents per yard. , All-wool Henriettas, all the new shades, now 19 cents. Girls’ Silk Trimmed Hats going at 506'. Ladies’ Black and Colored cotton Hose, 8. big drive at 10 rents. 6 Lines Finished I’Iandkerchiei‘s for 25c. 20 cents for Black Henrietta, good qualitv. Ladies Cotton Undervests, only 10 cents. ' See our Table of Job Dress Goods. Stacks of Remnants at Your Own Prices. . $1 95 for Boy’s Wool Salt, and Baseball M 4.0 KENT] St. Something New in Curtain Drapery for 7, 10, 12, 15 cents a. yard. $1 00 New Brunswick Cotton Yarn. Heavy Feather Ticking, new patterns, 8c; 65 cents for Men’s WoclaPants. and Bat free. 10 cents for Boys’ Hobby Straw Hats.» 25 cents for Men’s Flannelette Shirts, cheap. Men’s Fine Summer Underclothing, 25c.- 50 cents for Boys’ Kuicker Pants. 2 pair Men’s Elastic Web Braces for 250; 50c. on the $ for the balance of‘our Tv‘veedé. Our 5, 7 and Se. Grey Cottons are below Mill prices. Shirtings, Cottonades- and Ginghsmsa‘going‘ at a. reduction. 500 Men’s Suits at Manufacturer’s Prices. 114 Pieces Shaker Flannel to go at 7 cents. $1 00 for Men’s Heavy Tweed Pants.~ Men’s Waterproof Coats nowi$2000¢ 10 cents for Men's all-wool Socks.- 5 cents for Men’s Cotton Socks. 10 cents for Fancy Stripe Swimming Pants. Over 300 Men‘s and Boys’Summer Shirts at a great roductiOn. We carry the Largest Stock of Men’s-Hats in Lindsay. Men’s and Boys’ Ties, Collarsand' Cuffs in endless variety. p 500 Children’s Suits to be cleared. out at . hal‘t‘ ‘pri ce-.- . Men’s Summer Coats and'Vests very cheap. ‘ We guarantee every pair of Kid Gloves. Ladies, our French Dress Delaines are by far the Nobb-iest Goods in L’ind'Sny. l . l We have secured at a great-“sacri'ï¬oe-a $2,500.00 stock of Clothing. This great line: was manufacturedé “to: order.†;L.. for an eastern house, but. the- ï¬rm having failed, we secured the goods at a big discount. If youare in want. of. Clothing," V Uolbome Street’tfenelon Fans. don’t fail to see this large. .'I is s in. .s. canvas, ; .I‘ T7 to .l\(111’9.+~g_'tr.e‘eti, Lindsay. . SIGN OF'TIâ€"IE GOLDEN LION... p CASH cross. F’urniture‘: . ‘ Carp‘e‘tsand Oil-Cloths, NO; 9 Keenan’s Block, Kent Street, Lindsay... .NO'PICE. To the residents of Fenelcn Falls. 'Take notice that any person or persons. removing- from any village or district in- fected with diphtheria to Fenelon Falls: will be quarantined for a period of 14 days ‘or longer, a. the discretion of the Board of Health. The citizens ofFenelon Falls who do not wish to be so inconvenienced will govern themselves accordingly. By orderzof-the Board of Health. A. WILSON, n. D, ‘ Medical Health Qfflwr FeneIOn. Falls, Feb’y 22nd, 1893. l-t. 2'. llllllllllllll.llllllllllllll- NOW IS‘THE TIME TO BUY DURING. HOUSE CLEANING lsfpecial. Cut. in Prices Will 'be'given‘to those BUYING FOR CASH... Mâ€"y stock is large andcomplctc, consisting of‘ phonon SUITES, Lounge-3;. denim Tab/est... Gone and Easy-Chair's. Bureaus.,8'ide-boards. and‘everydcscriptiOn of Kitchen Furniture- Pictures Framed 'to Order. Everything‘Sold‘nt!Lowest LivingPrices gig-Undertaking promptly and carefully attended to. Unonnraxnn & FURNITURE DEALER, W'Rcside’nee over the Shop. “ï¬g HEADQUARTERS... IN VICTORIA COUNTY FOR ,Boumlldp‘ir’ainlâ€"Piameinma -â€"-1S ATâ€"- ‘ "\__ .. l m» "[14 aco, are around:townsonvcrutehcs. Mr. Wheat. Scotch or Fife 65 to 70 ‘ . , . Jiffrey got the heel. of his left foot grimâ€.fall.PeI‘buslic1.... 63 08 , ~ - :w-- A" S caucht and badl‘ crushed in the gearâ€" , ‘9‘â€) 5pmâ€? 6* 64 A , Baker’smock, Kentést‘,mndsay' )7 n.- ' ' a‘ - I Buckwheat“ . . .. . . .. 5O 52 >- ‘ I Q ' ' fell in Lindsay and broke one of the 0m, .. 33 34 - 9 Artists’ Goods a Specialty. small bones of his right leg in censc- Pease, “ . . . . . . . . 55 57 s- + - rt: â€" â€". n - _ . _ . . _. _ ‘ _ _ 1 1 quence oi“ the di-ippmgs from a water Rye. :f . . . . . . . . 4s po Lent Streeu Lindsay, OPPOSIJGG the Benson. HOUSE. 'Maohme Neeglesl; AAabaszme ant. Dve Spout being allowed to freezo and form ggtgggesxer‘m - - - - - - - - ‘11: 1’2 . V . . _ 01‘ 5 gen 3" a hill of ice half way across a Sidewalk. Egfls’ ,‘0 u _ . . . I I. $13163“, can and see my 5c, PM,“ He intends to sue the COl‘Pm-auon for "Hamper muâ€; , , _ _ . , ;. 6,00 7.00 l‘Vc cordially minte the: public of Eonelon Falls: and all Lindsay,Apri12nd,1892., - damagesassocn as. he knows the sum Hides . . . . . . . 2.25 3.00 Visitors to Lindsay to can and exami'nefllm required to pay his doctor's blll and Hogs...‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.5F0 7.09 New Summer Stock of . p - ‘ compensate-him for lost time; ealjgglpï¬kms - a - - - - - - - - c - - - - a 1‘75 1%; NERVE mwgtgpï¬pemï¬Ã©gï¬ma Flour qtron' ' '1; '1' ‘ ‘, ' ' ' ' ' ' ._ . . ~ . . . Net-yous Debllity. .Lost Vigor and. t- g- a. rancv Dav GOQDS BEANS v ’ . " ’Elourinmil . 1.70 1.80 ~ ’ ' ’ ~ ’ ’ * fl . weakness of body or mind caused g' .l y . . . . . . . . . . . - . . , . _ R. th r y . The 30y?“ M'alrmbe' Flour: straight rolled . . . . . . 1.60 1.70 , 1 I h Biasigiiwgiumlr Thistlï¬giiilgoltgix: .. , , Bran per ton . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.00 13.00 i .' ' ' . . . ' - ' :smlmy cu?“ ‘ e m.“ o - m’e W5 w"mien d e» run ionnc COUPLE WILL ancaivn so Shorts, .. . . . _ . I . . . . . I 1,0,, moo Compilsmg, 111 pa] t, Dress GoodsaMouimng Goods (a SpeCl- gains-A3553? m:rgiegregnyï¬légngeém:ob? GRANT F'ROA‘I'PARLIMIEW ,Mixed.cliop,..per cwt........ 1.00 1.20 _ alty,) Black and Colored. licnmcttas, New Fast-colored. ‘5‘8‘3jâ€Â§.3§£f,‘3f’8§§ drcagggggmï¬s $3.52 “ LONDON, May 295â€"Princess May of i chk- celebrated the 26th anniversary of l The White Lodge ‘ her birth onzFriday. at Richmond Park was gany decorated. rlihe Duke of YOrkpassed'a. day at- the lodge. He will be marricd: in naval uniform. as beï¬ts his character of. Sailor" Prince; - ' As soon asâ€" the Princess is married she will, in accordance with the Q-hceu’s desire, be known as Princess Victoria, Duchess-of Y-Ork. Mr. Gladstone announces: that; the G-‘ovcrutnent does not intend to ask Parliament to make a} grant of money for the bride and gr0om. A wedding in the-reigning family without a.‘ state appropriation ispunprecedcnted’ in Eng- lish history: It is another. indication that Royalty does-not want to come in souï¬ict with bitterly opposed to all such grants. The Prince of' Wales has a special allowance of £180,000 a year for his childrem In consequence of. the death -of the Duke of Clarance, th’c- portion f reserved for his use is-availahle for his surviving sisters and: brother. If this sum is dividod‘according: to precedent, namely, £25,000 ayear to each of the granddaughters all the Queen, the-young couple will have $120,000 a- year to begin house-keeping upon.‘ hits. Wm. Waldorf Astor: will give a. reception in honor of the Princess May on June 2'2. Other members of the royal family will be present. It is said C. A. Carlisle, of Brazil. is on tho tious of Brazil. Since~thc ucgroes were freed it has been secure laborers in BraZIl. and 810,000,- 000 was lest to the Government last voar because of inability to gather the . crops ‘ the Radicals, who are - O'rxt'o R; J. Lnnov, Esq., way to China to secure 100.000 cclcstiais to work on the entice plantar-- found iiiipdssible to- NGW‘ Advertisements. 3UCTION‘SALE' OF VALUABLE FARM. . Property in the Township of Bexley in. ' the County of‘Victoria. . There will be sold on‘W-vednesday, the =2Bth day ot‘E'June, 1893, at 1 o’clock in the afternoon, at Chirpnugh’s Hotel, in the vil-‘ lagc of Victoria Road, by virtue of. a. cer- tain- mortgage which will be produced. at the sale, the following property :â€"The cast 'half of Lot 1 in the 1st concession of the gTownshipof chley, containing 100 acres ~m Ire or less, save and except. the portion sold tonthe Tbronto and. Nipissing Railway Company. are said: to be on the promises: about 90 acres cleared, upon which are erected a frame dwelling and log stable. Tennisâ€"Twenty per cent. of. the purchase money to be paid down or) the day- ot‘ sale. For. furthers-particulars apply to JON-ES BROS. 6: MACKENZIE, Prints, Shaltees, Muslims, Embroidery, Dress Pat- terns, Stainless Black Hosiery, Gloves, Silk Mitts, Laces, Ribbons-,Ladies7 Undervests, Corsets & Parasols. Our Staples-need. only inspection..@a{t Gents’ Furnishings new and: ï¬rst; class; BUYING CASH & SELLING FOR CASH, _At Very weare in a position tO- offer (as: good calms as were ever'oferea’ in Lindsay... Inspection- is. cordially: invited. One price to 8a: (30., cverbody.. The fellowing- improvements ' Solicitors, Toronto 81., Toronto. ' Cohooonkt. CORPORATION OF THE: Notice is'hercby given‘thatthc- Municipal Council Of the Corporation of the Conniyonictoria will meet In the Council Chamber-in the Court House, Lindsay, _0n._. Tuesday, the 13th Day of June, 1893, at 2 p. m., pursuant to Standing Rules. T. MATCHETT, County Clerk. County Clerk's Ollice, Lindsay, MaySlst, 1893, ,- 15-2. nouns or" momma. ' ,____.._. Champion M‘caaa’s or. willwear twice as long as any other make. ARE. THE BEST-- ins: means on. Gold Medal Oil of the Dominion. l .! Orrosrrnrun BENSON House. THE FINEST HIGH GRADE ENGINE OILS ARE. MANUFACTURED BY a Go", '5' MC’CGLL FOB. SALEBY. ALL. LEADING DEALERS IN THE COUNTRY. ononroi Fenelon Falls at W. T. Junkin’s insnnanon. er. Wm. E. Ellis. having- transfcrrcd his; Insurance Business to me, I am prepared to take risks on all classes of property Lowvest Raters .Nonebut first-class British and Canadian ,, Companies represented. rig†FAIil‘oI PROI’ERT‘Y at. very low rates. James Arnold... FcuclonFalls, June 14th,1892. 17-13; . ï¬avi‘d V Chambers... General Blacksmith, FTdDClSr‘Si4, Fenel‘on Falls Blacksmithingm all its diï¬â€˜ercnihranclics done on short notice and at the lmvest livingprices. Particularattcntion paid to- horso-shoeing. Give me a. call and i will guarantee satisfaction. 45-ly. SECOND DIVISION GGEJBT A â€"or rueâ€"t County of Victoria. The next sittings of the above Court will be held in Dickson’s hall, Fcnelon Falls, ON MONDAY, JULY 1003, l833, commencingat 10 o’clock in the forenoor. Saturday, June 29th, will he the last day of service on defendants residing in this county. Defendants living in other roun- ties must be served on or before Junt- 24th. " S. Nswsox, E. D. HM . Bailiif. |.J.i“rlc Fenelon Falls April 25th. 13an