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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 16 Jun 1893, p. 8

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Vt ‘V ‘Lorcnzo Dow Miller. » everybody likes him and admires him. .mon sense and a 5-slionter. - ranch had given way to the cllete east, l . l I C‘l~2'3llS once and got onto the racket.l l ApGowboy District Attorney. V. ‘. o I Intciy‘oody m the Panhandle knows Better than that, Dow lives at Panhandle City and is dis- trict attorney and rules over 29 counties. lie is a genius. Born in Texas, he went to the Pan- handle years ago, when the Indians were still in the country. His capital consisted of an unusual amount of com- llc went out on tbeplains as a cowboy and has punched long horns all the way from LtistVallcy to the neutral strip. Around his campfire at night he pared over all old volume of Blackstone. lletore very long he bought some more books. llon- est, sober and imlustrieun. he made friends as fast as the prairie grass grows in the spring;. or a yearling rnns inn stampede. Ile astonished the world one day by announcing his candidacy for district attorney. ' lle astonished the world on the day after the election by having beaten his opponent. From that time. Dow has gone on unâ€" til he is invincible in his district. One of his arguments, made belorc a liner county jury before the vernacular of the was as follows: . “ Gentlemen of the jury, look at that prisoner. His phiz is dead tough. He’s a thief, and a sneak thief at that. Look, at. those knots on the back of his head“ They are the bumps ol' cussedness. Howl I came to know is, I travelled with the‘ Now, I want to give you a confidential stiff and drop a few points into your system. If you turn that fuller loose, the bars of every ranch in this countyl will be down before Sunday night, andl some fine steers will be lost.” He let: the case go, and the man got two years 5 â€"â€"Galvcston News. Obeying the Law. The editor of the Sissons Mascot is aj deputy fish and game cominissionei'.l He wears the badge of his office outsidel his coat and hardly a week‘goes by thatl he does not invcigh editorially againsti the shooting of game out of season. The Siskiyous are full of deer nowl and the mountaineers have all guns l Naturally pretty much of the time peo-l ple are coming into the Manet oiiicc with haunches and saddles of wild meat, anch as each subscriber deposits his burdeni he glances at the editor's badge and says 2} “ Here is a hunk of bear meat.” Old Shasta Joe came down from thel mountain the other day and called onl the editor with a contribution. “I thought you might be gettingl tired of bear meat,” he said, ” so brung you a piece of bnfi'alo. I struck, a whole band of 'em the» other side oil Whisky Spring and I knocked one overl with eight. points.” Since this the editor has been Favored? wilh no more bear meat, but in his issuel he acknowledged receipt of sections oil hippopotamus, cassowary, giraffe, walrus: and megatherium. They are great on obeying the game; laws about Sissons. ' .__..qr. Jogging His Memory. Dogs are wonderful for their intelli-l grencc. n‘w'l owners of dogs are pcrhapsl equally wonderful for their faith audl vor atility. Every one of them has 4: ew story. Here is the latest: 1 “The other day,” says Mr. Gordon, “ I forgot to give Bruno his dinner, and? in my preoccupation paid no attention to him when he began to beg for it. , “ He went away at last and was gone: for some time. Then he came in iroml the garden, bringing something in his} month. And what do you think it was ?; A sprig of' forget-mc-not ! "â€"New York Advertiser. . ‘ ._I__..H... __ l Mr. G A. Strickland, manager oil the Lakefiold Canoe Company, on Sat-l Ill'Jtty received a cablcgram from Eng-l land ordering a 16-foot canoe i'or l’rin-f cess May, bride elect of II. R. H. the} Duke of York. The canoe will be builtl 01" the very best material, and is intend-l ed to surpass anything-in the canoe linci which has been shipped to England. ‘ A remarkable sight was witnessed at the funeral of Lady Wheeler. wife of Sirl Trevor Wheeler, Bart, at Learningtonfl Hastings. She -..-,iplm139 stone, and with the coffin ll cwt. 2 qrs. 7. lb. The coffin was 6 fl. 9. inches long, 3 ft. 5 in. wide, and 2 ft. 6 in. deep. The. usual depth of a coffin is 15 in. A special hearse had to be constructed, and twelve men were engaged to carry the corpse. The sight attr..cted hundreds of people from the surrounding country, A German contemporary states that a very pccaliar patient is at presentl under treatment at the Augsburg State Hospital. A man, aged 40, had set, himself the task of swallowing some 250 fruit stout-s. Having finished this ex- tl'uot‘dinnl'y meal, he experienced excra-l chiting pnin. While under treatment on the first day in the hospital the med- ical men succeeded in rcnmving 300 hazelnut stones. The. man had taken all this trouble to place his life in jeop- ardy for a wager of fivo shillings. The Most Astonishing ‘Medieal‘Discovery or the Last One Hundred Years. It in Pleasant to the Taste as the Sweetest Nectart‘. It is Safe and Harmless as the Forest Milk. This wonderful Ncrvino Tonic .has only recently been introduced into this ooimtryr by the proprietors and manufacturers of the Great South American Nervino Tonic, and yet its great value as a curative agent has long- been known by a few of the most learned physicians, who have not. brought its merits and value to the knowledge of the general public. This medicine has completely solved the problem of the cure of indi- gestion, dyspepsia, and diseases of the general nervous system. It is also of the greatest; value in the cure of all forms of failing health from whatever cause. It performs this by the great nervinc tonic qualities which it possesses, and by its great curative powers upon the digestive organs, the stomach, the liver and the bowels. No remedy compares with this wonderfully valuable Nervine Tonic as a. builder and strength- ener of the life forces of the human body, and as a great renewer of a. broken-down constitution. It is also of more real permanent value in the treatment and cure of diseases of the lungs than any consumption remedy ever used on this continent. It is a marvelous cure for nervâ€" ousness of females of all ages. Ladies who are approaching the critical period known as change in life, should not fail to use this great Nervine Tonic, almost constantly, for the space of two or three years. It will carry them safely over the danger. This great strengthener and ours.â€" tive is of inestimable value to the aged and infirm, becausc its great energizing properties will give them a new hold on life. It will add ten or fifteen years to the lives of many of those who Will use aghalf dozen bottles of the remedy each year. ll 58 A GREAT REMEDY FOR THE SURE OF Nervousness, Broken Constitution, Nervous Prostration, Debility of Old Age, Nervous Headache, Indigestion and Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, ' Heartburn and Sour Stomach, Female lifeakness, Weight and Tenderness in Stomach, Nervous Chills, Loss of Appetite, ' ‘ Paralysis, a Frightful Dreams, Nervous Paroxycms and Dizziness and Ringing in the Ears, Nervous Choking, Weakness of Extremities and Hot Flashes, Fainting, Palpitation of the Heart, Impure and Impoverished Blood, Mental Despondency, Boils and Carbuncles, Sleeplessness, Scrofula, St. Vitus’ Dance, Scrofulous Swellings and Ulcers, Nervousneas of Females, Consumption of the Lungs, Nervousncss of Old Age, Catarrh of the Lungs, Neuralgia, Bronchitis and Chronic Cough, Pains in the Heart, Liver Complaint, Pains in the Back, Chronic Diarrhoea, Failing Health, Delicate and Scrofulous Children, Summer Complaint of Infants. ., All these and many other complaints cured by this wonderful Ncrvinc Tonic. WERW®E§ E§E§A§Eߤs As a. cure for every class of Nervous Diseases, no remedy has been able to compare with the Nervine Tonic, which is very pleasant and harmless in all its effects upon the youngest child or the oldest and most delicate individual. Nine-tenths of all the ailments to which the human family is heir are dependent on nervous exhaustion and impaired digesâ€" tion. When there is an insufficient supply of nerve food in the blood, a general state of debility of the brain, spinal marrow, and nerves is the result. Starved nerves, like starved muscles, become strong when the right kind of food is supplied; and a. thousand weaknesses and ailments disappear as the nerves recover. As the nervous system must supply all the power by which the vital forces of the body are carried on, it is the first to suffer for want of perfect nutrition. Ordinary food does not conâ€" tain a sufficient quantity of the kind of nutriment necessary to repair the wear our present; mode of living and labor imposes upon the nerves. For this reason it becomes necessary that a. nerve food be supplied. This South American N ervine has been found by analysis to contain the essential elements out of which nerve tissue is formed. This accounts for its universal adaptability to the cure of all forms of nervous de- rangcmen‘e. CRAwFoRDsVlLLE. IND-.Aug.9°: '86? Ransom. Werusox. ot Brownsvalley, Ind, armaments Cure - To 17:: Great Scat/z, American Nerf-faint Co. : Dunn GENT51â€"I desire to say to you that I have suffered for many years with a. very serious disease of the stomach and nerves. I tried every medicine I could hear of, but nothing done me any appreciable good until I was advised to try your Great; South American Nervinc Tonic and Stomach and Liver Cure, and since using;r several bottles of it I must say that I am sur- aays : “ I had been in a. distressed condition for three years from Nervousness, Weakness oi the Stomach, Dyspepsia, and Indigestion, until my health was gone. I had been doctorlng eon- ~stnutly, with no relief. I bought one bottle of South Amerlcnn Nervlne, which done me more good than any $50 worth of doctor-lug I ever prised at its Wendcrful powers to cure the stom- did in my me_ I would advise every weakly per. to a few bottles of it has cured me completely. I not be able to supply the demand. . J. A. Hartman, Exâ€"Treas. Montgomery 00. consider it the grandest medicine lathe world." INDIGESTIQN AND "BYSPEPSIA. The Great South American Eervine Tonic Which we now offer you, is the only absolutely unfailing remedy ever discovered for the cure of Indigestion, Dyspepsia, and the vast train of symptoms and horrors which are the result of disease anti debility of the human stomach. No person can afford to pass by this jewel of incal- culable value who is affected by disease of the stomach, because the ex- perience and testimony of many go to prove that this is the ONE and ONLY one great. cure in the world for this universal destroyer. There is no case of unmalignant disease of the stomach which can resist the wonderful curative powers of the South American Nervine Tonic. Human-r E. HALL. of szynetown. Ind.. soyo: " I owe my life to the Great South American Nervino. I had been in bed for five months from the effects of an exhausted stomach. Indigestion. Nervous Prostrauou, and a. general. shattered condition or my whole system. Had given up all hopes 0! getting well. Had fried Three doc- tors. with no relief. The first bottle of the Nerv- lne Tonic improved me so much that Iwas ableto walk about. and a. few bottles cured me entirely. I believe it is the heat medicine in the world. I can not recommend it too highly." cure Indigestion and Dyspepsia. 1110 aged. if you do. you may neglect the cal Norvlne is perfectly sale. and very p t is a. great friend to the age build up thp whole system are wonderful in the extreme. d and lnfirm. Do not neglect to use this precious boon; remedy which will restore you to health. usual; to the taste. great cure, because lt will put the bloom of freshness and beauty upon your lips and int-your cheeks, M211. ELLA A. Bus’r'ror-r, of New Ross. Indiana, says: “I cannot express how much I owe to the Net-vine Tonic. My system was completely shat- tered, appetite gone, was coughing; and spitting up blood; am sure I was in the first stages 01 consumption. our inheritance handed down through several goneratlona. I began taking the Nervlne Tonic. and continued its use for about six months. and mu entirely cured. It Is the grandest: remedy for nerves. stomach and l lungs I have ever seen.” No remedy compares with Sam AMERICAN Karma}: an a. cure for the Nerves. No remedy com- pares with South American Nervine as a. wondrous cum {or the Stomach. compare with South American Hex-vine mi a cure for all forms or failing health. It never fails to cure Chores. or St. Vltus' Dance. No remedy will at all It never fails to Its powers to It cures the old, the young; and the Inch South American Delicate ladlw, do not fail to use this and quickly drive away your disabilities and weaknesses. Price, Large 16 ounce Bottle .3033 $1.09; Trial Size, 15 Cents. EVERY BOTTLE WARRANTED. If not kept by Druggists order direct from ‘ 592E. liEl‘Ellfill, Crawiarasvills, lull. Sale at Fcnelon Falls by O a. Pr “QWOvHHOON-PO As a proof of the popularity of our. clothing, we may note that orders are continually coming in from dWWW WWWWOO - e~L~é~â€" OUR STOCK OF â€"â€"«+- 479 Gvereeatiugs, Trouserlnge and 't‘hultingg : @‘Lâ€"«wâ€" Is COMPLETE- wileâ€"«Va ‘ ‘OHWMHMW Manitoba and the North-West. CLARK a. SON. A ,j mm scans heels hi all lillllls. Wall and “Window Paper IN GREAT VARIETY. @tanlping Done. Eggs Ta/mz in Era/tangy. .â€" Cfilllfllilt Street, leneln Falls. inflmlaper and Picture llama " Fastdelered Cling” hams for 13¢. FdS‘t Colored MES- Francisâ€"Sh, Fenelon Falls lias for ldc. East Colored. Prints for l@ cents. The freshest Goods in the village at Wm. Campbell’s. SCHOOL BOOKS AND screams Eppfiumo I PATENT ‘ MEDICINES Kent-Stillman an; AND 'nuuos ’ A. FULL STOCK AT -ivua streamers. .mliliil llarblc Works. - tion. Contracts by the year, half‘year'or DENBSA‘E a; crflsnas as is prepared to furnish the people of Lind-f"? " say and surrounding country with MONUMENTS AND HEADSTONES, both Marble and Granite. ll“! Estimates promptly given on all kinds of cemetery work. ' Marble Table Tops,,Wash Tops, Mantel Pieces, etc., a. specialty. WORKSâ€"In rear 0 the market on Camâ€" bridge street, opposite Matthews’ paw-kingr . ‘ house. ‘ Being a practical workman all should see his designs and compare prices before purchasing elsewhere. . RQB'E'. GHAWBERS. .1 North of the Town Hall. usauouauvsns‘. IN‘ VICTORIA COUNTY FOR â€"lS ATâ€" ”W" . ‘A. GQQEBIVENR- Baker’s Block, Kent-ah, Lindsay. Artists’ Goods a Specialty. Machine Needles, Alabastine and Eve Works Agency. W Please call and see my 56. Paper. Lindsay, April 2nd, 1892. ‘3' m; General Blacksmith, Blacksmithing in all its difi‘ercntbranchcs done on short notice and at the lowest living prices. Particular attention paid to horse-shoeing. Give me a. call and Iwill 45-ly. ‘ a MANUFACTURER OF sannnss, transverse, saunas vanssus. . Everything belonging to tire Saddlery and Fineness 'E'mti‘e ' constantly kept in stock. Done on the Shortest Notice. l‘he “ Fcuclon Falls Gazette” is printed every Friday at the office, on the corner oany & Francis streets. w" SUBSCRIPTION 31 A YEAR Ill ADVAII'G’E or one centpcr week will be added as long as it remains unpaid. Advertising IRates. Professional or business cards, 50 cents , perline per anuum. Casual advortiéements, [- 8 cents per line for the first insertion, and 2 cents per line for every subsequent inscr- quurter,tor a. column or less, upon reason- able terms. JOB PRINTING of all ordinary kinds executed neatly cos. rectly and rcasonablerates. E. D. HAND. Proprietor.

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