7 "mm . v- .w... v‘m~-='..-‘m"‘WJ‘AQ-vc‘w-hkmy vv‘i 1.:~P 14-... a. Horses-and cattle, which were taken to Grand Island and turned out to grass. That was all we then knew about them ; but we have since learned that tho animals, (two carloads,) were the-prop- erty of Mr. John Bell, of Amber P. 0., East York, and were shipped at the Agincourt station of the G. '1‘. B. As Mr. Bell was a stranger in these parts, Mr. Smith came to the Falls to give him a helpingr hand;nnd they were both under obliuation to our towusman Mr. Joseph McFarland for no small assistance in arranging with the steamer Myrtle die MrsBcll is an extensive horse, cattle and pig breeder, and, hav- ing more young stock than he has pasture tor, he brought some of them all the way to Grand island, and see-med Well pleased with what he saw of this part of the province. A LIVELY CREW.â€"Thc Lindsay Presbyterian Christian Endeavorers had an excursion to the Falls on Tuesday evening, and a hundred more or less of party, (whether Christians or not- we are unable to say,) invaded Mr. P. Doyman’s, where someof them acted. as if they-thought they were monarchs of all they surveyed and their right there was none to dispute. They drank all the soda water, served the ice cream to their best girls, tried to play on a comet that was hanging. on the wall, dissected one or‘two-of the gouge, and, v _,;_in 11 [9rd, “cut up do: †in great style. They were civil enough as far as words want and’ probably meant no harm ;. but as they overran the place like an invading army, and many of them left 1 without payingr for what they took, M r. Dcyman says he didn’t make a cent by their visit and! was probably a trifle out of pocket. Anarchists Create a Riot. BERLIN, Jame 19zâ€"About 50 Anar- chists and loafers started a- riot in a low beer garden: in the Mathias Strassc, Brcslau, late last night. They looted the establishment, collected about 200' more roughs from the streets and began plundering all the shops in the neighbor- hood-3. Before the police could be sum- moned: the ribt-ers had proceeded to the -better part of the city and were break- ing into the large shops. The ï¬rst de- tachment of? police was received with volleys- of" stones and3 scattering shots from revolvers. More police came and hold the mob at bay until troops arrived, who charged. with ï¬xed bayoncts and scattered the r-iotcrs right; and left. 'l‘wcnty-thrce men were arrested. Fif- teen who were badly wounded-i were sent to the hospitals; -..._._.._ 1...... .¢ ...__ Dogmatists are Donkeys. London Truth}- has the following opin- ion: the High and how sections of the Eng- lish Church is very active in British Columbia at present, and it is not likely to be mitigated, I should say, by the Rev. J. 13-. chctson, who has been preaching at the Cnthcdral at Victoria acoursc of sermons in defence of'auricu- lar confession and other lit‘itnulistic ex- travagances. In his last sermon Mr. Hewsonadclivcred himself of' the opinion that for laymen. to‘ express dogmatic opinions on theological subjects is an “ impertinencc †which is at present “carried too far.†At the risk of being thought imperiincnt, I venture to assert that all persons who express dogmatic opinions on theological subjects, whether professors or amateur-s of the science, are donkeys.†0“. A. Chinese imperial Highway. Leaving Chang-tofu- carly on Mon- day morning, we travelled southward 45 ii along the imperial Highway to ’J"ang Yin. The Imperial Highway, like other Chinese roads, is made by the continual passage to and fro of carts and animals, perhaps for centuries, and consoqticntly is merely a ditch ol' circa-t- or or lesswidth and depth, according as the roads have been more. or loss used, = can: end- to the other. “ Imperial {ligh- I l y“, traversing the Empire, it may be, from l our!" fox-sooth ;. more appropriately inihhl: it becalled “Imperial Bog," for in the wet season the road proper, which we saw at this time rf year almost imâ€" passihle in some- places, must be altoâ€" gether so. We passed many convey- buccs, strange to a loscigner’s cyc,.l)x-ing. int: prmluco to market. One would-sur- mise, from the cquipazcs to be seen, that the farmer who wishes to bring a small load of scunething to market, hitches. every available animal he pos- ses to his wag-gnu. or cart, and then gets most of his sons and hired men to help him to manage them. One turn-out, which I took the trouble to note, and there were many others like it, consist- ed of a fourowhccled waggon drawn by three cows, three mules, and one ass, managed by two men and three boys. Nevertheless, as they jolted alone over the stones or wallowcd through the wire of the “ Great Imperial {ligl3“’“!." l Or to R. J. Lnnor, Esq., ' chccouk. } alley seemed happy. I It is cslimatcd that 130,000,000 oysters are yearly received at Liverpool from abroad; The trial of Lizzie-A. Borden at New Bedl’nrd, Mass. for the murder of her father and stepmother, ended on Tues- day last, and the jury, after deliberating ,an hour and a- half, returned a verdict of “ not guilty." Brcad has never been so cheap as at present in Britain within the memory of any living. The wheatcn 4-lb. loaf is being.r supplied by contractors to great institutions at 2-};d, that is, a little over a halfpcuny a pound. The Court of Appeals at Chicago has decided that the World’s Fair may be opened on Sunday. This virtually settles the question, as the next appeal would have to be to the United States Supreme Court, which does not meet till October, when the Fair will be over. The famous blarney stone from Blar- ney Castle, Ireland, has arrived at the World's Fair and will be placed in the imitation Blarney Castle in the Irish village. where all who choose to be lowered head downward may kiss- it. Lady Aberdeen shipped. the» stone from. 33 Kent. Street. Lindsay, up to $1.00 per pair. iSati7zs,:St’rz'pe Delaz'ms, New Press, New S/mllz'és, 52' Silk 111221.19 and’Kz't'i Gloves- H'OSERYa-‘est value in? the Trade. Call and see our .S‘Zaz'ézless Bloc/é Hose, tfzree pairs for 2.56- C ORSET S.-â€"See our Corsets, from Carpets and; Oil-Cloths, No. Keenan’s Block, Kent Street, Lindsay. opposite the Benson. House. “WWW ‘ engross. WE" cordially z'éwz't'e t/ze puélz'c 2'7: 5237mm! to rail} and exaflzziize s~ Eh $170010 [.6 Glbws, g... ‘SVEAVTIG- Fancy Bed Spreads full width, also Blan-~ kets, all-wool Carpet, Rug Carpet and plain and- twilled. Flannel woven. promptly and‘; satisfactorily by SAMUEL llU'l‘CHISCN, s ll'eaver. Eenclon Falls, April 12th, 1898.â€"-â€"8-3m. Scientï¬c American. “ CAVEATS. TRA DE MARKS. DESIGN PATENTso F i f u dfCOPYRlGl-ITS. o: m- a 0mm ontm - ree Handbook writet MUNN 5t 00.. 861 BROADWAY, new Yotgx. Oldest bureau for securing patents in America. Every potent taken out by us is brought before- the public byanotice given free of charge in the. gamma scram ward. Splendidly illustrated. No intelligent. man; should be without It. Weekl ‘. ' ear: 81.50st months. Address Mdhgaaogo: UBLISBEBS. 361 Broadway. New York (my. 395;. up" to $1.50! per pair. See our LADIES’ VESTS. PltRASOLSâ€"well' assorted and (limp; 05m» STAPLES med only impaction. GEN T .5’ FURNISHINGS. Gentlemen, call and see our Fumzzk/zz'mgs; Qualz'zjz considered, our Prices Ireland. A London paper of June 2 says :: The still prevailing.r drought has been attend- ed witlrburious effects in lluntingdon- NOTICE. Tie the residents of Fenelon Falls. “I hear that the friction between I shire and: Northamptonshire. Wheat and barley have boen- so prematurely developed in some instances that they are already, well in car. and will be ' read-y. l'or‘harvest in a few weeks ;.and yet, side by side with;- theso, other farmers are only sowing their spring seed, feeling it was useless, owing to the drought, to sow it earlier. In many cascsilargc breadths of. land; that-wore sown early in the spring are still barren, the seed never having germinated. In the Candle district the farmers have had recourse to the expedient of cutting,r the river banks and mill- heads, and so flooding; their meadows in- order to get a l-a-y crop; ' W BIR’T’Iâ€"IS. Anxoto.â€"-At Fenelon Falls on Saturday. June 17th, the wife of Mr. JTnmes Arnold of a daughter. ‘ Serranoâ€"In the township of†Somerville on Saturday, June 17th, the wife of Mr. John Schell of a daughter; Gunmanâ€"In the township of Verulum on Tuesday, June 20th. the wife of Mr. James Cullen ofn daughter. DIAS}, RIIED. Surnnurmnoâ€"Jonnamâ€"At the residence of the bride’s parents, by the Rev. D. N. McCamus, on- wedhesduy, June let, Mr. Andrew Sutherland, station master at Fru- elon Falls, to Sarah, third daughter otsz. J‘ordnn, Esq, of Feuelon. A...“ -_. .-___._____..__._ .-.._.______._._- FENELON FALLS MARKETS; â€"_.. Reported by the North Star Roller Hill 02;. Fenelon Falls, Friday,.Jâ€-une' 23rd, 1803. Wheat. Scotch or Fife . . .. 65 to 70 Wheat, fall, per bushel. . . . 66 68 Wheat, spring “ .... 60 62 Barley, per bushel.... 85 36 Buckwheat“ .... .. .. 50 52 Cats, “- . . . . 33- 34 Press, †. . . . . . 52 51 Rye, “ 48 50 Potatoes, “ 45 50 Bullec,per lbw..." ...... 13 14 Eggs, in dozen. . . . 10 11 Hay, per ton...... ....... 6x00 7.00 111ch .. 2.251 3:00- Hogs . . . . . . 6150' 7.00 Sheepskins. 75 1.25 WOtil- . . . . . . . . 17 13 Flour-,strong baker’s.... . 1.90 2.10 Flour, family...... .. 1.70 1.80- li'lour, straight rolled . . . 1.60 1.70 Bran, per- ton...... . 12.00 13:00 Shorts, “ . . . . . . . 14.00 15.00 Mixed chop, per cwt. . . . .. 1.00‘ 1.20 New Advertisements. Saicsnncn 3V2! nicer-1‘ To represent u-s‘in the sale of- a choice line of 1-1. r113; Canadian Grown Stock. Expe~ ricuce not necessary. We w-nntfeal work- ers, and to all such we offer a permanent situation at a good income, with chance of advancement. As we now have over 700 acres under cultivation, we can give our- salesmen many superior advantages. We also desire to secure u- good man in your district to sell the Rotary Spray Pump, for which we have the general agency. This is something new and indispensable to the farmer and the fruit-grower. Sendfor terms and testimonial circular. ~ STONE & WELLINGTON, 185. Nurscrymcn, Toronto, Ont. , U‘C’l‘lON SALE OF VALUABLE FA‘RM j Prol crty in the Township of Bexley in the County of Victoria. There will be sold on Wednesday, the- 28th day ofiJune, 1893, at 1 o’clock in the afternoon, at. Chirpaugh’s Hotel, in the vil- logo of Victoria Road", by airtuo of a cer- tain mortgage which will be produced at the sale, the following property :â€"The cast half of Lot I in the let concession of the Township of Bexlcy, containing 100 acres in re or less, save and except the portion sold to the Toronto and: Nipissinanilway Company. The following improvements- urc said to be on the premises: about 90‘ acres cleared, upon which are erected a frame dwelling and log stable. , Terms â€"-Twunty per cent. of the purchase- moucy to be paid down on the day of $11.10.. For further particulars apply to JONES BROS. d: MACKENZIE, Solicitors, Town‘s-St, Toronto. ____..w...__.â€".__. 15-4.. l l are Mr: Lowest. ll) KENT St. masses. 0m prim z'o ezzeryéody; IKEZRR 8:: (30., ' OPPOSITE mm BENSON Hones. , 4'0 KENT Sl. .‘izR’S Big Dry Goods «it Clothing Sale NC'W’ GCI’NG‘ 0N. 300 Sample Parasols, Beautiful Handles, 25 cents and up. Ladies White Cotton Draivers, Titck’ed‘und' Lace Trimmed, only 25 cents. Ladies‘ White Cofton Drawers, Tucked and Embroidery Trimmed, only 4.5 cents. Ladies’ White Cotton Chemise, Embroidery Trimmed, going'at 45rcems. A‘ll Linen Tray Covers, Fringed Edges, sale price 35 cents. Ladies’ White Cotton Chemise, Lace Trim- med, now 29 cents. Lndies’ White Cotton Nightgowns,’1‘nckcd and Frillcd Bottom, 50 cents. _ Lndies’ White Cotton Nightgowns, Tucked and [indie Trimmed, now 48 cents. 50 cents for Ladies’ Handsome Deiaine Blouses. A-nothcr Case of‘ that 20c. all wool Serge Dress Goods to hand. Ladies, ask for Fast Black Lisle Thread H‘osc at 25 con ts. 24 cents for Heavy all-wool Blue Serge, for Boys’ Clothing. Something New in Curtain Drapery for 7, 10; 12', 15‘ cents a yard: 51 00 New lrunswick Cotton Yarn. Heavy Feather Ticking, new patterns, 8c. 65 cents for Men’s Wool Pants. $1 95 for Boy’s Wool Suit, and Baseball and Bat free. 10 cents for Boys" Nobby Straw H'ats. 25 cents for Men’s Flnnncletlc Shirts, cheap. Men’s Fine Summer Underclothing, 250. 50 cents for B'oys’ Knicker Pants. 2 pair Men’s Elastic Web Braces for 250. 50c. on the $ for the balance of our Tweeds. Our 5, 7 and 8c. Grey Cottbns are below Mill prices. Shirtings, Cottonadcs and. Ginghams going at a reduction. . 500 Men’s Suits nt- Manul‘acturer’s Prices. 114 Pieces Shaker Flannel to go at 7 cents. $1 00 for Men’s Heavy Tweed Pants. Men’s Waterproof Coats now $2 00. 10 cents for Men’s all-wool Socks. 5 cents for Men’s Cotton Socks. 10 cents for Fancy Stripe Swimming Pants. Handsome Colored Dress Delnincs, only 10 . Over- 300 Men‘s and Boys' Summer Shirts cents» per yard. All-wool Henriettas, all the new ishades, We carry the Largest Stock of Mcn’slrlnts- , now 19 cents. Girls’ Silk Trimmed Hats going at 506: Ladies’ Black and Colored cotton Hose, 9.1 big; drive at 10 cents. G‘Eincs Finished Handkerchiefs for 25c. at. a. great reduction. in Lindsay. Men’s and Boys‘ Ties, Collars and Cuffs in endless variety. 500 Children’s Suits to be cleared out at half price. 20 cents for Black Henrietta, good quality. Men's Summer Coats and Vests very cheap. Ladies Cotton Undervcsts, only 10 cents. See our Table of Job Dress Goods. Stacks of Remnants at Your. Own Prices. We guarantee every pair of Kit] Gloves. Ladies, our French Dress Dclaines are by far the Nobbiest Goods in Lindsay. w We have secured at a great sacrifice a. 352,500.00 stock of Clothing. This great 1111-13 was. manufactured “ to order†fer an eastern house, but the ï¬rm having failed, we secured the goods at a big discount. don’t fail to see this large. If you are in want of Clothing, J. GARTER. 40 Kent. Street, Lindsay. SIGN ():F"TIâ€"IE. GOLDEN LKON- ARE THE BEST:â€" master. W. hidddihih Champion Gold Medal Ci! of the Dominion. i‘tiiiï¬inijisf CVLWCES @iie' will wear twice as long'as any other make. THE FINEST RICH GRADE ENGINE OILS ARE ' MANUFACTURED BY EOE. SALE BY ALL. LEAD fricCGLt. sees. a $0., “rehearse VG DEALERS IN THE COUNTRY.’ ~ LINDSAY. ' ' NERVE; ii. V ’Huke notice that. any person or persons removing from any village or district in- fected with diphtheria to F'cuclon Falls will be quarantined for n. period of 14 days or longer, a the discretion-of the Board of- Hcalth. The citizens of Fenelon Falls who do not: wish to be so inconvenienced will govern themselves accordingly. By order of the Board of Health. A. WILSON, M. D , Medical Health (Mica-J. F'enelon Falls, Feb’y 22nd, 1893. 1-1.. f. llllilllllili. illiliiillil. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY scams HOUSE CLEANING. ll Special tilt ill Prices. Will be given to those BUYING FOR CASH. My stock is large and complete, consisting of; BEDROOM SUITES, " Lounges; Gem‘re Tab/es. Care and Easy Chairs, Bureaus, Side-boards- and'evcry description of'Klt-ehen Furniture Pictures. Framed to Order. Everything Sold at Lowest LivingPrlccs 1163‘ Undertaking promptly and carefully- attended 1.0. L. DEETREAE", annuraxna &. FURNITURE Deanna, Colhcrne Street, I‘enelon Falls. W Residence over the Shop. “E911 NERVE BEAESam- mmrr am covet-y that. mire the worst cases 04 Nervous Debiiity, Lost. ‘v inc: and. Falling Maritime; restoges the.- weakness of lyqu or mine caused. BEANS by over-work. or the errors or 01-- : - . ‘ cesacs of youth. This Remedy 31» soluter cures the most obstinate cases when on other- :mnummu'a 11:32 failed evcnfto {glint}. mo’ljd.1;g§§11§~ lets ctr»). set 1 «age or six or .. . or sent. , on- ig'eocipt Jr yiricelh; confessing THE JAMES minimize: (39.. Toronto. Ont. Write {or pamphlet. Sold mâ€" Fenelon Falls at W. T. Junkin’s resonance. Mr. Wm. 1*}. Ellis having transferred hisâ€" Insuranco Business to me, I am prepared to take risks on all classes of property At Very Lowest Rates. None but ï¬rst-class British and Canadian. Companies represented. 33$†FARM. PROPEhsTY at. very low rates. domes Arnold. Fcnelon Falls, June 14th,1892. l7-1y. SEGCRE ï¬iVESEfli‘d 0333517 â€"OIi‘ THEâ€" County of "Victoria. The next sittings of the above Court will beheld in Dickson’s hall, Fenelon Falls, on moacm, JULY tea, 1893, commencing at 10 o’clock in the forenoon Saturday, June 291b, will be the last day of service on defendants residing in this- county. Defendants living in other coon..- tics must be served on or before June 24th. S. Nansen, E. D. 11mm, Bailiff. Fencloa Falls April 25th, 1893. Clerk. «“s‘v ,» "r .. ._\h .,A