,1... -’.'\..n ; m.-. ‘thenumber-of gigantic schemes. We . .eyes be shut, and it can be easilyfoldcd- ‘ service. . principal members of the timber trade insures justice to every customer. ' Enormous Enterprises. "The advancing years seem-to produce :an increase rather than a diminution to ‘have all heard of'the scheme for expen‘di‘ ing $40,000,000 in the construction of a monster dam in the vicinity of New- 'fouudland that would turn «thetGulf “ .Stream back on itself and give New England a, tropical climate, so that- the Granite State boysccould climbpalm trees to shakeotf the succulent cocoanut on their own bleak hillsides, whiletthe .Rhode Islanders would offer-scant en- Couragemcnt to the peripetetic Italian banana vender,.as each andzall-ofvthemi" .would have a banana tree in close proximity to his own back porch. ‘ A more recent scheme‘. is the bridging .of_thc..,lï¬}nglish Channel 'between‘Dovcr :=an'd‘Calais. It is said that this scheme has gone so far that a company has, been formed to secure the necessary .vconcessions from the‘British and French governments. The cost of this .br-idge’ .is something like $240,000,000. A 'zThc latest seheme'sis-onc for rooï¬ng London and Other large cities, and thus, .doingaway with the umbrella trust; .The projector has not‘;yet<-considercd any such vulgar and~iusigniï¬cant detail, .as the matter of'cost, and hence has not reniightened the public on this point. - Such schemes are, adds the American, ,Artizan, of course, largely visionary; but they indicate a tendaney'to- grapplel with the most stupendous undertakings that is in a manner characteristic .of.the? .ncrvous and progressive rage in wwhich We live. - Curiosities atthe World’s’f'air. Among the many articles of rare .and -curious make is a very delicate hand- kerchief among Queen Margherita’s laces. :It is valued at $30,000. Three different artists have wrought upon it during a period of not less than twenty years. It is so light that one is not conscious of it touching the hand if the, 'into a gold ‘casket not larger than a Beston‘bean. 'It is said that. a Scotsman who .employs 4,000 French women FParis .making lace, has sent. a pair of curtains -.for .a bay window. In the tSix-months requiredifor'the making of these curtains two thousand different women worked on them. They are only three yards long; but the cost was $6,000. This Scotsman has a $50,000 exhibit of laces, and he came himself to vsuperintend their cï¬ective hanging. Among the mineral curiosities there is a twelve ton lump of cannel coal sent .from Lancashirc, England by the ‘lVigan Junction Colliery. Pennsylvania .has put up a pyramid of anthracite, ten "feet square at the base and fifty-two feet high. ' It contains just one hundred .tons. From George’s Creek, Allegheny 'County, Md, comes a lump of eannel coal 15 feet long, 4 feet wide, and 3 feet thick. The Roslyn lump from the State of Washington is the largest ever mined. It is 5 feet thick, 36 feet long, and weighs more than 50,000 pounds. Mr. Gladstone has sent one of his axes for exhibition in the Forestry building. It is of ï¬ne steel and is very sharp and heavy. It is very evident, from the worn condition of the ash handle, the tool has done considerable So for as is known, this is the only instance of an axe having been gpermit-tetl’to pass out of the possession of the veteran British premier, and the of the country appreciate highly the exceptional honor thus displayed to them and their craft. c -.Qâ€"â€"â€"â€"_â€" Testing Milk. "The department of agriculture has just issued a bulletin giving instructions as to the method of determining the commercial value of milk by the Bab- cock test. This test is for the estimaâ€" tion of the fat present in the milk, and as the quantity of fat varies in diliercpt cows, and sometimes with the same coxiï¬z. there is no doubt that all factories should adopt the test. The principle of analyzing milk offered at factories for the purpose of determining its value, is one which is rapidly gaining ground. who reocivcs precisely the remuneration to which he is entitled. and while it necessitates some extra labor, the results 'are more satisfactory to all, and the labor is very small. Those who have :not already familiarich themselves with‘the Babccck test should write'for - the bulletin, which has been prepared "by Mr. Frank T. Slintt, Chief Chemist of the Experimental Farmsâ€"Mantran Star. ‘. A tramp who had been put ofl“ a train at, Duex Rivieres, near Brockville, on Friday, placed his neck across the track before an incoming train and was decapitated. A heavy electric storm visited Mid- dlcsb‘orough, Ky., Saturday night, in which a shower of ï¬sh, of the sun perch species, was precipitated on the town. They ranged in high from 1;} to 3 _. I . X . 'into'this ‘country 'by" the proprietors and manufacturers of the Great near .' v: g'Stomachif’Liver Cure The “ Most Astonishing IMedieal’DiScovery of the Last One Hundred Years. ' iâ€"It“is'Pleasant‘-to=the Taste as the Sweetest Rectum. ,It is Safe and Harmless as the Purest Milk. .This wonderful Nervine Tonic has only recently been introduced South American Nervine Tonic, and yet its great .valueta’sf-a curative- agent-has long been known by a few of the most’learned physicians, who have notbroughtits merits and value to theiknowledge of the, generalapnblic. , . _ 'IThis medicine has completely solved the problem of the cure of indi- gestion,'dyspepsia, and diseases of the generalrnerVOu‘ssystem. It 15' also of the greatest value in the cure of 'all forms of failing health from/ whatever: cause. It performs this by the great nervine tonichnahties Wh-ichiit'possesseS, and by its great curative ,‘powers lupon the digestivei organs, the stomach, the liver and the -bo‘Wel‘s. No remedy compares withthis-wonderfully valuable Nervine Tonic as a builder and strength- ener of the life forces of the human body, and as a great renewerof at brokenâ€"down constitution. It is also of more meat permanent ‘value in the treatment and cure of diseases of thelu‘ngs than any consumption remedy'ever used on this continent. It is a. marvelous cure for new-3 oneness of females of all ages. Ladies who are approaching the critical period known as change in life, should not fail .totuse this great N ervine Tonic, almost constantly, for the space of two or three years. It will carry them safely over the danger. This great strengthener and _cnra.â€"‘a tive is of inestimable value to the aged and inï¬rm, because its great energizing properties will give them a new hold on life. It will add ten or ï¬fteen years to the lives of many of those who will use ahalf dozen bottles of the remedy each year. lT IS A GREAT REMEDY FOR THE {SURE 0F Nervousness, Broken Constitution, Nervous Prostration, chility of Old Age, 1 Nervous Headache, Indigestion and Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Heartburn and Sour Stomach, Female Weakness, Weight and Tenderness inistomaoh, Nervous Chills, Loss of Appetite, Paralysis, Frightful Dreams, ' Nervous Paroxysms and Dizziness and Ringing in the Ears, Nervous Choking, Weakness of Extremities and Hot Flashes, Fainting, , _ . Palpitation of the Heart, Impure and Imppv‘erished Blood, Iental Despondency, Boils and Carbuncles, Stoopleï¬iSness, H Scrofula, . St-i'yitus’ Dance, Scrofulous Swellings and Ulcers, Nervousness of Females, _ Consumption of the Lungs, Ngr'vousness of Old Age, Catarrh of the Lungs, Neuralgia, - Bronchitis and Chronic Cough, Pains in the Heart, Liver Complaint, Pains in the Back, Chronic Diarrhoea, Failing Health, Delicate and Scrofulous Children, Summer Complaint of Infants. All these and many other complaints cured by this wonderful r Nervinc e-I‘onic. NERVEBUS BESEASES. As a cure for every class of Nervous Diseases, no remedy has been able to compare with the Nervine Tonic, which is very pleasant and harmless in all its effects upon the youngest child or the oldest and most delicate'individual. Nine-tenths of all the ailments to which the human family is heir are dependent on nervous exhaustion and impaired diges- tion. When there is an insufï¬cient Supply of nerve food in the blood, a. general state of debility of the brain, spinal marrow, and nerves is the result. Starved nerves, like starved muscles, become strong when the right kind of, food is supplied; and a thousand weaknesses and ailments disappear as the nerves recover. As the nervous system must supply all the power by which the vital forces of the body are carried on, it is the ï¬rst to suffer for want of perfect nutrition. Ordinary food does not con- tain a sufï¬cient quantity of the kind of nutriment necessary to repair the wear our present mode of living and labor imposes upon the nerves. For this reason it becomes necessary that a nerve food be supplied. This South American Nervine has been found by analysis to contain the essential elements cut of which nerve tissue is formed. This accounts for its universal adaptability to the cure of all forms of nervous de- ranov Goons Woo-ls .01“ all Kinds. ’ ’Wall and Window-Paper Bilbome Steel, lenelon lady. Fast Colored Fast Colored Mus- Fast Colored Prints VVe are non prepared! to turn-out Clothes "than of Buyers, kw‘bnoo‘oh STOCK OF M a 7 _ Overcoatings, .Trouserings andSuitingg I's COMPLETE- â€"-râ€"-â€"'*’<? - «OWWO’WMQNQHOQ NOWWQNO As a .proof-o‘i‘the popularity of our clothing, we «may-.11th that~‘orders are continually-comingin fr'om Manitoba and TtheNorth-West. 4 LINDSAY ' FE“ Marble Works. MILLIN E RY sit: R. CHAMBERS Ellie is prepared tofurnisli the ’people of Limb say and'su'r'rounding 'couhtryiwith ‘iiouUMnN'rs-A‘Nn unknsrouns, , xboth Marble and Granite. 'A‘Nn 'Estimates promptly given on all kinds 0“: ‘ce‘m‘ete'ry Work. ' I Marble Table Tops, Wash Tops, Mantc’i Pieces, ,etc., a specially. WORKSâ€"ln rear 0 the maâ€"rltel'on C:i‘in‘~ bridge street, opposite Matthews panting house. , Being a practical workman all should see his designs and compare prices before purchasing elsewhere. near. ‘oHAM’hsns. - «neaoouaavsas. -IN ' v-Icrroicia 'colnscrr FOR and ..__-â€" 'IN GREAT VARIETY. Stamping Done. Eggs Taken 272 Exc/mvzg'e. Boom Paper and Picture Hams ‘-‘-â€"-lS ATâ€" ;W. A. GOQDWIN’S Baker’s Block,.-Kent-st., Lindsay. , _ .Artists’ Goods a speciality. Works Agency. 13%†Please call and see my 50. Paper. Lindsay, April 2nd, 1892. ; David Chambers. General Blacksmith, Francis-St.â€",,V_Fenelon Falls home for 10¢. Blacksmithingin all its diï¬â€˜crentbranches done on short notice and at the lowest living prices. Particular attention paid to horse-shoeing. Give me a call and I will guarantee satisfaction. 45-ly. Hill steer; MANUFACTURER DE 11115 for 10c. for 10 cents. The freshest Goods in Machine Needles, Alabastine and Dve rangement. Cnawvonnsvmmz, Inn. Aug. 20, ’86. To Me Great Saulla. American. Mtdz’cn'ne (30.: Dean GENTS:~â€"I desire to say to you that I have suffered for many years with a. very serious disease of the stomach and nerves. I tried every medicine I could hear of, but nothing done me any appreciable good until I was advised to try your Great South American Nervlno Tonic and Stomach and Liver Cure, and since using several bottles of it I must say that. I am sur- prised at its wonderful powers to cure the stem- ach and general nervous system. If everyone knew the value of this remedy as I do you would not be able to supply the demand. J. A. HARDEE, Ex-Treus. Montgomery Co. Which we now offer ONLY ONE great cure in the world HAERIET E; HALL. of Waynetown. Ind.. says: "I owe my life to the Great South American Nervlne. I had been in bed for ï¬ve months from the effects of an exhausted stomach. Indignstlon. Nervous Frustration. and a. general shattered condition oi my whole system. Had given up all hopes of getting well. Had tried three doc- tors. with no relief. The first bottle of the Nerv- lnc Tonic improved me so much that I was ublcto walk about. and a. few bottles cured ma entirely. can not recommend it too highly." I believe it is the best medicine in the world. I Rnnncca WILKINSON, of Brownsvaney. Ind, says : “ I had been in a. distressed condition for three years from Nervousness, Weakness of the Stomach, Dyspepsia, and Indigestion, until my health was gone. I had been doctorlng con- stantly, with no relief. I bought one bottle of South American Nervlne, which done me more good than any $50 worth of doctor-lug I ever did in my life. I would advise every weakly per- son to use this valuable and lovely remedy , a few bottles of it has cured me completely. I consider it the grandest medicine in the world.†INDIGESTION AND DYSPEPSIA. The Great; South American Nervine Tonic you, is the only absolutely unfailing remedy ever discovered for the cure of Indigestion, Dyspepsia, and the vast train of symptoms and horrors which are the result of disease and debility of the human stomach. No person can afford to.pass by this jewel of ineal- eulable value who is affected by disease of the stomach, because the ex- perience and testimony of many go to prove that this is the ONE and for this universal destroyer. There is no case of unmalignant disease of the stomach which can resist the wonderful curative powers of the South American Nervine Tonic. Mas. ELLA A. Bna'r'rox. of New Ross. Indiana, says: “I cannot express how much I owe to the Nor-vino Tonic. My system was completely shat- tered, appetite gone. was coughing and spitting up blood; am sure I was in the first stages '0! consumption, an inheritance handed down through several generations. I be an taking the Norvinc Tonic, and continued ts use for about six months, and am entirely cured. It is the nndest remedy for nerves. stomach and lungs have ever seen." No remedy compares with Scum Ammrcni Nnnvms no a. cure for tho Nerves. No remedy com- pares with South American Nervlne so a. wondrous cure for the Stomach. lNo remedy will at all compare with South American Nervtnc as a curator all forms of failing health. It never fails to cure Indigestion and Dyspepsia. It never fails to cure Chm-ca. or St. Vitus’ Dance. Its powers to build up thp whole system are wonderful in the extreme. It: cures the old. the young, and the mid- dle aged. t is a great friend to the age A and inï¬rm. Do not neglect to use this precious boon: If you do. you may neglect the only remedy which will restore you to health. South American Nervlne is Deflccul' Sale. and very pleasant to the taste. Delicate ladies, do not fall to use this great cum. because It will put the bloom of freshnels and beauty upon your lips and in your checks. and quickly drive away your disabilities and weaknesses. Price, Large 16 ounce Bottle $1.00; Trial Size, 15 Cents. EVERY BOTTLE WARRANTED. If not kept by Drngigists order direct from Dr. E. DETCHON, Crawfordsville, Ind. For Sale at Fenelon Falls by ' the Village at Wm. Campbell’s. SCHOOL BOOKS AND SUPPLIES PATENT MEDICINES AND ' DRUGS A FULL STOCK-g AT * “LT. JUNKIN’S. SADDLES, HARNESS, TRUNKS, vantages. Everythingâ€"hgging to the: Saddlery and Harness Trade constantly kept in stock. REPAIRING? Done on the Shortest Notice. Kentâ€"stfihaay, on. The “ Fenclcn Falls Gazette †is printed every Friday at the office, on the corner of May & Francis streets. SUBSCRIPTION $1 A 1’ MR IN ADVANCE or one centpcr week will be added as long as it remains unpaid. Advertising Rates. Professional or business cards, 50 cents ipcrline per anuum. Casual advertisements, 8 cents per line for the first insertion, and 2 céuts per line for every subsequent inner- tion. Contracts by the year,ha1f year or quarter,lor a column or less, upon reason- - able terms. JOB PRINTING of all ordinary kinds executed neatly oo- roctly and reasonablorates. ' 1:. D. HAND. Proprietor, f4; it