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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 21 Jul 1893, p. 5

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TWINE.â€"Mi‘. Thomas Rob- gamers. and; secretes no... Six-persons were killed by the. heat. Sun has Jnstvreceivcd a large consign- iu‘Chicago on Friday. lpcntof Silver Composite and Red Cap binder tirlne,.wh‘ich he will sell at prices to suit the times. Lovely and: Cheap. ' We hare'the best, nicest and cheapest Summer Shoes in Lindsay. We keep away ahead in styles, variety-and prices lower than ever. You will be sorry if you don’t come to head quarters. Jonnsron at £31.58an The Monster Shoe Store. Mascara EXCURSION.-â€"Do not forget. the Freemason’s excursion to Chemong- Bark on ' Tuesday, the 25th inst. The (erzdeila will leave the Fenelon Falls ~(char? at. 7. 30 a. m ;rcturning, will leave the park at 4‘. 30 p. m: calliag'at‘ Sturgeon Point going and coming. Fare for the round trip 25 ccntsâ€"the cheap- est excursion, so far, of the season.i A- N‘ARROW‘ESCAFE.â€"At Coboconk, on Tuesday last. a boy fell from the bracket of the slide (which. is~under- going repairs) into the eddy, and Mr. J H. Harvey promptly jumpedin after liim. ' Our informant says that it" help had not been- at hand they would both have been drowned, and, as it was, they had a narrow escape. ’Mr. Harvey’s heroic conduct in thus risking his own lil'eto save ,the' life '0!" another justly entitles him; in- our' opinion, to the Royal Humane Society’s medal. SORRY To HEAR- IT..â€"-We are sorry l-‘lâ€"u w “to hear that at' Kinmount, on-the 12th . 4A .1 k i a minute of the day * of July, B'i'o. Dslcmcre of the Minden Ec/io' was thrown from the back of- the horse on which he' Was doing the King William act and somewhat seriously in- iured'. ' Fortunately no bones were bro- ken ,. but he tells us in last week’s Echo, (the proofs of which he was apparently unable to read.) that- Dr. Frost? spout' over an hour‘ dressing his woundsand putting the best face‘hc could upon: him to enable hinrto appear before his-friends. A'~SUCCESS-.â€"â€"'l‘he Methodist musical tournament at Sturgeon Point. on Wed 11 csduy last: was a' great success, so many pcoploarriviug by boat From Lindsay that the Grandeur; had to make two trips, while the Ester-ion and the Dominica’s barge were crowded to rhei r utmost ca pac i ty. The Moplc I'Jcr‘rf'andi barge ran from here to the Point under the auspices of the village band,aud a'good many went ;.but there would probably have been double the number ii the fare had been lower and the tournamentâ€"with which all who heard it Were delightcdghad been properly advertised. W A; shower ol’ 3' million halllinch toads reported: about Grand Falls. The roads are covered“ with them; It is ehought they were swept up: the river by a- waterspout that occurred a few days ago. Snow five feet in depth- is not' usually seén._iu mid-summer in our Canadian climate; yet-workmen removing cinders from the pit in front of the Union- depot at Brockville. unearthed it on Saturday morning. The snow was packed just as solid as in mid winter. It is an old saying that there is never without a' grey horse'on- London Bridge; But certainly not once in a generation docs-a horse of any colorspring over the parapet of’ that structure and- dive into the river. ‘ This happened the other day when a horse harnessed tova dog cart bolted, breaking both shafts and, clearing him- sell' of- the trapping, took- the leap. The beast was but little the worse for the plunge and injured nobody. This is all the more remarkable, seeing that, the crush of traffic under: the bridge is usually Second only to that upon it. Ohc day last week a number of steers ware being weighed on; the- scalcs, and one of the number got; very wild and maan dash for Freedom. The animal no doubt feeling- dry,.startcd for the Queen’s Hotel, went in an open door int": a- sitting room, then into a dining room, making things lively around the tables, and then out on the street again, coming in contact with the well of the hotel‘,.teavring up the platform, miracu- lously escaping talking a header into the wall, then. took a northward course, almost running over R. Osborne, and- liaally ran down the street past F. G. 'llremaync’s residence into the river and in J. It. Bourchier’s fieldâ€"Sutton llr’mztl. Sir George Humphrey has (says the Hospital)-invcstigated the life-histories nl centenerians in England with the Vch- of' ascertaining the causes and circumstances of longevity- As one reads oi? the habits and life of, these men and women who attain the age oi‘a hundred years or more, each; Struck by she fact that they are almost invariably loampeople, oil‘spare habit, andol moderation in eating and drinking. Of thirty-scroll, three took. no animal food, four took very little, twenty 21 little, nineteen a moderate amount, and only one acknowledged taking much meat. With regard to alcohol, the returns are much the same, and abstcmiousness is bound to be the rule of life, of these, - ls. Nurserymen, Toronto, Ont. centenarians l - l great , No rain has fallen on the south side oil-Volts Island since April 16.- Miss Willa Frith; aged 14; was stung by an infuriated'honey bee at Princeton, Cut, on Saturday and died in convul- tlons in 15'lninutes; Saturday's storm caused a number of Fatalities in Ontario. and» reports- of. burns burned by' lightning have been received5from many sccrions. Objections having been made to the sending of' leather bound bibles with gilt edges‘tovthc south seas as a needless luxury in the mission field. it is announccd that. the strong binding is necessary on account of the humidity of the clilntlte,.and that'the gilt edges are ‘ Eye 1 KER . cellar. 33 Kent.- Street. LindSay, opposite the Benson. House. new casléiwsrou's. WW6" idéEh $1500 PVe‘corzz’z'c'z/lfi/ z'ézzzz'z‘é t/zé pub/22 2'72 general 10- call'and‘examz'ize lib; NEW Sb"; not so much an ornament as “an .SatiizsgStrzfzbe Delaz'izas,‘ Néw'P7‘*z'7'zz‘5,Néw S/zallz'es, Silk Gleam- Silk [Witty and [(z'a’. Gloves;. armor plating againstl the attacks of cockroaches aud’the white ant.” A Sun’s special from Chicago says: Miss Marcella: Berg. the woman trainer at' Hagenback’s circus in Midway Plaisancc, was fiercely attacked by a‘ half-wild tiger on July 13. Before the enraged beast could be torn from. the body of his victim. the woman was sevci'ely'bitteu and blood1 was streaming from three Ugly wounds iii- her right thigh. The exciting encounter took place in thc' arena! before a. large audience. Five-women, fainted" at» the sight- Miss Berg was seriously wounded. and after an exciting contest between the wild animal and three trainers, she was rcsouedifromthe cage. She is now in- at hospital. The Mark Lane Empress, in its weekly review of. the British grain trade says: The harvest began on Thursday on'thc southern Slope, and is now in progress in Sussex. It will commence on July l7'in parts- of Kent, Essex and Hamp- shire. Oh the best lands a crop of good quality, condition and weight is expected, but the plant is too-2 thin ’in groundl'or-asbig'y-ield; it is expected that the yield‘ generally will be fifteen per cent under the average. The aver- age pricc‘of' Englielmvhent is still a long way.- on the wrong side of 30 shillings. There is a prospect of a. short crop in the North, but this has nnti exertedauy appreciable influence on- the marked MARRIED. B‘:uus’r’râ€"Gnartau..â€"In Vcrulam on Wed» nesday, the 19th inst.,by Rev. James Fraser, Mr. Alex. Burnett, of Bnddow, to Spowcrs, second daughter of Mr. Robert Graham, of Yerulam. DIED; Imusâ€"In Fenelon on Sunday, July 16th, Mr. George lmrie, Sn, aged 73 years. FEN-ELON- FALLS MARKETSi. Reportcd'by the North Star Roller .Mz'll Co. Fenelon Falls, Friday, J-ulyi213t, 1803: Wheat. Scotch- or=Fife . . my 65 to 70' Wheat, fall, per bushel. . . . 65 65 Wheat, spring “ ....- 60 60 Barley, per bushel. . . .. . . m. 35 3G- Buckwhcat “ . . . . 50 52: Oats, “ .... .... 33' 34 Peuse, “‘ . .. .. 52" 54 aye, “ .. . 4e: 50 Potatoes, “ .. . . . . m. 45 50 Butter, per lb-....... 13 14 Eggs,per (30139111....1 10 11 Hay, per 1011....-. .. 6.00 7.00 Hides 2:25 3:00 Hogs..................... 6.50 7.00 Sheepskins............... 75 1.25 Wool- I7 18 Floor, strong: baker’s. . . . . 1.90 2-;10‘~ . Flour, family........ 1.7-0 1.80 Flour, best bakers’ . . . . . . . . 2.00 2.25 Flour, clipper...... 1,30 1.50 Flour, straight rolled . . . . . .. 1.60 1:70 Bran, per ton. . . . . . .. . 12.00‘ Shorts, “ 1400 15.00 Mixed chop, per cwt . . . . . . . 1.00 1.20 New Advertisements... Wanted Immediately. Two Servants. Cook and Elionsemaid. Apply to Mas. WM. McDosNELL. at the new wharf, Sturgeon Pointâ€"2143. TENDERS WANTED. Tcnderswill be received till the evening. . of Saturday, July 29th, by the undersigned, (from whom particulars can be obtained.) for gravellingv streets and building side-- walk on Bondstrcc‘t east, commencing at the creek and extending as far as lhc'boun- dary; also sidewalk on Dulferin street. By order. of. Street $7., Bridge Committee. THOS. AUSTIN, Chairmrm. Fenclon.Falls, J‘uly. 18th,..1893: 22.2. Salesxnén W ante d To represent as in. the sale of: u'choice line of Hardy Canadian Grown Stock. Fewe- rience not necessary. We went-real work- ers, and to all euclizw-c offer a._permancnt situation at a good. income, with. chance of advancement. As we now have over 700 acres under cultivation, we can give our salesmen many superior advantages. “’0- also desire to secure a good man in your. district to sell the Rotary Spray Pump, for which we have the general agency. This is something new and indispensableto the farmer and the fruit-grower. terms and testimonial circular. STONE & WELLINGTON, 3.9a. up: 10.31.50 per pair}. PARASOLSâ€"well assorted mad c/zeap; only impaction. fizz/,1 rand.- see oer-7’ FuruzzE/zz’izgs. are Mellon/est. LENDSAY. See any LADIES’ KERR & (32):, @Pnostrn‘rnn BENSON House. llL-KET St... -v LI NDSAE'. lg? In ow so 300 Sample Parasols, Beautiful Handles, 25 cents and up. Bodies White Cotton Drawers, Tucked-and.- Laee '1‘i-immed‘,only 23 cents. Ladies‘ White Cofton Drawers, Tuckcd'and Embroidery Trimmed, only 45 cents. Ladics’ White Cotton Chemise, Embroidery Trimmed, going at 451ccms. All}? Linen -T.i'ay Covers, Fringedi Edges, sale price 85 cents. Budi‘cs’ White Cotton Chemise, Lace Trim.- mcd, now 29 cents. Ladics’ White Cotton Nightgowns, Tucked and Frilled Bottom, 50 cents. Ladics’ White Cotton Nightgowns, Tucked. and Radio Trimmed, now 48 cents. 50‘ cents for Ladies’ Handsome Deiaine Blouses. Another Case of that 23c. all wool. Serge Dress Goods to hand: Ladies, ask for Fast' Black Lisle Thread H'osc at 25 cents. _ 24 cents for Heavy all-wool Blue Sergc,.for. Boys’ Clothing. Handsome Colored Dress Delaines, only 10 cents per yard. All-wool Henriettas, all the new shades, now 19 cents. Girls’ Silk; Trimmed Hats going at. 500; Ladies’ Black and Colored cotton Hoee,.e. bigdrivc at 10 cents. G-Lines Finished Handkerchiefs for- 25c; 20 cents- for Black Henrietta, good quality. Ladies Cotton Undervcsts, only 10 cents. See our Table of Job Dress Goods. Stacks of Remnants at Your Own Prices. E5? We have secured at a great sacrifice a $2,500.00: stock of‘ Clothing. don’t fail to. see this large. list tail $1 OO’NCW Brunswick Cotton Yarn. This great line was manufactured “ to.- order” 13100 Ibr- an eastern house, but the firm having‘» failed, we secured the goods at a big discount. If you are- in want of Clothing, llry Goods it Clothing Sale @133”... Something New in Curtain Drapery for. '7, 10,12, 15 cents a yard: Heavy Feather Ticking, new patterns, Sc. 6:3 cents for Men’s Wool Pants. $1. 95 for Boy’s Wool Suit, and Baseball and Bat free. 10 cents for Boys’ Nobby Straw Hats. 25 cents fer Men’sli‘llmnelbtte-Shirts, cheap. Men's Fine Summer Uhdcrclothing,.25 c. 50ccntsfdr Beys’ Knickcr Pants. Z'pair Men’s Elastic Web Braces for 25c. 50c. on the $3 for the balance of our Tweeds. Our 5, 7 and Sc. Grey Cottous are below Mill prices. Shirti‘ngs, Cottonadeo. and Ginghemsgoing. at a. reduction. 500 Men’s Suits at Manufacturer’s Prices. 114 I’ieces Shaker-Flannel to go at 7 cents. $1 00 for Men’s Heavy Tweed Pants. Men’s Waterproof Coats now $2 00.. 10 cents for Men’s all-wool Socks. 5 cents fornMenls Cotton Socks. 10 cents fer Fancy Stripe Swimming Pants. Over 300 Men‘s and Boys’ Summer Shirts at a great reduction. We carrythc Longest Stock of Men’s Hats in Lindsay. Meals and Boys’ Ties, Collars and Cuffs in endless variety. ' 500 Children’s Suite. to be cleared out at half price. Men’s Summer Coats and Vests very cheap. We guarantee-every pair of: Kid Gloves. Ladies, our French Dress Dclaines. are by far the Nobbiest Goods in Lindsay. m. J... GRRTER, , ~ 40- Kent Street, Lindsay. SIGN OF' TIâ€"IE G-OLDEN LLON. Champion Gold Medal. Oil of the Dominion HQSEERYn-B‘est Value" i’n the Trade. Ctle arzd'see our'Staz'ézZérs- Black [7703a, t/zree pairs/hr 256. 2;. {o 1.00 per pair; ‘ C ORSE 7 19â€"5676 our Corsets, from VES TS. 02W ST 24101.53! med ' GENTS FURNISHINGS. Gentlemen, Quality. considered, our Prices 0716 grim 25.0 eoeryéody; M‘CCLL’S CVLEND-ER 03!... will wear twice: as l’onggals any other make. THE. EINEST.'HIGH' GRADE ENGINE.- QILS ARE MANUFACTURED BY? EUR. SALE. BI ALL,I£AMNG DEALERS IN THE. COUNTER}. Macon. sees. a: Coo. TGRGNTQI Keenan’s. Block, Kent St rent“, on: d‘s ay. -WEA.VING..' Fancy Bcd'Spreads full width, also Blanm kets, all-wool Carpet, Rug Carpet and plain and tw-illed Flannel woven promptly sndi satisfactorily by SAMUEL HUTCHISON, ll’eat‘rr. Fenelon Falls, April 12th, 1898.â€"8-3m. ~' CAVEATS'. TRADE MARKS. DESIGN PATENTS. F i u dfCOPYRIGHTS, etc . or n orme (man we Handbook wr'te MUNN J; 00.. 361 BROADWAY, NEWlYotgx. Oldest bureau for securing patents in America. Every patent taken out by us is brought before: the public by a. notice given free of charge in the» statute granites, L est‘circulation of any scientific 3 er in the- wor d. Splendidly illustrated. Nop igtelllgent man should be without it. Weekly. $3.00 a can $1.50 stx mpnths. Address. MUNN & 00.. unusmms. 361 Broadway, New York 01121.. «To the residents of Fenelon Falls. Take notice thatany person or persons: removing from any'villuge or' district inn» fcctcd with diphtheria. to Fenelon Falls: will be quarantined for a period of 1-4 days or. longer, a. the discretion of the Board of Health. The citizens of Fenelon Falls who. do not w-ish to be so inconvenienced will govern themselves accordingly. By order of the Board of Health. A. WILSON, M. n, , Medical Heal/It Oflicn“ Fenelon.Falls,.Feb’y. 23nd, 1893. l-t. f. _.._.¢. illillllllil. lillliilllllii. NOW lSJTHE Tll‘v’lE T0 BUY: ‘ limiters. _..__. DURING HQUSE. CLEANING. a Spatial tltlt ill Fates; Will be given to those BUYING FOR CASH... M y stock is large'and compl‘cter Bunnoou entree, Lounges. Centre fab/es. gone aua’fas y Chairs. Bureaus. Side-boards. and every description of Kitchen Furniture- Piciures Framed to flrder. Everything Sold' at Lowest Living Prices; ;7 W Undertaking promptly and carefully- attended to. , In. I) E ‘Y IVE A N, UNDER’I‘AKER 3; Fnexxrnau DEALER, tlolborue Street, Fenelon Fallsb 3%“ Residence over the Shop. NE RVE Nervous Dehility. Lost Vigor and Failing Manhood; restores the weakness of body or mmd caused by over-work. or the errors or ex- cesses of youth. This Remedy ab- solutely cures-the most obstinate cases when all other TREATMENTS - have failed even to relieve. Sold by drug zists at. $1 per package, or six for 85. or sent by mail on receipt- of price by nddrcming THE JAMES MEDICINE (10.. Toronto. Ont. Writ-c for pamphlet. Sold m- Fenelon Falls at W. '1‘. J‘unkin’s snenaanen. Mr. Wm. E. Ellis having transferred hiss " Insurance Business to me, I am prepared totake risks on all classes of property At Very Lovvest Ratcse; . None but-firs’t-class, British and Canadian. Companies represented. â€"._....._â€"_â€". W FARBI PROPElfilTET at. very. low rates. James Arnold- FenelouFalls,J-\:ne14th, 1892. li-ly. $50.03“) REEVES!!!“ 3523.591?" â€"â€"or» runâ€"â€" County of Victoria . The nex-t'sittings of, the above Court vrlll‘: be held in Dickson’s hall, Fenelon Falls, ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 3rd, 1893, commencing at 10 o’clock in the forenoon. Friday, September 22nd, will be the last day- of service on defendants residing in this county. Defendants living in other coun-m tics Lnust be served on or- beforc Sept. l7th._ S. Nevxsoa, E. D. 11AM), Bailifi'. Clerk. Fenelon Falls July let, 189.3.

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