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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 4 Aug 1893, p. 5

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Carpets and Oil-Cloths, No. .9 Keenan’s Block, Kent Street, Lindsay... Personals, .W'hcnt harvesting haz- beguu inscve» ‘ . -- ' ral parts of Manitoba. N S H - s I 0 E ' i The Misses Arnold'of Aylmcr are at June Richardson died in the jail at > . ' the Falls visitin ‘ it their brother, Mr. Kingston on Sunday, aged llll'ycurs. James Arnold. Some 500» Indians from reservations Mir. W. J. Ingram of' Teronto- spent in Northern Minnesota and Wisconsin Sunday, Monday and Tuesday at- the have congregated near Shell lake; and E , < V . Falls visiting friends. trouble is feared. ' ‘ - 3 Miss Annie l’tobson ‘VIE AVING. Fancy Bod Spreads full width, also Blan~ kets, till-wool. Carpet, Rag Carpet and plain: and twilled Flannel woven promptly and: aa-tisfitctorily by ' SAMUEL HUTCHISON. . H’eaven Fcnelon Falls, April 1.2m, 1898.â€"8-3ni. W and Miss Janeyl Ancustor township. south-west of Swaoton lrlt last. Tuesday to visit Hamilton, is troubled by an army of frieiids’at Prterborouuh. tramps, supposed to be from Bull‘alo. Kent Street” iLindsa’Y’ Opposite Benson House' ‘Miss ‘Alice Count) of Lindsay is visit» They are l1t~“Ullll"‘ Westward ing her aunt, Mrs. E. D. Hand, and Special cable advires to The Globe multitudinous confins at the Falls. ' ~ I state that the English supply of apples - . Mr. Richard Sprat-tol Lindsay wasyat is thought to be ample to meet the d--- S 2 R the Falls last Saturday v een here since season. and none. will he wanted from W°WW the 24th nlti. lsitilig his wife mand‘ there for the early part. of the and children, who have b a, . , . 0“"“d" him“ “.6” ""“umd w””e"smck 500. yards (‘rf‘fitSh colored Prints at 12'.- cents, worth 14 cents. .Ir. & Mrs. R. M. Butler, of Toronto, Oun' be sluppvd. ‘ , . 3 . ,~ 9, and their little (illuulllet' have been the A Well-known L'rai‘n dealer, who has 400 yalds Of his? COIOl‘ed [Unit-S at 10 cents» worth 1-”1‘ cents. guests of Mrs. W. E. Ellis since Wed just returned from a trip west. declares 300 yards of last colored Prints at 8 cents and 9 cents. nesday ol lust neck. that many ficldsol wheat he saw in .\lan- 200 yards of just colored prints at 6 cents. "'t t n f t 9 . m - '. - . I" (1“ “I” “1 “‘1 Mm Dim" " Shalhes, Delaines. MUSllDS to be cleared cheap. _ r" itoba and the territories will run forty Chicano are at the Falls visiting Mrs bushelstotheacrc._ his the unanimous , . , . . J,,,epi, Hmfl‘ “I”, mm“. 0, ,1". ms, Dress Goods. Dress Goods, White Illinorotdery, Dress Pat- terns, at 10 per cent. discount. . opinion that this country will ccrtuimy named lady and aunt of the latter. Parasols, Parasols. to be cleared at 10 per cent. discount. produce a phenomenal yield this .\ ear. M rs. George Gain of Lindsav. younu- Thin-e denoininatitms win-shipped in est dauuhtcr of Mr. Patrick Kelly. was at the Falls with her linirehilt'lrcn l'rom WWW Hesiery for Ladies, Misses anti Children, 3 pairs for 25 cents; single pairs, 10, 14. l5, 1], 20 and 25 cents. Cashmere 250., 33c.. 40c . 490. and $1 00. the East avenue Baptist church in llone Inland City on Sunday, the lioiiian Thursday of last. week until Monday. 7 Mr..,\"\'iu. Mcnuher oi' Napaiice. who STAPLEs.â€"Sec'our table Linens and Fancy Lit-ens. Ton-clings, Shirtings and Cottous, the best value of the trade. Gentlemen, call and examine ,‘atholic, the Mrtl.od,ist and the Blipist was in business at the Falls from 1869 our Furnishings. Une price to everybody. The last was the only one ol the three to '1815‘.‘ was here from 'l'uesday evening KER R & (30.. that was in its regular church. The until Wednesday morning, and: found OPPOSITE TIIE Benson House. Scientific American Agency to .. ' CAVEATSp TRADE MARKS, : DESIGN PATENTS. : F f fi dfOOPYRlGHTS, at or in orma on an ree Handbook write to MUNN 6.: 00.. 361 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Oldest bureau for securing patents in America... Every patent taken out by no is brought before the public by a. notice given free ot.’ charge in tho so lib? got ' 0‘ . ' i it t? - 5 Night: Lm‘ est circulation of an scientific a. e in the word. Splendidlyf illustiiated. Nopiiitiilllgem. man should be Without. it. Weekly 5513.00 3 .L & em" $15051: months. Address MUN” uninsmms. 361 Broadway, New York 015.39..“ NO’K‘EC 1*}. % To the residents of Fenelon Falls. Take notice that any person or‘persons~ removing from any village or district. iii-- frcted with diphtheria to Ft‘l‘tt‘ltfll Falls- ivill be quarantined for a period of 14 days or longer, a. tliediscretion of the Board of. Health. The citizens of Fenclon Falls who. do not wish to be so inconvonienced.will govern themselves accm'cl'ingly. By order otthe. Board of Health. A. WILSON, M D', Medical Health Qflicer‘ Fencibn. Falls, Feb’y 22nd, 1893. 1-t. f.. burncd~out St. Mary’s Roman Catholic great improvements in the village. His congregation held services in the Baptist brother and former partner. Mr. 'l‘hom- church. A Methodist flock, owing to the absence 01' its pastor, joined with an .‘leagher, died several years flgop the Baptists and Father McGuire (It-lu- bratcd mass. A special to the Sim from Penblo. Col., says: The Arkansas river overflow- cd its banks on Wednesday night. owinu' to! a cloud-burst which emptied tons upon tons of water into the streams. The raging waters undermined lounda- tions, carrying away the buildings. Rescuers manned boats and hasted to the-relief (.t': the unfortunates huddled upon roofs and in trees, who were re- movcd to places of greater safety. At least seven lives have been lost. In Graves county, near Wingo, on Wiidnesday, at a wheat thrcdting a negro and a white man got into a fitrht, ’zkonICUL'rUitAL MEETING â€"â€"A meet- i‘ng- ol" the directors of the Feticlonl Ag:- ricultural Society was heldin Jordan's. hall on Saturday last, at which it was decided to liold'the annual fair on Oct. 3rd and 4th. Full particulars will be given later“ "l’itEN'rian‘o‘zs’ D2ti".-â€"- Vhole-sheet bills (but not cnouuh of them) have been issued announcing- a grand demon- aeration in Fenelnu 'Falls on Saturday. the Walt inst... in celebration of the 203rd anniversary of the closing of the Gates of. Derry. The celebration. will be tin- dnt‘. the management of the True Blues and the former out the latter on the of Maple Leaf Lodge No. 42, Fenclon hand. The use of the knilc (“I'llng Fails, assisted by numerous lodges of l the white spectators. ’l‘licy Caught the brethren and sisters from a diStance. negro and threw him into the threshing,r A representation of the walls and gates machine and killed him. Antone tho oi‘.l)erry will be erected on the main spectators to this horrible affair was a iii-taint. initial. Big Dry Goods ll: Clothing Sale 1-3;»mmmwm now some on. E DURING HOUSECLEANING 300 Sample Parasols, Beautiful Handles, Something New in Curtain Drapery for- 7, l- ' ii- I ' 25 cents and up. 10, 12, 15 cents a yard. A S Ladies White Cotton Drawers, Tucked and $1 00 New Brunswick Cotton Yarn. ' -' J" . , ‘ street and .the "ates will be 0 cued in Sonof' the negro. who to defend his Lace Trimmed, only 25 cents Heavy Feather Ticking, new patterns, 80. , . .‘ the afternoon bjrthii'tecn ’Prcntricc Boys l'athel‘, Picked [11; '| hitch fork '1H(l -it- Ladies’ White Cof‘ton Drawers. Tucked and 6.3 cents for Men’s Welol Pants. B b n Will-be 9,513" to “lose . ‘ ‘. . ‘ .‘ , 'a- ‘v' - wit t. ," ’ - " 't tid \sea to allow the procession to pass through. tacked the crowd. sticking the fork into Fmbrmduy lnmmld’ ("11" 1) (en 3 w 90 fl” BO“ 5 W00 Si“ ’ l I l h’or further particulars see bills. one of the men and killing him. The 10 cents for Boys’ Nobb_\r Straw Hats. A REA, ESTATE DP“, __M,. John cl'OWd then turned upon the boy, but list All Linen Tray Covers, Fringed Edges, 25 cents for Men’s Flannelctle Shirts, cheap. Ladios’ White Cotton Chemise, Embroidery and Bat free. Trimmed, going at. 45 cents. I u , _ _ ,H , - 1 I . ran and esca ed. sale price 35 cents. Men’s Fine Summer Underclothing, 25c. M Stock is large qrd com )lete I (Ammbels’ J1" Him '0‘ he“.nl,0”’ 1““ .____,____,p __,___' Mam Ladies' White llotton Chemise, Lace Trini- 50 cents for Boys’ Knicker Pants. y b i 1 3 PurchaSUd the com” lot 6““ Ol (“Ulbm'ne ‘ med, now 20 cents. 2 pair Men’s Elastic Web Braces for 25c. consisting of. street. and north of Elatncis street in DIE‘JD- Ladies’ White Cotton Nightgowns, Tucked fine. on the $5 for the balance of our Tweeds. ,- this village. - The property has a front- BEGGS.â€"Itl the township of Fenelon on age of 80 feet bv a depth of 108 feet sund‘ll'» JMY 30: M“- Geo‘lge Becca, aged and Frilled Bottom. 50 cents. Our 5, 7 and 8c. Grey Cottons are below ‘ Ladies’ White Cotton Nightgowns, Tucked 7 Mill prices. ‘ ,- ,- _ ~ ~. . t 1 67 years, and Ruffle Trimmed, now 48 cents. Sliirtin‘gs Cottonndes and Ginghams going m 1‘. “ :md [Lie 11;" Ice plud fin; all]: WWW. _. . . 50 cents for Ladies’ Handsome Delains ata-icduction. , P LOtIflg65. (delimit? ford/BS. comer m or more 0 m s m ‘1” t i I M H“ ’ 'Bloiises. ' 500 Men’s Suits at. Manufacturers riees. ‘ , - and 0" the “the” Portion are WWdU” FENELON FALLS MARKETS Another Case of that. 29c. all wool Serge H4 Pieces Shaker Flannel to go at 7 cents. 017173 (maltâ€"(13V Chan’s. buildings occu )ied by Mr. A. \chillcn __" I , Dress Goods to hand. 35: 00 for Men’s Heavy Tweed Pants. ». V , - _ and Mr. Slepilltfl) Nevisou the1 latter of Reported by the Norm Sm" Boner ‘Wl 00' Ladies, ask for Fast Black Lisle Thread Men’s Waterproof Coats now $2 00. Bureaus- Sldb board-9' whom will short] move into the brick Fall-e10" Falls’ Frid‘w’ Aug‘ 4”” [893' H039 “t 25 cents“ ’0 cw“ fl” “en's “WW0”! SOCks' » and every description of Kitchen Furniture- ' . y . . ,. Wheat. scotch or [tire I. H 65 to 7‘0 24 cents for Heavy all~Wool Blue Serge,.for. 5 cents for Men’s Cotton Socks. more and .dwcnm-E he '3 bmmmg "n the Wheat. mm per busheluu 65 (.5. Boys’Clothiiig. ‘ l0 cents for Fancy Stripe Swimming Pants. _ , __ E Q d OPPOSlLC Side Of the 3‘1'0‘35- M"- Cham‘ \Vi,(.nt:31,pi}m H (50 ($0 Handsome Colored Dress Dclaines, only 10 Over 300 Men‘s and Boys‘ Summer Shirts Piagfifl'es Fralfifififl @ 3' er- bers had to bargain with Mr. J. W. " Barley, per bushel. 35 36 cents per yard. Fitzgerald ol' Parry Harbor and Mrs. Buckwheat“ at a great reduction. , , , Everything.Soldat Lowest Living Prices _. H 50 52 All-wool Heiiricttas, all the new shades, We carry the Largest Stock of Men allots I" l. 1 f n , 1. U I . - - , OMS n. H” 33 _ now 19 cents. / in Lindsay. I . 36g?” Undorta ‘lilg prompt y ant care 11 y IEJ’LE'WYRG’ Lack Of Whom' owned pa” pens?) n 5.2. Girls’ Silk Trimmed Hats troingat 50c. Men’s and Boys’ TlC‘S,.COll3i‘8 and Cuffs in attended to, ~ 0 ‘c a” I ' mm”. ‘ ' "' " v t- . .dle‘svariet I. . s. R u 43. Ladits Black and Colored. cittcu Hose, n. or s y â€" 7. ( 'h‘oRESTEns’ IEXCURSioN_â€"D.)n’t, for- Pgfiimos, 1: H" 45 big drive at 10 cents. 500 Children’s Suits to be clenred‘out tit. IA... E E. A. R g. 1’“, i s . , i“. _, j _ Bum”. ,Cr noun" 15 6 Lines Finished Handkerchiefs for 25c. half price. , t ‘ 85 FURNITURE DmmH SP1 tl" B-‘””“““" “mulbmulw m“ 1“le Egvs [3,131. dozen I u _ _ n m 20 cents for Black Henrietta, good quality. Men’s Summer Coats and Vests very cheap. . Dr‘an ‘m’R ’ lebm'ry .‘sll'm-‘l’dS 0” we“ 9‘10?“ “r Bu“ - t O ’ . .â€" 7 Ladics Cotton Undervests only 10 cents. We guarantee every pair of Kid Gloves. 0 1. St . t Penelon Falls" , . llay. per tOI......”,...... . 6.00 .00 t . . 0 0-116 tee J, A 1451le 0” PUGSdi‘y "035' [he 8lh “15t- Hidés . .___ u __ _” 2,25 3.00 See our Table of Job Dress Goods. Ladies, our French Dress Delaipes are by h ' The 'C’lr‘l’lddi" “'l” leave the“ Falls at Hogs . .. . .. .. 6.50 7.002, Stacks of. Remnants at. Your Own..Prices. fartlie NobbicstGoods in Lindsay. W Reside-lice over the Shop. “3% 7,330 a m., sharp, calling at Sturgeon Sheepskins. 75 1,25 www.mmw m__ “WW __-_,« W , _. - _ â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€" â€"4-â€" Point, Dunn’s handing and Bobcayecon, W001 . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 17 18 ' w _4 , ‘ NERVE BEANS m, 13 mm m and, will remain at the grounds until Sl’i‘fbg:?~e-;f-- H8 We have secured at flagrant sacrifice a $2,000.00 stock gpgfgugugfigfiyfuiggffiyi‘égiegég1 . , . _ ‘ I ,- - , ( ' i _ .1 _- ' . - n ‘ V ‘g, ‘,;. 31 I ; ‘t ‘e‘ it‘ll! pi) 956%“? power}: Ol Oblltll't'yfi mom: best balmy ,,,,,,, . 2,00 2.10 of Clothing. This great line was manufactui ed. “ to 01 dei ‘ BEANS 3:335:63, (3,1133% “’53,; amt; Inc: c 'ei'ics, w not are very p on i u Flour, clipperuu u . . _ I _ _ 130 L40 by ourâ€"work, or the errors or c).- for an eastern house, but the firm having failed, we secured u,,,,.,,,,,.,,,,,,,_ m, Remedy“. this season, is offered as an inducement Flour. straight rolled... 1.50 1.60 . . . . _ . . s 1 be; ,1, ,t emanate c330,, when an om”. ' .the goods at a- big discount. if youare in want of Clothing, °" “W” °“‘°“ to people to go on the excursion. we Bran, pcrton...... .. 12.00 14.00 Tnnammnm- han failed even to. Sglieveé Kieth; by - - ’ ' fisfi‘l. at $1 per pan (21,30, or. 51:1, {pr a. , or p P . - bone that the announcement on the \Sllilpéasghg‘p 12683) [p.33 don>t {all tO-‘See thls large; gflrfi‘ggmgegaudlfififilffggfigéfifis éfijggENE - u' ; ~. . ‘ ' '3 ) -'-°aa- - . - so . a... . ‘ 905M118 \nlll bk. ndhcitd i0, and.that the ‘5 Fenclon Fang at “n: T; Junk-“1’3 r the start lfor home will not be made un- %. 'I a 5 til the hour mentioned. Every person New Advertisements. -â€"â€"_.._ who purchases a ticket has a right to ._____.__ insist that the (Jruntlel/a shall remain atthe hurrying ground until 4p. m.,, and, if she leave earlier, either the cap- â€"0 lain of the boat. or the boss Forester Farming andWeod‘Lands, Village Lois, will be guilty Ola gross breach of con- cattle, Horses, Farm implements tracl- and Lumbering Plant. h.“ N; SEE A'â€" 40 Kent Street Lindsay. 5“â€" .y ~ SIGN OFTHE GOLDENLiON: ' % Ejggifiqjfim -â€"â€"_~â€" Mr. Wm. E. Ellis liuving- transferred his- Insurance. Business to me, I am prepared to take risks on all classes of property At Very Lowest Rater-i; None huliirsbclass British and Canadian-4 ~â€"~â€"-~â€"â€"â€"â€"~â€"-“â€" -.. , , Companies represented. John Godwin, who conducted a jew- The undersigned are i,,s,r,,c,cd by MOS_ clry store at 63:} Queen street west, was SOM BOYD 85 00., (dissolved by t1 to death found dead on a couch in the rear of 01"“ P'vll'lnerll 10 “3'9" f0? 5019 by ""0110", his shopon Saturday morning. Godwin “‘ the 0mm M the firm “1 we “11%”? 05 __._. ‘5 ‘5 Bobca «won .on _ 1‘ h ‘ _‘ ,. _, Vi had-evidently been dead several hours, 3““ ’ 3%” Fukfld’i IPEROI’ELR 1."; Â¥ ,{V as the rats had eaten out his right eye Wednesday,. September Sill], 1893, at very low rams“ ,1 u and portions of tile lingers Of his lull commencing at. 10 o'clock in the foreiioon, £351,383 gynagdr . hand. At. the inquest it was found that 8. number of good farming and wood lots in- F'onelou Fans Jane Hm, 1892. PM V“ .9 3‘ death W'ts' due to perforation of the the Townships of Vrrnlnm, Harvey, Somcr- I t _ __._L If, . h . . , , ,. . . ville Snowdeu and Glamortraii, including; ' , . - °' ' â€" m ‘ it I _ - 3.f0l111l“ll:c“'u’c‘"l b3 [h‘flc‘munous qua”, tho. i‘nrm in Vernlam worked by the firm, $EQQKQ‘ Biygggflgfi SQUHT~ {ll “‘5' 0i Pmk‘es be In“) cmmumud' l andllig island in Pigeon Lake containing, , The liaiismrm in north-western Man- 1,200 acres, and well known as the Big v, (' ‘-â€"â€"ov 'riii-iâ€" : .f - . 3. . _ 'u ' . ! imba last week he,” a“ recorda one! Island Stoclt laini Also Village and park 1 ' B b ‘ 1 d‘ l fl ‘ 55‘ - . ' * County of V" ictoria. . . - ‘ .| '~ ‘ ' "l, , , A, OLS In L) cnygeen, 1119- ll “lg a num 301‘ 0 5% Q '~ a% E ' f, I; oi the hailstonts is dllebcd to have been l beautiful Sites for bummer Residences. E E y a ‘1 a g driven clean through the clapboard I U 11 l ‘ h d f P l' d 1’ ll ‘ rElie next.sitlings of the above Court will nj (‘3’ . _ .‘ 50 :1 -l lCll‘ el‘ 0 C( lgl‘CC 0 eh covering of the railway station at Arden, i beheld in Dickson’s hall, it‘enclen Falls, 53:" Angus Cattle and all the remainder of. , ' _ 7 . ° 0.. I _ r __ , I , , {L’ and ti machine agent there was strucki their horses riot sold at Toronto. Also ‘Vlll WOflJlthCC 3’8 101123.315 any Other Invake' 3N IUESDAY, QC] @353 3rd, :393, ,, 0,, [1,0 mm} by gcvm-ul hailstonga‘.’ and ' farm implements and second hand lumbcr~ ' I l ' h ' commencing at 10 o’clock in the fOI'C'llUOn, . . ' rr . ax s saws i unis war- his scalp so badly cut. that doctors had mn- “mist 3"“ "3 ‘3 v 1'“ 2 E - - r‘ " ‘ '1" 'l l-- " “l -T "T . ' F-'da ' Se (ember?an will be the last day to put thirteen stitches in it. [we “0;;1.5p;:iii:’,lir: apply to THEâ€"#131383? HIGH GRADE ENGINE OILS ARE H 5’ p ’ of service on defendants residing in this [lldians in the same “Ginny were MOSSOM BOYDr county. Defendants living in other conn». knocked inscnsible. Fortunately, the BMW-WED" ‘ l _ ‘ tics must be served on or before Sept. 17th. ' Stdt‘m only exreadcd over a very small or to . l & Cg”, 8. NEWS“, E. D. HARD, ! I area, so that little damage was done to | WlCKH-‘l-‘l & THOMPSON; Bailiff. Cleric. .. WP, j 24-5. 'anada Life Building, Toronlo.- EOR.SALE-BY. ALI... LEADING DEALERS IN. THECOUNTRX. ’ Fenclon Falls Julylet,1803.

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