g. in .,. I gzlggï¬gggdltgwgd :0†3’ Fulï¬l“ to. all}? onei been known to last as long as a week. that the “Favorite Prescription †is the i ex arm from an 00 gr sspecm “LS :mf The symptoms exhibited in many cases hope of debilitated, feeble women who need MFG“, [omised PM 30 e fbifes’fec, o resemble those of alcoholic poisoning or a restorative tonic and bracing nervine. which $3116 .3. id gascuridref b]: . lseds?’ l delirium tremcns. In some instances the And here’s the proofâ€"â€" case th. 3’15, me Pabd'gfls’d u m iyely poisoned persons act under the belief that Try one or both. If they don’t help you, i’l V.y as 3‘ an .some'lmes they are following their ordinary occupa- tell the World’s Dispensary Medical' As- \ g4 worse than they found me physically, and C‘- gfv , V gmduauy fastened its bald on me and I mess is restored after taking a. dose of the discriminateâ€"to draw the differential is another 5 found one sense after another becomin ‘ pmson varies in different indiViduals and 18 line. H _ ‘ name fo r 2, paralyzed. At this time mv ms enté ifâ€; , dependent very much on‘thesmte. of the “They say that Dr. Pierces Gplden SERUFULA’ life were by no means diécfumén} I health of the victim at too time it is ad- hiedical Discovery and Dr‘.i Pllcrces havor- and yields owned a, magniï¬Cent farm not ï¬n. ‘iâ€"mm ministered. Thus in some cases a complete ite Prescription have cure t lousands. to 3:4. A Lhitil-Nll’i‘fli‘l MlllAULE. The Terrible Effects of Typhoid Fever- greatest ob’ections to the su ression of . . ‘ - . Mr. Joseph Robson, a well-known Fnrm- hemp cultivJation for smoking Sgrposes in imd the qulcchb’ sure?“ and in?“ ecoPorln' “8 located, or nelu'eSt rallway salmon. . l or is Rcslorcd to llenlth and strength India. is that it would drive the natives to €111; railway P9150“ st Nerflhge “‘23? would not every Shipper and traveller ap' 25‘ ‘g after Sin-- Yours of'l‘ r i i ; - «r then ' 5, one . e59 requll‘bmcn 5- , 13 P“? : rcciate such a. list? Well this is exactl “‘“‘ "' ‘ ~ ~ c r b e siiil‘enu, se of more dangerous sedative effluent, and most economical, for It ex_ P ; y CuresConsumption,CoughB'Croup’Soro } ---.«lll Ell-ope of Recovery had been Abxin-l...i.-,.-i and lie Looked upon Life rs a. Burden. From the Learning-ton Post. Mr. Joseph Robson, whose home is on the ï¬rst concession of Mersea township, about a mile from Leaniington, is known to almost every resident of this section. For years past, Mr. Robson has been a victim of paralysis in its worst form, and his case was regarded as hopeless not only by him- self and his friends but by the doctors who had attended him. Toono who knew Mr. Robson’s pitiable condition as we did, it was With no small degree of surprise and pleasure that we re- cently him drive through town sitting quite erect on a cross board in a lumber wagon, and controlling a lively team of horses. Hailing him we asked what miracle had brought about this changed condition, 'and asked if he had any objection to the publication of the facts connected with his case. Replying he said he would indeed he fl. mean man if he refused to let the public Know how his wonderful recovery had been brought about. Mr. Robson then told the story of his illness and recovery about as follows :â€" “About ten years ago,while living in the ‘ state of Ohio, I was taken down with an attack of typhoid fever, and for three months hung between life and death in a perfectly unconscious condition. Recover- Khmfrom this I ventured out '00 Work ‘00 soon,~the result being that I was taken down with a severe cold. During the ï¬rst stages of my trouble I was able to move about with some diflicultv, but the disease Toledo, on which we had a comfortable certainly worse financially. After suffering in this manner for two years my family concluded that a change of climate might do me good, and so we removed to Canada, settling where we now made. This hope, however, proved a declusion, and each year found me worse and if possible added to my misery. Life itself became a burden to me and i knew that I was worse than useless to my friends. I was unable to feed myself as my head and hands shook so that I have frequently left stabs in my chin when trying to put my fork to my mouth. It was only occasionally that I could move around at all. and then only with the aid of crutches, I lost almost entire control of my power of speech and got so bad that mem- bers ofiny own family could not understand ‘policc and those engaged in medico-legal THE ISDl1X_DATllRA SEED. A. Poison That is Often Used by Robbers to overumne Their Victims. It has been remarked that one of the of the drugs which the coolie is most prone to substitute for his beloved hemp, when the latter is not available,is the datura seed. For many years it has been known to the examinations that one of the favorite methods adopted by the Indian thieves to rob their victims has been the administer- ing of datura. The stupcfying effects of this drug enables them to carry on their depreciations,and at the same time to avoid, in most cases, the fatal results which attend the use of other poisons. The symptons present in the individuals affected were loss of consciousness, dilation of the pupils, picking at the bed clothes, attempts to grasp imaginary objects and from the movement of their hands they all appeared to be drawing out threads from the tips of their ï¬ngers. When taken upon an empty stomach the effects of the paison ! are usually discernible within ten minutes, 5 but in the case of a well-nourished pcrsonl half an hour or more elapses before its effects are perceptible. The rareness of fate. cases in connection with the use of this poxson is one of the chief factors in its selection by the native criminal. The datura seeds may be gathered almost anywhere in India, and also easily purchas- led in the bazaars: so it is hardly to be ' wondered at that such a convenient instru- ment for the furthering of nefarious designs i should be so popular among the Indian criminal classes. If it is desirable to ren der any particular person helpless for a given time the administration of the datura is the main difficulty, and this, unless ser- vants are absolutely trustworthy, is not insuperable. The period before conscwus- recovery takes place in two or three days, or loss, while in others unconscmusness has Etions. For example, in one case a stone- 5 mason’s laborer was under the impression I that it was his duty to haul everything in his vicinity, not excepting his master ; in lauother case a groom was seized with a .desire to perform grooming operations on 1 those with whom he came in contact ; and a third, 3. goldsmith, seated himself on the Lil‘or intent on following his usual vocation. u...â€" "(-4... .. Bnnk Note Microbes. Two Havancse bacteriologists, Drs. Acosta and Grandc-Rossi, conceived the :idca, surely an original one, of studying ,the microbes of bank notes. They have } published the result of their researches on i the notes of the Spanish Bank of Havana. IThey have-proved, in the ï¬rst place, that Are never-failing causes of disease. At Post Ofï¬ces and Railway Stations. i What a convenient thing it would be to have a list of all the Post Ofï¬ces in Canada, with the Railways on which they float and Cold this season of the year neuralgia, tooth- ache, and a host of similar diseases are rampant. The great question, then, is to what the editor of the CANADIAN ALAIANAG moat. sold by all Dru ' 013 a guarantee. has prepared for the 1894 edition, which R†Lame s‘der Bankm‘c ‘5‘ Shh“ 5 P°r°m ‘ Plaster will give great satisfactiomâ€"as cents. Will be out next month. The CANADIAN ’ ALMANAC is a standard publication and goes everywhere. More than one million a a; copies have been sold since it was ï¬rst pub- Have , m5 Remedy Wm relieve lished. and Cure you. Prieeï¬Octs. This Injector for its successful treatment. free. Remember. The Thames pours forty million cubic gallows Bemedlesare sold onag-uarantee feet of water into the sea every hour â€"‘“-"' ‘ ' Or an chclr DONT Buy a. Watch bemgwng on; New Catnipgne. IT'S FREE. Write for m u iii WWW ,m ‘“°‘":.:.:;::::°.::. = 9 7 “ for sale by the SAINT PAUI. cl: DULUTH RAILROAD Coner in Minnesota. Send for Maps and Circa-,- lara. They will be sent to you FREE. Address HOPEWELL CLARKE, Land Commissioner, St. Paul. Minn; ceedsin power every known reme y, and is as cheap as inferior articles. A 10 cent sample bottle will give every person a chance to test it. Large bottles only 25 cents. - _______._â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" Utilization ol‘ Rats in Paris. Almost everywhere in the world, except in Paris, rats are considered as a trouble- some nuisance, to be got rid of by any means possible. The Parisians, on the con- trary, convert this nuisance intoa useful , member of society and a source of revenue. In Paris rats are collected from every pos- sible source and placed in a great pound, where the carcasses of all animals dying in the city are thrown. These remains are speedily disposed of by the rats, which leave behind nothing but cleanly picked bones. There are no such scavengers as rats. Four times a year these rats are rounded up and killed and their skins util ized in the everywhere-admired form of gauts de Paris to decorate the hands of loveliness the world over. is grin;- " as a: in .L‘ __._.. A . ‘ a “ ~â€" 7 AGENTS WANTED, sates? Emits: Clean" Entirely new; all: to every koulekuper. Also our Brnd,Cake and rating Knives. Cnmr, and Knife and bonsai: ____â€"â€"n»â€"â€"â€"â€"- The unexplored area of Canada is 1,000, 000 square miles. â€" ..â€"â€"_â€"._°__.___ The brusque and fussy impulse of these days of false impression would rate down all as worthless because one is unworthy. As if there were no motes in sunbeams ! Or comets among stars ! Or cataracts in peace- ful rivers ! Because one remedy professes to do what it never was adapted to do, are all remedies worthless? Because one doc- tor lets his patient die, are all humbugs? It requires a fine eye and a ï¬ner brain to her. No anll-El touched. Euy tellers. bl; prams. alum CLAUSS 8111MB 00.. Lock Box 324. Toronto. Onl- The Hih Speed Family Knitter . Will knit 10 pairs socks per .--dn.y. Will do all work any . plain circular knitting machine I will do. from homespun or fac- tory yam. The most practical family knittcr on the market. A child can operatclt. Strong, Dnrnblc, Simple. Rapid. We guarantee every machine to do good work. Beware of imitations. Agents wanted. Write tor par- e: e . ticulars. Dundas Knllilng Machine Co. Dundas, Onlarlo. “They say†for a weak system there’s 3! nothing better than the “Discovery, and sociatiou, of Buffalo, N. Y., and you get your money back again. 0f Pure Norwegian 000' Liver Oil ‘ and Hypopliosp/iites. Impovcrished and impure blood. is al- _ ways efl'ectivcly restored to vigorous con- i. ditzon by this wonderful remedy. Cures . Coughs, Colds andall ~Wasting Diseases. 3 Almost as palatable as IIIilk. ' Prepared only by S(0tt & Bowne, Belleville. OUNG MEN! Learn to cut. no better trade. Good wages and steady employ- mcnt Write for particulars. TORONTO CUT- TING Salmon. 123 Yongc St. ~Also agents for McDowell’s New York Drafting Machine. _____________.__-â€"-â€"« AGENTS HERE YOU AREâ€"Samantha at the W'orld’s Fair, by Josiah Allen’s Isaac Pitman . “JJWM. a - it‘d-Wmcwtflhlgamn 11L a.» .4»- ... - .,._..\_ \,.__,\,.<. i p suonTHANb The Complete System thoroughly taught by Mail for only 1 Dollar. Thechance of alifetime. Every boy and girl in Canada should commence it at once. The ar- ticles will soon commence.â€" Success guaranteedâ€"Send in ' your dollar immediately, to commence at the beginning. Best Method in the World for imparting VVifo. Over 100 Illustrations. Nearly 600 pages No Territory nseigncd. Send $1.00 for pro- spectus and push the canvass if you want to make money. WILLIAM BRIGGS. Temper- “ ce St. Toronto . SAUSAGE BASING ti’lfftii‘ik: Ilsll constantly on band, also prime American Clile‘s Casings. Full lines New Hams. Long goar Bacon, Rolls, Cheese. Lard. etc. PARK BLACKWELL 86 Co. LTD. Successor to JAMES Pam: 8: SON, Toronto. what I was saying. My whole nervous the weight of these notes increases in the system seemed undermined. and I abandon. course of their circulation, by reason of the ed all hope of ever again being 0f any use addition of foreign matter. At the end of to my family. Last fall I was induced to i a certain time the bacteriological analysis try Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills, ind from that 3 demonstrated a considerable increase in date my condition has steadily improved Z the number of microbes ; in two capes this until today I am able to take my place ' number 1‘058 to more film? 19.00% 1h“ ., with other men on the farm, and while my physicians discovered spec1ally the pres- M hands shake a trifle, I am able to do a good , ence of a septic hacdlus, which rapidly gé day’s work every day in the week. I am 1 kills animals inoculated With it: hulls: ‘50 l I 3. now able to walk a considerable distance lspeak properly: is the Speciï¬c “licmbe 0f AT Instruction. a and my nervous system seems fully restor- the bank note. and Tillamon Hunks that BARKER 8:. SPENGE’S SHORTHAND .3 ed. There is not the slightest doubt that the name, baCillus SBPEiCU-‘J 311113113: c°u1d fNorï¬t Case of Scrotum the ME$L g, Busmï¬ss scHooL, TORONTO. these results are entirely due to the use be justly given to it. . D tors Ever: Saw f]; of Dr. \Villiams’ Pink Pills, and. I am con- Messrs. Acosta and Grande-BOSSI have. 0c ‘ B ‘ ï¬g ï¬dent that had I been able to procure this besides, recognized distinctly in the bank , HOOD,S h b 11. BR: L. G.- g ‘ wonderful remedy when I was ï¬rst taken notes examined by them, eight pathogenic Completely 01†061 by 303133318 psg‘tggggi tgugaï¬vl'; 2);; ' EYE ‘5 with the disease, Iwould never have been species. among which were the bacillus of sARSAPARILL‘A. . SDEBIAUSL , WhereIwas. Tlie‘absolutetruthfulness of the tuberculosis, that of. diphtheria, and the “When Iwas 4 01. 5 your, on “ma 3 501.0,. :. facts as I have given them to you can be . streptococcus of erysipelas. The two bac- “1M5 sore on the midmc ï¬nger of my left hand verified by hundreds of my friends and l teriologists do not say what were the w‘h'iiiq, am so bad that; the doctors cut the neighbors,“ by any membel‘ Of my own film‘ denommal’ions 0f the “ones they expem‘ linger 071‘. iiiid later took off more than half my ily.†As to much of the evidence contained ‘ merit-ed with. It may be supposed, how- hand. Then the sore broke out on my gii'm, in Mr. Robson’s statement the writer can i ever, that they did not use notes of 1,000 Mimi O‘ft ft") {DY “Cues; 03111203351336 himself bear evidence. H is speech, which or even 100 fringes.d {g tlhe notes fwelz'e of bo‘cfors said ft ‘3â€; the one year ago could scarcel be understood, i that size, it wil e i' on t to veri y heir _ i is now perfectly distinct y; his head then experiments in all laboratories, the means Wcht Case Screfu'la, , dropped On his chest, Whereas now it is i of which in general do not permit of such they ever ‘5:1“'- It was Simply ’ï¬wflll - Five held quite ï¬rm and erect ; then he could prodigality. What use can the Havanese years ago I began to take Hood 5 Salsaimnlla- ‘7? not Walk across a room without holding to I make of their bank notes that they become , gradually I found that the. SOI‘OS were b02111- ,“ acliair or table, while now he can walk such receptacles of microbes '2 Mesars. 'llllg t9 MEN-d l1; kffllvt 01} tImlrllifél $333330}: without difficulty. Acosta and Graiide-Rossi declare that the 1.21, g:,ft'i,1;,éét,nemz A ",0": “he called upon Mr. W. J. Smith, drug- children of Havana are accustomed to carry mu“; per cm“? Yes, many thousand. For gist, and interrogated him in reference to bank notes in their mouths. It is easy to the past a years Iliavc had no s-ores. the case. Ml. Smith said that he knew of believe that the adults carry them else- Work all the Tune, Mr. Robson’s ailment and that he had no where. Before. I comm do no work, I know no: doubt that It was Dr' Williams, Pin ----~wW>W wliatto say strong enough to express my gi‘at Pills that cured him Pink Pills†said. .. . fl _. , fa, ' ' ’ ’ . lintcrcstixiv to lloiisckcc )crs. itude to Hoods Snrsnpaiilla {01 my per 0 Mr. Smith, “ have a remarkable sale, which †. ‘ “ cum... GEORGE w_ 11,31,133, Fumeâ€.y Gal, Seems due to their remarkable efï¬cacy 1 The name of DaVid .sIorton &. bons, Ham- way, Saratoge county, N. Y. in curing diseases arising from an impover- ilton, is now so well known throughput the Hoows PI‘LL‘S" do not weaken, but up ished condition of the blood, or an impair- Dom-131°“ that 3' Show Skemh Of the†bum- "gi-Jcstit‘fland tone the stomach Try them. 25c. ment of the nervous system, such as rlieuin- ness career will prOVe interesting. Thirty. â€"â€"~â€"â€" is: $5.21: tartan soaarseesnret ataxia, St. Vitus’ dance, nervous headache, I , I nervous prostration, and the tired feelinelfactlll‘e!‘ in Hilmllm“: With a thorough BELLEVILLE.0NT~ 35th YEAR)- arising therefrom, the after effects of laiknO‘VledgL 0f the business. having 11041.8: Most widely attended business college in grippc, influenza. and severe colds, diseases pI‘ZLCEiCi‘II expeneuce 0f about ï¬tf‘ee“ year‘s "1 America. depending on humors in the blood, such as 500Llflnd and the Unlted State-‘5 The 138' 50,. the new “Lungc catalogue_ scrofula, chronic erysipelas, etc. Pink glmmnf.’ W38 0“ 9: Small SOD-lei DUB by m- Address ROBINSONSLJOHNSON, St. teen Mineral Water. If regularly used at meals Dyspepsia and Flatulence will never make their appearance. Sold by all principal druggists, grocers and hotels. St. Leon Mineral Water Co’y, Ltd 3, I“... will be at Hugh Miller 8:. Co.'s Head omcc â€"â€"lung 51, “7‘ Drug Store, 16] King St. East, Toronto. Ont.. Branchâ€"u 4&8 Tonga 5!. Oct. 18 to Nov. 10 only. He has 10,000 pairs of Spectacles with him. You can’t get 1113 circu- c. E. A. Langlois, General Manager. Ask your Stationer for the “Ulnster Series†of Writing Tablets, iii Has examined “5‘ 50,000 eyes and i has had 20 years‘ as. experience. / ....â€"_. rum 'xtrj mm ~. .-. m.- “1.x†ll'lSll Linen Queen City' linen Paper Cream l’apcr Ivory White White Paper Monastery Vellum Paper Manufactured by WE SW? GLARK 3%., Mb, Pills give a healthy glow to pale and sallow domitablc perseverance difficulties were Bencvme’ Ont. conifglexions, 1and are a speciï¬c for the i (river‘comc, and titlide y ,llljlcl‘eflised- . trou les ecu iar to the female system, and \vcnty years ago new ic or’ ram was ‘ a o _ . in the cage of men they effect a. i‘iidical cure placed 011 the market, being the ï¬rs“ “'mp' & in all cases arising from mental worry, over ped Soap in Canada. It proved a grand ‘ . . Work or excesses of any nature.†sxiccess,:ii‘ipgiiig the ï¬rm into note as nianu- T D “my 1 1,. k P.“ d v . facturers or the highest grade of laundry 1' 3 b ’V- 1 ,mms “l. ,1 5 Me 501 only m soaDs' this brand is still one of their leaders. 130::- 189%. pics bearing. the firm s trade mark and Sevbn years Intel. the“. “iv-P." bmnd, no“, __ _ “ f“pper' (prlme,d,.m. red ".‘k‘i Bear 1" a household word from one: - to ocean, was The Forty-Seventh Annual Issue of this book mmd lb“ D33 ‘\ “hams, Pmk P1113 are n -1 0 51 e mqplvet hevnn the ï¬rst, three. will soon be ready and will contain an im- ' id in bulk or b the d zn h i - Pmcm u .1 x L‘. x. V' ' ° ‘ .5 ‘ mensc amount of information of great m“ er so ’ y . 0 e or. u 1 I pound bar in (.anada, and still ho.ding the rune dred, and any dealer who offers substitutes . 10ad_ Their latest production is the “Wide A Dmimin-cnt f0 aturc will be a Post Ofï¬ce in this form is trying to defraud you a- (1 should be avoided. Ask for Dr. \Villiams’ Pink Pills for Pale People and refuse all imitations and substitutes. Dr. W'illiams Pink Pills may be had of all druggists or direct by mail from Dr. \Villiams’ Medicine Company, lrockville, Oiit., or Schenectady, N. Y., at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50. The price at . which these pills are sold makes a course of treatment comparatively inexpensive as compared With other remedies or medical treatment. Mm Where the Mother Was. Minister (to ragged and dirty-faced child who has just opened the door for him): “ Is your mother in, little girl?†. Child (sorrowfully) : “ No, sir. She’s out collecting things for the heathen.†Painless Corn Extractor at druggists. ! Awake,†a line dest nod to surpass anything ever attempted for a general purpose soap. It contains a combination of washing iii- gredicnts recenftily disckr‘ivclerifzd by the senior ‘ 1 member of the rm, w iCi or every use is I, ' .{ , .' V - ' simply marvellous. It excells as a laundry Po“tlcdl Ll'ltome of the House for all classes of goods, while for the bath GGMMOHS. and toilet it is perfection, as it leaves the Very useful to every one in. skin with a pleasant sensation, unllike the tcrcstcd in political matters. larirema'orit of soaps. Messrs. A orton &. V l. , ', I, ' ‘ Soda arclplacSing this brand of soap before rule (“Human Ramona} l‘lfl'g‘ All about the Flag of our country on land and sea. the public, feeling assured that its merits The llirettory 0f Ofï¬cials will soon win for them the commendation of every thrifty housekeeper in Canada. ‘ " ' ' ‘ of all kinds is as complete Nothing iiiinls Out Corns and accurate as over. like high“ 130°“?- N‘m‘mfl remf’ves Poms Price 20 centsâ€"30 centsâ€"50 cents, accord- with such certainty as Putnam‘s Painless lug to binding. Corn Extractor. Beware of oisonous substitutes. Ask for and get IPutnam’s Glam-"1?. 60.9 Toronto, Ont. . Gazetteer of the Dominiongiving the name of every Post 011100 with the Rail- road on which located, or nearest Railway Station. _..-_....-.« Manufactured only by bhtlb‘fiflbkmil 5; EMS HAM DN,® NT. culiniss