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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 8 Dec 1893, p. 1

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1 w l t l . l . can?firmwcmmmmwflm«may. a FRESH fisurrm I that Sttfiiitn --0F-- ,_ CONDITION POWDERng AT RECEIVED. ' Mill SEHlllll BUUKS. a FULL STOCK AT W. R. MADILL’S. Professional Cards. LEGAL &0. 'W A. r. DEVLIN, ARRISTER, Attorney-atâ€"Law, Solicitor in Chancery, Kent Street, Lindsay. HOPKINS & til-lISHOLM, (Successor: 'ro Manna & HOPKtss) ARRISTER, SOLlCl'l‘UR, the Money to been at 6 per cent. Oflice, Wilâ€" liam street, next to the Bank of Montreal. G. H. HOPKINS. D. H, Crnsnomr. _‘_____________.___._.â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"~ MOORE & JACKSON, ARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, 860. 01'â€" B fice,William street,Lindsay. I. D. Moons. A. JACKSON. MclN'l‘YRE & STEWART, ARRISTERS, Solicitors, Notaries, kc. Offices over Ontario Bank, ‘Kent street, Lindsay. Money to loan at 6 per cent. on my terms. D. I. Mclarrns. T. Srswaa'r. __._.â€"-â€"- NOTICE. All Notes made payable to JAMES Ban Agent, will haVe to be paid to Frank Kerr post-master here, who holds said notes. JAS. JOHNSTON a 00' Penelon Falls, June 30th, 1801.â€"â€"19 t.f. W MEDICAL. Wâ€" A. \V. J. DEGRASSI, M. D., ORONER, Physician,Surgeon,&c., &c. Residence, Brick, Cottage, Wellington skeet, Lindsay. ‘ DR. A. WILSON. -â€"u. 3., it. c. r. a 5., Ontario,â€" HYSlClAN, SURGEON & ACCOUCH- our. Office, Colborne Street, Fenclon Ialla. Md Du. H. H GRAHAM, RADUATE of the University at Trinity College, Fellow of Trinity Medical Ichool, Member of the Royal College or Ilrgeons of England. Member of the Col- lege of Physicians 8t Surgeons of Ontario. Office and residence on Francis-St. \\ est renolon Falls, opposite the Gazette office. W R- M- MASON, ETERINARY SURGEON ; Honor Grad- uate Ontario Veterinary College, To- ronto, 1884; R. M. O. V. M. A Residenceâ€"Corner Colborne and Louisa streets, Fenelou Falls. mt...‘ -.. ._..__ _-._._..___â€"__._._â€" SURvEYOEs. ,4 JAM as DICKSON, L. Surveyor, Commissioner in the Q. B., . Conveyancet‘, kc. Residence, and ad- dress, lt‘cnelon Falls. ’DENTAL. H. Gross. Dentist- The beautiful Crown and Bridge work practised with success. Gas and all other suresthetics for extracting teeth without pain. A set of Artificial Teeth, better than the average, for $8 00. Rooms directly Opposite Wood’s stove depot, Lindsay. ll. HART. L. D. S. m or GOOD TEETH eon am. Can and local antestheties for painless ex- hcting Satisfaction guaranteed in all hunches of dentistry. Office Over Fairwenther 8 00’s store, “i, opposite the post-ofiiec, Lindsay. ' ‘vr‘k': "1' :â€"¢-â€".-4 - 'FENELON FALL ABfiAEN-S In the Men’s and Youths’ Department we are showing a large variety of Gwen-coats, Ulsters AND 39 at prices that will suit the hard times. Just call and see them. The fit, style and quality will catch your eye at once, and a sale is effected without the least exertion. _â€" Now we pass on to the DRESS GOODS AND ' MANTLE DEPARTMENT. We have the inside track here sure. Just call and we will show you the FINEST AND Mosr FASHIONABLE Goons that ever struck the town, and you will find prices in line with Lindsay or any other town in Ontario, “that’s right.” Men’s and Boys’ Btibicgand Shoes, Rubbers and .Overshoes. This department is supplied from the very best manufac- turers in Canada, and at Spot Cash. Call in and buy yourself a pair of our WATERPROOF LONG BOOTS, and you will be comfortable and happy for the Winter. We have an endless variety of Ladies’ and Misses’ Button and Lace Boots, Rubbers and Overshoes. We give this department special attention. No trouble to show goods. FLOUR AND FEED, GROOERIES, - ' GLASSWARE AND GBDGKERY. .You will find our stock in these lines in harmony with the other departments, and at rock bottom prices. Just try our 25c. Tea for example. McDougafl,E1Endon &‘ Co. SIGN OF THE WHITE FRONT. s- NEVISON, -â€" DEALER INâ€" Paints, Glass, Oils and Putty, English, Cana- dian and American 'WALL' PAPERS. Latest Designs in Hall, Parlor, Dining-room, Bedroom and Ceiling Papers, At Prices to Suit Customers. from 50. per roll up to 50. per roll. OIL-PAINTED SHADES, Crockery, Glassâ€"ware cit“ chcy Goods. Pictures Framed. to Order a. Specialty. Paper Hanging and Kalsomining done in the village or country. Eenelon Falls, March 20th, 1893.; wâ€" t . ‘.t.‘.- .-. . -~; _-;. .._.-.~ .-..’ ~ .~.o. ...â€"e. s .24.- ~. . “Aha-5..» u, . : New Advertisements. _ There is than For Everything. T/zz's 2': Me Time for Sleight. and Gutters . . 23 at S. S. GAINER’S NEW CARR/AGE SHOP. All Kinds. 'Good Workmanship. Low Prices. SYNICATE cross. Repairing and Repainting Promptly and Neatly Done. Nex" [hm litâ€"Klimt Black- smith Shop, FRANCIS-St. EAST, FENELON FALLS. A Great Offer. The GLOBE of Toronto is offering great inducements in connection with theirweek- ly for 1:494. To all subscribers who for- ward them one dollar by the end of Decem- ber inst., they will send The Weekly Globe for 1894:, and, in addition, present them with a copy of “Hints for the Million,” published by Messrs Rand, McNally & Co., the celebrated publishers of Chicago and New York. This work is an invaluable book of refer-r ence and handy for the household, being a compendium of thousands of new and valu- able recipes and suggestions on hygiene, medicine, business affairs, travelling, the workshop, laboratory, house. kitchen, gar- den, stable, etc. The regular selling price is 35m; it is worth one dollar. PRESS NOTICES. Useful to an inquisitive and economical houselteeper.â€"New York Sun. A book which will be found useful by everybodyâ€"Boston Traveller. A very useful thing for a handy person. â€"-New Orleans Picayune. The “Hints” are comprehensive enough, and the. wonder is they aren’t called a “ Household Encyclopedia.” â€"â€" Cincinnati Commercial Gazette. ' More useful information could not well be crowded in the same spaceâ€"Sun Fran- cisco Bulletin Nowell regulated household should be without a copy of “ Hints for the Million.” â€"Spirit of the Times. In a wonderfully compact form a vast amount of information “Manchester Union. Il‘he book will be forwarded free of post- age. The offer is a 111 st liberal one, and should secure a large increase in the circu- lation of that old ctahlished and excellent newspaper. MONEY TO LOAN. I have recently had a considerable, though limited, stun of money placed. with me for loaning on forms at Five and a-hult‘per cent.- Parties wishing to borrow on these terms should not delay to make application. Large amounts of funds. at slightly higher rates, according to security. In most cases solicitor work is done at my oflicc, insuring speed and moderate expenses. Allan S. Macdonell. Barrister &c., Lindsay. 1‘0 the Pâ€"ublic. HE ROYAL CANADIAN INSURANCE Co. has amalgamated with the Alliance of England, giving insurers the security of $25,000,000 and the same good policy. JOHN AUSTIN, Agent. 13%“ Also agent for the Queen of Eng- land and Caledonian of Edinburgh. Capi to] combined, $45,000,000. Fenelon Falls, July 25th,1892. J. Neelands, Dentist. Beautiful sets of Artificial Teeth inserted for $10, $12 and $14. according to quality of teeth and kind of plate. Imitation gold filling inserted in artificial teeth free of charge. Gas (vitalized air) and local antes- thetics used Vi ith great success for painless extraction. Visuts the McArtbur House, Fenelon Falls, the third Tuesday of evrry month. Call in the forcnoon‘, if possible. Otiice in Lindsay nearly opposite the Simp- son House. Subscribe for the “Gazelle.” (W WWW " weanâ€"‘VUWWU ' , ‘ r s, ONTARIO, FRlDAY, DECEMBER 8TH, 1893. One of the most important provisions of the Wilson tariff bill now before. the United States cungress is the placing of agricultural i'tnplemcnts of all kinds upon the free list. Binding twine and other important raw materials used by farmers are also to be made free, so that tho agriculturists of the United States are to be given a chance to emancipatc themselves trom the clutch of the com- binesters l Ifthe farmers of the United States are to have untaxed agricultural implements such a boon cannot be re- fused to the farmers of Canada. How are our farmers‘ going to compete on even terms with, the United States farmers in the British market, if the Yankees are to have untaxed agricultural implements, while Canadian tillers of the soil are still forced to pay thirty-five per cent. tribute to the Massey-Harris combine. ? Mr. Massey says he will be able to sell his implements in the United States in competition with the American manufacturers it the Wilson bill passes, . but he is still opposed to the proposition to place agricultural implements upon the Canadian free list. He will still demand from his most obedient servants in the Dominion cabinet the power to rob the farmers by extracting from them tribute from which the United States farmers are to be exempted. Could selfishness, dishonesty and cow- ardice go farther? If Mr. Massey is able to compete on even terms with American manufacturers in the United States and in Australia, he can surely do so in Canada. having the advantage of freight charges. cheap labor, etc., Yet Mr. Massey has enjoyed for such a length of time the privilege of plunder- ing our farmers that he is deter- mined to retain it. But fortunately the farmers are fully well aware of his designs, and if the United States Con- gress abolishes the duties upon agricul- tural implements, the Canadian parlia- ment must. do likewise. Our Canadian farmers propose to demand “ equal rights ” with those of the United States, and will not be satisfied with anything else. The duties on agricultural im- plements must: go.â€"0ttawrt Free Press. Papers Instead of Bowels. _â€" AND SAWDUST IN THE PLACE OF BRAINS â€"wnnr Doc'roas‘ EXAMINATION REVEALED. Nonrn TONAWANDA. N. Y., Nov. 27. â€"-When the corpse of Harry Batchelder was exanined 'by two physicians here to ascertain the true cause of his death, great was their astmtishment to find paper instead of bowels and sawdust in- stead of brains. Batchelder had died in Syracuse from the effect, it. is saidr of an accident on the West Shore freight. on which he was breaking. His brother went thitheron receipt of information that.- Harry was dead, and brought the body home. Before leaving Syracuse he made inquiries to learn the eXtcnt of Harry’s injuriesand the circumstances surrounding his death. Everyone of whom he enquired was reticent. and all they would say was that he had been caught between' two cars and died from a hemmorhage. The railroad acquain- tances ot' Batchelder, however, asserted that when he was pinched his hand alone was hurt. and that not sufficient to war~ rant amputation. friends and relatives of the deceased brakesmen determined on an autopsy at home and Drs. Boyer and Smith were engaged. On beginning their task, they found that others had been before them. The trunk and head had both been opened and sewed up again. What was their astonishment, how- ever, on reopening the trunk to find all the abdominal organs missing and the cavity filled with a bundle of news- papers. The brain had been similarly removed and the skull filled with excel- sior sawdust. Thus the corpse had been robbed of every evidence to shew the cause of death. The hand had been pinched and there was a bruise near the region of the heart; even the. ribs near this bruise had been sawed out and were missing. Opinion varies whether a crime was committed by mal- practitioners. which had been concealed by the removal of evidence. or whether Batchelder died of some peculiar injury so interesting to medical science that the organs were removed for study. The coroner at Syracuse will be called upon to explain. A large number of Chinamea are being smuggled into the United States tron: Mexico. Iâ€"‘ -’ .r' 931.11). v ,. Accordingly the ' -. evyxxx. "”“m’7 ' . ,._,,_.‘.’ . _ ,_ .._.... ,~ I. . «Mean-r W V - . . ant, (GA -.,~V-.J~_.~./»..M¢L_ «V-‘W ’ i - t a " . 3 ' \w ,”\,- waxâ€"waif c WW. N» ‘N-J‘Jâ€"v‘\.'v\_r .- ' , I" as; am a?»swswtwwmwm‘mwmwwtwmmove/«A,» .«~. . . - “A ..-.4=- , my», .v‘ . ‘q’fiffi‘f‘ " rw-Ax 5M!“ oi, .. .’~W~\/\/~\ AV,- . _ . w, .V, I _, ._ -13. v wv.‘ L I \ x \r» ‘v‘ \“\v-’.\,Ik‘\”".=o;-u_ - .â€". n . < '4. 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