, .Aâ€"by tiie'rupture of ablood vessel over the sold in this shape) at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50, and may be had of all druggista or direct by mail from Dr. VVlll‘ i GHATUEAGUAY Minus. *_ .giams’ Medicine Company, from either Physicians Pronouuctzsd RBGDVBrY “'39†[addressr 81 6- , To Improve “Hilton (1‘ The Remarkable Experience or 5n" I" Mr. Andrew Pattnllo, editor of the Joe. llcafldinv 0" 5“ urbanâ€""ii ilVoodstock Sentinel-Review,has introduced Friends Called ‘0 “15 S'ml’med "0M" ito public conmderation a very important bedâ€"How “0 “831â€an “15 “5‘1"†3subject in proposing that aconvention be and Strenalhâ€"A Public Acmm‘flctg' ‘ held to devise means forimproving the roads men: of His Gratitude. of the province. He suggests that a good From La Presse,MOD*JI‘°0‘1- roads association be formed and rightly There has appeared in the columns ofgargucs that the necessity for goodroads is La Presse during the past two years, many ’ n0W_1‘cc0ga}zed among the farmmg‘ com' articles hearing Witness to the great good : mumblfl 0-3 It never “"15 before, anC- that accomplished in various pat-[,5 of the [clearer ideas-are prevalent, not only as to country by a, remedy the name of which is i the loss and inconvenience of such roads as now one of the most familiar household exist at present, but as to the Lines on which . words in all parts of the Dominion. And [reform and improvement .can be brought 1 . . _ now comes a statement, from the county of 399m?- A general 1minovementlénbthe-fcfn' Chateauguay, over the signature of a well- dmOIl 0f the common roads won 8 u or known resident, of SE Urbain, which more beneï¬t to the country than some more speaks in positive and unmistakable lan- 0035137 and ambitious PTOJBCW- The roads yuage as to the value of this wonder-work- are Public Property, an}! every bit Of 800‘] {11g medicine, work done upon them is work done for the , , , public. To the farmers it means easier ac- VMR' BE‘U’DWS STATEMEhR’ . ccss to'schools, churches and neighbors “I real that I owe my life to your Dr- dwellings, and therefore improved means Williams, Pink 3115.31†I deï¬lm ‘50 make of education and social intercourse, and a ’mteful “CkDOWIedgï¬â€˜eM and to give you general betterment of the conditions of .complete statement of my illness and cure ‘ country life. 3 means also lessened we“. 1 the hope “1&th experience may be 0f and tear of horses and vehicles, and a sav- eneï¬t to some other sufferer. About the ing of time and labor in carrying Produce llliddle 0f 0050b“, 1391, 301mg on the ad' \ to markets and railways, all of which is so "vice of an American doctor whom I had much in the pocket, of the producer. ' consulted, I left home for the north to in- __ ~ , vest in farming lands with the intention of Ehghmd and France. cultivating them myself. I had been Accordin . â€" . . . \- - g to the Enolish correspondents amlccedwmh 8' Specws 0f paralysw cauged of American newspaperâ€"’3 revelations made right eye, dud which Stopped the circula. during the past week show that the relations tion of the blood on the left side. I was Eleï¬gzeggmgigaancenmif gggiagig 31:3,; at that time (Employed as “l’°°}“keeper by i gravity of the-situation is exaggerated, but Messrs. Lacaillade l_3ros., Lawrence, Massl. I it is undoubted that both France and ghzsdticï¬ig?§s:g$::i:Ifémrï¬ggeOghYZSai i Russia, especially the latter, are irritated execrcise This I resolved upon, but de- [over the marked success of the recent Eng- layed too long as I did not leave until the lish misSion to Afghanistan. But it is not . _ . - _ that success that is the point of greatest ionowmg OCLOber‘ Arrived at my degtma l danger. ‘When her trouble with Siam ï¬rst tionl perceived symptoms of my previous 3 . . arose France entered into an a reement Illness making themselves felt once more. I g . . r ll‘llbll England to establish a. butler state ilz‘zitlf‘itnosï¬ff tgnaaggfl‘ighzggggtggo I betWeen French and English territories. case. However, he gave me some medicine 1 b rznlfe I .now FWIslheii to and; that!" to ease the pain I felt in my head, partizu- Em el La; “115:0 éginansbfgssesieiizhe tern' larly at night. This afforded me relief for Vory 0‘ “ ' 93’ V runs . . across to the Chinese frontier, extending 315:: ggglgliffag Egg), airsï¬gnzimeggï¬ifg over territory on the east bank of the Me- was always worse than before. On the lasat kong' In fouows that If a but?" state he formed south of the Siian reaion such a of October I went to bed as usual after tak- . . ‘ a ing my medicine as directed, and slept the mee Wm “21ny cut. E‘r‘lnce Off. fr9m Whole night but the following morning on “lth‘l’eslem (“"mu". whlc‘l 13 th°.°bJe°tw° trying to rise I found myself so weak that pom†“1 the.°°'n",‘?“cu'l. co'npembio’.‘ 0f ï¬le I could not Stand and could scarcely Spe‘k two countries. Ilie llronch minister is My Wife surpriaed to see me in such“ gtate' willing to whittle down the buffer state to , .. , . . ., 1 . ran to a neighbor’s and requested him to go dmtllenmonfs lifekbhoje SVr’h up Isa. the.lowel; for a doctor and the priest. The doctor W“ em 0 6 09w w'lere, mm. 15? "0 arrived almost immediately, but could not alifwedftotgxercmzo all“ loï¬n’yf mthll‘ 16 afford me the slightest relief. The priest £1155 0 e “is, em Jan 2 f we, 21:63 then arrived, and seeing the conditiouI was . u 3' merebpilfdb “in???†mi)» ~ “5 in, told me that my case was critical and to 13 no “cell; deDO 3f , 0’“ “.I-V'. e rcpare for death. On the following day remilb. 0f .0†.ut arms n‘igotmmons 8ԠIioth the priest and the doctor advised my Paris ‘3 “waltfed.wn’h 8‘ cermm amount Of wife to telegraph to my friends, as they “1"â€th f0? “7 ls feanid that “3°.Frem’h considered death approaching, and two days people maligned by the Chaummt’g’ "re later my two brothers arrived. The doctor so m.u°h elamd OW.†“If†recfmt Emma then asked if I preferred that he, should Russmu demonstrations in Paris that M. - - - - Develle may be compelled to take up an 23,1?:ncgguigggï¬$731211:oggï¬eimagï¬Ã©fmï¬g attitude contrary to his pledges and calcu. D. telegraphed to a doctor living ata distance 18‘th to PmVOke serious dimculty With of about ï¬fteen miles. They both came to Great Briti‘m' see me, asked a few questions and retired _â€"‘°‘_â€"â€"‘ for consultation. The result was that my New Markets for Canada. Wife was tom that I 00"†30" POSSibly Mr. W. T. Stead the Enalish moralist get better- Sï¬didï¬he doom" to heâ€! “WWI who was in Torontt’i the otheiz day, attribu: the grï¬f'te“ P0551b1° 0?†he calm“ ,hve ted the depression in England to the failure 9' yea-Pg When "‘3’ Wife “’14 "‘5 {hm I of the farmers to produce haying crops. determmed to Pay the dOCtors'and dlscon, The prospects then for an improvement in tlnue the†BGPVICGS- It 005‘? me about 330 things are not over brirrht. On the oncliand to hear their verdict. .Two or three weeks we hear that fruit, canobe proï¬tamy shipped puï¬sefl Without any l"llfl'ovmn'mt “1 my in large quantities all the way from Aus- condltlon and I Was 50 weak I c°u1d_ba‘rely tralia and California to England and on the move Mound the 11°F“ Wlth the “11d 0f 8' other that Canadian hay and timothy have OMIB- One day]: nomced 3' Parcel lymg on been found most succulent for live stock, thetablewrapped inanewspaper. Having - “- th 1 f -‘ 1 1 nothing better to do I began to read it. and Zipi‘iifsei midfiï¬ti’eiï¬soé’ Siiyihisfï¬ï¬Ã© after 3‘ While came across 9'“ “bide headed the embargo on our live stock has failed to “ Miraculous cure-n .1 read it, and the materially lessen the importation. Returns longer I read the more interested I became, just, Published Show the value of Cmmdian because Isaw the case of the person referred cattle imported during the 10 months of to resembled my own in many respects. 1. - t _1 L, 4- 1- - then I finished the article I saw that the gigggyé: {oft‘il'ge Igoifesgrï¬â€˜dliggg’ P215231? cure had been effected .by Dr. ,lVilliams’ last-Yeah The smallness of the decrease, Pink Pills. It- seemed as though there was des - . _ _ ~ , pite the stoppage of the importation of “Struggle Wlthm me between the mots I live cattle, is due to the large increase in had read 'Jind my own incr‘idlflity’ 5° 5m†the importation of cattle from the Cana- was the faith I had in medicines advertised dim Northwest the shipments of in the papers. Iread the article and re-read these being “’18 largest _ the bib it several times. I seemed to hear the doc- tory of the trade The current ' w a: "’ ~ . . ' - - tors Words “he cannothvefl JVâ€; af‘nd the“ prices, which are comparatively higher Isaw the eï¬ectslofDr. VViil:ams PinkPills and yield a good margin account for m the cusp I hadfljust read about. 1'13“: the beating of the record by this class. A 33"†9f “$339 re, “Elms was that "' still greater increase is looked for next year. ‘31 8d .10 gm" - Pmk Plus 3‘. tFm‘l’, and .I More Canadian horses of the class used immediately wrote the Dr. Williams liedi- principally for vans have been imported cme 00' for 3'. supply' on “I?†B‘m‘fa‘l I into England this season than usual, the commenced using them according to direc- recent Shipments fetching on an average bions’ and bent“ th‘iï¬r“ box wits done I about 27 guineas each in British markets. pund they were helping me, and it was not . s- -.._v__.__. )lng before I was able to Walk to the Vil- As a result of the successful photographic $9136: DJ dlsmnce 0f half a "1110, _Wlth°ull Phe experiments recently made at the height of l-ld Of a cane. and I was rapidly gamma :1. mile above Philadelphia, an English health and Strength. At the time I Was 'paper suggests that to each army corps taken 8101: I weighed 212 poulldsï¬hd a") the - there should be attached a staff of photo- lime I began the use of the Pink Pills I was ,gmphers_ It; points out; that; more eï¬ective {educï¬d to 162 Pounds: 9. 1033 Of 00 Pounds work can be done upon the reconnaissance n a little more than a month. I took the with the camera than With the sketch book, pills for about three months and in that'and that, the staff could readily be made ime I gained 40 pounds. To-day I am as a, part, of the engineers_ Well as I ever was in my life, and my re- , ‘ . . W yoverv is one entirely to the use of Dr. \Vill- . Think of It. lams’ Pink Pills and I cannot recommend them too highly to those who do not enjoy Never before in the history of the world was there a remedy for come as safe, pain- thc blessing of perfect health. Yours gratefully, less, and certain as Putnam’s Painless Corn Extractor. It makes no sore spots and acts L. Jos. BEAUDIN. An analysis shows that Dr. Villiams’ speedily. Try Putnam’s Corn Extractor. Pink Pills containin a condensed form all At druggists. Sure, safe, and painless. the elements necessary to give new life and richness to the blood, and restore shattered nerves. They are an unfailing speciï¬c for such diseases as locomotor ataxia, partial paralysis, St. Vitus’ dance,sciatica, neural- gia, rheumatism, nervous headache, 'thc after effects ofla grippc, palpitation of the heart, nervous prostration, all diseases de- pending upon vitiated humors in the blood, such as scrofula, chronic erysipclas, etc. They are also a speciï¬c for troubles peculiar to females, such as suppressions, irregular ities, and all forms of Weakness. They - A heath . _ build up the blood. and restore the ,low of Cures Consumptio , oughs,Crcnp, Sore health to ale and sallow chee 's. In afloat: sold by a}: Draggists 09 a Guarantee. men they e wt a radical cure in all cases Fora Lame Side, Baa orChest Shilohs Porous - - Plaster will ive - eat satisfaction we- arising from mental worry, overwork, or .5 5" - co COME. excesses of whatever natur . ' ' h I V Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are manufactur- ‘ ed by the Dr. Williams’ Medicine Company, ' x‘:§§r R Brockville, Out., and Schenectady. N. Y., mgqu{ m, Remedymumuwe and are sold in boxes (nevar in loose form ï¬gdCu ygui fries ‘ t ï¬'Thla by the dozen or hundred, and the public 511,003“ ‘1 ream†98- emem n tn cautioned against numerous imitations Wyateamd gnawgafltï¬ Wk "Am I Married or Not ‘2" asked Mr. A.,despondently, “I declare, my wife is so nervous and irritable that I don’t stay in the house a moment ionizer than I can help. My home isn’t what it used to be.†“ Mrs. A. is suffering from some func- tional derangement, I presume,†said B. “ Yes, she has been an invalid for years." “Exactly. Her experience is that of my Wife, but she was cured by Dr. Pierce’s Fav- orite Prescription. Get this remedy for Mrs. A.. and the happiness of your home will soonbe restored.†Mr. B. was right. For prolapsus, painful periods, irregularitiesâ€"â€" in short, all “ complaints †peculiar to the female sexâ€"the “.Eavorite Prescription†is a sovereign speciï¬c. . Rupture, or Hernia, permanently cured, or no pay. For Pamphlet and references address, World’s Dispensary Medical Asso- ciation, Bull'alo, N. Y. The trade returns for the month of Octo. bar and for the ï¬rst four months of the present ï¬scal year have just been issued by the department at Ottawa. The exports for the month show an increase over the corresponding month last year of $2,259 , 656, which to a certain extent reduces the decrease for the four months. The value of the exports so far this year is $53,741,- 554, as against $53,260,513 last year. The imports for the four months are valued at $44,063,242, as against $12,268 425, an in- crease of nearly two millions. The duty collected this year amounts to $7,291,824; as compared with $7,345,945 last. Fair Evidence for ~Every body. No one can doubt the great merit of Polson’s Nerviline, for it has been placed in the market in 10 cent bottles, just to give you the opportunity of testing its wonderful power overall kinds of pain. This is the best evidence of its efï¬ciency, for every per- son can try for themselves. Polson’s Nervi- line is a positive (it cannot fail) cure for cramps, headache, colds neuralgia, and the host of pains that flesh is heir to. Good to take, good to rub on. Go to any drug store and buy a 10 cent sample bottle. Large bottles 25 cents. Having disposed of the street car horse, electricity will shortly do away with the use of animated power for other purposes In London, England, electric parcel post. vans are being built, and will reduce by one-half the cvpense of delivery. The application of electricity to broughams and private carriages is also being experimented in. The largest ï¬sh caught in the Columbia river so far this season was a sturgeon meas- uring 11 feet 5 inches long and weighing 755 pounds, which was landed at Knappton, “711511., a week or so ago. The head alone weighed 151 pounds, and the ï¬sh yielded 427 pounds of edible meat. is» oftentimes absolutely. cured in its earliest stages by the use of that won- derful ital halting, Scott’s J Emulsion ‘ which is now in high { repute the world over. "GAUTION.â€-â€"Bewaro of substitutes Genuine pre cred by Scott It Bowne. Bollevillo. old by all drucgists. ‘ 50c. and $1.00. Flog/a! Dandelion toffee Is delicious and nourishing. Highly recom- mcpdedby the leading Physicians. Pu 3pm Tins onlyâ€"and sold by the leading rocers. ELLIS & IIEIGHLEY, Sole Manufacturers, - - 2Bay St.. Toronto GNTABEO USINESSGQLLEGE BELLEVILLE, ONT., (25th YEAR). Most widely attended business college in America. for the new Ill-page 'catalo us. Address ROBINSON 86 J0 NSON, Bolleville, Onti 1P. Gout is beyond question the outcome of de- osits of uric acid salts in the joints. S'I‘. [1101‘Y MINERAL W'ATER is charged with .ithium. apowerful absolvent of uric acfi. This explains w liy this water O‘Too- tually eradicates all gouty symptoms from the system. Sold by all principal drnzzists, grocers and hotels. ' 'KT St. leOii lilmcmi hater Go’y, lid Head Ofï¬ceâ€"Hing St. ‘W. _ Branchâ€"£48 Yongc St. c. E: A. Langlols, General Manager. Ton-ante. 9 9 The majority oiwell-read phys- icians now believe that Consump- tion is a germ disease. In other words, instead of being in the con- stitution itself it is caused by innu- merable small creatures living in the lungs‘having no business there and eating them away as caterpillars do the leaves of trees. A Germ The phlegm that is coughed up is those Disease- parts of the lungs which have been gnawed OE and destroyed. These little bacilli, as the germs are called, are too small to be seen with the naked eye, but they are very much alive just the same, and enter the body in our food, in the air we breathe, and through the pores of the skin. Thence they get into the blood and ï¬nally arrive at the lungs where they fasten and increase with frightful rapidity. Then German Syrup comes in, loosens them, kills them, expells them, heals the places they leave, and so nourish and soothe that, in a short time consump- ï¬ves become germ-proof and well. a; OUNG MEN! Learn .to cut. no better trade. Good wages and steady employ- TING SCHOOL. 12.3 ongc St. Also agents for McDowell’s New York Drafting Machine. GENTS HERE You AREâ€"Samantha at , , the World’s ‘Fair, 'by Josiah Allen's Wife. Over 100 Illustrations. Nearly 000 pages No Territory assigned. Send $1.00 for pro- spectus and push the canvass if you want to mont. Write for articulars. TORONTO CUT-IST \. make money. WILLIAM BRIGGS. Temper_ nco St. 'ljpronto SAUSAGE EASiNï¬S ti“: tidbit? Hsli constantly on band, also prime American Chle's Casings. Full lines New Hams. Long goar Bacon, Rolls, Cheese. Lard. etc. PARK BLACKWELL& Co. LTD. Successor to JAMES &KR PA SON, Toronto‘ a aYPNOTIS-M: Its uses and abuses. The science easily acquired. Illustrated book, just out, 81â€"100 page am hlot 100. Address '1'. II. 132 State St., Chi- Prof. Anderson, cago. 3-t A Far-Famed College. Bermuda, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Que, bec, Alberta. British Columbia, Massachu- setts. New York and all arts of Ontario- are 'I'O-DAY represents at ONTARIO â€" BUSINESS -â€" GELLEGE, BELLEVIL‘LE, ONT. For the 25th annual catalogue, addressâ€"- Robinson dz: Johnson, Belleville, On LATEST IMPROVED. Pawnee 33:??1- Vlmzw' i in p l e m e n ts Mill Furnishings, Conveyor Chains, 3w. 9 Brantford, Canada. Canadian. ‘ The Best ' Christmas Gift or the best addition to one’s own library is WEBSTER’S INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY H- .~ The New ‘3 r†"Unabridged." .- -. Ten years spent : revising,100 editors ; ein loyed,andovcr .. $30 ,000 expended. : A Grand Educator « . Abreast of the Tlmss ff ~ A Library in itself r . Invaluable in the -_ ; household, and to .., ,- the teacher, profes- ‘ ' fl ' V ‘ slonal man, or self- educator. : Sold byAll Booksellers. ' G. (K: C. Men-1am Co. a??? >_..__...__- Publishers ' Spï¬ngï¬eld, 41121.93. ‘ @Do not bu cliea noto- ~ “5111 Lille rep ts ofggclent (3 IS. .' WSeud for free prospectus. DICTIONARY !. W ’ 1’ Or an Jewelr N '1 Buy a Watch ,Mmg’mm, 0,3,; flew Catalogue. IT'S FREE, Write for one to 8.13. MOWBY .9: Co. TORONTO ,CAâ€"N‘. mole andxfcnmle, GE TS hi it , 'r- .1. ... 3.... . W; #- Clanu. Entirely um Id]: to any hmm. Also our Bic-Ad, Cnlzo and P Knlvu. Con-n and Knife and Scissor! . No can? winked. Eu; sdlm. bl: profits. 5 aoass OF LAND ’ “ for sale by the SAINT PAUL a VDULYUTII RAILROAD 131's. They will be sent to you AddreSI HOPEWELL CLARKE, v cures snu‘ “ a Coulml Box 324. hammock COMPANY in Minnesota. Send for Maps and Clrcu: Land Commissioner, St. Paul. Minn: _._.___.__._._~ .-. w.-. ._.._. _ _ slim news To think that you mix: wear wide, ill-lookin shoes to have comfot Our shoes are hot 99,5 and elegant ,1ng to. look at and com- fort- able I . while in Wear. g, The J. D. KING & Co:, Ltd 79 KING EAST: J. sonâ€"Qt Sou. For Circular Addressâ€" 77Northcnio Ave.,To ron Dress and Manta Cuttin by this now and improve TAILORS’ SQUARE . Satisfactron guaranteed to teach ladic ‘ the full art 1? cutting all garments worn by adios and children. SMITH, 392 QUEEN 8T. W.,TOR9NTO Agents Wanted. - yeasts ! ~Amusing, instruct ï¬ve No better way to impress on the minng of the children our Na- tional History than playing this WHIth Evening Game. Par-ice - .. If your nearest dealer has not got this G nine 25 Gama-$3 Each in stock, on receipt of price will send post-paid. Send us your address and we will mail you illustrated catalogue. 'l'l-lE can cuss ta, n" '5 TORONTO, OJN T 122‘ W esleyan Ladies’ College AND CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC. HAMILTON, ONT. It is the Faculty that makes the College. (Founded 1860.) Every teacher in the “Wesleyan†is an honor gaduate of a University or College. The Faculty contains honor graduates of the Toronto nlverslt , of Victoria, of Queen’s, of Trinity, to the Col ego. Ladies desiring the most echo of Albert, and of Hamilton, all giving full time larly instruction in Literature. bcience, Music, Art, and Elocution, with the social and educational advantages of a city of 50,000 inhabitants, will send for our Catalogue. This Collego has furnished lady principals for at least five of the Ladies’ Colleges of Canada, and for sevcr l of the more rivatc schools. Its graduates and students may be found in the best harness our land, inclu ing the homes of Lieutenant-Gov- ernors. Special attention given discipline. . physical culture, health, manners, etc. Those thinking of sending their daughters Will receive full information by addressing the Principal, P.S.â€"Next term begins November 10. A. BURNS, S.T.D., LLJ). -â€"â€"_._- «â€"â€"_ Manufactured only by 13.3%.â€? lhah’iï¬iil‘ilii d; Sdlid HEP/3. HEATBN .6} 2‘1 7.9“. “sums _. ,n