’! The Great UOW Question. (From the Port Hope Guide.) “A petition signed by John T. Thompson and ï¬fty others was laid on the table, asking,r the council to pass a by-law to, prohibit. cows running with bells on, as they are a public nuisance. oration at- the hands of the council.â€â€" Jt’cjiort‘cf the town. councilâ€"Fonda); Falls G’a‘zette.‘ After reading the above we are a trifle in the dark. What is it the Fenelon Fallsites are trying to prohibit, anyhow? ' Is it the cows or the bells ; cr‘is it both cows and 'bells ? .' If the latter, we think“ John T. Thompson and titty others †are level headed people, but if it is any lialf-way measure For what is more musical and refreshing in the dim hours of dawn than to hear the musical ding .dong- of a cow bell, when you are almost positive that the V bearer has just hooked open your garden . , .1; gate and 'is' converting. into milk for your neighbor the :‘ product of many hours -of,your: own honest toil. You won’t get 'any'dii'ect personal beneï¬t, but you can rest assured that your cow- ._ keeping neighbor will, and that should ’ be enough for most benevolent people. BTlien while walking about in the glare .,"t_hc electric lights with, perhaps a liidy‘f'L-‘iepd, howtplcasant it is tonliavc to start u‘pm‘few cows who have decided to rest for the night. just where you have to go, or mistake the le'avings. oi the cow for a deep shadow, how unpleas- ant is the result of the false steps It would be too bad to prohibit the musical bells; better prohibit? the cows running at large and allow the bells to ring on. When the matter has received “ due consideration†at the hands of the council, we will probably know more about it. V Cato Canadian Order of Foresters. \aTlie Canadian Order of Foresters is a Fraternal benevolent society, incorpor- iiisuranco corporation act, 1892, of Ontario. The objects of the society are to furnish its members with sick and funeral beneï¬ts and an insurance of one or two thousand dollars. The payment of these beneï¬ts range from about one dollar to one dollar and ï¬fty cents per month, according to the age of the member, and the amount of insurance carried. The membership is composed .ot men only,-an-d ‘when admitted they must be between the ages of eighteen and fortyâ€"ï¬ve. The present number of members is over 16,000, and the society has a cash surplus on hand for the payment of-tlie insurance of over $215,- 000, $50,000 of which is in Dominion of Canada bonds, and the balance is invested in the best monetary institutions of the Province. In addition the this, courts have about half a million of dollars in their treasuries for the pay- ment of the sick and funeral beneï¬ts. A The high secretary of the Order is Mr. ‘ Thomas White of Brantford, and it is expected that a court of this popular and purely Circadian society will shortly be organized hereâ€"493m. 0,â€"â€" There has been no change in black- smiths’ tools for 300 years. At her home near. Carrington, Ohio, Mrs. John. Hilton fell in a ï¬t into the ï¬re-place and slowly burned to death in the presence of her children. Clara Edwards, a resident of Stewart county, Ga, owns a hen which she claims has laid two eggs about the size of turkey eggs every day for the past four-year's. She also asserts that each , .Ieg'g contains two-.yolks. A new luminous fungus has been forwarded from Tahiti to Europe. It is said to emit at night a light resem- blingv that of the glowworm, which it retains for a period of twenty-four hours after having been gathered. It is used by native women in bouquets of flowers for personal adornment in their hair and dress. " r A curiosity exists near Olympia, / Wash. It' is a well twenty feet in p depth, which is certainly gradually ' rising to the surface of the earth. For sometime the brick wall of the well has been protruding through the ground, until new it sticks†up into the air like a funnel to the height of ten or ï¬fteen f t. The bricks" forming the wall are ,gsfilllintact. Tli'e bettOm of the well, too, "is. rising with ‘the wall. 5 A horrible: accident occurred at the chtworth street crossing of the Grand Trunk railway in Hamilton on Satur- day night, A ‘well-kâ€"nown colored man named Jerry Johnston, who was haul- ing ice,-was..driving across the track when he was run down by the St. Louis express and instantly killed. llis body was pitched into the cattle-guard and his brains were bespattercd over the track. His head was split open and his death was undoubtedly instantane- ous. Both homes were killed and the sleigh wassmaslied to atoms. “ The matter wi'll'receive due considQ we will have to withdraw our opinion.== ated in 1879,»and registered under the :- u a nastiness; lls:Giftâ€.‘fo°r < Eteryboity-t*.litsnerii:g this Puzzlincorrectly.‘ .. ‘ Five hundred pounds were paid for aâ€" couple of canaries in London recently. This is saidto be a not unusual price for ï¬ne birds of the kind. A-recent-Jadvertiscnient in an English country paper read thus: “ For saleâ€" A bull terrier dog, two years old. Will eat. anything; .very fond of children. Apply atrthisiofli’ce." Antony White, of Presque Isle. Me, has auliound " that hauls him several miles to and from his work daily, and which during- tlie day renders good ser- vice hauling cedar railroad ties, four or ï¬Ve being a usualloadJ Stock Taking Gbmpleted. Although it has been a hard year and all oth- er merchants are complaining, we ï¬nd that the year’s business has exceeded‘th‘e previous one by fully 25 per cent. Most people will natu‘al- l y wonder at it, but the plain reason is that we bought our goods in the lowest cash market, and ,â€" FENELO N FALLS MARKETS. have sold them at a very small advance on cost. New to those who are not already supplied with Reported bytkmNo-rth StairsRollcr Mill C’o. Fcnelon ‘Falis; Fi'iday,â€Feb. 24th, 1893. Wheat, Scotch or Fife 65' to 70 good comfortable wear, we would advise to call - C S 1 Wheat fall or bushels. G5- 67 , , . Wheat: sprihrg . H - 6-2 64 and secure some of the big bargains now being $100 Bm'le ’el' buwhcl-l' " ' ' " ‘ 35 36 Jack and Gill 'weiit iip.tlic hill to get a pail =' n- B 1 xi.1 t“ b . 42 43 offered as we are bound to clear out the balance ot‘â€"-â€"â€"â€" _ a, . uc {“ ea H†. . ’ In the above well-known thmc the mud OMS’ “ ' ' ' '"W'." 30‘“ 31 ' “ \Vuter †is inissin r, and is tolu- found («unguided ’ Peuse u 55,: 57 of our Winter stock at cost, to make room for our in me- above cut of uckandGill.’1‘licpuhlisoers Rye ’ “ 50 5" of Our Yopng Peoplii wltll tglg’rï¬13‘igtygl‘l IIOIQDIO- all ' “ ‘0 ~ ‘ . ‘ g I In '1... ‘ : Pong-toes: “ -- ' - - ' ' 9 ‘ l 40 45' km 86 Spl lng Pul Chases' iiéhfiiiiiil'Fvglpi{flit}. i Butter,per1b............ 16‘ 13 aï¬ne ‘0( am. 0 ie 111;} .H - ‘ ‘ “ ' ’1. , ‘Ll 'l' . tl‘i ‘0 (Jack J Eggs, pertdozen , , _ . H 6 . 7 as In D1 ess Goods, Mantles, Flannels, 850., our ï¬lï¬tppggg §é§£§9il??flug}ts pï¬qiywégga‘mï¬d in er on"â€â€"""' " ' ‘ ' - nsic OX. 0 103m in} e , ' r“. Hiddsp. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 3.25‘ V 3.75 StOCk. lS quite complete. In Overcoats, Suits and A Solid Golglt‘ipg‘mgalciliiegto tit}: Ho .. 7.75 8:00 .. . . 11I‘S:"el'3- _ ,«t Y i ‘01. {he next to; corrobé Shegenskins. 40 75 Furnishings we still have aalarge range to select gnsï¬ggsplgigélngiï¬d§31cotpï¬istingofï¬pputgwpgpr3 » l i f'. the )u ) 10 SC 10") S 0 'Ol'l ll 0.“v i ' L‘ ' ' W001 ' ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 16 18 from-l Call early, and don’t forget the Place tiiflild presirnt and oscisttlicjudges in the award 01 ‘I *‘ “‘“‘ u“ ‘4 . ' prizes. ‘ Eae h contestant is to cut out the Helms and make a cross with a leadpeneil on the live letters (\V atcr) and send some to us with ten three-cent stamps (uriitlcentsin silver) for one years’ subscription to Our Young“ Pcoplenvhich is atl:1rge.heaiiti- . fullv illustrated 10 pnge_iiiaga7_.ino,) a licauiilul .- Eni'n'aviug “The First Kiss†“'1†be sent tree by return mail to every answer received. Rcmcinher that you got the paper for an cutire yogiuand a ‘ W chance t'oroiieer more of the prizes. _'1‘his_is your opportunity and if you .dclay you will miss and regret it.†We will give to the last ‘20 correct 4 answers received each a‘ handsome Souvenir , ‘ m of Columbus. E"IE-Lunch n: is Fun YOU TO SAY whether or not i , l 1 New Advertisements. WNW. it. a. canvas. ‘ I I ' Sign of the Golden Lion. To me i‘eSNlents 0f Fenelon Falls- 40 Kent 85 l and 3 York 813., Lindsay. Take notice that any person or persons removing from any Village or district in- .- Almost Oppo’qlte the Snnpson 1.101138. fected with diphtheria to Fcuclon Falls will be quarantined for a period of 14 days -w or longer, at the discretion of the Board of you will have Our Young People as a regular visitor at your home for the next year. and a. Health- The Citizens 0f Femaon Falls Who “ .. U I i U I N I U r I chance ofwinning,r one of. the aliovc prizes. If do not wish to he so inconvenienced will @ ‘ you are not perfectly satisiied with yolll'Ill'th‘Sl: y . 1 a y r .1' 0.1 1- l' is. A E meiit after receiving the ï¬rst copy or Oui lining I , ‘ got en] t icinsc \es accorc y.‘ 1 People you can have your mmicy hack. (15:111. . ' Bl 0â€â€œ 0‘ the 30â€â€œ 0 “M ‘- There are more Hoosier Drills of our manufacture in use “115mâ€- 9 * The envelope which contains .corrcct answer hearinqiirst post-mark Will receive first reward and the balance in order as received. be sure and answerto-day and enclose 30 cents and you Will A. WILSON, M. D., ' ' â€" ‘1 'I 4:. ° .1“ ' . Medicâ€, HM, (MW in Canada than of a1. other kinds combined Fenelon Falls Feb, 22nd 1893- Lt. f. '1 r t '.l c '01 cvordid i'orl‘lie money. _â€"â€"Lâ€"L-â€",â€"_ thdii‘iigstliiilimaï¬ï¬u Y‘OIUNG PEOPLE, King a i I "I I E Eta-a l 9, Street, West, Toronto, Canada. iii. this: it. ANTED. NGW l8 Tl‘iEngh’lE T0 BUY 3, A . f. IDURh‘tï¬ HOUSE CLEANlhlG ti rial tilt in Price Will be given to these BUYING FOR CASH. Agents to sell our choice and hardy - Nil‘mery Stock. We have many special va- rieties, both in fruits and ornamentals, to offer, which are controlled only by us. We pay commission or salary. Writeus at One: :for terms, and secure choice of ter~ , ri :orj‘ry MAY BROTHERS, Nurscryinen, Rochester, N. Y ' u ï¬hlhdttiï¬ ï¬dhgiiid did ' €3th This GREAT COUGH CURE, this suecess ful CONSUMPTION CURE, is without a par.- aliel in the history of medicine. All druggisis are authorized to sell it on a positive guarantee, a ‘test that no other cure can successfully stand. If you have a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, use it, for it will cure you. If your child has the Croup, or Whooping Cough, use it promptly, and relief is sure. If you dread that insidious disease CONSUMPTION, dan’tfaz'l to use it, it will cure you or cost nothing. Ask your Druggist for SHILOH’S CURE, Price 10 cts., {so cis. and $1.00. If your Lungs are sore or . ' ack lame, use Shiloh’s Porous Plaster. 25 cts. . ï¬at/id @hambers, . Gotten-a! Biacksmtth, Francis:st., Fenelon Falls Blacksniitliingin allits diï¬â€˜crcntbranches » done on short notice and at the lowest living prices. Particularattention-pant to 49-10w. v-x-iï¬.‘ - -" â€"â€"â€"--i .â€" ._ -9 _.__. guaranteed the ,Best thrill Made. Perfect and instantaneous regulation of depth of Hoes in all kinds of soil. The ONLY PERFECT FORCE FEED in use. The thorough equipment of our factory with the latest improved labor saving machinery and a largely increased output enables us to other the Hoosier Drill and all other implements of our manufacture at prices lower than ever before. For catalogues, prices and terms, see our local agents throughout the country, or send to our cities. NOXON BROS. le’F’G Go, L’D. INGERSOLL. ONT. Thee. Austin, Agent, Fanciers Faits. nil-nann- ï¬dlllllllllllll ih M WM mun My stock is large and complete, BEDROOM SUITES, Lounges. Centre Tab/es. Gone and £03 Chairs. Bureaus, 8i't/e-boards. and every description of Kitchen Furniture .â€".â€".. Pictures Frames}! lie @rdor. Everything Suited at Lowest Living Prices “mm†H. w. .. Undertaking promptly and carefully attended to. L. 139E37MAN9 Usonnrmcn Sr. FURNITURE DEALER, Uolborne Street, Fenelon Falls. Residence over the Shop. horse-shoeing; Give me a call and I will i 45â€"152 guarantee satisfaction. {Sheep * intimates. We have still on hand a quantity of inch, 1}, 2 and 3 inch, 2 x4, 2 x0, 2 x 8,2 x10 and 2 x12, 12 to 16 feet long, I-EEDILOCIE 85 PIN E. which we will 'sell U/icup for Cash. The sooner .you come ‘lllC‘ more you have to clioosofrom. Also, 10,000 feet of Dry Planed Lumber, Flooriiig,.Novelty Siding, V.â€"joint, planed one and two sides, Latli and Piekets, Pinned and Rough, Hardwood and Hemlock,- Z'andC inches, for stable floors, and 4x8 Pine, dry;- for window sills. , Any Casing or Moulding-can be got planed-at short notice. Base-hoardsnnould- ed or plain. Apply at our mill. 1. ' GREENE it ELLIS ‘ Fcuclon Falls, June 16th, 1802. 17.» Find The. Grnndi‘irotli'ero The young lady in the above cut has a grandmother whoso icture is combined in the a above ioi'frait. '11 you can ï¬nd the Grandmother in the ahove. ’orti'iiltyou may receive a rewar Which Will pay you iniiiy times over for your trouble.“- _ .1110 l’rtmrietors of the iniiias' Hons Mox'riiw otter either a ï¬rst-class Upright Piano or ('llOtlll~.‘ibl"â€"F]1]'(‘Q Ll ui U.‘ i’ed Dollars to the person who can i3r=t tind the grandmother. A reward Ufa pair of Dis-inmoncl Ear-Rh igg‘stx) the SVl'lnld person who can ï¬nd the grandmother. A com )li-te Busi nor-3s; Eciiffczat,ion at a timniiurcial 09â€â€.‘4‘0 to the third Dz‘l'b‘i‘llwllo can ï¬nd the grandmother. A Gold XUritr-li for each oi tlicniext two who can ï¬nd the grandmother. An elegantGold Brooch (Solid . Gultl) turcacli ot'tlic next live who can ï¬nd the grandinetlier. I . _ Each Contestant must cut out the Portrait Puzzle-and make a cross with a lead-pencii ',Ul‘llll¢ on the gi‘.e.iiliiiotlici"s eye and mouth. ‘ Everyone sending: an aiiswcriinis‘. enclose with the same Ten three-cent stamps (or secession aviators centre â€"OF TIIEâ€" 4 County of Victoria. The next sittings of the above Court will beheld in Dickson’s hall, Fc'nclon Falls, ' on .russeav, area. 25a, 1893, commencing at 10 o’clock in the forcnoon Friday, April 14th, will :be. the last day of service on defendants residing in this county. Defendants living in other coun- ties must be served on or before April 0th. E. D. HAND, Clerk. . _ ,‘ n . . r . Fast deleted Gin a» . . he has for 16¢ 95 a 2331‘) cents llts‘il-YCI') for three months†subscription to the Lanms’ HUME liloxi‘iim, Canadi’s V .g-e :‘ll'lfiï¬t papmarJournal. The date t t' p ist-mm'k on letters is givenprecedent-0,9o1hat person'= ' ,7 “,. tiring at a distance ililV'L‘ulilSi as good one portunity of-securiiig ii valuable n'izc. $3 I O t I For the INISOILWhO can tindthe gran mother that is received last is oi err-d a Slinn 53‘ ' ,‘ p179}: 'L‘yIJOYVI‘J'tk-‘fr. For the next to the last will be given :1 Solid. 8! th‘l I .- \{sr arcli. To the third, ‘l'ourth, ï¬fth and sixth from the last received with correct answers will receive each a. Solid Gold Brooch. - It there should he as many as two hundred persons sending correct answers. each will he awarded min avoidable prize. Names of those receiving leading prizes will he puh- m Cn '-l_islied-ip our next issue. -; Extra premiums will be offered to all who are willing to assist in . increasing the subscription listef‘this pspularjournal. The object in offering this l‘rizy. " { Puzzle is 13>attractattentien, and_to introduce our publication. Perfect impartiality is u guaranteed in giving; the rewards. x , l _ The following nannies are avinners of the leading; prizes in O s l ‘ our ltistHI’IQIZIE PUZZLE: ' . _ '1‘. E. Shiplev. 27 Elm St†Toronto. Piano ; Miss Bancroft, 167 Lippineott St. Toronto, Bicycle: Miss Barns, Riï¬gctown. Unt., Bedroom Set: Glady Mel'hersnn. 5:: Henry tit» ’l‘crcnto, Gold Watch: 1.. B. Soutliam, 86 Maple St, London. (hit. i’3:lil\\':1ft'l.l : “1'3- r J. S. McAdam. 112 Bank St, Ottawa. Out. 510 in Gold 1 M. Hampton, mo N. Y. Life Bid. . Kansas City, Mo.- 310 in Gold ; Emily Riley. 85 Alexander St. E.. \\"i:in'ipe 7. “2111., lientplget g a l Lamp ; Jean Taylor. lot Mackay Sn, Ottawa, Ont, Banquet Lump : John rinour, 13:3 .- run it. \V.,Jllflnilton.t0nt.,‘l$aiiquct gampi; W. );l.(§ilroylr3, MunutII-‘hrcsi.\ (MILE. Ilidmlum ,.-, ( am ; . . "ores . 3m 'ieitation ‘t.. oiiirea , 1m?“ out not .zuiip: V. f. :Jmsny, . _ . 270 lgathurst SL, 'i‘Ul'nllLO, Ont, Banquet Limp; FlorencelWliire, 1-.5 Scott-‘4!†Q‘ltrlrt‘c The fl'eSheSt GUOdS In - City, Banquet Lump : Mrs. L. E. 'l‘lioiiips in, 6:) ra't. Louis St., Levis. 0110., “original: Lamp; " M. E. Gnodwm. lifllikfl tow House. Bownimivillc, ()iit., Banquet Lamp: Mrs. G. Cunningham. ' ~15 Carnizirthen 5L. St. John. N. 13., Banquet Lamp. V _ Answer to-day, and enclose 30 cents and you may win one of the leading prizes. Address, (D) LABBnS’ hMi’iE MQNTHLV, 192 King St. West, Toronto, Eanada. the village at S. Nimsox, Bailiff. Fenelon Falls, Jan’y 28th, 1893. I