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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 16 Feb 1900, p. 3

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l | ! g. I} bvv?‘W-xanâ€"nm;mr.w.~scw. I am ‘\ v «.W w lies. only medicine on MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. ' v __._ ~ Greece has followed Italy's example in forbidding [the exportation of antiâ€" quities. Notice has been served on for- -eign governments and learned some- ties. ’ , Duke Robert of Parma is a father for the nineteenth time. Only one of his children, the late Princess of Bul- garia married. The other eighteen, eight boys and ten girls, live with him. in the Castle of Sch-warzau in Aus- tria. - , zen English boy‘s periodical recently took a vote on the recreations its read- ers preferred. The result gave this orâ€" der:‘ Football, cricket, cycling, swim.- mti'ng, gymnastics, reading, rowing, stamp collecting. Croquet game last in a list of twentyâ€"two pastimes and golf twentieth. Being English boys they "new. nothing of lacrosse. _â€".¢â€"_â€"‘ QUEBEG ONCE MllllE. A 'Young Lady of St- Justine Writes of Her Experience With Dodd’s Kidney Pills. liiss Anna (lznlenc Was a Snfl‘crcr From Clilidhootlâ€"Duciors Gave “or llp as a Chronic lnvnlhlâ€"To-lbay In Super- nbundant Rica] 11 From Ilse of Dodd's: Kidney l’llls. St. Justine, Que... Feb. 5.â€"-.-Miss Anna Cholette, of this place, has been an in- valid, caving to Kidney Disease, all her life until quite recently. when she be- gan to improve. Her many « friends were delighted at the change and she met with congratulation and encour- agement on all sides. It was not gen- erally known, however, that the cause of Miss Cholettc‘s improving condition was due to Dodd‘s Kidney Pills. and It was not until the other day that the fact was given out. But such is the case and Miss Cholette acknowledges the benefit she has derived from Dodd’s Kidney Pills in the following letter, giving full details of her Case for the benefit of other sufferers. " Since the age of eight years Ihave suffered with inflammation of the kid- neys. I am to-day twenty-four years old. I hasten to write you. therefore. to give you the full debails of my cure, I commenced to be sick when going {-0 school. I was not able to bear the fatigue or studv. One day mother fell sick and the doctor profited by the occasion to tend me also. He came often to see me for six months when he tpld me it was not necessary to come any more; my trouble would right itself is I [flew older. He made nothing of the months I had been unwell already. "The trouble continued constantly after that. I suffered. greatly and was bed-ridden almost continually. At this time I was under the consultaâ€" tion of two doctors. They said I had been suffering this long time of. inâ€" flammation of the kidneys. They gave me many medicines, and I was under their treatment for two years. They gave. me no relief. "My parents were greatly pained at seeing me suffering so, and. as for myself I felt that I could never find pleasure again in this world. "My father one day read in a news- paper of the. good effects of Dodd's Kidney Pills. He bought three boxes of them to try and they gave me ecfine relief. He bought me a dozen more boxes, and now I am perfectly well and overflowing with life and sloilrits." - ....__4.____. Mr. Sergeant Spinks, whose 3name isto taking. Dr. \vardrs P1115 worthy of Dickens, died recently in taken many. London, as the last of the serjeants. special benefit DR I‘he serjeantsâ€"at-law formerly mono- .L? I; . . CEY LON It‘s far more delicious than Japan. Lead Packets. Sold only in Prince Prosper of Arenberg, broth- er of the head of the'house and cousin of the President of the Suez canal d1- rectors and of the German Colonial So- ciety, has been sentenced by aBer- lin court-martial to three-years‘ impriâ€" sonment and to be expelled from the army for a brutal murder committed in Southwest Africa. “Rule in com- mand of a district station, after a talk with a native servant, he ordered a sentry to shoot the man; the man fired in the air, but on the Prince re- peating his order fired again wound- ing the black man. It is believed that the Kaiser will interfere wrth the car- rying out of the sentence, as he has appointed a commission to inquircln- to the Prince of Arenberg’s sanity. SO MANY HAVE Look here, Mr. Tanneyhill, said th: bank’s president, severely, you mill?e Stop blowing clouds of smolre over cashier’s head. Does he object? inquired the dude bookkeeper. _ The bank objects, young man.f Sup; pose it should reach the ears od our depositors that there was a clou 10V8 the cashier of this bank? How 0113 could we stem the run'l A SAUSAGE TRUST THIS TIME- Customerâ€"VVhatl Twentyâ€"five cent: 3‘ pound for sausage? \Vhy, Icon 5:, them down at Schmidt’s for twen 3 cents. Butcherâ€"Vell, den, vy didn’t yer lofl Customerâ€"Because he was out them. Butcherâ€"Vell, und if I vas out of ’em’ I sell ’em frer twenty cents, too. aindt It. ‘,1 A Bath person, the Rev. Valentine Rowe, who before taking orders was a. colonel in the Royal Engineers, has ' thrown, up his cure to enter the mili- tary again. wâ€"â€"â€" A SISTEE SAVES. Sickness Banishedâ€"Health Hestor ed , Gentlemenfiâ€"Dr. \Yard’s Blood and lNerve Pills have done my s1ster_so much good that in grateful apprecia- tion I told Mr. Tully, the .druggist, I would gladly give a testimonial un- solicited, as to their merits. hly .sister, 15 years of age, caught a vio- Ilent coldâ€"since then she has been in 'vcry poor health, lost all colour was; anemic, her blood had no Vltallly, and lshe had no physical strength, she be- lcame extremely nervous, so much. 'so that she could not 51 and any exertion lor excitement, and it was impossible *for her to get restful sleep, she lost .her appetite, her heart became very weak, palpitating so VlOlenin that she could hardly breathe at the sligh- test exertion. \Vhen she commenced taking Dr. \Vard’s Blood and Nerve Pills two months ago she was in a state of'complel’e physical and nervous .prostralziou. Her blood was scanty lwith no more strength than water, Since taking Dr. Ward’s Blood and Nerve Pills she has been rapidly mend- ing, her appetite has returned, she sleeps well her nerves are stronger, and her heart gained strengih so that .it is able to fulfill its functions. Prior she - had medicines without any \Vard’s Blood and Nerve Pills are certainly the only medicine that has done any good. Be- polized the practice of the Court of.f0re taking them she .was getting Common Pleas, but their privilege was weaker, l-er heart and nerves losing done away with thirty years before the reform of the law courts in 1875, put an end to their office. T-wo judges are left who became serjeamts, as was cus- tomary, on being appointed to the bench, but Sezrjeant Spinks was the last man to bear the title made fam- ous by Mr. Serjecnt Buzfuz. " LIFE’S DIFFiGULTIFS. Penalties of Modern Methods of Living- Picton, Dec. 18th.â€"We read a great deal concerning the hardships and suf- ferings endured by the Canadian pion- eers in the early days of our Dominion. But the truth is that many of our des- strength daily. Since she had began takiiig"them she has daily and con- tinuously gained health and strength, CLARA ELLIOTT, 30 College street, Peterborough‘, Ont, Mr. Critchett, the celebrated Ion- don oculist, is said to have once re- fused a fee of no less than $50,000. This sum was offered to the distin- guished specialist with a View to in- ducing him to proceed 'to India to at- tend the eyes of a wealthy Rajah. The Only Cure for Catarrh. Miss Lizzie Lanford. of 353 Market St., Chicago, Ill" says: “I have been aconstant sufferer from Catarrah for twelve years. During that time I have used most of the known remedies wndentsl In our Own times- endure for Catarrh, but can safely say that equally as much as did their foreâ€" fathers. {the case of Miss Anna Young, of this town is an instance. Miss Your] is a granddaughter of Col. Henry Young, the United Empire Loyalist, in whose honor Fort Henry, at Kings- ton, was named. She says 2â€"" I had sufâ€" fered with rheumatism for twenty] years. My poor body was all.twistâ€"' laid out of. shape, so you can imagine the agony I endured. My physicians could not help me; all the medicines I used were utterly useless. "I read of Dr. Arnold’s English Tex-l In Pills, one day, and thought I’d give them a trial. I am thankful for haw! l ing that inspiration, for I am now fl‘ge from very terrible pains and aches, thanks to Dr. Arnold’s English Toxin Pillsâ€"and to. them alone. I cannot. of course, be made young again, for I will be 79 years old in December, yet I fee' I can end my days in peace, thanks to Dr. Arnold's English Pills." Dr. Arnold’s English Toxin Pills, the earth that clrres disease by killing the germs that cause it, are sold by all druggists at 760. a box; sample size 25c., or sent prepaid on receipt of price, by The Arnold Chemical (‘0, Limited, Cand- datLife Building, ~13 King St. \V., Tor- nn 0. , Catarrhozone is the best It has our- ed me. It is very pileaSantl and cf.ec. tive in its use. I shall recommend 1t g'at every opportunity to my friends.” Catarrh-o-zone is a guaranteed cure. Sold by all druggists. Trial cuifi: sent to any address for 10:. in stamps. N. C. POLSON & 00.: Kingston, Ont., Pro- prietors. . It is said of' Professor Max-Muller that he has conversed and correspond- ed with more men of note than any living person. .,_......-.-,~_ _:.:x In time of peace General Joubert. the Commander-in~Chief of theTransvaal forres, reads b‘rench novels during the intervals of military work, ,some- times composes French'~ verses. and enjoys spending an evening chatting with his comrades. â€"_ " Pharaoh 1012.”! '52: The ScottishiHighlander’s dress as worn at the present time is sometimes very expensive. The uniforms worn by officers of several Highland regi- ments cost £200 each. That of the Prince of Wales cost £375. 'ro (WIRE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists’refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. 11:. W. Grove'e signature is on each box. â€".a_â€". Size for size a thread of spider silk is tougher than. a bar of steel. An ordinary thread will bear a weight of three grains. This is 50 per cent. stronger than a steel thread of the same thickness, â€"â€"--_I OIKE E FE’S "if'r’l‘dr M ALT [uviznraleu and 8mm them. LLOYD WOOD. '1‘orcnto.GE EBAL AGENT. I It is estimated that at the begin- fning of the new century England will -,have 82.000,000.0£)0 tons of coal still un- lused and available. M slemisliee.‘,’.’;,,’“§:, Complexion ‘ 'I‘REATIA.EN'I‘- Send one cent stamp for circular. W. J. URQUHART Analytical Chemist. 489 Queen St. W.. Toronto. Unlike Mr. Sydney Grundy, who confesses to havrng no great liking for 'plnywriting, Mr. Louis N. Parker de- cl‘ires that. he knows nothing more de- flightful than writing- f~or-the stage, Mr. Parker, by the way, is almost ltotally deaf in one ear. _â€" RELIANCE CIGAR “'3 Tosnanav ‘8 ' FACTORY,Monurea An octopus measuring twenty feet across the arms was recently caught 'at Avalon, Santa Catalin“ Island, iCalifornia. I STATE or 01110, Ci'rr «.r 'l‘OLEDo. )8 Lucas COUNTY. ‘ F‘sANK J. CHENEY makes oath that he is SZ‘HIOI‘ partner of the firm of F. .l. CHENEY 85 (‘0., doing budnek‘s in the City of Tovch. County and State aforesaid, and tha‘ said firm wll: pay she mm of ONE HUNDRED DOL- LARS for each and every case of CATABBH that cannot Le cured by the use of HALL’S CATARRH CURE. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence. this 6th day of lien-ember. A.D. 1886. ‘ ' ' ' ‘ ' ‘ ' ' ' A. W. GLEASON : SEAL. : Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts dircz-tly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials. free. F. J. CHENEY $1 00., Toledo, 0. 1 Sold by l)ru.zgists, 75c. ‘ Hall’s Family Pills are the best. A giant mowing machine has been invented which is capable of cutting a. strip; of wheat fifty feet in width. 1 FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS i MRS. WINSLOW’S SOO'I‘HING SYRUP has been 3 used by mother! for their children teething. Itnoolhol l the child. softens the gums. alleys pain. cures wind I colic. and is the beat remedy for diarrhoea 250. a bot- - tle. Soldb III drugglats throughout the world. Be i. turn and as for ” Mrs. Winslow's Seething Syrup. I Mr. \V. S. Blunt, combines the very .different‘ occupations of writing poe~ try and breeding horses. I MONTREAL HOTEL DIREOTORY. W The “ Balmcral,” Free us $11,223; Hotel Garslake, £2.23??? 5.1;: “35? ems. Station, Montreal. Geo. Cnrnlske & 00., Prop I. ' "‘""“”"’""' "WWIâ€"câ€"nâ€"Aâ€"T u E 3 E_lF:mily Hgtaxiatea'gllila) -â€":__â€""' per day. . 81'. JAMES’ HorEl.--ggw°,g:ggg-3,§,,ng3§ I Roll way. First-clu- Oommerolal ouu. Modem-Inn: Walnutsâ€"Bates modurnle. ’ Eighty-five per cent, of the people Who are lame are affected on the left side. IV P C 1010 CALVERT’S Carbolic Disinfectants. Soaps, Oint- ment, Tooth Powders, etc.. have been awarded 100 medals and diplomas for superior excellence. Their regular use prevent infecti- o_us diseases. Ask your dealer to obtain a supply. Lists mailed free on application. Fl 3- & 30., ' MANCHESTER ENGLAND. ___-_- _... .-___.._._. cHEAp MANITOBA mausâ€" for sale. Improved and unlm roved. One-fifth cash. Intending settlers call and got oneflt of fifteen years’ experience as to district. to settle in. A. W. AUSTIN, 1 oronto Chambers. Toronto. I.il\dl Mlllo, "III. a. Halo- Berrlntenmmn removed to Weslegvmggs" Rich- mond it. .. oranto. Sausage DaSl“33"-.;§§iiffildiilgid‘a‘llil' ericnn Hog Casingsâ€"reliable code at rig’ht price. v PARK, BL'ACK ELL s 00., Toronto. ‘ ' Books Rosaries Gru- Oathellc Prayer olfiiies, Soapdlars. Religious Pictures, Statuary. and Church Ornaments, Educational Works. Mail orders receive prompt. atten- tion. D. & J. BADLIER & 00., Montreal. . ORONTO cutting BONGOâ€"I3"! spool-.1 advantages tonll desirous of acquiring a thorough knowledge of Cuttuu and Fitting Gentleman's Garments. Write for pmianlen. I13 Yong. at. Toronto. . are said to be the best judges of Tea in Europe, even the poorest classes being large consumers of the very choicest Teas grown in In- die. and Ceylon. The Teas m0 st in "favor in Ireland are rich, strong, liquoringkinds, similar to Canadian . . . . .. . . .,'._.,_,.;__.,......;... ‘ " ' s .. ........................ MMW , vf‘i'AMSA-‘ruxlvr..i..ruwwudyMaMJMvw.wâ€"¢WM.Adafiâ€"W WW I - w“ v 7 ., h ‘ 3 u. .- ‘ . .. ..; Notary Public. A "-21" Yo'u'shculd try it. , THERE IS NOTHING-ONE = ‘ " ‘ A 51' . " 'leLAMMlTORY.j.;GOUT. Luuaaeo. . ‘ ' '=ns:uuA1-|o‘-nuaueis. Asmara ‘ Our Method is sure ahdffhahcuredthousandsAionie prouounced ~ - lncurable. Write stance. Booklet and Proof on request; mm; 1 missus-issue“ cosmndsor, out, a...“ AP OR INFERIOR IN' ranks uway above anything else produced for. urlt‘ ‘ and high uelliy. 60 and o. Lend'pnokogel._ . _ 89. 0 .‘_ H..- ‘uiunmmt'scnncn. M‘aocuun. V . ‘ ’ ' ‘ ' permanently cures- ~ ‘ Cutnrrh of nose, - I I throat, stomach and bladder. 5‘Jc a 31‘s box. Write for articular: The Indian Oatarrh Cure 00.. 146 St. J causally: month-ch. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€".â€"___.__ ' ., Milly, Mm. a. Haloe' Barristers,et0..removed ,7 a to Wesley 81625., RioliiL ' ' L mend St. W.. Toronto. '- couilcunerod. Cur - m . '.' Garters Commas e 00., Aggie: fiddnti'ealfi'mc. fie.â€" THE DES mamas mousn'ronâ€"neat names... 0. Rolland. sole a cut for the Dominion. Bend 3ct stump for catalogue. ~ “73 St.Paul Street, Montreal ‘ Wm - ROOFING SLATE .» in Black. . SLATE BLACK-BOARDS live-mm i. ; Red or Green. . Public and High Schools Tomato). Roofinz alt. 1’ Gail Tar, eta. Roorrrlc TILE $809 New in, Build, lugs, Toronto. done by ourfinn}. fetal Ceilings, Con uicu,eta. Estimates furnished or work complete orfox materials shipped to any part of the country. Phone 1961 B. OU‘I’HIE3; SONS. Adalaldo &WIdmer 819.,Toronto Cheapest and Best covering In the World. Mica "”".‘.’ll’.. hovering Steam and Hot and Cold Water Pipes, Cold Sterne Pipes Kitchen Boilers. etc. » For pntloulu'l apply to MIOA BOILER COVERING 00., Limited, Toronto. Montreal. and London. Eng. illicit feathers heated H R LEAD, COPPER, BRASS? \Vholesnle only. Long Distance Telephon6172il. WILLIAM ST., TORONTO. noun-av, BUTTER, rode, APPLES, and other PRODUCE. to ensure best results consign to The, Dawson commission 60., Limited, Oor. West-Market & Dolborno St., Toronto, “Dyeing l filéanlngl For the very best lend your work to the “ BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING OO.‘ Look for agent in your town, or sand direct. Montreal, Toronto. Ottawa, Quebec ‘ zit». 7“: .~ '2'. -. complete SHEE MUSIC CATALDGU and SPECIAL HAT OF DISCOUNT. We are equipped lo iffétifllcilil‘i Whaley, Royce a 30» 168 Yong. 8L. TORONTO. 0N1.- "i’o aond ior on; TO INVESTORS special stock, guaranteeing large dividends: also an in. atalment stool: payable In monthly instalments. drawln cash dividend». hull yearly. Parties wantin safe an profitable investment should correspond wit The Sun Savings and Loan 00., Toronto. . Moneyioaned on favorable terms; agents wanted in j unrepresented districts; write us. we ARE crrsamc ‘ TO INVESTORS ‘ lpaoinl stock. guaranteeing largo dividends; allo an In- Itnlment stock payable in monthlyinetelmenta. drawin cash dividend, half yearly. Parties wahtln safe In profitable inveltment should correspond wit the Sun . Savings and Loan Company. Toronto; moneylloimed on : favorable terms; agents wanted in unreprelented dis- tricts; Write us. MAIL ' horaioioa tine gamma: Portland, Me" to Liverpool. vla Halifax. Large and Dominion, Cambroman. Rates of passage :-â€"Flnt Cabin $50 upwards: Second Cabin, :35; Bteeruza, 22.60 nnd‘t23.5o. For further informal. on Ipply mloosl agents. or DAVID TORR CE .8: 00.. General Azania, ‘I St. Sacrament St. Montreal. THE MOST ermriovs'T‘ EPPS’S GRATEFULâ€"COMFQRTING. ; BREAKFASTâ€"SUPPER. l A most __. ' ,mimms. .17. Why!“ . “M count for “ « fast Steamers Vaucouver,~ Angler Chemical Co. whim“ Toronto oluou crust nus Rom...- na'a ' - ‘ Bushlznsjnl Mice. 1 Sold by at " . Domains, or sex Queen W.” .Tor'onco. 3 Michigan Land 'for Sale. .8 000 Ann; coonnamuo Lannaâ€"ARENA“) l Iouob.Ogam|v_fand Crawford'Oountlee. Titloper- (cot. vOn Michigan Central, Detroit I Mackinac an - Loon Lake Railroads, at prices no Int-from 82 to rears. -Theae Loud: are 01030 to user-prising Ne owns, Churches. Schools. etc. and'wfll be sold on 0: reasonable terms. Apply to '1' ' ' ‘ B. M. PIERCE Aime, Welt Bay City. Mich. '0: aw; oils. rs. Whittemore, Mich. Farmerslnvtending to Seed 100m Note Thls. ' is the chem all on! X belt ingred cnt tot _ coloring corn mixing up corn when planted. ad 14 acres of 00m ast. year an my 185-50)“ (arm on Ile the seed all colors . and had uotone anal destroy by crows. I also claim It as good an a. heavy coat 0 reveut crown from ' manure for making corn grow rich, feeling so v73 , leased with it that I have taken the as 1107 for-l 'B‘armera who wrah to buy only a small ho: a ould no In their orders not loterlhun Feb: lat. Small bo colors 20 bushels. Drloe 82.50' large boxpolen 60 busholp. Price 35.00- Will be sold tor 34.50 if ordered la Fania I‘erms, cash with orderl. No orders taken nicer 1‘! :0 let, in‘ order to get them’cll packed and chipped be or. April lat directly at G. ILR. and C.P.R. for shipping Every box of Extract guaranteed to give satisfaction of money refunded. l ANDREW KAUFMAN, Fergus P.O., Ont. claim Panama“ Loan and Savings Company. moonroru'rnn 1855. The Oldest and Largest Canadlan More gage Corporatlon. Paid-,up Capital, - - $2,600,000 Reserve Fund - - - ' 1,200,000 Head onionâ€"Toronto St, Toronto. Branch emceeâ€"Winnipeg, Mam, Vanomiver, 3.. DEPOSITS RECEIVED. Interest allowed. , DEBENTURES ISSUED for 1, 2. 3, 4 or Byelq with interest coupons attached. MONEY LENT on security of real estate mortm Government and Municipal Bonds, etc. '. For further particulars apply to J. HERBERT MASON. Managing Director. Toronto, Crematory Closet. This new and most useful invention has not only Rroved'to has great seller, but a boon to hundreds Iany medical men are usmg this closet. and all pro- nounce it absolutely odorless and sanitary in ever respect. After being in the market for over two yc this closet has become so popular that the manufactur. are have had to double their output in order to meet the demand. . For Catalogue and Price List write to The odorless crematory closet 00., Hamilton. Ont. MO. 3. Mind"; Manager. JOHN J. MAIN, Supt. and Treat The Ganadian lieiaeeafety High Glass Water Tuba Steam Rollers, for All Pressures, Duties and Fuel. SEND FOR DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE. Toronto Electric Light 00., Limited. The '1'. Eaton 00.. Limited. The Massey-Harris 00.. Limited. The Guns Perch: Rubber 5 Mfg. On. The Wllwn Publishing 00.. Limited. (All It'lmntn. when boll-n may be can working. ‘1‘qu: w m3\a um...“ .m u... ANGIER’S PETROLEUM hectares * efficient substitute ' for cod-liver oil, pleas-ant ‘to the taste, I . and agreeing with the most sensi- tive stomach. Used by physicians l in the treatment of all throat and .‘limg troubles, and â€"â€" it results l i l anythingâ€"almost no limit to the'gqodit can do.- Sdm'ple bottle I‘nailed ii) any address on receipt of lo Cents to covar postage. _ l . l .I' /'.«“ or“: .N'V" « ‘2} bkffi. NM-“¢\_-J‘-,"“I‘ J’V“-/~"‘ f‘v'fi.“ .n" _ i ‘uKMv‘Kd‘J‘vt‘u VrA‘S-‘NMWW'AI’V / r“. :zâ€"«u': _. €"I .~- ~. .-.4 . ‘5‘)- fl \ ,, ..*.,, ~w.fi-r ‘ ._....a..- .. .231,» “r x ‘ _ -,'\/\.~\, xWâ€"me'\ “1‘

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