l I ; __ _ _ i- __ ‘1 ‘ONTARIO'S PROGRESS. "aunties Show Cltles Grow M Expense of Townshlps. fifthl part of the annual'report of the Bureau of Industries for the with: municipal statistics for the year 1898 has just province, dealing been issued, and embodies many sug- gestive details as to the growth. po- pulation, and financial standing of the municipalities, compiled from the asâ€" A DIABETES CUBE. Mitihael Hallern. of St Thomas. Cured by Dodd’s Kidney Pilla- ~â€"-n Buffers-cl Wllh IN holes and Backaches - for Over a Yearâ€"Wm; Advlsetl In Use Dodd's Kidney l’IIIsâ€"“ Saved From Illa Grave." St. Thomas, Feb. 19.â€"â€"Nowhere in Ontario are Dodd's Kidney Pills more highly valued than in the neighbor- hood of S.. Thomas. They are .amous for having irst given suif-erers from Brigh..’s Disease and Diabetes a road to safety, for previous to the discov- ery of Dodd’s Kidney Pills these dis- ba:es were invariably fatal. Michael (Hallern, a farmer living near St. Thomas, is one of those who ully appreciate the worth of Dodd’s {idney Bills. He has good reason to. He was cured of Diabetes by their use. He admits that but for Dodd's Kidney Pill: he. would be in his grave toâ€"day. Diabetes is a local disease of this kid- neys. Dodd’s. Kidney Pills are thereâ€" fore the only medicine off the slight- est use in the treatment of this dis- ease. The kidneys are the only or- gans affected, and Dodd's Kidney Pills Ire the only medicine that can reach the kidneys with any beneficial effect. There are moreover a number of other diseases which are caused by disorder of the kidneys and Dodd’s Kidney Pills by curing the kidney dis- order removes the cause of these other troubles. Thus it is that Dodd's Kidney Pills are the only radical and. permanent cure for Drolpsy, Heart Disease, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sciatica, Bladder and Urin- ary Co-mplaints,.Female Disorders and unhealthy condition of the blood. As for Diabetes the statement Signed by Mr. Mishael Hallern, of St. Thomas, and witnessed by Mr. E. E. Ostrander, of Dutton, will prove that the claims made for Dodd's Kidney Pills are absolutely true. The state- ment reads :â€" "I have been troubled for one year with Diabetes. My back was in the worst kind of pain all the time. My urine was very dark and my condition was getting very serious. A friend of mine told me to try Dodd's' Kidney Pills. I have now used one box and am already completely cured. My urine is at its natural color and my back is as strong as a board. I can- not praise Dodd’s‘ Kidney Pills too highly for I am certain they have lsaved me from the grave." i“-~ l eessment returns The comparative tables summarizing the ligures cover a period of 13 years, 1836-58 inclusive, with' the. exception of those relating to municipal debts, which are only made up to 1897. While the popula- tion during this period has increased from 1,828,495._to 2,001,330, the total as~ Sesament has been augmented from $694,330,659 to $809,184,838. [Daxation for all purposes has increased from 89,009,335 to $12,222,966, or from $4.93 per head of the population to $6.19. The Increase of debenture debt, taking the [whole period 1886â€"97, has been rapid, municipal obligations having risen from $29,924,863 to $53,577,475, but a W A sneer session. IA PROMINENT AMERICAN DIVINE ON: AN IBIPORTANT SUBJECT. Toronto, Dec. 39thuâ€"The following paragraphs contain truths as vital as 1113' clergyman, ever uttered, and they should receive the earnest attention of all who read them]. Thoucand lsland Park, July 22., 1899. The Arnold Chemical Co. Dear Sirs,â€"â€"At the beginning of this month; my constitution was so muchi run down that I had to get leave .of absence from my conâ€"l rcguuon for four months. I ew York on the 10th inst, and while i been an occupant of a city institution stamp Iorcntnlogue. In Toronto I saw Dr. Arnold’s Eng-l hshl Pills advertised in the'News and; bought to boo: of them. When Icom- I menccd taking them my condition was i such that i could not sleep and my :tp- l petite WlaS very poor, but beiore 1 had i finished the box I could sleep well and enjoy a good meal, and now I feel like ' a new man. In the first place I had indebied to the Toronto News for pul- tzng me on the right track, and in the I secontlplace I think Dr. Arnold’s Eng. l lish Pills the best medicine I everl took. 1 Enclosed please find two dollars for, winch you will please send me three] boxes of your pills to the address be- low, ‘ You-rs most respectfully. If. C. GLASS, Rev J. C. Glass, DID; ' Thousand Island Park. Dr. Arnold '5 English Toxin Pills, the only remedy that cures disease by kill- mg the germs that cause it, are sold- b nal1_druggists at 75c. box; sample ze, 3200., Otl‘ sent. post-paid on receipt 01: price, by the Arnold Chemical 00., Limited, Canada Life Building, 4‘2 King street west, Toronto. - 3'. HAVE YOU TASTBD CEYLN GREN TEA? . I It's far more delicious than Japan. Sold only In Load Pockets. favorable Sign is that this increase .was much! more. marked during the earlier part, of the period, the growth being considerably less during the Last few; years. ’ The population tables show that the urban municipalities continue to grow allrth‘e expense of the rural sec- tions. The township population was 1,148,856 mt the beginning of the per- iod under consideration, and largely owing to the emigration to the North- 'West, hlwd fallen to 1,096,984 in 1893, since which time there has been a. slighlt increase. In 1838 the popula- tion of the townships numbered 1,11_0,~ 894. [Meanwhile the cities have in- cre‘alsed their numbers from 8I9,634 to 440,889, and this population of towns ‘and yillages'together has grown from $60,005 to 449,567? l Township valuations have changed but little. The figures stood at 8452,- 097,645 in) 1886, and $448,810,060 in 1:98, City valuations hzave Increased from $154,201,921 to $131,677,376, and the as- sessments of, towns and villages from $88,078,013 to $124,297,397. 1 The increase in the debentures debt lhlas been entirely in the liabilities. The volume of city debts hlals risen from $18,469,893 to $37,846,377, and that of this towns and villages has also more than doubled. County debenture debts, however, have s‘eadily decreas'd from $3,505,744 to $1,808,107, and town- ship indebtedness also shows a slight diminution. ___4>___. A SISTER SAVED. ~ Sickness Banishedâ€"Health Restored. Gentlemen,â€"â€"Dr.- Ward's Blood and Nerve Pills have done my sister _so much good that in grateful apprecia. tion I told Mr. Tully. the _drugg1st, I would gladly give a testimonial un- solicited, as to their merits. My sister, 15 years of age, caught a Vipâ€" lent coldâ€"since then she has been in very poor health, lost all colour was anemic, her blood had no Vitality, and she had no physical strength, she be. came extremely nervous, so much sol that she could not stand any exertion or excitement, and it was impossible for her to get restful sleep, she lost her appetite. her heart became very weak, palpitating so Violently that she could hardly breathe at the sligh- test exertion. When she commenced taking Dr. Ward’s Blood and Nerve Pills two months ago she was in a state of complete physical and nervous ~prostration. Her blood was scanty with no more strength than water, Since taking Dr. Ward’s Blood and Nerve Pills she has been rapidly mend- ing, her appetite has returned, she sleeps well her nerves are stronger, and her heart gained strength so that it is able to fulfill its functions. Prior to taking Dr. Ward’s Pills she had taken many medicines without any special benefit. Dr. VVard’s Blood and Nerve Pills are certainly the only medicine that has done any good. _Be- fore taking them she was getting weaker, ler heart and nerves losing strength daily. Since she had began taking them she has daily and con- tinuously gained health and strength. - CLARA ELLIOTT, 3‘.) College street, I’eterborough, Ont. w...â€" TRANSVA AL IN PARIS. A Beer farm and homestead is, it‘ is I‘1_ l t IiuI; I said, to be, one of the features of; the _ Paris Exhibition. In this form will be exhibited the chief wild animals. of the Transvaal. The means of transpor- tation in the country are also to be illustrated. Cannot Recommend it Highly Enough Miss; Ethel Hildman-, of West Lake, Ont., says: "I am pleased to say that CIa-tarrhozonc has given me the best of satisfaction. No other remedy has Ibeem able to do as much for me as Cat'arrhozone has done. It has cured a backing coughâ€"the result of pneu- monla and I feel. Icannol; say too mulch in its praise. It is everything you guarantee it to be." Catarrhâ€"o-zone ' ls warranted to cure Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis and irritable throat. Sold everywhere. T'rial outfit sent for 10c in stamps by N. C. 'POLSIO‘N &. 00., Kingston, Ont., Proprietm‘s. The city of New York annually pays £10 in gold in one sum to every blind person who has been resident a year . , . . ‘ _, H Ilt‘fi In the metlolmhs and Who has no" ' T O. Rolland, sole agent fortlieDominion. Send 30:. during that time. O’KEEFE’b bras. MALT Invigoram Ind Btrnngthcm. LLOYD WOOD, Toronto. GENERAL AGENT. In time of peace General Joubert, the , Commander-in-Chief of the Transvaall forces, reads French novels during; the intervals of military work, some- , times composes French verses, and enjoys spending an evening chatting with his comrades. #â€" ~-.__«â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"_-â€"â€".______â€"_â€"_ NO EYE FOR COLORS. (Overheard on the Riviera.) He. Oh, Gwendollin, do come out and look at this lovely sunset; the orange tints are simply grand. She. My dear Percy, how can you be so foolish-i Don’t you see thlattl'. blame on a blue dress? Besides, or- ange never suits my complexion. tâ€"â€"-â€"’ RELIANCE cross la Tosaana! 100' FACTORvMontren. This Is an age ofimprovement. What was best yesterday to only a poor second to-day. CEYLON TEA Is a. product. of to-duy. LEAD PAOKAGES. 25, 80. 40, 60 and 600. Eh I. '1 Our Method ls sure and has cured thousandsâ€"some pronounced V Incurï¬blc. Write at once. Booklet and Proof on request. Addrcu ‘ ' The SWISS-ANEIIIGAII 60., Windsor, Ont, Canada I c pgnnnngntli cum Illtllfl’ of nose, I: I I throat, stomach _ - andbludder. 5'10 5c $1 a. box. Write for particul re, '1‘): sgtfl'l‘fgn Indian Ostarrh Cute 00.. 146 St. James-st... Moiitreal. . NEURALGIA. SCIATICA, HUSCULAR, INFLAMMATORY, GOUT. LUMBAGO, RHEUMATIC PARALYSIS, ASTHMA There is aperennial nobleness and even sacredness in work; in idleness alone is perpetual despair. Labor is life; work Is worship. “ Pharaoh 100.â€?3333223‘: The dearest material for curtains is English woven silk which may cost up to £6 a. yard. dominion Linc "until... Portland. Me†to Liverpool. VI. Halli-x. TREATMENT- . Large and fast "Steamers Vancouver, Send one cent. stamp for circular. W.J. URQUHABT gillf'tmnl. & "a": Dominion, Cambroman. Analytical Chemist. 489 Queen St. W.. Toronto. ~ 1T 5 orgpetC-cramove . .__-â€"--.â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"~~ - Aâ€" ‘ â€"- to Wesley Bld 8,, Rich. Rebel of planner-First. Cnbln “Onward-z Second ........ mcnd St. W.. Tgronto. Damn. $35; Steer-go. $22.50 Ind has 50. For further information apply colooal “onto. or DAVID TOBRANCE a 00.. Gcncnl Agents, 11 SI. ï¬ncrament. 8!. Montreal. M Buys so“. MIOhIgan Land for Sale. LEAD. COPPER, BRA}; 8,000 Aonss coco FARMING LANDSâ€"ARENAO Iowa. 0 eumw and Crawford 0 . ‘ Wholesaleonly. LoncDistanceTelorhoneHW. foot. On Mighigau Ocntrul. nonml??tii§oli13ii°333 VIII-LIAM 8T" TORONTO. Loon Lake Railroads, at prices ranging from 821:0†raoro. These Loud- are 01030 to Enter risin N owns, Churches. Schools. etc, and will be fold 03 35'] POULTRY, BUTTER, recs, APPLES, won-momma. A...» and other PRODUCE, to ensure best results consign to B- M. PIERCE. A at, West BB! Olly: Mich. The Dawson Commission 60., Limited, 0’ J'w'.â€".__.______°UR' 18' Whimmm‘ mm Oor. West-Market & Oolborne 8t., Toronto, WE ARE OFFERING TO INVESTORS Ipcchl Itook, guaranteeing largo dividends; also In In. Red hats were first: worn by. car- ,diuals in the year 1245. ONION SENS: KILLS Rocchec,Bcd Bugs. Rats and Mice. Sold by all Dmgglm, or 881 Queen W. Toronto. T0 CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinlnc Tablets. All ~ dnglcts refund the money if It: talk to cure. H R I 950. 11:. W. Grave's signature Is on each box. Miss Hezlett, the Irish lady cham- pion golfer, and a most finished play- {er, is not yet seventeen. HONTIIAL H0722 DIREOTORY. The “Balmoral,†Free Bus €552.93 Dyenlg I Weaning I “W 1'0" “1° '6'! Mi land your work to th. from; ‘ an“: . '35: “ BRITISH AMERICA" DYEING co.†Itclmcnt stock psycho In monthlyinstnlmcntl, druwl G.’1‘.R. Station, Montreal. 000. Csralnke [z 00.. Erop’c. Look for agent in your mm). or und an“. cash dividend, half yearly. Parties wantin safe In MOGIIIâ€"Collazc Avenue. Montreal; Toronto, Ottawa, Quebec ' rofltable investment should correspond mt the Hun AV “human, Hotel rates 81.60 ' "'â€""_' ' " â€"‘_“ ~â€"~â€"-"â€"â€"" per ay. "lugs and Loan Company, Toronto; moncyloanedol ST. JAMES’ HOTEl--?..â€:°§l3:ï¬~i-.§..â€6P°.t favorable terms; agents wanted In unrupnuutcd db trlctc: write us. lulu-y. VI: tâ€"clcu Commercch Hence. Modem Im- ï¬ovc-uu- to: motion“. Enginecra' SUPPLIES, Asbestos Goods, > ' Pipe Doverlng, '. Lubrloatlng on, - Greases, etc. ‘I WM. SUTTON ' OOMPOUND 00., Limited, TORONTO. R 0 o I: I N G and Sheet MotalWorks. ROOFING SLATE in Black, cd or Green. SLATE BLACKBOARDSl 0 supply uhllo and. High Schools Toronto). Rooting Felt, Pitch. onl Tar, etc. ROOFING TILE $00 New City Build, am, Toronto, done by our-ï¬rm}. etal Ceilings, Cor. nines, etc. Estimates furnished or work complete or fol __ Fan sets. That Beautiful Stock and Grain Farm, commonly known _us the .“Glen Furmf' it is one-half mile Iron} Innerkip station on the O.P.R.. 2nd six miles from Woodstock; 300 odd acrce' splendid bard-mod bush. about 15 acres cedar' flnwluss buildings. For further particulars Inquire of More boy babies die under the age of six months in cities than girl babies. â€"â€"â€"pâ€"- S'rarn or Onrc, CITY or Tonmno. ' Lucas COUNTY. } 9!?- E. W. NESBITT, Box 534, Woodstock, Ont. CANAIIA PERMANENT Loan and Savings'Company. moonronnrsn 1855. The Oldest and Largest Canadlan Mow gage Corporation. Paid-up Capital, - - . $2,600,000 Reserve Fund - - - 1,200,000 Head Officeâ€"Toronto 8t., Toronto. Emph omensâ€"Winnipeg, Mam, Vancouver. no DEPOSITS RECEIVED. Interest allowed. DEBENTURES ISSUED for l, 2, 3,4 orï¬yem m: DISCOUNT. w. with interest coupons attached. I re eq ulp p e d to MONEY LEN’I‘ on security of real estate mortgage. III pl ovary MUSIO Government and Municipal Bonds. etc. TEEROI‘IERII‘ICI‘II‘IRIII Whitley. Boyce 8 60.. 168 Yongc 8L. TORONTO. 0M. WAN TED. __ V I . “f:ant“33:13:}.Eï¬'at’5d'123ï¬3 Mmcral Extract attains: a: mission or salary and exclusxvc ter- , I 001011118 001’" t? ritory to right parties. Goodsstriot- rerentcrowc from picking up corn when planted. 1y up.m.date and greet sellers, Par. iiad 14 acres of corn last year on my lilo-acre farm and ticulms free. had the seeii sill collars .iitmd had riot one altalk dentl‘oyc . b crows. sac calm as goal as a. wavy coat 0 Automatic Steam GOOKGI‘ CO. I ni'anuro forh nickiï¬lg 0101i: uroivkrlch,hfcellng so‘ well - . leased wit it L at ave ta on t. e agency or is. 299 conoge 89129;} ' il‘annere who wish to buy only a small box should send TԠo 0' In their orders not later than Feb. lst. Rmell box ‘â€"'--â€"-* N <â€"â€"-â€" colors 20 bushels. price $9.50; largo box colors 60 busheis, nice $5.00' will be Hold for $4.56 if ordered by Feb.15th. l‘orma. cash with orders. No orders taken after March ' lab. in order to glet them all packed Jud shipped before FRANK J. CHENEY makes oath that. he is senior partner or the firm of F. J. CHENEY & 00., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and than said ï¬rm will pay the turn of ONE HUNDRED DOL- LARS for each and every case of CATARRH that cannot be cured by the use of Ham’s CATARRU’ CURE. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December. A.D. 1886. : """" : A. W. GLEASON Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Sand for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY 8c 00., Toledo, 0. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hell's Family Pills arc the bean. materials shipped to any art. of the country. Phone 1961 c. DU‘I'HII&80N8. Ade alde &WIdmcr Sta..Torontc To send for our complete SHEET MUSIC CATALOGUE and SPECIAL RA'IE The Scottish Highlander’s dress as worn at the present time is sometimes very expensive. The uniforms worn by officers of several Highland regi- ments cost £200 each. That of the Prince of Wales cost £375. For further particulars Lpply to J. HERBERT MASON. Managing Dtrector. Toronto. Farmers Iiiâ€"tending to Seed Corn Note This. FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS MRS. WINBLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP has been used by mother! for their children teething. It soothe! the child, loftcns the gums alleys pain, cures wind colic. andic the boat, remedy or diarrhoea 25¢. a bot» tie. Sold by all druggists throughout the world. Be Iurc and u for " Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup. Last spring a .large number of Scottish girls emigrated to Manitoba, and within six months two-thirds of them were married. ‘W E’ G léll.‘ m can‘t/sure Carbollc Disinfectants. Soaps, Olnt merit, Tooth Powders, etc., have been awarded 100 medals and diplomas for superior excellence. Their regular use prevent infecti- ous diseases. Ask your dealer to obtain a supply. Lists mailed free on application. F. O. CALVERT 8: GO... IMANGHESTER - - ENGLAND. ‘ 73.9 “ BEAVER BRAND " Mackintosh , . 5 never hardrns & is guaranteed Water. ‘ “ " .~ - proof. Ask for it,takc no other. Ilea- , v 93v- i’93 For Rubber Clothing 00., Montreal, F88 88th 2 April lat dlrect y at. G.1‘.R, untl C.1’.R. for alllpplnk. HE Following SECON'DJIAND MACHINERY: ‘ Extract are t ‘ . 2 T has been used but little; is practically as good as Eigzrgyifliutiiaed. g“ u Bed to “he muan “0†a, new; will be sold cheap: 1 G: rvln Hand M'll.‘: Iz‘mcry Stand; 1 Lathe, 4 foot. liedl, ; 1 Blissdalcllialtluel; ANDREW KAUFMAN' Fergus P'o" ont' lélvfoot :12 Ulliltlï¬ï¬, tall; mi;I 1 I’olwer Hack Saw; 3 Tube " ices mu '3 es a ; .ur e ’olisllin .lu‘k: 1 S :11 : Lathe': 2 Spoke Threading I» aehincs: lgEmfglne Lelillif,‘ i an n' ANNE!" faunas". 22 Split Pulleys of different sizes; 5 Block Pu.l ‘ 40""i 'I- "Am Bunt' and Tm Apply to la. w nasm'rr. \Vomlstocl:,00t.. L†l ' “a. ARE arrested ' n33 Qanaï¬ï¬ï¬‚ Elaine datety TO INVESTORS OILER - lpcclsl stock, guaranteeing large dividends; also an In. Esplanade, TOrQnto ltclment stock payable in monthly instalments, drawln Opp. Sherbourne 8L. r cosh dividends, half yearly. Parties wanting safe on grofltuble investment should correspond with he 81m Savings and Loan 60., Toronto. Monoyloaned on favorable terms; agents wanted In unrepresented districts: write us. can; Meaiiocaraams for sale. Improved and unimproved. One-ï¬fth cash. Intending settlers call and get beneï¬t of ï¬fteen years' ex eriencc as to districtto settle in. A. W. AUSTIN. 21 I‘orcnto Chambers, Toronto. ‘ ‘s'Ms'U‘rirtov. l High Glass Water Tube Steam 3 ollcrs, for All Pressures. l Dutles and Fuel. i SEND FOR DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE. l l l ‘ . \ 'hNTIï¬Dnin your . Largo Income ~â€"- Pleasuiit position-~Puy prompt. Like positions making $40 or week. Write (llllt'k for lr'ull'tlllllul'ï¬'flllfl furnishflc- er- ences. 50x McKinnon Building. loronto. I- . - so,"- ‘ GRATEFULCOMTING. . 1 -. .i‘ s 2" ,5. '1. j-f ; rt ., a}! i, f: n. v p - 4,, .- “ asAxrasrâ€"SUPER. JIM _ _ "WWWâ€"g nm__Ne:' lmportations noon sausage caSEng‘) English Sheep and Am ericsn Hog Onsln 'hâ€"rcllllble goods at right prion. PAR. , BLACKWELL a 0., Toronto. Toronto Electric lehcco.,nlmiwd. . The T. Eaton Co.. Limited. .1 'â€"â€"I“~--.~~â€"~-_Booka Rocglea Oru I I The Oi‘ggeyll’nslilslgoliblmgneg. , ,. eueeronueer.. UathOIlc Prayer olflxes, Scapulars. Religlous Pictures. Statuary, and Church Ornaments, Educational Works. Mail orders receive prompt atten- tion. D. & d. SADLIER & 80., Montreal. ’ The Wilson Publishing 00.. Limits (All “Toronto. vim bollm may be noon working. Ina-.1: ....¢.. .m... «;n~._m~ wan.“ "no-u“.- - m...“ -.-.- OOLD OUIIE lOc. Cures In a jifly. P. Mo- carters Cormacuh 00., Agents, Montreal. _ ‘ E mac memes IuousATch-séat and cheapest 73 St. Paul Street, Montreal TORONTO Outtlng School oncm spool-l advantage: *7 to all desirous of Acquiring a thorough knowledge of Outtlux and Flttlns Gentlumen'l Gcmentl. Write for particulars. . 113 chso 81.. Toronto. Cheap-ct and lost nonran In the World. Mica PIPE B’IIIEER flflvaring Etc-In and Hot and Cold Water Pipes. Cold Bier-go Pipes Kitchen Belle", m. For conicach Apply to IIOA BOILER COVERING 00., leltid, Toronto, Montrul, cod landâ€. In. 'A most efficient substitute for coddiver oil, pleas-ant to the taste, and agreeing with the most sensi- tive stomach. Used by physicians in. the treatment oi all throat and lung troubles, and -- it results count for anything-almost .no limit to the good itcan do. '. . sample bottle «ballad t‘o quy'addrao on receipt of to cents to cover postage. g Angler Chemical Co. Toronto a} Ion-x 34V .,.. , rm.- f. 4...,3. yaw-2.» t», .3»... fun)â€; . u’ be» ~._J_-. g. 73 A ' E l ‘ y t t; I ,t 1‘. a .‘6A. M. ‘,;-.,.'~,v.-; n’ j: ‘3‘ , \Lé'aflyi‘ “f ' _;.