it .ruus...u. “Mum.- v hat; .Mdâ€"Inl‘ r “yr**-'¢.41:m . 14,. ..- ANTIDOTE FOR HUNGER. _â€" l'he Experiment Tried In Russia “‘llh Beneï¬cial Results. About the beginning of this century a distinguished French philanthrop- ist, 1A. Joux, advised poor peo- ple to sleep as much! as possible dur-l - ing the winter months, as only thus would they be able to live with any! strange ! Bra degree Pf comfof't' Th“ . now attracted the attention of philan- theory ls now being tested by many ! thropists and of physmmng, Medical PerSODS ill RUSSia. and: according to a 3 men in St. Petersburg have decided to report which has been issued, their ale: investigate the matter 01088137. as ' ithe are especially anxious to obtain most complete abstmence from foodlansfvem1 to two questions:_Flrst, has produced no harmful result, and does The, temperature of persons who has even fmm their standpoint provedi remain tarpid and who sleep for whole ' '. ' ' ~ ' [months in this fashion undergo any 11131113 beneflcml: .These people ilVchhnnge; and second, in what other at P’k'i’w' '1 d‘Sert south °f St' l manner, it any, does this mode of liv- Petersburg, and the ' affect persOns physically and they have adopted the "6550“ Why . ing practice of mentally? | sleeping during the Winter is because .During the last two years 41,375 men for the hat few years their crops huve have been killed in battle. CEYON EN TEA ? lt'l far more delicious than Japan. Bold only in Lead Packau. 1 until recently, and it has only _..â€"_.. ll§§i§ Width TElFE ASSURAN CE COMPANY. Head (lilies: ll2-ll8 King Sheet West, TilBtlilTil. . . .1 . For the year ended December 30th,. 1899. Dec. 31, 1898 To not Ledger Assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $2,977,451.64 RECEIPTS. Dec. 80, 1899. To Cash for Premiums . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . $744,865.59 “ “ To Cash Income on Investments. . . . .. 148.656.81‘ 893,522,89 msnnnsumnn'rs. 83’870’974'08 Dec. 80, 1899. By payments for Death Claims,Proï¬ts,etc. $803,081.50 " “ By all other payments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 231,182.82- â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"- 584,268.82 Balance not Ledgcil'SA septa. . . . . . . . . . . .., . . . . . . . . . $8,886,710.21 ‘ .‘j‘i’l‘.’ ‘8. Dec, 80 1899, B, Mortgages etc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . .. . 1 418,932.68 ' ‘Y Debe‘imu-e's (market value $608,935.65). . .... .: ’579.939.87 “ Stocks and Bonds (market value $587,391.50. . . . . . 659,993.62 “ Real Estate, including Company‘s building. . . 834,651.79 “ Loans on Policies, etc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 221,665.87 “ Loans on Stocks (nearly all on call). . . . 194321.42 “ Cash in Banks and on hand. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 28.705.98 _ $3,888,710.21 “ Premiums Outstanding, etc. (less cost of collection) 187,298.24 " Interest; and Rents, due and accrued . . . . . . . . . . . . 35,074.76 " Market value of Debentures and Stocks over cosh 56,894.16 ‘ LIABILITIES. 63’565'477‘86 Doc. 80, 1899. To Guarantee Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 60,000.00 “ Assurance and Annuity Reserve fund 2,929,552.00 “ Death Losses awaiting proofs, etc. .. 61,507.85 ' 8,041.059.85 Net Surplus................ . . . . . . . . . . . . $524,418.01 The ï¬nancial position of the Company is unexcell-edâ€"its per- centage of not; surplus to liabilities exceeds that of any other Home Company. New insurances issued during 1899 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 4,929,140.00 Exceeding the beat. previous ear by nearly one million. Insurance in fin-co at end of 1899 net) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .623,046,408.00 PRESIDENT! JOHN L. BLAIKIE. VICE-PRESIDENTS : mm 9,, w. ALLAN. HON. SLR FRANK SMITH, K.0.M.o DIRECTORS t HON SENATOR GOVVAN, Q. 0., LL 1)., C.M.G. JOHN N. LAKE, ESQ. 5. W. SMITH. ESQ (2.0., D.C.L. . J. Kass OSBORNE, ESQ. MOCRAE, ESQ, Guelph. HON. SIR WM. R. MEREDITH, Chief Justice of Ontario. MANAGING nmno'ron I WM. MCCABE, LL.B., F.I.A., F.S.S.' ' snonnrnnr: , MEDICAL Druuo'ron . L. GOLDMAN, A. I. A. J. THORBURN, M. 1)., Edin. The Report containing the roceedings ol the Annual Meeting, held on January 30th last, showing mar ed proofs of the {great pro rose and3 solid ros- erity of the Company, will be sent. to the policy- lolders. amphlets exp one. cry of the attractive investment plans of the Company and a co y of the annual report, showing its unexcelled ï¬nancial position, will be furnished on applica- tion to the Head Ofï¬ce or any of the Company's agencies. p been insufficient b0 provide them wilh E. GURNEY, ESQ. mugaamm»wm-~.- ’ ' I The longest newspaper title in 62-] l . . . . "stance is that of a Greenland pubâ€" c s.“ r means of sustenance. ;‘_ _ , _ , _ the me e la y .llcal.1on, which regoxces in the euphouâ€"i \Vben the eldem of the district saw ; Ions designation of “Armngflglinï¬o! that? Starvati’ml Stand the P901119 in lNatinginnavnik Sysaramlnas Sivik." i the face, they advised them to make' _ . ‘ -â€"-â€"-â€"â€" . . their remaining shock of food last as a?!“ B9"? WWW“ PERM?“ ,0 I , .m l t t 81 ) gel 3 pelnllsslon to use mm um ng as poem can: 0 go 0. ea; :10â€, but he refused. during the winter. This suggestion was adopted. The members of each; , _ ,"Tg'mn family stretch themselves on cots i o Kgiï¬migï¬ï¬d Slim};- anound the large stove and slumber EDDY!) WO0D.Toraut.o.GE ERALAGRR’I‘. ; do. and ' lit. 0 'n‘ thet nt . s y h mth , 2061, d w? President Kruger [8 announced to our ours 85' 3° up†an re 18â€â€ lhave put a tax of from thirty to, fl£-, l themselves With ‘1 mm‘sel 0f hard ' ty per cent. on the output of Johannes- bread baked last. autumn anda drink l burg gold mines. of water after which they lie down I "iii ,. l ’ ' 'a RELIAIN CE CIGAR again and snare calmly. Tosuana! we h‘AC’l‘ORll.Montrou Apparently some of the poorest in-[ . . , . , hblbitunts elf Pskow have been in that Wilter m ngth Adfiw‘l elf, Digeï¬lï¬â€˜: habit: of hibernating for some years. ‘pmmous as g0 “' an am In . - - litely more precious. Every year wit- but the pnmuue dld mt become gon' guesses a terrible drought in some part. ___1__ “1..-â€.-- _----. ._ .. L _ l “ Pharaoh 100.†Pat“: Mr. Rodie McDongall, of Vankleek} _..... Hill., says: “Oaltarrnozono has done; To lengthen thy lLfe, lessen thy me more good ï¬lm-n any other medl- a meals, and lengthen lily Certificate. cine; lever used. It has cured me uf' my Cutarrh. Othrrs may praise their preparaatioas but Caiarrhozone cam not be beaten as acnre for Catarrh." Dutcrrhâ€"o-zone is anew method of treatment. guaranteed to cure the most chronic cases of Ca'tarrh, Asthma Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, &o. Sure late and pleasant to use. Sold by all drugglsts. Trials outfit sent for 100 in stamps by N. C. POLSON &OO., Kingston. Ont., Proprietors. ‘ lA‘mlan never thinks he is bad as he, really is Catarrhozono cannot Be Beaten. p ~M ‘_.â€" There are thirteen streets in Lady- mith, fairly well laid out. The town, all oost£ 6,000 to build. THE TRAMIP'S IDEA. That teller ought to go into busi- ness and fail, said the tramp to his partner about a man from whom he had. ask-ed a small favor. Why I Be compromised wid me far fifty cents on the dollar. How jou mean ‘3 W’y. I stru k him for a dime and he gi’ me a. nickel. T0 cum: A (‘OLD IN 0!! “A! This Laxative Bromo Qulnine Tablets. All druggma refund the money l! in fella to cure. 25c. , is. W. Grave's slgaanure laon each box. . . "‘ -â€"-â€" - If wind blows on you thiiough a hole; Get a. certificate and take care of your soul. FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS MR3. WINSLOW‘S SOHTHING SYRUP has baan used by motherr‘for their children teething. Itsoolhel This is an age of improvement. What was best yesterday In only a poor second to-day. ,2' .s . ï¬g,“ - x :- LE LUN TEA Our Method is sur New impel-cations lineal Sausage saSingsâ€"â€"Engliah Sheep and Am the child. when: the gums. allay: pain, cures wind "mm H03 0"““5'5â€"re'ii'b'“ 300118 at riizht prion. colic, and la the boat. remedy for diarrhoea 'L'ic. a bar- tlc. Sold b all druggiats throughout. the world. Bl aura and I». (or " Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup. \Vhere bread is wantlng'all’s to be sold, it you don't prepare for the fu- non. ture. "MITREAL INTEL DIREOTORV. The “ seesaw Hotel Carslake, insult: "°°"" pp. _...“ . O - 0.13.3. Station, Monvraal. Geo. Caralakot Co., gmp'l. AVENUE “0"35*i‘fflgii‘33tï¬â€˜inï¬ï¬‚‘ii'a‘il fl_ “_u DGI’ I]. srï¬l‘AMEs’ norm um blocks from O. P. Bill's). Fir-Mina Commercial Home. Modern Imâ€" Wannaâ€"Rana model-an. THE CHEERFITL VIEW. Are you superstitious about the number 131 , No, indeed; if a girl refused me thir- teen tivmes, I’ll know‘ 1 was in great luck not to marry such‘ an obstinate. hard-headed girl. Catarrh Cannot be Cured with LOCAL APPleTloNs as they cannot "M" Am“ “5 reach the a: at of thedipoase. ('nt m h la n blood or conslltutional disease. and I“ l rder to cure 11; you nlu ll Lake internal remedies. Hull's Cabarril Cure is taken internally. and acts di- rectly onlhe blood and mucous surfaces. Hall’s Catarrh Lure is notaqua- 1; medicine. It. We»: prescribed by one of the best. pnysl line In this country lor yahoo, and is a regular proscrile n. Ill is composed of the besl. touics known com- bined with the best. blood puriï¬ers, llollng di- rellt‘y on the mucous aurhcesn ’l‘ho perl' ct combination of the two ingredients is what loduces such wonderful results in curing Baton-h. Semi for Lesbimoni is free. I“. J. CHENEY 85 00.. Props.. Toledo. 0. Sold by drudglflbl‘. price 750. Hall's Family Pills are the best. SPEED OF CABLES. A. (message travels over an ocean able at about 700 miles a second. ‘W P C llll3 GALVEuT’s Carbolic Disinfectants. Soaps, Olnb ment, Tooth Powders, etc.. have been awarded 100 medals and diplomas for superior excellence. Thvir regular use prevent, infecti- ous diseases. Ask your dealer to obtain a supply. Lists mailed free on application. F. ii. EALVERT & 00., MANCHESTER - - ENGLAND. _.....m _.. . I wear uaalrosll mans“ sale. 1m rovad and unlm rovcd. Oneill'tlh cash. {gianding setglers call and get spells of lumen goal-9‘ ox crimes as to district-to settle in. A. W. AU 'l‘lN. 21 §i‘oronto Chambers. Toronto. To send for our limit leathers heated - HOLD CURE 100. Cures in a jiffy 1’. Mo cal tors Common 5; 00.. Agents, Montreal- ‘fliaunss mamas lilSUSATOfl~-Beat and cheapest O. Rolland, sole went for the Dominion. SUan 301:. stamp for catalogue. 373 St. Paul Street, Montreal 3: .. permanently cures ,,.. o g; Ultiliri‘h of nose, 6‘ IBMâ€" 2&1?» El throat. stomach and bladder. 310 It 313 box. Write for particulars, The 1 lndiau Clitarrll Cute 00., 146 St. James~st.. Montreal. ‘ '3 w ' Mills, Mills a. Halon ~ Er. .. 5!. , Barristers,etc..removed ‘& to wenley Blane. Rich- mm :1 85. W.. Town to. _..â€"mm m HARRES ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬lï¬â€™fz Wholesale only. Long Distance Telephonol729. WILLIAM 87., TORONTO. postwar, BUTTER. sacs, llama! “ and other PRODUCE, to ensure best results consign to The llswson Sammission (50., Limited, i Oor. West-Market 8: Oolborllo St, Toronto, lVAN'I‘l'li) in your town. Largo Income- ~â€" Pleasant. position-~P8y prompt. Lille positions mulling $40 per woe-k. Write quick for particulars and fnmmh refer cocoa. 502 Mchinnon Building. Toronto. Wu hare the best selling cum: 0! till! ‘ ’ your. "BURKS IN A CORNER Something that. you can make good wage; at. Bend for particulars of how to gel. u gal-d WATCH FREE Md llaulple genie, 10c. crapper Bros“ 93 Lombard at, Toronto, Ont are equipped! ; lull. Elli.†chili Whalcy. Royce a a" use Yong. la. TORONW. Gill. PARK, BLAGKWELL & 00., Toronto. catheiic Prayer Books.nonarles,0ru- ‘ clfixes, Scapulars. E'JIIL'IOIIH Plctllrea, Statuary, and Church Ornaments. I. lucauunal Wurks. Mail order: receive prompt attun- D. & J. SADLIER a 00.. Montreal. byelugl meaningl For tho vary but land your work to tho “ BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING 00.†Look for an:an in your town. or land dlraol. Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa, Quebec Michigan Land for Sale. 8 800 ACRES 0000 FARMING LANDSâ€"ARENAO 5 lomu, Ogemaw and Crawford Counties. Title par- tooc. On Michigan Central. Detroit. J: Mackinac and Loon Lake Railroads. at prices ranging from 32 to 85 r acre. These [glands an Close to Enterprising New RWHR, Churches. Schools, cod, and will be sold on on nasal-labia terms Apply to B. M. PIERCE. Agent. Welt Bay City, Mich. 0rJ.W. UUR ‘15. Whlmmoro. Mich. WE ARE OFFERING T0 INVESTORS lpuial stock, guaranteeing large dividends; also an In- ualmcnt stock payable in monthlyinutaimenfl, drawln cash dividend . Ilqu yearly. Parties wantln sale all | gonlable investment should correspond wit the Sun 1 “Vin†and Loan Company, ~l'orunto; money loaned ol favorable terms; agents wanted in unrepresented dil- I w: Alli OFFERING T0 lNVESTORS menial stock. guaranteeing large dividends; also an In- ualmont amok payable in monthlylnstalmenta, (lmvvin cash dividend. hall yearly. Parties wanting safe all .romable investment should correspond with he Sun savings and Loan 00., Toronto. unrepresented dislriou; write us. Edd $535.5 l THE Following SECOND-HAND MACHINERY: he: been used but little; is practically us good as new: viii ho sold cilea _: 1 Garvin Hand Miller: 1 Emery stand; lLathe, 4 ootbed,: 1 Blissnlalo Lathe, Bloch; 2Ullucka, 12 in; 1 Power Hack Saw; 3 Tube Vices. ‘lrou Pedestal : 1 Lar e Polishing Jack; 1 Speed Lathe' ESnokc Threading l aohinea; 1 Engine L the: 22 Split Pulley.- of dll'l'erent men 5 Block PuJeya. Apply to E. W NESBII‘T, Woodstock. Ono. dominion Line “withâ€; Portland. Me.. to Liverpool. via Halifax. Large and fast Steamers Vancouver, Dominion, Cambroman. Ram of passage :- ~Flrat. Cabin 0 upwards: Second Cabin, .35; Strange, .50 and 50. For tux-that informal on apply on local agents, or DAVID TOBRANCE a 00., General Agent; _.fl ‘ 175%. Montreal. _ THE 051 rim-airless.“ .; . l .; GRATEULâ€"COM FO RTING. a «.L'La. ._' .'~ ~ _â€". A most in the tree. count for am e and has cured thousands-some pronounced incurable. Write at once. Booklet and Proof on request. Addnu wine‘smss-Aasama 60., Windsor, Dab, canalla Money loaned on favorable terms; agents wanted In 1 Vi? codjiiver oil, pleasant to the taste, and agreeing with the most sensi- tive stomach. U sod by physicians lung troubles, limit to the good it can do. sample bottle hailed t2) any address on resale: of lo (‘ch lo covar postage. Angler Chemical Co. Toronto is a. product. of today. LEAD PACKAGES. 25, so, 40, 50 and Boo. NEURALOIA, SOIATICA. 'MUSCULAR. INFLAMMKTORY. GOUT. LUMBAGO. RHEUMATIG PAHALYBIS. ESTHMA (WHOM SENSE KILLS Roaches, Bed Bugs, Rats and Mice. Sold by all Druggllltl, or 881 Queen W, Toronto. v ' To the Odor-lass Crematory 0.058% 00.. Hamilton. Ont Damn Sm â€"â€"About a year ago I bou ht from men of your odorless Ol emat- ry Closet» am 15ch since on it constantly in my private rarirlxmca with splendl satisfactzon. I um so well pleased wl h it that you. can ‘ shlpiluo another at once for my hotel. Yours very truly. J. Marl h, Markdule, Out. The following are the names of a. few prominent citizens who are using this closet, and from whom we have very flattering testimonials: Dr. D. L. Thompson, Toronto, Ont. Dr. McGlaughlan, Bowmunville. Ont. Dr. M. L. Dixon, Frankville, ‘Ont. Dr. C. F. Ferguson, Kemptvillo. Ont. Dr. Ulric Gabourg, Plantagenet. Ont. Judge A. C. Chadwick, Guelph. Out. 0. J. Mickie, B.A., (Wesley, Ont. Rev. John Downie, Watford, Ont. ' L. Dampier, Mgr. Bank of Commerce; Strathroy, Ont. Peter Hope, merchant, Perth, Ont. Jas Moffatt, merchant, Amherst. N8 . For catalogue and price "at. write to The Odorleaa Dramatory 010551 09., Hamllton. om. M I. Alllllfl', Manager. limit! J. mun, aunt. and Tn. The Gaussian . lieiae Safety BQILER o Esplanade, opp. Shsrbourne 8L, high Glass Water Tube Steam boilers, for All Pressures, Duties and Fuel. BEND FOR DESCRIP’I‘IVE 6:ATAL0(IUB.~ Toronto Electric Light. 00.. Limited. The ’1‘. Eaton Co.. Limited. 1 The Mnaey~Harria 00.. Limited. ‘ The Gum; l’ercha Rubber t Mfg. The Wilcox: Publishing 00., himi [All “Mb when boliorl may b5 anon working. ATcr-r THIS -â€"â€"F'OR.â€"â€"â€"- ears ‘ @diii’i‘ ‘ . .-_‘.= an NEW ANNOUNCEMENT EVERY WEEK A. Ramsay a: Son, MONTREAL, THE PAINT MAKERS. .-.... efficient substitute for talent oi all throat and and - ii results anything-"ailnost no Toronto 0 . .._, “rm/s y< ‘ «a, A .125“ ' ’"v'. J ~ w 7_v\\‘i. .1. r ;_ 7â€"WW ‘Knc-sU-zw. . ..' ,h Ll:.x_ (sweeps..- .y, i i, ii i l“ .‘ {i i .‘l .5 â€"..A , MN." v .» ~. 1‘: gwwn r m1.» -.â€"r- .ln’, A a <- w. .. . a, - v- w ‘a..‘z.o‘i¢.-‘ -<Mé‘s;’.!,'.:.’«.. - J. . _ is.‘ ‘4 a a :3! . '3' tr" 9 .v' ' 1.. l3‘1vaHE’ic'lW} S1, ï¬g 1‘ - futâ€"I... .. .. _s. (A. and;- .'.‘>~w . .44.- 1:5». ,- e an»; .1“\ «