2&9? .‘r‘lv ., v . l “I: m law;- Kiel. rift-xv. 3. BEST ARMY ON EARTH. Britain's Soldiers in South Africa the Most ‘ Magniï¬cent Ever Seen. We have learnt one lesson in this war, it is that no nation on ear-,th can drive us out of any position we have entrenched, remarks awar correspon- dent of the London Daily News. The Russians even delude themselves with the flattering thought that they can attempt an invasion of India. With the modern ri 1e and artillery â€" the artillery we shall have after this war â€"I have every confidence that the passes into India could beheld by com- paratively small numbers. No one ever saw such magnificent soldiers as ours are here. No conscript army could hope to equal them. Ten thouâ€" sand of these men, under the conditions of the latest warfare, would be more than enough to hold any Russian army that internal difficulties would allow for the invasion of Afghanistan. Mod- ern weapons have made India safe. \Ve never need again be scared- either by the bogey of invasion or the possi- bility of its success. â€"â€"--+â€"-â€"â€"â€"- . QUE ER AUCTIONS. EYLON GREN TEA will displace all Japan Tea the same as Salada black is displacing all other black teas. Mr. D. G. Collins, of N-ewgate street, London, has received from the War Office an order for twenty-four com- plete Communion ‘servmes for the army in South Africa. ._.__â€" A Coldstrealm Guard writes from Modder Rivenâ€""England should be proud of us. They ought [0 think! the world of every soul who faces death for Queen and country.†__.._. Excellent for Public Speakers. Rev. M. McKay, of Goderich, Ont., writes: ' "Some time ago you sent me a bottle of your Catarrhomne. We have given it a fair trial and are glad to say that the medicine is all it 15 claimed to be. It appears to work ‘PE’II DOG GUARDED HIM. At the battle of Graspan Major J. E. Plumbe, of the British Royal Marine Light Infantry, was among the many killed while storming the main kopje. He had a pet dog, a terrier, which ran up the hill with him under the fiercest fire imaginable. When he fell the dog sat down and guarded his body until the ambulance removed it, six hours later. ,Apgratifyi/nzg feature of the war is the invariable courtesy which the British officers on route for the front display' at every station. along the [me towards the Dutchmen they meet. ,I‘ 1 00'†P38: of Onlbymï¬ In: the attack on Stormberg. saysa correspondent. British troops walked Ln daylight in a column four deep right under the enemy's nose. No scouts or skirmishers were out. Catarrh Cannot be Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Cotsrrh la a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure It. you murh take Internal remedies. Hull’s Catarrh Cure Is taken internally, and acts di- rectly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall’s Held In South Africa Where Prizes Are . Well in case of Catarrhl, and is an ex- CatsrrhCuro lsnotaquack medlclne. It was offered lo the lildllcrs. The South African auction, which is in vogue at the Cape, is a farl more exciting affair than its English imi- tation. Supposing a house is to be sold. The auctioneer rattles 50 sov- ereigns and cries out, "Fifty golden sovereigns for the man who first bids £5,000." No‘body bids it. After a Willie 'he cries, “Fifty golden sov- ereigns for the first man who bids £4,000. And so on, until hegets a: bid. {t by no means follows that the 'plropertyus sold to the bidder. For Uhe. auctioneer is again at it. Sup- . pose £4,400 is the first bid. Then the auctioneer shouts, “There are 25 gal- den sovereigns for the first man who has the courage to bid £4,600." Possi- bly there is no bidder. Then £25 is offered for a bid of £4,550. If there is no bid eventually above the £4,400, the man .who made that offer is sad- died, with the property. Otherwise :cellent remedy for a threat irritation arising from public speaking." For 5Public Speakers, Ministers, Singers, 7 persons troubled with irritable throat, ~Catarrh or Asthma, Catarrh-o-zone IS 20f inestimable value. It is aguaran- I teed cure. ,The trial outfit sent for 100 in: stamps , by N. 0. Poison 8.: 00., Kingston, 0nt., J Proprietors. i -â€"-â€"...â€" l The Bond newspaper at Britstown lhavmgsfbegun to preach open treason ‘to the surrounding district, three companies of the Vl’alrwickshire regi- ;Inent have visited the town. TRAVEL BETlVEEN CANADIAN POINTS AND NEW YORK. l The Lthigh‘Valley Railroad affords ! the most convenient train servrce, land is a particularly desirable route ;for residents of the Province of Onâ€" ;tario to use in going to New (York. ‘; This Go. runs through train service in l he Pi00ket8 the bonus and has Homing 3 connection with the. Grand Trunk more to do with the estate. A MAN__ KILLER Pierce and Havenous, ls Diabetes, Which Defies all Medicines Except. [Bond's Kidney I’llli, [be Only Remedy on Earth That Removes the Cause of the Diseaseâ€" Dodd's ma. ‘ noy Pills Never Fall. Quebec, P.O. March 26.â€"â€"There are certain diseases that sap the brain and dry up the springs of life, besides, undermining the strength. Diabetes is such‘ a disease. ' Its symptoms are great thirst, fail- lng sight, dry mouth, coated tongue, palen-ess, numbness in the thighs, pains or aches in the loins, or small of the back, increase of urine, sugar in the urine. ‘ . Any one, or two, seldom-more, of these appear in the same case. Diabetes is caused by poison in the blood. ' « Poison gets into the blood through defective action of the kidneys, which should filter it out. ' Heal and strengthen the kidney and they will cleanse the blood. Then Diabetes, will vanish. Dodd's Kidney Pills are the only medicine on earth that. can cure Dia- betes. They are the only medicine that can cure the kidneys. Here is proof: Mr. Sam Desrochers, ' of 167 St. John St., Quebec, says: ‘ “I have suffered with Diabetes forI five years. ‘fMy feet were always cold. I had .pains in my lions, and'aterrible thirst. "I tried a dozen remedies before I heard of Dodd's Kidney Ping. They all failed to relieve me. “Five boxes of Dodd’s Kidney Pills . cured me completely. To-day I am _ well and strong.†Reader! Have you any of the symp toms above? If you have, you have Diabetes, and nothing on earth but Dodd’s Kidney Pills can cure you. _...-_...¢____., “'OMA ‘N AND POLITICS. A well-known magazine writer has recently stated that in matters perâ€" taining to the advancement of women the Anglo-Saxon race seems to have made greater progress than any oth- er nationalities. In Germany women' are not permitted to form political as- sociations, while in Russia neither rnen nor women can band together in any organization of a political na- ture without special consent of the imperial government. In Holland such an act is unconstitutional, but in France, long before French women dis- played any desire to study medicine or obtain a university education,tlie‘ doors of scholastic institutions were thrown open to them. And even Eng- lish and German women availed themâ€" selves of the privileges of becoming graduates of the University of Paris. â€"__o___ BEES ARE STRONG. '_ Observations made to'test this ques- I ‘-tion showed that bees can carry with ease twice their weight in honey. Several bees were caught as they re- turned to their hives laden with honey. and, after enclosing them in a little box, they were carefully weighed. \Vhen the bees unloaded their honey they were again caught, placed in the same box and weighed a second time. This experiment showed that the bees when laden weighed three times as much as when empty. It was there- - fore proved that a bee can carry twice its own weight in honey, and can fly very long distances wit-h that weight. Railway from points in Canada, and provides for the public a service which meets all ‘the requirements of the most exacting. Its solid vestibule through trains be- tween Philadelphia, New York and Chicago, made up of luxurious new Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars, 00m“ modious and comfortable coaches. its a la carte dining car service, and the use of steam heat and Pintsch Gas, are features which are highly appre- ciated by the traveler, and are guar- antees of physical comfort.‘ The route, through the most picturesque .portion of the eastern part of Amer:- ca, affords an ever-changing panor~ ama of 'scenic splendor, delightful to the eye. Theroad-bed of the Lehigh Valley is ballasted with rock, a decided imp lpvrovement over the old style cinder or other ballasting, and one which Summer passengers, when windows are open, appreciate, as the rock bal- . last does away altogether with the too common nuisance of dust. The Straits Times has collected about £2,500 for the Mansion. House Fund. Of this at least. £700 has been contributed ty Malay princes. O'KEEFE’S Lii‘ii‘ép MALT _ Invl orator and Stren thenl. LLOYD W on. Toronto, GE EBAL AGENT. After one skirmish near Estcourt the Boers could be seen 'through field glasses‘playmg at leap-frog and hav- ing wrestling bouts. ‘ 'ro CUBE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinlno Tablets. All drugglotl refund the money if It falll to cure. 36c. 11:. W. Grave's signature“: on each box. Presidentl Steyn has given orders thatT none of the Army Medical Staff 'or of the Red Cross bearers are to be taken prisoners. FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP hu been sued by mother! for their children teething. It soothe! the child, soften: the gum: alloy: nln, cum wln'd colic, and II tbe'bort remedy for die" can 250. a bot- tle. Soldb Ill druxgiatu throughout the world. Bu I“. and u for “ Mrs. Winslow's Soothlnz Syrup. A subscription list has been open- ed at the British Consulate. Copen- hagen. for the Princess of \Vales’ lHospital Fund. MONTREAL HOTEL OIREOTORT. I...h°__“ “WOW ; , Hotel Garslake, 5:32;? :11,†3‘3: . u . , O.T.B.8totlon, Montreal. 000. Cnrnlnha 00.. grop‘l. :muu: nousaâ€"r:2§:-aaz:.cec : per or. 3 ‘ I o m . an 0' i 81‘- MMES HOTEL-1.33%“. T... as: 1 mil-Bum notion“. l m .â€" What upsets our men, and, especr- ally the wounded, are the unearth- wou ml ed . away M Sold by all drugglsts.I Iqllm. Hut.on Oommarolanonn. Modal-nin- - ly screams the Boers give vent to when I prescribed by one of the best phyliblans in this country for years, and is a regular prescription. It is composed of the beat tculce known com- , blned with the beat blood uril'lcrl acting di- rectly on the mucous our noes._ The perfect combination of the two Ingredients in what ioduces such wonderful results In curing atarrh. Band or testimonials free. I". J. CHE EY &: 00.. Props., Toledo. 0. I Soldb dru glam. price 75c. Hell’s am y Pills are the best. The Majestic left pre Toan for lEngland with 170 wounded, including General' Featherston-haugh. Major ‘Dalrymple Hamilton. and Mr. Knight, | I l of. the London Morning Post. W P C 1017 CALVERT’S Oarbollc Dlslnfectanto. Soaps. Olnt- ment, Tooth Powders, etc., have been awarded 100 models and diplomas for superior excellence. Their regular use prevent. infootb ous diseases. Ask your dealer to obtain a. supply. Lists mailed free on application. F. G. CALVERT & 00., MANCHESTER - - ENGLAND. OOLD OUR! 100; Ourel In a jifly. P. Ho Garters Oormncx b 00.. Agents. Montreal. THE BIB MOINEB lNOUBATOflâ€"But and choline! 0. Rolland. solo u out for the Dominion. Send not. stamp for catalogue. 73 St. Paul Street, Montreal CONNOR-BIN“ KILLS Roaches. Bed Bugl, Rule Ind Mlco. Sold by all . Drugslctl, or 881 Queen W. Toronto. , HACKNEY STALLIONS FOB. SALEâ€"4 buy two‘ : year-clan; coaching typo; lush notion; lire, fashionable breeding; Prices reasonable. M. H. Coch- rnne. Hilhuist Station. Que. LEAD. COPPER. BRAfS. Wholesale only. Long Distance Tolephonel'lfl. WILLIAM 8T., TORONTO. ’ ‘ irounn'v», eurrrn, rodsâ€",arpirs, Ind other PRODUCE. to onlure beat relults muslin an O The Dawson commission 00., Limi cor. West-Market & Oolborno St., Toronto, Mlllo, Mlllo a Haleo‘ .. Barristers,etp..remov I ' to WesleayB d 9., Rio . mond St. .. orcnto. nilorms. Etc. Every Town can have a Band Lowest price: ever uoted. Fina catulo us 500 'll trnticm mailed free. rlte us for anything in 1 us. Music or Musloal Instruments. Rove? & co" Torenvtllti'ngilpbcgfll‘liu. catholic Prayer olflxc‘e Boa Mar- | Rellzlouu Pictures. Statuary, and Churoli Ornfmenu: l Educational Warh. Moll orders receive prompt atten- ' lion. 0. I J. BADLIER & 00., Montreal Dyeing I cleanlng I K For the very bent and your work to the “ BRITISH AMERICAN DYEINO GO.‘ Look for agent In your town. or land direct. , Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa, Quebec. Enxlneora' ’ SUPPLIES, I Asbestos Goods, 3 Pipe flavoring, Lubrloatlngr (LII. Greases. etc. . ,WM. SUTTON COMPOUND 00.. _V-“ ‘ ' ‘ .imlted, VI?“ »‘ " - TORON 0. Mlchlgan Land for Sale. No AOIIIO GOOD FARMING LANDSâ€"ARENAO loaco Oumuw and Crawford Countlen. Title per. 0n klohlgnn Control, Detroit It Mackinac Ind Ink. Railroads. at prlcel ungln; from 82 to $5 ‘ Er om. These Lunch on Olou to Enterprillnz New was, Churchen, Schools. etc, and will be laid on on nucnnblo tonne. Apply to :- Or J.W. OUR' IS. Whittcmoro. Mich. R o o F I N G and Sheet MetalWorks. ROOFING 8LATE in Block, 1 I ad or omu. SLATE snaoxsonnoeme :uppu : ' ubllc and High Schools Toronto). Roofing Felt, Pitch, l Dool Tor, eta. noorulo TILE See New on, Build, , n15.1‘oron o. donob ourdrm). otal Ceilings, Con l pic», ate. stlmntoa urnlabed for work complete orig! 1 l : tutorials shipped to any art of the country. Phone E u. OUTHII& SONS. Ado lid. &Wldmor sto..foronto _: n. M. PIERCE. A cut. Wm 13., City, Mich. ‘V' AGENTS WANTED. . < % We want good. RELIABLE, ENERGBTIU men In ‘ “unrepresented districts" throughout the Dominion to . sell our stock for investment. Thin stock guarantees -, _ good dividends payable hulf yenrly. or Adding to involt- . moot; also to secure spplicntions for good 10:11:. We ‘ pay liberal commissions. Apply, Sun Savlngs and Loan Company, i Toronto. } «M . QZwamea/M EVERY DAY adds to the large list of drinkers of 5*: think (I i' 'l ‘ .b t trial amlnlvwlll- CEYLON TEA. F.1'3‘£3.“;533?"3§3§31‘40“.and... NIURALOIA. SOIATIOA. "UBOULAR. INFLAMMATORY. GOUT. ï¬OAOO. _ HHIUMATIO PARAL‘IBIO. OTI-IMA Our Method ls sure and has cured t cusandsâ€"mmo renounced . Incurzblo. Write at once. Booklet an Proof on toque t. Addru: . Iha°SIIlSS-ANEIIII:AII 00., Illndser, at. cmda on THE BEACH. ' Atlantic City, New J sassy. The World Famed All the Your Health and awe noun Durln the past four months has been extensively enlarged anal , raved. ver 60 Private Bathe. New Dining Rogm onoloood In glues, dire gaoln the ocean, and unourp seed on he flantlc Coast fer dï¬ooru 'oa and o ogance. Exc ange and un Parlors doubled In also. Onpuc iv 36 . b D. 8. WHITE. JR», Owner and Prop'r. THE HIGHEST -OF EXCELLENCE i. m... b. 1" . Paints, and they are mixed ready for use. Used by manyâ€"approved by all. They do not fa 10, do not. peel off from burning sun or freezing cold. Ono gallon covers 360 square feet. two costs. All first-clues dealers have them. A. RAMSAY & sou, )Paintl‘lukcrs. MONTREAL. Est'd I842. I The “Happy Thought †Range Made by “ THE WILLIAM BUCK srova 00., Limited, BRANTFORD, ONT., Is the boat in the world. For sale by lending dealer: everywhere. 4 . Cheapo-t Ind But covering In the World. Mica “'P‘a‘o'll’m Boverlng “an end Hot And Gold Wntor Pipu, Cold Stowe A I N E III E. ,0, pmuulfrlfzgpglghon Boilers, m. IIOA BOILER COVERING 00., leltod, Toronto; Hontrpil,’ “d land". Eu. Everyone ne‘edsutonic medicine to clenn~e the blood, orscc the nerves. and revitalizm reinvigorate the whole body, in the spring. ’l he very best. they can get is They kiIIIIiekgrgfiigbsf:iiiilringdzxiiixgiysdnd onrlch P the blood. cure boils. eruptions, skin discusosJemplo _ weakness, and all other germ diseases. Loan and sunning. company. quonronnrzn 1865. Sold by all druggists; .urge box 750, small box 25c, or lent postpaid, on mccipt of price by ‘ I The Oldest and Largest Danadlan Moro gage Corporatlom The Arnold Chemical C0,. Limited, Canada Life Bld'g Toronto. Paid-up Capital, - - $2,600,000 Reserve Fund , - -~r - 1,200,000 PAGKARD’S , , "Head Ofï¬ceâ€"Toronto St., Toronto. Shoe Dressing lunch Ofllcooâ€"WInnlpog, Mam, Vancouver. II A V E OFTEN HI NE H O E «All. chicks For: All. LEATHERS. For sale by all ï¬rst-class SHOE DEALERS. L. H. Packard & 00. M 0 NT R E A L. In I. Alll‘n, Mun-[If- Jollll J. IAIN. Inn. III Iran The causalâ€"an ‘ Ileine Safety BOILER - Esplanade, Toronto lop. Sherbourno St.,! nnrosimnnonivnb. . Ibtcrul snowed. DEBENTURES IseUED for 1. a. a. 4 or Bum with interest coupons attached. ’ MONEY LENT on leourlty of real estate Home... Oovornmont And Munlolpsl Bonds. etc. For further portlculan Ipply to J. HERBERT MASON. Managing Director. Toronto. faith. Odorleut' (‘rem’btory Clout c... " Hamilton, Out 1 ‘ GIIBI Water Tuba steam Drill n-Srn-~â€"About 1 year “0' I b uâ€): grog! you a. a o a of your odorless (lrcmltory Clog-tn n _ , I . . uceuli Boner.’ for Pressurgs' ll’. constantly in my prints reflldauco With uplondi ' IEIIAIRCIIOII. I am so well pluull wl h it that you c nut'as and Fuel. shipilne another at once for my hotel. Yours very Irul , J. . Mun-h, Morkdnle. Out. SBND POI! DESCRIPTIVB CATALOGUE. The following are the names of a Toronto Emma lanthanum“; few prominent citizens who are using ' “'I‘hc‘T. Eaton 00.. Limited. ‘ ' - j ~ Th. “aura-rm 00;. Liam“ this closet, and from whom we hav Th. rm. p" h. xubbugum a very flattering testimonials: ~ The Illon Pu “thin: 09.. Limits Dr.~D. L. Thompson, Toronto, Ont. hwmflm“ """‘“"f"“’b""“'°"h"_ 'Dr. Mc-Glaughlan, Bowmanville. Ont. Dr. M. L. Dixon, Frankville,'0nt. "I MOST NUTRITIOUS' Dr. C. F. Ferguson, Kemptvllle, Ont. ’ ,.,D'r. Ulrie Gubou'rg, Plantagenet, Ont. - t 4 Judge A. C. Chadwick. Guelph, Ont. l 0%.]. Mickie, B.A.. Chesley, Ont. I Rev. John Downie, \Vatford, Ont. GRATEFUbâ€"COMFORTING. i L. Dnmpier, Mgr. Bank of Cemmerco, Strathroy, Ont. Peter Hope, merchant, Perth, Ont. Jes Moffatt, merchant, Amherst. N8 For cat-loguc and price list write to h BREAKF‘ST4UPPEL The Warren Oram-hry clout 00., iiumllton, Ont.