IN DUEL WITH THREE BOERS. lergcant Mason or the Colonials, Did Some l-‘ine shooting. Writing of the fighting around Pot- .gieter’s Drift, Bennett Burleigh, cor- respondent cit the London Daily Tele- graph, says :-â€" ' ' “Sergeant Mason, a former Glas- gow man and Durban hansom cab driver, did some fine shooting. He and other. Colonials by adoption are crack shots. '.While potting Boers at 1,500 yards’ range, ‘he chanced to turn and saw three creeping up the moun- tain side upon :his left’ rear. Drop- ping his sights he bowled one over, the man falling across a rock and never stirring, for he was shot through the heart. An instant later he fatally wounded the second, who tumbled headlong down hill. The third caught sight of his helmet and rifle ‘ and dodged behind a bowlder. †Then a duel ensued between twain, Sergeant Mason and the Boer. Every time Mason 'tried to peep around the Boer banged at him. The Sergeant returned the compliment. Five Mauser bullets were put through Mason's helmet, cutting his hair once or twice, but leaving him uninjured. Dlhers came perilously near his throat, arm and hands. Finally the Boer drilled a hole through Mason’s shoulder. Wounded, he changed the rifle to ‘his left, resting it upon the look. A lucky shot of the Sergeant’s touched the Boer, who fell forward, with his head between the rocks, Then Mason "made siccar,†putting ashot or two into the head, which’ never 'budged. 'Weak from loss of blood, Mason arose, retired, had his wound dressed and then action." . . ~‘â€"°â€"â€"â€"-â€"~ President Feitner, of the Depart- ment, [says that the State Board of Tax Commissioners will add at least $100,000,000 to New York city assess~ men-ts. , 1 ___._..¢__.._ THE FLETCHER CASE A 'Petrolea Lady Vanquishes a Stubborn and Persistent Enemy- £he Was for Months 9. Martyr to In. nhununtory nlicumatlsin~nodd's ' Kidney Pills (.‘nrcd ller. Petrolea,'April 2.â€"No lady resident in this town is more wider known,‘ and more highl esteemed for her many good qua ities, than is Mrs. A. Fletcher, of the Fletcher House. Throughout the adjacent country district also, she has a very wide ac- quaintance. ' ' All who know this estimable lady, know that for months past, she has been a ceaseless sufferer from In- flammatory Rheumatism. So sev- ere did the disease become _ that her finger joints . and fingers were so terribly swollen that she could not bend them. So was unable to get downstairs wiithout as- sistance, and every impending change of weather brought her the most inâ€" describable a ony. .. - Many reme ies were used, in efforts to effect a cure. Different medical men were called in. to attend her, but Iii faileddismally. ' ‘ a ‘ At length Mrs. Fletcher, having read of Dodd’s Kidney Pills, decided to give them- a trialâ€"as! a final effort. She did so- and the only possible result followed. The first dose soothed her awful pain. Every succeeding dose did more and more good, and five boxes left? her a sound and healthy woman. Not a vestige of her old disease remains. Rheumatism has. no terrors, whenl Dodd's Kidney Pills are used. Dodd’s Kidney PiilSl cure Rheumatism, and all other, Kidney Diseases. just as certainlyneasily, quickly and natural; ly as a drink of water cures thirst. . . There are a'number of deep places in the Hudson, as every one "is aware, but few know that spots ranging fro-ma depth of 20 to 24 'fathoms the. walked out of the > The amount of National Bank stock held by women in‘America is estimated at $180,000,000, and the amount of pri- vate and State Bank stock at $137,- 000,000. 4.. is" . .. . Trolley lines in Connecticut last CEYLON GREEN TEA year carried 59,084,702 passengers, and will displace all Japan Tea the same as the steam lines 50,209,468. Salada black is displacing all other black teas. One man in American historyâ€"Jus- tin S. Morrill, of Vermontâ€"had a long- er public career than that to which John Sherman can point. Mr. Sherman ‘was for forty-three years prominent in national office. He was secretary of l the \Vhi convention which nominated ITaylor or President in 1848. His career on the national stage began with the birth of the Republican iparlzy in 1854, when he was first ei- ec-ted at Congrese. There are in the United States, Berlins, 21 Hamburgs, 23 towns bear- , ing the name of Paris, and 13 Londons. â€".â€"o.â€"- . Governor Nash, of Ohio, is an authâ€" ority on the history of that State, lwhich. he has made a lifelong study, lHis library of works on this subject is probably the largest and most valu- able extant. FREE TREATMENT. Liberal Offer to Sufferers from Ca- tarrh, Asthma and'Bronch'itis. ' Until Catarrhozone method of treatment for catarrh, asthma. and bronchitis was introduced. these dis- eases were thought incurable. Now it is different. This wonderful treatment is constantly curing thousands of af- flicted ones who had long ago given up hope. It cures by the. inhalation of medicated air. You simply breathe; it does the rest. One trial of Catarrh-- ozone will convince you of its merit, Take advantage of our special offer now; it will only last afew days. Send 10 cents in stamps to cover the cost of the mailing, and we will send you a 25 cent outfit free. -N. 0. Poison do 00., Kingston Ont. Three men who have been news- paper" reporters in Albany have be- come members of the Cabinet. The late Daniel Munning,'Daniel S. La- ment and Charles Emory Smith. â€". “ Pharaoh l 00." ‘53.“: There are 6,750,000 volumes in the libraries of the American colleges and universities. Harvard has 500,000 vol- umes, Chicago University, 350,000, Coil- lumb‘1a,.275.000, and Cornell 225,000. There s more Catarrh in this section of the country than all other diseases out together, nd until the last few years was supposed to be nr-urahle. For a great many years doctors pro- nounced it a local diseme, and prescribed local [ remedies, and by Gazistanlly t .lllng‘to on to with ' ‘ | local treatment. pronounced it incurable. Sci- i once has preven caterrh to be a constitutional 1! disc 10, and therefore requires constitutional V tresmont. Hall’s Qatari-hours manufactured . by 1“._J. ghenoy 85 Cy., Toledo. Ohio,‘ls the only - ; constitut onal cure on the market, It is taken ' l I inseriially in doses from 10 drops to a telspoon- I . fu . Mots directl on the blool and crude a { surfaces of the ye am. They offer one hand. : roe do lore for any case it tells to cure. Semi for circulars mild Address, . Sold by Drulg , testlmonlals. ' I i Hall's Faml i l J. CHENEY a 00.. Toledo, 0 glslis. 75c. ‘ y Pi is are thebest; â€"â€" I An agent for the American Bible ! Society says that the first book print- led in Minnesota was aBible. It wasI _prlnited in 1836, about 13 years before ,the first issue of a newspaper in St. 5 Paul. s ' ,_____ I O’KEEFE’S luvl orator and he I . MEDW 01?. Toronto.0 MALT." these. Enu‘am_ \Vlien'a glove is too small and splits. it is wrose than useless to sew [dent-Gov. VVoodruff, of New York, “1’, tï¬e mutt b? fï¬tdmd‘ The ‘ M . - '2, fl, * . ‘p‘utc mus e o i o . e sameflcoâ€" ‘Is Well pleased W'I'th the rem-1â€": Of 1115 lor. Turn the part inside out, thaving . western trip and is noW'contemplating trim I Ethe Republican nomination for Vice- needle and cotton sew in- the patch President. .i .- x W _ side this kid and keep the seam flat. “7 P C 1018 " 'uoumi’n’i. «join ndiï¬onni.‘ .’ ' , The “.~Bfalmoral,â€_ Free Bus-afafl: .. ‘ ._ , _ med the hole round so that the ‘3 .8. Four 0’1 the South. hoping: to thereby ‘ edges are,even, and cut the patch of : still further strengthen'hi's boom for kid to the right'size. Then with fine . ' taking 'care only to take up the inn are'frequently met with south of theI carslake; “wwwn‘h' 3â€â€ Hriglhllan (118. k - ~' '~ 01.3. Station, Montreal. 'Goo. Ocule’ket 00.. from tip day eggs). . TWCALVERT’SW .csviou TEA. Lead pckagesi l .1 I 1 4 l j w rm .. ,.-: g5, 30, 40, so and 609. l l i x l l I I l « Catholic Disinfectants. Soapc, Oint- ‘ merit, Tooth Powders. etc., have beenI awarded 100 medalsvund diplomas for superior ' excellence. Their regular use prevent lntectl- ' h- f ' - _1MeG‘lllâ€"Collun Avenue. 10,000 FREE SAMPLES. _ AVENUE “0 8:. mayo“! '9'“ ":5" Guaranteed cure for Cater-rm. Bron- chitis, Asthma, Throat Irritation, Colds, Ste. Don’t let that Catarrh or Bronchitis un on. Root it out before it- becomes chronic. The best, simplest. and quickest remedy for these complaints is “Catarrhozone.†It costs nothing. to test, for we will send you, free. a 25 'cent outfit, sufficient in many cases to cure, and one. thousand testimonials Enclosc'lO cents for boxing, postage, &c. Poison e:- Co... Kingston. t)n:‘.~ A: movement is on foot in Allz'i'iiy .0 erect a. statue to General l’hilip Sheridan. It is rather strange that this wai‘rior’s birthplace has not a!â€" ready done him that honor. ous' diseases. supply. Lists mailed free on application. r. c. cAivriu' & 00., MANQHESTER '- - ENGLAND. cum sins: nus Benches. Bu! r «in v - Bug's, Rate and Mice. Sold by all é, brand-tn, or 361 Queen W. Toronto‘. ' on: = Instruments, Drums. Ulforms. Etc. Every Town can have a Band Lowest prices ever noted. Fine catalogue 500illi:s‘ tritium mailed free. rite us for anything in _ ‘ Music or Musical Instruments. & 00" Toronto, Ont. Illd Winnipeg, Man. Garters ° '_ I 0 lto 0.111. D I 37- JAM“ HOTEI-"ol’§°hm. nondmri Mm.» mat-oleuo mineral-l Honk. Modern in- ntecu unto - ‘_ ‘M. Anagds, principal the Perkins, Institute-for the Blind, in Boston, will be one of the American rep'res’ent’ah -cives at the international oongress'in _i tlie‘interestof the blind, to be held: ' in Paris, iiexl.,_Augiist. .' - ' 2,5: ,x in T0 CUBE A COLD EN 0â€! 0‘] Take Laxatlvo'Bromo Quinine Tablets. All dragging: refund the money if it falls'to cure,- 550. ‘ ls. W. Grave's signature is on each box. GOOD ADVICE. Fredyâ€"She is all the world to mel What would you advise me to do? Percyâ€"See a little more of the world, old chap! OLD cums lOo. Curesln-a 1m. 1). u. Cormack & 00., Ageutl, Monti-col.- UBATOHâ€"Beat and oheanm O. Rolland. sole agent for the Dominion. Send 3st Lamp for cete‘ogue. 373 St. Paul Street. Montreal THE use noises mo 0atholio Prayer " coke, Rosaries, Cru- cifixes, Scapulars. Ask your dealer to obtain a , emmem magma". POULTRY, ems; rods, APPLE8,~ and other PRODUCE. to ensure bust resultl consign to The Dawson Commission 00., Limited, Oar. West-Market a cameras at., Toronto, Mlohlgan Land for sale. MADRID 000i! FARMING LANDS~ARENAO tome, Ogemnw and Crawford Counties. Title not. On Michigan Central, Detroit in Mackinac en i 3. PM I I ~ . i i .' . â€"-â€"â€"°â€"â€"â€"_ ""3 .~' __.~._ {fl . ‘ ’ _ , It’s a waste of paint, time and money if. ‘ ’ to use inferior materials. The best costs mend St. W.. oronto. 8012, Buys 50â€... ' LEAD. corpse. sing. stem Wholesale only. Long Distance Telephonol'lfl. , Wind 1 during A cut). 0W®~WMW am W ‘mm i 4 IS WILLIAM 8T., TORONTO. Steele, Briggs’ L“ Improved Short Whlto †The King of Field Carrots, lar est crapper, heaviest and cleanest root), most easily harves ed of any Carrot groWn. Use Steele, Brlgge’ Scaled Packages only (see ‘ , cut), them you get the genuine sort. r Price (post-paid) i- lb., 206.; i 113., 306.: 1b., 500. WRTZEL “Steele, Briggs’ Money makers" 'Have been perfected by repeated selections of seed roots 1 cars past, thus securing the ï¬nest strains that can be obta' ed): Growers who value their Mangel Crop will use Steele, “Prize mammoth or diam Eong Red" :Barrl stere,eto.. remo Peatest See -use.†. 3 THE SECRET FOR"? SUCCESS ' .Is in using the best seeds at all-timesy-bccauso you secure more tons per acre in the yield of roots. you sacriï¬ce by poor yleld in are times the cost of good seed. STERLING SIP SGT/6X8 riggs’ “diam Yellow Goal" “dies? Yellow globe." Price, each, by mail (post-paid), 290. 1b.;1n 5 11). lots or more. 2'70. 1b. STEELE, BRIGGS? not! 3-39.93?! #:- now an I CATALOGUE MAILED FREE TO INTENDING Steel, Briggs Seed O T MONTREAL. in HARR ‘v . Mills, Mills s. Ill-laws - > ‘- , vcd Stem. ' ‘ to Wesley 'Bld' s.,Rloh- I v To introduced». 1).; :L .1 disco give pl l: When you- use cheaply p and inferior quality 0 roots incur . EOIIILTIES iisoser distinct variety, roots rose color, very large, p.’ .‘ clean, easily harvested and heavxest cropper of any Sugar beet known. Every grower should try It. Can only be had In (1 lb.) sealed packages (see . Price (post-paid) 50c. per 1b. NOTICE TO GROWERS Steele. Briggs’ Field Root Seeds are all produced from specially , selected roots and with unusual care, that the Canadian grower may secure the most proï¬table result from his crop. Steele, Briggs’ Seeds may be obtained from local dealers who consider the growers' best interest, rather than the small increased proï¬ts to themselves by supplying "cheaply" grown seeds. Secure STEELE, BRIGGS’ Seeds If not obtainable from year resident merchant, send your orders direct, that you may have the best. but little more, and lasts twice as long. The reputation agquired by RAMSAY’S PAINTS, which are sold by all ï¬rst-class dealers, is a guardntee of satisfaction. They'are mixed ready for use, and one gallon covers 360 square feet 1 coats. â€"-â€"¢-â€"--- A. RAIVISAY & sou, Palntl‘lakeu.’ lorpnlo people, fengalc ii'ï¬islinossgs.l liver and kidno u , I xvo'usnes. was nuts 0 tie :i t -m el .. your choice of a 14k Gold {clitol 08h (ling, all) or engraved, or a Gun Metal Watch. Ladies 61 cii‘e‘n rellhalc time keeper. warranted 5 ye are. T e plilx are 35c per h r~$3.50{or1 horas this amount and you wii receive 10 watch ; Qi‘ write for particulars. Acei‘itl wanted In every town and city. THE DR. DENT PILL 00., rown seeds kn" l v4. v and .m, sear é BUYERS. . I TORONTO, 0°, Ont. I LIMITED ' .f‘-:»‘f'-‘~'nwm~mx<u . ' , 'l i, Est’d l841. R WATS ii ' 'x l‘. no l’illn for making blood Send ions and the e W M «mixed. 2 ’ 29 Adelaide St, West, Religious Pictures, Statue? , and Church 0 not. . i- n a. ,, Educational Wagon} 5133 ï¬lial-Earthen" “23.1%: in“ Mngnilmï¬dIa at mgr: “target tron?!“ a: l .____________.___._1‘_"."."_°‘L91c.. “v wflm‘w ’ On- . - 0 . ‘ room. on an a are one o n or run '01 1; ,3" . __,___°'_'I’:‘,:°f"_ .wnl. Churches. Schools. 600., and will be fold all ‘ou THE MOST NUTRYHOUS. .3 D I ‘ reasonable terms. Apply to . ,_ a ' e c n. u. Pin on A cut. WeltBe on .uioh. 3" ’ "' a "I " *' . y g 0:.1. .0131: is. Whinamo'n. alien. .. 1 u 1;; the very ban and your work to the . ' ' a ' B TISH AMERIGAN DYElNB 00.’ . , '.' ,- , *- ' Inch for auntie your town, or load direct. r i V 3’ _ Montreal,Toronto, Ottawa, Quebec. w. "mt. good. autumn. lihllldl’l'lc men in GRATEFUECOMFORTING' l" - ' “' "unrepresented districts" throughout the Dominion to h . » V, a v :4; .91] our stock fdr investment. 'l‘hil smelt guarantee: 7 "‘ vi" '9; " i3, v' good dividends payable hell yearly. or lddlilg to love". 3 : . ,_ ‘ h , mom; alsoto secure applications for good loam. We ; _' t- 1 ply liberal commissions. Apply, ‘_ ,3! _ fix.- ,1 ,“ Sun Savln e and Loan Company. . “2 I‘ man... BREAKFAST-SUPPER.