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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 31 Aug 1900, p. 5

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" o ' ' -“o .. -_ Oppositdb lino and 14.â€"-Garried. to th . Tl fight over tle head ’ 5 I ' Moved' y Mn. Parkin, seconded by mastercsxliip resdltediuthere-engagement ,. a Mr. Webster, That Tlios. Thompson ‘ put in a culvert at lot 1 con. 2 and pre- sent his bill to the council for payment. Moved by Mn: Palmer, seconded by Mr. Dowel, That agrant of' 315 be made to the Fcnelnn Agricultural Suciety.-â€"â€" Carried. Moved by in. iniiiiio', seconded by ‘Mr. Webster, That-the l'ollosvingvbills be paid : Wm. Taniliu, 84: leads gravel, 3-1 20; John Kennedy. 40 leads gravel, 82; ’t. J. Smithson, 123 loads gravel, 8615; John Willr-clc, Bl loads gravel, Si 70; John SU'I'lltii, 180 lniltlS gravel”. ” 39; E 1' Oxl’yi 1‘“ loads gravel. 5.37:05i I)0n:llll Sinclair, lozuls gravel, of Mr. Maybee' Mr. R. S. Rowland ' . . ' . and Miss McNii’en will have charge of Municipality of the Village of FBII' the south ward school. and. Miss Nie, 91011 Falls, County of Victoria, Miss Bellingliam and Miss liigram will ’ _ Notice is hereby given that I have trans- teaih 1“ the “mm .“drd' mitted or delivered to the persons mention- I‘IRE PROTEC'MON.â€"Afwr some con- tioned in sections five and six of The Volcrs’ versation, at a recent meeting of the Lists Act, the copies required by said sections village council, upon the subj.-ct ol fire ' to be so transmitted or delivered of the list, pmwmion’ it was deem,“ m Mk Mr. made pursuant to said act, of all persons \V .. in, 1),," O 1,, f T ‘ t appearing by the last reused Assessment ' 2 ‘ 5‘} “(fze’ ‘ "’ H mm] 0 Roll of the said municipality to be entitled (“21” '“ “Fwd-9“): “"0 Salve" work now to vote in the said municipality at elections some; on in Lindsay) to 'ocome toigthe formemhers of the Legislative Assembly Falls and give his opiuién‘ as ti, i1“; and at municipal elections; and that said feasibility of l'lVlllQ‘ pipes alnil‘.’ the main 1115‘? il'itssrfiflst l)0f{,0d3(1)1[31 oat m(yf o\lllico at: ‘ '- ' ‘L‘l ‘tl ' ) J 1 ll street and pl‘iSSlllly one or two others, 18 on 3 on "3 “5 g s’ with hydrants at suitable intervals. [900, and remains there for inspection. Electors are called upon to examine the , tion. Only MElllllANsithWilVENWlliEFENGEZ‘ made of gigs. summits. Heavily Galvanized: Amply provides for éxpanSiOn and'contrac-F- Best Bessemer steel wires used. Always of uniform quality.. Never goes wrongno matterhow great a strain: is put upon it. Does not muti- _,_.__ iate,obut does liluiI \ i ' . ' ‘ ' l1‘. Webster, over-worl‘ on road job \] r ' ' ' ' ‘ ‘ 'â€"‘ ' w A: -« . \ - t 1 i r. Aslibi-iilze came on Saturday, wont said list, and if any omisswus or other - - )z: 'i Q“ ~ k 81-50; W. [1-, F91". use f"? Gambia)" around with the recvo, and Still that he errors are foniid therein, to take immediate efilcmnfly turn lam ‘ r.» V ' Orange hall, $2; JG. I. Knight, for cul- wnuid send in .1 m on.) b , u d f proceedings to have the said errors correct- cattle: horses. 7 ' 5:} I _ I t P :1 H) CH n I I . . ’ h a I you between lots 2:) and Zn on the 4th (his weak ed “00"‘dmg ‘0 1”“ ogs and plgs‘ 3‘” cor) , 84' R. C Tompkins culvert on i h‘ ' Dated this 30th day Of August: 1900- H I l . l ‘17!" l '" b ', C- l a i . l ) l‘lIE LADIES; PAPER.-â€"On the 20th W T JUNKIV ' . ' ’l'l'h iis eat, ambiay, 53330. Alex. ltutli- of q ,, b . l in, f. I W ,7 ', _‘ “’ F U, EVERY ROD OF AMERICAN FENCE GUARANTEED ford, fixing mad at cm). 8, ,M 11, $8; LCquCnl] on t )0 abate. 0 no t a (:li- 29â€"2. Clerk of Fenclon a .5 BY THE MANUFACTURERS . . if, y _ . ‘ x W . ‘H mtm- "um-rev is to 0 given up 0 tie __ y ' 1., g;, c, :k ' ‘ if; ","w i'5 llsliiiig “ 'l‘lic woiiians’ edition of tlic “ranted at Once- Call and See it. Can show you how it Will save you money... =-,, ‘5': 9-;’ 01h) P14331185 ec ilolol fiction Walchmmh Warder n 5000 copicq .m. A first-class Cook and Dining-room Girl - r :' mun t L.“ ' . . - ' ‘ ( ’ l ' ' l < ’1" -- ' ' ' ' l “05,3” 032,5, ‘3; “,0; 53., 9‘00“ 3‘ g3)“; to beApl'lDted and sold for the county t° g0 ‘0 m “Whig”? :90; willgzigh Call and see my stockof- Milk. Cans and dairy utensfls. ' “ ' ‘ ‘ "' ' ‘ ’ hospital scheme. The preparing of "A ' “L ' ' x J 1' ( Clerk, registering; B.. D. and 31., $11 ; Tlios. Smitherain, stoning road at lot this paper is in the hands oi'a large and energetic committee who are using every or. T.’P. MoCULLOiâ€"IGH, Job worlt attended to-by a;first-classwor-kman.. â€"¢ 22. con. 6, 38' G. W. Brill, stationer ~ . . . $1.77.bDunca7” (“Mk Lfimn" ‘mhofié available means to have it filled with S n _ r g The Nevv I-Iardware Store- E. at in, i cm, 11 $6. [fired Joins ‘fixiun‘ interesting reading matter. Each de- ' Ell-6‘3, '5 a - â€" n V . Ed 5” Opposite- the Posti-Ofliceo- a; Family; bridue ’84, 2’4I_Gml“ie‘d‘ D partnient is in the hands of a special EYE, EAR,.NOSE and THROAT. ‘5 Moved by‘MK Webster Seconded by Gdftm‘ and each editor IS working I‘V‘th Will visit Simpson House, Lindsay,every :i Mi. Dowel] That Moi-v aiid s-u-oii Mc- 3'?"ng Con'mlttee- The Paper m“ be WWIWS‘W- Home 10 a~ m' t0 4 P- “1 Fame“ oac’h receive $5 nut of‘ m“ 001‘ of interest to all men as well as women. Consultations, eyc,ear, nose and throat. ‘ : r'utef__gzl,.,.ied: ' V p FisuING FOR. Leosâ€"'Several times Suggtfrbomugh’ comer Giorgi: and Murray ‘ H Moved by Mr. Palmer, seconded by during: her brief career the new steamer ' _ Mr. Webster, That this council do now Many“ has been laid up 0" compelled Never Butcher Shop. I I." ' ' adjourn. to meet at Cameron at the call to u go Slow ” in consequence 0f lhc ‘ â€"â€" of the i'ccve.â€"â€" Carried. flanges Of her propeller being bYOkelJ by The undersigned, having purchased 1, _ H _ V” _“___ the sunken logs in the Scugog. The Messrs. Davey to So .’s butchering business, _ - Pawlesi comet work of fishing for them was commenc- has Opened 0‘“ in the Shop ‘ ed several days ago, and more than Next Door to the Public Library, (amazespmuzvcnce 0/ 57,0 Gazette) two scowloiids of them have already in Mr. Jordan’s block, where he will keep Messrs :\ E Minthorne Cullis and been “ caught ” and mmoved' we did a Chome smek Of y 4' Lwe ,{fl‘v‘e ’béen "emu" the'tmteriil, on not know until quictreeently that logs, ' Fresh and Salt Meats, _ [mud to [Duke 50,39 smile fl ‘ _- of .th when they disappear from the surface of' andllopesi by‘mo'hmw charges, Strth “t- . - ' ' a; 1 cm]. i. ‘ - ~00iiu:., Wt . a Stream on which they have been flonb tciitioni to busmess and unfailing 010111183}; _ H ' ‘ to customers to secure a goo more 0 . _ M r. L. Wager has built a concrete ing’ {hymn go m the bmmm 'at once’ PUbliG Pfltl'om’lge- ' l ‘ wall under his born. This makes two ut’ SI" ‘ 51"“ “any and may be 5”“le SAMUEL ELLERY. ' v * " bums in this section with such Wins . by the propeller of a vessel that does, Fenelon Falls, June 14th, 1900. 18. Em Mr J B Fowlcq is nnkim miepgrm not draw more than a couple of feet of . ' tions to build a silo, which Yviii make (‘f'mr’ “"0" makes them exceedingly . . ' I I ~ ( 0‘ ‘ u g ‘ . the Fourth 1!) this locality. maelouq _ , ’ The rain“ last Sunday night stopped ,, A CONTEMPTIBLE , THEFT“ _ Ml" ' é E the harvestingr operations, but it did not “‘f’mas Gamma; Of “mum”: had “c 'l ' ' stop the mot 0,0,, growing. casron to go to his barn last Saturday I 9 ' Mr. and Mrs. Joseph“ Perrio have evemug‘ and‘ not Wishing to take his I r u ‘ been very unfortunate for some time Pipe with hm}, laid it upon the spout of . . . past. About o year or a little more aeo hm pump, Whlcl‘ ‘5 hm" a Short dlsmnce That Is 1:0 9“°St‘9“-‘VhԤh.’§“y have 1' i ll ’ we“. eld-‘esb daughter died M‘Planao’ from the road in front of the farm. kegtoilfiglg“SignsygénmnoieCypoidgriate , Illinois, and about a month ago their “glen {lilo “tinned! 3?” 9" absence 0f than ' .a t. daughter Annie died at Winni cg. She ‘1 out V“ mmuicsi “0 in?“ “’33 gone: , . hadjonly been married a fewpthouths, and Mrs. Onshore told him that a young . â€" 5 and her death, which came very uucx: ma? 1“ albl’mk 5”” had-if“ Ofi: 8‘ E’“ or , . , - v it no «rate lrone to tie um or ' peotedly and cast a gloom over this c309, ‘ ~ » - . P P . v . - , community, was the outcome of eating a dullk (“3 Pam's-by aim mime hllb” hi3:IgirliespdlZleeEdnilun‘dggdgs adish of ice~crcam. About two months or doll”) and men “(men “,wal' towm‘ls in these lines, which we will be pleased! 320 M,._ Perrinvs mam mu away with the i‘alls. The natural inference is to Show you if you visit us. l‘l the wagzod, and a little later one of the that the Straw” “Ole {he plpei and the u E l 0 horses was himhed m the sulk'ey rake, thelt was, under the circumstances, so ‘ and from some cause 013mm,. fan away, conteniptiblc that we Wish the fellow , F t f K, t gt but the boy who was on the rake at the could be caught and " 5““ “P n f0" “‘9 Laflngflgv en "- time managed to get off without injury. blue“ term the “W allows' , , ' , . p _ 1 Two weeks ago Mr. Perrin’s team ran ANOTHER WILD CAT STORY.â€"Lflst .; _ _ ' away with'a new binder and broke it up Week W0 condensed 3'1 “000W”? from a (1 t l l considerably. The flies played their Port Hope paper ol'bnys being attacked a a - part in this run. One of’ the horses got by wild cats, and new the l’eterborough x one of its fectover the tongue, and. when , Timeseomes to hand with an exciting Send your name and address on a postal, ‘1' Joseph Jr. got (ilf'the michiae to extri- start] of a fight, a few mich from Buck- ' IF YOU WANT ANY or call and get the new 44,-page catalogue ' onto it the horses made a start. Joe got horn. between Jlr. Edward Barr and a P ,is Gveen ‘ “Characteristics.” hold of' one line but it gave wn where ferocious wild cat that had reci itated 341" "' 7 Gives the latest sha es and st 1 in . , y y . _ _ , p p p y es .‘lt had been sewn toucther. The team itself upon one of the ladies of a huokle- Insect Powder “Slater Shoes "illustratesthem in all their 0 " ” ._ - l ’ 5 - ’ did not go far bol'ore they ran against berrying party. l‘he beast had the â€" . varieties, tells of t‘neleathersin theirmake- a pine stump. No one hurt. Mr. and weapons with which nature provided it, P013011 Pads; up, full of wholesome advice on shoes Dll‘d. Peri-in have the sympathy of the teeth and claws, and the man had the i " _ - » ‘ i a and feet gmnumutfty, ' limb of a tree, with which he so whack~ ‘ ~ or Papel ’ By its; means you can order shoes b ‘ . _ , .,_. ed the cut over its head and body that You Wiufind‘the 593‘ qualities and Ina-1 d ,tm - . y _ _ l . brands at 1 an gc e exact 512e, Width, shape, PASSEDâ€"Percy Knox, eldest son ol‘ it finaly bounded off into the wood. . color and leather you want. Mr. James Knox oi" the llalls,;passed l3'arr liar-ltlorizélof Litlgz‘sleevefsitornlo'fl' Rab§oafsyra§g Sg0r3_ “Slimer Shoes” are made in 12 Shapes, 6 widths, Sims and tlie'first part of his matriculation _ex- its coat and ie no iawn 10:12 US N. B__If you require glassesror find. ' half sues, reliable leathers and fasmombie colors“ - animation at the Lindsay Collegiate lllfihtlegi‘and' before_ he Went to the your eyesight failing, you Cflulwt ‘30 Every pair Goodyear welted bearincr the trade mark name ' Institute, and we congratulate him upon ‘la y’s assurance, toe savage animil had better than have your eyes tested and rice of ma}; rs s - ’ . b - ’ his success, . ‘ torn her dress to shreds and slightly here- We guarantee SfltlSl'Fl-Ction- P e Stampyd on the 8016 m a slate frame‘ Rimâ€"A splendid rain fell very Wmded ‘1‘”- ’ early on Monday morning, just when “““‘ - ‘ $Ecei‘dfi DEVB$§QK GGUHT thereotâ€"erops and pastures were begin- V BE‘XRRiFE' u u d, 'b â€"â€"or 'rima- 30“! by J. L. ARNOL, Fenelon Fall's. a: ' ,._ a» anconâ€" LATER.â€" e i e 10 is s - m- ' mt? t? iggghe‘mmn; Gilli) (13.1.18, hut church, Fenelon Falls, by Rev.T.P.Stccie,. Count-V Oi Vlmol la' . vest o m â€"â€".n lot, par S, a ofFi-ascrville, on Wednesday, August29th, N . t. (r f 1 b C ., leastâ€"film one of the best on record. 1900, Mr. John Frederick Varcoe of Midland v ‘6 “clfitFItfil‘is, 0 ! 31.61? {five ‘ curt ‘1 ' V a ' SATISFACTORY._T;,B gm. den party to Sarah Ellen, third daughter of Mr. John be he . m" [c “on 5 m ’ enelon FRI §7 , held last. Friday evening! at, Dr. Gould's Slam“ of “melon Falls' 0“ “man-[ll], SEPT’R 17m, 1900: ‘ E - 3: ml in behall ol’ the village band was well ‘ commencing at 1 o’clockintlic afternoon. - ' , Mtelldedi the receipts exceeding the 0X” FEXEL'ON BALLS MARKETS Thursday, Sept’r 6th, will he the last day Pegdimms by 310’ which was quite as Reportcclbyt/ie North Star Rolleiullill 00. of service on defendants residing in this much a3 was expected, and, therefore! Fenelon Faus’priday,Aug. gist. 1900 county. gefeudants livmg in other ’coun- o,_\ - a . very satisfactory. Wheat,Scotch or Fife 68 to- 70 “as mHSt elsewfd on or before semr ISL I , , d _ . . ‘ Cum 0,. THANKS __The member, Wheat, our, perbushel.... 62 65 E.o.13.1)WAngns,_fie E.D.HA31D.,+ spiepaie. to supply parties who intend to Put ub- p 1‘ F 1 pm. B...m 3,0,1 wish Wheatisrl‘mg 63 6‘3 , "1” ' _ e“- aaiy kind of btiildings with 0 l’ "3’ we 0", ‘ ‘ 3 " “ “ Barley, per bushel.... 32 35 Fenclon Falls, June 18th,1900; to return their hearty thanks to Mr. Buckwheat“ 35. 38. f - . . and Mrs. Dr. Gould for the use of their Oats, ‘ “, 24 25- , 835117 Doors; Door Fralneso ‘VlnClOW Frames, Mould- ' . l ‘.)" ' I t‘ H coat-coo fI 'n . “ ‘ . “ 'I - I ydwggggfid“$05..inLooxslmigthovpublii: Else, U IL; ingsaCasmgs, Baseboard-s, .Newel Posts, Hand Rails and ‘ 2 m1 a tile qtronigcd their rT131113“ Pomms, n 9;, 3,.) I T ‘ all kmds of builders supplies that may be needed. “’ “f” Y P' =‘ Butter,per1b...... 15 16 To Montreal or New Kork - . m"?- 30' ‘ .....i.... l0 ' i ' i 1 a ' ° - p Gimp To NEW YORK _D,. T p 23$51,1;§.‘,33““ 60,, , fot ch01ce patteins 01 lOW They are manufactuied under his own supervmion, _ I . I p I A ., I'QOIIOIICCII c . . i ‘ . . I ‘ MCCuHOH..h eye ear, nose and throat, Hides . 5.33 (55.50 1 prices in me well made of good materials, and Wlll be sold fully as. ' . - N l ‘ ’ ‘ . ‘ .ouooo Ill-III. r- 1:0. ‘ ‘ I specialist, of Petcrborough,‘requests us Eggs“) gm 530 wgagu; pflpfifi. cheap as they can be bought at any other factory. to state that, as he is got“; E0. New Beor,_,,,.. 5.50 6.00 . , - . Yoxkto attend hospitals his Vlsfts t0 Sliecpskins....... on 90'; We have ljhem here no“? Turning executed with neatness and clespatch. Lindsay will be discontinued until the $00] 81 “IL, 011% 9 for your selectmn‘ ‘ _ ‘ .r 7 a z in October. our 1V8]: ea .. ~. . m _ ' . 7‘ . -. 1“ ll Edue‘d‘y O ‘ b,. schook Flour: Victoria M, 2.20 l. Gfigflflys’ . 801011 Saw 1119; and Fancy Blackets of every descripr~ :XGAIN-_ ul pu lc . . Flour, Family, Clipperl.-.. . Will l'c‘op‘m 0“ Monday “9391 and n" ‘15 Bran, per 100 lbs .. . ‘65 75 NEXT TO ’ . ‘ to be hoped that neither pupi nor tone 1- Shorts, “ H .. .. . so 90 l _ . - I. I I or will “ creep like a snail, unwillingly ” Mle 0110? ” - 1-00 1 m SIMPSON HOUSE- EStlmates cheerfully Give-n» \ ti - . . l “ .u “Van ‘~ .- . A' " . r .» ,.» v » ~. i -. . . . .- v simmer _ , mi. ._ , ,. N . . ~-. 7. «v ..:L.‘i“'“

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