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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 28 Sep 1900, p. 5

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h. yam: ammrhcfi.mzvâ€"m. - Q ..M.A..p....,.... MW . :1 mm»... -n_«. ..~ ~r“%fm7mumbxbvgxxa ., Jear Mr. Abbott’s, at Sandy P31 1:, .n' Verulam, on Wednesday, Oct. 3rd, 9. large quantity of farm stock and implements, household furniture, etc. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock. For particulars see posters. - METHODIST CHURCH Norseâ€"The Harvest Home Anniversary will be held this year on Oct._14th and 15th......A report from the C. E. rally held at Paris will be given next Sabbath even- ing......Rev. R. E. Finlay, who has supplied during the summer very ac- ceptably, returns to Victoria College, Toronto, next week. SALE or A TIMBER Luannâ€"A few days ago Mr. Benjamin Burtcheall, of Somerville, sold to Messrs: T. H. De- Cew & Son, of Fenelon Falls, the whole of thetimber on 1,400 acres of land near the village of Coboconk for the sum of $4,500. The purchasers have already built a shanty on the limit and Will employ about forty men getting out the timber. SCHOOL REPORT.â€"-Following are the results of the weekly examination of the senior 4th class. Subject history ', marks obtainable, 100 : B. Austin 84, R. Aus- tin 49, C. Bellingham 86. M. Heard 64. F. Graham 32, R. McDougall 64, N. Martin 39, E. Nevison 54, J. O’Leary 27, C. McFarland 22, L. Puley 54, A. Robson 29, A. Wilson 51, G. Wilson 58, C. Puley 52. A POSTAL Box lVANTED.â€"TWO or three days ago a resident of the village was complaining to us that there was no postal box at the railway station, r where it is customary to have them in, many places he had visited A box at that point. into which stamped letters could be drovpped, would ccrtainly be a a greatconvenience in many ways, and we hope to be able to report that one has been placed there before long. AN Common AT HALrnUnTon.â€"â€"‘ 'l‘he Bobcaygeon Independent says: The remains were taken to Lindsay yesterday, where interment will take place under the auspices of the Can- adian Order of Foresters, of which the deceased waspn esteemed member.” Mons ELECTRICITY.â€"-â€"Ml‘. E. Sand- ford has purchased a dynamo (which Will arrive this week) sufficiently powâ€" 91‘ful to supply the 150 lights required 1“ his difi'erent factories and in his and his son’s dwelling-houses. During the daytime the dynamo will run Mr. Sand- tords elevator, and posts to carry a wire to the elevator, which is near the railway station, are now being erected. We congratulate “Bob.” Mr. Sand- ford’s 24-years-old horse, upon his hap- py release from that part of his labor. By the substitution of electricity for horse power, a quantity of grain that . could not formerly be loaded upon a ; car in less than two hours and a halt can now be loaded in one hour. Mr. Sandford’s screen door business is boom- ing. He hasjust closed a deal with a company of manufacturer’s agents in Montreal, and has set three extra hands to work this week. BIRTHS. Swampâ€"In the township of S'omerville on Wednesday, Sept. 12th, 1900, the wife of Mr. Gregory Suggilt of a daughter. Dariusâ€"In the township of Verulam on Wednesday, Sept. 12th, 1900, the wife of Mr. Wm. Davies of a daughter. Evansâ€"At Cameron, on Monday, Sept. 24th, 1900, the wife of Mr. Henry Eyres of a.- son. DIED. JEWELRâ€"At B'racebridge on Wednesday, September 26th, 1900, Georgina, only child‘ of Mr. George H. Jewell, aged 2 years and 7 months. ,_____.__.___.____._._._______â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" FENELON FALLS MARKETS , Reported by the North Star Roller Mill 0’0. Fenelon Falls, Friday, Sept. 28th, 1900_ Wheat,Scotch or Fife 68 to 70 “ There was a most dastardly and cow- Wheat? mu! perbushe1”” 6? 6‘? 'dl fl. . . . H .b ‘ l k A Wheat, spring .... ..... 63 65 at y a an In at urn _ast wee . Barley’per bushel-“U”. 35 3., bay rake and other machines were taken Buckwheat u , , , , , 35 38 out of a resident’s barn during the Oats, “ .... 2-3. 24 night, drawn some distance away from Pease, “ 55_ 57 the house, and then fence rails were Rye: ” 5" 56 Potatoes, “ .... 15 20 laid over the machines and the whole heap set on fire. They were all des- troyed completely. It is understood that the Attorney-General will put a provincial detective on the caSe.” WDI'. T". P. McCullough, eye, ear, nose and throat specialist, of Peterborough, will be at the Simpson House, Lindsay, for consultations, on the first Wednesday in October. GOOD SPORT’.â€"Before daybreak on Monday last Mr. Thomas Sadler Jr. left the Falls in his canoe for the “drowned land ” opposite Blythe, and returned some hours later with 14 out ‘ of the 22‘ ducks he brought down with the Winchester repeating shot-gun he bought at Mr. Heard’s some time ago. Mr. Sadler is one of our keencst and most successful sportsmen ; and when he is “ the man behind the gun,” the duck he aims at must be a long way off, or must dodge pretty quickly, to escape grievous bodily harm. A YACHT Bunsenâ€"The little steam yacht Lulu, sold by Mr. John Jones to Mr. Washington Northcy, was destroy- ed by fire last- Monday night, together with the boat-house in which she was kept, and which was located just above the entrance to the canal. The boat returned at about 8.15 from a trip on Cameron lake. and when she was run in the fire was carefully extinguished, but it is thought that a spark from the ’ funnel must have caught in the roof of the house, from which the flames burst just an hour later. There was no in- surauce, and Mr. Northcy’s loss was about $100. RECEPTION TO 00L. SAM.â€"Vt70 have received a. hand-bill from the l'Vatchmon- . Wardcr office announcing that a grand military reception will be tendered Lieutenant-Colonel Hughes on his re- turn from South Africa on Wednes- day, October 3rd, by the,45th Vic- toria Regiment. and residents of Vio- toria county. Col. Sam will arrive in Lindsay on th 10.40 a. m. train from Toronto. and allare invited to take- part in the reception. Single fare tickets from Cnbnconk. Haliburton, Lorneville. Blackwatcr, Peterborough and inter- mediate points will-be issued, and the Haliburton train will be held until 5 o’clock. Won’t Sam feel proud? And isn’t it a pity that he couldn’t preserve his bruise and his mark and exhibit them as proofs of the dangers he has gone through? DIED AT THE HOSPI'l‘AL.â€"-Tl)c Peter- borough Times of Tuesday last says: “ On Wednesday last Mr. George Miles, of Lindsay, was admitted to the Nich- olls Hospital, sufl'ering from typhoid fever. He was very ill when he arriv- ed here, and gradually sank until Sun- day, when he passed away. Deceased was an engineer in the employ of the Butter,per 1b............ 18 20 Eggs,per doze-n.......... 11 12 Hit3’,per ton............. 6.00 7.00 Hides...........,. 5.00 6.50 Hogsaive) 5.25 5.75 Hogs (Dressed) .... 6.00 6-75 Beef . . . . . . . .. 5.50 6.00 Sheepskin,s.............. 50 90 Wool . . . . . . . . . . 10 15 ._ Flour, Silver Leaf . . . ... .. 2.10 2.30 Flour, Victoria 2.00 2.20 Flour, Family, Clipper. 1.80 2.00 Bran, per 100 lbs .. . on 75 Shorts, “ “ 80 90 Mixed Chop “ .... . ... . 1.00 1.10 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given, pursuant to the statute in that behalf, that all persons hav- ing claims against the estate of Ellen Brown, late of the Village of Rosedale, in the Township of Fenelon, widow, who died on or about the 13th day of September, 1900, are required to send by post, prepaid, a. full statement of their said claims unto Messrs. McLaughlin & McDiarmid, solicit.- ors 850, Lindsay P. 0., solicitors for George Gale and William Pcrdue, the executors of the estate of the late Ellen Brown, on or before Saturday, the 20th day of October, A. D. 1900, as after the- said date the ex- ecutors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said estate, having reward only to those claims of which they small at that time have received notice. Dated at Lindsay this 26tlrday of Sep- tembcr, A. D. 1900. MCLAUGHLIN 82: MODIARMID, Solicitors for above named Exec-atom. To Dairy Farmers. The Alpha Disc De Laval Cream Separ- ator took the Grand Prize at the Paris Ex- position, and is used by all leading dairy- men throughout the Province. Cali be seen at the implement shed of the under- signed, who has been appointed sole agent for this district. JOHN NORTHEY, Colborne St. Fenelon Falls, Sept. 27th, 1900. - Estray Calf. Game on to the premises of the subscriber lot27, con. 1, Verulam, about July 15th, a Steer Calf about four months old, red, with a few white spot. The owner can have him upon proving property and paying expenses. GEORGE METCALFE. Vcrulam, Sept. 13th, 1900. 31-4. llNllSlll MARBLE WORKS. Rabi. Chambers and granite. cemetery work. Pieces, etc., a specialty. taken ill was on the steamer Manita purchasing elsewhere. plying between Bridgenorth and 30b“ l WORKSâ€"In the rear of the Market on cnyneou. He was "about 35 years of age ' Cambridge-st, opposite the packing house and was married, his Wife, mother and other relatives residing in Lindsay. ”â€"--â€" Is prepared to furnish the people of Lind- say and surrounding country with MONU- MEN’I‘S and HEADSTONES, both Marble Estimates promptly given on all kinds of Marble Table Tops, Wash Tops, Mantle . . Being a. practical workman all should i , r . - . . 7 illeut- \ alley N‘wlgfltmn 00" ‘md When see lllS desrgns and compare prices before R. CHAMBERS. A Sunderlond lady writes Dr. Neelands that-he had made her a successful fit after having eight sets ofteeth made in Toronto and elsewhere.-â€"â€"43tf ____________..__.__â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"-â€"-' SECOND DIVISIOH‘ COURT â€"OF THE-â€" County of Victoria. The next sittings of the above Court will be held in Dickson’s hall, Fenelon Falls, ON MONDAY, NOV’R 19th, 1900, commencing at 1 o’clock in the afternoon. Thursday, Nov’r 8th, will be the last day of. service on defendants residing in this county._ Defendants living in other conn- ties must be served on or before Nov’r 3rd. E. o. EDWARDS, E. D.HA‘ND, = Bailiff. Clerk. Fenelon Falls, Sept’r 18th, 1900. NOTICE. Notice is hereby-“giVen that a Court will be held, pursuant to the “ Voters’ List Act,” . by His Honor the Judge of the County Court of the County of Victoria, at the Village of Cameron, on the fill! DAY of OCTOBER, 1900, at] o’clock p. m., to hear and determine the sever-algcomplaints of errors and omisâ€" sions in the Voters’ List of the Municipality of Fenelon for 1900. All persons having business at the Court are required to attend at the said time and place. Dated this 17th day of September, 1900. JOHN B. POWLES, Cleric of Fenelon. ‘ Business is Rushing in Feneâ€" lon Falls. WHY? Miss E. Doherty has started to do business in Dress and Mantle making on shortest possible notice, having secured a. first-class dress-maker from the city. Also millinery. Everything in the latest fashion. Prices reasonable. Call and and see for , yourself.‘ Rooms over Burgoyne’s store. Business to commence Monday, Sept. 7th. 5%“ Apprentices wanted. - MISS E. DOHER’EY, â€"31-4m.* Wanted at Once. A firstvclass Cook and Diningâ€"room Girl. to go to the city. Good wages. Apply to MRS. .I. A. McDOUGALL Perfect Sight a matter of Foresight. Many cases of, eye trouble are averted by early application of proper lenses. Present neglect ' means future trouble. 1 ~. 0..»- L'---;¢l':“«’ ->--.â€"y '.’,-/,-.>..«, “st n. M”. . .~ , ,_ Britten Opticians, LINDSAY. FEE not To Montreal or New York for choice patterns or low prices in WALL PAPER. lVe have them here now for your selection. Gfiflfifl’s, Linnsav, NEXT TO SIMPSON HOUSE. an no tiltlll ' is printed every Friday at the office, corner May and Francis Streets. SUBSCRIPTION 2 $1.00 A YEAR, IN ADVANCE, or one cent per week will be added, as long as it remains unpaid. Advertising Rates. less, upon reasonable terms. rectly and at moderate prices. E. D. HAND, Fenelon Falls. ‘ Professional or business cards, 50 cents per line perannum. Casual advertisements, 8 cents per line for the first insertion, and 2 cents per line for every subsequent inser- tion. Contracts by the year, half year or JOB PRINTING executed neatly, cor Proprietor . September and October of your house and outbuildings. Don’t let them go through the win» ter without some protection, andi don’t forget that the new hardware store carries a good stock of paint,, both for outside and inside work.. CREAM SEMEMQRS. Come and see them. We have three kinds and ten- sizes-to choose from, and. if you take one home and give.- it a trial. you. cannot help being satisfied with it- Job work attended to by a first-class workman... .‘ GEO. MOGE , The Sfifigfi‘ifififigfiéa The balance of our Summer Goods: will be sold at less than cost after this week. Prints that were 6', 7, and 80. will be sold for 5 cents. Fast color Prints, finest quality, the 12, 14: and 15 cent kind, will be sold for 10 centsper yard. Extra bargains in Dress Goods, Mus» lins, Gloves, Hosiery, Ribbons‘and Laces, Summer Shoes, Men’s Hats and Clothing. Do not fail to attend our big Saturday Sale, commencing September 15th. W. BURGOYNE. The Bed Store. Slater Shoe headsets The output of “ Slater Shoes ” is so large that the makers are able to control their own tannage in most leathers. “ Canuck Calf," made from the best selected calfskins. in black, light and medium tan and seal brown. “ Kidduck ” in black and seal brown, from selected Patna gontsldns Both leathers are wear and water resisting, porous and therefore sanitary. There are also “ Best French l’atcnt," “ French Enamel,” " Peerless Russia" and “American Wax Calf." Slater Shoe Polish only should be used on these leathers, retains their elasticity and keeps them soft. . The sole leather is the best obtain- : able,and on every sole is the makers’ ' name and price in a slate frame, “ . fur when the finished shoe has passed , .- its rigorous examination. Catalogue. E“. SSNBEEfififl .15 prepared to supply parties who intend to put up any kind of buildings with Sash, Doors, Door Frames, lVindow F‘ames, Mould- ings, Casmgs, Baseboards, Newel Posts, Hand Rails and. all kinds of bu1lders’ supplies that may be needed. They are manufactured under his own supervision, are well made of good materials, and will be sold fully as cheap as they can be bought at any other factory. Turning executed with neatncss and despatch. Scroll Sawing and Fancy Brackets of every descripw tion made to order. m Estimates Gheertully Given. are the months to paint the outside. ’vV|/VNWV‘VWAW‘-¢x/ («/‘Ag V‘.,~‘,"....‘...* x- n .2 .. ~" -' ‘</‘-v‘\/ r”v\"W’v‘-./‘ .. ‘ '-~./ ,' I , ~ - ” MAN; n\‘\‘ ~ ~ .‘~\

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