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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 16 Nov 1900, p. 4

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:I-fl1fi’3f‘t‘himm , («fl‘i‘vfi‘fi'fi‘ Qtaf‘fi‘i‘ri‘r‘irf‘xsfi i‘hflhwfl: r9.:"-'"fl‘.m nthâ€"«Urc- ,4 no sRQ.‘J 15.3,. .fl. M h7- ‘V. a ,i'AAL‘ _L;..' . t"; For Furniture . W PEBTURE FRAMING A SPECIALTY. <-â€"-Vâ€"«.â€"~-.-â€"_â€"o-.~- ~~â€"~vâ€"â€" --~- ~ Sir Vlfilfrid’s English-Speakingiliajority. On the 26th instant a party a... ,J-- 83 detailed to go into the country on a foraging expedition. He asked to ac-, company us, as we had an armed escort. He only buckled on his revolver, gomgg out about five miles from here. andT while looting the waggous at a farm he rode to a kopj‘e about a mile away. On returning he found four. armed Boers. riding up a dongs, with the evident intention cf'sniping at theesoort. See-u ing the place they were evidently mak-_ ing for, he left his horse out of sight and took up a position where they would have to pass within. twenty-five yards, ~‘ and: as they cameup. he. covered them. with his revolverandzordercd them to. throw up their bands, which they all did}... Unaided, he disarmed.them and; ‘brought therein.tc.the-sscort, who..wil-i- lingly took themover and placed them inlthe next parliament English’speaking with the proper: authorities.' Needless supporters to‘ the number. of 82'. ac- jto say, he wastheherc of the camp, and: cording to Wednesday’s vote. If he was highly Complimented; by the col~L secures the majority of. the elections yet tonal in orders next day.” ' to be held, and if;,thc,independcntssup- ' port him as theyhave in the past, he 1 will,have.at least. 90 English speaking ' 'fcllowers,4as against 76â€":English speak- ing. conservatives. Sir, Wilfrid-l could carry on the government, if. that were . necessary, without that French majOrity which some people profess, to, fear 8.0.. greatly-,3" W. Terrible Tragedy at.Sea.. The Montreal Witness says :_- “ The fact should not be lost sight of that the great majority which Sir Wil- ‘frid Laurier has secured in this province, equivalent as it is to “ a solid Quebec.” is not by any means a solid French 1 Don’t Buy " niajoritY, as some opponents 0f the Gov' . . ’ untfl you See RObson S Stock ernment are implying. No fewsr, than He can glve you a chome of sixteen of the Liberals elected in cue. the best;- makes at fair prices, bec‘ are English-speaking. This means . ' that nearly one-third of the liberal re- presentation is not French, and shows how. far fromracial prejudice are our "French Canadian. fellow citizens when they voted for English candidates in some cases, as in Beauharnois, Rich~ mend and Wolfe, Mississquci, and Quebec county,voted‘ against men of their own race. Sir Wilfrid will have Dealer in IRON and COAL, We. are new prepared to supply all kinds 0, IRON PIPE, an Panama, aces; and. PIPE FITTING-ST Essa-mas sways-.5 Ra San, * of the newest designs and from the best Fenelon Falls. makers. ’ chat; to Animals... This is the time of‘year at which, Canadian farms, and. no doubt upon. many farms in the States; not. by act- :ively abusing the unfortunate. cream turessubjected' to mans inhumanityL ,but by neglecting to provide them with, necessary shelter, and, too frequently” gwith, sufficient suppliesof', foods; This. ‘speeies of cruelty is, We are glad to. know, less prevalent than it used togbeh as the majority of farmers have learned, ,either by readingr or experience, that it pays to take gcod care of their. liveJ stock during the winter months. But~ there are still many who will allow their » young animals, and some oi their old. ones, to shiver with cold andhalf’ starve. ifrom non/until spring, regardless of the. fact that at least- some of ~theuLwill‘z weigh less and be worth less at the end of the winter than they were at the be- ginning“ Commiserating the fate of" the wretched creatures thus barbarously: treated, we have often wished that their ~ owners could be punished, as they would! be in some parts of the .Unitcd States,_ though perhaps not in others. “ Our~ Dumb Animals,” published monthly- in . :Boston by the Massachusetts Society ,* for the Prevention of Cruelty to Ani» - inals,” comes regularly to our sanctum, , gand‘we always read it with much in-. terest. The Society’s mission is “ to speak for those who cannot speak'ffor; theinselvcsl’and it does-its self-appoint- . ed work without fear or favor. Its num- erous agents are constantly on the look- ‘Tliemli‘enelcn Balls dinette. A full line of all kinds of GARTRIDGES AND AididiiiilTlfiii. Friday, Nov. 16th,, 1900. Talking, Nonsense. gdespatch frmn (mam, N, 8., gives 3an account of the loss of the Yarmouth Steamship Company’s sidewheel steamer City. of Monticello four miles off“ Che- ,goggin Point,- in the Bay of Faunday, on Saturday morning, during one ofthe Worst storms of the season. The. crew andpasscngcrs numbered 37 and only 4~ Were saved: Oi the statementsof the survivors, we take the following, made by James E. Flemming, the third oflicer, as containing the clearest ac- count of- the disaster- in, the. fewest words :- “After leaving St, John yesterday morning the wind' was blowing quite strong, but the boat made good time. After passing throuth Petite Passage, it looked as if thewind‘would haul to the northwest, but about 8 o’clock it breez~ ed up from the south. About 10:o’-‘ clockon Fridaynigbt one sea, boarded us and carricd‘away the starboard part of” the forward saloon, apparently. doing small damage. The. ship. was. then ,labcringheavily, but Was making. gOOd Weather. In the night she- began in leak. This morning about. Slo’clock? sherbecame unmanageable. Everything “possible for the safety of the . ship .and the crew was done,. butr to , no .. purpose. The port fires went out about 10.30- o’clock, and shortly afterward Captain Harding ordered the boats to x be man- ned., The port quarterboat was lower ed: The second officer, the Quarter- master, Captain Smith, the stewardess and two women, one of'them colored, and,mysclf:,left,in ,hcr. Very littlendif- -*fieulty-lwas experienced‘in getting the boat away from the ship. The port forward boatwas also lowered, but fill- led‘before it was got away from the ship. I,saw men struggling in the water,with: Clife‘ belts ..on, but. it. was , impossible ; to render them any assistance. Ii cannot, through and very properly resented.“ glsay whether any other boats werfe low- Not a wand of, disapproval was heard eted. In about three minutes a ter we . . . . .u ' .. ' r from any Conservmwe when S”. John left the 0hip she heeled over on her po t . . ".,'de broke in two and went down how Phompson becmme Brcmier, and! there 'ql. ’ 3 . ’ can be little doubt that they would firm“ Jfist bhfore She sank I‘Baw peo' . . . linvinrr to the. windward rail. The have condoned his nationality as well PTO: '-‘ ” , -. ' as his religion ifhe had been a. French- last-L 8"W' 0f caph Hardingwhe was Irritated by the notable victory of the Lauricr Administration, for not. a single member of. the LiberalCabinet was defeated, ‘someof. the Conservatives are talking a lot of nonsense, in which French predominance, RomanCatholic- ,‘ism, ete:,‘ete-.. come in. for many and; g‘sevcrc strictures, and all sorts of dis- asters to.the country in consequence of the Government’s big majority are freely predicted. That it would be defeated, was not expected by any but the most ignorant and unthinking, the result over which all"Liberals are now rejoicingy having been, under existing circumstances, almost inevitable. That the Government’s, record was a good oneâ€"that its rule hadrgreatly benefited the countryâ€"could not be disputed; fandiit was perfectly natural that. the French-Canadians should vote almost an musse for amen of: their‘ own faith and nationality, who has proved him- self eminently fit for the high position he occupied. “ French predominance ” land' the “ hierarchy ""are less to be feared now than they ever were, and in al‘ew decadesthe man who attempts. to drag them into politics will simply be laughed at.__ But, excluding Quebec. ’the Government'would stillhave Shad-a. 'small majority, and in, that- province nearly all the English speaking conâ€" stituencies elected Liberals. True, On- tariowent largely Conservative ;_-but the gain there was not so very great, as the Liberals carried 9 seats held previous fito the election.byConscrvatives,against i22 Liberal seats. captured" by the-Op- position. The race and religion cry was Worked for all it was worth ;., but. .while it undoubtedly. did: the Govern- ment some harm. in Ontario, it did more than a. ‘connterbalancing amount: "of good in Quebec; where- it' was seen I have added wan. PAPER Ann In these two. lines I inâ€" The'stock is perfectly new, and bought from, the best manufacturer in Canada. to my business. tend to make spoolal offers. JGS. HEARD. ,of which are rigorously prosecuted, and; GO” TO W. McKecwn’s nature of the offence. [n the Boston, municipal court, last month, Judge Ely of a horse with n , very, sore back, and; the owner of the horse (probably a ,-, iwealthy man) was fined $150 for allow~ . ing it to be driven Another magistrate -. imposed a. pm:th of $75 upon a. human , ,brute who threw :unnmnia into the eyes .. ’ofa dog. and we read la<l winter of a. :man being fined for shutting his cat out 1:. bf doors on a very cold ,night. “Oath Dumb Animals " is publisncd on the ,, first Tuesday of each month at 19 Milk; street, Bcston, Mass” and Mr. George, »: T. Angell is its editor. The subscription. is only fiftyccnts a year, and. as it in: - culcates kindness to all living things,it ; is an excellent paper to .put into the, hands of children, by whom it is greatly; ;liked.,. of all kinds. DMRS, SASS, THBNINSS, fddliliiidd, v . hill)". out the quarter boat. He W38 Canadian as well as a Romam Catholic. ge ". ' - y . , . _ perfectly cool throughout and-gave his Per (mals~ The romnto Sim" reminds us that Que orders in that» mildlone with-which we "3 zbec gave Sir John Macdonald a ma ‘jority of 31 in the year 1882, and ma- jorities of 25 on two previous occasions; and if they had. given. him. as big a .one as they gave Sir Wilfrid Laurier ~last week there would have been no cry of “ French domination ” raised by the Conservatives, who have themselves to .[lmnk for their igncminious defeat. .='l‘he Ottawa Journal, which preserved» an attitude of independence evon during the heat of the campaign, says : “ The extraordinary spectacle of a politically almost unanimous province is due chiefly to the tactics of some crazy Conservatives in Ontario who have 'Francophobia on the brain. The T0- ronto Mail, the Toronto World and the Hamilton Spectator, secure in their own selfish interests through having pract- ically none but English-speaking and Protestant readers, made a wretched campaign against the Liberals, based chiefly on the alleged Frenchism of ---‘ Lanricr and Tartc. At the last moment Sergeant A. J‘. Mitchell of the 5th the Toronto World capped the climax Lancers, in a. letter written at Lydem. by a fullpngc article under flaring head- burg, Transvaal, on Sept, 28th, to the- lines, asking if this country was to be Toronto Globe, and just published, thus British or Frenchâ€"â€"tc be ruled by records as plucky an act as was perform- English-speaking men or by French ed by any Canadian Volunteer who traitorsâ€"for such was the implication went to South Africa: â€"â€"like Laurier and Tartc. Such articles “ Cerporal A. W. McGee, an old T0- were reproduced in the French-Canadian ronto boy connected with Strnthcona’s papers throughout Quebec, and the. Horse. was left in the field hospital here people of Quebec would have been more suffering from a slight attack of fever. or less than human it they had failed Recovering, he Wished to be attached to werescfamiliarr He did !his utmo’st~to save the passengers. and-“crew. when; it in business trip on Monday. became cvrdent that the slnpcould ?llV6 , , b. b , Mr. R.;S. Rowland went to Toronto . no longer‘ No possible lame‘ CM" 9 ,‘last Friday, and returned on Monday. attached to the captain. He was caught . . . ' Miss Whytall of Lindsay was at. the, under conditions which could-.tnot have Fans visiting relatives from Saturday been foreseen.”“ I ' i ., _ . . . last until Tuesday. The Hon' W“ 8' melding" Canadmn” . Miss Katie McDonald has been .at. Minister Of Fiffauce" my bi: end to the Falls since Friday last, visiting his have had a naucw escape, as is was to Mr. twalter Megan’s. have taken passage omtheCtty of Mon- Miss Hilda Nevison was: home from: “cell: forFH‘iil‘fax" “I”? there “79%;? the Lindsay Collegiate Institute from ., num er 0 otters averting ier-at 211-. iEriday 0H“, week until Monday; mouth. The ill-fated steamer was . Rev Wm Famcomb left on M ' . , . . . . Quda ,- bullt 36 years ago at- Wilmington, and to attend the Church of .Eugkmd 00:, 20 years later was rebuilt at New Kerk; ference at Cobourg’ 3nd will visit New. The Yal'mouth Steamship Company castle before returuiu" a. bought her last year for- $36,000' and - w 3, J . , , - she was insured. for $25,000. She was h“; ejira'Jthfgm‘ml‘f333:: - OF 1,0341%“? burden- ‘ day, the 8th inst., to hunt. deer in the . vicinityof Clear Lake.- Mr. William Davey and Mr. & Mrs. . Wesley Davey left forSault Ste Marie on Saturday last. Mrs. Davey, Sr., and :other members. ofthe family are still ’here. Mr. E. B. Whytall, of Lindsay, and ‘ his eldest son were at the Falls last Monday on their way to DeCew& Scns’ camp on the Burtchaell property near Coboconk. Miss Bertha Smith, daughter of’ Mr- John D. Smith, of Port Hope, has gone . to New York to pursue her vocal stud. ies. Miss Smith was formerly a pupil of: Dr. Albert Ham. and possesses a mezzo_â€".. soprano voice of much promise. , Mr. F.‘ Sandford went to Toronto on ., W. Meflfiflwm', . macaw-wash” ' renewal FALLS. n. MCCUGALL, AGENT FOR. Mdurmlcl Blghl Hand-[hen Binder Vertical lift Mtwer. All Steel Hale, and fun Harvester. 00mm “dildo, Ehampion Seeder and lullivalur. I Cnclshull Pluws. Bell’s. head Power. italham Waggon. ALL... UP TO DATE. A Plucky Canadian Corporal.. to resent deeply such gross insults to ; 2nd Cavalry Brigade, stationed here, their position and record in this country.” and was connected with thegfith Lancers. ' .cruelty to animals commences .on many;- 'out for cases of cruelty, the perpetrators .; "the penalty imposed depends upon the; imposed .a line of 8525 upon the driver r GAS i“. \H

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