to any . Reward r-.. .., ......_.............-~ m... Tommy (impatiently)â€"“I wish I was Bobby Yates." Mammaâ€"“But Bobby hasn’t any dear little broth-â€" ers and sisters.†Tommyâ€""That's just where he’s so lucky ; he’s not obliged to be a good example." “No one ever got possession of anything worth having without working hard for it,†said Mr. Dickâ€" ers, somewhat pompously. "Quite true,†remarked Mrs. B. “I rememâ€" ber I obtained you without any trouble.†In a cubic yard of air in a Lon- don suburb 20,000 dust particles have been measured. Near‘Charing Cross there are usually 500,000; but there is only one microbe in 38 milâ€" lion of such dust atoms. + Timiuiiihi giDERSTiiD. MANY PEOPLE STILL INQUIR- ING ABOUT JOSEPH BROWN’S CASE. Dodd’s Kidney Pills Are Acknow- ledged to be a Wonder Working Medicineâ€"Many Other Miracul- ous Cures Brought to Light. Oshawa, Ont., Feb. 24.-â€"(Special)-â€" One effect of the publication far and wide through the press of the inirâ€" aculous cure of a case‘of paralysis here in Oshawa has been to bring to~ the surface a great many similar- ly wonderful and well authenticated :ures by the same remedyâ€"Dodd’s Kidney Pills». Mr. Brown, whose case has caused all the sensation, is a modest unas- suming mechanic employed in the Oshawa Malleable Iron Works. Since the publication of the facts of his :ase he has been overwhelmed with letters of inquiry from all over the country, and to each of these he answers simply 2 "Yes, Dodd’s Kidney Pills cured me after all the doctors and hospital specialists had given me up. I couldn’t walk and had to be fed like a baby for four months, but the pills soon fixed me up and I have been all right ever since.†He has also been in receipt of not a few letters from others who too have found Dodd’s Kidney Pills a lifeâ€"saving remedy when all else had failed. Several of these, encouraged by Mr. Brown’s example, have written to the papers reporting their cases and all are very enthusiastic in their praises of the medicine. But our explanation of all these cases has been olTered and it seems to make them easily understandable. â€"The Kidney’s are Nature’s blood ï¬lters. If the Kidneys are healthy 'all diseases will be extracted and expelledâ€"Dodd’s Kidney Pills cure the Kidneys and thus enable them to throw oll‘ sickness and to protect the body from any and every assault of disease. + Husbandâ€""I am surprised, Emily, \hat you should have such bad taste 18 to wear the hair of another woâ€" man on your hear.†Wifeâ€"“And I sm surprised that you should wear the wool of another sheep on your lack.†MANY ADVANTAGES OVER OTHER LINES. That the New York Central possesses great advantages over other lines cannot be gainsaid, and they are too numerous to enumerate, but a few of the principal features are: the great train service (twelve express trains each way between Buffalo and New York), four tracks and the Grand Central Station the onâ€" ly station in the city of New York'. This is the route of the famous Empire State Exâ€" press. One farm laborer in the United States is able by the aid of maâ€" :hinery to do the work of three in Europe. Europe’s estimated waste of labor equals that of 4-8 million hands. llhard's linimsnl Cures [llslempai Mr. Spinksâ€""Well, Willie, has your sister made up her mind to go to the concert with me ?†Willieâ€""Yes. She’s made up her mind, and she’s makin’ up her face now. She’ll be down in a minute." One washing with Sunlight Soap will produce REDUCES purer linen than two washings with impure soap. EXPENSE $5 will be paid by LEVER norms LIMITED, Toronto, 3 person who can prove that this soup contains any form of adultomtion, or any injurious chemicals. ASK FOR THE OCTA THE CORONATION BIBLE. The King has already ordered the Coronation Bible from the British and Foreign Bible Society to be used in Westminster Abbey next June. It will be a large quarto volume, bound in red morooco, with gold Clasps, and stamped with the Royal arms. It will become the property of the bishop who administers the oaths. CIIAINED-UP SOAP. When the new readingâ€"room of the Imperial Public Library. St. Peters- burg, was opened recently all the pieces of soap soon disappeared from the lavatory. I-lencel‘orth the soap will be secured by a chain. This is done by passing a rod. of wire through an egg-shaped piece of soap which is then hung near the basin. The Publisher of the Best Farmer’s paper in the Maritime Provinces in writing to us states: I would say that I do not know of a medicine that has stood the test of time like MINARD’S LINIMENT. It has been an unfailing,r remedy in our household ever since I can remember, and has outlived dozens of would be competitors and imitations. mm. The average age of English people is 26, of Irish 27â€"}, and of French 30). .43- I‘D CHIRP. A (191.“ I51 ONE DAY. ' Take Laxative Bromo Quinino Tablets. All druagists refund the money if it falls to cure. E. W. Grove’o signature is on each box. 2.50. Of 1,000 unvaccinated children, 360 were found to be pitted with small- pox. Out of 1,000 vaccinated two found so marked. In washing woollens and flannels, the soft soap made from Lover’s Dry Soap (a powder), will be found very satisfactory. If the Nicaragua Canal is ï¬nished Melbourne will be 1,350 miles nearer to New York than to Liverpool by allâ€"sea route. Stop: um Cough and works on‘ the Cold. Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets cure a. cold in one day. No -..ure, No Pay. Price 25 cents. Gibraltar has four huge rock cis- terns, holding ï¬ve million gallons of water, and made mosquitoâ€"proof by gauze wire. For Over Sixty Years Mus. \VIXSLOW'S Soornmo Ernur has boon used by millions of mothers for their children while teething, [2 soothes the child, softens the gums. ulmyo pain. cures wind colic, regulates the Stomach and bowels, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Sold by druggists throughout the world. Be sure and oak for “ Mus. Wirsnow‘s Soornmo SYRUP." There are about seven million cats in the United Kingdom. $33.00 TO PACIFIC COAST. Chicago &. North-Western R’y; dur- ing the months of March and April $30.00 from Chicago to Helena. But: to, Anaconda, Ogden and Salt Lake City; $30.50 Spokane; $33.00 Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland, Seattle, Tacoma, Vancouver, Victor- ia and a large number of other points. Tourist Sleeping Cars daily’ to the Pacific Coast. particulars apply to nearest ticket agent or address B. H. Bennett, 2 East King street, Toronto, Ont. On an average 205,000 emigrants For maps and/ RUSSIA’S ARMJCES. Russia has three different armies. In Europe her men are ï¬ve years in the active army, thirteen in the re- serve, and ï¬ve years in the second re- serve. In Asia they arc three years in active service and six in the re- serve. In Caucasia they are only three in the active army and ï¬fteen in the reserve. Schreechleyâ€"“Did my singing make a. hit ‘2†Wigwagâ€"“My dear fellow, it was just a howling success.†Tea the world produces; and is sold only in lead“ Briggs packets. Black, Mixed and Green. rspan tea. drinkers try “Salada.†Green tel. Ninetyâ€"five per cent of British sol- diers can read and write against 68 per cent in 1860. l. MIMI Cures the Sick By Mystic Power You Can Know His Sew cret Free. Marvelous New Treatment Which Conquers All Diseases. THE OBJECT 0F Tins ADVERTISEMENT IS Get a. package; it really merits a trial. IF YOU WANT GOOD PRICES FOR YOUR butter, Eggs, Poultry, Apples off... To INDUCE YOU TO ‘I‘_Â¥, Lead packets. All grocers. Produce -' . "~ d -- ‘ CONSIGN THEM TO THE ‘ Ceykm Tea .5 the ï¬nes, DAWSON COMMISSION 00., Limited. TORONTO Correspondence Solicited. (indignantly)â€"“I under- stand you said I never opened my mouth without putting my foot in it." Diggs (apologetically)â€"â€Yes, I believe I did say that ; biutâ€"†Briggsâ€"“But what, sir ?†Diggsâ€" “But I acknowledge my mistake. When I made that overlooked the size of your feet.†Minard's Linlmrntfures Colds. etc Miss Beckwith Was only 14. years old when, in 1875, she swam from London to Greenwich." “urn, 'inard's Llnimenl Cures Diphtheria 7" It was in 1853 that Japan": was forced by an American squadron to ï¬rst open ports to foreign trade. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that contain Mercury Instruments, Drums, Uniforms, Etc. EVERY TOWN CAN HAVE A BAND remark I had 50Lowest; prices everauotod, Fire catalogue. Qillustrations,maile tree. Write us for any- thing in Music or Musical Instrnnienti. ' WHALEY RDYUE 86 00.. Limited. Toronto, Out. and Winnipeg, Man EURNS ANE RUESEQ Baroness removed at once. lie scar left If GILEABINE ls promptly. applied. Don’t for at the name “Glloadino,†Le. a m of Gilead. large Boxes 26c. Eruggietcmr Gileadlno 60., Toronto. as mercury will surely destroy the sense of Dominiun Lina Steamship! smell and completelydcron e the whole system when entering it through I; e mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used. except on prescriptions from re utablc physicians, as the damage they willdo Eton fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hal’s Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F.J. Cheney 8c Co..To- ledo, 0., contains no mercury, and 5 taken in- ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's Caturrh Cure be sure you get the genu inc. It is taken internally,and made in Toledo Ohio, by F. J. Cheney do Go. Testimonials free. 80ch by Drugglsts, price 750 per bottle. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Heâ€"“They say, dear, that people who live together get to look alike.†Sheâ€"“Then you must consider my You Can Be Cured at Homeâ€"Gen. refusal as ï¬nal." erous Offer. of Prof. Adkln. PEOH‘. THOS. F. ADKIN. “I consider it; a. crime to experiment with the health of the people,†says Professor Then. i". Adkin, president of the Institute of Phy- .«ici:.ns and Surgeons. “If I did not know positively and absolutely that my new home :reatmenl; will cure every known disease, even when all ohcr methods of treatment fail,l would consmler Iwus committing a crime to make such a statement to the public. Nothing is so precious to a. man as his health â€"nothing ohorriblc as an untimely grave. Litilo ills, t' not promptly cured. often result in obstinate chronic diseases. I believe that my new dis. .mvery, "Vitaopathy,"is the most marvuloui areatment ever known. and I inland to givu an; score 8 to the world. I intend that eve ‘3: man, woman and child shall know its tench- imzs. I prepose to tell the sick, absolutely free if charge. how they may be restore-:1 to perfect ealth. I would rather be a benefactor to the leave the United Kingdom in a year. gick man than tohavoihe wealth of Croesur.‘ iillllllll’S lllllllllllll GUlES Gfllfltl ill. COWS. Last I year tences imposed were carried out. out of 28 deathâ€"senâ€" in Britain only 11 T0 CALIFORNIA, OREGON AND WASHINGTON. Chicago & Northâ€"Western Ry. from Chicago daily, March and April, onâ€" ly $6.00 for berth in tourist car. Personally conducted excursions Tuesdays and Thursdays from Chiâ€" cago and Wednesdays from New Engâ€" land. Illustratcd pamphlet sent on receipt of two cent stamp by A. IIutchison, manager, 212 Clark street, Chicago. muâ€" $33 THE POPE’S INCOME. The Pope’s income is $1,400,000, oneâ€"seventh of which is guaranteed by the Emperor of Austria; another sevâ€" enth comes from vested interests, and the remainder is derived from Peter’s Pence. . r This is the Page Standard II Bar Fence, made of “Page†wire which is twice as strong as common wire. The continuous coil, note wavy appearancemllows for-expansion and. con traction Which is im ortant owing to Canadian climate. Our upright Wires are in one piece and have strengtho oboutSOOpoundS. If made of feces ophced at each horizontal. they vould have a stren th of onl about 800 ounds. 6 also make gates, ornamental fences. '2‘ onltg netting. mug and angles. 8 Page Wire Fence 00.. Limited. Walkervlllo. Onl. 6 The above are remarkable Words, but those who know Pl‘cfESEOI‘ Ad kin. and have tried his trelatmont, can vouch for their absolute truth- in ness. “1 was nearly dead with liver and kidney trouble,†writes Prof. John C. Nelson, at well- known geologist or d mining engineer. living in Dayton, Tenn. ".I he (IOCLOI‘ had given me up to die. You can imagine what a state of mind I was in. I could not attend to l‘usiness. and began to think my days were numbered. 1 read of the wonderful cures Pro'e~sor Adkin had effecled by his great; dizCOVel‘y, Vita- )pathy. and and forlorn hope wxo e to ham Just _tho cmdition I was in, mentally and physically. He gave me a clear diagnosis of my case and didn’t charge me a cent for it. He prescribed atrommem. which I began with little or no faith. but 1 am happy to state that; I am now completely cured and am a firm believer in_Vicaop;uhy. From my own per- sonal experience I believe Professor Adkin can almost raise the dead." Mrs. A. J. Selfried, Stowe Creek. 0.. writes this gratfful letter. “I was affected with a severe case of Eczema and Nettle Itus‘g, which spread over my whole body. The itching and stinging at time; was almost unendnrnble. I wrote Professor Adkin; and in four days after I began following the free adVice he cavame the itching begun to subside and the eruptions dried up rapidly. In ten days I was permanently cured. I feel better now than I have for the past ten years. The tree adec Professor Adkin gives is a blessing giilphgse who cannot; afford to pay big doctors’ . 9. Professor Adk'n says : “I sympathize with the Sick. I want to make every chronic invalid‘well. I want to prove what my treat- ment Will do. I want every sick person in this country to write me personally. Tell me the loading symptoms of your disease and I Will at once make a thorough diagnosis of your case and outline a method of treatment which Will positively cure you. This will cost you absolutely nothing. I will also send you a cepy of my new book on ‘How to Get Well and Keep Weh,’ postage prepaid. You are not out- a. single cent. Write me in confidence gigsFang‘ï¬aigalyFabifliï¬ ourself." . . . IN Office 66 . Rochester. N. Y. ' 7 N ' Address W P. C. 1119 THE MOST POPULAR DENTIFRIGE. cmmvmmw’s cmmnomna TOOTH POWDER. preserves the tooth. Sweetcns the breath. Strengthens the gums THE MOST NUTRITIOUS. EPPSS GRATEFULâ€"COMFORTING. OGGA BREAKFASTâ€"SUPPER. 3.2%,???“ F... “AUTGSPEA‘I†Best compressed-air sprayer made. Sample machine free.â€"QAVERS 35108., Gait, Ont. YBER WEEGMTS ' and faded Suits would look better dyed. If no agent of our: in your town. write direct Montreal, Box 158. amner AMERECAN DYEING co. Montreal. ' back. GA “NON. selling a cheap, worthless article. That’s the place, right in the smali of the It’s a dull ache, sometimes astinging “catch,†a “tired feeling,†a. burning pain. It exposes the fact that you are in bad shape, your strength has been ovortaxed, Pay When Cured if you can offer reasonable security. Failure to cure costs you nothing, as I take all the chances. - I have just completed inylica'itiful illustrated - b. 01: U)ilill{.’.‘1‘lO\VltClll‘0.~l Egg the weakness of men ' h’ and women. it is worth Beware of concerns offering a thin piece of felt as a substitute for my cushion electrodes. only to disguise their bare metal blislcring electrodes. water. which quickly dries and leaves them without. current, are my exclusive invention and cannot be mutated. If you have one of these old style. blistering belts I will take it in trade for one of mine. I do this not that the old bolt is of any use, for it is not, but to establish the value of my goods with people who have been misled by the false claims of concerns: DB. M. D. MolAUGHLli-l, 13b forage Street, Toronto. Montreal to Liverpool. Boston to Liver- pool. Portland to Liverpool. Via Queens- town. Lnr e and Foot Steamshipa. Su erior accommodatlo for 51 classes age-censors. Sa cons and Btntomo are omldohips. peclal attention hua been given to th Second Saloon and Third-Close accommodation. Fe rates of usage and all particulars, apply to any agent. of the ompcny. or Richards, Mills on Co, 77 state St. . Boston. D. Tori-once 5c 00.. Montreal and Portland. eardleos Barley ' r ' fl prodlgtlly prollflo, in d- -‘ ' ‘ in: in 1901 for Mr. 'clll. Orlclul 00.. New York, 100 bushel: per tore. Does well g everywhere. That you. -’ ‘ 20th Century Oats. ; ; The out marvel, producing _ ‘ from 200 to 300 bul. per acre. . - 7 , Snlzer’o 0M3 uro wnr- ‘-" noted to produce great ' . yield:. The U. B. is; Dept. ' - calls them the very boul " That 9851. Three Enred Corn. 200 to 250 bus. per more, is ,, cxuomrly proï¬table at preo- '- ent rice] or corn. Solzer’l - no I produce everywhere. " Marvel Wheat .~ yieldedin :10 Ethics lutycnr ' overlo bus. per acre. We also ' have the celebrated Macca- , runlthnthCl-l 31‘“de ; _ on our fume 63 bun. per core. ‘ That pays. Speltz. Ore-ten cereal food on ' earthâ€"80 bus. grain undi 11 ‘ . tonl mn-nlliceut. lioy per acre. That pays. Vlctorla Rape . make: it possiblo in grow 3 hey, lheep and cattle at a cone! butlonlb. Mnrvol- . oully prollilo. doc! well ‘ ; evorywhoro. That pays. Bromus lnermls. lilo“ wonderful gros- of tho century. ProducesGlouo I of hay and lot: and lots or pruning. besides per core. - . Grows wherever nail is - x round. Kaiser’s occd lo ~- wnnanted. That poyo. :' . . 810.00 for 1 50. _ We wish you to try'our ' If great form occds, licuco offer to Bond 10 farm Iced nmples,oontllnlnz’l‘boumud . .. ~ HandedKule,'l‘eosl:iic. llupe, . Alfalfaflpelu.cto.(fullywnrih “' golnlnrl together will! our grentcouluz. or 150 portage. . .. « v. r- ' ‘ 4-.A_.,; , your kidneys are breaking down, your nerves are shaky, your bowels constipated. You need the help of Dr. McLaughlin’s Electric Belt AND YOU CAN 3' ’~' . E's": reading. I will scnil it closely sealed FREE upon request. Call, if possible. and I will ex- plain what my Belt will do. Call or write to-day. IE3? ’l‘heso cheap covorings are used lliey have to be soaked in My cushion electrodes .,.=ze.~ne:_'ir.u~;9i ., n. -u v: . , . .\..\r-P..:. ,‘. ‘ 3 .. _ . a. ... has...» "M": A L. .. AKAAA" . «ALA» ‘~u.e‘-2\.