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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 28 Mar 1902, p. 5

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beget out of’arb’ex 'of Fe'rrozone.‘ Forfsale liy"W~.' H5 Robson ,‘~ .drn ggist.‘ Scuoon. Boaaneâ€"A meeting of the school board was held on Wednesday ensuing“ Lindsay, was engaged ,as- teacher in room No. 3 olithe north ward school,-in place of Miss Ihgram, resigned, and orders for the payment of salaries-were passed. ' ‘ Firm". AN‘D * W‘ATERJâ€"Wherc are our fire fighting appliances?‘ W-hat‘condi- tiontarc they in? And who's got the brand'newwatering cart ?- A fire may break out at any moment and perhaps catch us unprepared. but the dust is a sure thing, and'that, too, before long. Whichever may come first, let us be ready for it. Stops the Cough and Works 011‘ the Cold. i'o'axstive Br’cmo-Qninine Tablets cure-n. cold in' one day. No Cure, No Pay. Price 52c OUR' BANK.‘â€"â€"Tho question asked when Messrs. J. C. McKeggie St Co.’s b’ranch bank was opened here, a little over six months ago, “ Will it be a suc- cess ?" may now, we' think, be safely answered in the afiirmative. So greatly has~~the business grown that the man- ager, Mr; Bishop, is no longer able to Handle it alone, and now‘has Mr. Hart- man'nE. McNichol, late of Brampton, as his assistant: ' LIVE-STOCK SirImIsNTs.â€"~On Mon- thly last Mr. Nathan Day shipped aearâ€" loadiol" cattle and’shecp to Toronto;ton - Wednesday morning Messrs. McDon- gall, Brandon 85 Austin sent a earload, of hogs to the Matthews pork paekery at Peterborough; and on the afternoon of the same day Mr. W. J. Moore, of ‘ Iiindsay, shipped a earload”to Toronto. Que day last-"week Messrs. llch.‘,‘Bi& A'. sent a most' exceptionally fihe-heif'er- to the Qneen city. She was athorongh- bred Durhamâ€"or, as they are common- ly called, Shorthornâ€"and. though only nine months old; tipped the scale at- seven hundred and'fi‘i't'y pounds. Cramps Are Like Burglars, they come unexpected,.and when they are least welcome. Be armed with a one minr nite cure for cramps, and-keep Poison’s Nor viline handy: "it acts instantaneously; Ner-~ v‘iline’s anodyne power'is unique, for'its composition. expresses the highest medical progress of. the age. Polson’s Nerviline is a. true comert in. the family, fo'r in all dea rangem'ents of-th'e stomach and bowels it‘is an absolute. specific; Nerviline' has five times; greater medicinal value' than any oth'er'remedy, itndtis sold in large 25'cent Hottlés-at‘W‘L H. Robson’s. Try it. ASERIOUS Carmenâ€"A subscriber who lives south of the river tells us that on Simday morning; last,.during church time, atnumbcr of. soft. maple trees in- side his and a neighbor’s fences, as well as some at the road side, were‘ wilfully m‘utilated‘by boys, :who were oldlenough to know- better, and whose names are knowin- They jabbed and out the trees with'th'eir knives to such an extent that the sap ficwed freely, apparentlyout of “ purercussedness,” and: our informant says that tlicsame thing was done two years ago.- It is a‘ serious cheese to destroy or'damage shade treesâ€"which, underi'the'most favorable circumstances, take a"- long time'to growâ€"andthe pen- alty for' so doing. is~a=heavy one.- It would serve the boys right' to prosecute them, and prosecuted: they will be it" they'infliet any further injury upon-the trees: Gatarrli is 'a‘ Germ Disease; Science, armed’ with. the microscope,- has; cstablishedi it a fact; and‘ this'couelusion renders obsolete the practice'of: treating Asthma, Chtarrh and‘Bronchitis bystomach drugging,‘ spraysrsnnfi's'ytit'en Such treat-r ments are an utter failure, because-they cannot penetrate the-delicate air-cells of the lungs, or-permeatc the air passages of: the nose' and bronchial tubes where the' germs‘ of Uatarrh’ have their'stronghold. Catarrhozone is the only remedy. It is in- haled; by the mouth, and,.nfter spreading through all the' respiratory'ergans, is ex- lialed‘ through“ the nostrils. Catarrhezone kills the germs, heals the inflamed tissues, clears the'head and threat in two minutes, and cures in. a- iewhours. Nothing is so effective, pleasant‘ and simple as Catarrho- acne. Two months’ treatment, $1.00. Small size, 25‘e: At W. H. Robson’s, orfromPOl- sona&.Co., Kingston; Ont. Two- ACCIDENTSâ€"OI] wednesday of last week. Mr. E. B. Whytall met' with a painful accident while help- ing to load alflat'car with cordwood'near Kinmount- His feet slipped. and. he fell while walking up an inclined‘plank 13' wk of his-right hand'lay on the plank, and the stick, which had a sharp edge, came down upon the front. of his wrist, inflicting a deep gash, but fortunately the tendons were not severed. The car was promptly backed up to Kinmount, where the woundiwas dressed by one of the doctors at that village......0n 'l‘ues- day afternoon Mr. Andrew Sutherland, station master at the Falls. had the third finger of hisright hand badly torn by a projecting piece of band iron on a. commercial traveller’s trunk that he was moving on the platform. He went to Dr. Wilson, who put two or. three stiehcs in the edges of the wound and bandaged the finger. after which Mr. Sutherland returned to his office and sent'an application ier. an assistant, as hawillmot he able. to write,,except very Miss-- Marion Hénderson, of ’ with a heavy stick on his shoulder; the- be done. W....___ MARRIED . ELLIS-ALDOUS'.â€"At the residence of the bride‘s parents, by the Rev. R. MacNamara, on. Monday, March 24th, 1902, Mr. Walter S. Ellis, of Fenelcn, to Mary Ann, only daughter of Mr. John Aldous, of the Me- Arthur House, Fenelon Falls. Conunn~Evsnsox.â€"At the residence of the‘bride’s parents, by the Rev. B. Davies, on Wednesday, March 26th, l902, lir. Rich- ard Golmer, of Peterborough, to Florence, diliughter of Mr. Naaman Everson, of Ver- n am. ‘ _ EOE sans: CHEAP FOR CASH 0R ON TIME. The undersigned has for cold one to am of Horses and a large number of Farm Imple~ ments, which can be seen on lot 22, Somer- ville, at Burnt River bridge. JOS. McFARLAND, ' Fenelon Falls.' m EE‘NELON FALLS MARKETS. Fenelon Falls, Friday, March 28th, 1902 Wheat, spring . .... 6’1: 63 ,Burley, per bushel;... .... 51 52 ‘Buckwheat “" . ... n... 50 52 Oats, “‘ ........ 3.75 38 Pease, “' ........ 72 73 O'DIQOOO Potatoes; . “- Eggs, per dozen...... .... 92' 1-0 Hay,per ton.........,.....' . Hides ..... .o--\II-..aoup Hogs (live) ...... ...... .. Hogs (Dressed)v.........-. 6:00 o I n I n I I .l...‘.ll...'. ..‘-‘ Sheepskin-er............. ...... 2.5 50 ’ 10 2.20 2.10 1.90 1.05 1.10 1140 9.00 5.00 ................ 4 7.? Wool Flour, Silver Leaf. . ..... .. Flour,Victoriii. .......... Flour, Family, Clipper; . . . Bran, per 100 lbs ........... 95 Sh‘orts,.. “ ” Hixed Chop “' cocoa-o- o Raise Chickens for. Export. we want,'delivered alive at your nearest G. 'l‘. R. station, every chicken you can raise. Larger breeds, such‘ as Orpingtons, Wyandottes, Recks,Indian Games and Dork- ings are most acceptable. Scrub’and black- legged birds are- not-'snitablé. Prices ne- cordin-g to weight and plumpness. Geod chickens bring from 40 to 90 cents per pair. we can supply settings of good Reels and Wyandotte eggs. Where ainnmber order together the cost is from 20 to 25 cents per setting. For particulars write ' our'b'uyer, A: E. Silverwood, Box-134. DUNDAS & FLAVELLEIBROS, 5 9m. Lindsay m , OPTIGIAN, FROM GERMANY, - SPECIALISEF. EYES TESTED'FREE OF CHARGE. . He has always a full assortment of nine . kinds of- Spectacles and Eyeglasses- for . young 'and‘old‘persons affected- with .weak eyes,tendcrs, quavers, spotted, cataracts, short eyesight, waxness eyes and eyes with red'rims: He guarantees entire satisfacâ€" tion‘to-reveryone. Consultation: Free. as will beat Fenelon Falls oneWedhes- day afternoon, April 9th, until the 12th; at Kinmount from Monday afternoon, April 14th. until the-lBth32at Minden'f‘rom-Thuraé ditypx’Wril‘l‘Zth, utitil’Saturdiry'nocn, April 19th,.at the Deminion‘ l-Ibtel! parlors ;' at Bobcaygeont‘romsMonday;April 23rd, until Wednesday-afternoon, Apt-i1123rd. ANADIAN . - - fine-Inc: I, ' Settlers’ fine Why Excursions To Manitoba and Canadian Nerth- West will leave Toronto every’I-‘UESé DAY during MARCH’and‘A‘PRIL, 1902. Passengers travelling without Live Steek‘ should take the train leaving Teronto at 1.45 p. m. Passengers travelling: with Live Stock' should" take the train leaving. Toronto at 9.00 p. m. Colonist Sleeper. will be attached‘to each train; For full particulars and‘ copy- of- “ Settlers’ Guide,” apply to your near- est Canadian Paeifie Agent, or to A. H. Norman, Asst: G'en.Pass. Agt. 1 King Street East,.’l‘eronto. Pllfll‘t l . gslowly and painfully, for several days, fend-there is a great deal of writing to I... nonr Butter,per iii”... ...... 15 16:": 5.75' Reported by the North Star Roller Hill 00. Wheat,Scotch or Fife .... 70 to 80 Wheat, fall, per bushel. . . . 68- 79. . ‘FENELOH. FALLS, -. Vulcanized Rubber Rollers Eér Clothes Wringers. I have received a stock of these roll- ers, and can supply anyone whose wringer needs new rollers. Thos. Robson. Brown Grizzly and Black Mangolian BEAR ROBE will keep you warm. Come and see them. A large stockâ€" of Horse Blankets, Trunks, Valises, etc. , always on hand at NevisnnESHBrness Shop. NEW‘ MACHINE SHOP V IN»?- FENELOH FALLS. The undersigned has opened awell- equipped Machine Shop on Francis Street 'East, 0pp05ite the north side of Twomey’s hotel,’ and'is now ready and Bicycles, and? to repair or" renew the weoden parts of’ implements. Lawn Mow- ers repaired and sharpened, 'and Saws sharpened and gummed. fig” Prices right and‘iall work attended. to promptly. JOHN JONES. ,3Fenel0mFallsy A;prilz18th,_.1901'. EHNDSAT MARBLE WflBKS. Baht. Gliamliers as“..- Means, The to repair all kinds ;; of Farming, Steamboat anddtlilLMaehinery " ‘'l ARE, YOU? ,- .;TO:- BUILD a that it is possible to get better Paper‘ hangers are always:- pleased when you furnish them Well paper selected from our Splendid line. quality and they know‘ the at- tractive - designs. They know the: They know effect, to . show better results from putting it, on, and, though they realize the wall paper“ you buy here will wear longer. and look better for a givent number of years, they'k'nowthat' the work is far more satisfac- tory to the dweller in that house, and are willing themselves- to handle less paper for the pleasure in putting on our kind- of wall effects- -New- liardWare Store; Oppositeithe ~Post-O.‘lice~ *-HE1AIDQIUABTEBS'-lor. DAIRY'SUPPLIES... P am: prepared to supply all"necessary 'materiall for House- or- Barn building at reasonable prices,. workmen: . Is prepared to furnish the people of Lind- '1 say and surrounding. country with MONU- MENTS and. HEADSTONiESy bothaMarble and granite: Estimates promptly given'sonall'iléindsmr. cemetery work: Marble Table T'eps,‘. Wash? Tops,.Mnntle Pieces,- etc.', a specialty. Being-a practiéal‘ workman, alli sh'onld‘ see his' designs and compare pricessbefore purchasing elSew-here.. WORKSâ€"In the rear. of." the Market on Cambridge-st, opposite the paekiugrhou-se a. CHAMBERS, ' we REPAIR" . meters. AND. suemss. hf your wheeled vehicles needs repairing. of any; des- ; cripti'on: we can do- the l workas-well as anybody in theeoun’ey; We can repaint your buggy and‘ make it look like a: new one, or: will: sell-‘7 you' a- new one and‘ take your old one in part payment. Chambers. 81.; Palmer. ' Val. G. McKeggie Go.,. (ESTABLISHED 11979.) BANKERS, our; Agents: The Bank of British North America. A general up-to-date banking business transacted. ‘Current accounts with merchants and ' \business men opened on the-usual. terms, 'and careful attention given to the business of our customers. Money advanced-‘on notes or mortgages ,for any. length of time to suit borrower. Farmers’ notes discounted at the lowest ’ ~ rates . Drafts i'ssued'onzany'part of the world. , Cheques on any bank in Canada or the United States cashed; . SterlingExchange bought or sold'eatzpest- ed rate of Exchange. Special attention given to the collection , of notes and accounts. Note forms furnished free of charge, or Subscribe in. in " turn .3 sent by mail post-paid. I. A. Bishop” I ActingManager . I 'NEXT‘TO .. .. audit will pay you“ to consult me befdre buying; Planing. done. on. short. notice by first. class: F.. SANDFOfiilé should be- pnrifled'at least-once a‘ year.- ' Not: betterr time to‘ use a: good‘ blood‘purifier‘than in the spring. It prepares: the systemvvfo’r the- severe heat ol‘ summer-and makes yonfeel like anew- person.. Try the - Best 'Sarsaparilla. Begnlar-pri'ce $1, for 75 cents. We canIrecommend'yousnothing-better. ‘ Robson’s Drug Store, Fenelon Falls. :lHAVE PURCHASEDâ€" t.- nd; “ PraiSe‘ the sea but kcepongland.” _ ‘ Admire win-dbw shoes-=-â€"- that's what they were made for.- But? keep. on wear- ing theshoeyonknoyg - to, he “ascgoomn lboks.”-.â€"$3.50, $5.00. “TheiSIater'Shoe” V J..I..,ARNOLD,-.Solc Local Agent. ' ‘w. McK'EOWN’S‘ 'TllBEBaS‘ FURNLTURE. BUSINESS“, and will carry a= large and. up-toydate stock. of furniture. Am also preparedito do. all kinds of. p " ’ ' carriage Making, Repairing and Repainting, and' to make DOOR-S AND' SASH‘. . aw Planing done on. shortnotice. s. Gainer. Y0.“ NEED NOT so: To Montreal or New York for choice patterns or low prices in. ' WALL PAPER. We have them here now for your selection. Gunnwm’s, LINDSAY, - = SIMPSON HOUSE... ' .Wednesday. a. Difference. Cheap Furniture is not always good'furniture, but good. furniture. is always; cheap furnitureâ€"perhaps. not so low priced, but the; difference in wearing qual- ities and. appearance Willi more than make up for: the} additional first. cost. If you want Good Furniture, not so high in priCeas to) be expensive, and‘ not 301 cheap. as to be trashy, Ii can show youa large and carefully selected stock. has Uhdertakingjn all its; branches- L. DEYMANa Dr. T. P..MCCULLOUGH,, Specialist, EYE, FJLR..NOSE and THROAT. Will visit Simpson House, Lindsay, every Hours, 10 a. m. to 4p. m Consultations, eye, ear, nose and- throat.â€" Peterborough, corner George andlllnrrnx; streets. '1 l l .. “Anaâ€"34““ . . . . l .a'mmlst, - .r -»

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