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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 11 Apr 1902, p. 5

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b‘edritrodnced at this meeting to extend the-time lor the return of'thc collector's roll. . By-law introduced. read ‘and passed in the usual manner witlont amend- :netit.«:tttd signed and sealed by the recve. , )lovcd by Mr. Sandi‘ord. seconded by.Mr. Austin, That the l'oilowin: ac- counts be paid and the rceve Sign orders for» the same :-(‘ratta Pcreha & Rubber 06., on hose, S3100 ; ‘th. lt‘oun- taian, work on creek, 8125'; E. Brock, salary, $28;- T. Scott, carting furniture. 23c; C. Keast. work on street. $2; N. Dundas, 60.. $2.50; Clerk, $10.-â€"C'd. Moved by Mr. Austin, secnnded by MT. Sa‘ndl’ord, That this council procure 100 dog tags for the year 1902. and than By-law No. 194: be enl'orc-d.~â€" Carried-d Morcd by Mr. Austin, seconded by" Mr. McGee, That Messrs. Sandiord, McGee and- Austin be a committee to Fee about building a house for the two hose reels and hose under the bell tower. -â€"â€"Carried. Council then..adj,_onrned. inles’ Corner. (Clorrespondeitce of the Gazette) Well, Mr. Editor, you have not heard fabuiiliere since the last time. Nothing of importance has transpired since last writing, except the death of M r. Alex- ander Murray, who has been living about! three-quarters of a mile from Bali Point. The body was Found last. Sunday morning, and it is thought that death came on the previous Thursday night. The old man had been living' alone and was a first-class miser, bein! SfiprSC‘tl‘tO have-hadcight or ten thou- sand dollars in a bank in Toronto. Sctnc years ago he told some of his neighbors h‘cre that he would not put his money in any bank..in Victoria county. Well. he showed a good deal of wisdom in not parmnizinu such a bank as was estab- lishch at Fenelon Falls a Few years ago. Mr. Alex. Mche a short titne ago pulled-down two old» buildings, or, we might say, landmarks. The log house 7 was built in 1860, and the old frame barn some time bel'ore that. They "Were both built by one Andrew Hall, 'ftther of J1 ho. David, Joseph, George and Henry Hall, and the farm with these buildings on is the farm which Andrew Hall. bequeathed to his son John. whats" now- living at Beaverton,. and from whom, many years later, it. was purchased by the McGee brotherm. A .i'ew months ago Mr. 'l‘hos. D‘aniel purc'hartedlthehouse and lot near the railway track, Formerly owrred by Mr. JLimes .lliller. Mr. Da‘nicl has torn down the house and will convert it‘iuto an outbuilding on his farm. The lot-.- CHISlSiS of ab'outa‘onc acre. This pur- chase will prevent families who some- times make undesirable neighbors from occupying the house. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs: James Pollard on the arrival of a young mu in their home. Mr. Scott Sims has secured a posi- tion in Owen Sound, and will be absent for some time. The liquor traffi'o and-the social dance amtwo great enemies that the church has to contend with. Young people should be taught that there is a differ- ence between right and wrong. The. League work .is‘great, but. good active- Inemb'ors are is. I. . DENTALâ€"Dr. Neelands,~dentist, wi l he at the McArthur House, Fe‘nelon Falls, on Tuesday, April 15th. Keep the date in mind. To Care 21 Comm one Day Take L‘axnrive Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists ref‘nnd money if it fails to cure. F; W. Gâ€"rove’s-signat-ure-on each box. 25c.- Wonjru SEEINC.â€".-Tl10 London, Eng- land, Imperial Moving Picture Co. is on its first Canadian tour. and will give an exhibition in 'l‘wumny‘s hall, on the - evening of' 'l‘uesday next. Their pic- turcs are very numerous, instructive and interesting, an ;1 the Press speaks so highly of them that they are, beyond a doubt, well worth seeing. Admission {Bicents A SUCCESS â€"â€" Notwithstanding the bad weather, a large number of people turned out. to the public library concert in Dickson's [lull on Wednesday even inc, and it was a sncee~s in every way. After the concert the performers and the visitors from Lindsay wttro enter- tained at 3112-]. ll. Brandon's handsome residence, where a couple of" hours were very pleasantly spent. 1, The Anaemia Young Girl. Perhaps she is sixteen. Suddenly sh“. stems to lose strength, her beauty fades because her strength fails. her eyes-lose their lustre. How her spirit droops. ltal- arms you, but all this may be corrected quickly. Get her Ferrozonc ; it is a. nerve tonic, it aids the stomach to do its work. Appetite? she’ll eat anything, and. digest it, too. Ferrozone is an absolute specific for the anmmta of young people. Ask your. druggist for it. Sold by W. H. Robson. A Paomrtc E\VE.,-â€"-â€"Mr. J. Hughes. of lot 12, con. 2, Somerville. has a ewe mhiubhas givenbirth .to twelve lambs 'true of many peeple whose hearing can be in four years-r She had" three-in 1899, two in 1900, three in. 1901, and on the first day oi this tnonth she became the mother of what may be called a “litter” of four. They were three days old when we were told of their arrival by Mr. Hughes, who said that they all appear- ed likely to live and that he had only lost one of the preceding eight. If any farmer has a ewe that can beat the above record, let him now come forward and declare‘it. ‘ ACCIDENT TO OUR. “ Cormt."â€"On Monday evening Mr. R J. Moore, of” the Star, met with an accidentâ€"san- guinary, though not seriousâ€"while play- ing lacrosse on the VilC'Illt ground be- tween the old Clifton House and the river. Just as M r. Thomas Sadlcr was in the act of throwi tg the ball Over his shoulder, Mr. Moore ran up behind him. and received a violent blow on his nose, between his eyes, from Mr. Sad- ler's stick. The injured organ bled prom ‘ l‘usely for a long time, and Dr. Graham, to whom its owner took it, put two stitches into the edges of the wound that had been inflicted. lt's aigood looking nose, and we are glaid~zthat it was not. badly damaged. Sure Cure for Sea Sickness, Nausea. Maladies ofthis type yield»"iristo.nt-lyto Polson’s Nerviline, and if you should suffer periodically from these compldintepjnst keep Nervilinc at hand. A-t‘rfc‘w- drops in sweetened water gives instant relief, and in the course of half an hour the cure is complete. A large 25c. bottle of Nerviline in the house will save do‘ctors‘ bills and a. vast amount of snfl‘eringgencla year. Sold by W. H. Robson. REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS.â€"On Friday of last week ‘ Dr. Gould bought Mrs. E. B. Bot-land’s property on May street, consisting of the house in which Mrs. Borland resides, a double house a few rods nearer the canal, and about balf'an acre of land. We don’t know 2, the exact price that Was paid, but un- derstand that the doctor not a bargain. ......Some months ago it was reported in the anefiathat Mr. Richard Lamb had bought Mr. John D. Nttylor's farm close to the Falls; but. For some reason, the sale was not concluded, though we were told by one of the parties that it had been. Last week the l'arm was bought by Mr. James Grifi’in, of Somer- villo, For $3,100, and part. if not the whole, of the purchase money has six-5 ready been paid. Deaf as a-'-Door Nail. Not an uncommon expression. but quite perfectly restored by inhaling Catarrhozone. ' I-t‘ (prickly relieves and . cures all kinds of Cntarrh, Catarrhal Deafnessmnd diseases... . of the respiratory organs. Don‘t give up hope until you have tested Catarrhozone. It has restoredhlost hearing to thousands and can do the snare ioryou. Catarrhozone is a vegetable antiseptic, pleasant and con- venient to.use, absolutely certaln to quick- 1y bencfit‘and ultimately cure. Two months’ treatment 35!. Small size 25c. AtW. H. Robson’s drug store or bymail from Poison 85-00., Kingston .- BIRTIâ€"IS. Nonrncy.â€"At Fenelon Falls, on Monday, linrch 315:, 1902,. the wife of up. Attre‘d Northey of a son. BRO‘VNuw‘IH the township of Fcnelon on Tuesday, April lst, 1902, the wife of Mr. John G. Brown of a son. Wonstuv â€"In the township of Fenelon, on Wednesday, April 2nd, 1902, the wife of Mr Lot Worsley ofu son. BIA.1R.RIED2 BILLETTâ€"SCHELL..â€"At the Mouse, Fe'nelon Falls, by the Rev R C. H. Sinclair, .B..A., on Wednesday, April 2nd, 1902, Mr. Chasw W. Billett to Miss Matilda Schell. Fenelon.,Falls,Friday, April 11th,.1902 . Reported by the North Shir Roller Hill 00, WheaLSeotch or lt‘ii'e .... 70 to 80 Wheat, fall, perbushcl.... 68 70 Wheat, spring ........ G7. 68 Barley, per bushel. . 51 52 Buckwheat“ .... .. . . 50- 52 Oats, “- 37 38 .Pease, .“ 1'3 75 Rye, “ .... .... 50 5‘ Potatoes, “ .... 33 40 littttei'.pet'lb............ 15 16 Eggs, per dozen...... .... 9 10 ~llay,perton...... 8.00 9.00 Hides . 4.50 fiJ-O Hogs(live) 550 6.00 Hogs (Dressed) .. 5 50 6.00 5.00 6.00 Sheepskins....... 25 50 Wool . . . . . . 7. 10‘ Flour, Silver l.eaf‘-. . . ... . 2.00 2.20 Flour, Victoria . . . . . . 1.90 2.10 Flour, Family, Clipper.... 1.70 1.90 Bran, per 100 lbs .. ., 95 105 Shorts, “ “ 1.00 1.10 1.40 Mixchhop “ 130 Raise Chickens for Export. We want, delivered alive at your nearest ,sighed ‘Executrix of the last Will. and Test-' Stops the Cough’ and Works Off the Cold. Laxative Bromoâ€"Quinine Tablets curea cold in one day. No Cure, No Pay. Price 250. cotlnty-of-Vietoria, Railway Employee, dc- ceased, who died on or about the 7th day of MarciaA.’ D. 1902, are required,on or be- ‘fore -the 3rd day of May, A. D. 1902, to send by post, prepaid, or to deliver to Seth S. Smith, of the town of PorttHope, in the county of lDurham, solicitor for the under- I . NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given, pursuant to the a E I, 3 Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1897, Chap. 129, that all ‘creditors and others having, , . claims against the estate of JamesSimpson, 1 late of the village of Fenelon Falls, in the 1 WWW . Our stock’:of-"wall papers will? enable you to have the best efâ€". fects always. . Our lines include‘ ameut of the deceased, their Christian and those rare qltla’ht'les and brlghtly surnames, addresses and descriptions, the effective designs that make a paper hanger feel- so much pride * full particulars of their claims statements - , 0min, accounts, and the "wire of the 39. 1n the work he does for you, and to enyoy to the fullest extent. Gourities (if any) held by them' and notice ‘ ‘ . r,“ ,8 mm, given that, we, 5,13,, mm” the rooms you have to papei th1sseason, you should buy pape. itioncd (We: “‘9 Exec.“l"‘x “’i“. Pmceed W from our stock... No paper investment you ever made guaran-z- distribute the assets of thesaid- idn'censed - - . amongst the parties entitled thereto, having-- teed as certain. satisfactionas regard only to the claimsmiwhieh sheshatl‘. V then have had notice, and that. the satd’Efr- ecutrix will not be liable for the said assets M " The .Néw lizard-ware Stare; ‘ or any part thereof to any person or persons I . c 9 , Opposite :the Post_oflice ., of whose claims notice shall not have been received at thenti‘me of such distribution.- Dated this: 29111 day of March, A. D..1902.‘ MARGARET .PECKy. V , 8-4 Ezecutrix. '_f 1 E303. SALE 1 CHEAP FOR-CASH on on The undersigned has tor-sale one'team- of E -‘ G G , Horses and a largexnumber of Farm Imple: I, I 1 T6. BWLD i319 ments,v.whiclr can be-seen on lot 22, Somer- vil'm, at Bhrnt River bridge. JOSIMCFARLAND, I am prepared .to-supply all necessary material 1 for House ‘ or: Barn. building at reasonable - prices, . and. .it will pay you to consult. me before buyino'. - Penelon Falls‘. Planing done _ on. short. notice :byufirst; class workmen. . . F..- SANDFQRD... { Hzanqpan'ransaar DAI.BY."'SUPPLIES... “A” bad. workman ‘1 quarrelszwith his _ tools..’.’ ' . A‘ maker of tricky ' ‘sh’oes; blames theuRc- ' tailor, ferover pricing should ,be purified-at. leastonce a year. No better time to use a good blood purifier than in the spring.. , them; at? What -, they 5 look like; - - Qbservetheflilgg’ . f‘Tlte Slater Slice” , ’toodyear Welted‘j.’ J. L. ARNOLD, Sole Local Agent. â€"â€"â€".â€"...... Mil iiEEfl WT, fill To Montreal orNeW York; for choice patterns or low: prices in WALL PAPER. We have them; here now: for your selection. woman’s, LINDSAY, NEXT TO , SIMPSON HOUSE; It prepares the. system for the severe heat» 01 summer and makes . you feel like a. new..person.. All are welcomes ' Manhunt. Try the . ,. est Sarsaparilla, Regular price $1, for ’15 cents. We can recommend you nothing better. Robson’s my Store, Fenelon Falls. llllllllll MARBLE- finbt. Chambers Is prepared to furnish the people ofLind- ' say and surrounding country with MONU- MENTS and HEADSTONES, both Marble I; _ I and granite, " ' " Estimates promptly given on all kinds or Tires, , V cemetery work. . . - “ Marble Table Tops, Wash Tops, Mantle First 111 1888â€"- ' Foremost everslnce‘ ' l Bcinga practical workman, all should .: Pieces, etc., a specialty. ' I ' see his designs and compare prices before purchasing elsewhere. . . l _f WORKSâ€"In the rear of the Market on if. Cambridge-st , opposite the packing house R. CHAMBERS. To have been “first” merely proves antiquity. To have - remained first? proves merit. l DUNLOP TIRE 00., . LIMITED, TORONTO. l than an trait is printed every Friday at the office, corner May and Francis Streets. SUBSCRIPTION I $1.0052A YEAR, IN ADVANCE NEW “WHERE Slim mammals rants... Brown Grizzly and Black "Mangohan or one cent per week will be added, as long as it remains unpaid. G. T. R station, every chicken you can raise. Larger breeds. such as Orpinglons,| ‘ ' Wyandottes, Rncks,ludian Games and Dork- v ings are mostacceptahle. Scrub and black- l legged birds are-Anotsnitablc. Prices ac- cording to weight and plnmpncss. Good chickens bring from 40 to 90 cents per pair. We can supply settings of good Rock and Wyandctte eggs. Where a number order large StOCk Of Horse together the cost is from ‘20 to '35 cents per . . . l Blankets; Trunks, Valises‘, Setting. FOP particulars \Vl'ltc Olll’ buyer, . A.E.Si1verwood, Box 134. | etc, always on hand at l DUNDAS & FLAVELLE B1203, . ' Nevasn’sflarncss Shop, 5.9m.. Lindsay Advertising Rates. Professional or business cards, 50 cents per line per annum. Casual advertisements, 8 cents per line for the first insertion, and 2 centsper line for every subsequent inser- tion. Contracts by the year, half year or less, upon reasonable terms. will keep you warm. Come and see them. JOB PRINTING executed neatly, oor~. eotlyvand at moderate prices. E. D. HAND,=_ Proprietor: The undersigned has opened a. well- equippcd Machine Shop on Francis Street East, opposite the north side of Twomey’s - hotel, and is now ready to repair all kinds - of Farming, Steamboat and Mill Machinery and Bicycles, and to repair or renew the. wooden parts of implements. Lawn Mow-u. ers repaired and sharpens], and Saws . sharpened and gnmmed. 11%“ Prices right and all work attended; to promptly. JOHN JONES. Fenelon Falls, Appil 18th, #201. . I. I ~fif‘.4y%h«~"«"¢"“ [‘51 '3. N_A_'p"- -' g1 ‘\ ‘ MM k;w‘Kvtmfihnrn’w‘vxm.~‘V.,.A./,Vw(p fur-1“”. . l t '1 ah i‘ .‘1

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