Kawartha Lakes Public Library Digital Archive

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 25 Apr 1902, p. 5

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Stops the Cough. and Works Off the Gold:- ‘iaa-xative Bromo-Quinine Tablets cure a cold in one day. No Cure, No Pay. Price 25c. ’ JERSEYSâ€"On our way from the sta- tion, last Tuesday, we called at Mr. . George H. Littleton’s to look ata Jersey cow that he bought about a month ago from Dr. Broad, of Lindsay. She is a cream-colored beauty, ceming five years old. and, though she calvcd about the first of December, and will “come in ” ‘ some time in September next, is fuck in: over a pound of butters day, which she will probably nearly double if she can be put into a field in which she can fill herself with grass in a couple of hours, and then lie down and convert it into milk. Mr. Littleton paid only $42 for her, but it. cost him between two and three dollars more to get her home. About the same time Mr. Job Palmer bought ayearling Jersey heifer for $15. and‘ M’r. William B‘arbcr aJerscy heifer calf, a few days old, for $5, from Mr. Joseph 'l‘hornhill, who lives near the sand-pit, just this side of Lindsay. There are two other Jerseys in townâ€"a cow six or seven years old, for which Mr. Prlfred Northey paid $75, and a t-hree-year-old which Mr. James Knox bought from Mr. Towasend and sold to Mr..D. T. Northey. Why Sniflie and Sneeze? Don’t suffer any more witha-cold in the head; inst carry a:CA'r/muuozoxs Ina/men in your vesttpocket, use it now and again and youxwon’t‘have colds. Catarrhozone knocks out a cold in ten minutes, kills a headache infive minutes, and-hard. racking: coughs in half‘ an hour. Inhale the pleasant Cat- arrhozone vapor five minutes four times daily and it will cure Bronchitis, Lung Trouble, Deafness, Asthma and Catarrh in, any part of. the system. Catarrhozone is the most- direct, modern and scientific method; and is guaranteed to give satisfac- tEOn. Cemplete two months’ treatment costs $1.00, trial size 25c: Druggists or N. C. POlSOYl &-00., Kingston, Ont. Solth'oy W. H. Robson. ' M BIRTHS“. Home â€"In the tawdship of' Fenelon, on. Friday, April 18th, 1902, the wife ofvllfr; Peter Hewic ofh. son». Jouusrou.-â€"At Fenclon Falls, on Sunday, April 2nd, 1902, the wife-of'll‘r; John John-. 1 son ofea daughter. I Commâ€"At Fcnelon Falls, on Sunday, April 20th, 1902, the wife of Mr. Alexander Clark,.Jr., ofa son. linemenâ€"In the township of"Fenelbn, on Sunday, April 20th, 1902, the wife of illr. James Mitchell of a son. MILLER.-â€"Ai§ Fenelon- Falls, on.=Tnesday,, April 22nd, 1902, the wife of Mr. John Mll- ler of a daugeter.- Poreumxéâ€"At Fenelon Falls, on Wed: nesday, April 23rd, 1902, the wife ofiM'r. James Peterkin ol‘a daiighter;, TRENT CANAL. ;Notiee-to Manufacturers of and Dealers in Portland Cement. SEALED TENDERS addressed to the un- dersigned, and endorsed “Tenders for Portland Cement," will be received at this office up to sixteen o'clook on Monday, 28th April,.191)2, for the supply and delivery of 60,000 barrels, or any portion: thereof, of Portland Cement on the Trent Canal as per specification. Specifications and forms of tender can be obtained by the parties tendering at the office of' the Chief Engineer of Railways and Canals, Ottawa. In the case of firms there must be attache ed the actual signatures of the full name, the nature of the occupatiOn, and place of residence of each member ofthe same, and further, an accepted bank cheque for 10 per cent. of the total amount tendered for- must accompany the tender. This accepted cheque must be endorsed over to the Min- ister of Railways and Canals, and will be forfeited if the party tendering declines entering into. contract for the work at the rates and on the terms stated in the offer submitted, The accepted cheques thus sent in will be returned to the respective parties whose ‘ tenders are not accepted. This Department does not, however, bind itself to accept the lowest. or any tender. ‘ By order, L. K. JONES, Secretary. Department of Railways and Canals, Ottawa, 18th April, 1902. Newspapers insertingthis advertisement without authority. from. _ the Department will not be paid for it. ‘ NOTICE TO- CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given, pursuant to the Revised: Statutes of Ontario, 1897, Chap. 129, that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of James Simpson, late of the village of Pension Falls, in the county of Victoria, Railway Employee, de- ceased, who died on or about the 7th day of March, A. D. 1902, are rcquircd,ou or be- 'fore the 3rd day of May, A. D. 1902, to send by post, prepaid, or-to deliver to Seth S. Smith, of the town of Port Hope, in the county of Durham, solicitor for the under- sighod Executrix of the last Will and Test- ament or) the‘deecased, their Christian and Any woman with reputation-i to sustain in taste for selections 4' will be interested in our new '- surnames addresses and descriptions the .' . , T . full partibulars of theirrc-ltu'ms, statem’euts “fan covellngs' .1011 ale enabled oftheir accountaandthermture ofthese- tar-have- a fine color treatment, very rich and harmonious, curities (if any) held by them- and notice . . . is further given that, after subh last men- which w1ll be a leader. 1n the wall paper. world. We would t'oned flat the E t ' '11 d t - - ~ distribute 8its assllsuofnlhginidprti222.383 like to show you all these beautiful th1ngs,. whether youbuy: amongst the parties entitled thereto having . ' ‘ , regard only to the chums omhmh s'hc shun now 01 later, and even if youdecide not to buy at all. then have had notice, and that the said Ex- ccutrix will not be liable for the said assets The Ne‘v_I.I,-ardw are Store... or any part thereofto any person or persons M . - ’ of whose claims notice shall not have been' ' ‘ ' c 7 OPPOSlte :the POSt'Olfice " received at thflztilllfi of; such.distrib'ution. Datedithis 29th day of‘Mhrch, A. D. 1902. MARGARET PECK, 8-4 'Executrix. W'HEADQUABTEBS for DAIRY SUPPLIES. l ARE You GOING- To BUlLD? % I am prepared to supply all necessary material’ for House or Barn building at reasonable prices, . and it will pay you to consult me before buyina. Planing done on short notice by first. class workmen. SANDFORD... FOR. CHEAP FOR CASH on ON TIME. The undersigned has for sale one team of Herses and a large number of Farm Imple- ments, which can be seen on lot 22, Somer- ville, atBurnt River bridge., JOS. MCFARLAND, Fenelon Falls. 3.1. G. MoKeggie 8t 09., (ESTABLISHED 1879 .) BANImRSs. FENELOH FALLS, - or". . Agents: The Bank of British Northllmerica. " A general up-tmdate banking business transacted. Current accounts with merchants and business men opened on the usual terms, and careful attention given to the business of our customers. Money advanced on notes or mortgages for any length of time to suitborrower. Farmers’ notes discounted at the lowest rates. Drafts issued-on any part of the world. Cheques on any bank in Canada or the United States cashed. ’_ There are as many ‘ shapes of "‘Slater Shoes” as there are forms of feetâ€"this means that no matter what shape, size or width your foot may 'be, a " “Slaterâ€"Shoe” can be ______â€"_____.â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- MARRIED. ROBSONâ€"BORLAND.â€"At the residence of the groom’s parents, Fcnelon. Falls, by the Rev. R. C. H; Sinclair, B. A'., on Thursday, April 24th, 1902, Mr. Joseph Robson, of Burk’s Falls, Out, to Miss Audrey Aileen Borland, of Fenelon Falls.. WIT- BENELON FALLS MARKETS. Fenclon Falls, Friday, Apri1225th, [902. v All are Welcome. ill. WASHBURN. modelled from the living‘ 20th century â€"â€"-â€" ‘1- .. "v \\\¢:\\7¢ footâ€"With all its distor- Ichorled the 43707115 Sta/r ROZZGT 00. Sterling Exehanqe bong-ht or sold at‘post- ‘ ,._" o a o . WheahSeotch oerif'e 70 to so ed rate ot‘Exclmnse- a N i moms and peculiarltie?‘ Wheat: f0“; Perbusml-n- 68 70 Special attention given to the collection ‘ NO Other Shoe 13 237113;, 31111115410] ~ 0 n - - - - of notes and accounts. made with SO much “111‘ l ' ° "" 3 "‘f Note forms furnished free of charge or buckwheat ‘f . . . . . 50 52 sent by mail post-paid. ’ regard for feet as the Outs, ‘u . 1 38 40 _ “ Slater Shoe ” sense, “ 73 3.} W. A. Bishop, . . ' . gl’eyt ' :9 Acting Manager With its foot-fitting ota oes J . . g Y 3ntt-cr,pbr~1b...... 15 16 . quaht‘es youiaetwear’ Eggsil)“ dozen'm" 9 10 ' - - appearance and Good- Hay,pcrt0n............. 8.00 9.00 E , ..___â€"â€"-l-Eâ€" f t_t1lt Hides . . . . . 4.00 59:0 9 year we com or 1a. §°§Z " goes almost without say- oa rs .......... u _ , ,_ _ Beeft... . . . . . . . . .. .. 5.00 6.00 5 _ ,. mg when it is branded in a . weepskins - . - . - . . - -- 25; fi’g S slate frame with name and. ’, t “ , oo . . ,, price. $3,.5o.and'$5;om, “i Tires First in 1888â€"â€" Foremost ever since. *2 ““m WE: , Flour, Family, Clipper.... 1-70 1-90 Mixed Chop “ 1-30 L4" and will carry a large Flour Silirci-.Iie:if........ .., 2.00.. 2.20 . Flour: Victoria 1.00 ~ 210 Bran,,per 100 lbs . . . . . . .a . 95 1,05 Shorts, “ “ . . .. . ... ._ 1.00 1.10 ""' M“ and Lipâ€"to-clate stock of To have been “first” furniture. merely proves antiquity. To have remained first proves merit. Raise Chickens for Export. Agent. - 4- ~ unstamr, rail use To Montreal. or New York for chmce patterns or low PTICGS 1n WALL- 53.53.?EEQ'. We have them here now:- f'or your selection. GDODWfi’S, Linnsav, NEXT TO SIMPSON HOUSE- Dr. T. P. MCCULLOUGH; . Specialist, EYE,'EAR. NOSE and THROAT. Will visit Simpson House, Lindsay, every- Werlncsday. Hours, 10 a. m. to'4 p. m, .1 ~ ~ i“ We want, delivered alive at your nearest rt so, In epaled to do 3‘ ’I‘. R station, every chicken you can all kllldS 0f raise. Larger breeds, such as Orpingtons, 1 ' . Wyaudoties,Rocks,1n<lian Games and Dork- (Jarrlage iugs are most acceptable. Scrub and black- - ‘- , legged birds are not suitable. Prices (10- RepaJ'J-lng and cordingto weight and plnnipness. Good Repalntlng, chickens bring from 40 to 90 cents per pair. We can supply settings of good Rock and and to lnake, Wyandottc eggs. Where a number order together the cost is from '20 to 25 cents per setting. For particulars write our buyer, 3 at E. Silver-wood, Box 134. .. V E DUNDAS a FLAVELLE BROS, Planing 53mm 3'! 59m. Lindsay Shri‘. flange. . DUNLOP TIRE ‘00., LIMITED, TORONTO. ,Local Depot i‘or Dunlap Carriage Tires. should be purified at least once u a year. No better time to use a good blood purifier than in the spring. Brown Grizzly and“: Black Mangolia The Tatar VALLEY narrower: 00.,l " ' r s 1t prepares the system for the severe heat 01 summer and makes you feel like a new person. lerso. , Try the Sareaparilla, Regular priest/ll, for 75 cents. ‘ n. BOBCllYGEOll, S’lllliGEOllP'l‘., Lli‘lllSlY. Sir. Esturion or Hianita. May 1 to 31 and Oct. 1 to close of navig’n. s will keep you warm. Rama Come and see them. "- Bllls‘i A large stock of Horse ,» Up-tO-datcillustm- Blankets, Trunks, Valises, We can recommend you nothing better. Robson’s Drug Store, Bobcav eon IV- 8 00 a. 111.- AH‘ 5 3fl P. 111. ;, 3 . ‘1 4.5;. ,1, . a * - . Lindshb‘n: “1.1030 “ Lv 300 H _ ,i, .. 1()‘zl'veht work. etc” always on hand at I Cogspltgtions,lpyvc,ear, nose and throat. seneion Falls act, 1). Gould, telephone , F n ' _ 5 'Fcnelon Fal s. “wit? Owns .corner George anlanmz; emitting?“ Atthe. Gillette. Lhfice, Fenelon a 8.. Hewlson s Harngss Shop. . p - . , ‘ l

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