or“: msn 1" «\“n ‘â€" 1-", If it’s style you want, we have it. A visit to our Hat Department will convince you that for Style, Quality, As- sortment and Price, we should be called ,“E'HE Martens of We have an exceptionally ï¬ne line of Men’s and Beys’ ï¬ne quality Newest Style Suits, every suit guaranteed and prices to suit everybody. A visit to our Gents’ Furnishing Department. will con- vince you that Burgoyne’s is the right place to go for new and up.to-date Furnishings. See our display on Saturday. W. Three Stores. ‘. A R 'IEAoooanrsns Fen WARE, ' H ATS Farmers ! z for men and bills. If you want Good Binder Twine ’ THOS. ROBSON. Twine in stockâ€"â€" FENELQN FALLS rumours, snawrrnaa, RED straw, reconstructs. URCOVNE. All at prices that will ' , defy competition. iiltlie‘ill‘enelon Falls“ Gazette~ Friday, May 30th. 3992. ,. THE PROVINCIAL ELECTIONS. . â€".â€" At the general Provincial elections ,ed, the latest returns giving it a. majOr- etlcl- yesterday the Government wassustain- 6\@____@/e In our tinware department all kinds of job work is promptly attended to. See our Corn Planterâ€"newest thing. out. We bought everything before» the-large advance which has taken place in hardware the last few months, and Wlll give our customers the beneï¬t of it. Try us. ' l t l l E40â€:- W‘ï¬féé‘fJMcWWéWï¬'fléï¬MMM #666 5434‘ H4) ï¬MiWMâ€"é 99% l l tllllllll MARBLE ran. E’lnbt. ls prepared to furnish the people of Lind- sllv and surrounding country with MONU- llilx'rs and HEADSTONES, both Marble and granite. Chambers 9'. Estimates promptly given on all kinds or cemetery work. Marble Table Tops, Wash Tops, Mantle Pieces, etc., a specialty. Being a practical workman, all should see his designs and compare prices before purchasing elsewhere. WORKSâ€"In the rear of the Market on Cambridge-st, opposite the packing house R. CHAMBERS. Dr.T.P.McCULLOUGH, Specialist, EYE, EAR. NOSE and THROAT. Will visit Simpson House, Lindsay, every Wednesday. Hours, 10 a. m. to 4 p. m Gonsultations, eye, ear, nose and throat. Pelerborough, corner George and Murray streets. .I have removed my Dressmaking business to the rooms over Miss Washburn’s millinery establlshment. Street Entrance-«door between. the two red stores. APPRENTIGES WANTED. ' .MRS. an. n. canons... lity of 7. Premier Ross and all his col- Stratton, the Provincial Secretary, to whom the Conservatives. of West Peter- ‘boro threatened to do all sorts of things, had nearly or quite his old majority- of 2900'. We are sorry to say that: the well-meant attemptsto redeem thovtwo Victories resulted in failures. Mr. 'Carnegle was re elected hyamajority 'of, as far as known, 436, which further returns may alter. somewhat; and in _ West 1ifictoaia, where Mr. Smale, the . Liberal candidate, was considered safe, ‘ Mr. Fox had a majority of 110. Mr. .533. HEAR . Heyd took his defeat like a philosopher, room last night he heartin thanked all who had supported him, and said that, although he would not contest East ,tion lle-would,,if, alive, run up against Stun Hughes for a couple of weeks. We 'must reserve comments upon the election until’cur next issue. This returns from the polling-places in this riding, up to the time of going to press, are as follow: ' Y Y . _'. Polling Sub-div. Omemee and Emily... 168: Vcrulam: . . . . . . 55 ' 61 ' 37 1,3. I... I o c I I Q and 2 Bobeaygcon 65 Fcnelon....,.. 01- . . . . . . 38‘ . III...IQQI.. . . . . . . 02 Fenelon Falls. 28. ...... 04‘. Bexley.... Laxton............. 44 Dighy... Somel‘ville..,n ..-.-l 33 .......... 10 Monmouth ..... ..... was... .. 6019â€"10310r-Irâ€"‘O-‘N-‘*-‘LOâ€"dtol;NWLOHI-‘HH-Lér-‘Nl-‘UXDFUSlOr-sl-‘OUIIKWIéévâ€"I u... «0...... :30 i have ‘ Cardifl‘.............. Lutterwoi‘tliiiii 03 04‘ ginsortll & Hindo'ri 31 33 inow on . WI! MCKEQWN’g mm... ..::'::‘:::::: i3- FURNETURE S.i‘l‘l.‘$§§é“‘...333 I321 18 USENESSs 1...... .::::'.'.:::: ii. and will carry a large and up-to-date stock of - 62 l 3 furnlture. 1 9 9 Am also prepared to do all kinds of Carriage Making, Repairing and \ Repainting, and to make. DOORS AND SASH. Planing done on short notice. Carnegie’s majority 436 Killed by Lightning. At about 6.15. on the evening of Thursday of list week, during the ter- two of the children of Mr. Thomas Smith were struck and instantly killed by lightning in front of their home on May street. They were Eliza Jane, aged 12 years. 5 months and 28 days, ‘ , and James Ernest, aged 8 years, 10 1 months and 7 days. The little boy was . . I . Standing on the floor of the verandah, near to but at one side of the open door leagues were re-elected. and: Hen. J.. R... land’in: hi-s‘bl'ief speech in. his committee ‘ Victoria again, his hearers might. rest ; assured that at the next Dominion elec- . rible storm that raged Over a very wide . area and did a'ul'eat deal of damage, , ...._... a . ........ .. momma“-.. _ ..._. _.. a .. .c r... mu»..- .. ,._ .., ....__._ -.....A..‘. _......_. . .__. ___.-._... u... .. going to a house on Francis street for milk, had descended the two steps that lead from the verandah to the sidewalk, and was nearly opposite to. and not more than seven or eight feet from, her brother, Mr. Smith, who was coming home from work, had was about ï¬fteen feet from the end of the verandah, told hen that, as another heavy shower of rain appeared to be coming on, she had better go back for a cloak. The re» mainder of her life was not long enough ' for her to reply, or to turn around; for, as she looked up and smiled, there came a terriï¬c flash of lightning, and she and her little brother fell, stone dead, bc~ fore their horriï¬ed father's eyes. The girl, he told us afterwards, appeared to “wilt†and sink in a heap, and then fell forward, with the right side of her .face against the edge of the sidewalk, , by which itwas slightly bruised, but the :boy fell over flat onto his back. The news of the tragedy spread like Wild- ï¬re, and in a very few minutes the house was full of persons anxious to see the children and sympathize with their bereaved parents. When the bodies were prepared for. burial, no mark of any kind was found ontlle boy ;,- but the girl’s loft boot had been badly torn and its string broken in two or three places, land, there was a discoloration on. the outside of the feet. At the. moment the children were killedthe house was struck, and Mrs. Rogue, who was at. tending her daughter, Mrs. Smith, who ~ was ill in bed. in a. room on- thegnound": floor, was knocked. down by the shock, " . and sufl'ered a terrible headache- l'or 5 The-lightning entered ‘ several hours. under the bookcase. then, touring~ its way through a. partition, traucrsed= the gwhole-length of. the hall. and: made its .exit through. the. front wall just. over one 'ot; the upstairs windows. The double funeral on Saturday, afternoon was very, numerously. attended, and- ‘mal'ched in two. lines, formed part of ‘the:procession., Asthe- hearse would only hold one 603111, the smaller was "carriedby six. boys trem. the house to the cemetery, where the funeralservice was cenductedby, Rev. Mr. Garbutt. Mr. Smith narrowly escaped. sharing -the~fate ofllis children. When within .a few rods of his home- he was spoken :to by Mrs. Dr. Gould, whowas‘at her I'front; gate ;,and, thoughvhe-didmot smp, he slackened his pace-while answering ’her, and,the delay of a. few seconds thus . .ocoasionediprobably saved-his lifct press about an hour and a half before the sadoccurrence. ’ Teachers? Convention.. The annual convention oï¬â€˜ the West .Victorla 'l‘eacllers' Association was held 'in the Fenelon Fills public school. on '5 Thursday and Friday of'last week. The ï¬rst session opened with the ad- dress of the president, Mr. Bircllard, followed:by the reading of the minutes {of last meeting by Mr.- ’l’.. Mark, the s secretary. Miss Macniven then read-a very clever and interesting essay on “Wind,†and an excellent paper was Ill-end by MissMchade on “ The Rela- ‘ .tion between Home and School.†The :question drawer. was then taken up, and a committee appointed to consider and, answer the questions. The- meeting ndjourned until 9 o’clock on Friday morning, when Dr. Sims gave an excel- ,lent lecture on. " The Care of the Tooth.†I Miss B; Nie then. gave-a very interest- ing object lessomtoa class of, children on “ Wood. Charcoal,†pointing- out its 'qualitics, reparationtand uses. Mr. Reaz-in delivered a very interesting lec- ture- on, “Nature Studies," showing how-teachers should. connect theistudy ‘of nature with other. school subjects. Answers. to the question drawer, were then considered. The afternoon session opened with a lively discussion- en. the subject “ is there too much ‘ Home .Work’ given to young pupils ?†intro- duced by Mr. Bil'cllnrd. Rev. Mr. MacNamara delivered an excellent ad- dress, and was fOIIOWed by Rev. Mr. Sinclair, who also spoke in a very able Tmanner. The prouramme was inter- spersed with arcading by Miss Jardine, a recitation by Miss Prior and a violin solo by Miss Fanny Brandon. Much regret was felt- on account of the un- avoidable absence of- _Mr. Locllead, of. Toronto, who was to have addressedthe ' Association. The nominating commit- tee-then read their report, andthe meet- ing closed by singing the National Anthem. New'Book-rsm at the Public Library. _.__.. The following is a. list of new'books, with the names of the authors, which have been received at the public library : The Kentons......_..... The r'lrebrand. . . . . . . ....Crockett1 The Silver-Skull................ “ l Dorothy Vernon ...... l...-........Majorl Count Hannibal . . . . . . . ...Weyman I, Thou and the Other One .... . .....Bnrr The Yellow Fiend ......Alexauder LiOn's o-ocuj “no†nett- “nBarr‘ of the house. and his sister, who was Audionâ€... about a=llundrcd school. children, who ' Last week’s Gazette had gone to ‘ and...“ .wa‘a’ nxmi'.ll.Â¥3."!:’ME'EWHJVN'}dismb - tabs-w" tart; tf\“.~u , .- -.....«- ...-.,, .. __.__....._ -._-:::W Johnston ......llarr not... The Victors . . . . . . ...... To Right the Wrong . . . . In Spitoof'.’lll......... . . . . . . IWixt Sirdnr . . . . . ...............W‘elhy Dr.Dnlc.... ...... ...... .... ....Harlnnd Hound ol‘tllc Baskervilles...... ....Doyle Day with a Tramp .... ......Wycholl‘ Ethidorplla .. . . Lloyd The Conquerors . . . . . . . . . . . . ....Atherton How to Get Strong . . . . . . ...... ..'..Blakio Leonard's Spots . . . . . .Dixon Farewell Nikola . . . . . . .. ..... . ...Bootllby; lllytStl-angest Casc............... “ Sarita - . . . . . . ....Marellmontv Son of Satsuma.... ...... .... ....Munroe Gray Horse Troop . . . . . . ....Garlandr Let Not Man Put Asunder .... King- Ro‘oertsou’s ScrmOns.... . The Velvet Glove...... Every Inch a King . . . .. . . ... lerriman .. . ....Sawyer That Manwaring Affair .. .. .. Barbour Lord oftbe Sea...... . . . . . .........Sheil Road to Frontenac . . . . . ,. . . . . . . . .Mcrwin Bernice.............. . . . . . .........Barrt Thelma ......Unrelli Damscl or Two ..............Moore Queboron Touch . . . . . . .... .... ....Brady; At the Back of. Beyond ....Barbourl Herald's of the Empire . . . . . . . ., Lant- F10\ver-and Thorn . . . . u . . . .. . . . . Whitby- Warwick of the Knobs . . . . . . . Lloyd; Mistress Barbara . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sutelilfc For Love or Grown .. . . . ..Marchmont Seven Houses . . . . . . .... ......Drummond, lll~illy...... .... . . . . . .. ..,.,,....M. Thompson. £19,000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._.. Delannoy: Arms and the Woman . .. .'... .....,M».cGrath; God Wills It .... ......Davis. Hardwicke .... ....Roodx anlthot Templc- . . ..., . . . .. . . . . . .‘ Henty: St: George for England: . .....,.....,.. ..... “ In. Times of Peril . . . ., . . . ...,,. . .,.. “- Among Malay, Bimtns, . ......_.,._.1., “- c .4 ' “Wifillageeourléil. Fenelon Falls, M'ay 23rd. 1902:. Council met at the call of the reeve, and all the members were present. The- ;minutes of'prcvious meetingwere read. and approved. ‘ Tenders were laid on the table for.- drawing and spreading gravel, from J-L H. Brandon and F. Jackett, at 3.59; and 35c. respectively. Moved by Mr. Sandford; seconded by, Mr..Austin, That Jos. Heard’s account. for cement, $8 05, be paid, and. that: the council collect the propen amount from. S. Nevison and A. Nbrtlley ;_ also G‘. El. Littleton’s account, $31 68, forâ€" work. on and material fen hose housesâ€"a- 3C’arriedl, Moved by Mr. Sandford, seconded by,- Dr. Gould, That F. Jackett’s tender to. draw gravel. and. spread the same, at, 359. per: cubic. yard, be. accepted..â€"G’da. mm...__..,._._ Bersenalm. Mr. Lewis .Deyman Jr. left for. Pot-- erborough on . Saturday. Mrs. J. Twomey and MiSS Agnes; iPower went- to Midland on Friday. : Mr. Joseph Welsh left for Huntsville- on Saturday. and returned on Monday.. Mr. James Brisbin,of. Beterborough,‘ visited friends at the Falls on Saturday. day. Mr. Henry Pearce went to M‘snilla- to visit his brother, and returned on. Monday. Miss Eva Brokensllire- vi'sitcd' her.- home at Woodville fromSaturday until; Monday. Miss Fiossie Solitheramspent-Sunday: and part of‘ Menday with. friends at. Lindsay. ' Mr. Wilfred Jewell took a trip to. .Pcterborough on Monday androturncd’: next day. Mr. John Kerr, of" Manilla, was at. ,the Falls. visiting relatives, from. Fri-a- day- until Monday. Mr Robert McCullum, who left five gor sixweeks ago to visit his mother at: Stirling, came home on Saturday: Mrs. A. J. ‘ZanNostrand. of 'l‘ol'onto,, was at the- Falls from, Friday until. Monday, visiting at M‘rs. Hand’s. Mr. J). G. Campbell, of. Warren, New- Ontario, has been at the Falls, visiting relatives, since Wednesday of last Week... Mr. Johnston Brandon has gone to. ,Peterbm-ough, for his customary sum- lmcrvisit to his sister, Mrs. Robertsom Miss Lovedy Jewell lefb on Saturday, to visit her sister, Mrs. Detchcr, at getcsborough, and came home on Mon- ayl. Mrs. George Nie and her. daughter, iv Miss Alice, left on. Friday to visit, frgends at Orillia and returned on Mon- day. Mr. Barry Austin, of Toronto, and‘ Mr. William Junkin, of Lindsay, were :1; the Falls from Saturday uutil Mon-. ay. Mr. and Mrs. Waltchordan, of Ops, - were visiting at the homestead in Fen- clon from Saturday until Monday. Mrs. William Jordan accompanied. them on their return. Mr. Nicholas Thompson. of Washago, was at the Falls from Saturday until Monday. visiting his daughter. Mrs. Fred Cullen, who returned witll'him, accompanied by her little daughter Eva, ...... Howells I to spend a fow days at her old home. M rs. John Smith, Mr. and illl's., Alfred Smith, Mr. and. Mrs. Alexander ' Smith and Mr. Ephraim Smith. all of Lindsay, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pegue, of Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson. Pogueh Mr, George Rogue and. Mr. 811th Miss 'Eeenic-Clltnpbcllfwcnt to Lind-r { sayon Saturday and. returned;on.Tues-~ .~.v. “gage 4! x. .