for men and buys; If it’s style you want, we have it. A visit to- our Illa-t Department will convince you that for Style, Quality, As~ sortment and Price, we should be called ' THE MATTERS of FENELON FALLS We have an exceptionally ï¬ne line of Men’s and B‘oys’l' ï¬ne quality Newest Style Suits, every suit guaranteed and prices to suit everybody. A visit to our Gents’ Furnishing: Department will con- vince you that Burgoyne’s is the right place toago fer new and uptovdate Furnishings. See our display on Saturday. W. URGOYNE. Three Stores... ADQUARTERS Fons. RE, . Paints, Oil’s, Wall Paper, Blinds, etc. c\@.__9/3 In our tinware department. all. kinds of job; work. is: promptly attended to. See our Corn Planterâ€"newest. thing.out.. We bought everything before the large advance-which has taken place in hardware the last few months, andwill. give our customers the beneï¬t of it. Try 11s.. ins. stars. I l l l 2. t1, ’1 W‘s ï¬w'hWWWMfe’mg business to? the rooms over Miss. I have removed my D‘ressmaking ' Washburnv’s millinery establishment. Street Entrance-â€"-door between the two red stores. ' r g APPREHTIGES WANTED., 3 MRS. as. 3. German. , Furniture and , Undertaking. We Just received this week an-~ other lot of nice Baby Car-- riages that are Special -Value. Also Extension Tables, Side~ boards and Bedroom Suites. W. I carry in stock a full line of Parlour Suites, Lounges, Chairs, Etc. Picture framing a Specialty. If you are in need of aSew- ing Machine be sure and see my styles before buying. Fenelen Falls. Subscribe for the “Gazette,†$1 a. year, .~ they got experience instead»! of'real es- ‘tate; and won’t what are left of' them . . ' fully with the conundrum :2. Which ca- pitulated in South Africaâ€"the Boers, v or the British ?" and. for- saying‘it the ' fly commended. The Boers saw nothing before them but utter extermination, if you want i Good†Binder. ’l‘wint nos. ROBSON. Twine in stockâ€"â€" §PLYMDUTH, l BBANTFOBD, RED STAB, Maconmcx. 5 Alli at prices that will. defy competition. . lithe Fenelon Falls Gazette. Friday, June 13th, 1902)? Proï¬t and Loss- The war in Sbuth Africa is really over, though the news seems almost too good to be true, and some statistician has already ï¬gured out the lossâ€"and ‘profit. On the British side there were; Killed or died from wounds or disease, 13,063-oflicers and 21,138 men;:total, . 22,201 :' sent home invalided, 3,030 of~ ï¬cer and 70,942 men ;,1 total 73,972. The Boer loss is not accurately known, but up to the end of last year it is sup- posed to have been about 25,000. About 70,000 of them are said‘ to have been engaged in the campaign. but when ,peaee was declared only 8,000 remained :in theï¬eld, 40.000 being prisoners at ~Ceylon, St. Helena, Bermudazand the Cape. The cost in money to Great Britain isâ€"estimated at $250,000,000“, ,but, as some sort of an offset to this ‘enormous expenditure, she is much rich- ,er in real estate, having acquired 1367:;- 465 square miles of territory, an area equal to all the New Eboland States, New- E'orls and Pennsylvania ;‘ so, you see, the Einpire has not only been saved, but enlarged also. Howevur much this- cnlargement may please Imperialism; it will give no satisfaction at all to the soldiersvwho lost their lives in achieving; it, and mighty little to their“ widows- and orphans. That it will‘ not afford any great degree ol gratiï¬cation-to the Boers, who lost the- territory that Brit- ain has gained, may be taken for grant- ed; but who cares what they like or don’t like, anyhow? Besides. haven’t; have a better form. of governmentâ€"for “ Outlanders,’." at any rate â€"than they ,had before the war i“ The Cazmdt'nn Socialist; published in Toronto, says: “ Some of the boys are struggling man- 0. S." Willi be promptly denounced as pro-Boer. The truth is, both belligery cuts were heartily tired of the struggle, ' and the good oflices of King Edward in bringing it. to-anend cannot be too high- and the British people were aghast at thelrightful outpouring of blood and money; and so the King “ put his foot down †and insisted that the practically vanquished Boers should be offered terms which they would be likely togac- cept, and which were no doubt for bet-. ter than they would have get if they had. not. fought so long and so bravely. ~~ Kawartha Lakes: The Bob. Ind. says :‘ “The pleasure-loving world'has, for long years, been brought in contact with -1he M uskoka region,.and. as a-place for summering, it has been a name to con- jure with throughout this continent, but Kawartha has been, for the most part, passed by, no doubt 0n account_of the fact that it is just a little out of the highway of public travelâ€"a fact which will appeal. to those who are looking for some spot where they may be free from the grind and roar of business. It is true that many have found out this summer paradise, but only a‘few when compared with the thousands who an- nually summer in ether places which peasess no such attractions and beneï¬ts. What a future there is before Kawar-' the, is the thought which ever reactants ~ street: nno walks the clocks ol' the neat T. V'. N. steamers which ply these lovely lakes. How many womiml bodies and shrivel- led ï¬nals shall horn llml rest, health and inspiration 7' Here, as nowhere else, insomnia will take its flight, 'nnd tired nalllre's sweet restoror, balmy sloop. will ltnll. up the ravrsllerl slow/n ol‘ nnro.’ A wet-fl: spent on the annrtha lakes in better than a doctor's bill. , . . , .. tension Unnrl of lloi/ielnn. lilo/mun, May With, “’02. lfnnslo‘n nounoll Incl no llonvl. ol' lio-v vision, The Wool/21's Worn all prononl and tool; the oath nu nwmbnrs ol’ tho (lnnrt, (in motion ol Mom’s. Wobalcr nml l'nlnmr, Mr, l'ml:ln was chosen nbnlrnmn. On motion ol’ Messrs. Palmer and Mark. the nnnnnvonont nl' n-n of lot ll), con. 7, rented from Wm. Cooper by N. l'}. Johnston, was reduced from 8050 to $800. A motion by Messrs. Crngg and Web- ster reduced the cant i" of 2; canal; and west «k. Mr. H. Bailey, tenant, from $3,750't0 $3,500; also west half lot 10: con. 8, Jan. Mitchell, owner, was reduc- -cd from $2,250 to $52,100; On motion of Messrs. Palmer'and ’ Mark,_part of lot 23,- con. 11, was as- sessed to J. W. Griflib instead of‘J‘. D.‘ Neylor. . On motion- of" M'essrs. Webster and Gregg, Edwin Clendennan was assessed as tenant of: lots~113and12, northill Oh motion of" Messrs. Palmer, Thos. W. King was assessed for part of s-w part lot 21, con. 1, as tenant, instead of DJ McRae. , On motion of? Messrs: Ci'agg and -Webster,' Neil Murchison. was assessed jointly with EJ Bi-yant for part east lot 6, con 1. On motion of Messrs. Palmer and Mark, the Court then adjourned to meet at Cameron on June '10th, and ‘general'buainessa was-taken up; The minutes 05 last meeting were read'and adopted’mn-motiOn of Messrs. Palmer'and‘Cragg. A petition was re- ceived from John Palmer and 41 others praying the council to open the side road east-from his place to con. 7-, be- tween lots 20 and 21. On motion oi “ - Messrs. Webster and Crew the sum of am $30 was voted for this work. Letters were receive-l from G: H. . prkins, barrister, r-‘e road across cor~ j. nor of M. Robinson’s farm, part lot 11‘. con. in (motion by Messrs. Mark and Palmer was, passed, stating that the ' council could not; under existing cir~ cumstâ€"ances, close- said read); and from Mrs 3â€": Simpson; offering her hall at ‘ Cameron for council meetings at $1.50 each. Decision as to this was deferred until the Cameron meeting. From Mark: and 1 ... ,, \_ f w I 1... “m .._. ..*ï¬._.__hm_"2m: Crazg, 0. Glaspell was ordered to be" paid 84 50 for assisting to eqnlaize U1 S. S. No. 11. Fenelon, verulam and" Sturgeon Point. Moved by Mr. \Veb-‘tcr, seconded: by Mr. Uragg. That 31’ be paiditn Mrs:- Thomas King for use of room-for presi out mooting.-â€"Cnrried. , On motion of Messrs. Webster andl l’nlm“!’, J. B. l’owlcs wasvre-‘engauedi M clerk of the municipality at a salary’ ol ciao o. year. On motion of" Messrs. Palmer‘andl Mark, the following bills were orderedl to be paid : Duncan Clark, filling wash- out on con. 2 at lot. 6. 31.50; William Myers, ï¬xing cross-«my between lots 30'? and 7â€, con. 2, 83 ; J. I). N‘aylor, meet- ingr, l}. Martin re ro-opuninz road‘at lot’ 0; con. (i. 82:50; 1'}. l). “and. advertis-- ingg Court. of Revision, 8l~.50: Wm: Harris. lixing Condhand's bridge, 88. (lonneil adjourned to meet at Cam" oron-on June 10th. W115 Personals. Rirv. John Garbutt left last week for? Manilla and Toronto, and will probably-’ ;be from home for several more days. Mr. Joseph McFarland returned .home on Mondhy from attending the‘ annual Methodist Conference at Nap- anee. Miss Maud Jbues and' Mr: Herbert! Meynes, of Lindsay, were at the Falls- on Wednesday, visiting at Mr. F. H. :M'agee’s. ' fl Rev. R'.‘ hiac'I‘lamara, M‘essrs Thomas» Rbbert’s, J‘ames- Akister-' and“ Thomasr Cashore left on Tuesday tO‘attcnd-‘the Anglican Synod at Toronto; ‘Rev. Father“ O‘Leary was at the‘ Falls fromrSaturday until Menday, andl the usual monthly service was held ins the Roman Catholic church on Shoday... Messrs. Thomas Robson. R; J? Moore,. D. Pilceathly, R. J. Menzies-and Walter McCall went to Lindsay on the steamer' _Dtumtless‘last Sitturday tossee the basev Iball-match. Mrs. Stephen Nevison andi'her'eldesti daughter, of Lindsay, accompanied the Orange excursion per’ Kénosh’n to the" Falls on Saturday, and Miss Mabel re- â€"â€"-â€" Powles’ Garner. (I'C'drrcspondénce of'a'he Gdzetle) Mr; Alex. McGee had his mammoth:- ~barn raised on Monday and Tuesday-,. the 2nd and 3rd oF‘ this month. Orr account of the incessant sh-‘owers the foundation, or we' might say the sills, could'not be laid' in the fore'noon‘of’thee ï¬rst day. Nearly 100 men united ithcirt' l'orces, audithe heavy timbers were handled like matches, and the bentsr were all raisedon Menday afternoon,- Henry Aâ€"‘ustin, re widening road and ?and on Tuesday about 30:01.40 men ï¬lling a'gravel pit hole as thebest means ofï¬'xing the road along the old Naylor homestead. No action was taken in this matter by the council. On motion of Messrs. Cragg and webster, a bonus of 15~cents a rod was 5 and 6} con. 1;. also 206; a rod- was at lot 15., con 2.’--â€"Carricd. Moved-by Mr. Webster; seconded by- Mr. Mark, That F1. Ci'agg let a job lots i'O’and 111?, con. Z§saidtcontract not to exceed $20: ' were passed :1 - granting $‘10ib1rrepairing road at con._ 2, lot 15 ; PeterG-‘rahaim commissioner. giving $10." to airbin opening road be- tween lots 25iand 26,- con. 1»-;. R; Nich- olson, commissionen grantingï¬ZOin addition to the unex- pended: grant of $20 made in 1901 on the quarter line betweenlcts 3.0 and 31, con. 2; Wm. H. Myers, commissioner. On motion of Messrs. Mark and Palmer, the clerk was instructed to notify Mr. Haygarth to move his fence off the road allowance at lot 30, con. 11 Moved by Mr. Webster, secondedfby M. Palmer. That Mary and Sarah Mc- ‘Fadyen each receive $35" as a charity grantâ€"Carried. Mr. Anderson, for the Sawyer St. Mas- sey Co., and Mr. Scott, for the Good Roads Machinery Co., explained the' merits oftheir respective road graders. A motion wasintrodueed by Messrs. Ci'agg and Webster, deferring the ques- tion ofbuying a road grader until the meeting at Cameron on June 10th. Moved by Mr. Palmer. seconded by Mr. Mark, 'l'hat David Moynes heap- pointed pathmastcr of 'beat No. 78, in- stead of James Jackson ; also that Rob- ert McGee be pathmaster of beat No. 93, instead of J. C. Parrish. â€"-Carried. On motion of Messrs. Webster and Cragg: the following salaries were paid :' O. Glaspell,.assessor, 3555; J. E. Fittal, collector, 5570; M. Maybee, treasurer, $60,; J. B. Powles, clerk, $50 (half yr ar’s salary). On motioaof Messrs. Webster and given Jas. flandcock for 1431'ods of ; wire fence on the 2nd line, between lots ' paid Wm. Clark for 4-0 rodswire fenee ; of stamping on the 2nd line between .. _ _ , , fiMr. W.'[~Iainilton. ,The following metiensrfonroad grants ' (21.) By Messrs. Ginger and Webster, : (2.) By Messrs. Mark. and, Palmer, _: (3.).By Messrs. Websterand'lliark, " assembled and finished it.. We Willi make some comment as-to'the dimen-~ sions, are, next week. Mr. M; [‘lcrron is building a very? commodious pig. pen, 25 x 40, and Mr.- _11. \V'. Johnston is building' another.- Mr. 0: Glaspcll is- puttingin cement fluoring in his cow stable, and Mr. A:- rMcGee intends to do the same. _ Mr. Themas-Laneis busy building a3 foundation for a new=dwelling house for" Mr. ltbbert Hewie.- This looks like‘ business. Mr. E} Mark has been erecting an very neatmnd" ‘dnrab'le‘ wire fence for=' The wire was man-- "ufactured by the Frost Wire Fencing: 5101)., Welland. ' Who will be 'the next W I L‘ittle strangers have recently arrived: gin the homes of" Messrs. A..Rntherford3 ~andS. Gillie: Congratulations if. . Mrs. Ellsworth Tedd, 0t" Randolpli,. ,is enjoyinga=visititorhers mother, Mrs.» ~Wr. Hill. ‘ Mrs W. Bbice, of" Maple Lake,. has been .visiting forsa week- at Mr; John Sims’s. There are threevlhrmers'here who are! shipping cream to Kinmount, and they. seem to be satisï¬ed with the results. Mr. William Pewles went to Cameron on the 29th 'nlt. and voted for Mr. Heyd. Mr. Peivles was389‘ years old5 last Sunday and is halo and hearty.. Congratulations. (Correspondence of the Gazette ) On Monday evening, June 2nd, the‘ .members of the M. I; Club were “at home†to a number of their friends: Theirclub rooms were most artistically decorated. with flowers and bunting, with the motto of the club, “ We strive for the perfect ideal,†in gilt letters, occupying a conspicuous place. The hours passed quickly and pleasantly in games and other amusements, and, when the approach of athunderstorm drove the guests totheir homes, every- one agreed that the time was all too- short, and bore away pleasant. memories~ of'a most delightful evening. On the- Tuesday evening of' the following week. the members of the club presented their president, Mrs. Dr. -White, with neon»- vemr, as a slight token. of regard, .maincd, visiting friends,- until yesterday. - k. l l: t l l l l l fl“. i. l i l .._._...‘_._ u -â€" lawâ€".â€" azmmvz-s - - mamâ€"wt: .‘gwmmï¬ , . ._.â€" w.“ â€".â€"-... mtww-r- MW...A\.~â€"~ ‘ ‘Wflzx‘sw' an... n "‘“vir .â€_____ , ,,,._,,. -AA-..-_-‘-..A 1 Aca‘AAAu-4A “a has-rascaï¬mn ~11:- -7 . 7 m‘m~mâ€" w-mw. _. 7‘. 7-.....â€" .. “may.†9â€â€ .. ..__.._n - _. _ 7 ... “an; .~ ‘ n.2,, . «nus. . , .V.. 5,," M. , 1,. .‘r v .v‘,’ #15“ « mam