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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 20 Jun 1902, p. 4

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4!- 2 d l . .4, .v\.' .L .1 {3 . HATS for men and but A visit to our Hat Ifit’s style you want, we have it. . Department will convince you that for Style, Quality, As- sortment and Price, we should be called THE pHATTERS Iof FE‘NELON FALLS We have an exceptionally fine line of Men’s and Boys’ fine quality Newest Style Suits, every suit guaranteed andlpric'es to suit everybody. ' A visit to our, Gents’ Furnishing Department will con- vince you that Burgoyne’s is the rightplace to go for new and up.to-date Furnishings. See our d1Splay on Saturday. Three Stores. ' EADQUARTERS FOR . ARDWAR E, Paints, Oils, Wall Paper, Blinds, etc. c\@______9/3 In our tinware department all kinds of job work is promptly attended to. See our Corn Plantereâ€"newest thing out. .VVe bought everything before the large advance which has taken place inhardware the last few months, and will 'give our customers the benefit of it. Try us. 108. HEARD. 1 REMOVED. E I have removed my Dress-making a 1 business to the rooms over Miss Washburn’s millinery establishment. Street Entranceâ€"«door between: the two red stores. aspnsnrncss annex-:0. MRS. M. E. GAEBER. v Furniture and, *Ci'udertaking". WW Just received this week an- other lot of nice Baby Car- riages that are Special Value. Also Extension Tables, Side- boards and Bedroom Suites. WW I carry in stock a full line of Parlour Suites, Lounges, Chairs, Etc. Picture framing a Specialty. r... nnrmaw, If you are in need of a- Sew- ingMachme be sure and see my styles before buying. Fenelen Falls. A Subscribe for the i‘ Gazett e,” $1ayear. "w. BURGOYNE. Farmers ! If you want Good Binder not cheap; séto . . 'THOS. ROBSON.‘ _ PLYMOUTH, BBANTFORD, BED sun, . ' McGOBMIGK. V All at prices that will defy competition. Friday, June 20th, 1902. The Coronation. .â€"... The coronation of King Edward VII is to take place on the 26th inst., and the universe "â€"or, at any rate, of the item known as The Earthâ€"is crowded with royalties and other distinguished personages who are to take part in the pageant, which will, it is predicted, be the most gorgeous ever witnessed in modern times. Among those present- will be Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Premier of the Dominion of Canada, and the Hon. George W. Ross, Premier of On- tario, both of whom are now on their way, and the latter of whom may pos- sibly come home “with a handle to his name"; and all the component parts of the recently saved British Empire will be numerously represented. The King has been somewhat unwell from the ef- fects of a slight cold, and in consequence did not attend the Ascot races on Tues- day, but the latest despateh says that he is improving, and it is to be hoped that he will be in perfect health and well able to endure the fatigue of the two days' ceremonies next week. How- ever m'ueh the coronation ceremonies may be approved by those who still be- lieve in the divine right of king‘s and by the pageantdoving masses, they are unsparingly condemned by the-‘Execnt- ,ive Committee of the Scottish Home v I Archbishop of Canterbury an expost’u- lemony“‘barbarie'” andii “an insult to Ethejintelligenceflof the" age that‘ will :mak'e thoughtful people'nliangv' their ipartienlarly object to is the anointing lof the King with holy oil and the'words iby divine'sanet-ion, “ which,” they say, £" is as false as it is pernicious, for the King is culled to the tli‘r‘one’ by the Par iliament of Great Britain, Whose’gift it iis, and who have the authority to be- gstow and to take away.” That is quite itrue, and» if, in' t‘i‘mc to come, the Par- fliament (that'ng tho people)'of Great Britain shall see lit to substitute a re- ;pulili'can form of government fora mon- larchial, the fact that the King then : 'nignizng has been anointed with holy ioil will not‘ prevent them fromiso- doing. . . attain;an... , On Wednesda oflast‘week We heard ja report that . W. H’owry, head of gthe firm- that formerly did business in itho Falls, had poisoned himself some- 5 where in the States ;1 but, up to the time : the Gazette went to press on Thursday .alternoon, we saw no record of it in print. and it was too. serious a matter to publish on the strength of a rumor. But it was quite true. Mr. Howry v took a dose of morphine, with suicidal intent, in his room in a lodging house in Kansas City, Mo., on the morning of the 9th inst, and lef’ta note stating jtliat he had taken his life in conse- quence of business troubles with his son. ~J. H. Howry, and requesting his friends 'to " keep everything from. the papers,” - which they apparently succeeded in do- ‘ ing for two- or three days. The deceas ed, who was about seventy years- of age, 3 made money out of dry goods in East jSaginaw, Michigan, and then went rate: the lumbering business, at which he was so successful that he is said to have been worth at one time nearly a million dollars. Of course he wanted more, =ors of great wealth, and admiration, as mill-he FeneloliFallswtâ€"lazette. already old London, the real “ hub of Personals. and he and his two sons came to the Falls in 1894, acquired the Smith saw- ____‘ mill and timber limits, and for a time Mr. A. J. Campbell, of Lindsay, was}x were regarded with awe, as the possess- at the Falls on Wednesday. ‘ him-James A. Gillogly, of Lindsay, energetic business men. But it soon was at the Falls on Wednesday. began to be rumored that they didn’t Col. Sam. Hughes, M. 1)., was at know anything about running drivas of Falls on Wednesday and Thursday. . logs or cuttinglumber, that their meth- Mr. Wm. Fielding, Jr., of Coboconk, ads were extravagant and wasteful, and and his uncle, Mr. Jackson, paid the- that their career would be but short. Gazette a visit yesterday afternoon. In the fall of 1896 the end came; the Mr. Robert Cain, of Toronto, cousin business fell into the hands of the Bank of Mr. E. R. Edwards, was at the Falls of Toronto, and the Howrys went back on Saturday. _ ' to the States. Previous to this about Mr. Alfred Newton, of Lindsay, was $200,000’ worth of lumber was burned at the Falls on Saturday and visited in the yard, and a couple of months the Gazette and the Star. with the pro- later the mill also went up in smoke, prietors ofwhieh he is acquainted. but both fires were believed to be quite Mr. William Jordan and family are accidental. And nowtho poor old man now welcome residents of the Falls,.- has been‘driven to suicide by business haVing moved, this week. into the hand- worries, from which cause, it is said, some and commodious house on Oil.- un average of 15,000 persons take their street which Mr. Jordan purchased a own lives annually in the principal cities short time ago from Mr. A; Clark Jr. of the United States. The number Messrs.W.T.Junkin and J.’l‘.Thomn- that committ self-murder over the civ- son Jr. went to Belleville this week; ilized world in a single year, because as delegates to the annual meeting of they find life unendurable under exist- the Grand Lodge of the Canadian Order‘ ing conditions, must be great enough, if of Oddfellows, which was held in that, known, to stagger humanity, and the city on Tuesday and Wednesday.. number'will increase steadily unless the Mr. A. Clrak Jr. and Family mowedS conditions be changed. There is no to Lindsay last week, followed by the: hope but in Socialismâ€"in other words, good wiShes of many friends. Mra'. public ownership of the means of pro- Clark has done well since he went/into! duetion and distributionâ€"under which» the life insurance businessrand‘we hope' all will have enough of everything. as he may do better in hiswi-d’er sphere 05' the strong will be unable to prey upon action. the weak, and no one will find lite a New burden from lack of means to preserve Village Court of Revision-and'CeLlncil.’ it in comfort. --â€"â€"â€"_ Fenelon Falls; June 11th, 190%? Council met as Courtof Revision.» Present, Messrs. McFarland, McGee' The annual meeting of the Whitby find Sandford. WhO' subscribed to the‘ and Lindsay branch of the Baptist As- 00395939.? 03”} 0,? Ofiée. and‘on'motmu? sociation was held at FencIOn Falls, for 0f “Te-“Sm? 'MCGBB and Sandro“. MR" the first time in about sixteen years, .MCFIMIWC] “’33 “PPOlnied Olmll'mful. and it is needless to say that evory M‘Weé‘b'y hie-McGee. §0000ded by?” Baptist in the village accommodated as ,Ml'gsandforfdi “If” the Rathbun Co ’s-‘ many visitors as he or she had room for. 9'?$Se§5m90§ 00 C‘ODEljmed. up one appears' The meetings opened on Tuesday 1021," tllell‘_belmlf.â€"l13l':led. I evening, and the chair was occupied by ; Ml“ Austlu‘_aUd‘Df. Gould entered‘ Rev. J. P. McFarlane, B. A. of Port Saul-'1 tOOIC‘lil‘P'nc99353r)’ 031m“ l'ifiée- . Perry, Moderator of the Association, by .Moved' by Ml»: McGee, secOnded by whom the annual sermon was preached. GOlllfi; Tim-lithe lOllO‘VlDfl 013392.09: Rev, J, G, Brown, 13. A” of Tomnm made in- the assessment roll 2'â€" Add; Secretary of Foreign Missions, followed :Jl’lm Sheehey’ a$ $9513“ 0f Pal‘KlOtS 33" with an interesting address on mission “Qd‘ 3i: north" Princess wovst 0;: Dl‘.‘ work, at which he spent several years G‘?u!,‘i 3:? Olin” 410‘“ 43305 5“”055 M“! i' in India. Wednesday morning: was de- F- J9 1.93"!" 35 0mm“ lot Gi‘ieb‘b 3135’; J'- voted to business, and a discussion on1 §J=_1‘3bvtson“ténaht. ‘MFS- Healfiy O‘VDOX‘, “ Christian Beneficence," led by Mr“. W 7.1359 39d 10"DomlF-t W?“ 0- and 101 H. L. Kempton, creationism; Mr. H; .squth Brest 0-;-Thos.-Hodsson tenant; Graham, of; Kinmodm. ahd‘n'r; W. T. 6‘south: Louisa;-Wm. McArthur‘owner Roberts,- of OizhaWa. Oh Wednesday PMS H» east 0- Squib Bfi'an'd 1.09isoutl1j afternoon a Womeu’nssossioniwns held. ,Of "V9"; 8“ at. Ol‘lgmal “luatlonv MICE; Miss dossib Diydizn, B: A., ofiMioulton that the 1‘0” bf‘IPOW“ Copfifqu‘afld'this College, Toronto;. presided; aud- gave Court of Revistoubo nowdlssolved.‘-â€"“ an interesting address on-women’s work. (43‘;"‘9d-_ I K H l Rev; Jr. Gs; Bimm- amp-i3 Ont “The: (Jon'neilthentookup'ueneralbusiness,- Women of'Ihdiai’r Mitts Annie Trot- moved W D“ G‘mldy 3900"de b)?“ ter, of Toronto, followed with an ad. M": Simdforda That the more sign= :dress on " Home Mission Work." Mrs. “do” for'dle muowmg 300'?'1"t5 320l1fl30 Mfrs. J". l’: Riley and Miss Jhssie Dry- K0355}. “Mk”? “073015.3433; AlCX'il'lf' :den were reelected to the offices of £1531", don 31-2931“.- Wi‘naci’t do» 33 12;? Baptistnssociation 'Méenng. Rule Association, who h'ave'sent' to the' . {latbr'y letter, in which they call the'cer’: . éheadswith'conscious pity.” What they . ito be'uSBd’ that will imply that: he reigns . Circlesmf'this Association. Miss Silver, 3r’ec‘eivedl , Cilit'o‘addteSses‘\vere given in :the‘ evening; Rev J. Kennedy, B. A}, ofl'l‘orontoygave a-lively address on Home Mission-Work. touching on mis- sions in- Mhnitobagand the North-west. m: Farmer,.of’ M-‘cMa'Ster' University. ,followed witli‘ an address on' “ Educa- tion.” Members of the choir andzthe Stoddbrd' of Victoria Harbor. gave'se- loctions ofmusic..- The proceedings of Thursday’s meeting will appear' next week. . I g - _ The following delegates were present: Rev. J'. G5. Brown, B. 5., Prof, Farmer, L. L Di. Mliss Trotter. Miss J‘essie Dryden, and'R'ev. J. 3‘. Kennedy, 'M. A), of Toronto, Prof. E; Norman, 13'. A., of Grande Ligne, Qhe.,-Di-. Eby ~0f Baylor University. Maco,r'l‘exas. Mr. J’. J. Pbgu’e, Mr. F. Veals, Mrs. Veals. EM'issll’riiRiced' and Mrs. G. Burke of . .Rieaboro, _R5ev:. J'. Wallace. Mrs. Wal- lace, Mrs. Madilh and M. E. Sinclair and; wife cfStnuli'ville, R'ev; T. CoWan, waan,_Mr. Gregg, Misses And- erson and Mrs. Pickard’ of Uxbridge, Rev. E. J. McE‘wen and wife, Miss . Walling. Mr. Walling, Mr. and Mrs. Eastman and Miss Harrison of Hali- burton, Mir. Rider, Miss Ryley, Miss Matthews, Mrs. Swain and Miss Silver of Lindsay, Miss Dryden and Mrs. I Annis of Brooklin, Rev. J. C'. McFar- ' land and wife of Toronto, Rev. Mr. Carey of G‘oodwood, Rev. J. Venn Dan- iels and Mr. Marvill’e of Cannington, Mrs. McQueen and Mr. A. McLean of Man-ill‘a, Mrs. and Miss Payne, Mr. Evans and Mr. Payne of Sunderland, Pastor Kempton and Miss A. Bagshaw of Brock, Mrs. Gregory of Markham, 'Rev. W. T. Roberts, Mr. Mu'ndy, Miss 'l‘eull, Miss King, Miss Fowk'e and Miss Hall ofO'shawa. Rev. Mr. Yorston, Mrs. Yorston, Mr. H. Graham and Mr. Roadway of Kinmou-nt. Stops the Cough and Works 01? the Cold- Lnxntive Bromo-Quinine Tablets cures cold in one any; No Gui-e,No Pay. Price 25¢. of‘Di'ndsay, sang a'solo which was well Clark Misses Anderson of Ukbrid‘ge and3 Mrs. ‘ Director and President of the‘Women's ThOS- Scott, 32.75; E: Brock; 83'3"}? $35;5 Mrs; McArthur, rebate on A".- personal. tax: $6? Gulta.‘ [’er'c‘ha &Rubber Co’, on hose,â€"$?IOO.~â€"«' ECa‘rried. ' ‘ Moved by Dr. Gould, secOnded by" lllIr.-Austin,_- That the censtable be al-' lowed $27.50arréars [rem-last year‘andi $2750 for current year“ for' Guaranteef =Co.ls bonds and’clothing aS‘t'equit'ed7b'y- law.â€"‘Carried.- _ ‘ , ’ Moved-by Mr. McGee, seconded by' :Di'. Gould, That the council donow reo‘ -ceive the collector's r'oll andl that the‘ following abatetnents be allowed the :colleetorr Mrs. \Varr'en $4.50iStandardi :Chemical Co. $158". John- M‘cK-icnon" $1 13; Miss Jane Hopkins, error,- ,$3.37, M'. and P. Kelly," public'library,. $15, Missflarris $525: and that the’ ,followi'ng propert‘y'bef returned" to- the' 3County Treasurer for collection :‘ C'. I McMahon, 209‘S“0f~ 380;; W. Ei, Kelly, 40 and 41‘, 7350.;3F. Greene, 1095. 1038. of R. and east 9’north F west} .C., $2.32; Mrs. J. Fox. 1407' S. of R2,. '370 ;» D. Finnigan, 151 S. of R), 37c ;1 0’. Rigclow, n-w part 34‘. S of R., 500.; J. M-‘cGillivray, north Queen east Dodd ;7 and, 8, $2225; R3. McDougall. south- half 1412, S; of R1, 40c.â€" Carried. Council then adjourned. Fenelon courliof. Revision; Cameron, June 1-0th. 1902; Court of Revision met pursuant. to adjournment. Minutes of meeting at Glenarm were read and approved. Moved by Mr. Webster, seconded by Mr. Cragg, That John S. Brown be' entered on the roll as ten-ant of- east halfof lot 1-3, con. 7, also that John Mark be entered as farmer’s son.--C’d. On motion of Messrs. Cragg and Palmer, it Was decided advisable to re- consider the motion reducing H. Bailey’s-- assessment $250 and make the reduction- $450. On motion of-'-Messrs. Palmer emf Cragg the clerk was instructed to notify County Clerk McNeillie not to sell part' lot 22, con. 9,155. acres. ,, ‘ Theasseasmgnt-rollf as now revised? was confirmed: by motion and signed? by thereave and=clerk. ‘ ' I .

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