t i ll. E‘; a 3 s it r-r‘... .5 ,.- “4.1.- f. (1...... .17, .0. _, {9x n‘ be ready‘fOr the "bird." A The postâ€"master here has worked lizard to clear-his garden of small stones; but some of the boys who gather at the corner to practise football, and who ap- pear to be possessed of an evil spirit, use the, stones to pelt the telephone wire, and of course'm'any oi" the stone's fall back into the garden. Sure as the sun rises in the cast,=some of the~boys will get intp trouble, as the P. M. intends to report them“ to the telephonecompany at Hamilton. Mrs. Leslie' Archer, of Randolph, will return home this Week, after enjoy- lhg a fortnight's visit to her' parents, M r. and Mrs. Thomas Daniels. Mr. and-Mrs. HI Wager, of the town- ' ship of Camden, arrived last. Tuesday, and will spend a week or two visiting relatives here. " The Cause of Dyspeptic P z .- Improperly digested food usually forms glis'es that cause a painful distention of the stomach and pressure against the heart. This resul-ts'ih much pain and distress, but Nerviline will when the distention, dispel the gas, and cure the dyspeptic pains very quickly. Polson’s, Nerviline is really an excellent remedy for Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Cramps, Summer Complaint, and all Stom- ach and'Bowel Troubles. No household is complete without Ne'rviline. Try a 250.; bettle. Sold bth. H. Robson. To Cure a Cold in one Day Take Laxarive Bromo Quinin'e Tablets. All druggists refund money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove’s signature on each box. 27. Farmers, Attention! Save Your Chickens for Export. Commencingin September, you can de- liver at your nearest G T. R. station every ; Chicken you have raised. Plump young' birds of any brjeed will be accepted. We 5 Most prominent in all our new pay for-good chickens from 5 to 6 cents per a ' pound, live weight, equal to from 40 to so; _, ~ _‘_5" ' ’. V ' _~_ , wall COVeriiigse'are the flower as. cents per pair. Thin birds or wastrels ab- , r ' A ' - . â€"' ‘ r . - ‘ soluter refused. We send shipping coops ’ . blgnso These are In the natulfl’l to any station free. and pay express up to ; ' . . . ' ' ' ' 50 cts. per 100 pounds of chickens. We j I ,,-_ x E colols’ 01 convgntlona'hzed “1 want,buy.ers in a number of localities. If- V ' green and gold Sllver.\v111te, and; our buyers do not call- on you write for par- . - ' , ticulars to A. E. Silverwood,'or . pin k and other shades. We know DUNDAS a FLAVELVLE BROS, you'willlï¬nd them. j‘ustithe. character. of. wallpaper. you desirea, and we are sure you'will' like the color treatment; notonly when it is ï¬rst put on, but all through the life of the paper‘.‘. You-twill save money: by buying :this.~ï¬rst.-class stock. . CORRESPONDENCE. â€"~‘U:tla .' --. t To. the Editor of the Fenelon Falls Gazette: I have just had a talk over the tele- phone with, Dr. McAIuine, M. H. 0., Lind- st‘ty'.’ ' He has rep'orted‘to me tlm't‘rthere are now (July 2nd) only plight cases quaran- tined, that they are all convalescent, but not yet safe to be at large, that four of the cases quarantined were cases where at first a physician was not called in attendance,- thatevery possible precaution is beiugtaken to prevent the spread of the disease, and9 ~ that there has not been a case of diphtheria in Lindsay in three months. Theyâ€"the people of Lindsayâ€"have felt somewhat agâ€"' grieved. that our Board of Health should have put out those notices. I give this‘to. ‘ the public; as it is quite possible the reports are grossly exaggerated, and,‘ if"so,‘isin‘tlsay ._v L‘Jl"-- .. . . _.._:..._.-, 5 9m. Lindsay. Fell’s Station. (CorrespOndencc of the Gazette ) Misses Katie and Lizzie Hughes re- t-hi'n -d to Toronto on Monday last, after enjoying a month’s holiday at their home CGreenllloontaiu Home.) KAWARTHA LAKES. The TRENT VALLEY NAVIGATION 00.,- mew' ' {lithe ~ N o W' I-I'a-rd'vvare ~- S to re; . Opposite {the ‘Post-Ollicev - Mr. 0. ll. Moise, of Toronto. called o'_n his sister, Mrs. Wm. Mitchell, Fair View, on Tuesday of last week, and re- thrned home the same day. Our annual day school picnic was held on_,'l‘-h_ursday, June 26th, in Mr. John Fell’s pine grove near the Lake iew house. Fell’s school was joined Lamb's school, Bury’s Green, make iug‘i't' one ot‘the most successful picnics of the‘season, in spite ol’ the bail‘wea- tlter. The afternoon was spent in dill, ihl'ent‘amusements.‘ little boys’ and girls’ rhces, young ladies’iand married ludies’ r’ucés, and also a'sack race. Quite a number of prizas were won, Miss Annie Hughe's‘winning the best prize odered, a‘isilver pickle cruet.- There was an in; threstingi ba'Seb'all game playcd‘Qto-‘ï¬nish up on. , GAltijEN“ PARTIESâ€"The a‘hnu‘nl: gar; den party of St. James’ church will be lteld on the Rectory grounds on Tues: day“ evening, the 15th ihst. Watchrfor' posters; UOU‘sciTj' Mamas: --'l‘ho .Villa’ge' enuncil met on." Wednesday evening to pass the early'closipg by-law, and a‘l'ow e‘linallaceouhtsz, The proceedings will be published in detail in next week’s Gazette: . ' '_ NOTi'CEI-eWe are" r'cqxubsted’to‘ give' notice that the members of. L. O: -L. as. 996'will' meet at their hodgc‘rOOm next Sunday“ evening; at 6‘30y sharp, and march to St. James’s church, where an appropriate sermon will be preached by Rev. R‘. Macnamar'a‘,‘the-'inchmbent.~ ., .. They Take Weeks. , Ordinary remedies sonietimes, take weeks t’o even relieve enses‘; that Catarrhoo'one éiir'e's' at once; l'nhale Catarrhozbne ï¬ve minutes now'and agnin‘ and it cures a cold. l’nhalc Ontarrhoz'one ï¬ve minute's fourtimes adayand it cures stubbbrn coughs. Inhale Catarrhoz'one the minutes every hour and- we gu'a'rantee'it vvill cure any case of Cat- arrlt,vBr0nchitis, Asthma, ‘Lun’gr or’Throat Trouble, Deafness. It is very pleasant and? convenient t'q use, Quick to' relieve, and certain as the hereafter to cure. Large, size, complete, $1 -, small size 25c. D’rugâ€" istsor Pols‘bjn a: Go.,-Kingston, Ont. Sold . ‘ y w. H? Robson. _ A Goon~ ,anruanuâ€"Lï¬n interesting l’thu're on‘ the War, in South Africa was delivered in Lamb’s school-house by the Rev. R‘. Macnamara on Friday evening last. _A programme by local and Feces lbn Fallstaleut preceded the lecture, which was well attended and“ Well re-' ceived'. , ACCEDENT‘.-â€"’O’u Friday last Mr Hen- r‘y‘ Smith 'had' the palm‘ ot'his right hand‘ badly la'c’era'ted’ by the jagged end of a‘ slab" which he was thowiug into the trimmer: at the‘ Chemical Works. but the Other end of which struck the frame of the furnace doing.- He had'the torn flesh dfre‘ssed' by Dr“. Gould, and' several more days'will elapse before he will be able to go to work. The anall'fy‘ of'a Fast Life ' is paid for by an irritable condition of'b'ody' and mind, by exhausted energy, po’er diges~ t'iou, unstrung nerves‘ and broken sleep. If you must and will liVe the killing pace, vhatter keep in' mind the sustaining powers of Ferrozoue, a-wonderful tonic and recon- structor. Ferrozone is a blood maker,a nerve strengthener, aheart and brain in- vigorator. It creates appetite, insures per- fect digestion and undisturbed sleep, re‘. stores the vitality and strength lost by ex- e‘essive living very quickly. Ferrozone will do you inestimable good ', try it. Price one per box or sinboxes for $.50, at drug- gists or Polson 00., Kingston, Ont. Sold ‘ by W. H Robson. THE BAPTIST GARDEN PA RTY.â€"â€"-The garden party at Blythe,- aalvertiscd for Wednesday evening of last week, was postponed, on account of the weather, until Friday, which was as line as could-l be desired. From some causeâ€"possibly ‘ an account of the scarlet lever scareâ€"â€" the expected steamer with a crowd from , Lindsay did not make llS appearance; , but there was so good an attendance from the Falls and‘ the surrounding ‘ country that the sum-oi S30‘was cleared. Mr' Graham‘s beautiful grounds .were, brilliantly illuminated with Chinese; lanterns, and there was an abundance of ice cream, cake, coffee etc. , . papers and Lindsay people are to blame themselves for exciting the surrounding country. A. WILSON. FENELON FALLS MARKETS. Reported by the North Star Roller Hill 00. Wheat, sprin g3 Buckwheat “ ...; y... 60 65 Oats, “ 42.; 4;. Reuse, “ .... .-... 70 7-2 Rye, “' ..~.-. .... 55 60 Potatoes, “ Ant-as. 55 60 Butter,perlb............ 15 17 Eggs, per dozén“.....-. ..-.. 12 13 Hay, per ton...... .A 9:00 10.00 .3..- c’ooo-uo'u..'c 5.“O Hirg'sdiv'e) .............. ,6 35 6.60 Hogs (Dressed) ...... .... 6550 7.50 Beef ..... , .. .. 5 00'" 6.00 .Sh,eepsléiii's....... 25 50, Wool 7 J2 Flour, Silvct'Leaf- ...-..-.e.. 2.00 2.20 Flour,’Victoria‘ 1.99 2.10 .Bï¬lonr, Family, clipper‘z... L70 1.90 Bran, per'lOO [’65 ...' .- 95 105 Shorts, ,“ “' .1». 1,08“ 11.10 'Mimd Chop “' . ..~.~. ... . 1.40 1.50 REWARD: â€"“ Lost some time last,» week: Fene'lbn Falls, asmall: black"- Morocco Pocket Book son tainih‘g’siir' commercial trav el ler’s cer.~ tiï¬cates. Number of 1992 cortilicale' is 2802 T. Also n.25c: “,shihlplitster†and ,a Pan-Almerichn Exhibition ti‘clc‘et with †rail- road day†in red across the face; King Edward postage stamps (English): and’some street car tickets. Name on‘ certiï¬cates: A suitable reward will be paid to anyone leavingï¬t atthe‘ Gazette olï¬ cc. H W. H. CHURCH, Ey-Lawalalrlo. 4f4. A Byâ€"law‘ to Regulate the tiles“ ing‘ of’al‘l classes of' Shops except Restaurants with- in the Village of Fen-r el‘on Falls. The Municipal 0mm ell: of the Village of. Fenel‘on Falls, u'nd'er tlie'plowers cenferred by “The Ontario Shop Regulations Act,†enacts as follows :3 4 1. Aillcl'asscs‘ of shops excepting only restaitrants,.,witliin the . nniclpalil‘y of the Village of Fenelon'Falls, shall, during the whole of every year, except the evening be- tween the Eleventh day, and‘ the TWenty- ï¬fth day of‘December in each yeur’and ex- cept Saturday eveningin each week, and except the evenings immediately prior to public“ holidays, be closed at’halfpnst seven of the' clock in the' afternoon of each dav, and shall remain closed thereafter until ï¬re o’clock' in the forenoon of the next day. 2. All of Snid‘ shops shall on Saturday cvenin‘gsa‘nd on evenings prior to public holidays, be closed at half past ten o‘clock in the afternoon of said days, and remain closed until ï¬ve o’clock in the forenoon of the second next followmg day. 3. That any person who shall open any shop in contravention of’this byâ€"lawfor who shall be guilty of any infraction of this by- law shall, on conviction thereof before the Police Magistrate or any Justice or Justices of the Peace for' the County of Victoria having jurisdiction in the premises, forfeit and pay, at the discretion of the convicting Magistrate, Justice or Justices, a penalty not less than One Dollar and not more than Five Dollars for each offence, together with costs of prosecution, should the convicting magistrate see ï¬t to impose the same, and in default of payment thereof forthwith, it shall be and may be lawful for the convict- ing Magistrate, Justice or Justices or any one of them to issue a. warrant under his hand and seal to levy the said penalty and costs, or costs only, by distress and sale of the goods and chattels of the offender or offenders, and in case ofthere being no suf- ï¬eient diatress found of which the said pen- alty and costs can be levied, it shall and may be lawful forthe convictingMagistratc, Justice or Justices to commit the offender or offenders to the common gaol of- the County of Victoria, with or without hard labor, for any period not exceeding twenty- ‘ one days,.uuless the said penalty and costs be sooner paid. 4. This by-law shall come into force and take effect on the Fourteenth day of July, A. D. 1902. (Signed) J03. MCFARLAND, .W.»T.Juxx1u, Reeve, Clerk. Fenelon Falls, Friday, July 4th, 1902. »\Yheat.Scotch o-r- Fife .... ’20 to so Wheat, fall, portals-beluu 70 , 75 .... “an 63 70 Barley, per bttsltelz... .... 50' 55 .v 'Ymmnmzammmuxmlâ€"a-arn.vm,- .» ~ vw M * Saturday's boat will await evening Toronto train. Meals served on board. Coboconii; Fenelon Falls, LindSay. “ MAHITA.†July lst to Sept. 6th, or till'notice. Goboconk" hr 600 am. Arr 7 40 pm. U Rosedale “ 7 00 “" 1v 6 40 Fenelon Falls arr 7-40“ â€â€˜ “' 6.00 “ †lv 8 30 “ ' nrr 5 20 “‘ Sturgeon Pt. †9 00 “ 1v 4 50 “ Lindsay arr 10 30 “ lv 3 30 “ Connections at Fenelon with morning Hope. Time at Fenelon for breakfast and ten; Btbtaygeon, Chemong,.Burltigh, L‘a‘k'eli'eld. “ OGEMAH.â€' J'th 2nd‘to Sept. 6th, or till notice. Bobcaygeon Ive 7 00 am. Arr 7 45 pm Chembngi’ “ 9'40 “ lve 5 30 “ Buckhorn H 11 45‘ u a 3-00 u Burleigh arr12 45 pm; “ 1 30 “ Oonnectidns made at ,Burleigh Falls with steamers for" llakeï¬eld; and intermediate points; Meals-served‘on board. Fenelon Falls agt., D. Gould‘, telephone exchange; F'or‘ Sale; A Self-Binder, sine-foot cut;' made by Pi-ter Hamilton,’ Peter-borough. It has been uscd’only one- season; Price $100; one~ “ï¬nd on the lirst of October next and' the ' balance in two cqunl'anuual payments. THOMAS H’. ROBERTS.- ' Fenelon Falls, May 29th, 1902. . 16-8" SPEED STYLE COMFORT Carriage Solid-Rubber and Pneumatic Tires for Cycles, Autos and Carriages. Let us tell you how little it costs to get the best -â€"by letter and catalogue. DUNLOP TIRE 00.. LIMITED, TORONTO. d? Local Depot for Dunlap Carriage Tires.- Brown Grizzly and Black Mangolian AR RUBES ,yvill keep you warm. Come and see them. A large stock " of Horse Blankets, Trunks, '«Valises, etc, always on hand'at ’ Hevison’s Harness Shop. BOBCAYGEOIF; STURGEONiPlE, hillDSllY.. “ ESTUBIOH.â€Z June lst to October lst. Bebcaygeon lve‘G-‘lï¬ mm. and 3:10~‘p.mo- v Sturgeon Pbint “' 7"}5 ‘L “ 410 W Lindsay arrive S 40 “ “ 5 30 “ “ leave 11 00 “ “ 6'30 “’ Sturgeon Pt. “ 12 10 p.m. “ 7'40 ‘9 Bobcaygeon arr 1 15 †“ 8 55 “" train for 'I‘ oront‘o and‘ at Lindsay for Port - one. MbG-E WHEADQUARTEBSJIor'DAIRX' SUPPLIESL AR E" ‘I"<3"-'l.‘1'E come: {TQO BUILD? i’i Ii am. prepared tosnpply: all’: necessary materiall . foul-louse or Barn buildingat. reasonable prices, and it will pay you- to- consult me- before‘buyinv. Planing. done on. short. notice.- by' ï¬rst. class. workment. _ ‘ F. SANDFORD ._â€".. u. ‘â€" , ANADIAN , “Cam-n. good is better than. uncertain hope.†Certain valitc. op- _ ‘PACIFIC -; Home-Seekers’ 60-day Excursions. TO THE CANADIAN NORTH-WEST AT RETURN F‘AHES‘G . . . . . g 9 - stars-.2 has... mo "° “‘6 mm 9’“ gis‘evan , Yorkton .. ' on the sole, gm . . . . . . , . , . fiéé’éilxt'ï¬i: : it’sc’ilsiflmfl 5 $350; $5.00,-ts pled- gszggpfsn. - , Calgary ... v ed‘ in eve I o Miniota Red Deer" ‘ I g.â€" I Grand View/ Strath- - Swan Rwer’ cons ; lTheSlaterShoe†Going Jose 3rd, returningruntil' Auens'r. 4th (all rail or S. S. Alberta): Going Just: 24th, returning untilv Ans; 25th‘(-'ali rail or S. S. Alberta). Going JULY 15th, returning until Sue-r. 16th (all rail or‘Si S. Alberta). Tickets are not good on “ I'mperi’nl- Limited.†For tickets and‘ pamphlet giving full'particularl, apply to your nearest Circadian Paciï¬c agent ortoHZNorMAmAsst.Gen-.Pass.Agt ,. Q . 1 King'St. East, Thronto. . r g ml, Hunt. Is' prepared to furnish the people of Lind-â€" say and surrounding country with MONU-- M’ENTS and HEADSTONES, both Marble- and granite. J'. I...NR~'N0hll, Sole Local Agent. Chambers YOU NEED NUT till To Montreal or New York for choice patterns or low prices in "ALL . PAPER. ‘ We have them. here now for your selection. ooonwm’s, LINDSAY, NEXT TO. SIMPSON HOUSE. Estimates promptly given on all kinds or cemetery work. .Marbl'e Table Tops, Wash 'l‘ops, Mantle-’ Pieces, etc,, a specialty. . Beings. practical workman, all should: SEQ'l‘llS designs and compare prices before» purchasing elsewhere. ,WORKSâ€"In the rear of the Market om Cambridge-st, opposite'the packing house. R. CHAMBERS. ’J‘. G. M‘cKeggie & Go.,. ' . (ssrAnmsnsn- 187.9.) ' ; , p ' i I FENELDN'FALLS, - 0NT'.. Agents: The Bank of British North America. A general" up-to-date;banking business WW‘ Guaranteed Pure: . $ and Fresh. MW' 25c. in 1 1b. Bottles. , Robson’s Drug Store, ‘Fenelon Falls. transacted. Current accounts with merchants and: business men opened on the usual terms, and careful attention given to the business: of our customers. Deposits Received. Deposit Receipts and Savings Bank boaks' issued on account of the Bank of British. North America, Toronto, and usual rate of‘ interest allowed. w. A. Bishop, Acting Manager lathe “ Gazeth Subscribi- .‘ L ;.;,r vï¬aa. _.,- t-. '< 1-1. tMa Aâ€: i ." 11' 1 t I .r A... «Q;V\".â€.â€"‘ 9’..â€" x/ .“{\"-A(~ - .7 ï¬â€˜ï¬‚{‘{‘ w», u‘, . «_ H‘Ar \