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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 18 Jul 1902, p. 4

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“ Saturday, July 12th, was a great western States, and it is to be hoped day for Ireland. or, at any rate, for the. that we will not have another such principles which had their birthplace storm: in the Green Isle and have since spread It IS rumored that M r. H. W. John- to many quarters of the globe. It was ston has purchased Mr. James Pollard's a great day also in the sense that it dis- farm. closed that the bitterness and irritating tendencies peculiar to the celebrations of long ago have disappeared, leaving barely a trace‘ by which they might be identified. The diffusion of education has produced a spirit of tolerance which enjoins our people to respect the views of others, and to freely acknowledge that all have equal rights and an equal responsibility in the great and glorious duty of making this Canada of ours one of the great nations of the world. This can be doneâ€"it is being done-â€"and the good feeling and orderliness so manifest on Saturday were pleasing guarantees of the increasing unity so essential to solid and lasting success.” HATS Farmers !, foimen and buys. * M EYE SPECt.iLIsr.â€"-Prof. J. H. De- Silbcrg, the celebrated eye specialist, will be at. the Mansion House parlors, Fenelon Falls, from Monday afternoon, Aug. 4th, until Wednesday noon, Aug. 6th. Consultation free. See advertise- ,ment in another column. A SMALL Fran.â€"â€"A small stable be- longing to the R. C. Smith estate. and situated on the corner lot east of the stone school-house, was destroyed by fire about midnight on Wednesday. to- gether with about ten dollars’ worth of wood stored therein, and owned by Mr. William Deyman, Sr. No one can con.- If you want If it’s style you want, we have it. A Visit to our Hat Good Binder Trina V Department will convince you that for Style, Quality, As- sortment’and Price, we should be called cheap, go to THE “TENT” FALLS TTHOS. Rorsor. We have an exceptionally fine line of Men’s and Boys’ fine quality Newest Style Suits, every suit guaranteed and prices to suit everybody. Twine in stockâ€"- PLYMQUTH, jecture how the fire occurred. .11 h BRANTFORD, A Book with a Local Flavor. L TO-NIGIIT.â€"pon’t fongeé. the Epworth ' ' 1,. t t ‘ ' a. artment W1 con- â€"... cat'ue excurston to o caygeon to~ Vlsm tcl) 01 ‘ Gents fruinlflllnno. Espl‘ce to 0,0 fbr'new The Post says; niglit. The boat will leave the wharf" vmce you t mt BurgOyile S ls 9 mg .1) a b “ It will no doubt be of interest to at 7.30, and you can go all the way to and up.to-date Furnishings. See our display on Saturday. McGORM IGK. our many readers in Victoria County, and to the citizens of Lindsay in par- ticular, to learn that a novel bearing the title of ‘ Oliver Langdon : a Tale of the New Dominion,’ is to be published in Boston during the approaching month of September. The author is Mr. Geo. A. Powles. Instructor in English in West Division High School, Chicago, and son of Mr. William Powles Sr., of Powles’ Corner, Fenelon. The scene of the story is laid in Victoria County, mainly in Lindsay, though many of the incidents of the stirring plot occur with- in the boundaries of Fenelon township and the village of Fenelon Falls. The hero of the tale is a student in the Lind- say grammar school in the early sixties, several other students there, as well as their Principal, being brought upon the stage incidentally, some bruises being inflicted in the process. Many well- known persons and places in the county are mentioned, and the volume will be found very interesting and instructive. No dOubt our local booksellers will have copies for sale as soon as the novel is published.” From another source we learn that ’Caygeon and back for 25 cents if you are grown up, and for 15 cents if you. are a “ kid.” There is to be a garden party somewhere in the village, so put. a few extra dimes into your pockets. THE NEW CHUaon.â€"â€"Work on the: foundation of the new English church;- on Bond street was commenced yesteru ~ day, and will be pushed forward as rape-~- idly as possible. The bricks were or: dered long ago, and will be here by the:- time they will be needed. Mr. Achan-I der McLeod has the contract, and every: body knows the kind of work he turns-« out. All at prices that will defy competition. w. BURGOYNE. Three Stores. The Fenclon Falls Gazette. FOR . ARDWARE, Paints, Oils, Wall Paper, Blinds, etc. M Friday,'July 18th, 1902. a V The Majority of One. With reference to Premier Rose’s majority, the Toronto Star says : “Some humorist has worked out a plan for a coalition Government for this Province, in view of the close result of the elections; It is not known who originated the idea. It first made its appearance in a political letter from Toronto to an independent paper in Peterboro. Each party suspects the other of advancing the proposal. But there will be no coalition Government. It is improbable‘that anybody promi- nently connected with either political ' party had anything to do with putting the attractiveness of the bookâ€"Iâ€"thc price forward the bright and shining sng- Of which is {0 be $l-50â€"Wl” be 1H- gestion. It was probably written by creased by illustrations based upon some young man gifted with a specu- photographs taken by Mr. Stanton, and lative mind, In order to efltecg the co- that at least one or .two persons well alition it was said that Mr. Ross would known a} the Falls "twig-ya?“ 31.0 retire to the Lieutenant-Governorship be mentloned by name In {hates-tr {The Why should he? This office is in the many friends of the author-iii this local- gift of the Ottawa Government, and Mr. itv Wm await the advent Of- hlSi novel. Ross would not need to bargain for it With impatience. and hi3; ‘Cflfâ€"rel"t0 read with My, Whitney if he wants it, on it as soon as- possible after 1t.leaves the concluding his political career. But Press- why should he bring his political career to an end just now '2 What advantage would it bring to him or to his party? â€"â€" Nobody wants a coalition Government. Dr; and Mrs. S.‘J.’:Siins have return The Liberals want a Ross Government ed home fromOWen Sound.‘ and the Conservativos want to see their Mrs. Albert Inkster, of'Ma'rmora', party in power. With a majority of. isvisitiug her relatives ateth'e Falls. one, the Government has warrant for ' Miss Susie Wilson, of Betta-lo, N Y holding ofiice until the timeweomcs for isvisiting,hers-elatives at the Falls. calling the Legislature together. When are”. ands-3311's.- LVI'.‘W'-..'Bi'andon~ spent. that event occurs it will ‘5 be - lea-med Sunday with relatives at Peterbtirouglr. whether Mr. Ross has suffiCientsuppert' Mt‘.'Wm. Deyman Sr: wasshomeirom to hold office. In the meantimehe-may Gravenh-urst from Saturday-until .Mon- loseshis majority altogether,‘ort-itimay day.» .' increase to feuror seven. Hi3 opponents ' Mrz'J'ohn G‘edd'c's, of--”"J_lindsay, was may not considerit"uneonst-itntional t'orv at-the Fallsifrom-Saturday .until/l‘ues- Mr.='ROSs to-»- take cognizance a few day.- months hence“ of" such an -eveut,>'sht>u-ld , Messrs." Christopherand Joseph Bran- it-happen, as the-Insect»hisipresent‘ma- do‘h were home from Midland '. from jority'of en'e,~nor should'i’they' fiii‘d fault. Saturday- uni-“'Monday- ' ii'he takes cognizaneoof-‘such an event Mrs. Samuel Ellis lef't'on- Wednesday 4 as thein'cre'ase of his: majority. He will- to spend a few days With friends ,at ‘ ‘i not resign-vor‘cealcsce' while lie-has a Rosedales I .. # majority, though .it be burr one, The Mrs. Si‘dniengorrison, oftLin'dsay,“is work‘cut' out‘vf‘oi-v‘Mi-I, Whitney and his visiting her parents' and ’other relatives .party _-is‘~to- de’stroy that 'majo’ri‘ty. I If at the EMS. ' that: be done, the two'leade'rs, will ‘stand Mr. Sidney Morrison and Mr. Wi-l- on equal term83‘except for the fact that “am 'KOXS, Of' Lin'ds‘ayi' were a" the wMr. Ross will hold ttliew-reiusajand’tviil‘ FéilS'Ou Sunday. have as goods cla-i~m~-'t0“ltbld them as. ; Mr. He‘nry Stoddard 'and family left? Mr: Whitney'wili have to demand them.-- the Falls last week for Lindsay, where But that little majority istmore' liker they intend to reside.- ‘ to grow than totdieappear. Thisis. the ‘ M’r. Henry G'rahzieri, of Kinmount, growing time."." was at- the Falls on Wednesday. attend- ‘ ing the funeral-of his.nephew,'Mri. Rob-v ert‘ Grahamu , illu-"l‘hbmas: Cullo‘npof‘Huntsville, was at the Falls, visiting relatives, «from Friday last until-Monday. . He was ac-' companied by- the eldest-and iyoungest- of-his- four childrenu Stops the Cough and Works Ofi‘ the Cold- Laxative Brome-Quinine Tabletscurea cold «i in one day. No Cure, N6 Pay. Price 25c: ALMOST A Franâ€"About 3 o’clock .; on Saturday afternoon a spark from the: chimney‘in Mr. Fred C‘h‘ambérs’ car- - riage factory/oerFranci-sistrx 63.19 set the - to the roof; in which nub-lg. hole was -- burnt before the flames were extinguishâ€" A- ed. The alarm bell was rung, and for ' a time there wasv‘qujte aeommotioma but the fire, fi'om~.:sta-rt-”to finish, only r lasted a-rfewuninutes. NEXT "lVEENESDA‘Y.'â€"â€"On the‘r-cven» u ing ofriwednesday._next, the 23rd inst., . a garden party in" aid-of ‘St.’ Peter's ~ church, North Verulam, will be held at t theeresid’enceâ€" of: Mr. .Yeomnn Smith, . B'nry’s’Gr'ecn. There will be'plenty of music, lots of good things to eat and : drink,-.and- an enjoyable time! is expect- ed. All are ~invitcd,i.and at numerous s attendance is looked for. Does your Baby Cry at .Night? If'so, it is we-li- Ito-know the- great value - Of Polson’s’Nerviline, a household remedy .' for stomach'pains, cramps; toothache, sick : headache and the nmnifold’ ills peculiar to t eliildren.- A tew drops oi: 'Ne‘rviline in sweetened water makes a. pleasant drink . and never fails to quickly relieve. - Nerv- -â€" iline is as good‘as'the doctor in emergenw cies and costs only 25c. "a bottle. Get ~ Nerviline from your druggist to-day; Sold -. by'W‘f'H. Robson; ~ NEW BUS.â€"â€"- Mr. Robert 'Magce's'- ,new omnibus, built by Mr. S. S. Guincr,‘ made its first appearance *in- public on x Tuesday afternoon, and was much ad-E mired by all .who saw it.- The different r kinds'of wood used in its construction v are oiled instead of being painted, the ~ sides are panelled ‘and. the windows of" the door arthe rear end are'ot' ‘Oruan- mental-glass. It' is‘ nicely upholstered l in plum-colored plush, the wheelsetcp are red. ‘and the maker and owner are both proud of it.as.an- up-tp-date turn-.- out. . EsbAPE FROM DROWNING.-‘-â€"Mrl F.‘ A. MeDiarmid’s youngest? son,‘Harry, . aboutfive years old, had a narrow cs- vcape from drbwning at:SLurge0n Peint't on Thursday of ‘ lastv- week.~ He fell ~ from-ultra Gg‘Hfi Hopkin’sl wharf into ? the lake, but Mr.“ Hopkins, who was. in . his boat-house at- the time, ' heard. the ‘ alarm given by. some ladies, jumped in- to the. water and saved the little fellow’s'~ lift» Mr. Hopkins had advised ‘him ; notto go: near: theJedge 'of the wharf, ' but, he went, and so get a prolonged l and not-very far- from fatal-ducking. Nerves Wrecked and InSomnious. Everything goes wrong, head feels heavy r and dull, mind is filled with strange. fore-‘- bodings, stomach is 'out. of kilter. You : need a good tonic like. Ferrozone to bring: baehfyour lost appetite and digestion, and ‘ cleanse the blood of all impurities. Ferro- - zone is); wonderful invigornnt and-strength- - ener that will banish gloomy. depression and-quickly restore you to a healthy, vig~ '- ot‘onslcondition ot‘ mind and body. Nothing -: is‘so good for that sick, .wearytaud debil- - itated as Fe'rrozonet Price 500, per box at .1 druggists or Polson- & 00., Kingston« Sold. 5 by W. H.'Robsou. . DISAPPO‘INTEDrâ€"The early closing : ‘byâ€"law came into force last Menday,. and, notwithstanding the fact that it r. was advertised in both the village papers, . as well astby‘ notices in all the shop I windows, two or three farmers came to v the Falls to, make purchases after the ~ prescribed hour, but, of'eourse, .wero - disappointed. Theywill-all sobn know that they cannettget into any of the: storesafterflo’clock-p, m..on any evenn- In our tin‘ware department all kinds of job work is promptly attended to. See our Corn Planterâ€"newest thing out. We bought everything before the large advance which has taken place in hardware the last few months, and W111 give our customers the benefit of it. Try us. 108. HEARD. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"Q_u~ Personats‘.:2 .7, I' have removed my Dre'ssmaking business to the rooms ever Mlss. Washburn’s . millinery establishment. . Street Entrance-~-dbor betweem _. the two red stores. ‘ APPRENTIGES WANTED., i W MRS. M. Iii} CALDER; Just received ithis week an»:" other lot of nice Baby Carw riagesq that are -- Speciab Value. ’ ' Also Extension-Tables, Side- ~- boards and BedroOm Suites.~.. I carry in stock a full line of Parlour Suites, , Lounges, . Chairs, Etc. Picture framing.- a Specialty... If you are in needof a Sew- ing Machine be sure and see- ; 4:; my stylesbefore buyino'. L. DEYMAN, Fenelon Falls. The Glbl‘iotts TWelflhii- This year " the Orangemen had in sple‘ndid day for their 12th of J‘dly cel- ebration, and Lindsay was ‘so crowded that Ként street, though of the-maxi- mumwidth, could scarcely neeommodv ate the throng of- spectators. It is‘esti- mated that fully 10-;000’persons wit-- nessed the procession, in which four counties were representedyand which is’ said to have been the most ! successfulx ever held in the Midland district; Not-- . . withstanding: the venormous~crowd 'in There WW "We" a 'i‘gbt‘d'glass bmke" town, only one arrest was madethrough- by him" in “"5" Se‘gi‘borhoo‘i flint “0 out the entire day, and 0.1,in - Ne'vison ever heard tell. 05th11 Monday 3 storm declared it was the quietest: Orange cattle, When nearly every house’mfound celebration he ever witnessed}. The here had"°"e 01" inore lights "Of {51355 absence» of Col. Sani- Hughes was ce'm- bmkeurand 3” 'kmds organ“? “Wk merited-upon by many, and various rea- was badly cu" down bY‘the ha)!“ Ab sons were ascribed in explanation of it: Present the damage cannoc'be esumaifed' by those who didn't know that Sam There W33 “150 a [0‘3 0f hay em”) ‘Whmh and ex-ree‘Ve MeArthur of Fe'nelo'n Will be‘ damaged? The'farmer'i‘as 3‘ u ‘ v Falls 19“; a few days ago for a rolon - hard row to bee inthis world, but‘there H a ed trip through the Peaée ‘Rigbr dig, is no use complalnmg. It Will give 118 t ~ .. - I s -‘- . . trier. The Post-says : : amides-of. what a cycloneisrlike in. the _._.____. ..._. . ..,..._._..-.~._ Pewtes’. Corners“ (Correspondcizeefofi the G’dzette) ‘ ' It is~generally believed that last Mon- day’s storm. was the ‘most severe that has struck'this ~seetionv-for fifty-ryears. . ».4.-..t.,a£’n" gag. mg. autumn. - ‘ ‘4. Jun

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