EATS If it’s style you want, we have it. “A visit to our Hat Department will convince you that for Style, Quality, As- sortment and Price, We should be called 'I h _ THE MATTERS of FENELON FALLS? , We have an exceptionally ï¬ne line of Men’s and Boys’ > ï¬ne quality Newest Style Suits, every suit gua'anteed and prices to suit everybody. A Visit to our Gents’ Furnishing Department will con-. Vince you that Burgoyne’s 1s the rlght place to go for new and Furnishings. See our display on Saturday. Three Stores. 'J m9 w. concerns, ‘ oo*rss son “(51/3 In our ti‘nware department all kinds of job work is. promptly attended to. See our Corn. Planterâ€"newest thing out. .. ' We bought everything before the large advance which ' has taken place in hardware the last, few months,andWill: ve our- customers the beneï¬t of it. Try us. ‘2‘? ,v‘MQ ' ' @Womwwwewcwmwmww W4 .- n1, L; n Street Entrance-«door between the two red stores. . APPHEHTIGES WANTED, MRS. M. E. CAREER. I have removed my Dressmaking business to the rooms over Washburn’s millinery establishment. Miss l g i i i l Demitasse and. “ï¬ndertalsing. WW†Just received this week an- other lot of nice Baby Car- riages that are Speaks Value. Also Extension Tables, Side- boards and Bedroom Suites. ’ vow-66W I carry in stock a full line of Parlour Suites, Lounges, Chairs, Etc. Picture framing a Specialty. If you are in need of a Sew- ing Machine be sure and see my styles bel'ore buyinn‘. ' Fortaleza Fails. Subscribe for the “Gazette,†$1 a year. l rJihc coronation boss the ceremony. Bishop Sweattnan, who is in England, i If you- want Good Binder Trice; cheap, go to THOS. ROB'SON'. Twine in stockâ€"â€" :PLYMCU'E‘H, snnsasonn, man sans, McGQBMGKL. All at prices that will defy- competition. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"Jâ€". no intimate. - may, Aug. 15th, 1902:â€" Ihe Coronation. .Pâ€" iing of Great Britain and the colonies tonic Place on Saturday last, and his Majesty stood the fatigue and' excite- ment of the long ceremony remarkably well, though Queen Alexandra showod. svmptoms of: weariness. King and<his good and: beautifulmife. (Long may they live to.reign,over:us.. . homer- Stone; .â€"â€"â€",â€"H The-ceremony. oil laying the corner- stone of. the new Episcopalian church in.this.village=camc off. on Wednesday afternoon, according to announcement, ,and, the erection, of the. sacred ediï¬ce iwilhnowbeaproccedcd with as rapidly as possible. The weatherrbcing delight- :l‘nl, there were numerous Church of- England. people from a distancein town, and}. w the stores were all. closed, for a couple of: hours, qpite merowd- of per- sons assembled. on Bond street to wit- In the absence of the corner smue,_w.hich has the ï¬gures 190‘}: on. its face, was laid with Masonic locremonicsuwhich We do not: attempt to give in detailâ€"by his [loner Judge Harding, Grand. Mzestea of" the Grand gLnodge of. Canada A... F; and A. Mi, assisted by the ofï¬cers. 'of the Grand Lodge, and the glittering. regaliaof the assembled brethrenxformcd a. pretty and imposing spectacle, A. gemj‘ar contain- ing what is called; the “ scroll,†or record ot'the event, and one of; each of the various Catiatlian coins, was placed in .a cavity under the; comer..- stone, andm copy of the Feriolon Falls Gazette, the Fcnelon Falls I tar, and, perhaps, one or two other pa.pers,,will be placed inn r cavity in the top: of‘ the corner stone itself. Last week’s G’uzette was below the average, editorially, but we shall not be around whenâ€"perhaps hundreds of years henceâ€"the buried. copy will be exhumed. The Grand Masterdclinered an address “suitable to the occasion," and two addresses to the Grand. Master. and Masonic officers were readâ€"one by the Rector of the parish. Rev. R. Mac- Namara, on behalf of himselfand his congregation, and hct‘s’ of the council. follows :; They were as ascrou’s ADDRESS. To run llosr Wonsmrrnn run GRAND Mssrsu or run GRAND Loneu or Axornxr FREE, AND Accnrrso MASONS IN CANADA, IN rsn Pnovmcn or ONTARIO. llost Worshipful Sir :: It affords me the greatest pleasure on behalt‘of my congregation and myselfto welcome you here to-dny. I assure ~ you we appreciate fully the favor which is i being conferred upon us in having the cor- ner stone of our new church laid with Masonic honors. We are also indebted to the ofï¬cers of the Grand Lodge and other Masonic brethren for the kindly interest manifested by their presence in such goodly numbers. There is, I take it, an exquisite propriety in haviug’this ceremony perform- ed in this way. It is not only most agree- able to the members of St James’ Church, but it is, I believemin keeping with the tra- ditions and history of Masonry. While, no doubt, the origin of Free Ma- sonry is lost amid the unrevealed records of the dim and distant post, yet this, at least, is known, that it was originally a fraternity of practical builders. It is also agreed that much of its early work was of a distinctzy religious character. In Phoe- nicia, whose capital cities were Tyre and Sidon, there existed a semi-religious society I to which I believe modern Masonry is re- lated, known as the “ Dionysiau Architects.†Their founder had migrated to Europe from Edward VII“ as ’ God save the. the other by Dr. . Gould, on behalfof' the reeve and mom « Egypt as early as 1500 B. 0., and thenea his followers went to Asia some 300 years later. The influence upon the ancient world of the» wisdom. and‘ skill of‘the bro- therhood wasg-reat. The raisingrof costly temples to the gods, the building of rich palaces in which dwelt the kings and nobles of the-land, and the erection of walls and‘ citadels to strengthen their cities were some .of the works of this fraternity. But the wisdom and skill of these early builders did. not only ï¬nd expression in structures-erected fer the comfort and am- bition of heathen kings and peoples. It rose to a. much higher plane. Josephus tells us that the temple at Jerusalem was built on the same plan, in the same style and by the same architects as the temples oi Herculesrand Astarte at Tyre. And this is conï¬rmed'by a far greater authority than Josephusâ€"the authority of God’s Word. We read that Hiram, king of Tyre,sent cun- ning workmen to aid King Solomon in the erection of the temple. True, Masonry is no longer an association of practical build- ers, but this does not lessen the importance ofits work. It has laid aside its operative character and become a purely moral and benevolent association. And in its eï¬orts to ennoblc and educate, to purify and help mankind, it bears a strong resemblance to the Christian Church. It is the claim of Masonry that its members are craftsmen still, but the work they are now engaged in is for eternity. They are preparing and upbuilding “ living stones" for “ that spirit- ual building, that house not made with hands, eternal in. the. heavens.†The day will come when “ every man’s work shall be tried of what sort it is.†And‘ as we stand in.tbe light of" His presence who is the great “Master Builder,â€'we shall listen for no other voice and fear no other blame, for, gazing into the eternal future, we shall know, as Kipling has it, that “Only the Master shall‘ praise us, .. And only the Master shall blame, And no one shall work for money, And'no one shall work for fame ; But each with the joy of the working, And each in his separate star Shall work with the skill ofa craftsman For the God of.t.hings as they are.†Izheve pleasure, most worshipt'ul‘ sir, in presenting you with this trowel for your use in laying this porner stone, and also as a..-token otour esteem. R: MACNAMARA, Incumbent-of St. James’ Church, Fenelon Falls.- CORPORA'IION ADDRESS-l.~ To runtlosr Wonsmerm. Masrsu, OFFICERS aunMsnnsRs or run GRAND Loner. or- A: E; AND A'. it, G. a. c.- On behalf of=the citizens of Fenc- lon Falls andzthe reeve and members of the council, I beg to extend a hearty welcome to you on this occasion of your visit to our- , village in‘ connection with layingtbc cor- ner-stone of-thevnew St. James’ Episcopal Church. Representingsas youdo the oldest and‘ most widely-disseminated Fraternal Society among- the many now vicingwith each other in their efforts to ameliorate the con- dition of the unfortunate or distressed members of'the human family, and having . in your membership some of. themost dis- tinguished men ofevery civilized country, philanthropists and philosophers of every creed and party eminent in the distribu-: tion of public as well as private charity, we deem it. a privilege to embrace this op- poatunity to offer this slight evidence of respect, and‘to express the hope that in the future, as in the past,your noble order may continue to aid in spreading; blessings of consolationnnd,substantialhelp in time of need: Referring again toithe reason of your Epresence with us, I suppose we may assume ‘that our Episcopal friends, in choosing you. on this auspicious occasion of the complet- ing of the foundation of their new: church by the laying of the corner-stone, had in view the propriety.of,having;tbis done by a Master Masou,,mtlrer than, as some do, en- '-'trust it to .a. novice, who might not handle the troweljgracefully and skilfully, as we may presume all good Masons The Masons present were, as far as iwc can learn, as follows :’ M. W: Bro. J'. E' Harding-D: 15:, Lindsay, R. W. Bro. Walkey, D. G. M., Peter-borough, 1R: W. Bro. H. Rush, G S. W.,, “A R. W Bro. A. Gibson, G. J. W:, “ R. W. Bro, Rev. W.Armitage, G. Chap., †R. W. Bro. Dr. Shaw, G. Trees, Keene, R. W. Bro. R; Munroe, G. Reg’r.-,Peterboro’, V.‘. W‘. Bro.E‘.W.Harding,G.S.D., St.;\lary’s, V. W. Bro. J.W..Wntson, G.J.D., Minden, V,. W. Bro. Beecher, G. Supt. of Works, Peter‘ooro‘, R. W. Bro. E; Fitzgerald; G: D. C., . Fenelen Falls, :V‘. W'. Bro. Rogers, G. Sword Bearer, Peterboro’, V,'. W. Bro. Rev. W. Farncomb, G. Organist, ' ' Newcastle, . V. W. Bro. Denniston, G. Pursuivant, Peterboro‘, W Bro. llIcNeil,.G.. S. D., Keene, “ J". J' Lumly, G; S D., Peterboro’, “ D. J. Hartle, G. S. D., Minden, “ McMahon, G. S. D., Lindsay, “ D. R. Anderson, bearing cwer corn, Lindsay, “v F. McDiarmid', bearing ewcr wine, Lindsay, “ Stockcr, bearing ewer oil, “ “ » Dr. Wood, bearing Corinthian Col- umn, Kirklield, “ E. Mosgrove, bearing Ionic Column, Kirkfield, “ Dr. Graham, bearing Doric Column, Fenelon Falls. The ladiesof the congregation gave a ï¬rst-class dinner and. tea. in the red stores, kindly loaned by Mrs. McArthnr for the occasion. and the receipts, in- cluding contributions after the laying of the corner stone, amounted tonearly $200. A- Word VGirls. The following is from the New York Outlook. Every girl and every mother of a girl should paste it up somewhere â€"on her looking-glass, for instance,â€" M where she is sure to see itft’bquentlyz, and, having learner] it by heart, should‘ govern herself in accordance with its. precepts: "Every girl ought, to understand: that she is respected in the exact degree to winch she is inaccessible to any kind of familiarities, and that it isimpossible- for a woman, if she wishes to secure] not only conï¬dence, but admiration, to- hold herself too sacred; and it is the-- fundamental duty of every mother to. protect. her daughter by instilling into. her an adequate idea of the relation be- tween the essential dignity ol’ woman-- hood and the conventions which protect- that dignity in social life. If American- society is to preserve in any way the- qualities which the best Americans in. every generation have instilled into. their children, there must be a far deepe er sense of responsibility on the part of! heads of families than at. present exists, There must be far less license permit-~ ted; there must be far more judicious-â€" and rational supervision.†“ Busy Kawarlliaf‘ The Bobcaygcon Independent says 1.: “ The large influx of tourists to the» Kawartha Lakes reminds us all of its. growing popularity as asummer retreat. Each day the G. T. R. depot and T. V‘. N.’ wharves present a very busy scenc._ Tourists arrive daily bound for the- many resorts on the lakes. Indications. poi’nt strongly to a general increase in. Tourist trade this season. Akmuch imm. proved boat service plies between Lake- tield and Coboconk (70 miles.) A; double daily service is given, which en- ables Torontonians and others arriving; at Lindsay by G; T. R. Kawarthaytrain. to reach Bobcaygcon and other points: on the lakes the same day, while close~ connection is made- with shout-going trains at Lindsay. The natural beauty: of the Kawartha Lakes is much admitâ€"- ed by those who are visiting us this year“ for the ï¬rst time. Undoubtedly the. lakes possess.,more natural scenic -grand«- ure than any other place in Ontario,., audit is avsource of more than satlsi‘uO-r tion. toknow that recognition of "that; fact is becoming apparent. Personals... Miss Rosalie Gainer, of Minden, is at; the Falls visiting her brothers. Mr. Win. McClennen, of Petcrboro'; was here for a few hours last Friday. Mrs. Pearce, of Parry Sound, is hore~ visiting her sister, Miss Agnes Ellis. Mr. Alvin Gould left on Monday for a week’s visit to relatives at Midland. Tire Misses Burtchacll, of Toronto, are»- visiting their-cousin, Mrs. Joseph Heard. : Mr. Sidney Morrison, of Lindsay, was here from Saturday until Monday. Mrs. (Dr.) Gnuld spent part of lafï¬b ‘gepk at Mr. H. J. Lytle’s camp at Rose-7. a e. ‘ MissEiuily; Hand returned to Toronto v on Monday, after» spending ï¬ve weeks: at home. Mrs. James Knox left on Monday for: a few days’ visit to Mrs, Williamnllc- Intosh at Resedale., » Miss Flossie Smitheram is at Stur-. .gcon Point, visiting her friend, Miss. ‘Winters, of Lindsay. Mr. William. Fielding,- oi' Mindcn, ,nnd his you-ngestson, Edward, were at: ‘the Falls on Wednesday. ; Miss Manic Swanton, of: Thronto, “came to the Falls on. Tuesday, andeill,‘ fremain until‘the-end'of next week. i ‘ Mr. James A: Gillogly, of Lindsay,, and Mr. Wm. Kcnnedy,of Bobcaygcon, ,wetevin town on,Tuesday-. Miss Todd, of' Toronto, was at tho- Fnlls from Saturday until. Monday. ,visiting her'aunt, Mrs. (,Dt'.)-Gould. Prof. George A. Powles, oft Chicago“ came home on Menday for a fortnight‘s. -'holiday at his birthplace at l’owles’s. Cornea. Mrs. (Rer'R‘. Maanmara, accom. .panied by her two children. left yesterm day morning to visit her home at George- .tow-n, Ont. Mr. J. J. Townley left on Wednesday. for Toronto, where he willpurchnse the ‘ ?largest stock of" fall and winter cloth:- evcr brought to town. Mr. W. H. Robertson, of the Peter- borough Times, was at the Falls from Saturday until Tuesday. Mrs. tobm :crtson is still here. Mrs. Edward Wilkinson, herreldest» (laughter, Miss Jenny, and her-son Boyd, left on Friday last for a visit to. relatives at Bobcaogcon. Mr. David Barrett, of Toronto, and1 his youngest daughter, 5‘years old, have- been at the Falls since Tuesday, and. will remain until next week. Messrs. Wilfred Jewell. Bidwell Bur- gess, Robert Bell, Arden Betts and fkrchie Barclay left on Tuesday morn- ing to camp out for a week at Cedar Spring. Rev. R. C. H. Sinclair, Rev. R. MacNamara and Mr. Thomas Cashr-ro. left on the sailing yacht Shamrock on Thursday for a week’s camping on the, 7 lower lakes: . - _ Mrs. Christopher Tuglmanhef Tory. CH .â€"_...--.,. ~w./â€",,.s_,r‘\u-_-. y... :t. \v..., _..m -._.......â€"â€"r m M5 - . “ï¬â€™Kflfifmw ,- mu. - _ .(_»v,:w..x~