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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 29 Aug 1902, p. 4

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j 7, p '_ ~ ,,____m-_~..m...._.......m__....-. It) steamboat cenucctiong, as well 3.3 many membranes, clears pose, throat and aiir- other advantages mo numerous to men_ passages by one application. Catarrliozone - l “on Hwina‘ also here one of the wry quickly remedies the head noises and (leaf- . . n . . . ncss, prevents dropping and is warranted a fiDCStW3i01'-P0W01‘Si capable 0f SUPPlY‘ to absolutely cure all ’forms of Calarrh, ;’ ing over 1,000 horse power at the driest Bronchitis, Asthma and Lung Tronbles.. season of the year, no better: place for Two months’ treatment costs $1; tiinl size manufacturingindusii'icscould be found Dl‘ugglsts (11‘ N» 0- P0150" 35 001.. anywhere in the Province of Ontario. '"gston’ ont' 501d by W' H' R°b3°m There are three first-class modern hotels, PO'STPONED.â€"Thc Methodist " Ab. with accommodation each for about foriy, Home," advertised to take place at Mr. guests, and also a number of.‘ good a Win. Jordan’s on Wednesday evening, boardinghouses;,twogoodclizverystables, "had to be postponed on account of the. besides any number of good row boatS, somewhat serious illness of. Mr. Wm.. steam and naphtha launches, sail boats, Jordan, Jr” who, we are glad to hear,. and guides for hire at. reasonable rates is now. much better. Another date fan for those who come in quest of pleasure... .1 the “ At Heme "‘Will no doubt be fixed'r. The lakes and streams with which this upon and duly announced. seem“ abounds? and? Whie‘h 09'" be THE_LOCKS.â€"A steamboat man was: easily-reached from here, evendaily, by compyaiuing £0,115 0,, Wednesday that. tourism who cheese to live iii the Village, 1.. the lockigatesswom very hard to move" afiord,tlle WHEY hes]? fitlhmgi makmfi-‘l landithatithereliad been aibrokenivalves Fenelon Fallsa veritable- sportsman-S iin.one of.themduringynesrlyuthe whole. Palm‘s": “Vallmgr m" “5 mm, "15“" gseasonof navigation. The complaint;-L : HATS lâ€"Farmersl for men and boys. A visit to our Hat If you want Good’ Binder Tiiine' THOS. ROBSON. Twine in stockâ€"â€" If it’s style" you want, we have it. . Department will convince you that for Style, Quality, As- sortment and Price, we should be called THE HATTERs oi FENELON FALLS We have an exceptionally fine line of Men’s and Boys’ fine quality Newest Style Suits, every suit gua‘anteed and prices to suit everybody. «ma-r: hwmwm‘ Limaa’v‘nmm Ev-wa.wi.ysggncus~z-.~ - .. an, .,._ H PLYMQHTH’ liisiiillmlilaiugfilliié‘:$333333 “‘8’ iii believe’len flimdid‘ibut m” - p ' i _' . ‘ ,’ ,garega to. earn rom.i 1'. im in, the; t A visit to our Gents’ Furnishing Department will con- BRANTFOBD’ .-g§§‘;k°fiuan,gssl:§rz 3(1):: (illogglmr‘lgé 11001503896613 that the gatesere to be put: . - . . e c ‘- a i' - . 9 - . ._ ha, Vince you that Burgoyne’s is the right place to go for new RED STAR:- fmm TONE..." Lgazoséatergfiélzoflth :fgzfipbesilt‘ifffiél «; and up.to-date Furnishings.’ See our display on Saturday. McGOBMIGK_ Thousands in Ontario, hamm idea Mocks at Burleigh Falls last year, but”: of the wealth-of beautiful scenery which this country. contains, and a summer spent on the famous Kawartha Lakes would touch the artistic sense which nature’s beauties awaken in the-souls of gases. Cottages. partly furnished may ’be had' by applying to Thomas Robson, secretary of the Cottage Association. m Personals. they have been put in order, and ours; Wlll now be attended to.. To Cure 9. Cold‘in one Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All" druggists refund‘money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove’s signature on each box. 25c ' GOVERNMENT WoaKs. --Mr. George- .» H. Littleton commenced work on Mon,.., day on a store-house, 12 x 19 feet - .V. which will be finished this week. It ' spans the upper end of the raceway at ,- the canal, and is for the reception of ’ - Government tools used in this vicinity. . The walls are of novelty siding a cor- nice runs along each side, and the build... ing is to be neatly painted by Mr. Wi‘l» â€" lism Avery, as, also, is the lock-master’s.- ofiiee, which is beginning to look rather- shabby. A new hemlock flooring has. - just been laid on the swing bridge. . .,..,_, fin-.. All at prices that will. defy competition. w. BURGOYNE. Three Stores. The Fenclon Falls Gazette. Friday, Aug. 29th. 1902. ...â€"â€" EADQuaaress FOR ARDWARE. Paints, Oils, Wall Pap'er, Blinds, etc. c\@.___________@/n Miss Fanny McDairmid is home from _,Vermont, U. S. Mr. William Burgoyne was at Tor- onto on business this week. Mr. Stephen Nevison, chief constable 20f. Lindsay, was at the Falls on Wed- nesday. , Mr. George. Coatsworth, of Toronto, was at the Falls from Friday until Monday. Mr. Sidney Morrison, of Lindsay, was at the Falls on Wednesday and ,Thursday. j Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Moore and fam- ‘ily left on Saturday to camp out for a Week at Rosedule. Mr..W.‘ E. Austin, who left about five weeks ago for Preston Springs, re- turned home on Saturday. Mrs. Willoughby Power, of Toronto, has been at the Falls all this week,'vis- .iting her sister, Mrs. Henry Smith. ., Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wood and family, of Bobcaygcon, spent a few hours in town on Wednesday evening. V Mr. Henry Mulligan, of Millhrook, representative of the Midland Loan and Savings 00., was in town on Tuesday. Mr. B. H.,Maybee left on Thursday Next Monday a Holidayy â€"â€" Monday next, September 2nd,; will be “ Labor Day," which is metatutary holiday throughout Canada audithe United States. Hitherto. habor-- Day has not been observed'in Fenclon Falls, but it will be this year, and, as all the stores will be closed, residents of the country who come to town expectingto do business will be disappointedfl We have been bad holiday-keepers at the Falls in the past; indeed it hasbeen bitterly remarked. that. some: of. our merchants wouldn’t keep their: stores closed on Sunday if they were not com- pelled to; but ,ws are goingitodo better in the future. Therefore, let all inter- ested take notice that-the stores .will‘not be opened next Monday,_and govern themselves accordingly, mm wm Duplicate its,i=_iani.. In our tinware department all kinds of job work is promptly attended to. - Not sick enough to lay up, but you are « out of sorts, blood is weak, nerves unstrung,:. kidneys deranged, vitality is low. You .1 should take Ferrozone at once ; it will en- . rich, strengthen and purify the blood, in. vigorate and pacify the nerves, and incrase ~ your energy, vitality. and power. Ferro- zone will renew your appetite and digest-u ion, make you sleep soundlyâ€"in fact, will: make you well. Try Ferrozone. Price 50c.- per box or 6 boxes for $2.50 ; at druggists : :3 or N. C. Poison 85-00., Kingston, Ont. Soldi by Wt. H.’- Robson. g A GOOD CANEâ€"On Saturday last - Mr. John Kennedy, of Washington, D.» 0., who was here on a visit, went fishing -; with a rod and line close to the founder. ‘tion of the old mill, and in two or three ~ hours caught a. dozen bass that aggrc- ~ gated ‘24 pounds. It was the best catch, , i Nervous, Sleepless and Exhausted.'_. l i See our Corn Planterâ€"newest thing out. We bought everything before the large advance which has taken place in hardware the last few months, and Will give our customers the benefit of it. 'Try us. 33$. iifihh At the annual meeting, late in July, of the Lindsay Light, Heat &,Power 00., the advisibility of doubling its cap- acity by duplicating its plantwas intro- bei- 2nd. Monday being “ Labor Day,” H' RObson‘ which is a statutiry holiday. The rural schools opunel on Monday, the 18th inst. Stops the Cough and Works Off the Cold- Laxative Bromo-Quininc Tablets curea cold period since the company’s organin aiion." Also Extension Tables, Side- _ â€"‘ 'Sir Wilfrid Laurier- and Hon. W. 3.. Fielding were entertained at lunch by President Loubct ofVFrancc. Henry Wiiz, Charles Hizroth and Joseph Forcfler, Jew tailors, were each boards and Bedroom Suites. run: faster than during any similar Charming ‘Kawartha. - 'tin.~""~""' ~ of Parlour Suites, Lounges, lhe Kawartha Lakes folders issued Chairs, Etc. Picture framing a. Specialty. If you are in need of a. Sew- by the Trent Valley Navigation Co.’ give the following description of Fenc- lon Falls: " This thriving village of over 1,500 inhabitants is situated immediately be- ” one day‘ No cure’ No Pay' Pnce 25c" fined fifty cents at the Hamilton Police A LOCAL RAIN.â€".-Ab0ut 3p. m. ,on Court for working on Sunday. Monday there was quite a heavy shower of rain at the north end of the village, Sir William Mul‘mk “an” for Gama“- via New York on the Oumpania on Sat . of a t. eelc-t iei relativesat Brirh- - - . duced, discussed and3 some daysiater togfl1deeuegifie and will, be homebon right here in the Village, We have heard; decided upon. The Post says :: Moéda , ’ of for-a. good' while, though as many: 3" ~ “ [t is gratifying to.know oi the suc- Mr fifth“): Keith andihissister Miss ".‘ big fellows” are occaSioually caught 1, cess of any of our local industries, and Flirlgeth (son' and“ daughter 0,3”Mr in half the time at different spots a mile ~ ‘- g ' particularly one in which itsproinoters 30350;,” G. Keithcweve at. ,he EMS m; or two away. air. Kennedy received as ' ventured the investment.- of alarge sum wridgfllaé, ' many congratulations upon his good: E of moaey in the face of adverse criticism '" MPJ’JcS: h Robson of Burk)s Fans 111015, and 1118 I'CPOI‘t; 0f the excellent: g . as to its success. We. refery to. the has béen inptown Sincgwednegd'ay‘and' {Iishing to] be had in the Kawartha . a ‘ Linlit Heat & Power Co. who have . , “' ‘ . ’ .iakcs Wll helptov advertise them in. ° ' ” P‘ ' ’ ' .. \I ' a. . . . . . , E I have removed Iny Dlessrna’klng decided to duplicateiheiicprcsentplcut, grillslefixgr; 1 om‘ly’ “comp. med by the eity in which he l'CSlcleS. s business to the rooms over Miss “1?. “may if, “first "r vague taxed Mr. mains. John Stewart, of Kal- , Live Smearâ€"0n Wednesday mom- - g f 7 ’ ' . .1 3 “Eng to me “man .5 upon“ “ a... .. ainamo. Michigan, and) Mrs. Lithgow, "’8 Mess“?- MODOUL’HH. Brandon x W ashburns millineiy esta is intent. i'l‘henewplantwdlnieauranda- upon omndsay, pm a fiymwisi, to that Aug“, shipped fin ,,,.,,,ad, 0, can“, , a . or about 600 home POWerfi 4" Ers'lave .uncle, John, Quibell, pat the Rails, to Toronto and one caiiload of hogs to g A been Placid for forty miles 0“ _NO' Lil last week.- ' Petcrborough ; and on the previous day g Street Entrance---d001 between “g 00,13)“ gills bone, 420 sens-1:01“- Mr. and zinc. John Kennedy. and they 3old 129 head of cattle to lit-Julie ~ ‘ ‘ _ . WI ISWX 01 0:1“) runs ormersv e c" I {Pair little son of Vzflshino‘ton D10 L‘IcDOUflld of Stoufi‘llllc WllO “’ili 1'0' E the lflVO rad SliOl Gib. a watpréwheel Og‘sluificflellli. capaclityfiiqfi lei”. 51. «home ,on \Veanescaay i art-er I sell them V .. in 16,8 to wait purchawrs ~,~ . : i1 Flee time. .10 Up le‘uhG pant. Wl visit of near] f I - ‘I - _ a f‘ . . “a ' l' ',,.hb, ,] i 1‘ _ _ , ( a, mullahs, to, lemma, .0 aimeis in us nm- .)l we ltioni. EAPPREHTHGES wgflTEa' he 3 great “9V3"}Me Emil” “OW? Tl’d I at the Falls, y D the number of Cattle. sheep and ‘ hows M33, E, l Companyv ‘15 “3 hblll b0 lgtgalle‘u:b iat . Mrs. Parsons‘ Wife of we, prom-{atop that pass through the village. one would: ; 1 PM“ Plants cal" ‘3 “pe‘me ‘” l‘n‘spn’ of the Port Perry Observer, was on the l think that there would soon he ilfl'lO ‘3 , _. .. _ ' . , ,. i . _ . l. . Independent of each Mimi" Seagull“ng excursion from that town on Monday left i” the surroundith COUDH'Y; hula. the»caâ€"mewscswwwmsywwwwwoweww¢ww . a greater [guarantee aflfll'llfil. anyunter- and Paid, the Gaza“, a visit; but We drive in Whatever direction You plum,” a...- ruPW)“ “1, the company S “$31030” were Unfortunately at Lindsay, and and you will see no end of them ruiiniiit: power Sel'VICO- _ _ were thus damned the pleasure of in the fields and growing up into br‘ol’, , u 1” converifuéou mm M,“ R6680]? 'inakinu the lady’s acquaintance. mutton and park to supply future de- ' . a tie manager 0 t e company. in molar Mr Gamma Rm, un-cle 0,. Mr Hem munds' L. ed that, since the installation of. the Pmrce “,1: one- 6, the excurflimlist': _ ’ metch throughout their entire scrfice’ l'i'o‘in Flori; l’ci‘ry to the Ellis 0: lion" §Fiieedy Furl? lii‘lr OralfppSCand 00:10]. , " ' 1 .‘ I _ ‘ ‘ ‘ ' 16 [1103. [‘8 ill (3 Clll‘C I)? ramps, 10 lC - ‘. . - “rd. a); aboll‘t1°n_§f ghel'mtcr Mm day. Pliough about 80 years of age, Dysentry, and Summer Complaint is it'll 9 ‘31310 ormel m“ ll .Y “c compm‘y, Mr. Real is still quite Smart and active, drops of Polson's Nervilinc in a little S'.T€Ct°- they had experienced the greatest saltis and may live_a§ we hope he will for cncd water. Nol'v‘iline removes the pain . . iitCliOD with their customers, as may h - - ’ and distress at once, insures prompt relief.- Just received this week an- hail thonie accustomed to the‘ proper I cgnii’aghlfndly 01d gentleman to be a fmdfl Speedy cure in “NEW”: WWW” other lot Of nice Baby Car- use of the light. Since the let of Jan- ' l“ a" excellent remedy for “H Pm": Whether ‘ " i ' ‘ tl live inst llcd 0V01'500li‘7l1ts ' ' ‘-'“ internal or external, and should be in every “v” “ages that are Special “My way I" . 1a . , d’J ‘ Tun SorIOOLs.â€"’l'he village schools hmmeth- Alldl'uggisls 5011:in i-ecain-. Value- and their business has 10010359. . at a I will m_0pen on Tueaday next; Septcm_ mend Nerviline. Price 25c. Sold by W.’ ing Machine be sure and see LWi'On lamcroii and Sturgeon lakes, two of the moat beautiful of that charui- but not a drop fell. on theother parts we did not know that a'dmphad ,auen urilay. Sir F. Borden and Messrs.. ltlieldinu and Peterson call by the Tun-- an where within the cor oration u til - . . y p . 0 man for Montreal on September 11. a north-ender told us. Unmistakable Signs of ,Catarrh. Ifâ€"youhave a ringing in the ears, drop- ping in the throat, bad breath, headache, morning weakness, bad taste in the month â€"then it’s catarrh. Use Catari‘hoz‘ine [n- halei- four times daily and eradicate this i lny Styles before buyan ing chain of lake and stream which forms the direct route ol the Trent Valley waterway. Being within eighty miles of 'l'oronto, and on the liaiiburtou branch of the G. T. R , Fenelon Falls enjoys all the advantages ol'a frontier town. such as excellent shipping facil- ities either by rail or water, first-etass daily mailservice, gpod railway and. . The Dover (England) corporation re- mind a proposal that Mr. Carnegie» should be asked for a donation towards. building a public. library. Several mom-- barsindignantly protested against the.- awful disease from your system. Catarrh-l 1‘19“ 0f g°lugi cap in handl-t‘o‘ we“ ozone kills the ggrms,_ healsthe inflamed, Aueiican millionaire. Fenelen Falls. ‘I carry in stock a full line gublscrihe for the “Gazette,” $1 a. year.

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