t Troublesome Questions. _ _ _, ._ -‘-. ._ ‘3“: R E G T C R l i ' “ George, dear, why is it that the SOCIETIES“. ' ’* scientiï¬c prrSOns don’t try to investigate ~ the inside of the earth?†_â€" " ..,. -' ’ at. Campbell s. I l l I b I - - NIGHTS or TENTED MICCABEE l u I supgese .lhey cws‘der it beneath Wm WM . 1‘ Dliï¬molnd ’ll‘cn; No. 203. Iieots in ill? gthem' m ove' I 3 " ' - - - ï¬ler ue 1:11 in .IcArthur’n Block on the A. ' “ Titei‘je. Guorge, you are trying to _ A Clearlng 1n MUSllnS. ï¬rst and third Tuesday in each month. I 'oke aoain. I‘m serious about this . ' A'ï¬ne'ra’n e in cream _ ‘ . r. i rounds Gugwmâ€"E Com Lrenl serious It seems to me that it Ifyour Wheeledivehnfles - g o and Wh t.e g ‘ ’ C W.BURG’OYNE, R. K. †‘ . 0 - WIth floral des1gns. Regular price 100., selling for 36. would be doing the World a great set- need repaIrIng of any desâ€" . ANADIANORDEROP ODDFELL Vice if lomebndy fluid ï¬nd m“ Just cription we can do the p , . A. Clearing 1n Blouses. Trent Valley Lodge No, 71, “337:, h “"3313; fgï¬gzdw‘g‘éfl'u 0,. it my dear work as well as anybody ' We have yet a ï¬ne assortment. You may have your ganggdhalltrgnnymgcis street was. 0,, I ~ o o o 1 ‘ :You want to get at the cottdn batting 111 the county. 0110106 for 2.5 pen-cent. off regular prices. I D goggg'gw; 113mm - i , . . i 2:: azgiiflycos‘; igï¬oi"; We can repaint your 8 patterns left yet of those ï¬ne Scotch Ginghams 111 red J. '1‘. luonrsox Jn., Sec. { You want to ï¬nd the funny busmcss buggy and make It lOOk and Whlte: blue 3’96- Whlte: Plnk land Whlte cheeks? 0,L.No,996. MEET IN THE ORANGE E that makes the doll Say ipapa ’ and . hke a new one, or mu and a few fancy strlpes. Regular l2§ &14;clear1ng for 101:. T . 1211111 on Francis.Stt,bWe'st0nthesecond ‘mumma.’ It's the destructive Instinct a ‘ , _ hes flyâ€, “my m0“ ' that all women pos::css.†be“ you a new one dud A. 5139013.]. In Cotton Hose. J. J‘ NEVISâ€: W_M. take your old one in part F. J. Among, Rec-Sec. payment. Chambers 81 Palmer. We have in stock 25 doz. Cotton Hose of the kind we used to sell at 2 pairs for 25c. They are full sizes, a perfectly fast black, .with seamless feet. We sell them now at 3 pairs for - - - “ Why. George, you’re horrid l†“ Oh, I know your sex. We’ve had several women in our family. I knew all about you when I married you. But ~ suppose you could get your destructive I little scissors into the inside of the globe. '~Would it do you any .good to ï¬nd out‘ ' that‘fhc ’cotton ‘battiug was guncotton and the sawdust giant powder?†“ George, you are a mean thing. I don’t care the littlest bit what’s inside the old carth'; only it does seem as If w D P R I o I I 3 we ought to know. Perhaps we could NDEPENDENT ORDER of FORESTERS. , Court. Phoenix No. 182. Meet on the last Monday of each month, in the True Blue hall in McArthur’s Block. D. GOULD, Chief Ranger. For an thin on are wantin in Summer Goods ive us a call and we will , y 2‘ y g g ’ 'lnos. AUSTIN, R. S. convince you that we can supply your wants at prices not easily duplicated. ....v.~4.~=ew.M. CAMP ELL. CANADIAN ORDER OF FORESTERS . Fenelon Falls Lodge No. 626. Meets; m the Orange Hall on Francis street wrst on the ï¬rst Thursday of each month. 'l‘nno. Jov, Chief Ranger, P. DEYMAN, Sec. guard against things better if we know Agent for what to expect. ‘ANADIAN HOME CIRCLES- FENE .t Pooh, pooh, my dear. The chances L‘ON Falls Circle No. 127, meets in the are if you knew What to expo“ you P I G'- g‘gltcwlilélgebdnll in McArthur’s Block the . wouldn’t sleep a \ylindk'aftelrwaltid. :llldou: I s, . I I q S flyplncezggiaTSZMï¬L d 7‘ head would bcï¬ 0 win t e W1 es . . c , ea er. 'aPPrehgnsion. hYgurl eï¬rs woulldubt: SEW;HG MACHINES -- rstraine to cute t e 10 ow cras1 1a an I mm“ “M†°f“‘i“g' m“ Y HARRIS BILL HEADS POSTERS. .Fttl‘éi Atalafi‘litï¬. Still“; I walk pussy foomd for fear or breaking I. I D ’ . WednesIday ol‘eacb montluon or before trlic mug“ “‘6 W‘- Y°“’d “a†W" FARM IMPLEMENTS. NOTE HEA 3: . on qr... in a... mag. .00... a. ._-phur tespirator and a lava ccllarOand a Cunningham s meek. ., steel umbrella that would shed Cinders. We guarantee good goods at ï¬TgéiDiAnmg’ Wk“!- ’ ' - ‘ R 130, core gr)“ " 0h, you’d enjoy your inside knowledge, El. d011"tihll]l§.†"‘ George, I’m not going to suggest ': anything serious again. You make light ol everything. All I had in mind ‘wasahole bored down into the earth I far enough to enable us to know what’s Shop opposute Post-office, Going on down there.†a “ And I suppose when you found out MAY 12â€] lgozFEflElâ€"ON FALLS. , . "you’d pull the hole up and fold it away for future use ?†_ “ George, I'm not going to say an-. - other word to you." Foiled Doctor. reasonable prices. CIRCULARS, BLANK NOTES, ENVELOPES, ‘ RECEIPTS, ETC, WEDDING INVITATIONS, MEMORIAL CARDS, LADIES’ VISITING CARDS. We have lately added a stock of type and stationery for prmtmg Weddlng InVItations, Calling Cards, etc., and. METHODIST CHURCH â€" COLBORNE can turn out ï¬rst class work at reasonable prlces. Streetâ€"Rev. John Garbult, Pastor ’ Sunday service at 10.30 a. m. and 7 p m. Sabbath School at 2.30 p. m. - Epwortli League of Christian Endeavor, Tuesday evening at 8 o’clock. Pra er meet' Thursday evening at 7.30. y mg on M Call and see our instruments CHURCHES. and machines before buying. BAPTIST CHURCHâ€"QUEEN ST REV. . Ben]. Davies, Minister. Preaching servtces every Sunday at 10 30 a. m. and 7 p. 111. Bible Class and Sunday School at 2.30 p. In. Praise and ra er ‘ ‘ Thursday at 8 p. m. P y sewwe on Game and see samples. “ Gazette†Office. Francis Street West. ST LOOK AT THlS. GRO CERIES DEPARTMENT. We desire to call your attention to the following line 01 ST. ALOYSIUS R. c. CHURCHâ€"LOUISA goods, just recciVed: St t a - - - ree â€" ev. Father 0'], . Choice Cleaned Currants; ChOICe seeded RaISIns, one pound Services every alternate Sundiyxafflisggzs packages (East Brand) 3 Fine FIhated Currants ; Selected “'m- SundaySchooleverySundaratZp.m ValenCIa Raisms; Sultana Raisms. A full stock of Closse & Blackwell’s Peels; Soft-shell Almonds; Shelled Grenoble Wal- ST'lhl‘Eâ€"Siiï¬filiilhlglfl892333 nuts; Shelled Almonds. . . Service every Sunday at 10.30 a. m. and 7 corner May and Francis Streets. p.-m. Sunday School every Sunday at 2.30 this morning a. SUBSCRIPTION: Toilet and Dinner Sets. For the next two weeks we will 1:11:30ngépozllpss every Thursday evening “I should say so! Do you know I $1.00 A YEAR, IN ADVANCE oï¬â€˜erspecial value in these goods; also a large stock of Fancy merely asked him to take dowu the Goods Lamps etc 7 ' ' SEOOIID DIVISION COURT -â€"OF THEâ€" County of Victoria. A man was struck by a car on Broad- way. He was removed to a hospital in an insensible condition. After a cur- sory examination a surgeon said : “We had better operate at once for appendi- ON MONDAY, OCTOBER l3ih, 1902, citis." v commencing at 1 o’clock in the afternoon. The patient was stripped, that. be Thursday, October2nd, will be the last day mioht be prepared for the ordeal, and of service on defendants residing in this n . . - county. Defendants living in other coun- tiustlegeud was found tattooed on his ties must be served on or before Satur- C 108 2 , day, September 30th. ‘* In case of accident don’t operate E. C. EDWARDS, for appendicitis. It has been Bailiï¬â€™. removed twice already.†Fenolon Falls, July 8th, 1902. Then they concluded that he was only suffering from shock. ANDREW’S CHURCHâ€"COLBORNE Streetâ€"Rev. R. C. H. Sinclair, Pas- tor. Services every Sunday at 10.30 a. m and 7 p. m. Sunday School every Sunday at 2.30 p. m. Christian Endeavor meeting every Tuesday at 8 p. m. Pm er ‘ every Thursday at 7.30 p. m. y meeting he next sittings of the above Court will be held in Twomey’s hall, Fenelon Falls ALVATION ARMYâ€" BARRACKS N I Bond St. Westâ€"Capt. Kivell & Liegt». Jago. berwce every Wednesday, Thurs- day and Saturday evenings at 8 p. 111., and. on Sundaysatll a. m.,3 p. m. and7.30 p.m. E. D . HAND, Clerk. . The Aulh r at Home. 1â€".â€" “ No,†said the author’s wife. “ It’s hard to understand these men of genius. There's my husband, for instance.†“ Why, anything wrong with him illillllli lillS Ellllll is printed every Friday at the ofï¬ce, vv_ -v ff'- -- -vv â€"Vv â€"'_'._v.vv N H _ Seals free in all churches. Everybody mvzted to attend. Slrangers cordially welcomed or one cent per week will be added, M W StOVPplpC, and take up the parlor carpet, and hang the new curtains on the bay window, and stain the dining room floor, and move the piano to the east corner, and he flew into a rage and acted as if he had lost all the mind he thinks he's got.†â€"â€"¢-oâ€"- as long as it remains unpaid. Advertising Rates. Professional or business cards. 50 cents per line per annum. Casual advertisements, 8 cents per line for the ï¬rst insertion, and 2 cents per line for every subsequent inser- tion. Contracts by the year, half year or BOOT AND SHOE DEPARTMENT. A full line of the best goods and latest styles money can buy. READY-MADE CLOTHING DEPARTMENT. Call and see our Men’s, Youths’ and Boys’ Suits, also a nice MISCELLANEOUS. _____._.. PUB‘LIC LIBRARYâ€"PATRICK KELLY Librarian. Open daily, Sunday except: ed, from 10 o’clock a. m. till 10 p. m. Book exchanged on Tuesdays and Saturdays from £2 a.m. till 3p. m. and in the evening from I to 9. Reading room in connection. less, upon reasonable terms. These are only a few of the managing Mm' line of Ulsters and Overcoats. _ I W JOB PRINTING executed neatly, COD- lines of new goods Just “John.†she said softly. “have you been saying anything about me to mother latcly ? †“ No,†replied John. a~k ? †“ Because she said this morning that she believed you were on the eve of proposing to me. Now, I do not wish you to speak to mother when you have anything of that kind to say. Speak m mo, and I’ll manage the business with mother." And John said he would. “Why do you ___. __..._..0 ..._.__._ Why He Had the Barrow. One Sunday morning quite recently a (lvllllCl‘, going up a street in Bolton, Yr rk~hiro. met another pitman. dressed in his “Sunday suit" of black, but pushing in front of him a very dirty, heavy wheelbarrow, though it contained nothing in the shape of a load. “ Hello, Jack 1†said the ï¬rst collicr. ‘- What. are to doin’ wi’ t' barrow ? " “ Well." was the reply. “ l 'vc lost t‘ doc, and my chum Bill '53 away, and a chap looks such a fool walking out by liitnsel ’ " ._-.._... .._. -oâ€"--â€"~~ ...._.- l Milkmanâ€"Suy, you paid me in couu- l t -rl'cit money. . . Citizen-â€"Well, you ‘ve been bringing us counterfeit milk. ectly and at moderate prices. E. D. HAND, Proprietor. NEW MACHINE SHOP IN FENELON FALLS. The undersigned has opened a well- cquipped Machine Shop on Francis Street East, opposite the north side of Twomey’s hotel, and is now ready to repair all kinds of Farming, Steamboat and Mill Machinery and Bicycles, and to repair or renew the wooden parts of implements. Lawn Mow- ers repaired and sharpened, and Saws sharpened and ‘gummed. 3%†Prices right. and all work attended to promptly. JOHN JONES. Fenelon Falls, April 18th, 1901. ' Dr. T. P. MCCULLOUGH, Specialist, EYE, EAR. NOSE and THROAT. Will visit Simpson House, Lindsay, every Wednesday. Hours, 10 a. m. to 4 p. m Consultations, eye,ear, nose and throat. Pelerborough, corner George and Murray streets. you buy or not. Our 25c. Tea is immense value. JCS. MCFARLAND. oaae-c-aa-n-en-annaao d 0 OUT STEEL w. 9 HAND MADE, MACHINE MADE, :%> They are CRATELAINES. - USEFUL, STYLISH, NOT COSTLY. A LARGE NUMBER OF PATTERNS TO SELECT FROM. Britten Bros, Jewellers. Foot of Kent Street. LIIIOSAY. placed in stock. You are invited to POST-OFFICEâ€"F. J. KERR posmAS take a close look through the stocks and compare prices whether ’ ‘ ' ter. Open daily, Sunda I ys exce ted from 7.30 a. m. to 7 p. m. Mail going siimtli closes at 7.35 a. m. Mail going north closes at 11.25 a In. Letters for registration must be posted halfan hour rev. time for Closing the mails. p mus to the “as; NEWSPAPER LAW, 1. A postmaster is re uired t ' - by letter (returning (ihe papgtglddegonce answer the-law), when a subscriber dn0t not take his paper out of the ofï¬ce oes state the reasons for its not beinnrt 13nd Any neglect to do so makes the posc’tma en. responsrble to the publisher for paymzsmr I 2. If any person orders his paper disgot. tinned he must pay all arrenrages or tin- publishcr_may continue to send it u 1"} payment 1s made, and collect the wlmlll amount, whether it is taken from the {Iii-e or not. .There can be no legal disconi' w gage :nul the payment is made. mu. . my person who takes . the post-ofï¬ce, whether direaciiiilpmiomlfl'n name or another, or whether he has stlis scribed or not, is responsible for the '1) - 4. If a subscriber orders his paprr Iibyb stopped at a certain time, and the uhe ligher continues to send,‘the subscribdi‘ ‘. bound to pay for it if he takes it out of Hi: post-ofï¬ce. This proceeds upon the ground that a man must pay for what he uses ' 5. The courts have decided that refdsin to take newspapers and periodicals from the postpoflice, or removing and leavin them uncalled for, is pra’ma facie cviden g of intentional fraud. ‘ co . 5â€"... .. i. ‘ Pn.\‘-~'