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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 5 Sep 1902, p. 7

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BIHEN THE WORLD MILLIONS HA-I7E BEEN PLUNG ED INTO MOURNING. Russia. Thrown Back for Centur- ies -â€" Germany's Abandoned Coronation. Russia has been called the “Coun- try of National Disappointments," and the title is not an inappropri- ate one. Early in October, 1880, lt became known to the initiated that the Tsar Alexander II. had sanctioned a sweeping series of reâ€" forms, which would, when fully carâ€" ried out, raise the empire at a. sin~ gle bound to a foremost place among 2110 most enlightened of the world’s Free peoples. Some minor details >nly remained to be settled, and by March 10gb, 1881, the new constituâ€" :ion, which provided among other :hings for a legislative assembly to De elected by popular vote and for a. free press, was ready for signature 1nd promulgation. The Tsar. howâ€" :ver, deferred affixing his name to the document for a week, in order that facsimile copies might be pre- pared for dispatch to the various governors of provinces; and before the week had' expired he was brutal- ry murdered by emissaries of the Nihilist association. Thus, when on the very eve of ob- taining all that the best and bravâ€" :st of her sons had been striving for generations, was the unhappy coun- try thrust back, in an instant, and through no fault " of her own, into the paths of reaction and of ultim- Lte stagnation. RUSSIA’S DESPAIR. .The reign of the present Tsar and l‘sarina, again, has been one long disappointment to the Russian peoâ€" ple. Fate, croak the prophets, pcs~ Iimistically, is against the Royal touple. At their coronation, it will be remembered, a shocking accident last a gloom over what. would have been, under auspicious circumâ€" Itances, one of the most brilliant Ipectacles of modern times. A gigantic open-air banquet was to have been given to a multitude of His Majesty’s poorer subjects, but the crowds got out of hand, broke down the barriers, and. more than a thousand of them were crushed to death in the struggle which ensued. Afterwards, and now, it was and is the lack of an heir male to their Emperor and Empress, which weighs most heavily on the spirits of a. 'son- Iitive and superstitious people. No one who has not traveled within the :onfines of the Tsar's dominions can understand the extraordinary hold this matter has taken upon the Busâ€" lian people. When, in 1895, the I‘sarina gave birth to little Olga, the nation was only mildly disap- pointed; but acutely so when a sec- ond baby girl put in an appearance eighteen months later; and when. in [899, yet a third girl child was an- nounced, something very like do- spair settled upon the land. GERMANst DISAPPOINTMENT. Last summer, when Her Majesty Was again brought to bed, hope reâ€" vived, and thousands and thousands. of bonfires were prepared. Not one was lighted, however, for, for the fourth time running the baby prov- :d to be of the female variety. Germany has had to undergo more than one bitter disappointment in the course of her short but event- lul career as a fullâ€"fledged empire, but none probably did she feel more keenly than that incidental to the untimely death of the Emperor Fred- tl'ick III. True he had been serious- ly ill prior to ascending the throne, but Sir Morell Mackenzie had pro- nounced him cured, and his subjects were looking forWard with gusto to his coronation, when, on June 12th, 1888, he was stricken down with malignant cancer of the throat, and three days later he was dead. ' FRANCE’S BITTER PILL. With the withdrawal of Major Marchand from Fashoda, vanished forever her dream of a. great Cen- tral AfriCa Empire, stretching from the Atlantic right-across the Con- tinent to the Red Sea and the In- dian Ocean. To Frenchmen this was probably an even bitterer disappointâ€" ment than would have been to Eng- lishmen the loss of say, Gibraltar, or Newfoundland. No wonder there were rumors of war on the one side, and the hurried commissioning of flying squadrons on the other. Italy was'e‘ven harder hit over the projected expansion of her Central African possessions. Briefly, she aimed at extending inwards her Red Sea. colony of Erythrea so as to in- :lude absolutely within her own do- minions the rich and fertile Abys- iinian province of Tigre. and she al-l l0 proclaimed a protectorate over the rest of Abyssinia. SPAIN'S NATIONAL GRIEF. In this, of course, she was only copying our own method of proced- _-..,. w.» '~: , ‘. ~,:-_ Ceylon Tea Is the finest Tea the world produces, and is sold only in lead packets. Black, Mixed and Green. bpan toads-hikers try “Salado” Green (cg arrival ever, fearing ' are men that’s what common soaps with “premiums” cost; but REDUCES EXPENSE Ask tor the Octagon Bar :4: me in Africa, Asia, and elsewhere. But her rulers ‘ forgot that Italy is not Britain, and that Italians are not quite the same sort of stud as are Angloâ€"Saxons. Even while Rome was in the act of rejoicing over what she believed was the be- ginning of a subcessful system of (20‘ lonial expansion, which, in the near over-sea empire such as England has in India, came the terrible neWs of the disaster of Adowa. The flower of the Italian army had gone down before the fierce on- slaught of Menelik's wild warriors; and with it had also gone down, like a child’s house of cards, the half- formed, half-dreamtâ€"of empire in question. Rome crowded into the theatres that night as is the wont of the Latin races; but the disapâ€" pointment was ‘none the less keen because it was'masked by gaiety. province did not eat into Italy‘s vitals and canker there, as did the surrender of Cuba. and the Philipâ€" ‘pines in the case of Spain. In all modern history has no more bitter pill been forced down the reluctant throat of a. proud, and once great nation, than that which was adminâ€" istered by the United States to this latter country in 1898. That Spain's ultimate defeat was patent to all the world save Spain. did not make the disappointment of the Spanish people less keen. Rath- er, in fact, did it accentuate it. To the last the; Spanish ruling classes deceived the masses: so that, incre- dible though it may seem, it is, nevertheless, a fact that the com- mon people never, until the last moâ€" ment, entertained a doubt but that the war would result, not only in the total overthrow of the United States, but in the eventual re-estab- lishment of Spain's authority over the whole of the North and South American Continents. -â€"â€"â€"-â€"o»\+._. HOW THEY EXIST. Remittance Men in Australia Are a Shiftless-Set. The dipsomaniac remittance men, though an utterly wastrel class. are a degree less abandoned and pr‘ofliâ€" gatc, consequently a degree more noteworthy than their brethren of the rogue, i bankrupt, etc.,‘order. For one reason they are never to be foundin the larger towns and cities. ,As if foxlowing an inexorable naâ€" tural law, within a month of their in Australia. they gravitate toward the interiOr of the continent, and, scattered widely over the vast bush, are to be met with in every little town and village, on every staâ€" tion, in almost every stockman’s and shepherd's hut, either as listless “sundowners,’ ' wandering ‘ ‘swagâ€" gies, ' ' stockmen, station hands, bushâ€"carpenters, grooms, stable hands, roustabouts, or station cooks, says the London Mail. When their remittance arrives they spend a glorious week in some way- side or village public house, assidu- ously drinking from morning until far into each night, never drunk â€" it is impossible to make a “dipso” drunkâ€"dreaming wonderful beer-inâ€" spired visions of delight, but, eating not at all. When their last penny is expended the publican, whoâ€"par- asite that he isâ€"knows and likes the class, gives them gratis a flask of rum or whisky, and they wander dis- consolately oil. Their whole ambi- tion, then, is to exist with as litâ€" tle effort as possible until their next remittance arrives, and then anoth- er glorious â€" save the mark! â€" "booze." v But to existâ€"that is the problem. The majority trudge wearin from station to station with blanket and billy, not seeking workâ€"they loathe workâ€"but begging just enougq tea and flour to keep body and soul to- gether. The pity is that their beg- ging appeals are seldom, if ever, refused. So they live. Some, hcwâ€" the privations of a tramp’s life, seek employment. These who can ride, who underâ€" stand horses, who can handle an ax, or who can cook. Employment is given them from charity, clothes and rations, too, but they are paid no wages, for it is known that their services, such as they are, can nevâ€" er be relied on. If the remittance 'man can get hold of a shilling he will walk twenty, nay, if necessary, fifty, miles in order to spend it in drink. * . . A BOY SOLDIER. A unique instance of an English lad taking part in the late war was mentioned at the prize distribution at Cheltenham College recently. The principal said that one of their preâ€" sent scholars, a boy named Griffiths, not yet thirteen years of age, had served in the war and won a couple of medals. lilnunl’s llflllflflfll cures Gflifltl Ill GOWS. future, should give her in Africa an Nevertheless, the loss of the Tigre. They had been married but two months, and they still loved each. other devotedly. He was in the back yard blacking his boots. “Jacki” she called, at the top of her voice. ’ "Jack, come here, quick!" He knew at once that. she was in danger. He grasped a stick and rushed up two flights of stairs to the rescue. He entered the room bi'cathlessly, and found her looking out of the window. “Look!” said she. "That’s the kind of bonnet I want you to buy me.” Gibbsâ€"“It’s no use arguing, my dear. I am going to give up our pew in church. I can’t stand that new preacher any longer.” Wife-"But, Johnâ€"~â€"â€"" Gibbsâ€"“But nothing, Maria. I haven’t. slept a wink for the last three Sunday mornings.” â€". w+ THE PUSTMASTER. OLD GENTLEMAN’S NARROW ESCAPE FROM DEATH. A Very Interesting Personal Ex- perience Which Contains Some Good Advice for Others Whose Lives May Be Threatened. Lovett, Ont., Aug. Seaâ€"(Special)â€" Every man, woman and child for miles around knows Mr. C. A. Har- ries, the genial Postmaster at Lovett. Mr. Harris is a, hale ol-d gentleman 75 years of age, and considering hi: advanced years is remarkably wel‘ preserved, strong and healthy. But he was not always so. Five 01 six years ago’he was at the point of death, being fearfully run down and a. complete wreck with Bright'é Disease. » He was 810 low that no one ever dreamt that he could pull through, and yet he is alive and well to-day. This is a, statement of» the case in Mr. Harries' own words :â€" "In 1897 I was at the point of death with Bright’s Disease, and was a, complete wreck. I could not oven dress myself or turn in my bed, but now I am a. well man, and I attribute it all to Dodd’s Kidney Pills. “I am 75 years old, and for a man of my years I feel quite strong and healthy. I consider Dod‘d’s Kid- ney Pills a good medicine to take in the Spring, as I have found it a. great blood purifier. “As a. Postmaster 1' come in con- tact. with a, great many people, and I know of .my personal knowledge that a great many in this country are using Do'dd's Kidney Pills with the best results." Such evidence should be most con- vincing to any who may still doubt that Dodd's Kidney Bills will cure Bright’s Disease. The honest, earnest, straightforâ€" ward testimony of such' reputable people certainly deserves the conâ€" fidence of everyone. If Do'dd‘s' Kidney Pills can and do cure Bright's Disease, which is the; very worst form of Kidney Trouble, they oertlajnly will cure any of the lesser forms. -â€"â€"â€"-+â€"vâ€"~-- The death rate at Santiago de Cuba under Spanish rule was 137 per 1,000. Now, under American sanitation, it has fallen to 22. Lifebuoy Soapâ€"disinfectant â€"- is strongly recommended by the mediâ€" cal profession as a. safeguard against infectious diseases- The biggest nugget of tin on re- cord has been found at North Dun- das, in Tasmania. It weighs 5,400 pounds, and is 67 per cent. pure tin. I bought a. horse with a. supposedâ€" ly incurable ringbone for $30.90, cured him with $1.00 worth of 'MINARD'S LINIMENT, and sold him in four months for 885.00. Pro~ {it on Llniment, $54.00. MOISE DEROSCE, Hlotel Keeper. St. Phillip‘s, Que, Nov. lst, 1901. Anxious Wifeâ€"“Mr. Dunner has called again for that money you owe. I wish you'd see about it, or something dreadful will happen. He says he won't waitâ€"anyâ€"longer â€"' asâ€"timeâ€"isâ€"moneyl" Calm Hus- bandâ€"“So it is, my love. I'd for- gotten. Tell time." _ him I'll pay himâ€"in Stars the Cough and. works 031‘ the ('old Laxative Bromo-Quinlno Tablets cure a oold in one icy. No Cure, No Pay. Price 25 cent). â€"â€"-4. Any child over seven can be pro- secuted as a. criminal in England; but in Germany twelve is the limit of responsibility. $33.00 TO THE PACIFIC COAST” from Chicago via the Chicago 88 North-Western R'y every day during September and October. One-way second-class tickets at very low rates from Chicago to points in Colorado, Utah, Montana, Nevada, Idaho. Ore- gon, Washington, California and various other points. Alslo special round-:trip Homeseekers' tickets on first and. third Tuesdays, August, September and October to Pacific Coast and the West. Full particu- lars from nearest ticket agent address B. H. Bennett, 2 East King l St., Toronto, Ont., Minaid's Llnlment Cures Diphtherla. 0" to law about Something.” “0 Woman in our hours of ease, Uncertain, coy and hard to please." There is one thing that certainly will please you, if you get it, and that is ‘Lead packets. ‘Allz grocers. ‘ Extra Fine Stock LE fl 9‘ 300 or 380 size, PER BOX. The DAWSON COMMISSION (30., Limited, TORONTO. W. WHOLESALE Also PANTS, KNIOKERS, OVERALLB, SMOOKS. &0. Ask your dealer for these good:- BEST EVER. wus- DARLan OOMPANY, LIMITID, TORONTO. __. BRANDS. King Edward 1000. Experiment with other and inferior ' brands, _ USE “.Hoadll ht " 808 “ Eagle *’ “fist-errant “ Victoria " “Little comet " Claraâ€"“Men are the most impaâ€" Seven physicians are attached to tient creatures! Harry knows that .the'personal retinue of the Czar. I have an offer from Mr. Oldchap, â€"-* who is just rolling in wealth, yet I ' Harry is just as unreasonable and babyish as if he thought I really ‘ cared for that old greybeard. Harry Germany has 22 shipyards, em. is so ugly about it that he won’t p1oying 60,000 men. do menthe smallest favor." Mothâ€" enâ€"“What did you ask Harry to do?” Claraâ€""I merely asked him . THE MOST POPULAR DENTII'R'IOB. to wait and be my second hus~ â€"â€" band." , ! G A L V E R T S CARBOLIC TOOTH TO TELL THE AGE OF FISH. At. a recent meeting of the Royal Society of London it was demon- strated by photographs that fish scales ‘show annular markings which indicate successive years of growth. The lines formed in summer are more widely separated than in win- ter. These indicate the growth of the fish in years. This is simply an application in fish lore, which is well known in botany. The age of trees is' ascertained by the annual markings. In~ future it will be a simple matter to learn the age of a fish by examining the scales by a microscope. About 30 rings are formed the first year, 25 in the second, and 15 in the third. After- ward the rings increase by 10 to 12 per year. POWDER. Prourvoo the tooth. Swootona the breath. Strengthens the gums. ' Instruments. Drums, Unlfornns. Etc, EVERY TOWN GAR HAVE A BAND Lowest prices over uotod. Fine catalogue. 500illustrauons,maile free. Write us for any. thing in Music or Musical Instruments. WHALEY RDYSE 86 00.. Limited. Toronto, Out. and Winnipeg, Man YfiUii OVERGBATS and faded Bum would look bettord oil. If no "on! of our: in your town. write direct ontrccl, Box 158. BRITISH AMERwAN DYEIHG co. Montreal. ~ T0 (HIRE A. COLD 7V ONE DAY. 'Tuke Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All dru - "Il‘tf‘ refund the money if it fails to cure. E. i} cvas signature is on each box. 25c. . ‘ 8 PERFBFT 15- % HUHBU STRURIEN'IS In 1 Humane Swine V, Stock Marker and Golf 'r: Donor-nor. Stopl swine of all ngu from rooting. Blokes (Bdlflorcnl our marks , all sizes,wilh urn-blade. Exlrccu lions. , Testimonial-fro». Prlcofl.50 errand ’1. - for trial :ifl tworkl,sendbtlanro. Pat 6 US; Maya, ’02 forl'l yr: ; CanndnnceJ‘l, '0],18yn. FABIXEB BRIGHTON, Falrfleld, lawn, U. 8. ‘ Dominion Elna ' Steamshlpi " - Montreal to Liverpool. Boston to Liver- pool: Portland to Liverpool. ViaQueens- Belgium has 291} miles of railway to every 1.00 square miles of surface. Britain has '17, Germany 14, and the United States 6 miles only. Mind's Unlment Eures Distemper. Rome, though the capital of_Italy, to“ is “0t the largeSt CitY- It has bnly Large andFutSteamnhips. Superior accommodation 452,000 people, While Milan has 490’. [or all classes of m-éonuers. Suloons and. Stateroom . H are amidshipl. peclnl nttontlon has been [van to th 000, and Naples (00,000. Second Saloon and Third-Class accoman ntlon. F0 rates of passage and Ill pcttlcularo,uppi'y to any age a- As QLD Ann WELL-Tame REMEDY. â€" Mn 77 At3t°s°~B°5t°m Winslow s floothmgSyrup has been used for over sixty ' ’ I yearsby millions of mothers for their children whi'o teeth'nz, With perfect success. It method the child. softens the gums. alloys all pain. cures wind colic, and isi-he host remedy for Diarrhoea. Is .pleuinnt to the Logic. Sold by d ugglxts in every part of the word. iwenty-five cents obot‘le. Its value is it tilcnlnble. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Win51 ' ' ‘ ' and take no other kind. 0“, a Boomng s’rup. D. Torrance & 00.. Montreal anil’ortlwd: wooo a PHOTO. ENGRM/ING J. moses sane; gTots-BAV'ST REEIâ€"IOOOIfi’ If you are g I trying to i save mon- , ey we can be of assistance to you and shall be glad of an opportunity of showing you in what way. Mean- time let us emphasize the feeling of security our depositors have- .â€"~._. In 50 years the average height of British men has risen an inch. The present average height for a man of 30 of the upper classes in Britain is 5 feet 8; inches. $100 Reward. $100- , The readers of this paper will be planned to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science it tfi been able teams in all' its stage: 1111 mat is Cntnrrh. Hall’s Oatorrh Cure is me only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. (axon-h being a new sLilullonnl disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken in- ternally, aottn directly on the blood. and muoouaiurfa s of the system, thereby dos. troylng the foundation of the disease. and 317:1)” the pitlentstrcngth by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doln its work. The proprietors have so much foit to its curative powers, that they offer Ono Hun- dred Dolllrn for any case that it fails to cure. Sand for list of testimonials; Addresu. F. J. CHENEY 6: 00., Toledo, 0. Bold bE'Dx-uzgisb. 75c. Hall's amlly Pills are the bZBt. THE anada Permanent “"D WESTERH SAMBA MORTGAGE CORPORATION, TORONTO sn. - ,TORO INTO. Blobbsâ€""Wigwag is always going Slobbsâ€" “That’s right. He’s even going to marry a girl named Sue." w r mes“ _’~".‘/§_â€"_Nâ€"~/"nm-im as... . .1 r ., » , l L.

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