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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 26 Dec 1902, p. 4

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fl ' _ ~ONWWWNW THE BEST TALKING'MACHINE We wish you all a. Merry Christmas‘ and a. Happy and. mosperous New Year. W. BURGOYNE. , full Band or Orchestra. ' the which last for years. mntee with each machine. 8 l l i l It talks! Sings, Comic, Sacred and Sentimental Songs. Playslike a _ You can understand every words it speaks. It is greatest entertainer ever made. It uses the Hard Flat Disc Records . 4‘N. ' . A five years jarrittetg gua- Write for Cataloguesâ€"free. PRICES $15.00 TO $40.00. ‘-»-~ ! The Gram-o-phone is made in Canada. old on Easy Monthly Payments, if desired.‘ ' . c c MANUFACTURED BY. . o E. BERLINER. 23.15.2319 8t. Catherine‘StiMONTtteAy“ EMJNUEL stout. Goucral Manager for Canada. -’ 1 .e'rouio, regent, r'enetuu Falls. I is WW I have removed my Dressmaking business to the rooms over Miss Washburn’s millinery establishment. Street Entranceâ€"«door between. the two red stores. APPRENTIGES WANTED, MRS. M. 1:. comma. f gwoWMWWWWWW noun-m. . “ovum A Merry Shristmes and. a. Happy New Year [AND MANY OF THEM] ' to all our Patrons and Friends. ms. Italics. ‘ that Hamilton’s Sleighs and Cutters. W The work throughout is standard in materials, work- manship, finish and design, and embodies every quality to recommend it as the very best that practical experi- ence can conceive. Every article guaranteed to equai in quality that produced by any individual or firm in Canada. Come and see them and get prices from THOS. ROBSON. V'il‘heullenelon Falls” thZ’eilt‘. Friday, Dec. 26th, 1902.- “Oliver Langton.” We have received from thopublishers R. F Fenno & 00., N w York, a copy of “Oliver Langton," a novel written by Mr. George A. inlcs, for inner years teacher in the West Side High School, Chicago. and Son 01 our old frien 1, Mr. William Powles, of illt‘ township of Fenclon. We do not_pro- pose to 20 into detailsâ€"to write a re:- ular review of the book- for which we have neither 1111):.- nor space; but. harin;r given it. a careful perusal, we can com. mend it as a very readable, if not high rlass, story. hotter than many that hurt- sufiieicnt Sale to encourage the writer to try his “ prcntice hand” at a s cnnrl work. which we have rrason to know Mr. Powles is already doing. ” Diver Lanuton "will be much appreciated, and is already in great demand. in this country. because all the scenes are laid therein, and many old residents figure in the story; among them Dulphu: Levellcy, whose Franco-English speech esâ€"ospeeiaily the one in defence of O iver at the school trustees’ meetingâ€" nre exceedingly amusing. The hero of the novel makes his first appearance in the book as a boy unjustly accused of complicity in a theft, and towards the end marries the widow of the Rev. Mr Dudley, drowned with two others at Fenclon Falls. Hchad secretly loved her for years, and as Mr. Dudley had left her a large estate in England that he had inherited just before his death, the newly married couple went to the old country. where Mr. Langton soon afterwards became a member of Parlia- ment. Two or three American papers Mr. Puwles has sent us speak highly of his book. Promotion Examinations. Following are the names of the suc- cessful candidates and the marks obtain- ed in the Christmas examinations: Jr. to Sr. 4th.â€"Nnrn Wilson 482, Viola McIntosh 470. Wilfred Wilson 459. Stanley Ellis 458, Gecrge Mark 457, Neil Robson 427, Kathleen Mc- Douzall 425 Arthur Quibcll 423, Vera Sharpe 394. Ted Calder 389,. May Hull v' 94, Harold Wilson 168. Clara Sharpe draw from sale and charge backthc 159. Mabel Sharpe 158, Roy Sova 155. taxes on 8.8 part c 9, north of F, cast Lovcdy Nngcut 153 ' - Jr Part. 2nd to Sr. Part Zedâ€"Stella Lamb 176. Irene Hunter 164. Lulu Lane 156, Eva Lamb150, Fred Jefi'rey 134. Anuus Fountain 125 .Eruest Nu- gont 125. May Shane 119, Cora Scott 107, Grace Fountain 102, Ruby Doy- mnn 101. Jr. Part 2nd to Sr. Part 24d â€"Henry Clark 117. John Chatteu 106, Willie Wilson 172. Rollie Brock 159. George Smith 101. Sr. Part 1st to Jr. Part 2nd. (South ward.)â€"Auuic Hetmcr 105. George Henley 90, Jeanette Northey 86. The next promotion examinations will be held at midsummer. 1903, and will be based partly on the term work and partly on the final exnininntions. Ovinu to a chach in the grading of the school. the pupils in the Junior Part 2nd class in both north and south wards will go to Miss B rllintrham's roam the Senior '~ . - ‘ ’ ’ has been at the Falls since Tuesday Part 2nd wil go to Miss Mucuivcn ; the Second Book classes. junior and senior, will go to Miss Henderson's room; the Third Book classes will go to Mr. Hor- ton and the Junior Fourth and those just promoted to Senior Fourth will go to Miss Nie’s room. School Board. Fenelon Falls, Dec. 17th, 1902. Board met. all the members present except M r. Nevison, minutes of previous nn-ctinu read and approved. ' Moved by Mr. Arnold, seconded by Mr Deyman, That the following ac- counts be paid and the chairman sign orders for the same: it. Magoo, carting, $2; '1‘. H. DeCew &- Sons. listings. $3.45; Mrs. C McGrenor, washing storm win «lows. 50s.; M nil & Empire. advertising, 22-:; Globe, do.. 890; Felix Northey. repairing b ~ll rope and putting on storm windows. $2 25; John Chattcn, work. $2.50; Go". Quibell, putting in glass, iii ; liobt Rutherford. repairing door. 750; McDonnell, Brandon &. Austin, wood and lumber account, $86 81 ; F. F Electric Light Co.. for bells. wire, (310., $4 97; W. M. Mitchell, salary to Dec Slat. 895; E M. Horton, quarter salary to Dec. Bist, $68 75; Miss Nie. do, $75; Miss Henderson. do . $62.50; Miss Bellingham, do . $56 25; Miss Macniven. do. $56.25; Miss Bell. do , $18.75; Mrs. Warrcn, do. etc, $10.25. â€"-Carried. Moved by Mr. McIntosh, seconded by Mr. Deyman, That. this Board on- dorse the action of' M r. Mitchell in the ro-arranzemcnt ofthe classes as follows: Senior Dept. entrance and 5th classes. Mr. Mitchell; 2nd Dept , fourth bo-:l;, Miss Nie; 3rd Dept. third book. Mr. Horton; 4th Dept, second book, Miss Henderson ; 5th Depth, senior port 2 and part 1, Miss Macniven; 6th Dept... jun- ior part 2 and part 1, Miss Bellingham. â€"- Carried. Moved by Mr. Arnold. seconded by Mr. McIntosh, That the Chairman and Mr. Mitchell be authorized to purchase five maps requiicd for the school.â€"C’d. tillage Council. , Fcnelon Falls, Dec. 10th. 1902. Council met pursuant to adjourn- ment, all present ' except Dr. Gould. Minutes of last meeting read and ap- .proved. Dr. Gould entered and took his seat. Mr. McDinrmid waited on the council of Clif.. charged in error.â€"â€"-Csrried. Moved by Dr. Gould, seconded by Mr. Austin. That the financial state- ment as presented bv the rceve and treasurer, showing' a balance of assets over liabilities of 3 . be accepted, and that the required number be print- ed â€"_-Cnrried . Moved by Dr. Gould. Scoondud by M r. MeG -c. That the clerk be instruct- ed to write the F enclon Fills E'eowic Light Co. that. as the account has been settled until the end of the your. the company be requested to lay the matter before the incomingr council at their first meeting.--Carried. Personals. Mr Charles E. Hand is home from Toronto for the Christmas holidavs. Rev. James Fraser.of Vankleck i-lill, Miss Emily [land came from Toronto last week to spend Christmas and New Year's at home. Mr. and M rs. W. M Mitchell 1th on Saturday to spend Christmas with rcln. tires at Hamilton. The Misses Agnes and Dn‘a Dickson are home from Petcrborough for their Christmas holidays. Mr. Thomas Henry Austin returned on Tuesday from Duluth, Minnesota, after eleven years’ absence from home. Mr. Lewis Manningy came home on Monday from-Moon River. for a few days’ visit to his mother and other relatives. Mrs. William Straii'ord, of, arrived on Monday for a visit of about a month to her daughters, Mrs. T. L. Junkin and Mrs. J H Buwhey in the township of Ver'ulam. Miss Emma Junkin, Toronto, Mr. W. S. Ellis, from Sand Point. Mr. L. D--yman.Jr.. Petel'borouzh, Mr. Walter- Metculfe. Mariposa. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jewell, from Huntsville, Mr H Sewcll, Toronto, Mr. J. R. Hand, St. Joe Island, and others, arrived on Wednes~ day to spend Christmas. Powles’ Corner. (Correspondence of the G’ tactic.) A noteworthy event took place last Monday evening: at the residence of Mr. W. A. Gillis, being the marriage of his eldest daughter. Era, to Mr. John English. The marriage ceremony was perfrmned by the Rev. Mr. Garbutt. , We wish the young: couple a very pros- porous journey through life and a very l happy one. , We ale wish the Gazette and staff, ‘ and the readers of the Gilzette a very happy New Year.‘ . At present there are numerous visitors from a distance calling on friends and relatives in this locality. and it is a dif- ficult matter to locate them. The postmaster here has received a limited number of copies of the new book, “ Oliver Lnngton," from the pub- lishers in New York City, and has them for sale. The threshing is all done around here, and the farmers have great reason to be thankful for the bountiful harvest of 1902. The great majority of farms in this locality are well tilled. and quite a number are increasing in fertility year by your. The postmaster has for sale a young Ayrshire grade cow, due to culve April in regard to the market square, and 2nd,p,-;ce 3,35, cum. submitted Mr. O’Loary’s opinion on the matter. 384. Phyllis Nevison 371. Josephine Dr. Biould, That this council refuse 'l’tlfiluc 357. Willie Chambers 344. Vina Mr. Puzslcy’s offer to put the market; , e square property in the hands of trustees Sr. 3rd to Jr. 4!h.-â€"Uber Shane 444. l Church 325. Ella Pearce 431, Barkley Mason 42”, May Marshall 410. Jessie Lane 39?, Kathleen Junkie 404, Bertha Dundas 380, Willie Church 372, Lulu Fisk 370. Sandy Warren 359. Marjory Aus- tin 364. Willie Shane 356. Ruby Mc- Gee 356, Gordon Adams 344 Roy Knox 337. Martha Robson 333, George Lamb 319. Lithgow Robson 300, Fred Keast 276. Winnie Maybee â€". Jr. 3rd to Sr. 3rd. (No marks receiv- ' ed.)-â€"Gcnovievc 'l‘womcy, Maggie Scott, Maude McKillen. Maggie Wilson, Allie Carley. Edna Bayou, Jennie Qnibell, Lqu Jones, Maurice thnsfield, Percy Puley. - Sr. 2nd to Jr. 3rd. (No marks renew ed.)â€"Dottic Minore. Eleeln Stinson. Mannie Adams, Violet Barry, Lottie Nugont, Gordon Davies, Norman Dav- ies, Bruce McDougall, Paul Duggnn, l1red .uibell. 1 Jr (22ml in Si‘. 2-Id.â€"L1ly Warren 192, Myrtle Puley 217. Alex. Nerthcy 236, Katie Sova 152. Ted Hoard 174, May Jackett141,Jack Cook 147. Ethel Chdttcn 192, Man-l Hughes 190. Lily Corbett 220, Lulu Curtis 181.. Reta Arnold 201, Tum Littleton 184, Edith 10831321” .2 to Jr. 2.-4Fruscr_ Mann 147,.Nril Duggnns 117, Dick Nevisou, 106, Jon candy 116. ‘Ethel Huil__83, Livingston KcllySS, Bernard Chambers." “flue, an _"Qom‘l Annual: ‘0‘ with! to endow a cot in the Lindsay hospital, and instruct the solicitor to issue a writ : atoncc for possession of the houscs'and propertyâ€"Carried. Fcnelon Falls, D-c. 15th, 1902. Council met pursuantto adjournment. Present, the recve and Messrs. Austin and McGee. Minutes ofprcvious meet- ing read and approved. Mr. Austin gives notice of a by-lazv to be introduced at this meeting to ex- tend the timc for the return of the col- lector's roll. * ' By-law introduced. road and passed in the usual manner, Mr. McGee in the chair. Moved by Mr. McGee, seconded by Mr Austin, That the following accounts he paid and the reeve sign orders for the some : Fenelon Falls Electric Light Co , to Dec. 15th, 1902, $163.35 ; T. Robson. water tank, 5575; J. 'l'wtimcy, rent of hall. $25; EA. McDiarmid, on account, 325; Agricultural Society, 825; G. J-ickctt, teaming. $1; W. L. Robson. salary and postage. 862 88; '1‘. Scott, snow-plowing, 82:50; E; Brock. salary, $15, charity to. Wallace $1.50; ‘Wm. Jordan, rent of hot! for Referend- um vote, 84; Jan. Dickson, do., 84.â€" Carried. ‘ Moved by Mr. McGee, seconded by Dr: Gould, That the clerk beinstructcd Moved by Mr. Austin, seconded by g -â€".â€".â€"---~ Iâ€"I-nuue- munâ€"- Fell’s Station. Correspondence of the Gazette ) ’ 1 Good sleiszhing‘ for Khan is in order. Mr. B. Moise, who for the past two weeks has been visiting his daughter, Mrs. Wm. Mitchell, at Fair View, re- turned to his home at Port Hope on Monday, after having a most enjoyable time. Congt‘utulntionsâ€"u- young son at the home of Mr. A. Hughes. Miss Jennie Hughc: has returned home from Lindsay, much delighted with her sojourn there. 7 New cutters in this vicinity are all the rage this winter. It is to be hoped that there will be plenty of good sleigh- mg. Shooting matches are quite numerous this winter. One given by Mr John Hughes last week turned out vcrv suc- cessfully, quite a number of turkeys be- ing taken. I wish the editor a merry Christmas and a bright. and prosperous New Year. NOTIGE.â€"â€"-The members of the Ma- sonic Order will attend Divine Service- in the. Methodist church on the morning of Sunday, January 4th. The ofl'ertory will be for the benefit of the Sick Chil- dren's Hospital, Toronto. ' HELLO, MERE!- sore is a Snap. Any person bringing us this notice and $1.90, we will make them one dozen special cabinet photographs. Three styles _ to. choose from. ‘Good to 1st of, March, 1903. Poms c. 00», Lindsay; oaths. corner; /‘\.v ‘ .. ‘xfim‘, .. _..vâ€"_â€"W_....fl.â€"â€"â€"-w ~ . “Weemtm. «

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